HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-2, Page 9--.1 % a R , y yl1 Ars'.`: r "M a '• N.,* l6,r Pq rasv —,,i ., _ i •a -•,* e13 .ale q, ; z s Y•°x' 7', .,.h t .lj ' " - ,. a 't' 'y;' ^"awe.' ..'" • "av"„ '$ . ' .' tR ..".'fes:. ,'.... 3 i1"Wp3p ,-a: •«' .+Nae " "—"" '' t ' t. < w, ..+' '' y, y .,.. daii Www •ea,t P, n r . s G "-51I p ..( %_&1, aiu.. - r , +.!'"'. , ',, . a SOS' -•.<r w - ' ..stet "• 1 Mob; - • !'. ..r ditAat.K. , qi_ °'-P 0.&f x, t y T rrllb„ a 3j r A ie,•.m Awy ,hart Mq, ;' . /'-" ai '''«: M,,„y+ .' u. - . 1 '._- T, stoVrMi+ttn t low . + .. 'IHF, SIGN GODFRICR ONTARIO tt' -- - - _.-- - *,' . reached hy.lbs Fntended distribution ` w Fall of ('hriatmas cheer, relative of the rg. a soldiers are reyusrted to sand their , -' rt; addes wt voce to the pratuV. Rev. int R. U. Mc/)ermid. i ' P Wall Papers I !iAt Nortts street Methodist church X' r next ffunday morning the subject for + } a f Jiecussium at, the Men's `]nodes Club, - F'' I' i IT. :t tweeting at 10 o'clock, will be "Why and How We $honld Help the British `" t r, t, .,;' i C and Foreign Ifible Societies." At It `iff1 --- / s o'clock there will tie a reception of vat - members and the sacrament of the F I w Lord's Supper. Rey. W. K. HAger's tr J evening subject will be: : "My Soul ,i txa and I,,, I "" _ k &Z ?4 v}y On November 141b, Rev. F. O: F - - )loll, of Toronto, will cotwenci evau- zr 1 JL gellstic services in the Baptist church T will certainly pay you to The public are herewith notified in the . :.' t,,v I loot; t'it'er our new hope tbat many may attend the meat- i ": .,, logs and receive much blessing. The Wall Papers pnyees of the Christians the town *"R - ' ~ and community are requested, lA Next Monday afternoon and even- j ".tri + , x if )'OU requite any, a., these In and Tueadwy morning, there will )I ' TM, were contracted for before tie a Haptist Sunda School Insilute in `'' a --'` rApers wen raised price, the Baptist churc . Workers from y "' Clinton and Auburn will attend, and t k I ^ •""n1w!I►rr.r.... q •--. * Rev. P. K. 1►ayfo(rt, of Toronto, will ire 'z, re present, A hearty invitation is ex- t t papers tended to anyone who way wish to 3im,_ tail at IOC, 12c, 15c And attend. ' 20c per roll, others As low Rev. G. M. Holmes reports a very a d LLL I as Gc and 8c. Our best helpful and encouraging corvention -.. n* - T. CENTRAL SCHOOL EXERCISES, ._____ Interesting Program at Annual Prosed&&-T " I lien of Pries. C RRECT CORSETS The annual presentation of prai.aes rt l:rutral aalsgyt. &rook phos un l'i ids] eversion sort -was an interesting and w. L ' well-utooded event, autuog Ibose T i rseot being marry parents end others --.v °`tear. Qi°the "''• AT POPLJ .AR PRICES 11 lieu. K. X. Hxg.•e a(,rd as rhaii- a7 man, add in addition to his addra.• i .i 4 there were adrtre•ses also from Rev. I ",N" • - " 's"' '" H. C M !Dermid, Rev. O. M. Holuter -- ------ `' and Dr. H. 1. Strang. ln*p•cW r•Tow preseniM the Ruhert Par atorial P ERFECTION in Corsets is not attained only by one maker and our sitar medal (Kiran by EwLauri*- stock comprises lines, both Canadian and American, ton, of a to Miss Myraau,), which row es occon ses man awarded p }, maersMcNevin for securingOur experienced corsetieres will show you the model best suited to the bighe&t ruarks of the Central en- trance examination class this year. your figure, at any price you wish to pay, if you have not already found Principal Hume of the CollegiRte In stitute resented thedipluwas to ilia your ideal make of Corset. It may be worth your while to -consult with Irr. Oallow resented rues as us on the Corset question. suceraP til euu•auce randidat". and P P' follows : a fi t .csn e,, To Mary Howell, for highest marks F 'ft Y a tR i' (1 y , .i •L., r 3 t 1!4 "A -t +aa ,oe-.; z, , during the year (prose given by Mrs. L 1, ._ .,,- P. C.t Corsets . W. L.. Hooton). "t4 To :nary (farrow, for highest mark& Strong, wall -honed tdodZl for the average figure. Made of heavy- couilk IftioiQ,►r8ai> d' at in history (prize given by Mr. James sfi". s I6 110, Tier P1h .................. .....: .-:as..r.,.+..........., ................,t Mitchell) , 11 __, To James Taylor, for highest marks ,. Parisian Model )) Corsets 441* . in ort(prize g,vrnby Principal tJhar- '"' - -ten i nix"). . 1.paper~ retail at 25c, 35c At lit -on. Octobet 18-23. In spite To Irene Youug, for higbe@t marks Splendid Corset for average figures, strongly boned, full skirt, made of white cout.l. Al; sites at of warcondillons, there Is" been an - At midaummer examination of the r pair •• .••• •• ! , , 11 and 50c. pe p ............................................ o.......................... n anas increase ui gu[W to foreign missions armaor third claw (prize goon by Mire ^M +I•W _vt. , g 1 and to Christian eJucation from the ), R• • Chrisftnas to s is etc. B,►u ,,. : --„•, t Baptists of Ontario And Quebec, over The papile e&na several choruses in ' ' =w-•« F) t x ar ?•d3 e"i" w .a.: ,.. n„w , Waxed gaper, etc., for $07,1w to the former and about $10,- good style : "We'll Never Lat the ,,--4* , . • , P. C. Special Corsets - ` 000 to the latter. A good increase in UI,1 FI kill,•' "When Your Boy t over..se;t; a Two styles for lnedlala or fill 5gnres perfectly modelled for the le of dl'ew V p reels, on sale, membership is turtrd troth at Dome C,nuse ask to You," and "Tile Call.'' } ' Y , p•"w" }' } , and i° Indict Tho°gh they here bier. H. H. Kingo;ang Annie Laurie:" comfortable and serviceable: All sizes at per patt;-.. ..,,,................ crri......,,.:. •...... sl.2 .. • given their proportion of men and the Mise% Fera and I.asea Flliott - or _. woney fur the war, the progress of gnus a piaiiii'ttuet ; Miss Mary Howell s=.. . ,. .' a. !t V P C igh'CsTack' 'Qrsets + " Baptista and theirdevotion the on to ess tit y recited ,*What Makes the Dation • C. ... w osri seal a not slackened during lite r' and w clue of girls/ gaup dumbbell A Collet of exceptional rote&& in two A1odE1l, one specially adapted to slight figure,, the other .a . rxricines. _?-- r . 11 : The Brat mooting of the newly- o Howe rem,%rke frnno the chairman a made specially for stout. Each properly modelled,aud will retain their'sbape, $trougly &cued, > - f( formed National Service I eaglue was r brought forth w hearty ioucd of ap- gP111te COatll, 111Oe1y finished. Asirl8 p!t pair....... a2,00 IV, held to the school root% of Victoria ,,'s . plaube as a tribute to Miss Sharman, - 'C . ` _ streetchutch on Tuesday evening. Phe ri tb - capable and rn, rgetic principal of - : mein feature of the :ogratu rode an Central tchi,ul, who wit4 her aseoci- " " '` 'mv<+ _'.^' p u D f1 ;r .S, , 3 addreseb Pte. W.J. fico&&, of tirA- &tee on ttte stiff is doing rxcetlent "'' IC.we1 Cotset .._.,,,_-•. 11 .• L• i a* ' / verton, Ont., who bas returned to . work for the children altendirsg the - Thesi hig:grade American Cwseti its halfxdozen styles suitabk for'inedium or fall figure. We • f Crnaua to recuperate after sixteen school. would dra patieular attetltlgn to the models matte for stout figures. as they are with ut doubt , V.`` month&' service overseas with toe The proceeding+ were hrought-to a V 1 t .1P-, „ •s .,.h best Corsets made for a stahg figure either from the standpoint of comfort Queen'to Univerdty Ambulance 4oipo , close with the singing of the .National the Of health. We sell Mr, Acot6dea't in an interesting` and Authem. these>Amer1 Umdgla-ai............. { b- 1 inatructisf• &sits with conditions in —_ T ••$ 75 to 5 r(r NRYPr, whervhespeut@Pveralmiioths, Baby's Own Tablets. tt y fid.- ? wet• -r. • it , Ii:.TKg. _. ear.• 7 for deeeribing the country, the peolate and / Coilene Corsets _ - theircuetoms, and their attktude- in \ler. t'. E. $tilwRll.t. 'inthropr. I - ) A • tela*ion tr. t he war. Mr, (,f. M. Bili ;,- . * Suck.. writes : "i Have .used Bahy' A high-grade Can made Cornet filar is growing in fatroi overs day. -High etas only. Made", '- nit presided. L Own 'Tablets for the past ten years froth highly -tempo Coiled, steel wrtrer'piiable and practicslty nnbtps cablE. There is a Coilene .._. ;", -- " , and have round thew so gootb icer tlnll del for every fijj eF ieflL'i ; ...,1.,................................ .............$3.OQ to $5.50 ^ — Syrup of Ta 1 Men'& $5.1 to ieathwr , soota to little ont•6 that 1 alwaye keep a bol is d^#40' t 1 '. clear of SS.116. S5 6'rubber hoots the house.' Mrs. Stilwell i" one nt Jr f tk , r i vjl-' t to cleat at . ' thousand,; of mothers who always - . t $3.lf'i tje, 1beo'. CYslter• a s %\ k (k Co. i _ l'i`t . 'I'IIF(►T)ORB' SCIIULBIt. keep the Tablets on hnnd. (ince a i y J (' i { • mother has used them for her little - Spadx&SELLING bF' English Flannelette TQC , ► ij d A.• V- r V + Pte .Th.•o,p,,eyeh.iter,'r,Mclally rf- ours stip would usenothurgelse. They Is` HOSIERY w P w r 4? - z; - We want a tP Fe• of The Si - ' - This Flannelette is rsctir ll unobtainable tt 4 {ioclod July '-'fNh "►ilfrd in action." are absolutely tree from opiate. and 1"' ,.Cod. (Tastele.') nal of October 1'2_ ' cents a copy P+e, Scbw.•r was w son of Mr, and ~K tit any Drisw. It is hdav -tstrigbt, rift t4tidh, &vetted injurious drugs and cannot po@sihly do t abrwl will be,{raid, for thei '''rite SFartat» Eztrd(xdinary gt►cad vsdue for Satuteiay Pt iling s4 iii giro aney,rtriprs, atrly tont ctduew, `tphm- vM.. " Certain cure for Coughs, hs, r' Mi;.• Johrr_`iicholer, of New Hamburg. barn to the youngestebild. They are the homier counter. 'Pure -wool Cashmere in err- did w unlit Per aid.... ..... 13 — He was w reeid••nt of Oodericb for sold by medicine dealers or by mail At Y t7ating q y' y ,: MANE A• ti T. several ear., working at the Keo 25 cent@ a box from the Dr. Williams' , •iceable and dutiable qualities. They cannot tit. • .' `r5C Colds and Bronchial Irntahons, Y .. ' L _ - sing on flnriitur„ f►etory. He pos- -Medicine Co., Brockville, Oq} ; . bought at these prices again for a long time to t Large 6ottle ............ 35C Guelph Mercury. sewed 9. Rl4votliy) %bice whit♦& was fre- Flannelette Blankets$1.65 - Z, There aro many ph$asee•lbwt have neat}tly heard in lye"choirs sof isrfops ,.. irides in.'.' ir lSYt1, a»ur, ;a R". { come rpt^ awe inlets, and souse of the, ofturohe=• Hr t+trlistad.at SUstfiitd as Heavy -quality, large-sise Vlannelette Blulik.•1,, A. Caldwell, i"hm. j . g 4► Un erthe lisplcw• nt the Nenlral .itdiC3' Hose SOC areal&! with blue air pink bornlrt9, L. v have & eat daai of meanin thane, a btieicher•M aver and wont overseas Brough Oha ter, I, D. B., t St. -Npww pair.. _,- ., s hard tat ei'tirtion in any other way". ls• t, (all. A young roan of fine chgr- wood Cashmere H(sw•, swtuoltw-4frra baft-Ar- — a Prescription Druggist Amon thr•ea tees -day hraaea alid"johAmlWlsnca , uesday F P 88 R a p there roti ;`his death, is ltisoW mrd by mad). rod• will bagtn nrz Tuesday, Nov- w , nil sru•w. Take aur deuces and pay n • artpgly "English, Flannelette -Blankets 2. is one, "Have cart." that can "hell i6 ericir, ember 7. Dr. Gallo who has kind) when they can ►x bright at th, wr p77Ced. g 00 „ ,r . , lheoes IYs ase 19b North jwe S iMrt y' be applied to a nation that e[+!•r R.«r {vile .... Thede art* 'really beautiful quality, put u • )' consent. d to deliver -the ieeturev wgaan P In . newspaper publish h I be Dominion OBITUARY, either or whit&% la size and hew "I this year, will give (Ise first our at *; grey age heavy, . Eft is facing, add has he fucinK for 1 4 o'clock in tin"aurnic-Temn le. For Children's Ribbed Cotton Cl0/C ..weight. BQ.... r. value at per pais... (* months past. -- — P ........... w..... ....... 2o - - - Janet Alexander'ieonard. LOa. Ail wLih9n IU attend tfiw tided 2 t0 t ••a. The demand for tree notice?<'n con- .,• , will give 1n these names siri that day, '+ Another Flannelette Blanket a little smaller and `' npction with- almost every m in A bright; young life was cut short on l h Pure wool• Rplictd heels,,ab•olutely f"—dM- - . ► E" is if thio work when the sDieit Pr's urtblr informatiots'p one Mies act quite so hraFy at ....... . ..... oodnectioq with the rarryu,g nn S ' sizo, , rltam ur binrk, at . . Those rrgmnn a Range, Heater war, and the raisin of battalions And O Adrfb Alexander, seaot;d "ilv6 of ►Nalfon, wee stars. R and r s 1t Tar Pa ser, Nails, Paints, Coal Oil R , . pull: .......................... 2 . of funds, has Doors tow point now Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard, glgin Corns, Wagon, Sleigh, HarnesR w[>tero, it is not fair to ez ct the aversue, Goderich, passed Snto the un- KIN(iSBRIt)(iE. and nunierous other items still in pa Ladies' White Cashmere Hose 60C s our hardware stock, would do well pen to accede to all the requests. It is seen world At the early &ire of twenty , -MOFDAT. October V. WO 1ft>1,ValUC In P11JSh doubtful if there is an class' of trade four years. The deceased young man BRisrs--dlia Annie Hurley has is- Tiles• is of bigdemand ftr-wisita Ca•htpnere .How to call up M. W. Howell -at Na 3 Y in the cit Ve have tact n a phi nt ,.. at office of the iI(aner Mfg. Co., that has dnnstPd so openly of it. had resod in prior Health for several turned w Detmi after a Esus dry' visit Niro fine ' j p pm° Oats at $z5.0o stock -in -trade as the news a ers, The months, but in spite of his weak coo- with hibeds ere.... . r. Ernest y. p wool, fall abd winter - qr at house, Na 313,' who will be P P - , y pie to &rpt -n the store et atYy only thing they have to sell is the dition he volunteered his services for Young, of (Mborne, vialL'd the parish `-' ei!ht _Alla a pair.,,,.. ... We match heel PIu3h,f vara a ai t any time and 511 our ore $ white space in their paper, and almost his King And conniry last winter. H'e on$uud^y__.,,,3[r: WffVJ. Dalloni of "• • ••-- yew ren bu an Where. Made -hum finest Y era very. - . quality irn ,reed plush, high yttatitybinittgrt, - 't;'. Win must be cleared add ou can every day there is a certain amount of spent several months with the (forirs 1St• Paul, Minn., is visiting his par- , r, R , Ladies Vgderwear Extra 37/ t nc in e ' erts. :_mrJAI popular styes. I aavq &pones it we have w t you this given to patriotic and Red Cross rich company of the Hurons, ,put he sent Mr, ere Mrs. John Daltnn.... . n- ---'/ purposes Absolutely free. In the &g- was finally forced to retinquish his Miss Minpie O'Connor arrived home • tides by exin its $socia) ., . dire, ", L&(lieR Underwear. vepta or rirawem fine rib, soft • . . .... . .................. .. %% ' 1 ate, this amounts to a ver great training. His health from then grad- from Detroit la•t•Saturda •%,Mears; Z`.e , , 1111 accounts still owing vs must l Y R y • • - finish. Splendid quality for fall Ur win- 371. - ,,,( tie settled at once. - 4141• natty declined until death orange. 1'helmaa and Frank O'Connor Arrived A new. Paper, although having a The htneral took place from the &ami home one day last week...... We•arq ter wear. All sixes per gstment........ s" ( quasi -public nature, ia, in so far as ly residence, Bigin avenue, on Wed ' R)sid .(o.. ropott that Mr. Matthew, " lie li ren ftatriwane Co., l.N. its financing is concerned, a private nesday afternoon to Maitland dente- O'Connor is improving very nicely.... •, • X rnneprn, and as such is feeling the ex- tery. Rev. $. C. {{ McDermid, tie- James McCarthy, who has been /b the ucted the wairea and other burdens that fall on ser. ea And t Id dkfallbeert M emu w r out neral wain, wean}ng his broad smille, Vepair p port itureol Re- r4 R y 2""' > I a - the fit i °h6 ba owl end l t ive coot of e business. the ssin .Walter Dohald and Lorne MacDon- thO er etPd uchal with the f interP&At ws tie t lR «"e Re -toter i'mMellas \ i Hodgens ► CHURCH NOTES, R t public to 7 m quietly s keep this in mind, that a newspaper • polemnized in St, Joseph's church. + «'e Re•malel Furs `sec — hse to pay its way like an other con- Kinglibridge, on •1'ueaday, October `2t, Direct Importers :: - GOdCfiCh &The parlor, Rev. G. Y At the Close of the war conditions R r lifit'`ei • a. Y'°F ' b-. ••. M. Holmes, will cern, and that there is a limit to what when Miss Margaret Dalton, eldest will make another change. They x 'r. wrench next Sondwy both morning it can give away. And besides that daughter c Mr, and ides. f Mr. t sine evening in the Baptist church. there is no reason why advance co- will never be an previriae to July, 1N14. Delon, became the hexes ' n[ Mr, :hanges that will surely affect the t Wednesday of thin week was All trees of anything, no matter whether Arthur O'Connor, of Pickering -parish. ..., t~ fsaints' Day and Rev. J. B. Pothering- tha object is to raise money er to have farmnR mduetry will take place. While Mecrdelaohn's Weddin,gg March R oo time, should not be id for, You want to be prepared foe,' this was )a ad b then &nut, Miss i ' Sarn rows at Windsor conducting der- change. Tb Week) Sun will do its p Y r `' " 1 affairs ant. was amemnet+of sh that the will be. The vices in All Sain e',,ehurch. an reckoned ae s legitimate expense. R Q r Lizzie Martin, the bride eyterwd the f Varf y Parents and our r _ rt for you h lee m you Dated on ivory -covered prayerbook. Sbe was chair. Amaro tho.e from s di•tapoe, other ftlathes of the men h ve our la Y t P R Y P church and walked a the'alel with R ! At Knox church next Sunday morn- the different changes that ere likely p preceded by her role&@rat tittle Arstnin• {,,gide@ those already mentioned, who h•arttrlt sympathy i COLBORNE, her pwrente. She looked ehwrining bra n their and lose. Ing, Rev. ft, C. McDermid'e morning and how they will affect the farmer@. etre and Helen, dressed in light-hlue cam, to hnnnr the nrraaion with their i'' theme will bo "Preaching tbw Oalso.', Nita'& LoPA. fiotsumcn,s Owttv.— it remains for you to het a travelling •nit of dark .bitip .,ilk vel• velvet with trimmin s of white And R r p A paper vet with .Pal tr)mtnin s and is ink R presence wet" Mips Rn@P O'Connor, of ', Hymning thrnie, Thr (treat. Thing I'he caminunity around Nil, has joist that has served its strbteribers and rhe R P white hats; while the hriderwaid, Miss Toronto, rGrer of the Room ; Miv R. WDERICH MARKETts. in the World." experienced another great loss in the v,lnur bat. Shp wore w cnr"ge g Uotario farmer generally so faithfully bonti,iet of bridal rosea and carried An Jove, the bride's e i w t e r, was Brophy, of Chatham ; Miss Annie Har- 1%ttrassav, November; _ Rev. Dr. (:Pnrg, Daniel, of Aurora, removal of Mr. and lura. )t. Ftyan and g the past quarter of a century. decked in rich dark velvet with I )PY. of fl"tr„it : Mies Marie; Sullivan, &&'hast, sew b aa.................. a 1,45 to i 1.70 Burin Oata, per ba Si Itaa betel Inviteltl to return to (:hathwm Mine Marion to (1ox)erich. Mr, and The subscription Deice nt The Sun re- sable trimmings and large black of Guelph, end Mr. Arthur l{Mt/UR• Barley. per bash ,;;;'; .on MrP.Ryan had lived all their lives never mains the warns as it.rmerl and Is velours hat with yellow osprey, and of Hopl ih, The te,,t wi■hes of a host Yea&, r bruh . Ym to app @ M wa l►astnr of tbP cM,r h with which he Nile and were ver cos roue on the y wore rosei and carried a earl 1 Hnekw ,aG www lwnnert.Pd six years ago. Dr. Y p cheap at the pries. We wilt, he COMB SAGE TEA : I D of friends follow Dir. and Mn. U'Con- 1 par bss .......`., r to °► ti Fria i well-known Greek -dale form. They , rosar The hri I&I t was met at r lour, far^& y, parsrvt............ to C. Fir 1►aniPl is a former parotic of North {leased to accept sgb•¢rlpt[dds Tor y 1 r nnr to their now honor. lbws (find's Floor, paten, per to 60o w &26 ` " s '" at reef MMhidi.t. chwch, Utrdrrich, leave the farm oecuplod by their eldest The Sun at i Ilia ofllee. the altar by the groou. and his cousin, choicest hleasinea Rrforn t heir path. Pun, per ton ..................... 9sai to sem ,ter ., con, George who with his ours wifeMr, Alo ,itis O'Connor, of Toronto, lihorw per toe .no'i to ]rim HAIR ToUs tm............... l-` tee."t srin order th+t all the soldiefs ern- R' y g —` RY Tits I riAA or rHr: Nrtttow.—Ver Ha and tamilyiriff'tiEii-->g sis._ ;i6•attasa• 'kltsi a,emt show setts •. o ll as "best men.' Rev. Uaptain U'Oon• sad news reached the pat inh Inst wee a i per Ron .......:............. tam w tt.m +t w, rested vetch Knox church and be T ++gat p cr.w, gear, trnrted.............. 6.m to am t Y pprosper in likes manner, add who, wp on. Don't, n sr taxa chance of sav- nor, at Camp Borden, brother of the ins" of the steamer Merida, with wood, r Ionn „,,,,,,,,,,,, sat& to adi %at * -'0 ` — believe, w111 fill bla fathers plags ih the Fug it qt, V.r>n air > 201 on A pair of ---_e __ Of the grourn, perforrned the nuptial i all hands, in t hw storm on [Ake Srie. Dairy Nutter, Osrlb ... at ca /O 4 1 community As a faithful•citizen, neigh- Now it otic time to bu r , ""r•"' e. -remora and also celebrated rand creamery 6°iter __ _ * ,M b r/ Y R , The men who were on h.rard horn thin bor add friend. Marion, who is At. 7 y' E drandmother s Beni 1Zo high n,a+s R.a1RLpd t another brother, Nowa, Potat per dor .vii to tY 9 .> r ,-- "' " v tendtri Oslerich 11n11 —_ - _ __- R Y parish were Joneph U'Connnr, chief Now Potaroa., per it ...... I. do7. (on to t.95 - ,, e£e, R eluate Institute, her Locke Dark, Rev. John O'Connor, of Toronto, And pn ineer, John ni le and Wilfrid Catdw, bvUher, rMtce, strew& 7.ar, to l.y6 '70,%_,,. , R ('! a y cMtl•, hatchni medlum,percwt din t. a23 '^"mss will be much pleased to he able to logs Beautiful. Rev. M. McCormick Kingsbridge'■ Austin, oilers. Heveral others nt the Zr of Water Bottles ape y lith her pwrentd y' beloved pastor, to dewcon and sul, Hos'• true weight, per cwt...... In to lt09 i - - -*- spend s while edit crew ropes well knnwn to us all. Th, otiose, pa*ew., - ...,.... dos to 7.•'r again. Their other son, Worthy, is t • deacon respectively. At the offertory bodied of the aMifr•meotloned have ...,.. per lb ...........: Ir to O.0 & L.a<tdje JVIJ © Rge Y D^ . ho" , leo ...er.. 11 ` I N leeching in Albert R. HP has had r ThP old-time rnixter, of S Toa ape Miss Hattie Young Pang Millard r not been recoveted et, )rut it is hn d Sh••hPe1a par lb '06 e.as t very Interesting ezpPrienrF, in 1Vest- Ralpher /or darkeoing gra] streaked 'Ave Marie" very steepp&ably. The `,'- „ ern Cptedt since aria vacation cots • gra and faded hair is Rrandrriothpr's recipe, wedding march was again played by _ - ___ v ~ "4 Red Rubber min ^tbla summer. He intend- Di Big and folks air again ming it to kwrp their Mm. James (larvey as the weddidr Z_ A nrrp, tfi finish his Werk pre{raratory ro ............ ,k•.. #air a good, trod color, which is quit, party entered the home of the bride r h .°I the ministry, the calling that appealwd Ov.., as aemafhlP as wo are living in an agp when parents, where a sumptuous dinner A., Eiuiwran irKlto r two yearn to his hoar& when a child. Therhureh t," tO m t h C s yrwthtul app,ara'%°" is of the greatest was served to the immwdlate family f ss t The Extra High Cut Shoes Ih) r.t N•tv will sustain the 'o van and friends. Oared wisbas and con- , gieateRt IOM .f,:f'i -s 1 75 from tFw r,mmal of Mn end Mrw. rCpRirin$ OE Nowa d, though, wo don't have the gntulations were show@"d, several L. • Hopha also they, _wrr ,Pldnm m' 'ng 8 faucet t0 i troublesome tank of gathPrfng the saafgee nimsag,s coming some distance over so popular With women , i nwrvlcps o iib" t'o' .. and the s nisei at home. All the wires. The Y a ,s`,. • `" * r (ln yy, D ' q tyy news n presents were man '!'fP►,1r lr. 4,b F W" Also w n,- the install&- r .. dnlit stn,m sill the ready -to -use and beautiful, including some suer Who Know style, are to be x Thew,are exceptior r" ,, p -4. R tY & ►,rrl tbGdW►i11vN}SolFlcial tx,vo nd _ {yamw f 8 . the add of other Ingrid atantial cheques from wtxient trie°ds. s r ePCn here in eve model, n . , ,r ;; values enri We Want &seer O( a1PWRlr wfur many )'Par fiq .•woi3i j ", W Rage wed Rufpbur ,Phld r n sh gift to the bride was a 1"Y ly dwmpannr, his geniwl n, tlejtts bola d pendant, to the bride♦ leather, fa6riC, combination • 41 • Rr,• you see them fie ore til werMlJ le .i w s1,nU g • and hid onaRsuming dra itioni y tfetlV ' n AiaM a Wald troMand chain and to the d OU ) ChA wnn fur him t '"^F" f CiMobtfditrta The aftwF and color. Come and see "i'- y j • an aftemi fowsaAd a7 tR„ls • i r u ou Phe 1V n i•grlivl :°M: ; h sit Mrd/.sept Irs , JW P,PA the there] And kern how y e k fI t h Rt•wPnep of ,f , ti's' ;n l _ nd•66i• r ir, hAPpy roung conplw (eft fawObwt pCr- % 040 "•Ta1 D , g.• as will a n t n m ti w flyy.,• hu, .•h aril •`3nbhw,h Rrhrinl. eta F rNwfiglh a • t. w P RI >• R► n ' fe'ctly these ahoea oompkte s1RUtJ wrldrsn(t}"n;1 fV uiet.lar^I new a•a sAl n^ 1Mt I r V v ' MA ardtif•e►bfi. jlrts Il J r their v h LhRI 111Pi9r des oai%ipam iti1C A ,4 Mow Y , ke r e s a " aII JA4 A. C BEU, . B. itd tAIMtW mwrkPd by any t vU l'+&►now asrnfiwv grtlfAJ ' -r'' tr{ feA .www M rhA .vii ° rt i t (R 10%,"ou Fo apt +A ” CXiNTRAt'DRGCS7DRE detnn^wt ration or formal far sM I, r. rr rw std/ MT d w Ab bi IMId few h& wo(hM r I w eo iVe trust fhwl withl, their naw v. r1y wto+V Aylw A H aro s r ry ", MIENNO bol who s rra, y 1 il7ttrfnit4tlAa i R I t'I faasgNt hey ,&&alit t•if;1 l^> 7 ,' a r ^ r ' . m and, un w i prPpa I toilet wd d u P ausyy°, hove wslddpv it] o itoq. IN) •1'lror.rs Rrs 'else may Fit w• hwfpful to throws with whom for thosy Who desire a more fiat ti'hlI tit. i1i his - . ' ' r' Phone ills Hamilton Street rte+ at Y. irhoni lana ` _ 0%0"h „1 thwy ovens in rronUct u they have p,arane,.♦it is ■.rt fstserMd for Hos adi•, mush missed in this e°mounity, r fF served to be in the plat. saitlssttos or pre►omtioa of disMse else took a gusty Interest )rs all social 'Iv` r ,a. • .r . , v e`R. Y , . ...«. c i° • i A... r; ;r' S 't.. t 1 ;.:,., t, a':-. ,,.,.. .,„ -.:, .,..., • a ccs".. .,'..s-. w, rt a ,,,. t orb. y,.,: Y s. w _ :.- „r . ..t - :. s r y, , ^, .,w,, e;.f7t.luRa' M .1 ,. F ., . r ;,,: ,, . r.e.ri ,ter». , 7rx w• ,sriwr•,.` -;w=. qr ' ._w . x, w,,...s..n"' "'. a .. . r,.. ,.,.:,.. ,+i` ..,. «c ..r, r• •.• „, 'YI't' ' _• r • =,f' f";, , , ' . : _ ... .. ..-.L.. „ ,,»...., '». ..r ,}}. ## , j. „. , ::. t°.. .,f ,,. "a.-.".. e...,,,., .. . , , F '.., ,.. t f R,r.,...4 r '' ' ♦ . S - y.it .. , . . :.. .:,. - d, , .y.,p a a.r ,,, +4f . < a .,. -.r a ,.... ,. ,_ ,. - ..fx n. ,., ,e: : ,,, 4 a, . v».: -..1b a.,.J [ .s ' y ,,.,.- w t,r , . ,r „ »., est". i .. :,. ..: r:. .. r , , a ,Y;$•, .. ,. , :.. -.• «,• ...., ~ti .+res•,.....,... !,'«1e& ,.... n+. M"°°' , ,..' .,,g a ,. ,'" 7,r. a ' `..r , 5 ` 'I a 4. ,,,.rr. . ^1aM.;. . ;, .a _x r! '.e r...,, ., ... "..er, + ,- r . ' ....•... .,,:.. N ,,. ._:+.. , , ,., , 4 : 4.. ?t, .. .,.. , ,. , A.. _, ,, ,,.zr ,. „ e. R,.,,.. ..A4 ..,.; - i. a., ,+,_ ..•-•rat d. 3 .M a: .Y ,, rg r 3'^^' ria g, 'u ., , i .. ..,.; ., - • •r ,a1 .. „ , g r ,.r , , 4 ..'i'!:w• .., '.Ne`i'l-.'t las .fl ,,.ta :, y} lk la: y qp . r +r• a;.ti, .. I . ..,.. „... .. ,. ,F 5' ' al. ,..P1t " 'fMktr" .rr4 ,... -... arq. wi'Su. %.. ,.. 5..' ' +! k Mm ' t as -s !'< rip:3+, r :,.- s . . :'..A 'M+r- - Y x .. i':.: ,+ t ' '+Wtw' .n(fMt' ,• ,a„ -a. aY:. d .; " y. . -,, . , *• r,9R7r , .. f ..' ...,>G?,n, s' * '+dlr arair,e.., ,.• ?'a ,*.r r..w ._....._.. „. ,r nor;... : ..,.., ,,,..i: a 'rr r +rAMa+v,ra {t; .,I n 1, 'a. , .P. t:. 'i. .. - - -. wy _ .r." .,in - . , • -_ - . __.._... - __. - " . , _ gytl+tiff i" f.F.a r.. tt :?glfP7r' r. 0 , _ •' t'+r.,,,y,. i d .+ t'.'S!,:. _.- 'rerrrsea - . 'M•+,v *., er7•Ir& .... ...-._' __.,»... .... - .. .:a',.r "A'-•w.•'"'• 0i'" r'ro,'.wrtr. roll - - , ,,. . - - .,. a.Tne•rir•r•.rr. ,•...,a,,, A•_ . . ..Pt..a. _ ir,. w.,.-.. I i, - - - •i ra+....+ a- ■