HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-9, Page 7. r ..:.«„s --r' .;�. _ . , - i •- i __'..- '� :.'.' h . ' . f . r [ � .......,._.�.;. _6666 - �.._ 6666 . f. 1._+ ,F.'\. '. � • _ 1 6666. , �_. ... ... , ,,,,_ U • ,w.-.'. ''1 --( ..,. - 'TsDltutD.T xu�fttt/tii►9 role 1 - GnnFRlCFI ONTARIO . � •_x66.6.-. THE BIG"'�kl.: - .; waiting to he served fell to the floor �� r� � -'n WOMAN stU FIR-0 iA and died in a few minutes. He was A 1A CO seventy-three years of age and leavers • GUUN •tits and family. two song bring; is the • .�, , L p� � -�q'Wf Tim. AapetA 161st BattallAn: --- - — -Perfect cooking and baking with le"t eWndltute of 8 46446004,004o 31 _. i<,radm; F.ni. Tbs woven of En61a3w heat is assured by -the double flue system forcm* heat -"--- - --- •• � " - twice around the oven of Ales A `yf1<tlinryr" has leen en- we do;tbc&r duty. 1'bry aro talking AN ECHO OF THE ipl3 STORM' , e strotil or if they cannot gaited by Uol.'HuRRh Clark at brsirrr.s c�tin O1 rark of that ki/d t6 y we adding Note from Sailor on the �teamer YHydrusWCW ,t manager o['�,he KLehtraine ltevirw. heir eavingr W pnun the good wyrk. , A ager of rho Col.-Hu nor Hrey rvilw ip, I hey ere Itnio pr and Sewing for the Found Near Amber ep. list. t%r&mpseyI was killed in France auldteroatthefront. Tberuflragstabaw lin tletul.er hFh Mr. John A. CainD - - About two month• ago. Ile enlrrLed M - _ even ro little trouble W the government •hell and r. Jru,er L. 4"ur, lvhile w r /1 • with the 7161, Battalion. that it will undoubted) soften the berme walk' al ,ng the chore r Aw1wr- r r fhn&ra. y gg `Pte. Joe. lfaswLr. a former Methtdirt of those in Parliament since Lha "mill- I•y pick if oa bottlewil�followpretcber on the Will-iechurch circuit, taut&" have turned alt theirlenergtd to ilia note t it : - war rrporLed Iecehtl as killed at the aid the fighting men of Englwid, Everyone her given up and 1 think ,t 'tel' f&oht. His parents Iwe s1, Letuwel. •o sulirrrige way soon Dome •ftet tbia ear wee Shout done. '1 be only thing 1 Deputy Reeve Bi-gwn, of Grey terrible war i. over. wish note is that 1 could •ry good-bye x 8n t,twnship, Intends taking a trip Lo the Thousands o[ women In Canada Gave, to try dear mother. (Signed) OUND s• l - , - -- Wert next year and ilia extruded ah- overcome the* tr euHl•ringe, and bate W 11.LIAM BuR�- -- sears will useea•itrte DI• withdrawal been cured of woman's ills by Dr. Pierces Stmr. Hyde us. } r �' j •p T : *e A& and I'll show you why the flit fro& u&ynieipal affairs. Favorite Ptt•cnPUon. Tlus temperasee P, N. Plea•u write my mother and s P► Hj�► 6uT' ,. Food as new long after other ranges have 1,0 de repaired 1-Abella Richardson, wife o[ Andrew moa though steeled nearly haN w' ell her 1 said 1 diva a happy death ural _ c - Ulrghorn,'I'urnherry, died on the'i th century !