HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-2, Page 5114 • le "Pr' ""••,. N") 6 Mr1;1etqa • • 4 TIMMODAT; Nov: 2. tlin$ Ittil.""" rRE STGNAL GODRR1CH ONTARIO Walter C. Pridham's for FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS ! Money aved by buying at this store. because we are selling Over- coats at less than their real value. Let us show you our Overcoats made in Melton. Frieze, Vicuna, Chin- chilla and Whitney Cloths at prices from • $10 00 op to $25.00 *4014 Our Special Order Department A great selection of the nicest cloths to choose from. made in any style. Prices ;20 to $35. Walter C. Pridham Nth Cautery Ofl stiiisg. &miss ats nose 57 ' * ....Goderiek, Oatario ..:.....40- -1'1 77 . ,,,,...., . . . • •114FIELD. many relatitrire tering present, Herr. ill Mr J. If. Hardie aondiseted the furearel ser- etsaM4 as satterglismest, As Our IhnitioattiT ..ee. filth* trallh11earer• were Messrs. m • Hod. e 'Murdoch 11claiensras. Robert iser be pioneers of Use toye. of *-Mu p...„," /4, „wr hi sed Jant•it Johnston tkincardine town: YruirtY dle-lreleg„ lbeeteatter'elt$4. in ebilit Th as Harris tRipley). The iwo bereaved -family, to whom the lose is the mereen of Mr D I. Tait. . y.ar. 14, w" Anew in irreparable. .have the deepest gym - why of WI who know Orem fleimesid. When he emote C out he wattled in Heron, Ars1 anattly: 11rif want - Dootinetrrx. h e cos eras .are swoired to eoneellaus Pi. firmer .1 Mand My,.. Thome, moo_ whet, he semateed sessid the limb* erty. bliesmardton, wee the seem* of a his desists Not twee at iti.a.ust happy event ..n Wirdisaiday evening. Um*. hi. daughter went NOW roams.. illetuber 101 h. white their daughter. "•• lied that he. omit had lied. Pima. Moe Elsie May Dougherty, was ambit! 4 metaiees wartime to the passion of in wisrierbsire to Mr. John McKenzie, a Mor sfr. bis illiturhar. Whet. tering prosperous young fussier of near Port writ wonsolv ill The heriersi to Kin• Albert, son of Mrs. Donald lieKeriz e. ter les...tory Ulm 10.g.y aliesieblgreet Albert. The bones was . lead with Sege. leaves, Peens pled hmi. prosiptly et IS r. • isles*. ,he etrivali of Mendele- Ag W. Ender. cousin of the held.. the bride, lestaing Oa Use arm of her ss Wedding Msrch hir osati enterinl the epacious parlor. iratilitlifelle Wee a Snead, elk wierquir este amli bar hominy% was bridel roses aid tuna. Th. happy couple were :11111elliallikel. Rev. H. K. Williams per. -Itoed ib. emmisi(ny. •f er heat y meagratelatlino. the guest.. eiesideries nireefeety, mainly uncles and 'mats 01 the beide and groom. set down to a delightful wedding dimmer. The 'VIM. lusi mom paesed in mode, tinting etoverestn. saes which Hie hasp, emirate left by awe timid showers of courettl.' fort. tIoderieh to take the Homilies train for Londim, rothroy and other Omuta. The bride'. 'revei- lles doe., was of envy biota with sailor King Edward Cafe (eQuiTi4INO Pawl The weather is now cool. People coming to townevau be served lint Coffee 1 to or cocoa at Sc Meals also served 35c Higheet prime paid for butter and Thr beat barn in town for stabling.. Joseph Murray. - Kingston Street OODIENICS the steamer Minnie with all hands canoe liki r thooderolop to this neigh - hoe hood. rim, ooly bodies which were found were 'hove of two men belonging to We commuted y : Wil - 43, go.. of Sheppardton, and David Corbett. who .tiyed when an shine at the home of him •ist•r. Mr.. M.Tobin, or took employment in town for the wintry months. "Dave." the name lry which . everyone knew him. was • general. favorite, as bie Might. eheei tut digroottion and wil- ling..e.• to help otherd in time of need mid* him frienda everywhere. He was well known both in town and count. y. It wit be long Indeed bi before he will forgotten. It. wag a strange en elltehre that he- wet his death on October !Ith -*the tut t 7 -moment 6 ann i versa. y of Its birth. Much sympathy is telt for his sister in her sad bereavement, alt he was her only hrother and lb« boo of her kin. W. Bogie. though not of Oiiir Place, was well kno n by the young p.stple here and noel the friend - *hip and Prawns of • large eirele Of Woods arid neighbors. HAVE'BEEN TRIED AND -POUND GOOD. - EAT LES AND T SALTS FOR KENOS' Itaio glom of Soho bolero broakINS if your 11losit barb or 11•14•1 bouts= FM nil Amoebas maa sad newisis mud Wainoorotosay easiest [Masi bed* we est tea smelt sail all wee feed le Nee Our Mole ie ailed with are mid whim\ the kidneys strive to alter ese, they weaken Imo mereurk. Mem - ottoswa: the eliminative Seem= dossed ' the mutt le kideity tremble, . bisibler esteitems moil a 'resserel dodoes in Melte year kidneys led like hisses a eikoZywee lash haste or ,tbe swim le fell sediessia or you- OE sio=le seek rebel two im three tiara the aitat..11 yes sulfer with siek haadede er dew. Dermas spells, said inside* air yips have rheumatism whoa die weather is W. gel Sam 7"76r4:" assist sheet leer loam of Jol take a tablemenefal to • oar si water Woo breaded Mr a few slays mod yore • kidneys will thus est line. lammo sane la mails term the saki of groom lemon juin. eseshised with tithis.ead bas hese rod fee generations 141 SBA sad aillaulatat 41.111Pg labels: A yyP.otl program may he expected. te sestralies midis la Um eta* so 11 coneisting of music on the Vt. t se Imam is a swings of itritetiosk thaw-, •otoir by M es. uV. E•oentere._ of wallies bladder disetiers. I I ienferieh. and other*. recitations try .1i Salts is newprespive; essrent le- Maw Mooney. of gopher, and other Jere makes a deleghttel elhoveseed eelestiewee and .peohew by blame tal- letkie water beverage. awl bebop Is ept. 'intone. cents. irTfrY he... Swaim 04017 .6118 Imam 1 11.0711 Sarum% WRIA. itiatOWN • *age, by bowing • WA sioram7 11•••• atrottt.-The Gad flaws of the bile f lag say time the program by the youjpg people was much enj iyed. The OrMeede amounted to 11945. which was donated to the British H.ed Crofts mush. NEW tictiooL Orman -The St. Hideo* new two-rouured school was opened on Mont‘sy. Mies Curran it Principal sod Mb.. C. it. Miller is in charger of the junior room Much credit ira due to the tymiesse- :who 400k.d after tire equipuresit of *bis Ppl.odid structure. Mr. Henderson, of larckuovr. wax the contractor. AUBURN. WEEINIADAT. NoT I.. The itvEporator lit running this tigek. Apples seem wares tills fall. fence aloug the trout cal his lot this weeMkr.. James Medd 1. erecting au iron Miss Annie Sturdy has returned from a two weeks' vacation with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strang leave today for • three months' huh- darviell• wttlt-thelly daughter. Ile. Cho. F. Yungielos left Mondry morning tor Parry Sound-, where be will spend the bunthig.seeson. 111. reported that Ralph tit arietcra, of Ounganoon. is about. to buy 3. shoats' barber shop. Coati on, Ralph! Mrs. W. T. Kidded laft on Tuesday for Lloydminetee to visit her mother, who bee been Fir:banned to her bed tot scone time. Mr. latues Nixon, rof Seem th. spent two days lir the village last wren, ceil- ing on old friends and acquaintances. He kr..iks held &ad hearty fur bis years. On the eve orator marriage • num- .ber of young ladies met at the house of Mr. end Mr.:: Thomas Doyle and pre - *voted their eldest daughter, Marjorie, with many useful presents. Ahhe • "r, tht :•C,.., nit.' ',dal,/ .1141,.e. '''" , - Sat•' -.1'11 . . ..(?"..(;•"e"t't(4-4Wedtl* '' * --- - • • - Wby Dodds Kidaey Pills Are So . Popular. Chelnisford,thrt.. Oct. 30 (Speeiall - V. Imre found Porld's EtclavY extremely good. We ars in good health thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pine." Theee are the words of Mies Delia Marron. • well-known resident here. °there tell the same louvre. They have tried Dodtre Kidney 13•11. and Arend them good. For Dodd•• K.dney PUs tut • tonic are tednile medicine are with- out an equal. When you feel worn. tired ,and run down the chances are ten tkl 041411 that your kidneys are at tool& -When the kidneys beconie clog- ged or oat of oldie, the attestation be- floines sluggish, the ionsimities see not strained tuft of Go. blood and the re- *ult. in 'weariness and lack of energy all over the 'wkly. fitiard against disease PI ins*. accuelcaned energy being lifoote• Kidney Palle. BENMILLER. W IC Dri VIDA T. Nor. • I. Ore. Jonathan Fidler retus not from the West ono Me' urday night. - Don't fget, the meter supper at the (None Hall on Fs iday ntoht. Owing 1.1 (he absence of Hew. Mr. alainee, Mr. lieu. Cu',I.. of Nile. took eireair--61, Sunday. briegif the church services au this Mush Hill has nought a lerge. hueb in Halibut ton eounty and we under - steed that he expect• to move his mill ' there in Use option. bat sib paradise Oprey. The twee- , Pleat week qua+ truly meeting ser- vices will he held at Zion North egos were beentifuland neelnl.• ho , 1,,,4, There will be nu services et eluding severa eutratontiel elk411""'• .11.drinitiler throughout. the ear but Amonstithe orient, front ontaitle paom.t. diem wi.1 tie art ewe at Beth, 'at night. were Mr. (limier. roman of the bria°, Seer r .1 (+rues base, changed Mandel Irmo Toronto, end Mr. and Mrs. Mr- in 'the in-igtsh Is hood dining 'the -past 1" -""an 41141 Ur' and M". tiel(F"''. 1.. week.. Rol. Hulizhau.er hair pur- of Loeheleh On their rreurn Irons the chased Jacob irt.br's farm, send! ns honeyoou Mr. aod Mn Il . eKonsie Close. tap tied. sold the ••tiallid.iy , Milt rand* droll, groom's fano. rmr‘n faros to D.11 Poldero. at Poet Alter, where he hes built a basolsoate emblem* Hat year. flastsit-Bsolinavi*. - 11 v. P, S Bette.. p ...tot of *tenni i ..r Met h 411t .. I • ..--- -. ..-- - en cotn.-wa, 0W -or iota rt. --401. 551 a . I DUNLOP. pl.-am,r ain 'epeat 14ind ... n on Vlioso- day Iasi. 1 he following 1. from Tn. 1 T"'"DAvt °c'• 31- Hansilitui spectator : 1 • Do not forget the annivereary At the Souse of the bride's mot her. letter& coerces t mat Monday eveeing. 5" -II King•artreet two, on Tburedsy. PORT ALBERT. WgnlagaD4Y, Nov. 1. Mrs. John Frhtzley has been 'hating relatives at Saittord this week. Miss blizz ,Hicluitdaon and Miss Evelyn Greet' lett last week for Texas. The Ladies' Guild of Christ church meets at the home of Mr.. James Hayden this week. - Mies Hazel Johnstone 'Mot few days with her aunt, MrirOVut. Riche: ambito, sr.. last week. Mr. Edward Itichnenhals motored from Clinton Ibis week and spent a day with Mr. Ho stamp. •.r. Mrs. Hy. Taman and Mr. and Mr.. John Carter, est Myth.- were gurus of Mr. Pearson and Isis mother this week. Mies Viola Bennett. of Sheppaniton. and Mr. Joe Armstrong, of tioderich. called on Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Ureen ou Sunday. Sire. W. T. Gilbert and son left for London this weeki Mrs. lbert ex- pecte to spend the winter there, as Pte. W. T.. Cidnert.'• bettelion leaves Camp Burden for London. • UODERttlei TOWNSHIP. Watch for some Specials in BRASS BEDS at Walker's Furniture Store in the basement section. -- I A NEW ARRIVaEONFELItliVEUMS- JUST PICTURE FRAMING - FURNITURE REPAIRING i ..........__....... Watch for change of Advertisement next week. falpring the rush of Exhi- Illiimm, bition weelcjwAliatve been too busy to go through our stock and arrange a more detailed announcement.' WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY Oftes the W. WALKER, Fernitare'aid Uaalikkiss Always die Best • tilet.•ber 211, Was torletnnized, the mai- nage of Annie Maud. daughter of Mao.. John B.gohaw. and Kee. Peic.val M. Henee. iSA.. of H.tionialler, 1.1itt" The rere o lll was pet forniettliy Rev. -Matryine. in the presence of situneili- ate relative.. The bride was bac dd. ingly attired in while georgette crep- with *sun and pearl tri lllll and wore a v. il caught with srangie bins, mints and carried it bouquet of In id•I rows and lily of the valley. She was attended by het eietoor. Ito. Elisortretis RittiehR141, 11/4111 was gowned in cham- pagne glt rim taffeta and gemgetle crepe and rirriet1 nhower bouquet of "pink tooth. Titp groom wan *colleted by Mr. .1. Elwood aidebell, 13. A. of. Mount EIgin Omt. The Loliertgrin 5.1.1 thorns wan played by %lies Wilda G. Haile., sist r of the grouse'. The Nide'. mother ti toe a leroniing. diem. of black uslk . After luncheon the happy ronple Left for Niagatls Valli and p dot. ...Int, the pride went - July ft, .11,1 Of dark wren serge and blalilk velvet hat. The gro 'a gift to the lit ide wee a louidwone necklace of rubies add pearl.. to I htsitritlentnaid signet ring, to ' he grtamportan ot pest l tiopto. Hod to t 1)qttlIbt. St boeich set' with pearls sod •Ittet /4140 Elegent opeciel greenery and else tricot erfortawith tiny 111..a. M twat:ode t -et floom. Monday, ruiner titti. PATRItYrIC WOAK • -A most enjoy- able afternoon war spent by the 1111e111- bers .1' the Coiled Patriotic Society on WusInr.day, about thirty b. iug preeant at their "at home" at which work and Meson e were combined. Two veil y excellent papers mete given on patri- otic and Red Oro.. wore. One ,egret was that there wae only one represent - sties from the be aneh. Mince last gen- eral meeting the members had tilled twenty Christianise stocking,, which have been foreltdadrod to London Red Oroe headoffice. Arrangements are tieing made to have a fowl supper nn Vriday evening, November 10th. Posters will be out 'late. gittlog tort her pat ticulars 1••••••••••••••••1•••-••••••••;••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cheapest Mee 89 Cattiefich • kartio'",-"Or4W,,t 4""ti ST. 14ELENS. - 1.11tatt.t T. Oct. 31. Miss (*olefin, Claris is visiting friend. at Westfield. Word bra. been ieceireci here that the Itioth 535 ore 53 titaltoti arrived safely Englend. ••• , • heron to r..41•11.1 ere Weer. rho lee a imoverer trent sof NKR V01..41. KIIINVY, $100 Reward. $100.- - T11.1 reader. of We paper will be pleaead to Iwo e. that th 54 .1 1.. tot cone dreaded dteroaw *donee h.. heen able te cure ih all it..tacee. and that to esuark. l'2atearti biyng greatly in- fluenced byl eonatitationel coriMonn tetfulytui 000-i'•ntional treateent. HOW. 4 nterih Cure 1- 1.1... intereally awl are. Metros% the taco I on the note ell (11.C.O of the midge. theroby de•dr•Yolr the foundation of the Moen.. Weide the reliant strength by bid dine up the CCM mitution •ni nelating nature iti dinua It• work. The nroprielbre Mire artaitca inna ow (stmts. pewees of Hall. ratanh u offer ono but d ed][41 Mara for any dwell that It tu care. Send for lit of to.t I Addition : 441.1grr k CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by /Sr. • DUNUANNON. MR. N. F. WIIYARD is the wend for It SIGNAL atjhowannom. Ord. N lett with hie for outretiptiono. al. ertlosiente eit »b Kind's! 'e" Ott e prompt attendee. Telephone liloderleb Huron r Mk J H COL ORNE SERVICE has been our aim in buying fdr this fall and winter and -we now have a complete stock of dependable goods for you. Prices in many lines are higher, but we bong when. the Market was much lower than it is now. This means a saving for you. - Gloves We have a complete stock of kid Gloves in tan, black, white, white with bitcic; and long Gloves in black and white, at 111.25, SI 61.75, 112.00 and $2.50tper pair. . , White washable kid aud white doeskin Gloves in all sizes, at S1.75 per pair. • AN bite Ctittin6Isette 'etyma in sii sire&E--st - Kic per pair. - Knitted Gloves for wotuen and children, in all wanted colors, at 35c and 50c. 1 Veils You have 440n t11,e new face Veils. Have you seen ours? The very newest in fkce Veils in black, tan, blue and taupe, at 60c, 75c, 61.00, 61.25 and 111.50 each. Corduroy Velvets 1/o mg put off buying your Corduroy Suit or Skirt for you will be disappointed in the range after it is broken. Let As show these goods to you now while the range is coniftlete. In all cokirs, for suits, skirts and dress". price only 60e. Kimono- Cloths 4e' Vet.). pretty patterns and colorings are Isere in Wraprrettes kinumas in .4he best -hatted aiiil 'u all. weights, at, 12c,1 15c, 21k, '271: aud5e a yard. - Hosiery Children's .all -wool, Stockings in sing! at 1(k a pair. \ These Stockings were 25c and lgtc a pair. Jut a few pairs left. J. H. COLBORNE' 111m1104104111411MIPMMOMMIIMIIMEOMMIIMMOMMEMINIIMMOMIDOMIMPOEIESP41101101111411.1114111041MBRA iintria(4•• and Mrs. McKelvey and daughter, 4rsittia, bare NMI away at Stratford for some days. Mr. (Sas. Elliott left last Monday for the district. of- Parry atound,and 51uskars, wherirhe intends to apet.d • few weeks hunting. Mr. Elliott is a real sport and enjoy* stalking the deer. It, might to be quite safe to con- jecture that- he will trine° with • big "noose. The annual thankoffering meeting of the W. M. S. was held Tuesday afternoon in the Prestryt eri.n church . Mrs. Hamilton, of Goderich.addremed the meeting. A goodly number at- teoded front the vi'brge. together with visitors front the Port Albert Auld • - tare. Drava or A FORKIR RESIDIWT J Ryan and family leceived tbe oad news taut Fr iday of obs 'death of Mr.• George Ryon, of Smkatchewan. 14. 104 etop•root t iken suddenly III, and was immediately operated upon, but notwithstanding human rkill he soon passed away. He !eaves.," wife and eve children, beside* hit her, a broths , and four sielorc The , reeved bare the sympathy of hie .u - tire community in their deep •M.c- term. ..Witostitstiav,Noyeasher 1. Mr. and Mee. Ratilson,of Wintrhain, a,e the gitet of Mr. Ind Mr... McKenzie this week. Mr. arid McFarlane, who were hone Isar weekentiting their eon. J. C., Irtft last Monday for their home AL CA 114 t MRCP. " In the absence of Rev. I. McKel- vey, Mr. T.ybor. of , Liwknow, took the service. the Methodist church last Sunday morning, while Rev. G. flown occupied the pulpit in the evening.* We regret to repot the end neers of the death of R'.v. I. McKelvey'. father. which occurred lard Tnturiday at ticratLrrd. As a citnoequence 51r. --e-- 74-k,dit 'A'ZUFFER pc-•kv7rtt-., • , -to. rot. :A« rain 24 4 .1n4 Rta•o!.... 1..1•155. 14.4 bei rest ,red Ieuteree. et Reek. Along .th• to 1..,rod. 5.4..,. I. -,.d th erre Ileleghtte es ror .41 • beer 411etol es, els,- •IS.1-0 in aft., Fluarlreetonf eere.1 4.teents hale therheitee,eled (te-r fr415 and ret.t,..r. to hen, trIbii. have. orrt• Roth` Ione bh. U. A %J., treatment thry r ••••Aveel anti Mhich you 1.111 • 1.• such re bo•e• tole • ••e set soprove4 enr1 the br•• naedirel totther,t er the • n4 1.1• vaned ror 1 It Is jun the treat. then4errte tea t fur YOU - the •• I' • ' C••••'• W•• &AFOOT. .n4 ,I'PVt rF MUNICIPAL 00U/SCAL. EAST WAW•103111. • , , swwwww. Asia. 411111111•111w 40 .11MINMO, Ootineil met oniDetober Ifkb as per IIMI'-.------------7.„7„.„,,;,74. . Farm Tractor .'.44"v 1 4,AM.. ; is,*4stair. ay 4.11 Demonstration -A- demonstration of a Case ten -twenty gas and oil Tractor will be held �n Ridgcrest Farm; lot 12, con:A Coderich Townships -On Thursday afternoon, Nov. This is an excellent machine and is doing work. Come and bring your friends. K.- REVELL adjournment the tnembers pre.. ent. Miontes of lost resider and apeci.1 tareetlfnes Were reel and con- firmed. Moved by Mr. Carrie. 6m - o -tided by Mr Irwin, ,that former order of $31 in bread- of it - McGee peered at Isat Meeting of nOuncil fr sheep-'demaged hy doge Issi-ei.einsted and that. Mr. McG. e 110 paid 1110 stead for tompeopition in tins matter. 11te following acconnte were paid : Rotor Step/ewe. gravelling approach to bridge bo moth boundary... : W. H. FarrtIV. drawing :WV 14114 pul- ling in culvert on west hotindary. 113; D. R obertson, inspecting two cot: - tracts on eastern boundary, $10 ; Wm. Salter. putting in enfant on eas•ern bounder y. ' $12 ; George• Currie, drawing culvert for eestern 'tindery, $5; fhoroas M. %Vaish, inspecting conic -eel on eastern boundary, 14 ; A. Arniratrong, filling in marabout and replacing tile, con. t, J. McOill. remdring .two culverts on I ,on. 4 anti 6, SI 50 ; J. McGill, material .M r. and .Mrs. Todd, Pr, left arm Nit- 111.‘110F.R STAf.141CH A I.W.114T. en P.11,_ 'H- AI Dire rotten!. DR WAR 4Alttlhtf+ et Wiorthant. . Now.n erataabio. et SUYI•ItIOR to t /11. OM 1 II art toltt- _.; . Molt' yeso ...4 ne hear theett. end tter Treetreeht that A efiZosose tor dr2.5 mar sent tn.Atia, you eat Coronae who whet WI otter teethed. h... 11. n. '1'. %V. M. li 'try, ercritary of the l'i,' ,-1-aii,„..,4 n. Pkit felt lied Otos. %sort , f I 0111 rill. PI' .d.' ;I Mow"1•raillitir"-7421. r ,I -Rkm w• 0.4. 11elen a AVonten' 5 I nftitnte. tirdny for nb eel etdird Vatilt to their h Stich b.... Aht ohf: w la krt,;.1.41tiertarElearret.a.M......,=,..„4: Iteeve Molloy mad W. 1. Miller no, rtlAttwl* of moon mete; Ce towel...Ste reenttelayeo e -m. tor, d Iti CI 1150t1 Of Irttetoloy,..are,,,,i 74.i.e..ore. all.,.4..11- spas- ewe /41114APIINT. eine p4,151..‘ by ‘Ii. Vitra, 1.10. 40110 iiiTerid. , the tmetreent otWitAt"..."Sr4 threnrett teirett,hrei re'nfoi.., Waill,pe In .04. Mn Nii t. b,.1„ 1 eri oterenenot treat selrarallebed MIA Staandee 4 tis attend the winter at the house of I "'rs.117.;:.:to"tos.irst 7:.:4110"47441-r...1 . . Lear t.atit •seerebtee to &Ohio au Seteese, toll ehthe hark to M:„ tielade Eel she er toner oerArelere •ed towitowela. Am 1 essesisosi se need ever wieneener. *mina limb, aril hes. to; St cregniwto, tb Mil' -The concert DR. WARD, M...Kinnon gin' -1 ins on von") I and S. S.10.1.17., Geo. P. t er, inane(' bait sitsie, Mcnintsoyr-Srow on E. boundary, $1:172.:r;: importing mottle. : A. Etifer. turn rent violent' lief ecu,,. 43: J. N, "moo. boil. Dell•dit114.4111331'..., : A. n solectieg juror.. el,. kr• voters' iisi, **Alt NV. Wqoatindit, ar- tendISTICe al voters' f!nt rOtilt A114 •41- eeting • jurors. , D. pal ,„. meet g POO Iter'tioCe itigt11, h 111, 2, $1 t TUORPy, Frtheistillso hera$O, C4tt). colo. Carta y, ststtity bolo!. ,our, : 'arter, • shovelling wevol, $2 : %V.thier. • ehovelling ertvel, 112. F.,. H. Jackson 10 -let. 5-- - • rio..•1„ %V. Salter $20.51. J M.•Gee I f, J. Gibson 30 re. is. A. Milbittirall • $5.211, J. Toomey 70, %V. MIS rent.. %V %Val tee PP, Send ry 112: K. It...tunnel 55 70 -11-• emincil will meet est sin on Moottv, November 13.h. A. Pottrietivir:Lii, /1714 work PCILII41.1 brIlier, : .1. nook McGee, elieepdarn.iged by dugs, gio 10%4.11 I,v the N. V1 a,iii.nn Co. on Fri.- 41041111•10'S LEADING SPECIALIST de y evening, tinder the awei. e. 01 (5. 1 le Nebo Mew*. tleir figatisb•Y ItiNwioolli %%omen's Institute, II Ass a sad gyred . sue- cares, The solisie was tridte a treat --11111or' liti'aisailtir gre-st".tri: =4:41:0E ta ''' :Fbl'el r 11 I CUT-PRICE SHOE, SALE a %4 IS IN FULL swiNq 1/4 e$1 GRANIITRUNK RAILWAY 1111 SYSTEM tlItilILANO'S OF ONTAII0 ANADA- tie Rome of tiat Red Deer isd the Illosse 0 SEASONS DEER -so.. heti) November 15th !toive. MOOSE- N trtets 11 *lit pelt rallie Vtr.te tor it h and anent(' • %ember rid to November 1,5th sonie of the. Northern Dia-. ntario, including Timageini. sem is from November 1st to :ash inclauve. ' lawe'rt" 14arlunterneiwill.f , ft; C. H. HORNING, ' um«, piTkir 1/,,ollphiLloArlitivaRt.inEnzinengareik, • soN . WALTER 'a& CO.'S 4(t4 Now is Your Chance to Purchase Your Far and Winter Supply of FOOTWEAR, TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS oft SUITCASES This 11 a Genuine Clearing Out Sale -No Humbug- ---Everything Goes 0 s A pair of shoes costing ()it $2.00 now it'l Cost you 4.00 iftet-the an opPortturity of saving money seldom eh: eiszTytK.n.ir,:1.5aV. Yon all goods have irlvanced 50 per cent. since the tg1 '14eeft.54°0ursiladioesie.it'oSchlerar, atbutto. n _or !acii.rtseg.ular satknetil Ss:,;11014,4t,712,r,lei sale over. Such now that a1 !leather ' r at - $1.41 clear $2111 , „Men's Shoes on sale at •s-; - - - - - 62.68. 82.9., 83,48 and 83.68 A .c. 'guying Shoes at these priptre is 1' Ctrttillg Motley from home. This -s la \ " saleattetrf01RARGAINS to eery e, old or yottngs sat, \ itt? 1; Sale billed to continue .10 dajs, bit niny not last that long if,statcic can be‘cienred out befone hat time. WALTERS & CO., GODERICI • 55 osp fittA,