HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-23, Page 1selnattepo • A Christmas Gift T$R SIONAL is ready tel handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you $ satisfactory job every tune. Let u. have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal BLETY.E14 HTH T3I -NO. JS9 GODERIOH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. NOV. `.'fie 1916 THE TOWN COUNCIL. PUBLIC NOTICE HIS ADJOURNED RALE OF LANDS FOR TAXIS In the counts of arae w 111 take plane Ia the eotrrthoass. in tri fawn of Oederieh oo Tue.d► the termite - eighth day of November, WI& air o'clock p. m. W: i1oI.MEtl, Treasurer Coane7 Huron. November 15. Iel4 TOWN OF OODBKICH. 11 TAXES, 1916. • Tsar. tau Int* are sere parable at m7 Mier. Town Hall. Nod ergot, Oudetkob. if pa by do y 151h October two per coot off. If not pad lith November only nue per coot ofe. Pay promptly eve your WM. CAMPBELL. uasbmker lath. tela ('oliecter. (yATROUODB•-MRS. A. NICHOLL, 11 Nekton Mr+d, ie prepared wee all kinds d hair week rude from cut hair or combing". and .upriser hair for orders. eoleottao Mat - o.ent, cteanfog, rte.. and .lac has for rube toilet requ1tea. shampoo powdnta, comm Ib Beaute ss mameint noses. Herbo..rd ulo,..11w. SAG FOR SALE OR BENT. IUTDIOS . MANY TIMEBWOUNDED, MUTSTILL FULL OF FIGiiT. 1LiKETINOtrUV *URON COUNTY Was in the Trenches with the Princess Patricia's for Over a Year -Three Times in the Casualty List -Bean Merles of Encounters with the Enemy. The oouadl of the of the count 7 of Heron will racer b wuss>ll ghostlier, In the town of Goatee b, es urdsy. the 6th day cif Ueoem4er Mgt. at 3 sfekrk• W. LANE. Clerk. O.dmire. tN'lemkr sat. MOI /11,.111t, A SPECIAL MEETING OF MAPLE Li Lear U)OOR. Nor..a.O. U. IV.•Iii be held at the Loire room. on Teenier ° em In November With. ar.d will be add rowed by J. j(. ()overstock. U. 1). O. >r and by Bert Armetrona, etup rlol-ndeal, et Toronto. All members or retest rswmbsre of the A. 0. U.aeltse ..pedfl ally requested to *Good tale AMU. WOODS. U RENT. -SOUTH SIDE 0 N et ; itte I T nD id bath some nt undo .ore AUCTION SALIM rem. and beth. leaesmeut Iunndr7, all modern wleam, newly deoated ar.d .mils - ilMot . fleet reamer ee. A.M. PULLEY. iaU -- --_- /�10 RICHT. -COTTAOE UN WEST After over • year in the trenches in Belgium. during which period be was three times wounded, Pewit. Harry Carey, of the famed Princess Patri- cks, is home oara brief fnrleugh• Stdway Mak Co.'s Proposals No INK Agreed to. The town Memel met on Friday evening, with1 the weulb re. present ll A sdwber n( reports and cuwwuo- 'oatlons were `.alt with, including a request from she public This was tb$pu ref for an Message to wwooe.rks uyefsrred to tot' V commit- tee. the Hydro Radial Rail- way Association and LetfossilYthe Hydro Mu - eloped Electric Association, asking the coursed tosend representatives to a meeting to Ne held at Toronto Nov- ember 21st to consider Hydro -radial matters and en increased supply of power, were (Rad, and Mayor McLean and Mr. H. B •14 dgena were delegated to attend tb. meeting. Dr. Holmes, secretary of the l'ollegi- ats Institute board. addressed the council with reference to the industrial classes carded on under the direction of the board. The council heal *seed the board to 'Delude bread -making in the work of tits cooking claves, end Dr. Hearne* said the Mood was glad -to have this evidence of the int..•reat taken in the industrial .saner.. Mrs. Tancott, the conking instructor, bad promised to do what rto could in tbe matter of bread-ruakinh. but this was a subject not readily Mugbt in these evening ew elege, as the oecesSSi Y processes. oc- cupied considerable time. Brliadonak- ing war an in which racy woman who it took a pride, sod such wonted were always ready. to show girls h to do it, so that, out- side of say i union that might -- given in the bool, it should not be it difficult met fur girls to learn how to snake br The Doctor en Went on to give a most into gR talk on the woik of more its mat elector thank' for tb the indtlstrl