/o, trelts 1110x' wider to daY' my only wish is that I could see her. ', 79% or replaced. w sit, as her home on the Bluevrle rued. beams it is made wdhout aloobd oc }}rr address is Marine City, Mi. h.. _ r �T - - The deceased ears baro in Scotland nsrootica It can now be had in tablet Mrs. Mary Burns, North Elizabeth h �■v' lwjl��J - fold by FRED HUNT Thedseventy ease years ago. form as well as liquid, and every woman street. ) fourwho suffers from backache, MedacBer Mr. camDbe„-wrote Mrs. Burne sail At Lha Methodist PanonlR- e. rr nervousness, shoild tape this "Prescrip• received Lhe following letter: forth, on Wednesday of last week " of Dr. 1'herce. It's prepared from Detroit, Mich.. Oct. 18th, 1tYt8. •. �n vastness of assortment, - - — _-_-- - Mary J. Jarman, daughter of Edw&r3 .eature's roots and- herbs And does not Mr. John A. Campbell : , ' Jarman. of Tuekeremitb, was united contain a particle of alcohol or any nar- Dear'Sir,-1 just received your letter range of materials, and ' ,J. Dpm/)ltj�lnterluds. cu-, fallil Father- "Why, 'pen- in mariiabttt to Henry Carter, of Hul- cotic. It'y not a secret }rreacription I" telling me of finding a bottli with w �.. },gyp t.,�� of Cilotl r' jllgirg3ageable dlrtsr(A1E•r- tbihk, uriour' means* eTe :' Precocious lett. its ingredients are printed on wrapp". notal trots my sem. ttyoo'wonldegied - , Jstyles,our_A fierlt� _ - vyou do„Argil 1,r s g j hrother- - rb.n y^li re right '1'bat me ural letter 1 would appreciate it •s = Ing for men and boys I t cert iu wtioe Pte. Wm. H. Whitfield, eldest era Maur a woman is nervous and �- he greatest favor. My dear hog was 9 s un - - - �aL you eels that M 1• pt•nunuus, ' vrx&ng man is awful prhurioug when of John Whitfield. of .Bowie Island, tank. feels dragged down weal worn outal 1 y - Alta., formerly of Grey township,' ban for no reason that she can think of. la loot with the attar. HKdru•, Nev. 9th, a ll led The suOerfor t •Wl&st'r nuri- be cut es to tee 8i . 191 a. No one can forget that terrible . jprwopww IrrotMr-' Pe maws the supreme sacrifice for his ninety-nine per cent. et these cases it _ country. He went overseas about is the womanly organism that requires stornt,rs it brought sorrow to •o tunny Of cut, make, and wearing qualities is rec- two years Ago with an infantry corps attention; the weak back, slimy eonly hearts. Willie was my eldest son, a _ t from Winnipeg and ha• now met his and black circles about the eyes, aro only twenty-three year• of age. Hi• last i ognized by all who have purchased our `f death in France. a`7mptoms. Go W the source of ta'ouble- letter to we wait mailed as they passed goods. If we cannot Suit VOu It is tllieless Rev. C. F. DuPlan, of the Anglican ^Ten that is correeAd tiW�fillr Wail the Boo. A had the consolation of _ a g C two disappear. -- finding his l,ody tour weeks atter be to look elwighere. ministry,died on the 27th ult. At the -- was loot. 1 wish to thaok"Zou1fOr home lit is parent.-. Mr. and \gra for P �•� ont.-"I w A to say contmunic. tint with ane. C _- I H. a sPof o[ IlderLon, Atter a lengthy be�e6 Other who •ufla MCL BROS v 1 am, powtl ter truly. _................ illness of nervous breakdown. He that 1 recommend Dr. Fir[eda Favorite �f -- - • WAS "went Hvs ears of age. He ARY B, the no r Y' Y tion v a great help. 1 have Ma Campbell forwarded the note to was well known and popular in the recommended the "tame to P ~` y the sorrowing mother.-Kincardine Sent-Ready Tailors •_ southern part of this county. many who in turn have been helped a Reporter. S GODER1Cf1 Mr. and Mn. J+•. Ireland, 3rd line of deal by its use ”-Mae. F. J. - THE QUARE _ Marris,'base purchased a residence in 19 Oliver at.. St. Thomas, out. BRITISH RED CROSS. ,that__�.