HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-2, Page 8.46 • i 1 HEN it cornea to a - .$ matter of chaos- mana?' .ung the who _ging to d0 your Etectrk Wiring it will,. la riou to are us. All necessary information is --. yours for asll:ing- THE SIGINAL : GODERICfl ,*NUM° 1k Illnot•Irsom $ _ 7 T DY streteber-bearer. T B N a.t at4 Air illness of • lints oven s COUNTY and DISTRICT . week'. duration. Janne Melanin. •a Rheumatism W Dram. r'wiy Weliondaut > a w A w asol sway on W.4 sit of The deceased was a eon of the late Mt• and iI(M. (*.urge Blu kley, orf . Maley, Bladder and' Add tawtlles. -Idwatia McIntosh. arses was born w the faun Brussels.purport removing to uruu- bring mlrery b>nanr eco natural the kidneys .,__. nt Mt$i11oP. wva•ty- twW . aro weak or diseased these lenUy inters eight ears aRu, wbrrr be .p.uI ecru Root[ ebnreh congregation at Oran- do O°t .les are the blcarried sufficiently, parts and Kb 7 brook celebrated fr ftteth saniv,t- the body. are follow to all parts of the t .-f au his life. ors ago, ring frees body. There follow depression, aches the -tarts three y go, nary last SutadrR,. and pales, heaviness, drowsluers, Irrlta- came to Ssaforth to r+vrte. On Jure Mee. Jen, Wil.ini. of the Uoshsn bilis , headaches, chilliness and rheu- 14th, 1814, Mt. Mclntwb was •,ukLd W line, St&nk rxlebr are.t be h mms1"m.-3a-wme people there are 'barb -marriage to Mies Elie dwelt T.M.urut y, t:=yMi pain to the back and loins, distresalu$ daughter of Mr. arid -►t. Keno*" birthday oo October 14: h. 0_, i bladder disorders and sometimes obeen- daughterbull, of Mc tai ♦ , with he Private Juhn o. Howarth, son of 11. ' ate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes and Mrs. Stephen J. Howarth, of forts into gravel or kidney stones. When •ons and one daughter, se lab to Stephen township, has bleu killed in the uric acid affects the muscles and mourn hie loss. • Pr joints it causes lumbago, rheumaWtn, ,. action. - gout or sciatica. This Is the time to try i Mr. and Mrs. Eli Cricb, of Tucker- • Annie.* Send 10c, for test package._ Rheumatism n smith, announce the engagement of I During digestion uric acid Is absorbed their- eldest daughter, Lucinda May, to Ezra Ellis, of Stratford, the mar- kidneys even from some .vegotablea The poor t tired and backache begins, CENTRAL •-TRATFORO. ONT. Commercial, Shortland and Telegraphy De •rtments. ._ Students may enter at any time. We plates graduates in tenitinne. During July and August we received applications ft r over 7110 wesietants we could not supply. Write for our free catalogue at, once. D. A. IMcLACHLAM. - ' . THEY'RE FINF. FOR KIDDIE! - bine *Tee sly YIltids dig eV ramarn estes • k L AAA sad sats astilardach=da artmedsui Iaet.sd et eases ado aj datura. Tor • ties ails .moble. endesaett sWSstrssaef 'hist taws .dos to bad Alt •rsredsy N. errNMI tor 4.lWtJUR1A01 INDICIM CO.. TORONTO ,u TTrW TORK--- ly Lcrd Shau- ahnessy, rre:ident of the Cauadlan 1'nciGc :railway, sba si-Uod for Europe ea Wediesacay on tae Kroonlsnd, to ea latervtew. t.wu de the f low-- fag etatemoot`,Do- F Tors his' deo,*- titre: •- _ "Though WOO* ttti wish anrrlfic aid bend! e t a LAI -til tit a the great g'91141irpire of which -oho Li - rnsntagral parts t abodes biggl• o In the play of it -at t i-ig-" It trot tfow, but in the litters. Bright tborgb her record tmay. be. It L only a glimpse of what as to come. Iter greatest oppor- tudtlrs. although reeired through a trying present, \ will be shown wnen, soltb the war setiled,- abe- t: adertake• to as - *die - VW Place-. cite has fought foe,.