Imam. They were in aid so generously given. • In additi at uteri, he wild. w th the ides of keep- to other asaintanre the Chapter b tog tomo the ctrl of living,ng oand all roiled during the year the sum the teachers *ere working tothisend. $121.14 for the hospital funds. Oth it was said that the peasant woman of contributions received for whi France or Ce any could keep • fam- thanks ate heartily tendered we a3 on what roily bethrowniet sway ou from the Menesetuna Canoe t'Iu a w Canadian fapsily. By the elimination $I i Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, *It of waste the house bills could he con- and U. 'J. Neftel, >l e. To all ilrtto ba eldest. re and Mrs. Tancott y made gifts to the hospital the tea aimed to tesob the girls in her charge desires t' express its thank'. T bow to buy and how to creak t0 the board also again thankl the to teach fancy The ides was not to council and the county council teach plainer kion, but beet make up their very' generous grants. the plaiuerdi w 4a the tees( ways• TI. the superintendent, Mise. Ki Incidentally. the Doctor said he won- end her *tape of nurses the board dared why it 'win 00 difficult to par- sires to tender an expression of chase hefreshd ilk in Godo -d. .ineere appreciation of cervices fa In the dree.making and millinery or fully rendered, sometimes under tyt,theswan how-to idea of ( ��*luxe, tot always w frchl er wise goers iit `c dolte linnet ex- tiiI ee and in the most satisfacts for th.wralvrs ant keep down ex- _ ntaunrr. 791. suprr4ntrndrut is nI1 t ion �'dated re. Vermes. t4cularly to be comas, in Barb of the. 'Please" ere was err'n'mreA1 yet efficient manner 5n attendance end millinery) tum vwhich the operations of the hoop an rtlend Tee tine year of thirty-five have been carried on since. she to forty. The thawing class war with-- suutrd the menagPmeol. poorly attended es i It was mmTo the tioderich Horticultural S dere•). Dr. Holmen invited Lhe teem el. thanks are once re tendered Isere of the o unci) to visit stir desire"' the much appreciated New ice in at the public library r at any time. ing the hospital supplied with Nu The Doctor'' address was heard with )g plant'. appreciation and at its conclusion The board, having offered to there was •round of apo lau.e. ()minion Covernnlrnt the use of The repeat of thee. ' " . ()minion IA a halite. recommended-titerr1 a issuing of s arum- convalescent moldier., in the hope ter for050'recounts 1 the issuing aoe.4 daor- Ooderib might have some fiber der 7 se iyment tor the l p ing back to health l'rnnpwny payment of gravel pot tot h No. 67t4; a grant of $60 for the Chil- dren's Aid Society ; a grant of $900 10 she public library board for the ye.r 19111; a reha,e of 1615 to M. W. Howell on business tax for his hsrdwaresttre; and payrnept of the balenceof the 1$ - county rate (113.023), with interest to date. Another eters.. of the report was se follow': "in the matter of the let- ter dated October 31st. 1916, from the Mrreantile Co., submitting! t Although the midnight train oil Friday night was more then an hour late, over one hundred citizens waited patiently at the O. T. R. station to greetmeof his probathe ble arrival Since not known until late in the evening, there eau no opportunity to organise a formal reception, but nteu.bers of the town council and the War Auxiliary were on hand, and the welcome hums lacked neither in official dignity nor in popular enthusiasm. A torchlight procession was formed, and the hero of manybattles ryas escorted to the home bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Carey. St. George's Crescent. where his wife and little sun also awaited bim. While Private Carey's furlough is for only three weeks, it is hoped that an extension will be secured. .0 that at least he may remain at home for the Christina.' season and possibly for a longer period. Though he bears the marks of many wound• and has been severely shaken by his exper. ieoces, Pte. Carey still looks rugged and hardy and is not looking for any release from the patriotic service in which be has already horn so splen- did a part. Tb. Signal has had a most intiSees-t= ing talk with tbe returned soldier, but owing to the unexpected demands for space in lois issue the narrative is re- luctantly hold over until next week. one in front of bin driveway. Adopted ted in the matter of the petition 'I JUMP.