HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-9, Page 3-® MARKET QUOTATIONS r • THE SIGNAL :"CODERICH, ONTARIO s „�pAllTtIE WAR. 1'NEAITHIEST ONE IN THE FAMILY ONLY GENUINE B1W+WY .oras, lI1[ITA- TIONS •SOLD ON THE MERITS Or IINIRD'S LINIIENT W HAl' IS 111ILI YARISM 't It is not even DOW too late to ask what we mean by Audits.' ism,erpecially No Sign Of Dropsy And Kidney Trouble Prussian wilit•llstn.. ,Thereat, people' Sines Taking"FRUIT-A-TIVES' in Ktnglsad now wile really do admire the Prussian iteln.of mind ; at Iran, they would admire it it it were Ecg- lfetr The first thing to ibe said eetiinat wllitarirw Is tbaL b is a kind of 'tu- itional hypochondria. Just ar the hy- pochondriac sees life in terms of death, rites it sr le perpetual t 171)11. W avoid death; w the IliiluaIist sees life in tel ilia of war, reed it as a pet penal effort to escape defeat in war. Now the- Pruraien, we must cooler*, has Poise excuse for his bypocbond:iN. He is like a wan who bar actually suffered !ruin a very serious illness. It is a hundred years and wore ago that Pros air war cuoyueied and di.suewloerrd - •HAITI[ WARREN and alieort drsWdyed by Napoleon. - Port Robinson, Itut..Jmy8th,1915. But a shock of that kind stays long in -"AV." have used "Poli/•a tiles" In a national memory.- klustltEL romance of Prussian biotin y has gath- 0j ,u, .fi,roverallree years and have ered round the Hiuusian struggle for siw'ays foun.l them a gilwl. nmdiciae• fretduuT . at least, fur what the Prue- Orrlilhe`irl,[/olli:, was troubled with ran call. freedom. That struggle is the great achievement of Prussia, the truly one of which ►be can be Mut ally ptuud. The rest of her hirtury is. iu the main, flat burglary: Myr then she wit' lighting fol herrelt ; but she did fight iu such a wry Oust she seemed to the rest of the wield worth fighting Ansrden promptly attended to on avoir cul. ''ufortunalely she was confirmed sesta& THE SIGNAL.U„der(ch. &. !barn i lbe belief that her rule national unction was to tight for her- e salt, and even when she was not fight 1hg to conceive of peace inlentos ul war. Even itefot'e Um war, when she wae at the Height of her strength, she was thiuki rhe 11141 17r1'■U was afield of th tory. acconillrE cueruted of an in able etluggle ; and collie wren the 'fent blow to first if be w coeur liter. - - The Pompeian says thot sell.defence ; we sty that .1,1) domigate Eu' opt ; but t til Orsur In Lweeir Om Is IOSL a" Kraut a - - fort act -lading to the Plaited nettle will be sate notal he -tit Kur4e ; and tidbit. 111 tt. ate E q1e beca1I 1' 1)I a tlati(1111 w not le din aldnet they would WI hon aloe' he would' be ea inaiaieete lamb 'ibis state mind in not co, Hoed to Prussia : awl t le is alwaye esseon- cuse fur it, pre there in sorts ex- cuse fo, the {et•r tunl tear. and pre- eautiouit of lbs y 1 n lees. Men sit tat all lair at /w I 1SOOKB1NDIN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. FOLD LRTTERINU OD LEATHER ()GODS A. R. TAYLOR, t49KATPoKn. MEDICAL L • PATH. peetelb•t ►In9lwomen'. aANN, mend Echit tier's Mesmer. aorto. ,hronlo and nervous Ms w ises. we. ear. nose rod threat. partial deaf ass. N nkairo and rbeumatc conditions. Ade sok. remoe1 without the knife. Umee et ieoldeu". corner Nel.un and St. Andrew r west•. Al home omoe Mondays. Thu cot• and tinturders' any eyelike( by appol DENTISTRY /hit. N. lt. MM IM)NI:LL.-it0N(iR •tiraluatr Toronto Uradus'v eOgyalCollege of hent t1 Sermons. \ le,s•es1or to the late Mato? Sit'ee (HIIct. Square an 1 w'r.t street Uottatl1ch. g,uf her weak frontier rt her -ell that she Russian peril. His. -her-no of it, Deane' and inevit- be moment bad n Inure get hie ut to lie over - is HKhliug in e is fighting d H rel.c' It YPCWN ; idea, he innate* AUCTIONEER THOMAti GUN DRY i AUtTIONLBR I e►6"x_W.0tauten. All n,l,trt•,e. 1) n fret U Shoal tfSte will be piiMPI r • soled tc. Reeldeaw aetevbpnu IIS. LEGAL - i 1." 1'1AYel . - tIA/tRldTttlt i1. )Llt•ITt►Jt, tiOTAltY l'tBLit • Krt.. - t)faoe--`Aterlttte Bank Block.Ilaatlltoa 8.reet: a rete phone wb. ' Real F.tale Loans !hors-lnauraoos. PROU U FOOT, K 1 L1d11iAN & COOKE HARMS") ERA.' 8IILI( 1'24,Itt4. NI)rARIE. (line ou the Kqumr. second door from Ham Wu swam. Uourrwh. r'rlvete loud* to koro at lowest rate... W. Pnot'urterr. K.C. 'J_ L. ICIU.oaatt 11. J. U. CtxiKL: 11 H, CAMKStWN. K. V. )3ARKUS TER. sodoitot. notary pubUO. oats. Wu direct., Uuderlc0. third door hr. rt}}��aare. At t 1u.un, Thursday of each week to Woe un Auras :street, ,tiro pied by Mr.i Sleeper. , Patr hours 9. Liu. tob 11,01. AR- tr3AtcLr.14 (JARROW, LL.B., !a Kltii LK, etuaney:-itmotvor: Nar•4iedt Mona, to hod at Iu-wxet..ta_ii�t......._ _-.- OL- 1 • SEA(4ER, BAItR1t3TER, .fi leiter. Notary Public awl, Ceeveyanoer. aero. -Court House lioderi,;p. *len" - 'uM� INSURAItCIr.-LOAN$. ETC. IKK IN LII. 5C11£NCIC CV. -Aar L xi d t -orated terra property insured. - a !)♦cera -J... ,.unnolly. Prow.. t)odertch P.0.. las. Yvaos, Vloe-Prat, Beechwood P. 0.; rum. L. Hays, deo'rrew... dvaforth P. U. Uhectors-11. F. M.iJregur. usatortb 1 John to ieve• N• luthrop ; William Kia... (•onetaIICI; lobo Hennewels. Krodhallon ; Urn. Mct' Willi. geslotth • Robert Yerrls. Ilarlouk ; Malcolm •lessen. Brumfield. Agent..: J. Vo. Yoo.llHolmes-villa ; huAes-villa; Alex. h. Lenon'. l niton IC Meader, yeafortn. Policy -bot brb Dan p•) awrmeu1 and get their oardr reoelpted a it. J. Morrt.•b's (III'(((k.thinb Store, Cltotoo, 1t. H. i eti'u urrsxrY. 'nm.wn street. OFodesicI. or J. U. Keld's (;reetetetore, Rey (feta. gi\ (40j PRIVATE FUNDS TO �'yUUU loan•,. Apply to ll. ll•. cAM- N. Herrtster Ralnllton street. Ooderteh. WR. BKRTt4ON. •• INSURANCE AGENT /!sante Lto law : British. Canadian and Awe/Join. AoowuaNT tl1CRN11' AND k.11P1.Orawe' LIARII. nand eut and Uuarautee The (!assn A ITT . Corporation, Lln,tted, of London. Rog. itosl.rrr AND du*n*eraa Hostel : The U.S. p'ldelity mad Hue •anteel'omPany- (*ke, at resid•enoe, orthema corner of Vlo- tela er d et David a at reefs 'Phone 176 $ARR1AGIe LICENSES WALfktK K. K16LLY, 7\ - - ooutltlCH, uNT. `. \- _ 1lMUER U/ MAItKiAGE UCElttg, , C ll' i ) tall in and`d(e. u - eft,HM1 sonic day and•pal tett 'do attack one wilier, they do Inc• • -tali : and sl' r sr We know they at all 4ul.lect tudner or hater to an ineettatde pro- en.trnf drray. But. the 1'ruetxatis have hero 11101r bypectemdriecai--Pkat is 111 h ay, more militarist than any\other people. 'That which is in other 11a - titans an oceasiorial weakneee is tl '1h t1 rte I to ',..i • 41,1 t 11 C 't4 • T NovESIBF:R 7 Toronto Cattle Market Steers, choice weighty $8.00 to 98.10 do. sitedlum 7.30 7.90 Butchers', choke handy7.20 7.46 do. good 6.60 8.90 dpi edlum 5.60 1.00 do. common ,'.... • 6.20 5.40 Butchers' cows, choice., 6.60 8.90 do. good 5.76 6.26 do. medium 6.00 ' 6.50 Butchers' bails, choice6.60 7.26 do. good , 5.60 6.10 de. bolR$P& 4.85 6.20 Feeders, 900 to 1,100 lbs. 6.00 6.76 Stockers, 900 lbs 5.30 6.80 do. med., 700 to 800 4.80 6.20 do. common, light4.30 4.60 Cutters 4.25 4.76 Canners 3.75_ 4.10 Milkers. good to choice 76.00 110:00 do. common to med60.00 70.00 Springers - 65.00. 110.00. Calves, veal, choler 10.50 11.26 do. medium 7.5Q 9.00 6.00 6.60 Aideey Disease. The 1 Wctursai.l she was threatened with I)ri,psy• Herlimbs and burly were all swollen aril we began ' to think sliecuul.l nit live. ' Finally', we decided to try "Fruit-a•.tives". She began to thou, i iuprove itntl alter ice had :rte her a few tablets: Yrs a short time, the rtvi•tlin� had all Ron; (iiia hand her Iles!'.1Nyran to look enure natural Now birch' the, healthiest one in thejemrly sod has no - runs of -the old ailment.. \\Tran uiit say too mIN•h for `1 Fruit•at tivex_1' and would never be w'ithout them", WILLIAM -W Mft1;EN. 50e. a Sox, 6 for $2.50, trial size, -':,e. At -Fall dealers or sent postpaid 'on receiptof price by Fruit a• llkea Limited, Ottawa. . 1eu1 an nl• •darn. sl' thu they ha come Hale unable toe dlsuwgu)r1' feLiieew resound s iwaglnkry ilan N; Ihere ie AIN/lye a hypleeh"nslr etion in Pert y coon,, v ; 1alt in- Pees a that teeliun ir the u,tJ•,111.---1''y� rtlie 1,'t-enehman end Ilse Ertelirlin'tinrt there re many ami (literate intertilti in life ; nd..iair count y wenn. to hilt "natty ,tf, rent things. Hut for the hr.irsiilil here Jo only one interest, a sick -r, out Items[ ul war and victory 6 and h la ntntrl"+nearsitulnisebis_o nil•'.T_ba. his one ,•••1l' vemeni, and whatev `r ,Ile, moat win Ott .L stn ,rK 1. I s have •e serval -pore! of organ zttinn : faith i- e__€ourhtnetton sins!=tlr,, lent even aHat fit a part ul ttftar by- 4ount.l faith rlt•ongtr t son its' .... lit mitt n as a hypochondriac hat the Retied /acts of etch -1,ti ate against b. 4. len.,arr .Y such N lite life He may 1 to play op -at nature that tbrg -ii�L. pi 1. PtIUQL0• the h telt to Ll'ru.si,tn theory of IRs when it is bor- t nt ' 11 mighty and ruthleaely pram isrll• N'v will not endure *nation that Lvee the struggle for life. 1'11et is the lesson,of this war, if -eve Europe was darkened by the Prussian victory. and the hopes of Europe. even Whesteltey still retuatned'hupra, had Ile - come feats. All those things with while+ the stations bad cupcerned thenlse v ■itch se freed . equality, were uritis; and tiauprruus 1RtanriPP, in tb w.,rld it was. Their proper concern WAS their own esieteIO1..which was neer' ally and righ,Iy threatened by -ante r allow... ' \ Isv rywhete there spread ! belief that ;in ionization and effirien weft the I)bgbest virtues in a oat 1)0 and Iia (meant always orgarrz Rion Pllh•frhey di.. ated *geil.,- caber tissue. IL was nut lbtt ehinee w to iso done well. for the sake of (loin Own' 11111 ; but that they were to 1 done well n1111 ,w eye iso that incesi4aiit war. which, whether open or di.KRito d. no yet always he cal esti Du between He rim' • The l'eueeIwo" were per hew. the only ...it'll,Iiy' rn.n1• They y frit the:1 a ygle for lite ww�i .perfectly slut faculties. Other pe the 4ua,wpret. but it lull of ``uweIcVlue it nt .- But to we are begi that P1'11r h.ts lrat 111 It well t (Jia' Jr time, in fact, to all atoned c. The test even it it thou t art Tuggle ii to put- il, t Pru..15. • do. common do. grass 6.00 4.00 Sheep, ewes, light 8.25 8.75 do. heavy and bucks6.50 8.00 Hogs. weighed off l•ara10.90 0.00 do. ted and watersd_10.65 0.00 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track.. bar ports, No. 1 northern, $2.01%; No. 2 north- ern, $1.9754;1 No. 3 northern, 91 945(1; No. 4 wheat. $1.8254; (old crop wheat, k cents nigher). • - Manitoba oats -Track, hay ports, No. 2 C.W., `98c; No. 3 C.W., 664X; extra Na 1 hied, 8654c; No. 1 feed, 4685;%. . American -co Ano. L bow. new, December 'shlpm t, 98c, track. Tor- onto; old crop. 91. 8. Ontario wheat --Wafter, new crop, No. 8, 91.78 to $1.80,\ No. 3 winter, old crop• 91.76 to 91.78; No. 1 com- merctal,...yer carrots, . according to freight outside. 91.73 to 91.76; No. 2 commercial, 91.63 to 91.66; No. 3 , om- mercla1, 0.54 to 91.58. --- Ontarhl Date -According to freight outside; bio. 2 white. new, 62c,to 64c; Na 3 whRte, new. 61c, to 63c. Peas -No. 2.12.35 to 92.40. Barley-6lalttng. $L13 to 91.16; feed barley% 11.05 to 91.08. Buck wheat -$1.15. -. ' Ryew-No. 2. new. 91.33 to 91.35. Manitoba node-Fire"Detente, m lute bag+l.910; seconds; to lute, 19.50; atroa`ts be t -Z Tp jute, 99,30. Toronto. I Ontarice_O1.our-Winter, new. track, Toronto, prompt shipment, acdording to 'sample, 98.10,'tn jute hags. - M111f �. 0 sed--a'ar Intl, per toil. d liver• f ed. Montreal: Shorts, 932; bran, 93 ; teed itbur„ per bag, 1210; good fd linga,'9E4. - Hay -Baled No..'1 track, Toronto, and. never $13 to 114, carters;“ No. 2. 911 a- to 912. Straw. teriots, 98 to 99. r Mutter and Cheese Markets -Cornwall-1.352 boxes of colored ought 2l 4c. ---- . Perth 5° %•mss of white and 360 ctorfaville. Que.--One - thousat:,l a he will s,)4m Its e4,lr of cheese sold ar 21%%. • tlf d f Roll. him We hope Jolt. Que.-100 hoses w8te of- • tl] • 0•! All sold at 21 1:-16c. No -tom a et soldrat 22 7.1s.5 hfte.8 co _ fiasoli 7 factories hoarded M a nae bOslta all ,:ed. All .n!d sa,22 ,-1, r 1 ored etee16 JIOM of ?=54G TV ens DAT, Novnwn1Ht 91619- i, COLD' WEATHER NEED L ,trc fortunate in laving a, very large stock of cotton Blankets, .union Blankets and all -wool Blankts. ' Comforters and Eiderdowns Canadian and imported cottsm-Blankets, lovely soft downy finish, white and grey, pink and:blue borders, exceptiopp1• value, single bed size _ medium size' extra large size $1.50 per pair - ' $1.75 per pair $2.00 per pair Blankets! 1..'nioft.and,a11-wool Blankets in white qnd grey, bought twelve months ago from the best Cann - dial' mills end are selling at '_'(F ter ceUt.-less-thal' present prices, and would .be hard to get today at even any price. Union -Blankets with just enough keep them from shrinking All -wool Blankets, beautiful finish, value. l'cr pair McLintock's Famed English Down Quilts We are showing a splendid assortment of ti:i, nlakt t worltl-fantetl Down-Quilts, $6.00 . ,in beautiach ful colorings, sttita1,le- ►s -*ll rooms. ,Froin Special %slues iu cp oil fillet( Comforters, seta large site, well filled, covered it ZSIt design e �SOfteut sateens;splendid Values•at. ti h Yarns! Yarns!! Yarns Yarns!'!! cotton (4) $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 uushrinkahle, exceptional $7 00 to $9.00 Another shipment of our well-known V ares joLkuitting ., a-ks for the soldiers, in light 75 , ,1,iter k grey and white ... •••• ....•........ -$1.90 per Ib. Khakiinthe4l,rn•ct-!i.nlr Special Socks- for the Soldiers \Ce are showfaR ;tri extra well-ivadc Suck. all pure wool, natural shade, made expressly f or resenpair- ,I 1 , •..... .•........ ..•. ......... 111}; t0 rite SilldleTS. `1+eCla1 ..... � •• .,. • When in doubt send sone'. McCall's Patterns McCall's Magazine Christmas Number PHONE 56 1 J /fit yet 1 t 1. a/ s_Scotch__Store PHONE 56 woplr in Entor w lin box Ills view pt_lite. Me nivel se in wh,ali*.ht.' •Gibed, a the .upl role fact s tl) rbeii pecuhaY w plr did not like Pteton ewtd t.0 thew ning.`/u .ser r lesson tun •adored it Europe, t t'itablr, re that tter --._ ----- to '0 0 •1' At the Et tl of a Perfect o., 41% ph .lt,hc epeteK „. wee." woke.!' 11 • arnnhd again J tele Matlt-bitteld Whet( ),•n some to tfl1 end of a Oise, t roll,1. anti l i n d n Bitehfr spent 8 mday And -il moue wits yoar thought, with friends int the l;,h c„ury a • .4r of Kilauea'. •{nal rid -aro nn the haus but the empty-144a-',.�_. -., j that -ions. tau week.' trip has wrought. 11.,. t un 4hiuk of IM soot,.-'• nodi'tens' )ua had t e d rash for -their eight (rr.esti esee -- . will •Y Y I„, „anti%nni=li d-trreenbn, ks les%r you :ut _ ` 'bru )'u U'tt Milt d•tac.dfon'. 0 et • ' a� - Forget tY1; .�ttl. i• t nod of ts•r(tMt rna. \ -A1.1%.; ,1t '•' Imd of a .7171 rhey: ton. ; �• \ t t id l t r s tt4af Ise he does t�11. is• ruh,.rdinate to 1 • t,; dries. it. A d th rt•fu al, this ,• I'I,nlsians, ae 1101)4»1)• CNIS deny, i' her triiluve,v . terrine, ba b ( t i„• a a httg,as. They organize o their Now w1 def•, elpll .rhe 16111 We s„e'll. n 1 J., rtndrtaC of etrdrg a 1 •1 tinter., Anil, methodfctl habits organizes earn well or to walk fat and feat ;' but -be nav 1 ,t ail to keep cul i.... heaalt1, : and No the 1'rn5wi,ne havetir- ganizei themaelvee better, perhaps. than any other people, but always with an rye to war. And tae aim of their or anlr*Linrl is not freedom or a I haven anent dime E/a 0 i readout, the to Nthat full. tick life, but victory, in the wan which they are alweye expecting.• w Ic 'its most thoto4,Khly -m !Lade! : 'hr protest, and truly, that they 1 that the greater the hritwinner; idt�.)4Incr wilit- They P made war seism iko more a .eta 1 have not in the lard century r1) often es 101111 other nations, But a state of wind in the visors v lsicke so a hypochondriac u,ight'swy that be dangerous to the 1-011 of 1;hir w,irh1, in mote datum, nue still t. r t t hlui,eh r-.' hes not been ill sit, often es t.omt• mote U,sl►'terd .ay cattle to the nation Mouthy.minded persona. 'spot the Prussians more then other, natinnr have thought shout war end have organized themeelyes fir, war : the ly have !abased always as if .awl c0ul0 be the only end of their resat' With the rest of the world : end they h tV1 at ILLei•V•I5 w Itled war Ni1(1 made it mere nithleeely then any other people. Often they have Rot their way nilhont war, becallee othfr nations 'view bow web they were prepare,! for 11,and that they would make it without' scruple if they could not get their way oihrrwise. No they might soy that their method has been fact, ensuredstifiedpeace Waw! -it lisp, Peace. 'rhe whelp of Europe has known for •s that the Prussians would Patents, Trade liars, Designs Secured in All Countries. Write for free book "PATENTS PIt0TK1' THIN. Trite all tattoo and how to net pat snit,. IIA IVAN:K h SUNS. ealabllshed 1541 formerly Patent 4;mre Examiner, Master of Patmnt LAWS, Reei..tn.-d Patent Attorneys etc.. 4id St. James Street. Montreal. H1anl•hee-- •,,,,,,,�,,,,-�, ,.PLUM* end Wa.hinaton. Representatives In all foreign Countries. _ Brophey Bros. (41)1)1SR1('H inc Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours. night or day. tunny year bake war whenever they thought. that the motneet for it had come. They were always aware of the mailed flat even when it. Diets disguised in the velvet, glove. Elsewhere there were w{uahhlea end three -Wet war ; bot the. hark of other nations was worse than Ih•ir bite. And all the while Prussia was welting to bite. acranias she alone of all tee nations had no desire for a prru,auegb peace, no belief that it war possible. she tr ertedhypo the reit of hondria, and her might with her hypochondria, infect the whole world if she got an .dventage in it the et•m Natio ost ofell h at temp. ea to W an event eh large and so disagrseahle that it antic s their wholeconrepttiln of the nature and end of life. such as the Prussian yictory in 1!(741. Then it seemed that a nation which organized itself fir war end willed war at the moment heat suited to its purposesiTh very gods whole world began to believe that. Penlight Wan illustrating the Darwinian 11i'ory (and pepeCially the rent of 1 HPrmeny), that by her victories she ase proving breve f to he the fltteat of all netlone to survive, and that. ntbtt' H. C. Dunlop, drnK{(ist, G derleh, Ont. nations her must imitate both lila actions Also arthe best dnlggtits in ,all Ontario (( end her ways of thlnkinp, If t'tey weret0wns. not to be destroyed. The mind o which ttteas 19 1 itlilcb� 4 eighteo,l-terse. They are nntbing to the dies"tors wbi�h-c0me to the nation that trusts altogether in unrighteouaness. But there la .• danger. in the etre in of alis cutiltet, that we shall ignore v e !11x11 rI .el e i .that we 1 Il this' Ireton', 11 t i ow 'am d' .tee fl catch the Ir uesian tee 1lwmirs. And no talk about Pni.si.,n tniliterietu will preserve u4 from that danger. Nothing will pireerve us from it except a clear duil1Pratarrelei►af- Ot the nature of militarism, end of 'he fact that. it is ultimately ha -ed upon fear, not upon hope ; ih•,ti1. 1t is hy- pochondria, not health. Pedesis has trusted in herself rather than in tlght- .0usnesP,llecauserigbteousnrstt seemed o of tap dant(erous toher. The lessen') the ptrsent war is that it is osier to trust to tighteous'ries0. Hilt that is a lemon which all Europe MN well es ['russet ham yet to learn, and the wine will have been w ghatttly warts of all good thing's mllese it t•scbrs that l••s- son,untess it is kuown u• biey►ry es the event which refuted all the heresies of 18711.-The'1'imes IL-uidm1) ree t eto s boards • Lon<to1s. feet° MO 3�0 Loxes, al olar?±d: �M; •Y1t,_c to ! Your 2Y'4c. One lot sold on the board at 22 e, and Eines were transacted psi- vately afterwards t the same figure. \'ankleek 11111-7. boxes white and 210 boxes co'- red-di.ese hoarded and Koidt ills -1%T, ti��e the crlore,l at 22 9.16X. '-. Cowl ta111'c, QuP.--EI _ t factories .All offer:- 6nC nacKaltes of . utter. emit at .nil , c': "'• Iroquois -436 colored amt• "5 boxes w!l:te were offered. H1g . et bid hoer de at 22%c. b This is the season wheat a Gasoline Engine -;-would . be ut aludble asset if added to y farm equipment. on d t ,i1) °u, seal 4 rates a 0 g _ '� get 'to -day that necessary FCR 111, c dtktha[ .0 qut�kty new. '5' men has tattoo(' this perfect _. -'-taint In'colors t nt ori r e, ,•. ip1 we tlnd' It tbg.(/at dengh f I•tgr ihp hill- t d*c.� o tittles. "All Id t>a. 7'herli'Srr tin, i Is wh)tllt to l,,skO 11 k wF.oteaale Produce- ]use at the present time we tr �• 0'' Eggs- house all sizes of Engines from vow -laid. artona 9 .48 to 9 ." 0 o e and a-hal_! _t0 _ six boFse-' t. )ani 1 LOVA 4. -'�tt `stir-lald, a 'ckrtutja .46 .4Y li _ rest `I" soling „nor !iota `i frY tied Storage. 'del' is . • .39 ' .A0 er. They will do a g , ,I , d¢hiel a ., •ti s'.rnthrov .. . StButtfl, No. .37 .38 del Butter take the drudgery eut .1 ,uh*., a d'tali••,°i(hr'V.-e,. k reamery prints. resh.44 14452 of life. Cre mery p'rin!s: Drage. .42 43 ('stoical e..ltda .. .. .4112 1 0 dairy prints.. ..' 7 .29- 'Olt'fiary dairy pt,0ls. Bakers Cheese -NOW; large. twthe 231dc to 2; 54e t; to 23%c; Stilton., 24c `to 2 ' Poultry Live Spring chick's. 16e 17c‘\,.2 -14,81 as need that we -left ,,,pati. 11,1Init,l•rt•cale s• Mecca Ointment when the eh1•ei tilt folk. et ttr ghty Rl bYhltt the K, ouch Tor to wLo:v..11u prices to tr1D OTHNtN\ arse: have on the floor of our ware- -, (let.:8*._ ovals is i'Fir t.ro - A real 'good-eursefor all skin eru9tione Nip. and doeneos. C'en terms n0 injurtait.4 or poisorwusanatter. Be 'sure; and obtain the real Mecca. Da not take any imita- tions or substitutes. HARD CHRONIC COUGH Made Well by Delicious Vinol ('restllne, I)hiii.-"1 contracted a her.(, chronic co8! li . and was weak ner'ous aniIten deem. 1 have a small family of three, And it was hard for me to do my work. I took different mob - risen without benefit. Finally f heard abort Vinol. and it has rrwtoreet me to 'health and strength, my cough is all gone And 1 feel fine."- Mrs. 11. 11. Centist.E. Vinol is a powetitutional remedy for ehrnnic coughs and colds, and for all weak, nervous. run-down conditions. Try, l4 on our guarantee. Call and see them. '+r spending N arc 1)r 1)0 visitingwhe 1;,.y N omit, 11rs..l rr. w1 A, 1►.n /ld. ` Foster-DaCk CO. Limited .1 Eli )Iat'Narneh{ toot w'itl1'w•hat mightToronto �`�'• lavr. Ierrih a very ser a.i,feni 75c.and 91.26size.by • \,'bile hr ave. lin/sling in �hn,l's hi- 'Soldin25e•,'35e --- 1 lrtu, )4•canir etc i •ane, ,n iV11:� f`•: A ROBE WILSON .33 `,4c; f r It 1 I a n JA C r1PBELL alvuv, thrwngon wheel pnssu,R c .30 • .32 to 27>.' �'St Go Bench lets, 23541) Hamilton c. (Ind t0 sol lb 13e 14c - easedYYb I tai•••0eaeeme•lo l'e , -tio ticklings ib I2c 13c hf, 19A Beans-Hand-ple'ked. 96; prf e,'96 O i' ..... ustomar y xlanation. E p "le your wife » guwd bridgc-Id, vet Potatoes -lea Brunewlcks, 1n ,car- ••..er renc''eleetlon wm1111 i, ,00N e 1:70 t4F tote, $P90 --re hag: westernT:Mi nag. , in %ad ds! tale's w weeder. $a rt y tors h a r glut' sit Stat. -_--- East Buffalo Cattle (",tile-H,•,'elpts, 6,000; good active, , Speaking Roughly.. lot -es its anidei, her puttee fault `l.\\ 1Ahi ' common .low; shipping steers 97.60 'l'hP $uhal t'rn--Irl nm intn,dure 0 610.60; butchers, 96.00 to 98.66; ' a 1)h1 men. letters, $5.00 ,to 97.76; cows, 93,26 to ear llanee ,. 'Fors -!tart r i FOOTWEAR for FALL Kin Fri on Rr ,ttnlation°. ;7.00; Dulls, $4.75 to 97.00; stocloerf HE new styles in Foal�a ar forFall and Winter are here. They in- cludeTcomfortable the most dainty . shoes that we have eve(had the pleasure,. of showing. The shoes for workingmen are the most solid waterproof line of Footwear that can be made out of leather. The prides pre most reasonable. q Rubbers are now in stock. REPAIRING DONE ! and,feedgls, 95.00 td 97.00. fresh %shies eh. wee in Pitiefor•e•• and springers active and st y. His Ftien(1'ytryinft to say the light 960 00 to 9116A I that I tin god can +e 'The Mullah kit- 1 ve.knowp her sive',, 0. _ 1 erne ,von et, Veale -Receipts, 1,300; active; N•60 hot buyipg,s pig in a poke ! 1. ,minn 10 11g.001 Upantor• Hogs -Receipts. 28,000; activsy heavy, 910.00 to 910.15; mixed, 93.80 to 910.00;'yorkeja. 99.70 to 99.86; Ilglf yorkers, .9 '•to 99:00; pigs, 98.,6; roughs, 99.00 to 99.15; stage, 97.60 to 88.26. Sheep and Iamb*-RecelpIs, 8.000• active; lambs. 95.50 to 910.801 rot.' lines. 96.50 10 99.00; wlNthere, 97.10 to 9).1.00; ewes, 93.00 tO 97.26; mixed sheep, 97.50 to 97.76. Chicago Live Stock ('tittle - RPcelpts, 20,000; 1690 to. 911.75; western steeds, to 99.85; stockers and feeders, to 98; cows and heifers, 98.60 tit calves, 17.60 to 314.64 Hoge -Receipts, 45.000; mgrket wnik'; lrght, 94.90 to 99.80; mixed.. 99.15 to *9.95; heavy, 99.20 to 99. rough, 99.20 to 99.35;^ pigs, 98.40 te1 98.45; bulk of sales, 99 15 to 99 76. Sheep and Iambs Receipts. 86600++ market weak; lambs, native, sdo M i 911.16. TRAPPERS!' Sand your RAWFURSf L0JOHN HALLAM tea weir« lapses* Mer WING. W. rm' ��MwMM7� UN Mans day 1N lbw aro tr,. M Cheep neeenfelr,nnr -.nal day.,t•h..r.. W. how pail .at rotIllgst of dollars to then ewe. nr Wootton. ha °Toad *hotrod Was rowit. . tore :ndnels •e. ow~e ,.noed Pea th." fn,s. T.e alll.l.n w• ser NOM* rents'* 11olta.rs Wan* t..s set 51.e ew 0*.. In °.,..da. FREE . TpNMn nn• nap inc. Mien • Rs. • fiAtlop• A• • 0s. 011 Vnntono.e /m Mrla Mood tie e„fw1 ems hos niece! Addams w', Ohms: JOHN HALLAM Limited , 167 Hallam Budding, Toronto .4 Geo. MacVicar North Side of Square Goderies,._QUario