HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-9, Page 8B TwvsaneT, goves int F NEW /; z,..., -- " PAPERS Zeal Inducements nigh -grade Wall 1'.epers for very- little looney. Dainty tittle Papers, specially suitable for liedroonis ...IOe. 12c, l: be and 20e per single roll. Other Papers suitable for ellnti+t ani- MOW., 15c.•' 2(k,, 2rec.and roe per stogie roll, - „ Note Paper atnl I:tlt-elopes, I,o"1 Vilut .!'.e per box. 'The regular alerting of the I town council was held on Friday eve. ' g, ell the members being present rircept {neve Nairn. The eugfgetr's rep!1oort on the peti- tion for a sewer oh Britannia road be- tween Cambridge and ){egeit streets was trceiviel and sent to the public works committee. 1'he prolable cool of the woi l- is $172.51, of which $93.12 would he asseseed against the proper- ties beneftt:rd. Aft titer, Watson asked persuasion to tent down two trees on ehe street in !tont of lets lot on Elgin avenue. Re- ferred to public works told parka cow- wittee . A reouest front the Huron bra/Lich- t/1 the Children'. Aid Society for a renewal of the annual grant of {:1(1 ware seat to the Ilnence committer. In forwarding the request the local secretary, Mr. A. M. Jtob.rtaion, men- tioned that some twelve or fifteen -bards-Of the Society in this county _ alms hare volunteered fur the army or navy'.' The public library board submitted a requisition for ti&N)() fun' the expellee, of the library our the current year. Referred to tlrlauce committee. Mr. M. W. Howell,' for'1be: Howell Hardware to.. requested a rebate of the business tart f $37., as the Com - ;truly had been vi?$37.80,ually pal_ of busi- ness rime last May Referred to fi- nance committee.! "" A"letter front idwey Merean- tile Co,, ewhodyin twee- peo}+onals ,elatit.to the cnirem lated removal (of the office and warehouse of the Company to Toronto and the caricella- tion of the agreement bbtween the i town andTle Company, Wats referred to the finance comniitt,re. Thelissantereeontittittee repotted that Pefnut"-hed been received Ii -,u -(Iii' t. •st of •July celebration liter, showing that a grant of $$1.2Y rotdd be tottered to cutup to payru tit., coemuittee rem) ended tat - All order for this auloun bepaaa ed. It was recommended that a May r and ('oupeillorr 1S'igle and . ores•- tt !appointed a committee to tukA char t•V of foreclosing the Doty tuortga' .. In ort. gwu)ee Int it ri t(ue.t fr(un the -\!•nice and Tight lion ittee, t'1 sella- en- . 1 mewled tlutttb 1 n1y'ti ( aOfe11r15 Street . ' i!lighting. ..:coni Sl 3511.r . tine!' atlt . _...,... ,ea •..• i Moro h+. tot the 1 el water armoire\ 4 __• F&,!I,,4 l, Iw pant tusking a total 1li^7+w'nt oti;;;jtli 1\ _L-iter-leconn-_ nnentheeels were tit:tt (tor (111` het rival • - I •tH,1-al l=ist be paid three'tele Ilriiii)• tantrd• un its IIIri gIa .. that the emittedapprove At 11ta 4ttte taken important In the town eehrito. w,t ,efr,r(ce SHE TOWN COUNCIL. way Yercaatil. Co. C oateesplates Re• motel to Tomtit). For the then. a alre two 1ty SIGNAL GODERICII ONTA RIO LINENS TOWELLiNGS at OW Prices Wb4e Linen 311 inch(•. and 4.1 lochia Wide. Tantletsen 'Ler inches. 313 inches, 45 iucllea.and el inches wide. Linea Towels and Towelling'', Itr.udifel gtxxls at old !,rices. Stamped -Piet-es -for Chriltsiss I,adit r a and Night- gowns Nig gowns C'ort eet covert;T Aprons erdiGfrafiug dish Aprooi, Card -Table Covers, Centrepiece and Iktily Ro)I., l inrt+s`hiuns and Dresher ea.er Scarves, arvt s, Crntrtpiu•rs sad Tray Clothe... 