° ADONMN --.(ALB OF HOUi�(� rilas lots AND FUR- tenet. Part Hetet Awls le ` MING T MA( NALL,. Kilda ammo. 1(R. OttOt DUNLOP K RNNT.-MODERN HOUt3fI ON � ass et w p� t,1p�w"er Ten. Apse M JOS, V t rel ori M t=ifi -, RIYPIN. • t eear.n.tete[. rM. SATURDAY. DIXEMBEHmd, BOURN FOR SALE IN VII LACE st 1 xs 0.ceoli shun' The public works eomntittee re - ported, that the fors sewer on Btutsnnia road. sewer should be constructed t street, Cambridge street to Reg with r proper manhole at the coroner of Britannia and Regent, and if the petition it sufficiently signed further steps be left with the :baseman of t6. committee.. Adopted. --- The council then adjourned. ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL. Annual Meeting Hears Report of Past Year's Work.. - The annual meeting of the hospital board was held on Tuesday' evening at the court house. president, to the absentee of the p Judge Holt, owing to illness, the vice- pre.ident, Mr. Joseph Kidd, occupied Ithe chair and presented the entreat re- port, which was es follows : Or At; HU RN. -Seven roma, washroom, Three 'rotor (shim. rlorankers, 2 1 ni lase. externem Iw e from suite.bed.. 2 springs. 1 mattress. 1 bureau. Y wa.Aat«nd•, 1 wardrobe. 1 kitchen cabinet. 1 It 'rye' I',•nlnn,l t r mgr. 1 Orford range. 1 roar. cusbow.A. t ken hen cupboards. 1 Issuae. i kitchen chair .1 elotheekorse. 1 falling kaf IaoIe, curtains. cup taln tole- and -hada.. 1 Davis newt g ur a kine, hnolenm. carpet.. I dishnn. lamps, garden ted.. Iawn mower old • i N wet/ awl woodehec ; good cellar , tarn with lardlnMro table. pa .rook llaed eUole; maks house, rrarne b titd Ibnerd nAlgins rhnfr',.1 to 1bit log 15.25; f� It tree. and gRa�rden. Apply on 2 premyes, MURRAY PATLftSON. Auburn, TO CREDITORS• naeserons other antro... Terms coo.. OT10EO CRBDI'TORB. Norewr`'e. Fvery,hlnel mu.e be sa4l. 1x TWO rirrai or QtJYIt l ('. N'HIT.Lr, ix�ORO. DUNLOP, '" THOS. GUN DRY, aretygh*. Proprietor. Aeetiasse. • N.ttas.k, hereby given that Oliver r. Whit.ly["minnur$A U of the town of Ooder inose in the county_oc Huron. Parrying on boom e. ate-� ie YAW' $1(5K, IMPLEMEN71i AND norlertch. bet. made an asslgnn,ent under th-� �OUNKNULI) FUHNITUKR elate. credits and, effectsto ThomeAct . etIrrd 1all 1I NF1. AUM1lN K. CHURCH of (itors. K for the gederwli bent fit of bb I will sell by public 'victim et let :it, oslawmfon r, editors. a \\'eat Nawanosh.,m A meeting of hi. creditors will be held tit. Ike MONDAY, NU\'K:MRKIt rt h, .Aire of the undersigned. ofal, at ear, 19h, on dal- i Ae .Soh dal of Norember, 1916,a the COM at for oak P c•On i sharp: HoRalW.-One hear) draft marc, 7 year. old. In foal ; 1 hearydraft. gelding. r1dng 5 years old : I heavy -Snail filly. roam[ 3 years old : 1 t10.6% -draft mos. rising 2 years Old: Idriving urnwr hoar of 11 o'clock in the for nook, to ,•crit. a .t.len'rnt of stT.irr. to .p Im Ireprctor' and he Iheir remuneration.atdfor the ordering of the aileir• of the ea atm general . creditor. are roque -ted to nes their el.tw.1 with the uuder.lgn.sl, with proof- and par- filly, '2 years old ; 1 dot ing filly, tfsu.g 1 year neuters thereof requital by the said AA, ori or old.ArTt.g. -(inc mooch cow, 9 yearn old, darn in befogs,.d the cal of sure meeting. A ud notice is fuithrr Rfventhat after the 30th May :tMich cow.6 years okl, due In ADr11:1 day of 1h menber. 1916. the A.aiifnes will pro- milch (row. 7 year old due [o eco March h 1 Irnlch rn creel to Aistrfbut e, the a -sets• the °hartdebtor steer41 molds,; 1 black calf, 1 year old ; 1 ♦.