HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-9, Page 1Printing THE SIGNAL, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or .Mall, and give you t - atisfectory job et cry tkne. Let us have your seta order. Telephone 35 The Signal BIXTY-KIOHTH TZAR -No MST • vwW.v. :�Ml� 1011dt., GODERICHI ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY. - OV.. i'. • ' ::.......... .. � ........Mas- , STELIN6BANI , r � O F CANADA cm*.,„v, --.,.,awry.,?,I21•01111110Wety41111•111s., SAVE, Because --- Obstacles are overcome by the man with a savings account. .41 AUCTION SALRS. (1F,EARINO AUCTION SALE OF ' iARM STOCK. IMPLirtM W tl. ITC. Iamlest rurtdb�_ ---- • Wee JULiA OKEILLY PUBLIC NOTICE. WELCOMED HURONS EN ROUTE VOTERS' LIST. 11416. MMCNICiPALI-TY OF TUX. TOWN OF G011E RICH. COUNTY OF HURON. Former Knox Church Pastor Met the Boys at Montreal. Res. (.so. K. Rowe, former pastor of Knox euurcb, writer front Montreal: "by herein from Goderieb last week I learned that our Huron Battalion would probably leave Camp Borden, Friday afternuun en route for uver- arae. 1 coin assure you 1 lost no time int ttettiag Into touch with 'the powers that Int to ascertain, if pureible, when this 1(ilet woultteeaeb Montreal. Pile eutho,ities are very reticent about the wovetuet.t of troop trait{n. But bay- ing assured the head of ofie ret the de- partments that I was not a liftman bombardier and that my intentions were purely peaceable, 1 was told that our boys from Huron would Ar- rive at St. Henri station in two sec- tions, at 4 43 and 3.15 a. tn. respective- ly. ' Retiring at- auiduight! l set my alarm for 4 a. w. -which requires the eonrage of a Huron 1 Before the triune were due Mao and 1 had crossed the city and were awaiting their arrival on this platform. Before NoTI,v 1. hereby norm that J have Ig1yaano- ta offer for rale at hr preAlrb.., Ih( 7 -comes- 1 min.4 err d. ',etwo w the moron- uwap0l'ul don It. AdbOekt 'half mile rest of kine silk , 1 in .rot1Ou Nuf the Ontario Vutrr. L•- -. Aet Ibe. TtEIIDAY. XU�"KLAKIt IIM... - cutis reuulred by paid eelhon to he .0 - tom •\ emitted m deli. era J of the lea. ru+ule Dunusul oomme acing at 1 o'clock P in.. the followln1 -- .to and Act. of all W:rwu, apnenrlmC try LbsL-C Hortrm. true atrlched t.un of heavy dra((&{ : rettaa Asse..o,eut Itoll of the ,aid munllipal- ntare., with foal to Ma w+one boron ; 1 aatd (17 to ole etiU.Jed Ib rot- In the said tIuutci(rl- lima•y1 draft. more. *1 fool at lout mud au oar Ity.al,electloo. for the IA .tative .l•r•m ly to Mathewson'. : 1'dirtying [oars and red ..t - )UIielpal eleeriu..-, sod that the ..red other .ne11a, r hur.w.. 11.1 w.- t parotid op at w) canter' the until 141. Dindi h > Mood cult at CAT -11.11. Tines m11t3' arm.. dna so .4pnl : Y Hrll, e.00 h. un he 91-t Ary ill llctut.rr. Itgq. 3 year-old heifer.. Durham and Ayrshire. duo and remain:yete for in -vet -two: - lo nape• in Air 11 : 1 heifer Alit two .teel-. from .10d 1 hereby. dvel ripen all velar. to tate int'\ IaaJt )'rmr. u d ; 1 ..tet 1, l year. old ; 1 -.ver. Y me.li.,te proceedw• .0 have any e1 fOf• or '• aml,.lw,• mite. tel ce.w.floe to •4t�R. !rated at Hudecx'rethe. erg day of Nevem - Ih•:. 1916 - - s.+t• Clerk ofltistiAahluiA/fxlerich. a�r•�th+oil : 1 +Vrfwl call. 'tlnKin. -.Twdde ewo►r I and :t year. old :,* 1lbn)rrnirt beep lean be regt.lrred l ; 1 aegis. Wed "herons'** rain t4{xta.•- *lune u. Paw. -Seamus purehre 1 row. lbw L. rievent) •are young bens al.d pullet.. atether llabisstsio. s Atmu i11t `NNUAL HOSPITAL MKt:r'INo;: ■( al.l. 0. 3) O,wnt1) of P►lo. h.0). ti reed ;arta•ral rod. It .til l hawing : 1 M1der. 1 1'ae'aassal-m meeting Ire Ai.. Minder. •Meme rail . l *row .w all 31"..) 0b.Marrs- 111:, k.• , 1 re��� oft he hay who. 1 est M beleIe,gh. Int* lis iu a. find richest HI•-t'lt►1 wIH held -In tl. 1 *sI1l�I Internrunnwl b.el•I.'eder. It+r ni{)r; mitt, it,,,Ii Or, the.•1,(11111 ..1 perp til. N1t.1ut.• I 1 IatYi niti,,u^1 ouhiyot.4 greeny rrw1. 1. T. k v. eo'4•leca, t lcoop ( of tie rank fur theµ 1eoy1Irat n'. 1 lieswOU churn, ' ,•Ing1. year *►N h• .. tnnuted h. 1IN meet la* -.1,4 Iii dsEs). *rot ku•g ,lough-, 1'i(rrns was •. 1 toll 11}'IA of i r,,. •r. elects.) k rlkr•a.Idae Y¢-,• barmy, t rot d.uIie�e Mune. ioarly Dew 1. Bre , Ali 41.11000 we urea) 1" .1(01(6. - visor parlor, auks. J *Altman... ,. her , 1 i - PHILIP 1111.T.Prr.Ment, wr ogd. I kitchen cabinet. I wardrobe" 1 Ja ;: N. ►� U IIx:EX,- 'J,4a•alary. lravelourl. 1 erupts table. t Irr+l oil i! .4.r, 1 , i. slot. mud other articles tar Oilmen o0. toMen I toe.-- . Trion, ' -AU .unla of gin and hater. Dinh : Ovet .hat amount, It mon.e+s'eredli w1Rbs, given on hlrnt.hing rel,lrrOtnt Jrt1111 nate 4- A d ern _ re 1f 4 • ll .•r trail. K• dim - ons .11 the rale ) per u i aa. Mt, Ina M1 J for rail on en - ��}.i�. �' ,may qK wr ^lana. , w Vt... Tu'o,. HAI Syle.1 ..ewer Afro*thha444' 11 POM A n'ttFJL LY, • J011. NM JULIA P1u,.nct. r. � I. tli aklyMr tau per eerie or. If fret-_ p5ldglntil -- Lat. Not ember .,,,o Die ter cent 'rd. t. _ _ - Pry pomp. lY awl err lour dbctrunt•. ANI(111 f4 ALM' .OF TW-ENTY•• W:11: 1 431PR1:LL. VKV MIL('H COW)+, YO(J VU CAT. Wp:rmber2sh.1116. (•uELL..r. kARL'ltl:.e'01.FB.1.10l.L8Ti:t4KY4kM . AIRO1U1.1.9.-MR$:A. NICHOLL, Moon serset. 1s preps ret to Ad all kinds MH_ JA MEd E. Fi:ItOUNI)N • et hes week de from epi hair or eoir tail .. wUl nell by pa- bite archon at Latinate. SOO, and. u*pIi(0 heir for ender*. .eietltiflc te,.t- Godes leh. on • JNeut, (Arnie*. oto , aril atea for role toilet IIIIiIAY. NOV I:MRe:It 17th.. tettnfP)t '..hamper I e deo,. trbam tic Ilea or ma.awge tenni. her ante{ dAilo-0lioe. hitt pwtmencing al 1 :to oet r k .a«tip :-_-- - if • r _. . -- Tweets -even caner young much crow,.. al j • FOR . SALF. sunpwal to heIn ca.l. Most hew ate ornodtI - grade Durban'• and a few ext.* ------ -_ _ _ - --- - choiee Hd+tetna. Also a 'puling -rear+: -- R{ ` MALE -1 ' HAVE A FEW IS rxtrol good LeiM-tar-taw (4. IewD+: ewe lamb•.alroa few Ruud lick. 1 pair yenning colt.. lolly ar ` apo.) InR. r4ina 2ewr. old. sinal by Jxi .1/WJt:m- -t acus; in to. *tic at will. etttMtne thoroueh- - They user 1( toe-rhr.rltrm -and T nMw Darr to brLA_•bORl THOuI Milli, - handl... 37 11 lint cher (The equate. • Truss.' Pi: nron•h-' credit will be given on fun[-hinddppmtcd ,po�l nutss o r fi d baorot _ _.' �illVAri ;A L' t*.H(CMEHO LD or per cent . +t rII 'wed ourdt-h. JAMES F. FoUN, T rLN\IitIIF: 4..r Proprietor. - .1uelloneer. - TLe undersigned nt►cr- ffnr -Ale the following ------ anlrle.of household hlrniture : --7 (Me mahogany centre mahogany chit- • AUCTION BALE . footer nerd dren-er: two btu.. teed. with -prang-: A oak hookcaac, early )':ngli.h ant -h : National Or, ' electri ranee: oak refrigerator, elect he light V• ALUAIILL FA1t 4'1N UODItHI(•H TOWN art nr it. hem uWe.. hammock. couch and asp ,,t, bade.. tiH1P. Perrone dr.lring to do -o m.ty Inspect there artfele+at residence on afternoon -of That -rosy. Tricia yy and 14.nttrda/, Nei -ember latth. 01 h at.d 181k. frotn:1until 9oclurk. -, F' R. RODOENK East street, Oodf•tieh. 0F'(401 EKIs t TA X%Jt+`- if 1j WITH THE 16I st HURONS (By rhe 81goa1'r own eorreepondlet.1 SOC "- EN Rut"t6. The Battalion formed up on its own parade grounds it. Oasop Borden at 2.43 p. w. en Friday (October 27) and marched to the station, where two U.P.R. trains o1 eolnnist member were awaiting it. The 142nd Battalion, acting as escort dined the road to the written and cheered lustily ay the Homme marched out.. A and H com- panies retrained first and front the time the signal was given to\entrain until the train pulled out less than five minute* elapsed. As the writer was on the first train he can only chronicle the events deal- ing with the trip If that half of the Battalion. The route chosen war L)• wry of Coldwater Junction, Lindsay, i'eterborougb. Ottawa and on to the coast. Before reaching Lindsay a hot- box on No. 7 coach (there were thir= teen in the trails, caused trouble and it was neceenary to stop several titles to cool it off. At Lindsay a long *top we could make sure which t i oil ore'wat tuadr and new brasses (hereilljtsl i ' the invincible I11rt i beard,yt in to an eudeavnr 10 adjust- the J incoming coacher across the tracks the shouts of a hccire of familiar voices. '11111(! M. Roo", hello, hello 1' And baoking that we:- to my delight 1 raw the cheery, brawny faces of trouble. While at Lindsay a laigr number of the citizens gathered at the station and gave the • bt) - . good 11' a time. Chewing K apples ear handed around and r lunch put on the our boys who were !mailing halfway [ruin for ever. moo, the latter being out the car windows greeting 11111 in prepared by the 1. U. U. I:: -..Before the the ur(5rt ruthvsiarttc tanase. It aurin pulled out ruusitg cheese were was thrilling to er0. 1hrn1 andnto hear given for the Lindsey p uplr. thea). Before the, realer was at s After leaving Lindsay the• trouble stana4till 1 Wss a1)oald and in for with the hotbox still continued stud mial.t of thew. They weer gleet. I owing to fiequent *Lops it Was tower, dbn't rrmrtIbrr wren 1 have orally ►sly u) let the resin Ilraung 1" eia( 1) enjoyed anything more that meeting ,'rupanie* go s H Intek there boys, in everyone of wheat 1 have a prt•(Ional interest. We bad a half-hour together which 1 thoroughly ap'preelated-. , ' Scarcely bap the first section of their ttaiti pulled gut when the warred, [tearing the rest of the Battalion. pulled in, and again a httlehou Was AND LA} $14 bead. AL ave the ctraCb causing the trouble was rideti'ached and a fresh one takenton and no more trouble was experienced. 1't a catering to the Battalion eel route was undertiseth by the railway. company and the quality of food,,rt/es. of the ieet and 11n Clint in the',ljltr ily., The wen were drlil-lit.4t veld) enjoyed to 1111' 5*141e way. met. the freatu neo they t.•Crlvist en mule. every one of our O.derirh Ixys and 4 A long stud oar .0 ado *1 , out trot, looking bunch and the cheer trill, heart -1 water was t enrwed tend the c!...... Advertising is -the lite of trade. The 'trust successful business Mleu are in- variably gaud advertisers. It ypu have anything to sell, telt about itriw the columns of THE SIGNAL. THE BIONAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED, Ps aurae ITHE LADS IN KHAKI. war proud-oltheinTslt.-Thee are a Rt 1 whrrr the supe y o urt, , pre oust test lot of DIM 700 wtenid ,wish to were thoroughly inspected. \\ hilt Meet. Th$) 4.4'alrellinll arc Iation t herr a .try wrlanule vlsiun w a+,Rev. Walt very r f.,rtxble and every wen Ueo E. 1(0.11, wort, caws ,,tla)wt111 And 'wokin hit beat tern* of their treat- renewed acqueottanee w1 1 hes n j tuner. liotletieh friends(in.fr l < ' A5 tot .3Sa1u utled (5111 th0y gave The ltigth aria the laid arrtvcd at rr14_;A1j,,,a 'Welty = rr and as it, disa'b• AionLu al about the earn(' time as HI peered, moo tlI 4t311 a ea{ men, k ref( blit 7111 1(t- h they wrry 1 polar and IIN,1.41 w/ith envy upon tit user ltgfsil.Qfi,(syr- )iso c..acbrr 11 , (he Iattrr,'ti! hopial that the T• migh' � yekt1 e a orcynarty urr' knee in the_ ri1. c� 11 t1 ;F `iher-1 e n ye r ► 1 ' t t Ism t t P t Pd rel 1 wee tl i d P��� j r .Mur *be vain. 1 eon only hope :hat when own yusrtemnast•.•rr.'' at II 1 11) fl lel.. but J-� 1 they return weanxv have all n'ppnylu•wus oak('u-on board vat , Lieut. C. le. Pote, Nen-in-law of Mrs. Horace Horton, bout been awarded the military once for conspicuous hi %Very' on the field. Lieut. Pott was very *eve&ely wounded at Courcelette and it now cotvaJeseing in England. He will be remembered as manager of the Standard Lean Co. in Ooderich a few years ago. - - L:erp.• H. C. Wilson, of the 111th (Perth) Battalion, will Int einetntr&ted' in Ooderich as Hugh Wilson, son of the late Rev. Jasper Wilson, whp was pastor of North *meet Methodist church abut fifteen )'ears ago, Hugh PTE. \V M. KENNEDY. Mn. Patrick Kennedy hat received a letter front her son, Pte. Willi•rm Kennedy. written f • 1s South General hospital, Hn K hane Eng- land. He atelr+ that 1)0 mat w„undrd September 311th, bring hit in the left ahuulder and blown 'thrum Nit.rn feet in the air. He'lsy in a shell -hole tot two days., the slrrtrher benne* bring shot try►lug to t•racb hirer. The wound is note getting int fine, hr says, though still very painful.. 11.• was aerenteen day« in hospital in Fr,anee before he could Int moved. H. does/not think he will h. Merle to go hark to the firing Inc.iHe saga the R1-i•i«Ir are *deans steadily, though with hews y 111010•, Tend he Germane ate sul[rri g- *till metre heavily. V, _ _ EN ROUTE TO HALIFAX. Corp. Lewis Elliott Sends a Diary the Hurons' Trjp to the Coast' Corp. Lewis Elliott. of the Hurons. sent hiv wife and hit pimento, Ur. and 51rs. Frank Elliott, a diary of the trip made with the Battalion from Uamp Borden to Bahfas. Following are extracts : Somewhere between Havelock and tywitb'r Falls. -The train is going like the wrndrlw you -will hate to exewese scribbling. We left Camp Burden at 3.31 p. w, 'There are twelve cdkchee drawn by engine No. 11M, C. P R. We stopped and bad it good supper at a youngster then, I Coldwater Jct. at . t:. It war a hilt he it now one of Canada's stalwart C. P. H. meld and a d ). dandy to whate . was a wee bit of y tardier. Ili* 'battalion has just gone l we have been used to. Arrived at aver«tar. Orillia 11 p. ter. and sew all the pretty _ l lakes and the toWn. Of course 1t was ,Word bas been received that Ernest frothe ear wiud_l)•Ir. Arrived at E. Thompson, .on of Mr. Ww. Tho•uP-� Gnt ind+ap 7 alt p. m. sou the U. U. E. sons of town, in now r lands eery Drill. I i red s. - Ia g iruak hiillec 4. Lindsaanh000lat&y we He (enlistedwithhand,. with all the womenfolk.) who matched alongside the train and lade us eroelbye end -good luck. I had the luck to ht•ld lien. Sir Sans Hugh' -ti' daughter r h.iUUd. How is that for society ? Art reed at Peterboro' K all p. en. Lott of people at the station to Kee 110..-_011 again, • ` Havetock 9 35 p. m., changed train 'crew and filled our water treks in the mare: Arrived at 'Tweed 10.43 p. w. We are away again and expect to be in Montreal be•" tweet' 4 and 6 tomorrow mourning. with the test Battalion, was draftedLLMo the 49th, and baa 'reser in the trencheii p Aiisaelss for some t1we. r Pte. Ernest - Steiena, who was, in town a little 4.5er a year ago en route to his home in the Weat titter (wing wounded at the front, in now in Tor- onto training with a cycle corps. AI- tnotgh he was ill hospital for the giratel putt of the past year, he be- lieves he in now strong enough to re- turn to the fighting ranks.. .Private SteVe'n,. it i1 1..r111re C,dhornr town- ship boy and w nephew of Mins Ida \•al$toneof town. e,.•s. %V r landed at Smith's Fells at 12J14 a. rel r. r(. here goes for the hunk'. - Well, 1 am awake. Arrived at aluntr58l 1l ei clock r: w. Maturday and Vt'Alkrrh'n Te , e, trlegnun 4hr fir+t`tlau 1 anus was Itrv. , Slr. rlcrlvrd un \\'tdnrh sy tuorniug by PRenu". f1.' 1.111)0 through our 1114111 and 1 whim is shook 11aa.d0 46th all out lxwr. When I of (astir( , at p Undid Be we ut berg for Llul Mittel war at present vi«itinR at Mr. Hrtay.O eon, K J' Fi,tnr•'; an 1 that her son, do tome aide of Or std [were.• batteries signaller. 'tett, ie 'beriil Misr. -fri t 1' t vyawa (n the other. K sit), 3/floor IIs*, is 04. . 0 realer is cm the rug siatelr i to ` lover K going his b.•uw wit lflr, sir.(�{{ ler«; \\'illiamr K ii is a fine sight sin hrtotrpirlitt in tour :{llh ,L(((eah. ii, 'iI1 ng h tip•` ire teiuts ref .fun' and Hr was 5.011 tflburtht of here and bet« 1t xU -Ttspe riir, rust bre kitty n1 Ile ' Gtrnlr it \Vrlkr -t ►. frt••1 (101+1 till' .11'' eller-, \\ y `il Vit. 14i.1',,, ql .. It Y� j1. D1 > ls��ia f r - p'itrt..iiu k 141111 1 111 11(1.41 tsI naris on (*apt. Cyr it Carrie 465ite n his u,aus+,'that, w*t 't int in" Halifax - rlrinbet from '•etvestewllrt•r i .hoe:" 11ini1 Jlul\tlpv' 1;'r'I►ti)y, a.s 1 gti_._ we ••%V.' ate ha'.li,K .eros• very tine have 1.41"1 55.ebto il. wie liavi• 151)1 ealher tire.' af!rr llrr recent hl'av)• i Met 1. p.•rsrin -inns wr tell Mlrntbeal" 4(5*.-�1Sj++plruttid w,st1.1 (,•r .the, tbM•tt•uld afw+nk Entzh.h., Kv.•rglxxly ante, whish et pi s'eerdtng tlt'•ly , in l•'r.Rrt•h afd I br co oppt y in full a't r,v day-. .ler-1 Drar .err rex 1 w Mit IN 1 churrbr-,' ao they -l. t. .natal:y grnnp uL t,eruuan pti0nnI•rr, Lu1«y�}'1 gutaf down olww. (herr (•.riot'. -a tlst • Oldiugisr•ai1A',;v.'. Them are gewntI,.frialinr4asv:M.40stops ,v''.e,-..1.'1.1' � be lit D r• Inti r o wretch 1 a •.►k►n :end art eery K p At C'L:(wt Iq Jnueu. n, .1 ill. fighting. Ariel"' the nar7lO'vt1 i nice lit' le plate. of arts ut _,•rml i,t hills; - a spites)* 'u the d A •, i r 1 'nil red w ri n 1 1 •r . t.I tT l*1 tarn x K ('a«Ilrltylist.m OJatl� Ir(Krle• flue done. toast' ,I, l'•'h )hl.. u„h ate place- - the Hne:,wi fk. ,but i'' ie\ bully cat 0p. tiro tier... (1 Hiram stn «1115,(• We. lett Never otoe in the 'evreal charge s [lir Y 1':.lIs I li.r i.'tr , yratetalay nftrt noon: ny.i-i0A1_1e-- (I' t:,itininn' enhtt'ta1' \\`P gn i4,lFtFRW'.: raiihrrnrd and left uek'• A 11AHrrtutne(it:: nlid, Tttr ('5811-'' 41•hendirl.r J111,11 nu u' 1.:41 1'..tn. Ar- umHi'•.'ter ti.ar:y mil rIrli'rd -I'V- the rived at "l..l'ietle i11 we had li014ry arl.illrr iu the 1rat•. '1'fir 4lia1) `la 11151' 01(451011. ,e\t1 fn11 11ta{I wr Ire brier" acid Y. `I. l:. (4. 111011our cel y 1 crurot•II 1'1.11,1 tnnn *row noon, ro 111 111041•(') tbn urua_aud 1110 resit ro la•r iosir uo.er etrhallrt at.Nit Paving th 'r shard of the danger. mbar I so). Ina\•1'i1 keep my diary just \i. Queen, 1 lirucctrld, hot`,• learn the Nom(', «u w�tII let loll kurus all errata. I"in lanais tel KI9jI l*d nn *I h111 it burr., . IVs• a1vA1 Int to l 'is'I ac-„ +i Io,tc,'. f hen►• etre h p'...I nat'ph ret 11r►lig ht-11N5P�t111". *1(11 t well I.r ", halt tl is dntng s1.Irt,l.sl 4610 k 551111 hi' silr5.p. ' 1 tun 1il 1 tonight, our 1 •i-1Mvr-ll.1L5 ilr.-t. .- ' ' dii)t: t *Ir. i' xr hilt 'ght'. 1' oar. - I hart Hort pint* 1;41'0'111" -f -...11,4._, -„,,,,,,,.--(Lit tot • _ Mourn oltrtl. -. I` ti'nli elulurh.l.aludrlur hielhnt 1osh on r,Ihr► "1111'\of t;t0 tr'ack ` •rgi►iieflt 't 0 Sunday," atld as fur a+ 3 ,i#1'40 nee. eirld moue- ' tains all err 1 sue. I be <'nrys at a reel I' •''''t. , r l' Prete %Y. ,A. *nil Frank Shophtnd, ill hood 1111 ,ill 1 feeling fine. «'Ina of Air. pard Nils. John !hoitl..ndpI ir4.atil o ul.I, ,I,' 11.`hSunedl puuurn- of Rochester, Allwt•ts, nrr with the 5411) force.: ever ere*... They ate inepllew. of 11515'. f11nt1)11g blit h,i"hi Mld til ."' the 115.55(54. i'talkrW, of the 1113IlrinI H1liIax, M.rnday; 7.'.0 a, hi. Ar - road, P1.. 1V. A. libophaud wax re- nivel 1..'r.' at t1 a ►n... HAd s d {dy cen115 wounded. tip, but w.• doll c linos w1i('n'.gr 441,111' al ger 11 herr. 1Ve are -- tr. ling fine. - r • Among the ca"uititis' pnrtel ts -- wrrk'i.1liet a(5un.I lI. ,'f Earnerrr I'anhs10r • (!aasf-ienl'.1 oy.t, t s, .solid tweet. , v U from 1 ' r'r t n 111 t s k• H 1 r1 trod*, or BIsC \ U ht firth f o .11 . � •' Sun f 1 . . Laub -nail ) tun, Dt oily to do !lieu. honor het..-. I Jrnst. 'eery WAD w 111 give :1 good ace hietoelf and that we 1041', *11 bar. In'welceme them home again w victory has been won." ., i'* not sufficient to cati,e Any undue ex• - 4 rttetgrnt. '. rr. I 'Se .$xtttedt►y, on At•t iVjRg�l[t Cneti- h-" dirge, *pout 3 p. ler., she H'tuition went for s short rotate march Around t town.. Another route eh bras taker' at l'nmplrlliiat, N. 14.,041 Sun- day therning. At'Uhaudiere the aeon could hit' the two. great ' cath never farms of the unite tunl4te Quebec bridge. (Quebec cityytay about ten tnilee t4 the err. 13.. the train carry - 1 For the purtu•u of winding OD F.`•TAFP: l)►-TH►: I,Arl: JAMES RAY and in pun -mance Of the order made In the Bu:Trin4 Court of °Mat-M.1n the matter of he ,ra*la of .:,e 1111 JAME-1HAY.bearing pdate _.. - Nr 11h'n�s ii i*N3-.141 pun er. atbe he -(burl Hos, .r, err Ole own of O,Iderleh, on SATI'ItI(.%Y, rue 1/4144[;Aof NOVEMBER, ■ the hour of 12 ,clock noon. the following land- and prrniber, viz : - IA)T h1' MNIR 41, IN TI4 MAITLANID ,'0N1•CIOION (r- Tllk TOWN/0111'11F loiKKlC11, in the county of Huron. containing 7:1 mores noon• or lee. at the time of Ma death necup,ed by the sat I .lance. Hay, lin the farm Is e,ltelid s stone house. frame barn and other buildings. ['here l- n v 'doable gravel pit located on the farm front which coo.iderable revenue might oe derit ed. Teems The fare. will be sold suhJect to e reser., 4 hid. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay down n deposit of ten per e'en(. of the purchase money and shalt pay the remain ter .11 toe pen'hasp money within itdrys there- ar fter rttlounr� nd conditionion . of .sale will be trade known at the time of sale and In the meantime may he had -from the +aid administrator 6r from It soliettota DSled this •'21r1 day of October. 1910. -' .McKINNON do ROW 117, of the City of Guelph. Adminlat'Morn01114e ` &tat ofyJamea Ray. deceased. t J.oR SALE OR RENT- yp�a� (/R REN Y. t1111.1.IIN IFOCSi Ofi ■' (;ln,c,.. r I..-- Apply to JO!. C. O1tI F Ft N, 37 -tot g1L1.-it.r.NT.- 'WO HOUIE9. ONE 1 on 1urulel a( -1 a04' hi"mtrer o(r :.veru'• with m ern 401vrirknMr'. /4.i4i to 2f 'ill avenue. 1f• 2t D. r 1 1 a Mit?. .1. 1 N. h )R BALE, -AT tth:MIDEN('E OF Ugh, r ..tr..... .hoc• 1 II I' l ese )t. Kt .K11 i1F. Ids r'ard, dining table. hall -tree.: ran'nnaUal Mwkr.-c. b. -droop). (mutterer. chair.. (Able•, olletutit..refrIReratot, wardrobe amt boater. All In good condition. .41+.1 a' number of cowl boons... Ire particular, engtilrt• J. W. BAKER. Th, Square. 33.1t uortb of Chat At Bathurst. B colli and print ahead( al,d.i)amimp*nieN abs itle N. 13., another' FOR SALE. -4%EDAR POSTS, A1,$0 ' R. C. shingle.. Apply W. T. RIDDELL. Aubnr0) LOST AND FOUND. , u9T.-AU(.UST 18t1t. NEAR BED - 1 RORD' Hotel or Ford Oerage. a .Dyer cigarette case with hot•..• a head enameled on front. Return to lhlr (Moe and receive re. wird. 35-21. ITRAYED ON THE PREMISES OF 1 the ,rnderntgned. lot DI. concession S• West 'awano.h. on October •.."•ltd.. a red ro7apn de horned heifer. Ownermay have same by pro* log property sod paying RY PLOW L1:1t, Dungannon P. O„ Ooderlcb Rawl Tel.:plione 48. MUSIC. ISS NINA WOOLLCOMBE, TEACR11R PtANOrraPapilspreP at'ed for Toronto Conservatory exmoina ora. Apply at residence. Trafalgar street, OOdertch. KO. 1( SUNBURY, A. A. O. U., 1 L. g(� C. MJ, Ontanlrt sod Choirmaster of nox Ckicreh. Teacher peed. *01(1 o?g*D Pupil- prepared for examinations. (fellow's.to RUM: North rt recto, opposite FARMK FOR SALE, • I. An excellent 51re,. farm on come -.loo P. north half of lot 1. A•hlidd. containing 1111 acro-, well fenced and *attired by arte.ian welt amt windmill . 2 Another de..ler:or farm on conce..lon A, •ouch half of north half of IM :1, Arhflekl, con- taining fin)' acre.; good apple orchard. well (mead and watered by .print creek. For (0,0,,! 401-1 learnt. seedy to M1tN. JOIIN T. GRIFFIN. Phone ON r 1 Kintall, Vot. A Wos And G rria l , es Painted P a� Call and make arrangements to have your paint- ing dam ---e= is winter. 1 LET "SHINER" DO IT. The Dominion Road Macbil*ely Co., Limited 1'IIONE 154 • OODFR.ICH HOUSE FOR SALE 1N VILLAGE OF Al'KC1tN.-eeren loom., wa4,rooppii panty and woodshed : good rellnr ; barn wfIli (rink-ttined stable : smoke holt..., frame b t11A- lea 1.1121: fruit trees and -garden. Apply on menthe.. MUKIt/Y I'.4TEltrr(JN, Auburn, 1211 CARDS OF THANKS:- - .4 :prier ,cratlght tl{f to 'train' withCr. ;d, and et New- -abort route mart:hw•ad held. fillet -de w e mounted on the tt•ein throughout th ' ,urnty. -i u n forguard II off.K )111{1 those (wing total duty two hours only in every fv`Ivtl hours. At Moncton. N. B. the Battalion, (vas met at the station by the citii.enN band and a large number of, citTz• to" 'and escorted through the town. The c Biens gave the notdier46-w-msln1 wrl- e'ome and ninny were at the Mellon, to wish them (iodspeed on the a departure of the train. U. S. ELECTION IN DOUBT. AIrR. AND MRS. JAM. LEONARD l and lamely t.ke t hit mean. of exprswsing their slneere thank. to the many friends who extended ud.t'.soc yid sympathy In their time of berea.en crews neonoror..- --14.- -. LARD OF THI KM. -\VE \VISH l to exprosr bot trice cis whfal o have heartfelt thank. to all the good ' o kind to os In our great bereavement by the Te. of ear beloved son, William. In the storm on Lake Erle October Cah Such sympathy- as wr hare received help• to lighten the heavy load of nor.•ow. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM IIARD OF THANKS. -WR ORATE - FULLY acknowledge and app*('elate the k nd expression* of sympwthy and the beantl- fnl floral offerinp of our many friend. And tie Int lee+. 1140 of Huron hedge, No. BS. 1.0.0. F., and the Marino Club. In the recent- lo++of my hMovod sort aid our dear brother. We ex. pre.wly dealt* tot hank the Rev. Mr. McDsrmid for the.erri,s tendered. MRA. 1)ONALDORAHAii AND FAMILY. WANTIU. . ANTED. -A FR W WIRE B0Y9, TT girls tine women to work In the ennnlepe� factory. Apply at the office, D. F. HAIALINK. President Wilson May Be Ke -elected. and Then, Again. He May Not. The result of the Presidential epee tion held in the United Stettes ion Tuesday is still , uncertain. Thin (1'hur+dsyj evening Wilson (Democrat ) is conceded 251 votes and Hughes (Re- publican) 243. There are 331 -votes in tilt Electoral College and 2111 are necessary for electron. he thief v -seven uncertain votes are those of California #linpesots,New Mexlcu, North Dakota and New Hanumbire. liotb House* of Congress appear to be Democratic by small majorities. Michigan voted for prohibition by a large majority. South 'Dakota, Ne- braska sod Montana also voted them- selves dry. MEN AND BOYS ; WANTED:- .Yi . o or sax handy men or bore wanted. Appy W PAOIO1 GRAIN DOOR CO..Oode. rMh. 1`111: L \Th .1 lost soon ,a A r. 1uo1 Mrs. John Kelly. h.Nil•flch. As already recorded in The Signal, Pte. Pet. ick Joseph Kelly, 191'11 Dilioi), dr'd i4jM 1l.--t•tiitrrs •at- 1 rcee a tTP T pit(ary. Alto., •,i 0x'4-oleer'21't. The deceased wet, the eltjr.l. son of Nil-. street, sad Mr.. John Kelly, Church rivulet i 1,., Ile 'war born in the town - Ship of Mitrrisfin Dec,ltlwr, 114111, and ,spent the first tweet yeeraof hi. life soothe furcal. He then ' ed with the fau,ilb to !Myth . and atts'rwards worked i1. A1ichigarr; then farmed it Eley township for live y.•nr0, and afnett fifteenyearsag.) went In *the \Ve414 mister he w'a0 (I•14'grd es •1 coot tract'Fin--thee--(*ental 'I'r nk Plicattt'. He 1rnvAk besides hie wife, Who lives wt Srafortly, toile sun •, twa) of Whole are with tsbe\/ rtes at the front. ' The renlatniesere brought ler (iode- rich al1.l elle fauAtal took place front the patetrtNLhotne on Saluldny, alt., to et. Peter's chervil, where I(rv.• 'ether McRae (Aid,! MAW, and thence. haere._certtcterj-, Blyth. for interment. The pilllbei►ryr. were Michael .1. Farr, .1. H. Kelly,- Patrick Vary arid 1'..1. Ryan. • Atnnn{\tliose wllo attended th.• fdnrrrl were Will- iam Kelly at�el Sirs. I)svyer, of 'De- troit, ht•uthrq and sister of the d emigr'. Moi. SI... Farr, of town ; Mr.. Richard holey, of (laicege, and Myles Kelly, of Los Angeles, also are sisrere and brother of the dwtoased. Writing to P4r..John Kelly end eni- elwllq notifpirig hiTn of his w'n's death, Lt,-Uol. W. C. Craig, enumerator I91th Bette -Imre n, bays : "Your son was with me practically torr nines the Battalion ase Ar ianvr.l 1411(1 was Well known and well liked and will Ise w distinct loss. You have my very eineere sympathy." The - aimee likeness'. while taken o me year6 ago is a very g,xxf one. GIRLS WANTED APPLY GODERICII .-' NITTiNG CO. HE iS JUst" tE martyr THE MANY Who Haye Found New Health in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Tarhot, Victoria Co., C. H., Nov. it (Special). -Philip McLeod ie just one more of the many resident. in thin neighhorbcond who have found new health in Dodd'a Kidney Pilin. "1 have used Dodd's Kidgeyy Pills with great .urceee," Mr. McI.eo d states. "For yearn I had kidne trouhle * d could get nothing to het me. Beijing of what Dod4'n Kidney, Pins h earns for others ed me. to tree them. Five Armes cured me oom- pletely. 1 have recommended Dodds' Kidney P1112 to many people. I coin - not speak too highly of them," , The testimony of people who have been cured in tetter then all the the- ory in the world. Dodd's Kidney Nilo are purely and simply w kidney remedy. If you hare kidne trouble all you need to do is to ask others. They will tell you that Dodd's Kidney Pate will cure you. rnlop, - (stone s. I'hlnu• ..In. Word has been received that Pte. - Thome wishing to *end photos tot r- Delbert Johnston.. formerly I (awls-- gene f4N-t• gate.,should not pout h w,w moulds' 1 xt the Ira( 1t-nnt l,1T *([(ing ante , t is i but K'•t thew tin on 1he 'Lod ret UCU't)eli'. Slr..loh 1Nt11n Awaycnrly, Its err ar will �rr nurhrd, in another Signal "old boy." tie left (learn ich miner years ago and had been ertokieg at_Winnipeg. SHORT COURSES IN STUCK JUDGING. - Ti. Be Held nods the Direction of the {hest Huron Board of Agriculture. ArrShgrmPnte have been made for the ho+tlding of•w eeringeN no(5d d•e.hitrehe c(5htn(e* aee � tion of thhe Wutl�est Huron Bowra of Ag ritetoltnror Thesee-will lie held at --saris 0118 pointe, we folldws : Bliley.1e, NovMntr\Ir alt end 21. - Dunggannon, Noveniiser'L:,and'-til. Londesiw'io', NfrvrnlhlT 27 amt .114. 'rhe claiPer will be cltRducted by Slesera, John (birdhouse, n \\'error, and A. H. Harling, of Mtrathr . tow WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS. experienced atocktwn. The .. , ss will he convened a:. 9.i cluck in The Best Local Paper and the Big City morning and 2 e'Clock,in the aftern Deily, and all ferment and any others inter- I While we contend that the greatest eated in ae1�&iculiuro are invited to t rein. ThOrrwill he no wdwinainn (PP. i . DIEO, Alewsuin of circulation of y local join. is the fleet effort of the newly iI .. piper in your own community * it sits organized Board of Agriculture, and St Mi.,- uollerlch, on Tuesdlt , MOV T. tial ter -Ch! [Test ('oda, t, We eh anti tin. it, Kss earnestly w'eired that farmers 1; 'Mule.. W. Rabb,- -_--• terpriae54 of the district, Ne also realise and others will gilt their rim -operation - the net•Pseity of the metropxolitwn daily to it w .deserts. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -1110♦: f)\' newspaper to keep in troch with mar- Pace '� lusts, outeid0 happening., world-wide One Clint for a pound of coffee, and (•,ud of Thank-- Mr, led ]ton, Win. IbRle.,.. l and war never. W e have( male aprciwl gond coffe,. too, tat the Rexall st(M ,t,lo sndi.ni.yte. t'nhda.I�Thr i►ominlon nrrgt�ngemente With The Daily Mel and next Thoradwy, Friday and Naturdwy, (toad Starhtnery co., Limited , t , \ F.nlpite, by whish Ise ran niter it and tm:tion stale -Ja., Ito. Feurneon t Mir own paper, the Iwo together, for Edwards' are again making that'gd�+.. torrent- Mrw A.I. Metean.. 1 twelve mhntha for Iki.76, pure homemade candy. A sample will Thoroughbred stool for. dale Thomas tent 1 Send ell order; to office of thio con5i14 a yon. cant of Thanks --Mr. And Alco. Jae. Leonard 1 1f1113Y11 __-_. - Itrednr J. W'. rrosalar t ural-ehipt oystere, solid meat and It's so easy to recall en unkind word 11on'n to 'tent --Jo+. ('. Ilriieln ..,. 1 always fresh, et 1Kdwards', Plume 21116 as it is to draw back the bullet after .till;le0i>ifile.-Mb Julia/1'ltntlly. firing the gun. I IMvate Awl. of Roa4eltold tK,rnitore-1). R Hodaena 1 One Cent 8A!c-il tn1O4) + Rena Ston.. ,... •d Card of Thanks -MN. Donald Oraaam sed Family... 4 Help Want.d'-D. F. HamKek. 1 Make appoint., 'Atte at . \'. '1'iteme- I.Nl(r(, Ileo the%' • old hta 1. 2t. ,r Walters ft Co 5 cot price shoe stilt .e5 on. Don't ',ins the chance qf, Nav- 1 or *`2.14) on Altair of i • 9114), EL ah s. Notv,l+ your time to boys AUCTION SALES. Ti-o.t,tv;'�ov. It (J,-a.Ing a ,''al▪ emkale of farm -.o*k, �1plemenl+, etc., the property of Miss lotto M'-1 ,4Iy. lot 7. corse. ion 9, A.11 field Ih,t m east 1 Klntaltl. colnfttenr)ng at 1 u •k. Jolts 04, auctioneer. Wicu*VADAT, N y tS,-AectMn sale of fans stock and Irlpteniduts, etc., property of Mr. ,)ohn Manby, 11u1Mtl\townab ip lone mile south err Londnsbonit G (ll.'s!my , Auctioneer. FRIOAv, Nov. t7, -11a14 of mulch cows, young rattle. yearling wilts. Leidesterewes and Iambs, al Isnuan's hotel. (loderr.;h, commencing at 1.:In p, m, JAMKa IC FKRnuNos, proprietor; Tune. 11C1IRY, Aue(lQoeer, ATI'aaAT,Nov, IP,-Atietler,wale of valltIble hem, being lot 9I. In the MAMMA concession of uiesofich i 'n -id belonging to the estate of, rh 1a10 James 1), at the court house. oterl -h, lit t2,,o clock noun, Twss. Guiiusv tioneer • 4 _ -__- Tbe Magee. sale ever Matted in Ooderich-Dunlop's One Cent Sale, Men'a 96.00 long teethe' hoots to November 16, 17' and le. Many hitt clear et 1113.96. $500 high robber boot' not ell the snap, are mentioned in tine to clear at $3.96. See them. Walters paper on page 6. lt Co. •