The Signal, 1916-11-2, Page 7More than Soap
Lifebuoy Soap is a
perfect soap and a
perfect antiseptic act-
ing togethcr in perfect
unity. Ili rich, abun-
dant lather makes it a
delight to use.
Protect your health by
ied your howls sad face with
it -by b.'h.nt sad sb.m-
poi, nt wt.h it. The (mid
antiseptic ..dor quickly van-
ishes after
•" I
Fresh from the Gardens
• all over the city. There !ire tome
but a►;e hies dxr kens-it thrall cousidet-
Alex. Stratton and Cliff. Webb Go Sight ably, %% a erre told that the highest
seeing in the Metropolis one in Landon was twelve stories.
Following are extracts from a letter The err mostly six or seven—that is,
t Driver • Alex. Stratum .lith the hotels need G"vernmeet buildings,
and the t
the Meuetsetung Canoe Club. It is sure somepl&ce to see. What they
wiitte° from Witley Camp, Surrey, call R,utten Row is in the park and the
England, and dated October 15th : Ierdta and such like exec cise their
••Our trip war a fine ones coming horses there -daily. 'ID the park is 5
across the Atlantic. Three were no small lake, and there are duake and
h Jsyv at all, except the dead roll swell.. R all over the world, all
shapes, s,z•...ud deeeitpLi i.., having
the time of their lives there.
'it is a very pretty sight to see the
Guards changed at the King's palace,
until r also the ted Gurldr of Whitehall
I bet they would be the first up the on their jet Neel horse.. Just a
grugpluik if we were sent borne to- pretty little band etmce't while this is
mom OW,
of ftp, The riwiday we were in the
"We {pulled out o[ harbor on do city r heard the famous French band
theec ler 12 and readied-- on la Tilley have it over the 33rd band
the Laid and Witley Camp meal shorn- w.7 ,feta people were out in the
in as the sun was cowing up oyer the thousands to hear t hen', but we were
hills of Storey, and, believe fur, they there early and got file front tow.
are some hills, as we get route marches ,.Nae stayed at e Y. M. C. A. but.
_) very pretty bindings of w�ite stone,
seal toy river t .
Battery, C. 10. A , to the torwbers of outside of the Parliament buildings
cathedrals. Hyde Park is
of the ocean, which was not very
pleasant to ewe of us, sod they are
saying they won't go back to Canada
til Midge is built &crops the pond.
over them. brow 9 a. w to 11 a. aa.
(on the tt ip across) we bad to do pbys-
lull trill or sowethiug strenuous, and sailors.The ladle. who work lit them
irti -h everybodyv 1 p. m. there awbare spasms in I are very accommodating and would
of bIa eyeshod d baud. lathe do anything to please us.
rd out in the
of boxing matches.
were baud -We wet. a very *me lot when the
watcher. r ale fed uta wall I time . ante for twist fug it back to tamp.
weretdt boat and our sleeping orp ern 1 The very nest day they Rave us a
wen Hast -claw. Schools n[ (ietrpulttrs! route mai ch around Lord Middleton',
followed the Teats for hoots, lighting relate. It was r fourteen-mlie walk,
over the beta's.' thrown uvet tanned ! with lir old rix -toot brick fence stat -
after the meals. We also rave some 1 in us in the fres all the time."
whales, but never a single iceberg. g
On c • g clear to the ritisb Isles
Tlsey have thew all over the city for
the accotnwod„tion gf soldiery and
we could ser Ireland quite phtinly mild'
seri /
"1 think 1 said we erne Ml camp on
the Z3od atter a foot -boar tide in the, Former Signal Boy "Gassed' on His
train. The traits herr are very swift ` First Night at the Somtne.
ones end nothing like Gene you are ,fie editor of The til nml was pleased
nerd t, . The coaches ere steno the K
same length, hot vray .Mall And yip feeeive on Muodayla-t the folk.w-
tgpetty, and are divided , tf bout about Ing letter fr,pni Pte, Ernest Clark, a
etaht cowpartweata wh►th bold, eijlhtt foresee:naval def who enlisted in the
people anally,
"We are hong in hats stout AO by_ Sled pd&�iand it wow in hospital
''t feetendthey are very euutI'0'tahle. in England after an experience with
Have twrlye wipd.tws and a stove.- 50 1erman gee oto the Somme front .
wt are •o , Lad uR--tor lionising.