- WORD -'iso THE WISE. Price of Shoes Will Be High in Spring -Buy Now and Save Mosey. To the Ciders. o Contd./ The ars M (loderic report, October 1910. The t this ye county last yea oriel da being . Dori tbe hos The tan of did an nd th What titter Chnatenas gift cOukl you snake than a year's subscrip- tion to The Signal? It would be a weekly remembrance all through( the year* And it costs only Jiic Kollar essertirow THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO..LIMITED. Puat.tswstt LADS IN KHAKI. Monday'. Toronto Star had the tol- lowing : The four little children of weut. er. Claude S. Pote, Military Cross, romping around at their bowie, 121 W,odlawn avenue, today, overjoyed sit seeing their daddy come Bowe (rum the war. heist'. rote went oversees with the :kith Battalion, and reached France on July 1st last, just at the time when the big offensive was cam. wenced. Oo September 15 at the battle of CouroeIette. the loth Battalion was befog hard premed. and Lieut. Pote, who had been transferred to the 20th Battalion, brought up two platoons and held the t•eoch. He fell at the opening of the battle, wounded in several placee. Seven pieces , t shell fr a head grenade were hurled in his chest. lie etatea that the engagement on September 15 wan about the fiercest that has yet taken place. Just now the Cauidians are not engaged in any severe fight - Ing. ' Before enlisting. Lieut. Pote wan manager of the Dovercourt Land Co. For eighteen years he was with the sat Royal Devon Yeomanry Cavalry. His wutber, Mrs. S. R. rote, lives in Devon. Lieut. Pole is a former resident of lruderich. ] Member. the he Toon tofe(iuderich and tit the of Huron. hoerd of trustees of the Alexan- arine and General hospital. le presents its tenth annual embracing the period from let., 1915, to September 30th, of+l Dumber of patients treated ar was 149 (town .Cases 110, cases 30), being nine less than r. The total number. of hos- ys during the year w 2,141„ an average stay of pati ots 1n- titption of 14.42 days. ng'tbe year there have pffat 6.deaths and 21 birtbl Abmeek Chapter of the DatlglG the Empire continues its spien- d helpful worjefur the hospitetl e board dallier to express en BISHOP WILLIAMS' VISIT. Confirmation Cere- mgay at St. George's 0o Sunday -A Call for Fuller Life. There was a large ongregation on rai church, Sunday evening K bead of the d where elf i Huron,p siinietered the Huron, Williams, diocese Sd rte of confirmation to nine candid- ates. His Eotd'Lip preached from the words of Hebrew' 12 : 1, 2 -"Let us run with pe.ience the race that is set bliTerleur. looking unto Jesus the author end finisher of our faith." Life was viewed as a race. in which the ilurner'e energies were exerted to the utu.oet for the successtul outcome of the contest. There was r great re- serve force in the world that could be used in tittle* of *trees. As an in- stauoe, the Bishop pointed to the tre- mendous rftorti now being put forth by the reee Ie of Great Britain in all lines of 1,i oduction. By the greater use of ttoir energies, a smaller number of people In Ire aggregate were turning out vu%. ly great.r'r volume of pro - etre. Life should not be permitted du to dvgenet ate 4040 a saunter -it should be s race : we, should take life seriously and nuke the hour'* count for s.uuething aecontpli.hed. What the world was in need of was con,aru- t'awed eoergy. devoted to noble pur- Last week mention was made in The Signal of the severe wounding of Pte. Harry Urquhart, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Currin, 0f Vancouver, B. 0., formerly of Oo•derich. Word has sure been received of Pte. Urquhart r death. - e Signaller Victor Bell, son of Mr. and on Hr's. David Bell, wbo was te- as ported mis+ing, is now reported t. ba of a prisoner of war in Germany. _ er ch re re 1, 4) : ve rd be ion for LADIES 10 ,ND onePNTLEMEN,- Our *d- wbv can speer the esongy •t. theke Lee y e nt time is tq-Iay In a supply of s:xres ahead. Pricer are one who own hely two sold anyone y soaring y R or three pairs of eburs ahead will iw money in tr•Ic(;et by doing so. Only tbis week vee had a -hater from a wholesale house advi.ing'us that the present wholesale price of a line of shoes whi,•h