-.. Seem= will alileeufed by forethought. fly to:filling duties as pate-' reented C wall be able to reap abundantly of the prosperity which' net fat distant, will brie,. •'T',aw•f44 history shows that what mintakes have bad to be rectified have bean there due to short vtiloand that the dscriicsethave at oBetween the two is the straight telde- w•ttdmewt. Med faith 1p the country has been to: a lade extent. the gold - /as iia 'hg claw of the Mar who baveiwilt. Spcculatfollhaa beer a ready growth f the hll. Cann. MireD sagacity bade the pioneers t liTesand rich beyond -the dresms s scard the pthought of 'panning conservative the pseldes with a traascentlnenta1 line, Rifle bold daring bunt not one, but Men The enema of tbe Canadian Pacific, the pioneer. urged others to be realms. perhaps, but then there were those who said the constructions of the Clansdlan Pacific was folly. 'Goold ils course is the centre one, and to .choose is no easy task. Ws' do ast Wish to craorp our future by a narrow, iimited imagination, neither da - woo Ishii to greatly over -develop and the render the load ire are now carry-. 11• toe great it is soneellaees hard to realise that on the shoulders of thio preeeot the material for the future must be carried. friction of w ' "Canada is se empire in itself. Its population b not a it shoed be. of what it is capable of becoming. or of what it will be alter them We are taking steps to prepare for the future. and are anticipating and immigration that ',weld be ubpreeedented In Canadian history. Wei immigration Is declared Canada will naturally be looked upon as promised land bs many prelim of Europe. She will be In a position chooses earefuliy. She need take not but the best, o p doonly by y s t51 'her eltineurhte will sin build up a astion capable he widen undoubtedly will be allotted to her. _ 'Tho war hes taught Canada calf-reltmats s• probably aothtng else wreak, have deme. Rise baa been forced W do rapidly and efficiently things which• were ii eoeslbie. She bas expanded cnrnmercially and IndustrWly faster) than ever before. and hes confidence In herself to do the things which• e formed, expected others' to do for her. mobilised the largest arm e ithe =imemaer that she unhesitatingly 'Mei ever ereaiiUi3 the Atl[•tl.. she has developed a sea tome en bath tie Atlantic and the Pacific tb}t U trymeedoes. aid This wt l be trade cbt dlyly f are thew dsedsped, Nona, to be a vv nional hverab4 to flannels attar the war. but an W 'Casale mama as back. Om fe eem.ttfdd be exp antes, aamt Were R,weplats within Unite juetined by remitting hos bean bard. i in dflorAt in was is asssoptimiWc to no abt too optimistic, rit4 here perhaps, la y , "l dpgg1M Mosey hales is toe 'ger and It nt ! t with ihOir bit Ake RAprenievsitgaas11R q meats lira • ((Maedawwill s leestsdM tats • ttset, ptomlwoet dart h tlo el rho •1llittab wme{r► than gym toiler*. She sill p bo WWI isere s* tins seeisit MmSten bers of a n In w - be the war sore. ht w 'tog morely toss d as a jner. ! . full of ma whim • fell dee sies sesessmist1a not >l ( ewes. The totit oho lsaaln with praiser pude 11$'t(ir'*I ke rtiths than good Milimintin Into the system from meat eaten, sad the Bloat riage to take place in November. I This eegood time to take •Anurlq• A menu -heal service concerning the the new discovery of Dr. Pierce for Kid- It Can Only Be Cureddeath of Private Will Richards, who ne trouble and Backache. Neglected by klr ttey tronbls Is nsrpotralble for many deaths, and Insurance Company ezasrt.• Thoroughly Enriching Ing doctor* always twat the water of •a applicant before a policy will be issued — the Blood Supply. Have you ever set aside a bottle of water for twenty-four hours? A heavy sedi- ment or settling sometimes Indicates kid- ney trouble. The true nature and char- acter har Wneyoe in urinaryorigins, pJlyns ccan ar oofteen be determined by a careful chemical an- alysis and microscopical examination - this Is done by export chemists of the Medical Staff of the Invsllts' Hotel. If you wish to know your condition send a sample of your water to Doctor Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Ind de- scrIbe your symptoms. It will be ex- amined without any expense to you.and Doctor Pierce or his Staff of Assiting Physicians will inform you truthfully. yielded up his life in defence of the Empire, was held at Union church, Grey tewliship, on Sunday, October 22nd. Edith May, the seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kees. of Brussels, who had been laid up for pome time with a disabled limb, is improving. -Bone grafting has been successfully accomplished. After thorougbly renovati ng their churchIplilding, the Methodists of Walton ad re -opening services on Sunday, ember 2Lnd. Rev. A. J. Love, of Wroxeter, and Rev. Dr. Moore, of Toronto, were the speakers for the day. At the home of Mrs. J. R. Code, of Trowbridge, Rec. W. W. leech. a pioneer Methodist minister. passed away on Monday, October 23rd. The deceased was one of ten brothers who settled at Leechville, now Gowrie, over sixty years ago. Private Fred. Skelton, of Tucker - smith, was perhaps the first soldier from that township to lose bis life in the great war. Official word has been received that h.• had Leen killed on October Sth while operating on a ma- rhine-gun. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sketton, of the 4th conces- sion. Mrs. Moses Geiger, of Zurich, has received word that her brother, Charles Eckstein, had been killed' in Detroit. ‘Vhile crossing one of the busy thoroughfares he wee struck by a street car, sustaining a fractured skull, a broken collar lime and other eremite injuries, from which he died an hour afterwards. thew THYSELF Read all about yourself. your syaYs , physiology, anatomy, hygiene, slm home cures, etc., in the *Common Sense Medical Adviser "a boot of 1t 0e pane, Send to toTut r. V. Pterce Buffs N .. 10 cents 1n one -seas .tamps for a cloth• bound copy. Customs ,.repaid. 3 - A pretty church wedding Leek place, in St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich, nn Wednesday afternoon of last week, when the pastor, Rev. H. Bombe, per -i formed the ceremony which united in marriage Miss Clara Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Conrad Theil, of Zurich, and Peter Deichert, j-., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, P. ' Deichert, of Hay township. The event was witnessed by a large number of friends and relatives of the contracting parties. CLINTON. , 0. F. Bell has accepted a position in the freight uftice. at Stratford. W. J. Cooper, for twenty -cis genre ja nit"r of the public school, hes handed in hie resignation. Private Laurie Greig. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. alreig, has been • wounded over the eye with a shell splioter. Capt.Broder McTaggart,who was re- ported wounded three week. ago, has returned to duty and has been pro- moted to the rank of major. , Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Steved iZeoftj Toronto, formerly of Clinton; sn.=1 nounce the engagement of 1 t4*t youngest daughter,. Edith Jedu, to. r lnie W. Wood, of Toronto, the mar- riage to take place about the middle of November. WINUHAM Tinning aA{R Ki dope promptly: thoroughly and sonahly. F We'11 repair 7911, w your roof, put your chisrtn2y_ leaders, gutters or cornice in *st- elae.; condition. John Belford and family have re - 'fanned from the West for the winter. Sneak thieves stole four nice chickoos from Mrs. Dear's henhouse one night last week. Rev. Peter Fisher, of Davidson. Sask., visited his sister-in-law, Dr. Calder, here for a few days. - Wm. Cronyn, one of the old reel - dents, slipped and fell on the pave- meat, and received a bad gash on his face. • The town council voted 11,500 to the funds of the British Red Crone. The total contributiwo— rOifitik t0'wo amounted to $4,5410. Dr. O. H. Ross has received an ap- pointment with the Canadian Army Dental Corps and will leave Winghaws about. November 10th for Barriefleld camp. The names of several Wingham men have appeared in the caeuaky lists during the past week. Harry Shaw, a former proprietor of the National hotel. has been killed in action ; Pri- vate Jordan has died of wounds ; Private Bordmao is suffering front severe shrapnel monde in the leg and face : and Private Reginald Strat- ton N reported wounded. Not so lung .ago rbeumertism woo looked upon as a pain in the Wit cis. or joints broogb$ on byes to dalnpnees or bed weather. ow ales - tore knuw that it is r a eV blood. sod while exposure ray dart the pain, notbiog but the r aweal of the poisonous acid from the bland mW cure the trouble. It is a waste of halal time and msmey to try to cure thew- u.atism with !Memento, poultices es anything tbat only goer dim d••► Rubbing lel' into the chi• nosy ive tempera• y relief. but It aeleafay helps to circulage the poi.omoes seed more freely and thug in tie ear rug ~.