1,uucb Cloths suet Ser i thea, Handkerchief Cases, Week -end C owel Racks, Tie hacks, l Ilan forces and dozen, of other articles. ilandl'rocheted Woke. with ab ortaa. Recite -L.- - • $e5C Great Bargain.. --(let yo4 r share. MRS. TAPE SINGER STC1tE GODERICH tJ dot Water Bottles IN Red Rubber (:t„t I,+,. year. $1.75 BAILORS' BODIES RECOVER/1D. Victims of the Merida Wreck --Five Brought to Goderich for Burial. Having received weed from Mrs. Woodward, keeper of the Iighthouse at long Point, lake Erie, that a man - bee of bodies from the steamer Merida, which was lost in the storm un on Oc- tober 20th, had come ashore, a party of relatives of the sailor, accompanied by Mr. Joseph Brophey, undertaker, left Goderich forties scene on Friday morning. Ont heir arrival' here. eleven bodies here found.along a stretch of twenty stiles and with considerable difficulty. owing to: the nowt tied nature of the country, were brought to Port Rowan and from their sent nn to vatiour points for burial. The bodies found included those of Roderick McDonald. Angus Graham, Angus Murray, Joseph O'Connor, John Quigley and John O'Callahan. The last-mentioned was sent to Wing - ham and the hurled took place at 81. Augustine. The others were brough to lloderii•b. t On Sunday afternoon the noising of Angus Graham were laid in Msit)and cemetery, the funer.l being held frown the home of his mother, Mrs. Donald Graham, Gloucester Terrace. Rev. R. C. MrDermid, pastor of Knox church, was the officiating clergymen, and the hurls! eervire of the Oddfellows also wait observed, the deceased being a member of Humeri to dge. On Monday afterpoon the fineralnf Angus Murray took place from the hemp of hie parents, Mr. and 'Mfg: Inhi Murray, filoiu eater Terrace, and Isle. the same afternoon 'hot of leelerick McDonald took place from the home of his parents, Captain and Mit. Mlsleolnn Me Donald. Quebec sate. t. Both int -memento were in bfnitian& cemetery. I(ev. Mr. McDer• mid emanating the services, and the members of Huron Lodge. I. 0. 0. F.. attending in both cases. The O'Connor -and Quigley funerals took place et Kingsbridge op Tuesday Mr, It. A. H , t+f--Cleveland, agent of the Lake tetteiers' .Associa- tion, rendered pixel assietarce in the dbodieso. discovery and identificationof the thii,rgs'necessary. \One is the I'•I'rr ;;(44"..'"'"'"1"""g u('".'x 1 sous luxe uthis et ',umber of accuracy cif .the ca muse pre- ' - o41nt. he paid.,the low, -t I. ing the scribed. The oth p. O tl t Gert - lighteig icor' not for Oct.tller, ness in -administering 'Have that its Hilt i.•ut,1 V. t:.tr, with iI,ter- OU,r prescriptions fill here r' t) t fi;t,' i, luullt .-n p:1id y I 1 tit.- rpnl t wn..'11uplutl. ommeatiir and you'iC be absolutely ie 0( ..,,,,uii ge r11later . 4 all 1st rr(inH 40 having the --.me cine lis gyt_Ih•• p•syrue•nttlf 11,16 watel tales before t(f*C.i61r-pr 'bed._ ,', .Dt -. sever, lig islet. 1 ._r _7hstivtrt light 1J it.ttl,.t Nen- . \ but et t. c„in5iiie d heat time agree- ) gnw) inept pt lee wove rho• lower tool -the C. P. tff pK ,.al:we ur-t-..t.0 the ),eight shed A. Le Caldwell, Phme Be 'and le fek«-IP-•{ t1t "dt,rk ht• q(r•r4Mwl--- end th 1 rhe mallsa- Its left toil h Ole' Prescription Qragght - hni, it, 1-441 tb e(hwitlrr and . olid. aAt toint the aleteeniete. e•xecut d. sada J snit l4S " North Side Sgsare •. tile he tglpiept bf John .. -- Me per ilie-s8((m (u • place his Hitt ou.e om he street betweetn the The value syouto you, are exceptional . and we want them before 4 , SPECIAL SELLING OF Damask Cloths aiiillapkins ALL