we have been retelling for yeareat $3 is $5.13. and this i. only (a sample of *cleaners all along the line. Un shoes we ire buying now fur spring selling the advance will run from 50 cents to $'2 a pair. Of the particular line we referred to just now -we have thirty-eight pairs tests- eat customer, can have thew at the old prices. You Cart *aye the cost of * pair of good .hoes by buying two or three pains now. The current issue of The' Shoe and Leather Journal has tate following comments_to make on the present sitoation ' "During tbe past two weeks the leather market has continued to harden in all brim_ Hide prices have gone up several p0i0te and this bas had the effect of cgnsiog tanners to become atntolutrly wdamantin0 with regard to contracting for future bus- iness. 'Manufactuterf have to do quick thinking these day.. Thule who hes- itater get left: A pro nliuent shoentan who thought he had contracts for sumcier.t Ie.ther t l cover the require- ments of his spring trade, hut, who found his older. considentbly ahead of IIIs estimate, has (wen endeavoring to cover himself, but finds it import- Ode nipor- fldeto get what he wants at anything like the bas4a upon which he sold his shoe.. "Where will it end 1- the question. 1t_ )e hoard to lay. if matters keep ou going as they are It is a difficult thing ret the )rice of shoes to conjecture what 1 will be six uionths hence. People trghed-at the hien of there being any acelous shortage of leather six month* ago and there acre some lines today Oust tnonei will riot buy. To bow many lines this may apply next April no man has the temerity to predict. In view of all this it. will certainly he money in your pocket to buy *hoes Your" verytruly, Yo new. WM. SHARMAN. L. • amongst the pea....•- .- 'swan! only to the elei)n. of which n 'lee .ht1 Mon here been given. and *het he will not be liable for the a..e•s or any part thereof. to any proton or tercets of whose clan' he shall not then h1te notice: - Dated Nos ember Illh, 1(416. W �USltorfor Assignee. Y. 7MZt ' FOR S� DOR RALE. -AT R$SIDENCE OF r MRs. A. O. MaDbNALD serve Sher soiree store. dome frost ed. Wawa cabinet and a buffet. : "tit A� ,f30 _ R Pbe'I'1t, �a K *MGR.-() B. C. sMasMa !Apply W. T.95 tf RII►DEL1., MUSIC. spring calve.. Ptah.- Two p*R+'. 6 weeks old. FOWL -A number. of young hen.. IMPLartemem-One Mower) binder,: foot Fut, nearly nr.w : 1 McCorini'k mower. it foot Cot: 1 twofurrow plow, 1 ..et disc harrows. 1 set iron harrow.. I .ma ion; 1 hay binder, 1 hay rake, t roller. 1 cult orator, 1 tiding plow. 2.et. of trucks 1 bay rack. Y otock racks. 1 horse tonne .hd jack, 1 emitter. 1 buggy', 1 Frost N Wood binder. 1 gravel A quanttt7 of household furniture and numerous other articles. Kverything must be dispo.ed of..' proprietor Is "Mee %V cod. Tr.auP.-All .ums of 510 and under. c.eh ; over ..hat amount. 11 month'' emelt will be riven on furnishing approved joint note.. A doormat it the rate of 1 per cent. allowed fpr cash on credit amounts. AUSTIN K., CHURCH, THOS. 0UNDItY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. ng, dr - its ith- try- i.h ry par - the be in it al ea - MIS$ NINA WOVLLCOM HN, Ti -ACHRR PIANn.•-•Pnpllnprepared for Toronto Conservatory exeminatlnn.. Apply at residence. Trafalgar street. ooderleh. 34 -If HBO. R. SUNBURY. A. A. C. 0., T 1. ). M.. Moa nit . a Choirmaster h oirma.ter of 1 1 , Knox Church. Teacher plena, voice, organ. Nothrprepared ropITllla Studio .l'tposite alnw" r MEND x•s,.. GIRLS • WANTED APPLY �,.....e-- - Iii KNITTING CO. i Autos And C'rrbi t'es PAinied Call and make arrangements to _ have your paint- -•ing done this winter. LET "SHINER" DO IT. The Dominion Road lylachinery Co., Limited PHONE Ib4 COMM CH e for krep- wet- the wi etrengt 0 from the w bit" inthe with some reg the building w merely Large to purpo.e. Herewith is the N showing the receipts for the year. Dated this 21st day 0 poser. Thr new system of lighting recent- ly placed in the church was used for tbe first tin,e and proved eminently satisfactory. 'Inc fixture• are beauti- fully deigned and the lighting is Well arranged. err that the comfort and convenience of all in the church are provided .or. Thi. Iigbtipg was in- stalled as the gift of Mrs. Morton to the church se a memorial of her hus- band, the late Mr. W. L. Horton. Don't G;pwd Us So Close, Please. Owing to unexpected pressure upon our columns ihie week, many item. of Local beva ale crowded out. Adver- tisers world help as greet( 1f they would make, an'angenlenti or sport'. as early ill the week as possible. This would allow us thee to arrange for the handling of additional-_. savertleing without crippling unr news service. 'Tu* $11NAL. "S'ghtly wounded." This is the briefbut cheering cable that Mrs. W. L. K. Wimps, of 74 Admiral rued. Toronto, received from her Ntddief husband, Lieut. W. L. K. Williams, who is reported wounded by Ottawa on November 17. The Ottawa mes- sage just said wo•rnded, and was sent to Mr. R. S Williams, .1•) Lonsdale road, father bot the wounded oMcrr. Yesterday morning Mn. Williams re- ceived a cible' from her huahand, which lifted a R.eat worry from her mind. Lieut. Williams was attached to the NIth.gaW►ho *. awl *minted at Osbawa tast'yeat. On the Bhttallon's arrival in England,',L,ieut. Williarus was drafted along with dtber 94th n(. Be- fore livers into a We'd PI n t ' lism bore downing the khaki,Ltleut. WIl was in the head ober of .the Bank of Montreal. He is a member of the Argonaut Hewing Club end the Vic- toria l'Iteh. 'there is a 1hr months baby son, John, at the Willi s resi- dence that is waiting for hie rldldie daddy. to come ,borne. (The above pa titular+ are fob Toronto�titar n . Mame la be er son of 'Mr. R. 8.;_WIllta'llv... formerly AiOdericb''.nk►negPF fou ib.. Hank of (:ornrnPTO�. He 1 remain- tweed es ln- treed in (;tltderteh ait the the lee that e in and the young men returned front after 'doing their real struggle, received t the in}yemanon that not considered soft- employed tot "this ncial statement d expenditures November, p proposals for cancellation of agree Wilk • Jos. KiDU, went between the town and Company no� Vice- pre.ident. your committee reci)ntmenl1 that. H • F• HOD Se•cret taken on the prnp,waland N itecret*ry. action be that the Company be noLIled Ilia council expects the original agreement to It• carried out." The last -Mentioned clause we. the .ubject of sonic diecuerion. Mr. F. H. H,olgens, the local manager of the Mid- way Mercantile Co., who was present, explained that he thought, after hav- ing met the counrill.lre wind talked the matter over with them, he itad their consent to go ahead with 'ultimo.- mental ulti g. -mental for clewing up the factor y here. The question would not have come up at all at (hie time bad it not been that At Knox church next Sunday inner- ing, Rev. R. 0. McDermid's subject will be : "The Spirituel Chellenee of the War." Evening sub)eet : "A ReOpoo fdr Congratulation. LOST AND FOUND. ' providing Melt of ILr1 R the council; with theP accomntodstion for the wintering of siTdlers here, bad suggested that the Sidway Co. m4 ht •scat, t �y factory I /worn. 'roto pnqrr ,rt. for this purpose On con ider*tion the ir°'ilot nOtotem..., ratlm .. Company had decided t would be more convenient to,remove now than at the'end of the Company's teem in August, and he (Mr. Hodgen) had gone ahead with the arrangements for d the h P hN removal, supposing that consent of the council in doing P0. Councillor Munninge urged that it _Z iiOUND.-A SMALL SUM OF r MONi*Y. Apply atSIGNAL Orrt0L -.-.(4r*. NAIRN, Trickier The addreee was adopted and a Vet thanks was tendered to the hoard till "clots. ttea"11rre, Mr. C. A. Nairn, p1tr- nted-the financial etatemeilt, as tol- es : • " Plnanci atelnent ar et October, I91i, to .I 14* September, MM. W 411iaml. I • A Musical Evening. A Victrola for Christmas. Celdwril the druggist is putting on a Christmas ..