*eases the marble, and p.rbaps Mars* the sufferer permanently crippled The one cure, the only ewer, ler voevev matisw is to drive the seal wheels .aures the trouble oW, of the Mused To do *hie no other reapedy ea..yesl Dr. W:lliamb Pink Pill•. winch sateen, make new blood. .weep Orta tas poisonous acid, loosen toe stiMs.d, aching print', and tonna good hooka and comfort.. Hen la the proof IIs Joseph Crouse, of Nineveh, N. r1., says : "Poe several lice,* 1 wade severely afflicted with shwss•.a••as- The trouble seemed to Iussts ss .11 thaw Joints in my body. and my reheats• at times was mod intern, ear the dioceses. greatly interfered nub spy aa - y. 1 doctored steadily ter aims time, hut Lbe trouble was elm sew* and did no4 yield in its Musa to taw doctors' treatment. One days Islet told we of soma cuter of rheisenes Ry the obis nl Dr. Wilhelm!' hen 1:ZI i trouwly advired we tae tor.. to and to my green t h• -xis. rornplet.•ly rased Mt est the tronhle, end 1 was aswrlst =it and fres front pain as Mae' had toes in my life. Better Bull. I hews wow felt asyruptorn of the tenable airy ' You can get thews pelts 1/414144 euedi.ene dealer or by mail M M a box or six twee for gisa rewr i)r. Williams,' Medicine Ca.. UseekeillM,. Ont. - Family Repairing, Too. if you want it. Put m tie,/ copper bottom on the wash boiler, mend all kinds of leaks in tinware. 1 IRU vallt sal 0 INSi rtrnent, and . 400 a t, wit OIClot h- lne for Wilt Old bey, is un- -- -t - • e se .rtorlty air -Willa Y$111241111.411 M/ weak talp=o80.6 ie sir . alba tri 11 16.414.11110 ma r'71g li - ry ink rawer Vim* am Or. I E SIR HECTOR IIf11COONAt.SP interesting TDeor lR.gardrag '8. Faso sooahty of Geanaf Sandal Ons of the New 'L ork nabs' the interesting P's* probable theory that lie in nova or her than !t donalu. whn iso gene •werpeesm w have ensiknoittad suicide `yeas" d Patio. rtis theory i. based •eta motion Itis by a Mre. Tay44s Ile liamtLToN STREET 'Puooilt 135 New York, h diltoid. reletiv. a • British eoldler. It will be - On in ligti Mir Hector. thaw II 1r p 'din -general of the R• Web •roily, Knight Commander of this flak a member 61.. -the P,•tin..rbbd rt1.a in F.••glAc1 later going to France -rye- Order. wad cMrir'l wrtA lwsat .tr tnr..in*to Knglend and then going to conduct in Ceylon 11. .p,..Id 1111 S .1 •rttc ti soli era- they were stationed r; cLotd Rob.,, in London. n on. so easi ttwsser Om haous tor several months. innocence. Loral Retorts reh••d M interfere. and ordered bias Arts est Ceylon to stand remet sione4d. Ib started out on bis j 'nrw.y, tont 1M or farther than Paris,. whore M aper •e ported to have ale t hinr.wsl. ' A .e.A.a supposed to renters hieAnabrought f. me Paris 10 K h• aid tbere buried. Mn. Ta!lrr r.rw drrl..' . ohm gig that was make-h.Ii.vs. 141/to •strsdooe cousins of Sir Hrctnr div• rug leseden and Canada and Au•tr.i.a psi ear knows that they have herr, nen muniratlon ei ith him. fah. On nye that Sir Hector wa. recognised t• the Rus.o-Jepaneee w kr so thrrrwswweri., who led the is ginner at Poet ANA.., and made poaribls the Rn .tan Artist She in now certain that 014 Noels# 'ruder • new name. le themes excesses Et WITH. Privates Ed. Anderson and Frank Mr. and Mrs. Michael Downey. have Mallett have peen reported wounded. received ward that their cnn, Thomas Thieves entered the Jackson factory Jotteph, hal been seriously wounded recently but tidied to secure anything