From a biU tseart.y we can tree ibte
whole camp Or nearly all of It. 1'he
mote of the huts are red end wben
the rite i ,.It jogn t ey t04k4ust trite',&
I!�'ge p •1 d o well t the daintier.,
Ott nue side t4 the in is the Nrw
Forst that Willi* he First laid out
es Ws private` hu,. ng ground, but
villages have nano not i•f it by now
and 1 guess his lute t i., tit down now,
taw is teethe pretty *boggy.
"11,•en't be -u pat e h arse since the
inorr/ing lire left 1'etewawx, and we
1 r e jo.t 'tubing to get ours here.
"After we were herr fur x week we
ar•e tinned loiter uuiasix days leave.
tr. e t , go anywhere. ',Cliff Webb .and
1 went to Loudoi . 1401,tion 111 slimes
gait• is all tlute ,'I.nt other i its owe
vet) lues. It took me Avis drys to ear
Scotland "I t hi in the distance
Many people suffer the tortures of lxms
musc'lesand stiffened joints because of im-
purities in the blood, and each succeeding
attack seems more acute until rheumatism
hail invaded the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im-
portant to improve your general health u
to purify your blood, and the cod liver
oil to Sontt's Emulsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its inedicinal nourish-
ment strengthens theorgansto expel the
impurities anti upbuild your strength.
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands
every day who could not find otter relief.
Reins the alcoholic substitutes.
of the finest Tea-prodi`icing country in
the world.
• NI
Sealed Packets Only.
Try It—it's delicious. BLACK GREEN or MIXED.
•re inquired about The sombre[
Tight and alight twist gave stn added ■
emerald hue to the grass, which, rou-
trssteu with tbe ripening owe and the
white limestone roadway., wilds M
pretty and an uutureettible Irene.
The lnduetry of the north of behind,
farmer is evidenced in the carefully
cultivated farweteads, which dotted
the hilltops like a petebwutk gidt.
Oti the north and wart coasts the
statue beetling cliff. forms seewall to
the •usually turbulent Atlantic. 'Ire-
i-land's sea:oset is inundated with nat-
ursl hat bore and bays. Galway- Bay
tree been likened in beauty to the in -
ii towable Bay of Naples., but owing
to economic and political condLiuus
B 74 the Irish wsterw., s, with eevrrr) ex-
ceptions, have& few sails idly fiappieg
against. the mantis of fishing rtuack',
where steambt acs should ply with
daily regularity.
bombe about unit or IIIN) yards from the Set In the middle of the iiish Sea,
hospital, tut it did not wake me up �he Isle of Man is one of the mutat pop -
and i slept in ignoraoce of it all until lar healtb resorts in the. Brttiah
the next morning. Quite 11 lot of
damage was done to pjhe Midland
station and some houses Hear the hos-
pitsl. But he left two of his Zeppelins
in England; so that was some encoul-
Erne et is • son of 1Z find Mrs. Ww.
Ohre, of two :
Bbornclilfe, Oct. loth, 1910.
Dealt Lint, --J Wit a few lines tidier you
know that 1 taw atilt alive and doing
well, and • n almost ttcuvered Prow
the gas
"Feel Like a New Person,"
says Min. Hamilton-
New Castle, Ifni—"From the time
1 was eleven years old until 1 was seven- F•
teen 1 suffered each
months() 1 had Lobe
in bed. 1 bad head-
ache, backache and
such pains 1 would "
cramp double every
month. 1 did not _
know what it wan ---'---
to be easy a minute -
Island,, Favored with usually . de My health was all
lighttul climate ft sHwdr orally every' run down and the
roa s fo rat 10 the holiday wskr of tar ructors did not all
bathing. boating, flsbuig, splendid me any good. e
roads for walking, cycling and mutt's-'
log, mountain climbing and nooks for neighbor mid Eay clo[ber about Lyd o
uuinterruptrd flirtation. " 8naefell 1 E. pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Mountain, one ot lbs highest in lot 1 took it, and now_1 feel like a new
United Kingdom, is approached by an I ,son. lSl9n est any more mid I
electric t e Isla, and w cuw_m_anding Pe „o :,i■revervmonth."—Mrse mid I i"
view of list
I got it the first night in at the &gement for us, anyhow.
Somme, September loth. We were 1 have not heard how the Ooderich
Aping up a communication trench boy. wade out in the Sowwe push,
when Fritz opened up on it with some but I hope they Came out 0. K.
b. e. shells and got quite a number of Hugh McGuire is in the seine bot-
tbe tsuys. He cure bad the reoge pita) as 1 s . de was wounded some
down pat. 1 bed part of the parapet time ago. summit.
Y When a remedy has hr
ktictcked in on top of Inc and a piece 1 especi_to bsioved from ibis hos- numerous, and the ecener ir part tete
I 1 .hiapuel hit sue iu the small of the pttal tp a day or en, so I can't send lsrly delightful in the spring when years,, steadily growing in popularity
.ick. but it only went tbrougb my you sty endless, but will do tut as soon the gorse blooms. The Isle of Alan and influence, and thousands noon 4
clothes, and cut toe .kin. l was buried as 1 am moved. and if Toll will then enact, its own laws, which are rattier , thousands of women declare they ow* tar'
Ir � affective, ns-
iO b t none the eserase
t•imit e u
tar andP•t is
bhealth w
LO I Dice
p trying w tb aair
mud • me tgth
' w favori<s
In the
wmist io y B
et out when he statrtrd gas shells some SignitJa I wait* much obliged. to these drys of scientific &folk llNole to ltt that it to notan article of
s -
opine this letter tion. The Manx people are of Celts.
gas-hetmetuu in time 1 got any penny-
enjoylh good extraction, consequently the wealth great merit? nt
worth otgaa for nothing. Anyway, ootr y, of Mani traditional and folk lore. lfyouwantspecialadvicewrits
it brought we ac as a ILII tit[. Lord Raglan, Governor•tirneral of the Lydiato F. Pinkbatn Aledlelns ►+
Blighty." Island, has been giving great dis►atie- Co. (confidential). Lynn, :ossa.
faction to the l.landrts, and his re -
One of the lade had an are blown VAuARTIRR TOW EY. Your letter Will be opened. Teas
oft and *couple r the friss wok theft whorl is suggested. Hall Caines
helmets off to try and fig hie, and whose sou 1)rrweut recently visited and answered by a N'utnttat i►ttd
they were gassed themselves and then NO.:>f oostructroo Battalion Issues an Toronto and Buffalo in the title roll. I held in strict confidence:
did not have the aatirtact iou of saving lateresnog Diary. of "Petr," a eburltived melodrama ou ,
Island. Legends trey that- what) an
his fife, for he died in about ten titin- � o.. Mayseie. ot Srlttord, who our side, has his hews in Grrrba
inns' time from lase of blood, astir, nue of the beauty spot* of the
I suppose you know that Lieut. J. enlisted in Ne. 1 Construction Battal-
U. Ostrow w Teronto toed' Irmo gas.
He was in command o[ the platoon at
the time end I walkfd to. tar as 'tbe
dressing station wi hire. The gas
took effect on him after that and be
died. 1, knocked me stiff for an bile,
but 1 vroe around all right.
About fifteen of the hoy- were put
out of action right there in about i left Veinal tier lamp on Sundry morn -
twenty witutes, with gas and attar. big, September 10th, before the worn -
coming, and being uneble to gat lily
h backfat as der old
I will now rinse.
Nods you and the et*
Ion and is uow.,stt Witley Camp, Eng- enemy approached the Island the hills
land, arid. tbeloilosiing diary of the weret3ttvelopi<d in an otrtenring mist
trip&crow : to avoid tbe.euewy. %Vern:the rpitits
at work on Friday
Valcarber Adieu! Landed
Atter warhtug, breakfasting to jig Doan
the gang -plank and into the 1
time, and collecting packs and equip -
train twill some member kindly write!
went, No. 1 Comm action Battalion a marching song to commemorate this
" )povtng" occasion).
On the Train.
Busy towns passed with frequency.
The houses, models of elesulinrts and
sauple artistic taste, typ cal English •
suburban homes, with tastefully laid -
out gardens, profusion of flowers,
wealth of trees and green tbnibbxrn •
Farms with redtited roses and little
latticed windows, everything VO Wes'
Live of a quiet hone -like almoepheie,
rural England at Its best—end d what it
bettel ? The 1144111mb railway coaches
are far behind Canadian in comfort
and convenience. Women; -principal-
ly, are doing wen'e mut k at stations
and on tbe farts fields. Very few mail
ate seen not in uniform or not work-
ing in some Government capacity.
Women, girls and children gave us a
rowing ,eception, fell of itfee)ious
patriotism. One woman held tip w
black rat as we passed. Good luck to
No. 1 Construction Battalion.
Ru McLain and Ernest Wyman
bread that 1 was here in Moe a Bar,
racks hospital and came wrote. to see
nor. They are looking fine and expect
to go to France soon.
Ion can imagine how surprised 1
was when they told rue of Arthur
MacMett's death. I had not heard
anything about hie for some time,
hut hoped for tette[ news than that.
1 feel sorry for his mot her and slaters.
They abet told fur about Howard
Youngsop being wounded.
When 1 conte from France first 1
was sent to Tient Bt idge hospital,
Nottingham, and just cave bele to
*core thwacks hospital lately. 1
was in Nottingham wben Fritz made
the Zepi eliu raid 00,1. -He dr,tsped
make Gasoline
Your motive
Power !
ins mist. were clear oft the Laurentian
Hills. An enjoyable march, with nunu-
et-nus expreeeions of goodwill born
our khaki -clad friends by the roadside
and punctuated by songs and laugh-
ter -provoking renews ke trona Ne., 1
men, made the journey to a waiting
train seem apptroiahly short.
Historic Quebec. -
Fine view of the Heights of ARira-
haw. and the ill-fated e&ntileiVer
bridge, which collmpsrd the Hex-4,6ay.
Jnudney w----, unmarked by any
pet t touter or regrets able incident,
pleasantries exchanged w lib people at
the railway stations and in passing
trains, who wanted souvenirs (row us.
The Construction Battalion chorus,
"It's a Lie," was feelingly rendered at
all important points.._ -Aa no road
[petal was fired at us 'bur song wust
base made
A rousing reception was accorded us
.on the route meta- - 8.,we pretty
young women threw candy at us.
whicb suggested the deligbtte of lip -
rapture. Three confect tens were very
much enjoyed by the fortunate recipt
This is the season when a
Gasoline Engine would be a
valuable asset .if added to your
farrn equipment.
Just at the present time we
n the floor of our. ware -
sizes of Engines from
one anda-half to six Theyhorse-
will do a great
fEthe drudgery out
of life. . Cattritid see them.
NF of the greatest of the acata're'
menta of the -Canadian Paci-
fic itailwa* 'ir-3be Celan tsht
.net. Tbia great work through
the lofty L'•unt MacDonald --
.amongst tht' Selkirk !Mountains. Is
nearly six miles long and double
tracked. The excavation has been
'Made at • .cost of over $12,01)0.000
le the great transportation com-
pany. But the CPA., which has
spent from x=6.000,000 to $36.000,000
per annum on the development of
the West previous to the war, does
nut even In times of a conflict
affect'^; the greater part of the
world, spare expense where the
public convenience makes an urgent
demand. The opening of the tunnel
will greatly faellltat• traffic, will
°peon a new route. and will do away
with many miles of snow sheds.
'rhe Connaught Tunnel will give
the Canadian Pacific the lowest
grade of any transcontinental rail-
way running through the Selkirk
Mountains. it was bored in less
than three years under the super
vision of Mr. J. O. Sullivan, Chief
ltnglneier of Western lines, and
ft is clitoral li*I ao under I
taking of similar dimensions was
ever completed In such • short
timein the exaltation of the tun-
nel many engineering difficulties
had to be overcome. Rut mighty
rocks gave way and the roots of a
gigantic mountain crumbled before
the advance of human skill. At
various points along Use pass there
is an eighteen Inch concrete wall
During his recent trip to Westere
Canada, i.nrd lhaugMserr. aeovss-
panleal by Chief [ang*Mar Relltvan.
took a lour throng% tie innate.
Lord Shaughnessy was well pleas -
Hamilton St., Goderich
Enbasked: . -
A whiff u1 the briny again ! The
water was ci►*W ate a dock pond the
first day out, dome construction men
were scaling Topes townie's the crow's
nest when Inc skipper beckoned them
to descend, as , hay had men on board
dt•tail.d to 1111 that iugortmntpositio,1.
"Man Overboard," but the sailor was
fortunately picked up. Porpoise wale
seen, also whales spouting. :stormy
p• trills forecasted ditty weathet—
which followed. The prevailing fog,
choppy era, wade the voyage monot-
onous. 8. S, ---Canteen Charged
exui bttrta pi wee fur Loh,cco, mater ale
and candy. We hope t hat sortie of the
stewards will be able to retire from
the funds amassed.
Land --Ireland.
Such he the patriot's boast where -
e'er be roam,
Hitt first, beet countt.yv de is at
bows. .
Who has not a tender *pot for the
"little (riven isle," which looked so
wistful as tit. steamer skirted pest it*
rocky coast at earl dawn on Friday,
the=And instant. Thr wbereab. tits of
Oldbead, of Kinsale, and other places,
brought into protnittence since Chewer
ism "'",oer`—•-
ed with want he saw The con-
striction- *oat Is now rapidly ap-
proaching eompletidn Two miles
of steel rails have yet to be laid on
one aide of the track. It 1s expect-
ed that the formal opening will take
place during the first days of De-
cember. Ehnen Its inception the
C.P.R., it is reckoned has spent
over, $200.040,0110 In the develop•
meet of the Weet. The latest •x
pendttnr• Is as popular as any that
had previously been made.
Wbes Ws Royal Highness the
Deka of Connaught and party took
a trip through the tunnel on July
17t►, the Duke expressed in foo -
peat weed* the graUflcaUoa 1t
gave flan to M atMlltated win thi
pioneer w•s'k of tl►eradia Pa-
clfio, sad ha oesspl Id i tae
sty oa the wised
1t was >•ahlel hi •}Ib lineal
pt tit ecatstry
highness. MOtlatft • sew Werk.
chrlsteoed (t the try '[tins•'.
Som• •Sets Iasty, st a request et
Lord shatta4eeser. Me Royal !Ugh-
after his MiM1eeenrtlt It
to be named tea gllssnnepht Tun-
nel" a 1111101 grslplatt*Swt 1e 1M
west ast ,ernes, uSaft lit Dues
of Coaesuikt nave is •
daring Ws tarts as •r
al. t
A march through pictutienque—'--
to Camp and we were air ready,, ftir
dinner. N ntuitley, a real Cati.n
Camp, ieptrsented by boys from Vnl1-
couver Weed to llalifsx, N. 5.., in a ,
sural English lot alit y, as matt ]',ab, a4
Raphael 'luck postcard. All were
pleased with tbe situation and that
rmubility q f people. The - peach)
bloom,.on the girt. ctieeke looks very
refreshing, as they ride on their
"bikes" along the well -kept rSitds. '
IbtotltuAT, Oct.
Mies Agnes Middletlb daagbter of
Mae. John SIiddleton of Ooderieb
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.-
--Hest Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
Blithe, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
1 and Kindling (Cedar or.Pine.)
i TELEPHONES, office se
• residence '12 or 68
Apply Cream in Nostrils T11-
IliOpen Cp Air Passages.
Ah! What relief! Your clogged nos-
trils open right up, the air peasag?i of
your bead ire clear and yo.t can breathe
freely. No more hawking. snuffling,
mucous discharge, headache. dryness—no
stniggling for breath at night; your cold
or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get asmall
tow nahip, was one of the twenty-five! bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your,
young women who recently presented druggist now. Apply a little of flit
peitti°n to the. Wometi • Entergeney fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos:
Corps, a.king tbst they "he appointed tills, let it penetrate through (vary air,
to work in connection with muokions passage of tthe head;soothe f and I heal
or some definite War work. ^--{he swollen, inflamed mucous membrane,
The Teylor's Corner branch of -the giving you -instant relief., .Ely's,Creanti
PatriotiocIety will hold a sewing' ;Balm is just what everyicoldtandt&
meeting et the hoarse of Mrs, Oswald tarrblsuferer\hasjbeen tedung•:•'ft
Ginn on %Vednesday, November Sth. I just,.plendid-,
one _A
ams riestZThe, person _trained "i a
commercial School.
We guarantee to give a Stenographic and Commercial •
Course e$uaI to that given by any School in the Province
and to place youin a position when you graduate. Write
for rates and make arrangements to enter as soon as possible.
Fall term begins September 5th.
Students may enter any time.
School of Commerce
► L