*sure contest to wbieh the euccreolnlcontestant will receive free R grnu4ur Vlcttola (regular price $416.;•1)) The condi' jets.. of the con- test are given io The Signal's adver- tising columns this week. Everybody has w rhauce to secure (hie foe Vic - touts. and there wilt doubtless be a keen rare up to the date net for the closing of the contest, December Med. fel end this give m fie. tl �t shell 7 Wb B U•brIsttxas for a r•e*1 t..aen of friend- ship' Ob. I know, a photograph. 115 make an appointment with J. WW. Truesier today. His phone is 187. 311-21 Seal•shipt 0yaters..olid meat 'and slwsys Ire b, tt Ndwards'. Phone 200, On Monday evening next, 27tkinet•. a recital will lee given (TI the Terve'*. itprttn Victoria) opera House. Tim It II by pupils of Mr. And Mr.. program will be of a refixed characte[r- dr for summer w a (phone f18). $2.00 per crud. if For homemade tattled, or ours ism cream, in bulk or bricks, try Black - stone's. Phone 240. • Thursday, December 21.4. has been selected try the Collegiate institute as .*&.date of their entertainment to be hemlock slabs Cleo. H. King, assisted by an orehe$tra. A silver collection will he taken`la de- fray expenses. The proftrdltt i(r fir' follows : Pit00 RAM. elite r Overture-"l.b•rt5Dier. era.' • Kehr Hide` noprano8olo--"The Carnival" \li-s Violet- Iwhhwaite P(auo Bolo-"Mosni6Rhti»e*eh.. ; Beet lHarreOn Miro Ver' Humber. H Brehe Cordeilt9 eo - lieu lime, itt "Lnder.the Mistletoe • Piano Duet 11.,Kngleniatin MI.. Ulllae Wallis and, hi Geo. H. King. ....Solo -"f he Kier of the %\'o„H Am P' K: L 0aufuoi Mr Hir'Id Aitken. • Selection -."Wedding of the %Vied. .J. T. 11ati Irrhe.t M. '. rich tewrl rt efopranolhdo-- "fo Those N'hsl.eru t?*' H, \f at h'htrn , p'nPrMtnr. T. Uo!t ttRr, nnotlnnr•rr. • MHA Vera Klliel� 1 Sari-mr.tr, pee.'2 (gearing aealon sale of Plano Solo •'K,imenuol V"tn/e ....ltutinsteln hnu_e1.ltr furniture and fnnd.hln(ts. pr memo -- Mos Mee F ,',that'. of Mr. Oconee Dunlop. se h s residents/. 5100th Soprano gtrlo-' The felt` IDy ±u telP,roclia.4 , Amer. Uotetich. Teo..tiesonr. suet latter. of of se lot Y. li li 1)0 art'KI I'rs. Ra15 Infirr On Amid 1.: (heeler, ne.1„.. .9 Vito. mo Fant. from Ihet.rlo Government... -3. 11.. (runt Irmo town of Ooderich . -:.-. . _ N. Ir` Or from comitypf Huron I,om nations -In. K. J.K. Holme.- DI - U. J. Naftel. ^ --Menmetlrt OsageUiree..! t'u N1 7i m !ret .xi to dh*uusted Hal ::11.4.3i ' 1}I,tlyl zxa.•tntn�itdt.' • 5 ISn 161 aitd meal 7'. -• •1 'L A 2 117'w X11 .K 1ZH In s; ,,, ai KI Hreoln K,.eep, etc AI Fccl .... Mi 78 ICleetrfr light.. Ir ?L i....0-. Water and telephone 11 In Plano Solo --"Cradle Songg.� 17 5U ( Miss With it. Yom sail ate.-... inc "r IiAtU Soprano Solo-^lannshlne of 1 Mla* I Doolittle. . W ANTtp. _ ffIRAOHIER W A NTR D. --F O K 1 .'boot section No, 17. A.hfeM. Duties to . r•ommenne January :IPA. 1917. Koond-Ela*• pro- , tr*si^nal eerti5arle ppr,ferrel. APplr• sl*V 11) nw116owtlnns and gV.ry ex{,e M q rt to )A H 1.9h e11.WAIN, Sec. re.•.. 1 . It. N. . ep paedtos, Oat. Phone. '.!1 r s, 1 lnngennnn :IP t Nu ANTEi). -MA('HINISTS AND 1, tool makers for mnnitloria ell end forme machine work, 8plenild opMr r ,'' forel men. Applvt-•R()X 14. Toung men who hale HE S1(444AAon to L. IMlinderteh. __ - F;N AND WJ1$ra*a WANTBD. Plve or six heed, 1 er ter....,,,,d. . Anrep to PAOICT GRAIN )00R8 ('0..Oode- ' rlrh. Hatcher; meet .Rutterand n o boe u1 Milk . Teats and fueleodee pnUtnrs rend vegetable" ;rt.�. Groceries and provi.lou+ - was not good policy to quarrel with Dreg- and mrd Minn.. Iles' Medea' d .ur'icel*app the Company. whores good oMcPs the town might want for the seeming of a new tenant for the factor Oouncillor Wigle said tie wished e o o4.' to make himnelt perfectly under t He had pointed out that the meeting spoken of by Mr. Dodgems WA. not a regularly conetituted meeting of the council, and he certainly had not ac- quiesced in either of the propoeitionM submitted by Mr. II (Agee.. He thought Mr. Hodgene wee going pretty fast on what batt taken place in the council. Mayor McLean saki the Company had not fulfilled its agreement, es to operating the factory. Mr. Hroieens "aid that w*. 