HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-9, Page 4THCxaUAY. Nov. Q. 1018 Walter C. Pridham's for FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS ! Money Saved by buying at this store, because we are selling Over- coats at less than their real value. Let us show you our Overcoats made in Melton, Frieze, Vicuna. Chin- chilla and Whitney Cloths at prices from $10.00 up to $25.00 Our Special Order Department A great selection of the nicest cloths to choose •from. made in any style. Prices $20 to $35. Walter C. Pridham 2016 Century Clothing, Borsatino Hats Plias Goderich, Ontario eiroweidwestedidemetwenwowtsmosowenwenswes T ASHFIELD. On Tuesday, NOVPUItwt' Itch, the Ashfield Soldiers; Aid iio(•iety will tsteet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Carey. Mr. J. McEweo of Dundee. Ont.:. writes:—" For fifteen years 1 suffered with Piles and could get no permanent cure until 1 tried Zan -Rut. Perseverance with this herbal balm resulted to a complete cure, and 1 have not been troubled with the painfuleeil- meat since." Mr. Henry Fnugereof Paean - Mead. N.S., says.—'• 1 omittenet terribly with Piles and old find nothing to give me relief until ( tried Zam-itukspThis cured me 1 con - Sider 2en1-Buk die finest -ointment oo the market!' 't'he above are specimens of the msay lettentir aretonstandy re)?,) - •n town men end women who have ended their ►utfermg by-u}gt?m La- Buk. Why not Jo likewise Zarn-Ruk is hest for enema, hiobd poisoning. ukQ+rs, sures. cuts, bruises, and all skin iniuries and d aces. Mk. hot, sol tlruggtsts ee Stores, or pont free fernn Zam- 'I BBCo.,Toronto. Ori1\tine ad- 'tertisement with name of pater and one cent stamp for free trial, blot LEEBURN. Tugs tY, Nov. 7. Miss Etta Stewart is, visiting her Aster. Mrs, Grey, at Strett:td` this work. Misr Mary Linklster, nt, (?pdericb, stent several days with friends bere this last week. Gunner` Elmer Lau4e y r lit re - Torted wounded. He i thely eon ot Mrs. Archie Horton: His.friends hope it is only A allahrwonnd. - set"t tsAM I, Eyxom.—The Leeburn church annivrrsery service on Sunday and entertainment co Monday even- ing were Loth welt attended. Rev, W. A. Bradley, of Teeswater, delivered two tine sermons Sunday morning and mends. and the choir supplied the musics% part. assisted by kr. Harry Barker. M Goderich. On Monday evening Mr. Bradley delivered his lec- tute on "Pat and His fele," and war listened to with much rmusement. Mrs. Frank Saunders delighted the and i- eneeiysith-a ins solos end Mir. Mooney, etoeutionist, of Quebec, recited yes y nicely. The proceeds strummed to $.13.75, which grit's to help the building fund. ST. AUGUSTINE. TtaAtiNT. Nov. 7. HatEF`.-r,—Jf,,. Maria Durnin, of (ioderich, is visiting blend. in this vicinity this week Wm. Redmond and Gprn McAliiuter arrived home A rom the West last week.. -.Cameron 3e•tferaon cant. honk last Saturday after having spent the wormier wnt-k- ing with R. Reid near Auburn.... Mier sahib Smyth lett lest Tuesday for the West,, where she has secured a poei- ttun as tracheo- The' tax, collector is or, hierouuds saran i.■ Ma. y 's Ada Brophy and 'lies Elko Tknmpwnn were appointed (64110114W by the St. Augustine %Cnmen's tartitule: to A1 - tend the Woolen's lrotitute reinvest - Lion at London this week. DUNCIANNDN, wain FOR FREE SAMPL_ MR. N. F. WIIVARD hi the agent for THE $IGNAI. at intogannon. Gtdei left a it h Mm for -Woo rietlon., +td% rt tk-emente or lob printing will it•• elite prompt attention. lel.•phune Model lob Iturab r :1.. - -< -. manombillomommos 1 %%eneeui/AY: Nov.8. Ii ftev,-(t etleiMm left on Thur.das morning for$tratfotd, where he it at- tending w libraryeonvrntinn held In .lhet city. - ss The•offiaere of the Weet Wewarrnsh File for mince Cie held their monthly seting at Mr. Allen's oflceon Tuee - Watch for some Specials in BRASS BEDS at t 2 Waiker's FurnitureStore .i" in the basement section.2.\ A NEW ARRIVAL OF LINOLEUMS JU� OPENED UP _ 111 PICTURE FRAMING FURNITURE REPAIRING Watch for change of Advertisement next week. During the rush of Exhi- bition week we have been too busy to go through our stock and arrange a more detailed announcement, WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY Often the Cheapest Always W. WALKER, Furniture and Undertaking the Best Phone 89 Goderi( h •••••••••••••”•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• King Edward Cafe ($OMtTiel$O NEW I The weathrr-ia now cool. People conduit to town can be served Hot Coffee, lea or Cocoa at 5c Meals also served 38c Jlfghea price. paid for butter and eggs. The Lest tarn in town for stabling. Joseph Murray eertaston Street OnptalCH day of this week. FOR THE Ren Crines.—The Wo - wen's Institute Inc. .ecut•rd the Luck - now Dramatic Club for Friday. even- ing, November 17 h. to lave the tarn-, our play entitled, "Under Two Flags." Thin no doubt will he treat in all whe beer it. Adungwn—.duet/ il:rc, children 25n. Proceeds to go to the Rtd Crow. fund. WEDDED.—A very happy event took piece at the Presbyterian mance in Auburn on %Vedoesdry, of tart week, retire Mr. Harry Auderson, of Du'•ganron, was united in marriage to Mire Merger Doyle, of Auburn. The 'emote couple will reside in their house near Dungannon. Congratula- tions are in or err. Irl r.TlitonsT ANNIVERSARY.vrreary services in Hie Methodist citurrh-on Simday willbe conducted by Rev. 1. Hadley.. of Nile. The service In . the Presbyterian church is t l he dispensed with, owing to the Methofttst anniversary. On Monday evening a hot fowl supper and concert will be au attutelive fea- ture. $100 Reward, $100., The mulct. of this, paper will he plear.d to Isar n that rh.-re l+ at looa.d one dreaded Malaise *Mame her Wen able to cure in ail It* /tags'., end that 1. catarrh, ''alerrb being greatly in nueu.-ed by °mirth utiooal eondillone requite. oonotitutiunal treatment. Hal:a l"aterib Cure ie taken internally and act', through the btnot on the nruc•-n+-tit-face,. of the.y,.lem. thereby dewtro)•u.g the found+tlon of the d 1 •este. glv MR the palimd otrength by building np the eon -*mutter. and a...f.Ung nature in doing its work. The proprietor., hart so much faith in the cu'ntive power, of Hull'.. 1'atarrh Cu,e that they Mireone bund•ed dollars for any ogee tbet it fail, to cure. Send (or tit of tarti- ' monist., Adder.. : F..1 ('HENRY It CO., Toledo, Unto. roil by all dru*g,wt+, 71.- HENM1LLEN. A Fearivg NIGHT.—There *As a large attendanee at the oyster supper and elite.teieeMytt given by L. O. L. No tai in the Beemiller Outage Hell last Fl 'day nig.'. The enpper was an excellent rine, 1bere swing a•o uhund- atsce alt .'y.terr and other viands, and the inner n -in war %tori ugh/ 3, satis- fied with the soled thing+ provided. For the program which followed Mr. ti. M. Slid•% , of (i.derich. setetl as chairman, and in tddition t Lisle's•„ cdtai r_ nrads sooty ,Pinarka threw were wprec hes 1 Rev, J. E. Ford, Rev. P. y. Baena and Mr, Harty Mew. MEN! WHY SUFFER ? Ba, reap, Ti. Dormer wbe rw .•e treat. • patient p-r- on.u, Whis ►a• 4 No..tds u k e.l t, f a,Wi ale flys WARD'S pealty Y DPWAen aas n( MI N 1 Ho/ovate netbi. we', 1•..e' !he pert I* Man haw ire. en t'e ben portof h.• • W the study of MFN'a DISEAAF3 including Amerwe• Aed Forme', hest h.aptiab He ag nestn,-,d thousands or Wok, AlMrrs Mvsi to igoroaa Mem- hood, Health sad Hepr,•eas satin. Scorm have doctored elm - where .n min. Hendry. of .reed patients have recob.teand d Ito friend. and . mistime to hitn- F.thers lume ere 1Mir ions The treatment they Mee..5 and .heel. you . II rewiw Is 4�uu[cb ma appnwed,d r.tu. i ,...4.d t�best medical authorities the M over I It Wiest the treat taunt for You - the BLaT- Yrw wavy. aAFFAT, and MURF*n T Cn known to medical mimeo. If roe wee a el:Borer from any NFR VOUS. LIDNF'. BLADDER or STOMACH AILMENT, P11 FJ• FIS- TULA. or RLCTAL MALADILA, w nit UR. WARD FALB of once -hi. Westmont In such mom had not oey proven invaluable, bat SUPERIOR to the wdinwy 0...a - men( roe read or favbout, and the Treatment that U take you , Eventually r ohm ea other method have tailed. Themare Bold Fact. -eel Perm Oat Dr. Were is reed to Prom .Promto You -On Yoe. to BLOOD POISON, L' LSSF_9. LUWFRLD VITALITY, ITY, rte , his treat- ment steads orr..slled, a• hes bon dw.,wrtrated an thousand. of rias under hie eon. The mala you re- eve are QUt(-t-StJRL--.td PEaMANLCaw NT. » and we DR WARD'S modarfally ago;pped Meese for the treatment of the Mot. Owed the moat erlennaeslly equipped cel{... In America- leery tient milling veil scow• a thorough Itatal • .Molatey Free. Wilma renvenient rem all and *ab.st depot,. Low ram ,.conk,.e w ffato .11 Series Write for NM.. F.rwc Ian d taamow6le- IW letters tonedential and waded ander prlhM comm. DR. WARD, • BUFFALO'S LEADING SPECIALIST if Rimers score• Opp- Mcxlaie7 Moarra•y BUFFALO, N. Y. oui. now$ --Monday W.dnead.r. Saterday-t m s• Tuesday. Thor•d.s and fr$ y -s tog. &.ad.7•-10 to L [IBEGIIVIIIIOT 'WAITER IIF SOI MINT !MEL R1161 137 r Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast wsshis .ttalsoinen*. . If yon wake np with A bad taste, bad breath and tongue Is coated; 1f your head Is dull or aching; 1f what you eat sours and forms gas and acid in stom- ach. or you are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get, feeling just right, begin Inside bathing Drink before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in It. This will flush the poisons and toxins from stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels and cleanser, sweeten and purity the entire altmen-' taty tract. Do your inside bathing im- mediately upon ariatnR in the mot -nuts to wash out of the system all the pre- vlous day's poisonous waste, gases and *our bile before putting more food into the stomach. Tofeel like young folks feel: 11ke you felt befene your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with body Im- purities, get from your pharlariat a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which is Inert'r'nslve and almost taste- less, except for a sourish twinge which Is not unpleasant Just as soap and bot water act on the sktn, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so lot water and limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidney* -and bowels. Men and women who are usually con*ttpatetd, bilious, headachy or have any stomach dee order ehonld begin thle Inside hathing before berstkfaet. They are assured they will become real crank" on the *ubteet shortly. SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO Recitation. were given in good style by Miss Ler, Mies E. Walters and Master Willie Mew, and vocal selec- tions by Misr FeNtan were received with appreciation, One of Mile Feagan's number, was "The Call," Lhe patriotic song composed by Pte. Thor. Pritchetyj, of bluderiph. Mrr. Ben ('ox wee the accompanist. A number ..f phonograph selection. afro were given. Altogether the ruler- tainmeet wee one of the best ever given by No lee. 1'he proceeds situ - (muted to the tidy sunt of Skil- KINOSBRIDOE. Wlv gi LAT, Nov. 8. RRrire+.—Roy Meyer., Clarence Joy. Frank and Percy McCarthy, returned frow the %Vest last week Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Ryan, of Oudericb, vilited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Reilly on Sunday Frank and Will Young, of Colborne, visited friends here on Sunday Mr. and Nrl. Mike Benniger and family spent the Reek -end at the home ot the for- mer'. parent. at Rivet'sdale John S. Daltou, John P. Sullivan, %Viii Meyers, Maurice Dolton and Patrick Duffy motored to Pinkerton on Sun- day A large number of people from here attended the funeral of John O'Callaghan at St. Augustine. Mr. Malcolm McLeod, of Chicago, attended the funeral of the late Joseph O'Connor.. CARLOW. WeestitsretY. Nov. 8th. Miss Edith Wilson has gone to Port Ceding for a month's visit with her sister. Mrs. Ansley, of Wingham, is the guest of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Walter, Mr. Tbos, McPhee has been oh the sick list this pant week. His many friends hope to hear of his speedy re- cuvery. Mr. Nikon Tyndall, of Toronto, took charge of the services at Switb'e 1ii11 and Auburn last Sabbath in the absence of Rev. A. Laing. The Choral leociety tort as usual on Monday evening. Anyone interested in music who can avail himself or herself of this splendid opportunity would be wise to do so, as the evening is pleasantly as well am profitably spent and the terms are merely nominal. The!Society bas been fottunate ib securing Mr. Sunbury, of Hollerith, as director. AUBURN. WEDNESDAT, Nov. S. A. Asquith has received a car of flour, bran and shorts this week. Mr. Him. Denstedt is installing a furnace for Mr. John Ferguson this week. The farmers are busy drawing t4tt their wheat. They dire getting,=Ilii per bushel. Mr- and Mrs. W. B. Ps4terton left Tuesday for a visit to Galt Blends for two weeks. Mr. Milton Tyndall preached morn- ing and evening in Knee church last Sundry jn the absence of Rev, A. Laing.`- - Mr. Frank Stalker arrived home from the West last week and is assi•t- iog his brother John to operate t lie traction ditcher near Blyth. Beset al members of the Canadian Order of Fore.teM from the village at- tended the tunetal of the late John Tnmbl n on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Brown, of Dashwood, arrived on Monday and took over the harpers stock of Pie, A. Rollinson and it now ready to snooty --the needs , of the farmers in hie line. The Auburn Dramatic Club supplied the program for the Anglican church entertainment at Pert Alpert : n F ri- day night, performing the play "The Minister's Bride." Half the proceed. go to the Red Cross funds. The per- formers were conveyed to the Port hy seven volunteer •oto -owners, thus making is considerable raving for the Red-Orot e. Just the Thing for Little Ones. - Baby's Own Tablet* are lite beet medicine a mother can give her little ones. They requlsts the bowels, sweeten the stomach. hanilh comelier - tion and indigestion, relieve colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. Concerning theta Mn. Hertw't. John- ston, Maymont, Sask., writes : "I have used Baby's Own Tablet. for 'he past four years and Hud them just the thing for babies and young children." They ate sold by medicine dealers or hy (nail at l,; cries a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockvilfe, Ont. BLYTH. WED:SS:80�AL Nov. 8. Word has been receivl/q 'that Cant. R. R, Sloan is confined in one of the hese hospitale le Filice':aYfYeting from rheur nstic feveco , Mr, P. 1:+refiner is Ito. eept•elenta• tive of the 13tyth puhlie library at the district lilrrery convention teeing held at Stratford this week. Mies Isabella &vitt, of Hulley, left on Tuesday for Toronto, where she was quietly %Harried to Mr. Richard Hart,'Aymara'? of,the Abitibi Paper & Pulp Co., Twin Falls, Mr. Frank Brinton was severely in- jurorhon Monday, when his Clothe, caught in some shafting wheel he war oiling. He received some painful bruises and his clothes were torn to shreds. ('nunciltnr Horsey has returned. from the West, where he spout several ',weeks in charge of a threshing nmath.Ow Owing to a heavy fall of snow thresh., In/ operations out there were sus - penned, {.arne eongregat(ons astte,nhied in; Blyth Methodist church on Sunday. it was "Metes Day" and a male chorus of forty -Ave railer" led the ainRFr�g. The mttstoiy Rev. R. J. M'Vnrmirik, Peeeehe d. ?lo Monday evening a con- cert wee 'threw and a splendid On - gluon wee ear, hid out. % St- ones Ceti --Death carte with great *udder/nese to John Wesley Tam- bora, ct Huller+, on Saturday night last, Apparently In the heat of health, he came to Myth In the evening to meet his son, Frank, who was to come hi on the evening treive Abotft ti o'clock, •bile walking along Queen street, he was *ren to ,fall. • Marilee! aid wee *omtuonrd and he \vas placed on a.tret.cheron a motor rat to Ire twketi 10 Itis home, but were he ar- rived thele We was extinct, Apop• • Don't Forget the Boys at the Front! JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR MAKING UP PARCELS FOR THE BOYS WHO HAVE ENLISTED Handkerchiefs They all want Handkerchiefs and most of them want KHAKI Handkerchiefs. Mercerized KHAKI Handket�Itietc.$ far 25e IA2 far 2Sc Socks Grey Socks all ready-made. This saves .you the work of knitting and every boy at the front wants lots of socks. Men's grey Socks at 25c, 30c and 35c a pair Needles anis: Thread Don't forget.to,_put a coarse Spool and some Sewing Needles in your parcel so the boys can do a little mending themselves. Towels e sant 11. The boys ask fur Towels, both hath Tow- els and -hand Towels.' Why not send',pue in . tete box you are sending ? Plain white -hand Towels at 1Z! each White and linen -colored bath Towels. jliat the right Towel for the boys, at ' - 20c, %Sea 31e, 4fk, 5kaui Ik each Bath Towelling .Bath Towetting-hy the - ard, •24 inches wide at 2ec, and 27 inches wide at ne a yard, in white and linen -colored. We have just put into stool- several pieces Of Serge in nigger brown, Dress Goods: blue, -navy, grey and black that are exceptional value- These are goods that have been ordered for a long time and we had givers up_ hopes of ever getting them. Here they are at last and the values are good:. Our stock of Serges is most complete and we can fill your wants in any color, and in a range of prices, lkiore you buy come in and see us. J. H. COLBORNE 1 elPIIIIIM1041.411118114111114111MINIPOINDISMIIMIDOPSISM1041111114104111M101 411.1111101111/111111011111141.411/1111P01111111111,11111141111111101111111111111111 If you were told of anew discovery forth. treatment of coughs, celds and bronchitis, as certain in its acth on all cheat troubles as anti- toxin 1* on diph1berla,or va(rination tm small -pox, wouldn't you feel like giving i%a trial? Peps is the discovery/ Peps are little tablets, containing certain medicinal iugredienta, which, 'when placed upon the tongue. immedi- ately turn into vapour, and are at once breathed down the air passages to the lungs. t)n their journey, they soothe the inflamed and irritated membranes of tbaluonekial tubes. the delicate walls - of the air passages, and finally .raster and carry relief and leafing to the lungs. In a word. while no liquid or sehl can get to the lungs and air passage*, these Peps fumes get there direct, and at once commence their work of healing. PRU TRIAL Cat out this w'mtearme article, write across it the name and date'of thispaper, and mail it (with lc. stamp topery return postage) to Peps Co., Toronto. A free trial packet will then be sent you. All druggists and stores. sell Peps, 50c. box. meeting many funny adventures in his treepls. Atter the lecture, Mrs. Saunders, of Goderich, sang very at - :rateably, and was t-encered, Miss Mooney gave a second recitation, and after le tow store- eelectiona on the victrela **Hod Mare rhe Icing" was sung by all, and 'the eve'ning's entrr- taipment was closed. Those who had so•kindly come tree w di.tance *o give their services were givensome refrerh- menta in the haeeuterrt before" Betting DEER -November lot to November ISth out on their return trip. The p:.,ceede trklu,nr, —"- amounted to some( hum over gds acidMOOSE-Notember bit to Novetn►x•r 1:4h will go towards meeting the church end sive. -in'""wu f-thr Ntrrth-r,, I)is- �efiyjt toilets of Ontario, including Ttm,.k;unt, GRAND TRUNK A YSTEM UNHANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA lie &me of the Red Deer acrd the Moose OPEN SEASONS • the ollrn season i. from N(„emter I.t to BAYFIELD, II November :illth inclusive. '1't'ESI.A\ \O-- ( write roe wipe s/"►lavaro..ndt rhe Haunts reFi h end Ou*e, ger.ng Oa el* Laws Hunting Mr. Grenville Atkinson left for Reaubno",, eta s. Detroit on Monday. -- The Miele, Cetuptell are vi.'ting friends in Stanley chi. week, _ _ Mr. 'f. J. Matkr, who her lrrrn ill Ticket• and fall in/conatin o0 ors. for some weeks at the to our of MI, ptl.,atio) to !''. F. LAR'RENUE h Js.. Sp(ekntan, waw re' rd to the aIR)N$ phones. (loderich hospital on Friday. of last - week. aLr_ Donald McKenzie, who had an operation parfnrtnrd ou Dir Irk la t headoAlee a7 T..runtn to report there week b lir. Mrtr$Ile i+ in. a ov y t tnq nn"Wrdnet,day and receive another rapidly and is able to be atotut the appointment, lilr. Shearer hew fl.ww bouaeagain, 'ray energetic and faithful in the D:ATH OF Mita. FRPII MEER AN,— work of the Bank and' as a retro I rot rte After w severe ill•.es ‘11,0":".111":1,1f":4744:4 f rryrral wrrky notions bas extended, so •hien Mrs. Fred MiK:-wan p+.. -d air"y un I Ih.t three clerk.. are now neem -_ _ Monday night. NII O. M:•Ewan VIM instead of two as fie titer( Thr L iorweriy Miss Etruria Peck sod was infinity will (.e sorry to lose Mr. l rely well known in the neight.nt hood. Showier, while se) siring in s*. ad. .. Thr sympathy of off is rimstt•t`tn �� may` die" OT. t. (lath ---_ bee bereaved hu..h+nd end �1e� '•. ors her utiy n PR(IMIrJ'n1N FAH MR. D. Siteake-H — 1i re. Mr. llAnl.l Sbraerr, who for th ---- past year Dai best. the eery ,rf leirn� C.me in. anywsy,endows �� wes Na manager of the Stet -ling P• Nit Barra, le- cut Willd•' at the Mel+IJ Store est ' eeived ceders nn Monday from the November IIS. 17 and litr--=s-, C. H. HORNING, i Lindon MARINO, T orad., 9210 lexy is given se the cause of death. Mr. '►awblyn was* man of eterliue guslilir. rod wws highly esteeweu. He set ved on ibe township coun:il of Hull,tt for Bowe years. He was in the sixty-first year of his age and had lived in Hullrtt ranee 1378. He was an active member of the I.Indeshoro Methodist church. Heide. his wife, he !navels two .one. Styli Setgt. W. J. Tamhlyn, with the Canadian forces In England, and Frank, at home ; also two adopted children, Lillian and Joe, also at huwe. Three brothers, W. W. Tawblypn, of Tot onto ; F. A., of Nan - alum, 13. (' , and Thomas, of Coulter• rifle, Mal). ; and two asters, Mrs. Snell, of Nile, and Mary, et home, also survive. -.The funeral, which took place on Tuesday afternoon, was one of the largest ever witnessed in the township. DUNLOP. - TrsxDAT, Nqy, 7, '1'tie LEEnURN ANNIvtiR$ABY.—The wnn'versa!y Site ices of Leeburn church were a decided duces*.. Re-& W. A. Bradley, of Tee.wster, preached tnornlna(' and evening on riabbath and on both occasions de- heeltd 'mere! fill and impressive ter- ,Donte I)I1 Mondry evening AD entrt'- Lainn,ent was torten end a large and- ienne tilled the body of the church. A [ter some select ions on the vitt rola, Mem Mooney, ut Stenbtead, Que. ; gave an interseting and twlusing rec- oatenn which de/etihed the troubles and diftculties of an elderly Scotch - man in bis courtship and his anal - ac- i ceptanoe by an elderly Scottish maiden. Miss Mooney's rendrnng of the broad Scots w,* fine, and caused much amusement Mn. Archie Hotton sang a pathetic koog, touching a subject which is IX trehone IUtete*t 10 v0 many 111 the nays, t &Intent Moldier teddies, Thee cm the •tele eestkls otthe AY! ng, the tem toy Mr. Bradjeyv',, ''Pat d His s Tlns addtree which hia(tn1 him, held the suterestot bier W t.be way through and wan t and'huteor. The ter - mit an. Who is abo'.lt two - rich himself, took pwiot to over la twitters stn (lf trend thirds ahnw t the lu►hrusn excelled, not only M read). wit, Initan tutwt o/ the stendeid virtues: that the Setif. though nitt+n hi/me/row. w*. Meld witty, And very *)nW to see it joke and that the wit cf ettt hnglientuan lay in hie aHUit,yy to play on words, With A etrnng leantt.g to sarcasm. Mr. Bradley, who has to evened exten- sively, RSVP an inttr.wting drnunof het trip through the United Kingdom taken so,, e years age, bol', eansciatty dealt with his trip through ireiand, where he kissed the famous Blarnes- stoma/id rode iu the Irish punting ear Purity! Purity! Purity! The one domin^Li[lg note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not a mere -advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyer* - who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials—for the soap boiler—for the expert chemists—for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All arc mindful of the Guarantee- -it is a source of gratification to\ all the Sunlight workers. Sunlight !I° Soap' , J