HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-9, Page 5THE SIGNAT.
toric reboot Present -Mr. Acheson
On tete chins i, Messrs. Cott, Parsons.
Ual1pw and Craigie. The secretary
re teed ptyanent* twoutitiog to
ilii. 711111 W in Uotoiwr. _Pt tncjpe) John-
•, on, Victbele school, reported : Pup-
il. on the roll, 214 hu s, 179 girls,
ental KU. Penny bank deposit', $71.-
ti1L,-..-Pektelpsl Sharman reported for
Central sehool'd Pupila on the roll,
(17 boys, 107 girls, total 174. A large
puwber of pupils were therm owing
to chickenpox. The amount depos-
ited in the penny bank was $15.48.
The secretary war instructed to petite
to the board of health oMeer taking
him to !keep more closely in touch
with the school hoard In the wppriBes-
ing of the epidemic. A number of
accounts were read and pasted to the
finance committee. The board, ten-
dered its sympathy to the secretory,
Mf. A. Htraitou, in his receot bereave-
meut. .
MacEwart Estate i
F.,acclusive -agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best ell Maple
SIabe, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling 1Cedar or Pine.)
TELS1rtIUN1 8, office 98residence 'Ix or M
Huron Old Boys Of Toronto.
The annual meeting of the ltufiin
Old 11;ytl Aowiciatioo ut u onto will
he held in the Royal ate, 14 Ring
street east, Toronto, un Friday even-
ing, November 24'h. At the cyuelu-
'►iuu of the bo.iness, including the
election of ofiIoerr, a banquet +will
be field for whieh at$r,,t el sae pro. tam
of speeches and wings i. being ar-
Dungannon Methodist Anni y.
The Dungannon Methodist church
will have its anniversaryservices
next Sunday, with Rev. J. . Hedley
as the preacber of the -day. On Mon-
day evening the: anniversary enter-
tainment will bellheld. A hot fowl
supper will lie served from 0 to 8
o'clock, and afterwards there will he a
first -claps program, the talent includ-
ing Miss Ilildred McColl, aoloi.t. of
Otalerich, end Miss Carrie lirifilth,
elocutionist and violinist. of Stratford.
Admission ii0c and 'tic.
Little Job
or Big
From the -
repairing of '
a fatlet to
the installa-
tion of a
plumbi n g
system. we
a r e equip-
ped to do
the job.��
rv�l� •� stt� AMINO
Fatal Accident to Former Resident.
As the result of an accident at
Brock, ...ask., ltotwrt O. Mason, re
former resident of li.oderich, lost his
life. loo watt in charge of a small
tractor and in some manner ..his
clothing was caught by the whirling
touwr and he was dashed against the
frame of the engine.' He was rendered
uoconecious and remained in tbis con.
dit.ton until death ensued about two
house later. Mr. Mason was thirty-
two yea" of age. He came to (lode -
rich in the year 1010 and for three
years was connected with the Ameri-
can Road Machine Co. He then went
West and homesteaded in Alberta and
being "hailed out" at hie own place at.
Sylvan Lake, Alta.. he went with his
wife and three children about six
weeks ago to Brcck t..s- assist hi.
brother-in-law, Mr. A. C. Burns, in
the harvesting. Mr. Mason was a
member of tele Church of Christ. and
held services in his own home at
ylvao Lake. He win a bright,
friendly young pian, and is remem-
bered by many in (,oderich who will
learn with sincere regret of his un-
timely death.
Model Theatre $
41Modelveho am me Wito
Monday - •• 1 he Iron Claw
Toesdsy - - Fam'tu Pattie color i
travel pictures.
Also on \l.,ndayvand Tuesday
Florence Reed, International Star'
in •• AT RAY "
A,fiyl,Pe►t feature
NOVEMBER ISth and 16th
.JRSS6 L. LASKY present.
: Auwrica s le.tling screen star '
Po you remember "The Chad" ? _
Yellow M
e ,.t,
d1 1
I V Aa � Lau •"ilea
.1 '
Fri. a11J Sat., Nov- 17ti and 1St
DANIEL 1:ROHM:\N presents
Pauline 1,redenck in '• The Spider"
AMMO" 1ee411,w
GEO. E. KING, - Proprietor
Masons at Carlow. --"-=4H
Britannia Lodge, A., F. and A. M.,
Seaforth, paid a fraternal visit to
Morning Star Lodge, Carlow, on Wed•
neaday evening._ There wan a large
attendance at the gathering, includ- The Horticultural Society.
ing about a down members of
\laitlend Lodge, (lotlerich. The
tbird degree was `conferred in a
mon exemppla'y was. with W. Bro.
Dr. Roes, W. M. of 'Britannia lodge,
in the chair. -Afterwards Imteh- wee
served and there we+ a pleasant social
II hien to fore the grtberirg d.sperted.
Vacancy in G. C. I. Board.
The resignation of Di. M. N,'holson,
whoislsasing.tnwr, was received by
the Collegiate, institute board at its
monthly meeting on Thursday last.
t 1)r. Nicholson was ■ppoint -d t., the
hoard by the town council. The hoard
"granted . ism Fraser, the rmmmercial
teacher, en increase sl $.i0 in salary
ft tin January lit next. The property
committee was authorised to secure
the sere i -es of Mr. D. Hari 'sun to ex-
amine and advise as to change, in exit
Dom the school building and to nave
such changes made.
Death of Dr. Howie
The annual meeting of the Goderich
Hotticultural Society war held in the
.eetrury's office on Tuesday evening.
'1'be treasurer reported a membership
loot 140, Government grant $104, county.
grant 1123. Officers were elected se
follows :
President -John Straiton.
Phone 156 $alptltewt9treet
The Door to Health
fs. ough.the Rich, Red
Blood Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills Actually Flake. ..-
The blood is resp utsible ler the
health of the Indy. •1f it is good, leis-
ease cannot exist. If it is bail, the
door is shut against goal health, dis-
inease is hound to appear in one fuzee or
another. One prison may be 'pejzed
witb rbeniiiatis,n or st•,stiea, another
with anaemia, indigestion; heart -pal-
pitation, headaches or 1i+reaches, un-
strung net vett, or any of the many
other for inc o1 ailment that come
when the blood is w. nit and watery
Their ie just one certain speedy cure`
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.. They make
new, rich bloodland this good blood
strengthens the whole system and
tiring, good health and happi-
nee,. Thousands owe their . p e.'
ant good health, some
itself, to the pills. Mies Devine
Laliiwrti, Ni. Jerome. Quebec, says:
-Last year 1 seemed gradually to grow
weak and run down. 1 did not sleep
well. had a poor appetite.. ndl grew
pale and generallytang
coped a doctor *o told ore 1 was i gree
anaemic, and gave me a tonic. This 1 day with 105,11u0 h under Imeheay me io on Sakur•
took faithfully for some time, hut it bm
did not help nee, and 1 appearedto
esu dal tpderi hi.11110. este rrlt .1 wnsit Co. -
Nrwe hu twee' received nt the
death of Rev. t;uosn-el-Howie, Pb. D:,
at Hhweir, Mount Lebanon. Syria.
Dr. Howie was an Orieutal scholar' and
lecturer who was well known in Can-
ada. For twenty-five years he had
labored among his own people in
Syria. When war broke out his posi-
tion as a Christian teacher in a laud
ruled by the Turk was nos very secure,
but he decided to remain with his own
people and share their dangers and
privations. Miss Dora Howie, a dwgl1[�6-
ter of the decetasedr-attended Code -
rich Collegiate Institute for some time.
Another deughter't the wife 410 the
Het: Dr"'Jtisken,-pastor of the Presby-
-seeded 'chervil at Kippen. '
an loner Light." beeping iubjret,
" Where Duty Calle or Danger, in;
Never Wanting There."
Nest Sunday will be World's Tem-
perance Sunday, and a lease ameeting
will be held at North street' Met h )dist
eburch at 3 o'clock p. tip., in which tbt�
N ebb th schools of North street and
Victoria street Methodist churches.,
the Prssb tetlen church tui the Bap.
dot church will participate. Nev. 11.
(. Meth rspjd and Mr. G. M, Elliott
will give addresses and there will be
special u,usic.
tan io. Those fain holding epeediug
contests could advertise their raises iu
such a manner as to be able to draw
wore horses to each place.
Vice -president -A. U. McLean.
Dyeetors--B. Hoggartb• D. J. Nat-
tel,.WH. Harrison. Rev. J. E. Ford,
J. JV +natter, l)r._ Oauow, Rev.
Father McRae, C. Swindell..
Secretary -treasurer -W. Lane.
Auditor. -She vitt oodellod C.
Seager. t
The Guy Brothers Minstrels paid
their annual visit. to Victoria Opera
House on Mondy evening last. not
Although their pe
quite up to its usual h gb standard,
tbere were -several good acts.
It seems' that oiled, streets are not
exactly pertenti sn. The Exeter Ad-
vocate remarked lett week : "The
oiled street in the summer is a tine
thing, but in the fall it is like a mortar
bed when wet. Maio 'street was
pi etty b ed until the commi wiener pot
on the scraper Monday and clearest
the dirt away. Itis not too good now,
but it 1s better than itsvas.'
ia'tnw and Coats
were appointed e. commitise to decide
on the ot.tributton to he made to the
members next opting. The revenues
of the Society will allow slout11240 for
this purpore.
it was decided to make an effort to
increasethe membership during the
year. The library b'lenging to the
Society is kept st the county registry
office, and all members ire at liberty
to ttee the hookt*ttd magazines there-
in, which- contain up-to-date informa-
tion on horstealtur$l questions.
Deetik.of Capt. Charles Babb. .
After a lengthy -illness, Cxpt.Charles
W. Babb died on Tuesday last at the
Ocean House. the home of his parents,
(,`apt. Wm. and Mn. Babb. 11) -health
forcing him to leave his Moat, the A.D.
Davidson, of the Great Lakes & St.
Lawrence Transit 17,0„ the Company
sent him to Bermuda in the hope of
benefit from the trip: hut since his
return to Goderich his stieopth de-
clined until death intervened. Just a
few days before his "death his old
steamer, the Davidson, which had been
sold to the French Or vernment, was
rspssr•ted sunk by a submarine attack.
Besides his parents, Capt. Babb leaves
hie wife, two sisters and
placedtwo brothers.
The tuneral takes
(Friday) afternoon to Maitland ceme-
Harbor Notes.
The Western Canada Flour Mills Co.
received only one cargo of wheat. this
k. -The Atikoken was in Qin Mon -
From week to weep questions; polite
8 -al and otherwise, of the utmost im-
purtance to the farmer Alrcom-
ing to the front. Thesequeetiuns are
iu many instances permitted to passe
without comment by mine newspapers
for political reasons. That old tad
reliable friend of the farmer, The
Weekly Hun, does not allow any ques-
tions affecting the farmer or hie family
You may
to pass without comment.
not always agree with its opinion, but
The Hun being free from party or pol-
1! have Backache you have
n.•y Disease. If you neglect
Backache i1 will desclop into
sorrtdhin�f worse -Bright's Dis-
ease or Diabetes. There is no
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the kidneys. There
is only one kidney medicine but
tt cures Ba.:ka.:he every tinter '
itt Knox chdreh ttext8uniny morn..
log. Rev. N C. McDermid'a .object
will tin : "Human Anxiety and Divice
Care." ttveoing aphject : "Risk anu
Safely." ..
On Tuesdsy evening Pte. Thos.
Pritchard will addreet the National
Service League in Victo ,street
church. il'bere will i 1-.tffer numbers
on GIs program. A.silver collection
in aid of Joh! iced Cross mot k.
The Old-time Concert.
The "old-tyme concert' given by the
choir of Knox church in •'ye school
bowie. et ye erode rout 01 ye frust
street and ye Victoria street, on Fri-
day, ye third day of ye.:eleventh
month, which he November, , itioved
to be -it brilliant success, both as re-
garda attendance and the excellence of
the program presented. The lecture
room ul the cftuich wad well filled with
Berge and appreciative lidtence.
�u'e yfognstb, which...woe In two
parts, opened with the votive -1n ,'Meter
At 3.3'1 p. in. or \londay a good pro-
gram will Isoe given in the Trwperance
Hall under the.auspices ••f the
Women's Christian Trutparance
Union; consisting Al mite( ion., mu`in
etc., and an address by Rev. R. C.
McDeettt'd. It. freehments will be
served. All ladies will its welcome.
At Vi,:toriaStreet Methodist
ste Jtireih
nest Sunday the pits
Ford. will preach morning rind even-
ing. Morning subject : " I'hs Friend-
ship of draw." ' Evening., "Talking to
Oneself.•' The Sunday school is re
quested to assemble at 2.45 and march
together to the t•twperance eemetee• in
North street church.
At -North street Methodist Church
nest Monday morning the iul•j-,ct for
discussion at the Men's Sunday (:lute,
meeting at In -o'clock, will be "The
Spiritual Life of Aur Churches." Al
11 o'cln-k Rey. W. K. Hwger'r subject
will be : "foe Light of the Cbureb It
Ttrt I-tA� N„v t), 1e If d
A , valuable Feature
of a
Joint Account'
opened with the Union
OF CANADA Bank of Canada in the
names of two persons,
Is that 1f one diens the family funds are not tied up
just when they are likely to be most needed. The
survivor can withdraw the money without delay or
formality. _
Think it over—then_open a joint Account I
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLL,COMBE, Manager.
itical control gives Its readers an un -
blared opinion on all quest ons. 'these
opittiopa are -Veers worth reading,
while The Sun's market reports have
long been c onsiilerid most reliable
'a Dta
t. Are
from the fan►isr
you reading thie_expouest ofyour in-
t im-sats ? 11 not, you are miming man
• good things each week. You wiM
find The Sun instructive and profitable
seas shortly.
Mi.. reamers Moose i.•he gest of ',bra ,�
Nairn. N1- .l, urr..the,rruent• r •(«
\loon.. B..1.. of thtt Hud. n• 1 r'ol-
IPiete tn+titu,e. A.( Le.; grid timing hose 111”
OMsrO L.ulbs t'n1L•re. Whitby.+be.+hew at-
tending the school ut kx pre,.•ia. *. ft reit o.
Mr. John ren o;nn. of Bra, t/old. w.N In lawn
Wet, week our a few day. He wee of 1 wee
to New 1.i.ke-ud mei otter norther,' ,'soot a 10
act a. renevtng .t.•.-,tt rine eke lnwat�•d.11aµl4.
brother. Mr. Car11'sum;-•.. sine was w
the same R .n4 i+ now 10 Kn.a-ad' with I.h.
'PoraKer,of�L. o'teeth. ua-soyfu..u'•l.
Any quantity of dry hemlock sleet .,
for summer wood at ' MacEwan e
(phone 1113); 12.110 per cord. 11
Ness Lily Murrill. of Noryyy els vetting at
tee Vk•torta+treet parsonage,
Mr•. H. W. Hall, who h...l been treatise her
dtwghter,• Ilya. Jock l'empbell, at fort Col -
You returned home uo iaturday. You fret Ane in $taw moments frau!
Ml.w Margaret t.'ren, daughter eitfev. Mr. cold in head or catarrh well be imam
Uric of Kio^ardlne.,wee w visitor In Hostetter. Your clogged nrwtrila will open The ate
M co..., pasesgee of your head will rtear anti'
(Yodel tch whh n r -,... sur . It Itu.k. •tostk Walla, heartache; no hawking, entitling,
Teli�low andd I pen td Bead CleilNos-
.n.. aLraraan.
Mrs. liimp.o,t. who had +pent +-me thus a' you can breathe freely. No more dell -
mucous discharges or drynees; no *CMS -
street, re', .d 10 her bonus at S•,rnia Wein
Mrs, J. A. ?tole rt•nu. \Ir te.T` llur.ney and
Noon lCAnh \I u. n• f {.re sinner r Mr. wail. Mr..
1.', t:. b'.aale .,l Hs ilrittion. Mr. Houertr, to we•
with them o, er'Sunday ,.. Mr. lei' Symon•t•. of brant foo .1..r-nt a 1. w
dry. with 0;e•d• .0 ,own the p.t-t seek .11r
8ytnond. 1. doin a w- It aC Iln.ftfora, bat,.e.
441. -ea a eh..u. a to conte bis^k .snot reeler -old
town. -
Mr. lardy Bawd''. of F•eter, was a ren. t
visitor at the ho,nr-tat Mr. u+d Mr.
Selkekl Haydrht ru.,d. Mr. tt.lkeld being ht.
Meter fir. tlaatteu ns- e5h.ltvl with the Aron
Ileeb*nical Transport and exp•eta 40110 over
going for breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a strait
bottle of Ely's Cream Halm. eeply
little_of this) fragrant, antleeptie ores
in your nostrils, let it penetrate thr.-n`4��
every air passage' of ti.e head: r•,otkO
and heal the swollen, inflame.) meet
membrane, ami relief comes in.tantly-
It in just what every cold and .'atarr
'Buffeter needs. Dont stay etuatdup
and miserable.
of the members of the choir, who were
dressed in costumes of theeeventeenth
century. Some o1 the ladles wore
strikingly beautiful gowns. The open -
kg number was a chorus, "Guise,
Gone Away !" by "a11 ye syngere,
after which there was a tole 1iyy Ara-
minta Rosebud Mies Hildred McColl).
Next followed a duet -by Margery
Buckle and Obalish Shortstop (Mrs.
Frank Saunders and Mr. E. Sexsutith.
Ursula Ple..oaotfree (Mies Elda Stud -
dart) pang "Lore's Old Sweet ming,"
after which a sextette, consisting tof
Mrs. Saurdere, MM. Dunlop, Misses I
Slatddan, Hume. Nairn and Colborne,,
sang "Oft in the Stilly Night." 7 him
was followed by a. chorus by' "all ye
menne s�yyogere," and a gtlprtettr' ••e
ber by`filrs. [Ytnilop,- Miss Nairn. Mr.
Alex. Saunders and Mr. Jai. F.
Thomson. Mee. Frank Saunt is sang
"The Rosary," and the first. part of the
prograne.,,wprse theft brought to a close
by the singing try the whole choir of
"Cowin' thro' the Rye," "Annie
Laurie" and "Auld,Lanir Syne." .
Mr. Theo. E. Sunh.try acted as mus-
ical director, while Mrs. Sunbury was
The second part of the program cnn-
sieted of a "speaking piece" entitled
"A Woman's \ uteri." Tbis was
amusing and was cleverly executed,
those liking part bring Miss Hiidrrd
McColl, Mee. Sunhat y, Mire Mabel Mc-
Donald, and 111eesrs. Jas. F. Thom-
son, T. A. Sunbury and Harry Buch-
The audience evident) enjoyed the
' -
evening thoroughly and hearty con-
gratulation• are due those in charge
of the affair.
growing worse, and finally
hardly able to go about the house and
ahnnst wholly Ricapeeitatrd for work.
While in this condition a friend ad-
vised nie to try Pr. Williams'Pink
Pills, and 1 not several bloom _1LW
not long after I began their nee when
1 could see an improvement, which
Piet manifested itself in an improved
t r r ,
On Tuesday the (1 ,ntlnnan arrived
veli h 1 5,0 *) bushels of wheat aria
oats, clearing on Wednesday after-
noon. The Ynrkt.nn it due today,
as I'hursdayi with 110,u90 bulbeleof oats
and barley.
Pert of i he wharf in front fof
et town
freight shed* is beiug ft -planked
appetite and better rest at night. M mm week.
this on the improvement was rapid 1af'hrepairingrehave be busily
and I was riot long in retaining protect gaged nels
health. 1 think 1)r. \Villisms Pink I were somewhat billy damaged in the
Pills are a blessing for all weak girls." receot storms.
Yost can get thee• pill. thnineh any I Public School Board:
from The
'-medicine dealer or by mail at illi cents The regular rnr hly meeting of the
a box or six hoxe% for $'- bei Thistle Schoolw,inroad was held on Mthe
�h. iVjlliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, day evening in itbe hoard room
of V ie -
The Public Health Service reports that more people live to'
the age of forty years to -day, but from forty to sixty years
mortalityhusandsrof sing well-ireformed men degenerative
and women to -day are
le ' g the true value of
as apo
to ward off the headaches and backaches t at an an.t,p.,rt..
weakness- SrOTT'S helps fortify the body against Wfiam Adiancer The different
ORIa and weakening CONS,
!1n Agrlenitural toeieties in this district
should get together and make out a
0 =
Clothes Fit
CHL: three things that
distinguish the clothes
----ne-tiakeore Fashion, Fit. ,
and Workmanship % '
of jhese days yon will
appreciate, -h o wv'itally
you need a Winter Suit.
When you do, call and a
get our prices.
R. J. Armstrong
Tile Mene.etung Canoe flub intend.
t' hold..su "at bonier at the Club
rooms on Friday night,-Novrmtter 94.
Mr. and Mee. lien. H. King ere pre-
pating a number of their pupils foe a
piano and voeal recital to be.giten at
the end of this menti`. ) ,
Hirlilenholme Falconhridgevblltire-
side at the non -jury sittings of the
rt of Ointo be held in
(bidet icb"-tialriaseneing Tuesday, 21st
The regular monthly meeting of the
General ldrergh Chapter, 1. O. D. 14;., 1
will be held on Monday afternoon.
N oveniber 1311', at 4.15, in the court
Mr. M. A. Hmmher has been elected
president of the Chistle furling ('bub
"I -I IE P -- of sttrat.ford. Mr. Humber it a Godo-
werful blood -enricher and strength -builder trtainedotd boayctwho interestin
gnPPe, pyycust,
its force of medicinal nourishment, schedule Mr the dares of fall faits for Next Davej s Jearlery Store Goderich
it Extracts That 1)e Not (Cordele Cid I}vsx 011. next year and save the clashing of
Refuse Akr'1o1 sea & BSM Tweete.Os1. '• ' dates as is very common all over On -
The Wrigley , Spears are constant -
friends to . teeth, beth, appetite
and. 4igestion.
Women workers relish the refresh-
ing, comforting influence of this
toothsome, long-lasting .confection.
Its benefits are many — its cost
small. That's whyies- used around
the world. Nothing else can take its pladce.
Chin Et
after every
VTFile Wm. Wrigley -3r. Co.,
Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto,
for the funny Spearmen's
Mother Goose
There are a lot of maple In this
town who prefer the beat of every-
thing, otherwise, we could not
carry such a fine assorted stock of I•
all kinds of smoking materials.
Some men prefer Virginia cigarettes,
and want s better than ordinary smoke.
To such, we recommend Tucketfs Club
Virginia. We don't know of any better
Virginia cigarette. Sags 10 for 1St
pI tt Made in Flavors
Sealed t� 1f�!%j'
Inept right.