'something with which he had nothing to do. A motion to refer the di.pnted clause hack to the et-snrnif,tee ww6- carried seven to one. only (7oiinrillor Wigle dinentine. The report as time amended won then isthmoid. The cemetery end park. committee recemmonded that. (leo. Watson. 1I - gin avenue, be permitted to cut down an fielding and hnir.efurs)shlet'.•.... a short play being one of the features. Remember the date, Drpber-,21.. Mr. C. P. N. Carman, who has been organist of i t. (ieorgr rechtlreb for a year. ha. teen App limed 0rganlat of. Uh. Anglir'All chug. h At Nisg aea.F)sllfi._ his 1•r..ignrat here to take effeot December bit. " • AUCTION SALES. Mosuay. Nov. "-. -Ile/King amnion hale of f.rn' .1,1*. Imp! ewer. and hnueehold fnrnth lire. prol.'4tY o' Mr. An+tln K:..1hurch, et lot x!. ennet..I n I. N'4 W*waeal-h, eomrueneher-' it 1 o'clock sti.n'. T. OCenRT, auctioneer. . THt•Ran.ar, Nov. 71 -'tale of young cover and other clot', at. ho 47. tier field line. Owls • hie. .1 I o:eI.-k. 1iKIR R HOLLAND. BORN. Piano Solo-- K) M I F A t A h x.ndrn Mo, Oen. H. I.R'(Orchest re IMANwnt.a^1N.ent1. - Merle , w one'. liab rI.1 . l'tt rant 1 K \ Nihon trot ich r (lode? ` , sh ortal. 011ie. 11rt1enpnM"• ON November 11. to Mr. end .Mrs. R. M. 1• tier 11. Moon an, s von t\l'ilharn tlilcdbu,. Pian Duet- autumn I r �-Ohri•. Lh'dsay Mr. H. Barker and4ii1JL� �� Piano n qr - MARRIED. Soprano non -"Thr Flow; ,, I' (iounud. 1TI1A(1;H.%". CUNNINGHAM. the rn.n.c..\uh'rrn, on Wedne-d•ay, November Miss Ade Ste 'lin i. Rm. A. Laing. Pearl Aroma Conning- ' PlreoSelo-"tart•. of n'.• Wild ioweWcnrtch he My of Hallett, to Edward James ' M1.. Lillian Wane. �\ w N$ranChan. of Oalench town -hop. contralto Solo -"A L,.vcrt V )f .' W jl.L1-a\Ie LLYIiLAyT ER,- Al November Fast K Atm t ua A •c ON e Y niber I r 11(Is- r R. A.. Wary . lost James R amttten 1'fao0Solo-" 4.1)or Prayer" O 1.. It t Rev. d.ugMer of John Llnklder, Mos. IMA" M, Felker, t. "e ea tj,slertcn, Soprano Solo -"A MA" Morning Ur.leneh. to !terry Talbot w Miami. Moss hat 1141tia Dam tL1.i'N • i.A\\'tIONrAt IkTmlt, Mkh.. on Seleotton-"Hlimur0-ke ., �a otunitler 21, by Het'. Mr. Mct'kbe, Anna •lirchetro 1lwitghice of Pert. lord M... la.w.nn, of Baritone )bob 1Mlertssl •,,.APrMh to H.ymosel F. Allen, .on of Mr. r. w yl I) RM. and 1g. john Olen of tri Oregon avenue, 'Detroit - • (3)111 i1-tlTHAiTON At the residence of the 7l ravel sari bride * I0'v., t 4' end Mr-. 1 d,ne?. tone. It. C, MMI1r:m1A, apt(. T dna, oven'her, r1. air.. Btenitot o,John l*'il.op nntlth, all of bods .+,. Ore. DIED .. (_I'Rltle. Janet Ue�tsrieh towosltipven Novgi. K.Iarlr- am wage• M si .• dee lSsrHh Advert Iso . • ' . .. II IR Plano Deet - "Fa'rY 4nc,•n Ay Cottage reg and .npplles _ Ml ,e bis° orlon Prld hoe' awl Ate HLKing. �mtli Repair. rent and nor -.^-- yN 70 (soprano Salo -')'he torr*w et Nome; Peet .- ISA tti Mrs. Oen. I1. Kong. . Pain note and mleTr.t . 6!, AI 4 'Hod nave rhe K0ts. Menem ' -. - - -. • 'rhe stetement Wes received mad re- ferred to the auditors. The old hoard of directors wale 're- elected, with the exception of Judge Doyle, removed from town, and the addition of Judge Dickson and itheriff 'rhe serretery was instructed te wend preitaing the deep t•egret felt hy ell connected with the hospital 'milk et his enntintied nine's. Coamt-seeled oyster., solid meat, fresh from the oyster hefts, eit Black- ' st.01144.ti Phone 240 het II IL church the. wet k have been well at wimmyr,sr.mnft, tended and the messeare brought by I the evangeliat, llov F. C. Elliott,' of ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTE•flOv. 21* Toronto, has twon received with ap will remain here tint After Deeember .se,,...ea memoir( m.o.. teat tieoge.A0ar.W. I 3rd. ripbalting emch evening. except county Connell Melf,111( urn. Lase - 1 Saturday. All who ere interested *fel Auction eals-••eo. Dunlop .. . 1 of the meeUngs. Small Slim of MOMY rosad-eigeal .. 1 found on page 4 this week. It con- Vet set . I r 'tient Viet/vim Scheel ........... 9 Mine an ann ...... cement of special in- •,,.. esaas,,anoi-eagtha ata ewes „. ..... -• a