HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-9, Page 2It Tevtwp*T. Novrtlhra 9 1016 asla.atat TUZ BIUNAL PRINTING Cu„ LTD. Poet tetteee - -t - Tag !bassi i published every Thursday •et rile Delo 10 The SigmaBuilding. North Ntreet• Dodcrlch, th,tar'.o Telephone No. u Juaw:ar•Tios TiMM.--1)pe ilobar and Fifty a rude per year; it WW +u1eUr in advance flue l,luliar will be ec,'ptrt -: to •ub.ertbere In In, United &ate. the :e 1. One Dollar stud Fifty Cuts strictly in aeration 8u .other+ Wlio Call to receive THE e,luyea.. rerutarly by mall will confer • fa+ or by ac,r uaiu Ung I bq Publish. Or of the Net at 4,40624 •dater p.rnible. When ✓ change of Andres... is desired. loth old and Du. new address should be gives. Remittances may tM nude by bank draft. rapte,.e money order. poet9tlloe order. or Tettietered letter. Yuhhc•rlptiuu. may oomrueuoe at any tune. Au',MTaI"u T►MM*,-trate. for deploy and awtraet advert permeate will be grvee on apph cation. Legal and other .lmilar sdgertl.reent.+, e tea Dents per line for erwt trwwuon and four -cats per line for each eubsequetit 'martian. M.rured by a soak of solid nonpareil -twelve Witt an tock. $ustueu. card, of six liner der, Fire Dollar. per year. AdvertJ.e- al.ate of Lo..(. Found. rltn.yed. Situation. `'.cant. Slluatton. w-auud, Huu.w► for Sale c r to Kent. Farms ler sale or t0 Kent. Article. for rias, ntc., not exceeding eight line. Twenty ave cents sack telenton ; tine Dollar for era mouth. Fins t'eat.fureat him s..uuent mouth, Larger *dvertlaentest, in proportion. Au• .om.caruent. la ordinary reading type. Ten -nte per line. No notice Ire than Twenty • . Cents. any spaced nottee. the object of wh A V the pecuniary benefit of any indlord sal.:.uooe(atton, to be oon.ldered w 'Weer - them •.., and charred aocuelingly. Tot uantism's Minna -The cooperation of our sub..rriber• and readers is cordially invit- ed toward. makioe Tea 12110 NAI. a weekly record of all loca county wad district doings. ho corn masicalwn will be situ/Hided to uolees it con- tains the name and sidereal. of the writer, not aeaee..rtiy for publication. but se an evidence srasod faith. New- items abouid reach Tee 8,olra,. °Moe not later than Wednesday 11000 sr eaeb week. • t THt'RSUA1, NOVEMBER 9, 1916 EDITORIAL NOTES. Only forty -sir days to Christmas. Some people say this is Indian sum- mer. But we have not had squaw winter yet. The latest riddle : t'Wbat goods are still being trade in Germany and fin- ished io England i" Zeppelins. A referendum has been taken in luau/ilia en the question of consctili- tion,with the result that it majority et votes has been cast against conscrip- tion The Farmer's Advocate puts it up to tamers this Way: 'it yea sell al your cows and pigs trite fall when gfain is scarce, what will you do for cows sod pigs nett tall. when grain . may be plentiful ?" The Germans think it is great spot t to sink British ships, but when at tt.e cuuclusiuo ot the mer they are ple- srnted with the bill for 1 h loaves they have caused they will heartily wish they had never art a est ens, inc afloat. , ti F` ST A -t; !attire of Ootat iu is confirmed in con- trol of language teaching lo all the schools of the Province: ppublic and separate. and the Ontario Department of h.:ducntion is found t be within its rigbyii•io eo regulating the teaching of French that 'ejifL'truction in French reading, grammar and composition May be taken only by ptipils in Enq- lislrFreuch schools whose parents or guardians direct tart they •hall do so, and in requiring thea such instruct shalt nut interfere with the adequacy of the Matt udtion in Kttghai. - Un the , other hand, the Legislature itt declared to have exceeded its conrtitutionnl rights in ousting the trusters of the Ottawa separate schools and placing a commission in control of these schools. to other words, the regulations of the, Fresh and Refreshing 11 LA B 76 is composed of clean, whole young leaves. Picked right, blended right and packed right. It brings the fragrance of an Eastern garden to your table. 