in the leg while in the trenches. H. of value. bad been serving for nearly a year as VIRGINIA FARMER itistoi ' i To Health By Vinol Atlee, Va:—"I-4w weak, run-down, to appetite, myblood was poor, 1 tcould not sisip nights and was rapidly los- ing flesh, but I am a farmer and had to Work. Medicines had failed to help me until I took Vinod. After taking three bottles my appetite is fine, I sleep well, my blood is good and I am well again." —Oaten* W. BoatteT. Vinol, which contains beef and. eod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates and glycerophosphates, is guaranteed for run-down conditions. !!!H. C. Dunlop, druggist, Goderich, Ont. Mqo at the best druggists in all Ontario ih a for ehanwin[ the itwrsaadey ref }tussiis early defeat to a vi,ratry is t , which nothing don. lay the Mile M the western front ie eoawpaeaMe. *s► SEAFORTII. add :. Norman Bohannan who Mtlivted Mir Hector watt a •mat) tai,.testify with the 33rd Bettallnn, Tian been built. General Rrueilnff ie of the emwr wounded in the bip and is now in a figure. In hie -character of a M.elm, hospital In iyggland general. Sir Hector bas grown a gene As the residence of her brother, E.S. tache, but it loan not mule bis to. Whiteman, of Broderick, Seek , Iles. tures nnrecognisahk'. awl mom.. Violet Tomiineen, recentle of See- who did not Know of Sir fleeter have forth, wen married to W. R. Bl.osb_ commented nn the .tures and ',team, ard, of Nelson, B. O. - Binary cirru'r.etanrw enni•e•eed whale the rise of the Russian enwtwsrwd.r It is odd. to say the least. Owe pietist out. that a man in s'rp..me enninemd of one of the enemata nReweivee sof the war should he of a previnwv istebery totally unknown. "Brusik+ff" le Ara e. real Rutwian name, aavwaw, And the photograph. ref the Seemed extol, be does not look like* Rmeiaw. it is an ipter.sting thaney. and Ow, ilhierrattng one, more that lewswr►, like hops. sprtnns et./nal in this hug man breast. There are sissry portio who still refit.* to idles, that fees Kitchener 1. deed $,R wnfevtenawiv leech remanent milt darter frespresitly in flseratar, Stam i. tW lite. deesita the fart trust tt tr',Mssl ilr Chem fiction. {1 Confirmed Soapkions. ileet* Mora was nee of thewllsM► cient possima who .lway. refine Ito ere know ledge e•i paten Whims* or ig- norance When the eiream sod sew sideeenw esti* to towel and 1M moon digitator owlet fog 'omens. to go op for- ward. P horsey t mantirions was taking various wonderful ...ticker tog of Mose's ftsrtntettba. Lastly. be ay - fleeted a pair of whits rabbits from Mono's busby wool.. "Weren't you swnallbsd it the rob. Cayen Presbyterian church held very successful miniver'shry services oo Sundt., October 22nd. Rev, F. H. Larkin, of 8eaforth, WAS the preacher for the day. R. Phillips, L. A. B., late organist of James street Methotiat church, has secured an eseelleot position as or- ganist in the city of Jackson. Mich.. at a salary of 62,000, the second high- est paid ie that city. A Quiet wedding took place at the James Avert parsonageon Thursday October lPeh, when Rev. J. W. Rate' wilted in msrrisne Mies Valeria fled• ford, datiehtet of Mr. and Mre. O. R. Bedford. and William H, Armstrong. son of Me. and Mn, I. Armstrong. all of Wert. Capt. B. R. D. sod Vier. ' Ie melt& (nee Mise-FMos Dow) hoes arrived home from the front. Their arrived lo tows was quiet, owing to the feet that few people knew wbgrt thew were to arrive. Capt. and Mre. Hewn` went over with tib Toronto Univers. . w -..► ,1 pity Medical Corp. Por snow those • /•: ase-. _... _ May were .engaged In boerital weri irt-.isia. laot.tr 6 in— r f _jl"t+ w .s, ao rape Ilio oe IP 111t yr am! rsoalba 1111 paw op el pi iron t'R!t MS limplmrr11nR fors lrrlilrors. l✓ Ally awash saltie or o +.‘ Y mem yam M* 4.1 rM 1011/ -100iii r 1 ell i ,dime`Mink fab 11 halm lest gips 411i" 1111011116-111 rawait mill AM" 0 0111 !ws swab • " ea SO Vow Verne. " ,,1;,s V I. i s , 4 Fr aril tits , R R ' if ircvmd- s fart, noel. Oectrit: