HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-2, Page 6A cheery rete conies to The Signal
front Mr . Chas: E. (lath. of Meow-
gtor California (a former tiode-
ch imyl. He writ..: "Every-
thing hi lovely out here at the preeent.
Have bad early rains. Had none
from March U1l October ; then we en•
joyrd thee:sin. The oranges are com-
mencing to turn to their golden color
and in a short time the treei will look
like fairyland. Southern California
willin* few years bailie garden spot
of the world."
Former Resident of Goderich.
"The Daily Colonist of Victoria,
British Celumbia, tecords tbe death
_Mere. Newcombe. a former wee-
knowe-FOldent of Goderich. Mrs.
Newcombe died on Monday. October
at her residence. 1011 Lindell
avenue. at the ape of seventy-thiee
years. 8ha went West from tioderich
twenty-five years ago. One daughter,
Mies Emily Newcombe, survives. The
deceased war an active member of the
Chriet church crethedral congregatein
at Victoria, where .he will he reuiem-
bereci.focisee mane erupt unostenta-
tious ehility_and of her good *orbs.
M. C. C. Smoker.
In answer to your desire- expressed
In this note I return it to your address
with expressions of my vet y beet sent-
Long live Canada Long...live
France !
(Signed) Rees PAUL.
Sergeant site Son. lellentiers.
Ouy Sees. Next Menthes Night.
Therese and only (iuy Emitters
Minstrel. will tie at Virtoria Opera
House; tiuderieh, eii. Mondiey twit,
eels inst.. and theme who wish to se-
cure sesta should tio 10 111 eerie as pos.
albite se the coining of Gee Ocotillos*
intractably mound a full house. Plan
Eiwarche. liserved swats 50c;
aerie admission ; children -96a.
rt Smith Leaving Town.
A change of proprietorship has Liken
. .
pleeirgat tbe East street bakery. Mr.
it.r.Vert) Smith has sold bis interest
, to his ether, Mr. J. W. Smith. who
will &gale take an active pact In the
- business itteeeleveral year.' rest. Mr.
le Halliday Saffith continuein the bulg-
nese and the firm name Will he J. W.
Smith & Son. Mr. Berl Smith intends
!esteem shortly for some pint in the
e States, where he will go into business.
# We shall be sorry to lose hien-lion'
Afgef't.1.7.41;r7r4.0' 7,174;1"
111%.7.RIGNAL •. 0(1DERTCR
we will take your •wheel apart
and explain exactly the work
required to repair t. Know
that WC are past masters of our
business, do our work thorough-
ly and quickly. Bring us your
wheel today and estimate -the
cost will be low, the work satis-
East Street Garage
Owned and Operated by
g Practical Mee.
farm Tractor Demonstration.
4 4
Mr. H. K. Revell, of Ridgcrest
Phone 2
Vann, Goderich township. is now op
eratiug a Cave got and oil tractor en
his fern) and is finding it • meat use-
ful and efficient machine. A demon-
stration of the machine -1-e he held
et Ridizerest on l'horsday efternoou
next, Vth ins... edd Mr. Revell invitee
all who may be interested -to tem*
along and see the tractor at week.
A Sete from California.
seen by hire during bls recent teem of
Servile' there. Messier. Geo. Porter and
J. is Killoran also spoke briefly. A
musical program ooncluded the pro-
ceedines. Messrs. H. T. Edwards, L.
gins and P. L Walton were the
committee in charge of elte, arrange-
mlts for the seeping, and everythiug
peered off in the most, pleasant and
An Acknowledgment from France.
In February hist Mr. Jesse Gledhill,
of kletniller, in packing gooda for the
Benntiller Red Crum Society enclosed
a note asking Use permit who might
find it to write to him. A few days
ago be received • uote written In
French. of wbich the following is a
translate= :
Monsieur lore itLot.L.
Doss" reir.-"rme found the en-
elmed note in the ease of socket, etc.
wbicb the Red Crossbar.. lima elessea
to send for the wounded Frencb so) -
Victoria Opera House
Guy Brothers'
presenting new and
net eitite, Everything
entirely different."
See thP near -fleet part Patriotism
. and Preparedness in new
naval epectscular
Don't Miss Thies.
10 - Big Vaudeville Acts - 10
Concert Orchestra and &leer Mood
Ilig Party of Fine Performers.
Secure mer teats new. Don't wait.
Reserved Seats 60c
General Mic - Children 25c
t_yitis that are snappy
'Loring that is un-
surpassable - perfect
fit guaranteed. There
is no guesswork -no
•uncertainty about our •
tailoring. Every gar-
ment created here re-
presents ile highest
ty-pe ofiartistic
R. J. Armstrong
Foe Girls Who Do Farm Work.
Geer can work as farms!. nee eyelet.,
as Rays did this year, led still get
their ecademic 'Sending. according to
reguletiune just edited by Ole Depart-
ment of EducsUon. These regula-
tion! ateke,it clear tbis pier that this
work must be done on Onte.rio tarms.
the defendant, C. J. Beeper."
-During 191d some boys made the 'Lib -
take 0 going to harvest on the plains. Vfhttely-felass.
The Departeueet hes fur the school On Seturday. 0.-tober :Nth, at high
noon, the marriette took Mace lir Mar-
gatet E. Moos. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles M s. Goderich. to Dr. J.
Benson Whitely, also of Goderirb,
Rev. Father McKee officiating. The
bride looked cherming in an ivory
satin gown trimmed with Egyptian
hand I sae, with a long -court -train
hanging from the mhouldera. Her veil
of silk embroidered ren fell softly from
' • Agee woeriteeTer- i
0,414•111•40414144410••••••••••4110 alleged to have Min taken 11 John
MONDAY__lu&atilt kin to
_ Iron ('law," 0 big
feature will he run.
TUESDAY Petite, presents
T Artist le, Del y,
Pearl I,Vhite and Sheldon Lewis
in "Th' Kings Game," Abet it
seilendid new feature -the famous
ratite color travel pie -twee:
NOVEMBER 116 and 9th
with Wallace livid in an elabor-
ate peirtuion rizatof Mary, John-
aton novel
"To Have and To Hold"
PRICES 10c and I5c
With each tfie admission will be
given a ee ticket fur Friday or
Sat lirday.
Fri. sad Sat., Nev. 10th and Ilth
" Tke Lost Bridegroom/II
FallIOUn Players feat
I s" ,One, andolnt.hepoi,fform.
Kidney Disease is
GEO. E. RING, - ProPrirfor
(Reddy) McDonald. who was in the
cabin when the rotatable first entered.
McDonald. the ivitome stated, bad
since left town for Buffalo. Pearling
the outcome of Otis rase Otter charges
against the occupant. uf the car will
be tried.
Victor Dena 1. bone from Hulfaki foe •
few day,
W, Matas,% bus returpod float
their wedding trip to tbe West.
Mrs. G. W. Thonseon irturecti tbis week
from a visit of a maiith with her &mann.
Mrs. Frank Wrieht. at Brantford.
Mrs R. Price het 'stained Irani her stay_ In
the Westtierouipanirdoy her entektor, Pere
Mr 1 W. 8. Turobull, of Vancouver, 8. C.. who
'stunk ins a bet herr.
Itev. Dr. Ilrldruni. of novena& owe. rip
taco 1.0 weak for a dry or two. n•
prosebed nueiveisary twrinons la Pt. Andrew's
church. landau. oo BulidaY
Mrs. Wi. Rhyne+ and Mr. yid Mrs Thema,*
Mitchell lett en Mueday for an farfara point
to aunt Mr.. iiblaor .on. mina. Melville et.
Rhymes, and her son.in-law,Capt. Armor. who
roe with the lidnd Battalion of Wormy:
The Menesettatig Canoe Clod 1013 a
ettoiker on AVedoeinday evening to
moils ' be institutes tem, 41 the ...reran
of 1V111-17 There wise an at eitessore
wheel comfoi Lately filled the emetic
After peeve...sive euchre lunch was
merir,rd. and following this D A. 11.•
Macklin give a brief "dile P.% 1111 .-ie
phases of military lite in iteeind se
year 1010-17 made some amendment
to the regulations of January and
March...19M, which provided for the
enlistment of young men who were
attending tbe high end continuation
reboots'. and the Collegiate luatitutes
in preparation teethe eximinati on the
toll -wing June for admesion to the
mantel school.- and the facultiei of
educetion, and who -desired to eoliet
b not what counts; It's the value
You set for your monoy--partloa-
larly to medicines. Ordinary oint-
ments, for instance, are composted
largely 0 cheap animal fats, with
very little medicinal Ingredients.
ZaneBuk, on the contrary, fa ell
medicine: Zam-Buk's beeline
power Is, thus. so superior to that
of other ointments, that It cures
when ordinary ointments and reore
expensive treatments fall.
Madame A. LarivIere, 61 171
Rodman St.. Fall River, Kass.
writes: "For three years I suf-
fered terrlbty with WZINna. I used
numerous ointments. , without
results, and the various electors
who gave me treatment -acknow-
ledged that ehe case was beyond
Went. neatly, I went to a spate
hetet, eit although I paid Mm a
lame -tree: 1 received no. bent.
Then I beard of Zam-Buk and Mtn -
mewed using It. In conjunction
with Zam-Buk Soap. I trim!1 never
forget the relief It gave me. Jt
ended the Irritation Ind burl:tint
sensation, drew out the Inflamma-
tion and soreness, and perseverance
resulted' In a complete and perman-
ent cure. I am convinced that
Zam-Buk is the only treatment for
eczema." '
Zam•Buk Is just as good for
ulcers, abscesses. old wound* nue
n111g sores. blood-polsoulng, ring-
worm, Omelet bolls. Piles. Mash
bums, scalds and all skin injuries..
60c. box, for $1.25. All druggists
or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto.
for teepee**. service tbe wet., One eeeipeteei cite which wt. heid,ie
inspoi tent factor is tittedetlitee re- place by a dainty wreath ot orange
quirement of an examinatton prier to hemeicit„;
Sor was • at -
Elbe carried a .hower bow
tEut:temr;pL94,47r. eoetLietraunteacotnEdiaistileotter. ttle„gtedted01hyhihidearisitort7"er, Miss Erma, who
looked level, in a frock of mange
charmense, with is large black hat,
end. carryingiffreumet of pink and
white- roes. M. E. McLaughlin
.acted as groinusinen. Dinner was
served at the home -of Me lerklee
temente aiVr which Miss Erma
NVhirely rendered beautifully the
solos, "Because," and --leenstance."
Tbe_bottee wee deeormed with chrys-
rntpeetutmee ferns and cernations.
rite grooner gift to the bride wee a
ring ret wellt diamonds and ruby.
The bridesmaid received a ruby ring
and the -twat Mali" a with
tH 'settings, , Merry beretitiel teas
wire %Received from frie44). -a
bride lila groom. .Antisl /*bower, of
ererffet tips'. and, Mee. Weitely left nn
the afternoon trate foe...Toronto. Buff-
alo mod ; New V.sek , the beide wearing
• stet t lope broadcloth with male -
skin teennieitts and Napoleonic het to
mrech.1 .They wive large circle of
friends who join its wiehitig thew,
chili lire's vicioduides, tappiness
stud ,p asperity.
Case Against eterisliegkriptein.
grain klellOiOU 'COW ei-
auunatiosia of June, 1917, with the
certiliceies concerned.
Vicente of Lake Disaster Buried.
The funeral of the lute David Luke
Gozbett, who was tit small on- the lost
steamer Meads, teak place from Lite
tesidence of Mr. sod Mrs. Michael
'robin, Wolfe street, test Friday mom -
Eng to 8t. Pete'''. chinch, where
requiem high mac wan sung by Rev.
Fattier McRae: .-'rbe pallbearers were
QM -Walter Shannon, John Loh-
noa,Jobn Mclereetond Witi enishulm.
The interuseat was made in the C tho-
lic cetuetee y in Colbornetownshi ._
The funeral of the lafe \ Ithaca
Bogie, whore life also was/ I in the
toundetiug or tbe Meridit,ort place
on Friday afternoon le the resi-
dence of Ms martens. Mr. a d Mrs. Wm.
Bogie, tiltep pet dton v. James
Hamilton wee elje otic tiogIcesegy-
Mete and tb. Office!, of tflaitleinct
Lodge, No. Ble ' de & A. M., of
iit .4
Whit* thq,,et' ' ,,ceteM it member.
tonduited elee isiiiitile hurler service.
The pallbsereer were sit Masonic
beethiete: W. T. Millar, Erpest Col-
borne, L. M. Mabee. Harry Shields,
John Farrish and W. ele Sallow..
The interment was in Colburue ceme-
"The Gain of Sacrifice.",
On Thursday evening last Mrs. firer -
don Wright, of Loudon, Ont.# a prom-
inent Hod Cron* worker of that. city,
add' rowed a meeting in the lecture
room of Knoz church field under Ole
aurpiette of the \Votneter War Auxid-
for whicli Dodd's Kidney
Pas are'tlie _only certain
cure. In Dropsy the kid-
cs ;,10 actually dammed
1.,:ota- the water, which
ttiould be expelled in Atte
1. rni of urine, flows back
ani lodges in the cells of
the de -eland puffs but the
Ant Remove the filth
%%hell/gags up Ihe dram.
!testi', c the Kidneys to
There is only one
Kaliii•y Medicine
)7.4 ..106,diW41.0.10, 1.r. 4
TRU11/0144. • Nov 2' 1910
k A
Are Your Children
Learning to Save
.Eaciii maturing son and
daughter should have a
personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of
Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and
training In how to expend money wisely. Such an
education In thrift and saving wid prove invaluable
In later Me.
Goderich Branch -F'. - WOO L LC 0 M BE, Manager.
_ -r t -t _ _ - ---- ----,
etehningte of path week the seriei will
be continued. Thies is an instructive
:am well WI interesting featute and
should attract many patrons.
IS se
Any quantity of dry hemlock slabe
for summer wood at MacEwen's
(phoiet 96). $2.00 per cord. tf
Seed-shipt oysters, solid meat and
.always fresh, et Edwards'. Phone 200.
For lementade taffies, or pees ice ,
creaue In hulk or briekeetry Black-
stone'''. Phone 240. -
Hinman neture does not change very
much. On Tuesday night the boys
were out playing trick. kill!, 69 other
Wye -did on Hallow -e'en years ago. It
means that this yetteecelebratiun was1
somewhat more strenuous than has)
been usual of late yeses and consider-
able dantagrewas done in one way and
amothee. . -
At a meeting of the General though
Chapter, I. 0. D. E., a IiAtrty vide of
thanks Wag tendered the, president
and members of the Meneeetueg
Canna teeth for heir kindness
lending their eninfoi table rooms for
the (Pelmet Natutda r. The) tea moved
quite a PM TIst. Cbaider will
apply the proceeds' to its fund fol
patriotic milrpowee
A new fcat Ur. thOefselel Theatre
will be the filinbusl -Pathos eqiifr
scenic pieties tie pi keen' ing fenced
scene* in Vs flints count nem. 'Mead'
picture, will be shown for. the first
time on Tuesday evening ewe. and
afterward. on Mun y and Tueoley
Pepe are the oewireatwiesstdat
coughs, colds and lung troubles.
They are little tablets made up
from Pine extracts and medit inall
essences. When put i nto the mouth
these medicinal ingredients turn
into healing vapors, which am
breathed down direct to the hum
throat and bronchial tubes.
Peps treatment is eireet. Swale
lowing cough moistures into thus
stomach, to cure ailments and die:.
orders In thrust and lungs, is In- es.
direct. Peps ere revolutionises,
the treatment of colds, as their ;
price ie within the reacts of 01. sec
.lc. box all druggists or 'Peps Co, 14,
igPlease sen
me some :*b
Tee case against Captain Rawett, of
the strainer Mariska. v. ha- brectrarged•
with bringing liquor into Ooderich
venire' y to the provisions of the Can-
ada Temperance Act WAS opened in
the Police Court before Magistrate
Kelly on Mon lay afternoon. All the
witnesses for the prosecution were ex-
amined. witb the es ot one
witness -from Fort \Valiant, and an
adjournment was made for a week to
secure bie evidence. C.nstible
wait• the chief OP'S rimmed. He
y. The subject of the address was related how he hut gone to the harbor
"Tee Gain ot Sacrifice." Th.ipeaker on the night of Sepe.mher 17th with a
Wakfant,t0 seat eh the steamer Mar lite
and all the elevator property, About
midnighe three men in an automobile
drove down to the dock, barreled the
crewel and appeared again a few
minutes later, two of them carrying
a hoz ptrti,elly concealed under their
coats. Cuffstable Pellow said he step-
ped up to the car and notified its. occu-
boots of his intentirM to seize the
hotes,hut tnade no at tempt to inter-
cept tue atitonsolele, as be said that he
expected those bodes to be brought, on
the .boat.. He was mietaken in this,
however, as the,car awe pealed mud=
denly and proceedrd 'tweet at Web a
recklews speed that be tirPliiial,11. ad-
visable to jump from the Dinning-.
board of Die machine on which he bad
been ganding when the ear stewed.
The occitemete of the autoibobile he
recognized as Clare Swei te. W. 'rhiniip-
eats and W. Metzler. The boat was
said this theme was suggested to her
by ..eeang un a recent trip to the West
a few scaler, e crocuses along tbe rail-
wtty line. She was told that at one
thug the prairies were_entirely,covered
by the ertcuses, but they bad been
destroyed by the cultivation ot-
huedi tor the raising of whist and
other grains. Applying this lessonto
the occupetions of many women, it
war found that time beetle:store given
to things that red not count for much
could -be empeoyed 10 useful purposes.
Atotin. the gain of sacrifice was to est
loeked for in the tertiele struggle
which was condi* too many precious
lives. These live. were given that a
better *tete of t bingo might be meat -
fished lei the world. ,
A Motion of thane!' to the epeaker
was moved by Rev. W. K. Hager, sec•
onded by Rev. ,k E. Ford, and sup
ported by Sheriff Ite,noldv and Roy.
J. It Fotheringhain Io brief remark.. then searched and in a Arm.? in the
A duet by the Misseallac)lanue and captain's cabin two rase.; of liquor add
solos by Messrs. Berkey and Roberts three bottles were found, which were
'seized in spite of the es pl.. protest
were received with appreciation.
Hey. ReC.eMcDermid occupied (he that the 'mor warfr his own ebper-
- o
- sne] uw
se. On the rcipleat of the -
• teen dne battle wee 1- *1 1,, him, while
Judgment in Brown v. Harper. 'mother bottle whichsoimappearitl be -
Do Monday Hi. lionor Judge Dick- ;weep the time of _ lile 1•44411 and
mon gave jildgment in the County 'selteo thme gole WrlP taken away s
Court case Of Brown et al. vs. Harper,
disiniefing the met ion. WIRA the
action which followed the seizure on
hehalf of the defendant of. two horses
and reit min other good.' on an PXYC,1`
tion monist the pie * ilf David 'pow 1),
the weleknown jimkaleitlee 9f town.
Chetles and Rudolph fku.wn, mons of
David Brown, and Jacimli .1 Lcoleion.
01 Woodstock, another junk.dettlet,
t put in claim. of ownership of, the
horses and other goods, and the action
was to dote, mine :he Matter tea net -
I Jacobean cleimed- that he' heel ad-
vanced WM\ to !tart the trio Brown
boym in 111.i (IPS,. tett the evislenee in
support, ef thin ,,,bsinn WOO deeltwed 17
1113 Honor to be very unsati•faerere.
"The elett•y tell by the boys of their
earnings and of the purchase of the
herself was siserlilieulouse deoleted
iodize Dickson in giving lodgment.
"i het no proton or any intelfigence
ell would believe h." After teeming
ale a nitmlwr et, fitoorepnewe
contradiction!, it, the Pliftl,voice,• Hee.
11 into m iid : "On the whiritt 0 tsr I
ani vet/ strongly inupreeted thAq
twirl, of the cadence in support ef the
- el,bit of Jae. hem and Brown is (^bre
ested: mod concocted end 1 can only
Pay 1 discredit 1hit avidencoelituost itt
ie.entirety. The corielinicM1 I hate
therefore come to 1. that VIA godds
end chattel, seized by the ehei if on
the 14141 April were the stood.' mei
ebettele of David Semen and (het the
Witte inttattie determined ib favor of
The Great Clearing-otit
Sale of Grocery Stock
- AT THE -- -se
Maple Leaf Cash Grocery
Buy now and reduce the high Cost bf living. No
return of goods. as this is strictly a cash clearing -out
sale. tiood butter and fresh eggs taken a,s cash at
the cash price -while this sale lasts. , , .
q44,',04)1. P T DEAN
Caner lissiredi Street sod The &pare Gelerich, (Wale
few,. Aq
,,krwritr71,4714';' 4.
lf... 44k
,t4 -
1 it 14*
1,1 ,M1
44" •
.4,"44,-,tr4-.41.-..',--ix,.:04,:',4„,,,44;,,;N:.7 fir Atih...
is the kind the boys - ar like. 4 -
It's sealed in a wax -wt )er. 1.4
Air, moisture . and dirt _an't
_110i- harm it.Lwittodtiiiiiiteo..,;,,„,f;?:',,5z-Ntiri,„-,;;,-rtil.„,,, -
Doter,-. '72124r"---
terlataws.es..w.5it, art, s. ii, I,Vil t ,a,)G.; ?Lae ammo na.,
. _
Ar; The chap 7.-vith some Wrigley's
t:.to pa.,3 around is 'cock -of the
walk.',0;17. ... ...
!tt, . yl,
. . It's so refreshing and thirst -4
A man's smohtlaste changes. He
sometimes gets tired of 6s old favorite.
A change freshens up his palate. That is
why there is a Tuckett cigarette to wit
gym taste.
ArNa Virginia. 10 tor- 0e.
81-11-voild blend, 1.0 for 10e.
Bow Bells, the lee box, 20 for 15r.
Club Virginia, a better than usual
Virginia cigarettes 10 for 15c. ,
Special Turkish, a- blend of tha finest
Turkish tobaccos. 10 for Ise.
Send some of both
like after,
Next Daveys jeeelery Store poderich
4.44.44 .1444
-i4, ,,4,-
4# 4
itM..„41 1;1.,
Seared tght
Kept t right
4444 "444'
Wrigley's Ltd..
Bldg Toronto.
for tree coPY.f qu
44aint 111,1M1111.
,,,,, GOOSE book. r
,,• 'rce PPR'
4 ..7.1T1k
, .444.44. 44 444.44* t 44'
'I 1 k•*'-^
44 •