31317..sai.4,35. OR C#R.larnir ruturcing them is illegal. The Judg-j NO FEDE 1u be valid, but the weans adopted of mem, has given getters! satiefaetion thtoughuut the tti-uywCe. Deltas tweet of hducatiuu are declared RAL AID. of her own requirements. and with her 411141.11110410.0110111114.4.4110.1111114141.411141141.411.11111414,11.1411. farorahlecliwetic conditions can, watt proper care and attention, produce quality equal to the hest Ica the world. O nly the fringe of production possi- bilities hie been touched up to the present. Eggs are scarce In Canada at the present titue. Current prues are high, abd a sharp decline imturdistely following the conclusive of thear is not to tie expected. When pries ad- vance gradually, as bas been fhb c tee in &triple food products, they decline slowly. It will Lake some years to re- establish the normal meat supt•ly , upon the markets of the world, and ; w hile prices of meats are high people i will continue to nee increasingly � Targe quantities of cage. This condi- tion will naturally be reflected in the I inIli tor of price. This le the aiturtion. 1 Readers may draw their Own conelu. W OOL Pharmaceutical Research. "What is your head clerk working on -tome abtruse chemical problem?" "You might ray 50, yrs. Hr's try tag to contt>nund •red, wbfte and b!w The Canadian Patriotic Fund Is Undertaking to Raise d.lnk for tar soda founuun."-Kanear WHAT OTHER SAY. Thirteen and a Half Million Dollars for 191T. City JonrnaL Not Coocerned at Ottawa. Loudon .1dv.elb.r. The high cost of living doesn't bother of the Canadian Patriotic Fund ore anyone at Ottawa. They manage to engaged in extensive preparations for get butter enough for their bread the 'teat campaign with which the down there, sometimes for both sides. A Chemical Solution. Ottawa, Nov. 3, 10113. -The officials wink for 1917 is to be inaugurated. Is Its Life Worth Living ? The executive committee decided at Towutolit.ar. • its recent meeting that it would be in talking about a further extension wire to focus -public attention upon of she term of Parliament the twgtnotttg. of the year, and the ament the Borden the Fund and its work at a time near (ioveraweut shows a desire to live ' latter part ot January has been set. tihlch is out of all proportent to thecanted no in s. Oiauy municislides ecte4 as the time during w h local use it is waking of its life.1 campaigns fur sober.:s rh Id Jos The Old Man Was Wise. as pos;iote. Toronto 'OtUrdar Nissit:• Bir Herbert Ame., Lha honorary sec - The attempt on the part of Sir Heir- retat y of the Fund, has been sp-nding ort Borden to -band a lemon to fair the past month in Western ('aned+. Wilfrid Laurier, in the shape of a seat stimulating public interest in the on the Nef'oast Service Hurtd. has Fund, and securing, whatever prsoti- .had Ittttddffiir no ether oc the general cabie, the co-operation e,f the Provin- situation. As often pointed out in cod Governments, and of muui'ipwl these columns, the powioilities of any corporation.. His reports as to the trUMeeltir drowning a movement of this attitude of tike 1Vest towards the sort, at this tate date, are'very doubt• Fund are most encouraging. Nut= tut indeed. Now that the Leant' ate withstanding that it felt the contwer- sptlled, it was thoughtful of Sir Rob- clef depression mute deeply titan any eri to ask Sir ‘Vilflid W conte forward tither part of ('aoada;ihat it hiss been and share the responsibilities. 1'be helped by the trade in munitions of mismanagement of our man power in war to a vet y slight extetrt,sud that it .1 t The total of the sum to he raised in MIT is thirteen and a half million dot - lar.. ' Ontario's s..are of this is six million, of which about four million have to be raised by private subscrip- tions. To ensure that this large auto be available is no dight teak, and the paign of general pubiicit and of local *solicitation conn to he Launched is towed on the belief that the Fund should he assured, early in the year, that it will be in s position to west all de- mands on It by dependents of Canada's soldier., The Fund is most economically ad- Iministered and the great increase tbe stoma r quired to carry on its work is due eptirely to the increase in isle, lot the C'anadirn armies. For the nowt part.- the work of the Fund is cart ird ' on by, men and women who are not paid, for their set vice''. The local or- ttanizatlona scrutiIrl fire eln.rly atl'clairns upon the Fund, and follow rip, from month to month, each individual case,. not merely to provide ageinst any 1imposition on the Fund, hut to further lastest every deserving and needy reci- pient. The dist'ihution of the money. by the brunches-* subject in Ottawa to a clan. monthly checkand audit, and in addition the Atidit .t-(ieperai's office investigates all the fluancial op- erations of the Fund. There is no foundation for the report that tEeborlinion Government is to be waked to assume responsibility for the Fund- Fur it to do so would imply the equal treatment of all dependent., whether iutneed or toe. thus throwing nn the country an iucreu, d liability of millions of dull ire. Toe purpose 04 , the Fund is to as.irt those, and those only. who n quire a greet •r measure of help then a giveu by the Govern- ment separation allowance and as- .igned pay. Of every three persons receiving separation allowance, two are do the Patriotic i''and, the other one not befog in need of further as - connection with the war has neuro inch that nothin that own be done has sent men to the war in very large nuwfie ic-Wea'rut Canada is pledging will ever repair the damage. buts -itself to raise what flutist he considered 1 ling dourness. would probably be the bugs suer., for the maintenance of the moat effective method of eti *camps Patriotic Fund, lishing a little something, but. off- So far as Ont+rio is concerned.. the course, thie will not be done. Hut object ofhe approaching camp+itifr is asking the Liberal leader to shale the to raise the six million dollars which reaponsihIlities of Conservative w,s- that .Province is being asked 10 con - management was rather a good ides, tribute for 1917, In for pest, Outeri° the only trouble is the Old Man saw has given -e than she has received the pled of the book and concluded from the Fund, the surplus g -ng to not w Nice. the West, where letge- enlu ciente crewed adein .id that felt with rr-u- t liar beaviu,asupon cowwunities Giving Home Industrylt-Chance. frying Anm twain... deprentoun. In -('ulliuitwood Buuslka. it has been figured out by an expert that in the purchase of foodstuffs a dotter at the present time has only the value or sixty-seven cents two years ago. jp other words, prices of food- stuff. have risen about tlity per ceps. o11 the average. *atm articles have risS* more than fifty per oat., pota- toes, broad and flour laming the pro- cession, while ilia long, /Mt salt and rjceeare the ooly articles that have re- mained stationary: _ % Sir George Perley has been appointed 1.' •nada s Overseas M mister of *11111*. NVith the appointment of a Parlia- mentary secretary for the Militia -Ire - pertinent, in the person of Mr. R. B. McCurdy ; a munitions bureau, a put - chairing cuwmistthuo, a. director of re. ere' ' F, and a smcial committee of the Cabinet, headed by the Premier, for war purposes -with all these, it looks ea it the only thing lett for -weir Sam Huay� to do is to visit the mili- tary camps .rid take thr'salute at,cere. menial reviews. The Farmer'., Advnrate wives ■ con- crete illustration of the working of the customs tariff. "The other day an agent called upon us to sell e. very use- ful piece of farm machinery at a price of 6375. It was made in the United State.. We happened to ask what the swine article sold for eeroes the border, and his reply wan fe a 1. o. b. place of manufacture.,-,Tbe Canadian fainter must pay 6100 more, less the freight, for thus one piece of feria machinery than dotes the United States farmer." And The Advocate adds: •'You cart depend upon it that the manufacturer here will not loll Canadian manufac- tured goods any cheaper in this coun- ty y t bait will the same article be sold by the outside manufacturer." Hon-. A. E. Kemp appeared before a Conservative gathering at Toronto last Friday Dight and announced that the Borden Government would ask