__ ..- Rrus•el• sod art removing to _ town. One evening recently they were -- The Province of Otrtario'e resporne - �� waited upon b_da patty of tbeir neigh- � little and were presented with an ad- telthe appeal of the British Red Cross _ 1,l eM• and •pair of ort rockers. Miss a viral. resulted in Jhe ailuscription of . - ' H .is Irtl•nd was presented with a - $1,46f);11W, tip- to date, with • large 1,l �wel'ca•e, number of municipalities yet to report.< ) In Addition to the county grant of�- 4� A veteran minister of the Methodist =_'1,'JW, Horon county'• cohtribuLions __ I Nf;�ING \ church. In the person of Rev. Webster tilt to the present as Peffirted to the-•porRetful. j A - Wesley leech, passed to his reward flu ceptrst (r,mwittee, P&Aiasent_BwW•W-1,040 _ - October Z3 d,-iw- Itis seventy-eighth t ings. Toronto, aro as follows : Oarotsker-!tit SVr.l.srtlegt4gentl n ht in this roots. 'F,re we-'... a ROMPTLY SECUit ear, EM at the honor lit his niece, Mn. h&R ..►, Hay towhr p. 6666 .........1{ 1:111/ fN) `-: �/"• �.; J. C.tde, Trowhridoe• Mr. Leech -- McKillop ( omen'slmtituts 1r.) W osmPletesetot':/tlr/r)</." - ]n Sq rnuntrl,•. A•k t r our )�VNN- entered the ministry in IMM) and was r P 6 _ _ TUlty N.IIRiONw$cMAi:'O\,I r rrcar" _ _ superannuated nnuwted in IMM. Among his \ -BayfieldUlis^ Q0 Intelligent ent >�i nitres-Gkh_ 'els - _ --- eh res were Iwmaeslaro'. Verna andls ... lint, 1)0 be'ind, i suppose.- Isefng "w' 31,4 University SL. M.ntr6a6 Whitechut•eh. His wife died tANIM ode .... t . Q�Q�fC ?�r�� *?�"i'� a''i• years +LtRn and there survives one \ � (: lien ......... 4t M) 10 -- - - 'x daughter, glias Harriet lea«,•h, of New W iogbem................... �t1W 00 --- -- --- _ - _ r _ to addition t•, the►e amounts it is � �" �• ----- York, and one son• Wilbur K. J. _ _ expected that he tar - Leech, of Los Angeles, CnItL yet,repa t yet represented will be futthcomlfR . L r .1,j. ' f The Zurich Herald reports farm with genera u• rontribntions`'snd tbit !" - '�'�,� sales ae follows : Mr. Evelyn Brod- the &mount• given by the Dl_.. sboq +'4' erick, Goshen line south, ba• sold hi• Tinning of AN Kinds ,,,�ntiunrd will hr suppleiuent by _..: j 14)()-farm to his neighbor. Mr. none tom Iv tboruu h an _ tortber coplributions fro& ipdiv' Daniel Truemner•tur $0011), powee•ion p P• , g .cbools. Had ):roes and other pair ` W be given on Match 1st, 1917. Mr. aratably. We'll repair reqs committees. - Broderick has since purchased the your roof, Put your ehimtl fy ; f fine log)-acre farm on the Parr line, le•titirc, gutters or cori'Lice inti (t1'kt.OREMENT OF t;PEOtJ1.AuT10M: _ Hay. groin Mr, Tbotoaa consist, fur BLIND4 gll!>tp, pns+es•ioo surd to ' be given c g condition. - tyj days pass when Carmen, young ` _ next March• lst. This is a well-situ wV" ld, are not asked to invert •ted property and Mr, iSrtde�i,kH.s i{y Repairing,. TOM . financial concerns, in specnl&Lions - - •puird a fiowt farm h Y �� which d•nRlr-untold riches twfore ` — township. , >Pr.%on•itt will retire you want it.' Fut a new 'copper fbeir Ion in eyee. Tier agents sed Prts•ne the leather and o&a)<w from Luse duties of farming bott9rn on the wash boiler, mend all eiever and greevering. They bavb s oboe• w longer. I lie=t •ph ing Ahd� wig rretjN to roma thousand strings to Lhrfr bow. Town - ear �i will =* -- - - The -- _ _1 �' I yea. t { +in tinware. �r Costain so acrd and f<IE1V 1fJ10er1� 1,p a -- } town arae by. Mr'J,&ba.Weido bas ' lots, minis claims, natural as and ti " \ crack the leather. Easiest to=* :_ ' • purchased the floe RtAI acre trr&a on -� - oil ae)le, atepts, are all nteahi of en- �\ their shine 4ub longer. --- - - C tna�"8f'-titoos- �' the Pare line, Hdy. from Mr. Thomas 1 Licement, all the more wlluring eines j � _z _ - -- - _- � BU1 K WMITEs-TA�- -- - Farquhar, foe $7.i(TU and has wishf�s the rink which 'ticcompantes them is - _ g possession. Mr. Henry Bedard, of the / i / LM ' � bidden more or less booed ly under - in thafflaltwho ,2. - ----- 14th cohateewn, Hay, has sold his 'L5- "'" lberlaass some toaster of Howwesr- is going to do your , acre (arch w tris neighbor, Mr. Nelson 1. 1L r ^ i g �id7terlieement cleverly in- s __ • Masse. for =1,001,1 Mr. Beflard ban pHtltPri 1 oT rt -- sated 1/ _* Qn•p _ Wirth Purchased the farm o[ Mr. Jacob Mei- -- t _ -To ride eircch at&oh�eTjts'i _ new N epapK �r-Y - ditater-onlhe' i h ro&d c 41, veritable eedsorge, ague - .., a l�Y YOU 1,0 see Us. over flf y aerie, for Posses• —� -'— - � - y g aLlive in the bonntr ear the ; - t � • t " it cion in i,oth cases I>r given on Msrcb wale , td rasp the p 7 of Rxetee, was married •t Winnipeg whole situation. I• d nut 1,b f j he F. CANADA• LTD. HAMILTWt. tAIrADA I�ih�leCtsaary information is 4 loth, 191. eMl to Mi+a Helen McPherson, �1 _ - ,, q'11(:HAM. y exaggerate when 1 declafe tha in t►e _ g your or the asking. daughter, of Mr. G. lis McPherdoo, „rte ctiimty where 1 live $100, , and --�• Thomas Fell" has sold his butcher' irarrieter, of Stratfo. d, Mr• SianJers more have simply leen thrown, away r business to A. J. Nortrnp, of Ouetph. i• now rector of unC of the leading try our farmers. Some of"( seised e A - Robert S. McBarney has been en I, iscop 1,l churches of Eamuhton, by a fatal fhv nzy, have hot brsit•trd U' W Ws�o M - .p - E w gaud ws principal of the public•chool' Alta. to "tell their hewutilul (arta•, the her i. u atBidhgrte. � tags recrivse to oil, their forvtnthers, D O• -�_ $ James R. hVnod. a tesmet welli _ `4` P WEST BAD STOMACH TROUBLE n order b, barter the value for &Mor - - known resident of W'ingham, died at of paper whish guaranteed inch the - + ' his home at Elnora, Alt on Uctobe.r _� owneanbip neither of an inch of Ishii, . all �1 Office 82ob STREET Lx l argueilea 193 �?dad in hie Http-eighth' year. y 1,,p DeliClOIIs Vin01 liar a pwt�ywtight of silver. pec ib Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie, who Can this evil not he remedied Y . d had been residents Wintham fora Shreveport, is -"i had a bad rtes- it neceeanry to leave the fArlocn to y 1,1 ' \ great many yeah, left last Msec for ach• trouble for y,•ara and became so )earn vv6dom at bis own expehse -- ' �y breoming the prey 1,f greedv piton - " Alliston, where Lb ry pblrpose residing weak 1 could hard) walk or do _ work. My appetite was pros, my ford erei's'7 Is it nreeseary to allow bird sit,s fOtuture. , ed u -,".