MAKERS' SECONDS ! THE other day the agent for the linen mills from whom we get our fine Table Damasks advised us that he had received a small shipment of Cloths and this was like to be the last opportunity we would have for some time to secure one of Nap ns, all Seconds. if we wanted any we were to advise him at once. As :.x*` lots of Seconds, we ordered on a liberal quantity. They are the product of one of the foremost spinners and bleachers of Great Britain, a concern known the world over in the linen trade for the high quality Table Linen they produce. With present condi- tions prevailing, pure Linen Table Damask, at anything like a moderate price, cannot be had.. We consider ourselves particularly fortunate in being able to offer you these Cloths and Napkinsrtoday. All sizes in Cloths up to 3 I '2 yards in •4ength are represented in the lot. The patterns are decidedly-goetLand•'-quwlities be- yond question. The prices are one-third to one-half under re r *itadess. We want to clear these out quickly and not have them interfere with our regular stock, and have made our prices specially low in order to do it. On sale Saturday morning. Sec display of fljlbber Goods in side window. A. CAMPBELL, Phm. B. -YNtLG STORE torr North lit ate 1qu.ir(• 'Phones Re,. _^t tend the 1'. K. sheds), the com- e rtrptirted Tat the csuncit had DRUBS• EXCITE YOUR , mile tie_ tut lend Ieaerd and Olt" - icommittl• heti Iheri tare no--*Kerns- !ttvehilttbneo i1\11051. 110 Art it'll 11 L trY USE iasU11(vu ow l ?r. .Ielhiaald's retlne.t. l'Ite trfmrt N4l,t'.tloptrtl. , SALTS The public tae I n. rnhtnu tee Proms Mended that t Reel len.+a'th .1 y be I pt'*1ititte44O*u.' tI)" upper r do lis •',aaaru a V e If your Back is tubing or Bladder the town hall two,dey. it poi th for bothers, drink Icte of water the purpuwt LA pre llutie j( Re Y'roan_ and eat leu meat• slipt'liee for .hipnt lliit. 1'h reiort was edoptect.• t. 4'edui:111in 'Whit • sii gp tea that tilt inti0,Itiel cournlittee o he t' llegiate. When ynnrtidneys lime and yin!. book InMitnte honed Ix• askedetu.. p11kt nn a feria Arr. don't pet atm red and proceed .hurt coulee. in bread -waisting in con to 1 nor noir stomach with a Int. of drugs nection wen the et ening indu.•trisl ihat rireltr the kidaeya *flet irritate thet)a14rr,--Hethintei14 it tnigl4 help in al e;.r urin:ery tete,. Keep your kidneys - -errt ing the Pieter -in of the high core rte,in like yror _heap your bowels clean, of living. iii„ reef ion was seconded hr gushing them with a mild. hartnleae be ceteiciller I'al ridgt• and was ..,_.ni.Ij which removes the body's nrinoJsy'ail.estetl,. waste And stimulates theta W their nor- In this contiec.lioft Councillor Mun- n a1 acti31ty. The unction of eh. kiJ- IffOrgy inentioned that the evening „pep, is ta 'tor, ,e blood, In 24-hoorr:' c'nets in drawing ll.ul been disc:Intite rr, tl' y s - :jt 6114) grains of acid j owing ter tbeepes t alleludanre. end wear, Flo ire can readily undhrbtand ! The eatmcil &.I ::hued• at an early the tit.,) importance of keeping tits"kid•- jloiir, . neva :.c'on'e. -- Ihink 14,14 of waher-you can't.d>3ak eoe •mete also get from any phorri..actiii about four ounce's of Ja,t Salts; take a tabl••.peenfltl in a teats of water before breakfast etch morning for A few •days and your kidneys will act floe. 