Parliament for a further extension of its term, and that if the request were not unanimously granted responsibil- ity would he thrown upon thl• Liberals Inc a war -time election. Times have changed since Hon. "Bob' Rogers de- clared that the country was demanding "in towrrof tirunder"thet an election be held. The Liberal leaders so far hare not Shown their hand, and my not make their intentions known until the meeting of Partlavpeet. The country, we helleve, does not want an election in war -time ; but tic vacancies la the House. now amply a .core in *somber, should be MM. The Pei.y oouncl has Mamboed the appeal of the Ottawa separate school trustees aid Ikea upbehl Regulation 17, around which has waged .0 much coo. ha.erry on the asrtiselotr of bilingual. fees. Under thio twiggiest the Legis. • 4.i: 1917 the soturtinnwill tie etre-need, and (Jul Arlo win be asked only fur the Loyalty to one's Lome town is r money it Is estimated w311 he spent in characteristic (het is always praise- the Province, ristance. ' worthy. This week The Bulletin was wherein the loyalty of three local CANADA NEEDS MORE POULTRY, GREAT BRITAIN MORE EGGS. concerns •coir business to this o1A-e and ire Staff of evnployees that in too many instances would hove probably privileged to meet with three reser -- - ' -- been given to the traielaing salesmr from Toronto or other outside porno Ons of the firms was the Colliugwotd Milling Co. and the other the Imperial Steel k Wire Co., and a third thee. Stephens Co. In all these it was $ matter of olflce supplier. Quotations bed not been sought, but had beau left_ by travelling representatives who, however, failed in being rewarded with order'. All three firms, before - doing anything with the outsiders. Conferred with' the house industry, with the _veldt that quotations rr- ceived here secured the business. Had these firms done as too many do, the. local concern would not have been given a lookin. They preferred, how. ser, to give it a chance and did sa Theirs is the right spirit which, it car- ried on through our publ c aid private business; not only in regard to the , purchase of flour and other products , ot that netlike, grocerieii and via- 1 Ione, nails and wire, but orall other products and goods manufactured or handled in C'ullingwood, word° wean the retention in Collin/wood of thous- ands of dotter' annually and bring much employment to Uollingwnod ar- tisans thathe now mid.. The ex. Jimmie mple of the Milling Co , of the C. Stephens Co., and of the Wire Go., is surely worthy of emulation. Ottawa, Nue. 6. -At no time Sin the increbaed mare hilly without much history of thb Dominion has the neees- additionyl 0111.11Y for hui'd,ngs and elty for increased production of eggs equipment, and the inctrasrd labor poultry been more apparent than ily 0(400 the lime of *bd.e charged land at the present time. The-delnand is with the care of the atbck. Rome unprecedented. This is true whether object. ai 1he prew'nf price of feed, but , I fur rt or for twine consumption. when it tv considered that .the selling export p prftsr°ttttepredtict w --frost forty to consumers generally and even pro- ;izty per cent. higher than it was two ducere themselves ate rating mote years ago the margin of proflt is such and more egge The average per as will compare favorabiy with that ' capita consumpt i not egg. i i c.o. ,'s obtainable elsewhere on the farm. this year will be greater tic sea ever hr, CComedian egg -producers have re - spooled well to the call for increased fore. pruduttioo, The country as a whole, 1'be market Inc ('rnatlisnt-egg++ and which was importing eggs a few years poultry is very firm. Prices to pro. go, has, in the aggregate, produced oucers are extremely high. but even more than a efficient for its own re- st these pricer trade is increasirgly quirement.. his year and last. Re- active all • over the country The t ween seven and eight million dozen prospects tor a e ntinued dentend are Canadian eggs were exported to Great veto bright. Th country is facing a Britain last year, and, as an indication fib rt age, not y of current receipt's I of what is going forward this year, but of Canadian storage .tock as well. nearly one million dozen were shipped So great has been the export demand i during the first week of October. Yet that we ellen be obligati to import to 1 the supply on the British market b meet our own- requirements. in. still short. and there is a demand for creased production has never rested many millions more. Increased pr.. upon a more secure foundation. ducting, more and better bonitry. That pourtry on the farm are proflt• shnirtd be the tn0tro of every Caoad'an able needs no argument. Eggs now farm and homestead. rank ,is a staple article in the products Canada hae all the requisites for the of the term. Poultry Hocks can he proiuction of a quantity tar in esters invo.ved is not such as will tear heav, A .....t.yric h►•t►� .e To nitorg THOSE WHO. FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque !free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada 1 at the rate of five per ,ent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan isms in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bus or other like short date security. lSroceeda of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent wjll be allowed to recog- nised bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply.to the Deputy Minister of frinanct, R Oar AT OCtOtata t *J0C1. OTT AlA, - Chemistry Professor -What hap - newt to gold when it is exposed to the air? Student (after lona reflection) -it's stolen. --Chicago Herald. The Saults Coal C 8eoee...or io Mcl)ooyth i liledhill EXCLUSIVE-. AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL, TRAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay; also Hard and Soft Wood, Male and HemlocQ Slabs. (tale&& Slabs, fa per coni. Fresh cars of Lime -and Cement just received. -Deems PIIQNE - - B. j. Sautts' Residence , 273 -W. W. Sault Residence 20.2 1 W. ACHESON & SON Navy Blue and Black All -wool Serges E have still in stock a splendid stock" of all pure -wool Dress urges, old dyes warranted, and at special prices. 4o to 5o inches wide, at per yard 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Chiffon Taffetas Brocade and plain Taffetas, 36 inches wide, blues, greens, rose, greys, blacks, taupes, new and beautiful. At per yard $1,3x$11.50 and $1.75. Women's Plush Coats at $25 and, $30 Salt's plush Coats in a number of new styles, full rippli, belttd back and front and slightly anfittedd,cuothff"plain with side belts, large crush collars s. ers flannelettes 36 inches wide in light and dark colors, at per yard, special 12i .c. �Sheetings Cersesand.d to resat the aces.( steam under vary - tag ngiswatun a. Min of tinct ars Impregnated with highest guano, of ream - resisting rubber and fie whsle e.sweased tic as haseterakk u. - 72 -inch heavy plain bleached sheeting, old s -6-inch , and 38 -inch Lonsdale Cambrics,\ at per yard IR and 17c. Pillow Cottons Extra -h _ circular pillow Cottons, entirely free from any dressing, 40, 42 a4nd 44 inches wide, worth 35c, at per yard 23c. • Carpets 36 -inch -wide all -wool reversible Carpets, at per yard 75c, $1,00. W. AC H ESON . & SON GIRLS WANTED For .err work to fill the al ..,v- d' men eh • n i t e F n.ws nt ars gene 1, , rbc frtmt. 1',...ner women ran tend. r tine t•.•untry real *MVO.* by p.rparle or to ake sr.l.wos le honks and bu,,..,n. Offices. 14=1 course* of training h. Kea'kersSao thand and all other torn niercial-ubrrc,- now In mouses ttludeeta ad reit le) anytime. (Ilu-h.a:til - ss 11111111 CENTRAL Mie Iosue free. Northern Bosineu College, Ltd. :til'A Otic '1, 14v1 t A. 1.14:111 SU. j'rtn cµ.4 • ATRAT/OrtO, O0(T. Commercial, Shorthand awl Telegraphy De artaests. etudems may enter at any time. We plies graduates in position,. 1 hiring July and Augkiat we reeeived applicruni)s ter over lit) assistants we could ire, eupply. Write fur our free Catalogue at Wore. b. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal the tha e pteferred tiE.:..P what rate th' ART CLOTHES add to your per- sonality and in- spire self-confi- dence. Tailored to your' itealbre. KT VTHEs stir oderich, Ort.