-Anderson. . wNN not digest, 1 bloat and was very and bis descendants M to de^.eittnhY g. .notheTtormasy er rwi- - y have a number of the fa�—to _._.___ _ - dent of Winghwm, passed away (%t- and nervous. i tried man erase- atlnrsd ttnm their sncestrsl calling = — -- --- - obAt &1,h at his home at Melita• Mab. ,dM without help. i saw Viso] adver- slid brought to ruin?- Cho- :a Crates which we will clean- ob went West in 1889. 1`he slay be tired and tried it, and now my gWalwb gnette, at seventh agnurl meeting of than car them over the Win M trouble is completely cured and I sen Commission of Conservation. rY je . died wits the eightieth ahnlve&ears. of „sell."-8. L. MARBRAW hie birthday. Visol is guaranteed to tole lip the The Best of the bargain. �t 9F.AFOKTH. tired, wee=taxed and weakened neves If yo coiled gping,to require any No. 9 and No- Of the stomach and create kens You get,ft bargain when you get I2 coiled Wire next year, it iwlll be good t'• R. (4, Murdie has moved his family strength. * he Youth'" Comptnion for 1917 for y,a r to Stratford• where be has a position H. L. Dunlop, druggist, Gal rich, Ogt. �.2&__fifty-two issues crowded from buying to OurcitasC this Fall. lire in s Hour will. Atoo at the„¢est 41.6 sts in all Ont& 0 cover to t aver with the reading you i g Mr. and Mrt. Jnbh Horan received towns most enjoy. Rut,1 on get the best of r y word last week that their son, Lieut. - ft* bargain of you subscribe the min- We also have some great bargains Iq if James Horah, who enlisted with the cLlN1'OX. uw you reAd this, for then you will second-hand Stoves: Call and see what we n- .+ • 94th Battalion at Kenorw, had been Councillor C. J. Wallis is away on A Bet free every number Qt 9'Ae cuss- , ;,- killed in fiction in France. Western trip. pinion imued between the time you }1aVB. illi i' Mrs. Howe •nal her daughter. Mina suh"cribe and New Yeats. If you lir. ( . O�� Alexander Davidson, who entered send your $'2.Y3 at once that means w • - 1 upon his eighty-sixth year on Wed- Lala, left last week for Toronto, where lot of reading for which you won't The number s Happy Thought Ranges a ag - --= nesday of last week, first Came to the latter has a position. atilt- • ---• \ 8eatorih fort two care o- There have to pay •cent. Arid then the __ are selling this Fall goes to show that they t1,,, �u /� y Y •R ('r t. C. E. Dowding, who saw• or- long. glorious fifty-two warts of Onm- still lead the market. if you require a L. will w-�� \\ are only tour of the hneineas waoqrn of dered t i Englend seine weeks agog has position reading to come after I Let r �� that day who re Still to tbb fare. been an inted riiastsr of the Cana• '3­ e t • he ere Thoma. Ste hen., Jwmte p° P•Y u• sena you the Fo►ers•t for 1917. Range this Fall it will pay you to call and y P than Military School &t Rhornclitte. which tells all About what in in Store g)Ce the H8 Thought and learn its good attic, Liam. Dickson and Alex. Dr. Norman Shaw, who had been in for Companion readers in 1917. Happy g } B WAR t. ehsrge of Major Slol medical ?rite• Oar o rr includes : qualities and why it is the. best. \ y : \ • • T Ugh An error in the office Of the tics "ince the IMter•s removal to (,wrap 1. The Youth's Companion-62iaixe \• j I.SOII }ted a esgi•c { o! TorooLo Unfver.lty, J. Borden a• medical officer lit "fie Huron of 1,917 How about our Plumbing, Heating and ".� `r u i' The CIiRo Bell, of the 8estorth Collegiate (rMlimv, has gone to his home at 'L. All the r•em&inina is-res"of 1916. Y ),tate iP • loetitu was awarded a much lower Mei i+, Mich. 3. The Companion Home Calendar Electric Wiring i' not forget that. we r �• for 1917. 1 . I Commercial amination the recent earned. a:- The marr(ste took Place on October The Yotrth's CowtPanloa. have competent mCrl who work i after this 1 CO amin•lioh bean >>e had ewrnei. 1,t b 20th. at Toronto, of Wilson Blliott, of .1,0 St. Paul ft., Boston, Mass. t found tbat is etitiLled to the to Clinton, and Mina Jossis H.Ibert, of branch of the work. All wtxk is promptly t New Subscriptions rcoetTsd •t till. attended to and full guaranteed. Ii;dward $I seholar•hipp and •Rita Trochur Valley, Alberta. The happy P Y g the firs{ Car aebolarshlp, to tits couple 1,p at w weak on their honey- We guarantee to give a Stenogra hic and &!Commercial 1 total value of\ 1,b - moon trip And bsve commenced botwe- Not tire Klns. We handle the beat Scranton Hard Coal :mm . Course equal to that given by an School in the ProvlhIce Rx F.R pfisg oa'Nal V~t. :- -*ben the King was In 8cotl&rtd re- • yy YOU adulate, writs Mr. O. R. Red( and family have Wftlisve Leppiiswss. atr'oyt resident eently he provelsed to review • boys' and Dixie Selected Lump Cannel Cool. and to place you in a position wifat Y >;r This latter Coal does not crack, split or _ for rata end make artaitgahntMM r as tlWn as pos"Ie:' +`emoted to WNt r e. 1,f Clinton, dropped ansa in tilt At„i- brigade. - p"1O r Dr, QnsekroMuh is Ting Exeter rows ceerent wwrta aro Metrdhtitfter At the last minute, kowever, His throw sparks all over your room. `- _ - t no•eof l"st-weak-..Iia-!>rt�1h•e•do- � t -- - V olf)erfhg his nasi le a proper y Majesty waw torsed W esoeel the ell Ji ,66 66 nor Shamir tsirirlR lel • 4{dtf�y on hue �e�S. aqd • ,tWR•Mlity •so ! , Mao t tele. �ou•e and hAd'ten�• t�ai lIMn ttgtarenc �/•tay atei bsitshos wan= We can also supply You with Soft and,, Fall tem %Ii .StjDtttl�n�er •� A�1/Sr. AtewaA has :ecurod a' geed aurae "o E/Ir`snm" 1!t/oelN, eattwhile the • it tpg AnlrNgkt to • ittlfoon at London and will dove bM 91,$ Haid Wood Slabs- Stademlte may enter any tint•. r ly there. w�.�m....-�-=—•�1i�hr• atom MOL bbee lot �•�soyahy y williadn I3ae tt, a former eeiasnt Ptvhesatly s too w was b : _ < i Toronto oa wee 261,17 We pKi +q. the MeM/ •1 i J R. t �Mntk Sttlf! t / 1• fl14- 1,b yeW. wf dq�tR� d pb/�! -1,;.. r.. t �• : Ile �}l i 1(ri, Georytls kineon. whA ii it per/e SCbilO f a . tag s� rt « "1,e nN The 111,1, Chase,. a et. , �1NTON• ONTARIO. eei {/1t...rbt. t + .. . , d ��” ef*t ' Lhe Readies' t3ulld of Tetvltt sing fa � of Sew 1,w' to �/- " Ire FXONZ aft IL Jr. WARD.1♦•A.. M. ACCTS.. PMV4CIPAL ebureb. 8•A It, f�tN. U. W. :r r )✓ W a s 1 ..., g •an • - 6666. w-' wI. -... ... - .' .h. ore, .-.. i } � .. ' + ... � � t ` - ... _ n - 1 '.. _ _ �.. •• « ,r e i ,6666.._ .,.. ,..- _ -• ,�. ." ......,..<-. - ".'. • W 1 sits 6666•.. - -. —. �. - .. .. .. n.—.�. . ' ` • . � +71.„y- . M , • tet. Z • ,