'lltis famous salts is made from the ani 1 o1 yi' Ipes an'1 lemon joie*, combined ..emit:tithe ran4-jtiebroetratsetl:•ter-tensa• thane to clean arid etirnulate clogged kid• tiers, also to neutralize the acids la Vein Fut it ne tomer is a eouroe of irri• _leo 'I., Vets eedate bladder weakness. Jot halts is inexpensive; cannot in - ore. .melee a delightful Hien-mesonirst,r, water drink' which everyone sboyjd •T*k,• t -.: sere thereto keep...their -kid. , w'v, reern er--eseer4:_ this, aka kr.p Up t'.c water drinking and *Si .1 ,•,Iyou will wnnd,r what henna). of kelnry trouble and llacesehp. UODERICH MARKETb, - T,It'a.'n v, November l l-WI.ent. net"nt41r ., ' .... p 1.7.1 to $1 , (late, ler bo.h 0ll to j.ai , Hatter. per bush. le,. (0 1.151 i Pea., per bu.•h -.. .. 2144 led tip' Hi1TkwGr,u, I.er 1.11.15.....,., ,.into .15) rlonr,Jatnity,pe•1 rot 't.3lrto 1.M) Flour, potent. Vet cvat_,00 to 4.'l.S Hrnn, ',prim' - , ,. '.a. l0 72 n1 Yhort.., per tort tl.u' to 15 34.' Hay. err ton :, Vl,a. to 10.15) !glow. 100.e, Per _ ... . . 5.151 10 10.(5. 11'(44x1, r fond .. ... . 15 i..Nt to K50 batty hater, per lb ,144 to ,n, ('roainert !utter / Eine., ire It per dos. / , .. .M to .n I'ot,tftnes,'Itrr Int / 4444 to l 5q Cottle. blitchrr,.'c flier, Iver . wl.,ol 10 7.16 -.1:atUe.atr .bhets' Mttm l•t er cal 4'5' t0 6.1.51l.yr., live !rel 1. per cwt, ..... neon to 14.23 M11e,•N Pere .. . .. ... . 0 4' t0 7 Ir1 IIIde.. her la to ,In 7'4,1140, re Mtsl. pet lb ....... tuts •to 0',a Shee..Pe e 1,00 to 2.d' You'll Be Money in Pocket Phone 158 if you buy your shoes here. Not so much because our prices are low as because you will get so much more wear than usual out of a pair of shoes. You'll have fewer pairs to buy either for yourself or family. Try us for shoes that wear as satisfactorily as they look. W. SHARMAN Goderich Don't let itr--n too long, it w• 11 lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile yon eufrer-from mi.erahle, sick headaches, ner- vousness, depreo- ■ion and Ballow conplexion.Justtry CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH&LIVER TABLETS. They re• Oe fermentation, indigestion -- -ge7ft1 4trt maretyroan,e the system and keep the stomach and beer in perfect run n. r.e n der. At ata dresahts, 2Sr., or IF 113•11 tr.. I t Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto SCHOOL REPORTS. S. S. No. 2. Goderich TgwtisMp. • Following i;• the rei,00lt of 8. 8. N. '2. foderich township, for October. Nerves.are in enter of Dwelt IV. 8r. l;Iadye Ginn, Vera Thompson; Genre M1r(Iahe. 111 tor. -Mildred Thompeon. III. Jr.- tIn'hie Noakes, Annie Me sLw: -tt: 1r. A-t'tara MC - CAW. Jr. B -Orval Rodger,. Doris Rodger, Gordo*. ,I' hnstun. l.- Fred Met et be. Pi inter -Gordon Schw.anz, Reggie Thotnpesnt; ti race Maaeke. El R. Keret Detwiler. Read Her Letter FOIITME..a KIONLY'S 'My hnabaad has s•,tlerad for Mme time with I,.ma bn, k and kid- ney troubles. H• berama so bad that work wa■ almuur Impneutble and h. had tried so many remedies sod got no relief that he had 14.- Come dlicoaraged. "A friend advised him to lays Oen Pins a trial, en I soot for s smog. ea& They did him so puce goo that ho 4100 six hoses and trill continue taklm but until hes ( entirety eared, 11[rs. fames Harris." 110e. a boa: s bout, lei 12.50. Witte for free sample to ITATZONttl. DRUG ♦ 01181110/1. 00. OF CANADA. yugeT1n Toronto, one ss Ardor • \flt,l,IAtl BOGIE, - - a 1l•n '.n Nte ili•fat. d Merida 'I9te above is t. I.kenrrs of the tate S '11'en Kng'e, .Orr 1•1' the victim/. nl t woe• L of the see neer Merida on lake ;r ie-` eeohes _'ll Jo - 11tti 1yoftng - . ho. WAN ,n iii+ twen ty-fmrth - ° +mutt of l.. noel Alt •t.. 'Pill- services to pertheir last reeetete 10 Fof - the C. A, 11 (',, (wreath afw_n♦ lite ,,r t ie ,tt.. 2lhrrrlt+ad,._ilut._iirtitra_ 1f 114e_s nem. 'flys le the ' week•eud et his h here , . Miss ! d wee HeeT.f *family (f .11/st titer Ute in'Tie . 1111411, inert, !lain ._Hog Cul hot n t-, Crown Jewel Cotton Batting t'se this Ratting and you can sleep ip flnss.ax- surance that the quilts and comforters that keep you warm are sanitary all the way thm,ugh. Crown Jewel ('niton Batting is inset.. f choicest hew fibre eutton, thoroughly elrameI dual pur•ifetl. Dirt seeds), duet nr e.dnrs--Just the down4•, fluffy cotton, soft. sweet and clean. l'rewA Jewel Cotton fiat -Brie erpetee no Flew. 'intern. stitching together. as the long -Mee cotton ,beets have eaf lcient sttrngth W •pn•i ent purling, hunching or• knotting. Crown jewel is sanitary and hygienic. TheknowI- edgc that sou are ireitig (Town Jewel Cotton fiat- ting lean treeternitee of the perfect cl.vtnlinesr of the insiel- oftiw -yuiti and consenter- and is a good *Meer restful story) , . = 7.1....,. i?nlwx Ikon. s y fi nn,^, ltetiftrw !Tx! per telt, ... •3mC. 2' - . -- White Silt' Waists $z.89 White •• Waists. merle fon' flute Jaluuu .,• Hal.ulai silk. Will ur whr like of r o tt.n. 1Q] .441(1Speelel.1'o1 .t 1lr• to .1 from ofd $1 Cover -all Aprons 50c l rt; r -ail Apt I III.,rill fol since t•. t. r the AMY", U..tnw•tsla iromoor41u• sllotOdet-. c.,,.•4 t:u= let 1 ..f patterns, in fats(-colur.•d pt it.t + C i;tl\{.rh J Exceptional Value in Ladies' Un- derwear at 25c and 5oc ISxtta I(otlst value in iwlies' lenderwear at these two popular arms. The Iine is made (rem good quality yarn., sdit finish and prefect fitting. The 5tk• line i» a mixture of wool and eMtsin. The inside ix brusheal"tt. give it aaoft plush finish. Perfect fitting. comfortable, either hike Hr natut•- al. Sizes :14 and 30. !fetter Underwear. tine wool err sulk a11,1 t11A28y.1 ,4 mixture. at tor gar- ment $1•. to $2 •(W , .,. Christmas Handkerchiefs for. the Soldier Boys - Inst received .special rhIistnlart Klliaki, leerilket•i'hirf. fun the ...Mier boys.. lits -d .I•utlit) 1114'r,.tiz.nl htuldk.•t.•hief-lawn, hem tib Ind, with initial in cornu. f'riteti.•alty alt hilted.. d.. lent up Drive in u . khlnki utic.•lot.• a it 11 initialed eerie t;•e y•tlr snlrydy at oleo. re. We 14111e4. get nlf)• Wt.! P• Ih1. 1.4 is -Att. We Re-cover Umbrellas Ge' • new .op Or, yo•t old thehandle •. Flood V%* can oo P . -. Int wooer Man it ....mid coo you to biz>'a sirs th.c ,. HODGENS BROS. DIRECT IMPSZTERS GODERIC} 1 e Hee inv. and there girls. lite brothers 'have hsd "-tau tot 14•1. 'Nil 11111 iwe MA y. Dirk st.11 Lite day this week MO 11. reld, :teem, or. 13145 steamer J1,our.., pee- tine ea HI 1111.11 a ill long Mfr,., .I,.hn eiAre I end son !lector, of Payer',, an -Reuben, John end. hetenie 16e,et'. -Th lake .l.I.n Qnii(- lt,ldru b y, "ill, nn•w11 in the vil- ronsay,. Wel to and the sisters are lel was the assn of SI>r. and Mt hug'.,- Is week - Mr. and Mrs. Florence, Vi et ami (htneinra, a11. at SS illiam Iigleyy n l is piece, and Walter a ' gi;erell, of Carlow, and home. Mr. I3o.gur wits ,,,,, r 4liidimg 1 ides hi -,t stela !fovea' wo brother. Miss Flier envy silent Stinday mi. is Mr. fourth sermon oh the takes and aope..nd'teo rem,. :: Auesen, el inutile and and Mao John lirreti,..-.::A inunber platn4i11g to take up famine 11 t Angela, -.1 r, 'and Itea {tool .mond bete. eurndrd the tun• year. Hi. mother we. visiting her mil. r on the L•k ,e. Joseph (1•C,mnr4 et al re Jn•rph O'Connor end John mother,, MY". Jamey Horne. in AIM.- WOO the eon of Ali` sm(1 31i'. 31atf w e nljtley, •of Kingehridge, Their knka, when Hero+ nt the disaster (4';'unnor, the refit! membe's of t y„Ong 'nen will meg ee re- •rinehetJ her, soil she ret mimed home family bring Themes re Kin +bridg m•td , ti M. heiet,.:.Thr cnncrri-x1 Port with her h, other, Jerrie). leerie,inline. !''ran(., of Dulutt, : M nie, Detroit. Att•et ,.o ,N,tverniter :frit wee a ,nand for the (unreal. SW'illiaut ROM` and And Maggie, of Hi11d111 •*were*. 1h(/ee Rho missed it miespll his con 'John, of Toronto, and Harold -. ,_x t, ntlt. It always takes s Scotch,'.,, Bogie, brother of the decivisrd) o PC1117r>kL86R1: - to make things it taker, Attee mete here for the sad event. he John (;Iazfele if'Stefrkiti,; and Miss funeral took alae. from the f m ily• SVI[nNt r l.0y. Nov. Atli: Margaret Glenn spent Thursday with residence on Friday, (]rtol'rr 1ritTi, Co Ma and Airs. John Mt(4.0 i Colborne cemetery, and Was one of NEWS lCorFs.-Sfr.-Otway ftrtyden, .---- - the largest funerals ever seen hi the township. Maitland Lodge, No. Me A., F. and A. M., (lnderirh, of which the deceased wee a me1I)lier, attended in a body. The deerssell was a MATH - bey ale. of l.erburn Presbyterian church, and the funeral s.' vise. -were conducted -by -the !motor, Rev. Jame, , Hamilton. The very large attendance ' attested the respect in which the young man was held, as well as the universal sympathy aroused for the parente and other relatives. The florat tributes included a spray trcurt. the I.eeburn ('ht istian Endeavor Society, it "pray from the W. M. 8. of Leebnrn church, an emblem from Maitland Lodge, A., F. and A. M., x pillow from the family, and many others from relatives and friend., t For homemade DAP., or mire hut erearn, in bulk or hrieka, y Mack - stone's. Phone 240. One rent hardly *semi ettough-10 pay for Il $2 hot-weter bottle., dotter it P But we will riell them for that on Thurieley, Friday and Saturdey next. The Ramat Etore. Menem, LAID To Ron . -The bode, of Joeeph O'Connor and John Quigley, who loot their lives in the storm ot to Hee on Tuesiay morning. The funeral service for John Quigley wits at OM o'clock, Rev. Father McCor- mick offieiating at requiem high masa. The pallbearers, were Florenee McCar- thy, jr.. John McCarthy, eVm. Bow. ler, Chas. McCarthy, Wm. Hogan and Clifford Austin. At 10.30 the ser- vice for Joseph O'Connor was held. Rev. FOAMY JAInelt Hogan, of Did- mai*. awdeted MeV. rather John Hogan, of Clinton, acid Rev. Feeler Thow. Sullivan, .Ter. O'Connor and Jae. Keane. Very have congreg- ations amombled at the church at both • Paper Neil)), Paints, Corti Oil 1. .1e, Wagon, Sleigh. Ilarnews 1111.1 numerous other items still in eur hardware stock, would do well At office of the Mi•ner Mfg. Co., or et house, No. 213. who will be pleased to open the store at any time an.1 411 your order. Every- thing must be cleared andeyou can ...Ise money if we have vaat you require I. settled at once. The Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. You Save at° 50 per cent. by Buying Your Footwear Now ! THE big sale goes on, but the 3o days will soon be - supply now. You save $1.00 to $1.50 or $2.00 oR a pair of good Shoes, Club Bag or Trunk. Each day brings out new bargains and better value than ever. The entire stock must be sold. An opportunity like this may never come your way again. Remetnber leather is going up in price every day. Be wise. Buy your footwear, now., It means $ $ $ to you. Allosema EAST SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH