HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-2, Page 4NMI HE SIGNAL GODERICTI,RONTARIO TH0111413a2, NUVi antra 2 I010 a T Ot161NAt AND ONLY OENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TI ONS. SOLD ON THE MERITS Or IINARD'S LINIMENT BOOKB 11N MAGAZI NES, PERIODICALS and LIRA IES bound or repaired. f JOLD LHIrrRRINO 1 on LBATHER GOODS &TH 1Oa4.rch. on waving A. TT 11.1''' A1d)R. B9RATtoJ) MEDICAL : �_ QUR OTTAWA LETTER 1111. GEO. HKILEMANN, 08 •J PATH. specialist to women'* sad area's dlr ares. route. chronic and nitre o rders. em w6 now •od throat. part``.' eia lumbago andvheum&Uo conditions. H olds remove l without the knife. Ont teeldence. corner Nelson aad Ht. Aid u�ste. At home aloe Moeda" Thu and grtardaye:any evening by atNsle DENTISTRY MISERABLE FROM N -Iv N. F.Oad•br H, STOMACH TROUB1E �r OCTOBER 31 Ottawas October 31st, --Sir Thomas' Tait?* t. -ii aemet tht e have directorshi of recruiting d about twenty minutes. He touud that he hadn't enough authority to appoint. a secretary and make it *tick. so he nit right there. Whet chance hid a Director of Recruiting to direct re- •uitinK when he couldn't direct .the. K. H. ti. MAc0ONELL.-HO [Vt. Toronto University. Goads' e eyalCofege of Deets' Sur1enni.- Mow oras Square anto t Went tout, e aoderich. personal arrangement* of his own office without Government intrrirr- r, oe ? tor Thomas seems to (•vel been wgood logician. At all events he acted promptly on him couclutionw. , 11. B. Bennett, 34. P.. the Cabers Demosthenes, is his succr'sor. 81. B. jr more of a politiciau. He will pot.- ..lily otspihly wet alone The Governments object ion to Mr• Murrey es Sir •1'hotime *cc rrtuy caused considerable amuremeot. Nue long ago, as secretary of the Cecimlan Mutt ufactut ere' Association, and heated king w one bones` man to a large Fiber et others, he • circular atter trllin'g snwething of the drroga- ttutb about the U,vernunent. array's letter was couched in ate language. ' He said it b .- his duty to hie employers noun him to say it, bt.t not-eosreely tore in sorrow,, we may take it, than in anger. Hie employers took and . elsewhere that no recruleing no umbrage -they realized that his could be done in Qtiebee. What kind Toronto, Grain Markets comment was accurate, though search- of story was that when the very Manitoba wheat -Track; bay porta, Ing. When Mr, Murray accepted a Nationalist* were tumbling over each No. 1 northern, $1.96%; No. 2 north- job under Sir Thomas Tai', iwentuing other in enlist in A.. I`n's regiment ? ern $1.9310; No. 3 northern, $1.885(x; es it wete & Government official. he What to do about it ? side- No. 4 wheat, 11.79; (old crop wheat; doubtless considered that his Ruihy track A•srlin'e regimen'. Send it to g cents higher). stainswere de recto wattled away, Berrnuds- And sent it was to Bee- Manitoba oats -Track, bay ports, Not so the Government. They had it `nude, where it is now doing garrison No. 2 C.W., 66%c; No. 3 C.\1'-,.641%; in for Metrey. They cberished re- du'y, ab hough roger to go to the extra No. 1 feed, 64%c; No. 1 feed, venRe• They Rot hack at him good from. 13at even in Bermuda there 64%c. Felt Wretched Until He Started To Take "Fruit -a -tires" d AUCTIONEER - THOYAS (*• £RONVCTIRta Bea R.OcdeMtb. All itriiortitr► t left at /Decal cake will Ave_ pcciWII r sided to. Besldeoee talepeooe 9 ..- . - -�- LROAL U. BAYS BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARIf , PUBLIC, lif.,. T l phoue hook, 1Hamilton8.reet, - Beal Estate Loan* Wo, Insurance. PROU D.FOUT, K 1 LLURAN & COOKE • .111MES1111rR$. 130I.IClit)it9. iImmure PUBLW. ITC. 506 CHAMPLAIN Sr. , MONTREAL. { "For two yenta, I was a miserable sufferer from Rheusselisss aid Stomach Trouble. I had frequent Diary Spells, and when I took food, fglt wretched and sleepy. I suffered +from Rheu- matism dreadfully, with pains in my back and'-4ojnts, and my heads swollen. { A friend ad'. iced "Fruit-a-tives" ant), from the outset, they did me good. After the first box, !felt ! was getting tall and I can truthfully say that "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine thathelpelme". LOUIS LABRIE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. , At all dealeis or sent postpaid by Fruit- s -fives Limited, Ottawa. Toronto. Cattle Market Infers, choice weighty .$8.00 to $8 60 do. medium . .• . • . 7.30 7.90 Butchers', choice bandy. 7.20 7.46 do. good , 6.50 6.90 do. medium 5.80 6.80 do. common 6.40 5.66 antcherskyows, choice6.50 7.00 do. good 6.75 6.90 do. medium 6.00 6.60 Butchers' bulls, choice6.50 7.26 do. good 6.60 6.10 do. bologna 4.85 6.20 Feeders, 900 to 1,100 lbs. 6.00 4.76 Stockere, 900 lbs6.80 6.00 do. med., 700 to 800 6.30 6.60 do. common, light4.60 6.00 Cutters 4.25 4.76 Canners 3.50 4.00 Milkers, good to cholce76.00 115.00 do. common to med50.00 70.00 Springers 65.00 116.00 Calves, veal, choice. 10.50 11.26 do. medium 8.50 9.76 , 4.76 7.00 do. common do. grass 4.69 _-. 6.60 Sheep, ewes, light 7.60' 8.26 do. heavy and bucks6.60 6:60 do. culls 3.00 4.00 1Hogs, weighed oft cars.11.40 0.00 do. fed and watered.11.15 0.00 and plenty. They told hint to run away and roll his hoop. He did. So far no good... But just here s large question i• raised, Where is this thing going to «top ? 1s the Government going to tire everybody who has made remarks &bout it for the last two year..? Both sides of politica hive been doing that very thing ever since the war started, end for some time before that: 1f Mr. Murray ieatypitLeaae. it everybody ho has blaapttemed pre nutter how `idly, ie to get the axe, What b• - comes of the civil service ? How will it be recruited ? 1s the patronage system to fell down became the Gov- ernment is touchy ardent criticism ? In short, is it the intention of the oternment to exclude the ent ire pop- ulation of Caned.' front official (sent imply because they have been using heretical language ? The Government disclaims any com- pulsory intention« for it. regi.tration ,chenie. It is an appeal to the roan power and the woman power of the Dominion. plus a hedge distribution for the unfit. labor critics say that the appeal to the woman power of Canada is a sort of tip to the ileal profiteers to make more money by employing women instead of men..nc at entailer wages. Perhaps this i, go ing too far. We do not ret it down here as w tact, simply musts impression that somehow or other hes gptTdtroad Coutpleint is made by good Cooler native« in Quebec that lbs Govern went ones the most blundering meth oda in that Province. The mistakes almost appear' ae if they were made n purpose The idea teem to be 1 make recruiting' in Quebec wa awk ward as pomible. What Government, these critics ask, that was really in earnest abo it tecruiting in Qoe . QMes on the Bmoare. second door from Hem - Mee street. Uoderieh. i ✓rtvate funds to loan at lowest mien. W. Peouuroo7, K.C. J. L. K.ILLORAN H. J. U. Coo44. LO. CAMERON, K.'O., 73A21018 toTo Street. Oudeerrtch ptdtrd door fro ublic. Mines 'tonere. At ChDtou Thursday of each week in nabs pt* Albert bt.teet 000upled bi lir. Hooper. WOOD boon 11 a.m. to* p•m- tHA1tLK8 (*ARROW. LL.B., BAIL. H1bTIGlt. attorney, solicitor, dtAo.. flog. t7ca. Money to lend at l west rates el MEAGER. B TER, SQLaleir-taars Manse Gods oh. illeerrawr. We falter, Smarr Po. are dangers to encounter. One dun- i American corn -No. 3 yellow, ;1.17, ger wee the 90. pie -faced old Governor track. Toronto. of the island who oft In that sinus Ontario -wheat-Winter, new c French-Cenwdl.ns a supply Of .-h.bor No. 2, $1.76 to 1 73.' No. 3 winter, old committed to him, as it were, by- Pro- crop ;L74 to $ .6; No. 1 commercial, rideuee. I tse'gbt `regimen t, clear- to per carlot, according to freight out- employ C 1. 4sseliu's regiment clear- side, $1.71 to $1.73; No. 2 commercial, log un brush. He wlm.rlt got wv1.►y 61 81 to 61.64; No. 3 commercial, $1. 2 w.16 it until Col- Asselin beard, dbout $1.68. • it• Ontario oats -According to freight I •' What !" said Colonel Myelin, hie! antslde; No. 2 white, new, 62c• to 64c; (tack sip annppinp, "Work my wr!- idlers who .land us in two dollars and' No. 3 white, new, 61c to 63c. 1* half a day when you can get nigger 1 Peas -No. 2, $2.36 to $2.40. Iahnr for ten cents ! Forget it 1" , Barley -Malting. ;1.10 to $1.12 ti to barley, 61.02 to ;1.06. Which the Governor of Bermuda -Buckwheat-;1.15. I did wccocdrnglyi C !oriel Aaaelin was j Rye -No. 2. new, ;1.2b, to ;1.27 let Ottawa the rasher day begging i . Manitoba flour -First ,patents, in (Rein that ha regiment be seat to the jute bags, ;10; seconds, la jute, 19.0; (reel. I ,+Yee," ' cid Secretary McCurdy, strong bakers•, in jute* 19.30, Tbr o, i "wr'il rend your regiment, but 7(10 Ontario tions -Winter, new, track, mu•t stay behind tci raise another, to ear p Prompt, shipment, accord I'm not that kind of •colonel," re- to sample, ft8, in jute bags. 1 plied 011yer A*selin• "I go with m7 , Montreal: Lott, per fob, deliver - 1 men. ed, Montreal: Shorts, $32; bran, 830; And there the nu ter otands. The good feid 'thous, per bag, ;2.50' i new director of a err uiting ought to middlings, ;34• I look turn it. 1i. •F. G.tus11Y, ,1 Hay -Baled, Nc.. 1. track, Toronto. new, ;12 to 113, carlots; No. 10 { leo ;11. Straw, carlots, $8 to $9.' sop 1 a H 5 igh c ea 6 opt c log n ; I _ Butter and Cheese Markets Tells How Vino], Made Her i;tiong! Listowel -436 white and 1,146 boxes { colored were boarded; 21116c offereQ F in her eighty-second year Mrs. John No sales on exchatge. All sold on I 1%ickereham, a Ru.#-llville, Pa., says: street at slightly higher price, • I was in a run-ddiefe feeLle condition Irlquol@-416-416.of colored and INSURANCE, [A -AC -NS. I Tc _ uoK1LIOP MUTUAL F1Rl! IN - Mk 8URANCY CO. -Farm sad t twisted taws property Insured. • puce,* -J .s. Connolly, Pres.. ttoderlcb P.O.; watiE'.ns if. ., toe -`res., Beechwood P, O.; Bays, Sec -Tress.. 8esforth P. U.^ IMreotors-U. F. You or. Sestorth ; John �.Orleve, Winthrop; William Rhin Constance; Joan itennewels, Brodb.Reo • lino. Rhin, Sesforth ; Robert Verne, lderiook ; Malcolm t eawsM Bruceleld. Agents: J. W. Yeo. Holmeevllle; Mex. Leitch, Clinton ; William Chesney, Seetorth : Jt, W1nc hlsy, $*.foaod areth. Policy -holders apnea pay It�J.MMoaorrrh' Clothing Store. t their Cllaton. K. 14. Wee Reid (*nems! gots. street. b. or J. 0,000 P« `"mayCAM- E N. Berrtstar Hemiltua street, Bodeelab, W• R. ROBSRTBON, iv • INSURANCE 4OleNT. f our w IITNING i British. Canadian and Americaaopmmsy. 8.ORNnaa AND II.MTLOrtas' LIABIL ITT ;-The Oosso Accident and Ouarsutse Ourper•ttou Limited. of London, Eng. H eaters AND t3UARANTaa BONA* : The U.E. Widen* end Ona salute Company- ONoe as residence, orthesst oorner of Flo- or& end 51. D*vfd'a st.reels 'Phone Mi. MARRIAGE LICENSES - W,',.TRR R. 1►11u J.P.. Hupiiut;a.. (Ji6T.. EMU= or MARRIAOL LICENSER. AN REED WOMAN and had lost flesh. A neighbor asked 25 white -were pffered. Price bid on 1 rel. to try\ Vinol, and after taking two board,F21%c; no tales. All sold on I..ttles my strength' returned; I aiin the curb at -022c. Get to on Th,* , gaining in flesh it has built up itYjb Danville Que,-1,264 `belies were of - D e M I LLA R t SON SPECIAL VALUE IN -CORD VELVETS! Enniemsestismane t ICH (lu- Dresse All wanted s ity silk finish Cord. .vets for Coats, Suits, and Skirts, very popular and scarce goods -g' ides in stock, 31 inches wide, ped "yard - 65c Infants There are for the little tot even after re like new. Many Prices from , hinter Coats popular Coats a white bearskin, washing they are k -s to choose from. $2.25 up Viyella Flannels Viyella Flarmels are too well known to need comment. They are ab- solutely unshrinkable, suitable for men. women and children for day and night wear, in plain colors and fancy stripes, 31 inches wide. per yard 70c Popular Priced Silk Waists These smart It.butai Silk Waists • are the correct thing this season. We are showing a great variety of styles and all are perfect -fitting. Sizes 34 to 42, each • $2.25 to $3.75 The Leading Store for Knitted Goods We are showing a large assortment of Knitted Goods for infants', children's, men's and women's wear. For Infants Infants' Bootees, Leggings, Pull- overs, Overalls, Veils and Knitted Suits. For Boys and Girls Sweaters and Sweater Coats, all sizes and colors. The kind the boys and girls like to wear at the prices mothers like to pay. Toques, Scarfs, Mitts and Gauntlets. - Men's and Women's Knitted Coats We show the best assortment in town of men's and women's Sweater Coats. ' We have all styles and cotbrs, ranging in price, from $ F.50 to $10.00 Turnbull's Underwear Perrin's Gloves Penman's Hosiery PHONE 56 Mi/lar's ScotchStore "ME S6 health "� 21%(:. The get ate.temit Of d,email, arti.ls lualth and 1 am feeling fine or tt fared.- All acids` • du my housework." -"" ed 1,100 boxes of cheese. .,All sold at is seen in The reason \-inol was so succnesful 22Vc,--...-- the speet.eelar photo-drearatie let in \ire. 1Vickcreharn'e case was be- ' Alexandria -705 bdxes were offered. "web now t unwrap 1i bye M,sbe1 lies; emote it contains the very elements All sold; colored at 321se and white Theatre. 'Ev.•ry name is a I•w4.r ort •, would send there reeruitirig officers needed to build her u woman of my age, sort get ar d and , ePicton-Seventeen factories board- ever.Mserubled for * et up»n,M•ua ••,1A1 .�"Inc Yell..w M,rwar.,' I at 22c a . 1 i ep�ownrd by the plaitedt w•osr t,d IM Ont. -Offee'.tI 275 White, 715: err "f the hest tend int •' *semi w,n'at• H. C.1)unlop, druggist, Gotlerlch, O Napsttee its stage e •1141 .r1 sew Heart • 1' d h h Id the ani.`* o f R who cknpot -speak the French Ian• recruiting How mut a ecce woo Alma atthe hest drug ,-tn aI( Ontario colored; 840 sold at t2 3J6c. to they miamionarhe have in Toron• towns. - IU t J li Q Abpu4.40 boxes of few tat the fanlnu* nett.. to if they talk �d to the people only io cheese soid' of 2'i1V;^ Ili Singh, minister t).,ental who plots French ? Similarly. bow is the Pe- Cruiting officer to r•atch the habitant. if he can't hand it to him in his mother tongue 2-- The place and time to catch Jean Bmptiste is the church stern on Sunday morning atter eleven o'clock mass. He is there in a receptive mood and the good core .has told him hie duty. But you Can't catch him if you address him in a language he doesn't understand. . Patents, Trade liars, Designs Secured in All Countries. Write for free book "PATENTS PROTEC `'iON, Tallest' about and how to get pat iota BABCOCK & SONS. established 1417 termer!! Potent tato. ixaminer. bloater of Patent IA*$, 5. b'terM Patent Attorneys eta. Al St. Jade 8creet, Montreal. Rrrnobelp- utuwa and Washington. Repr'eeentativea 1'8n en foreign oountrlw. VW Perth -1.1A0 boxes of white and 200 the duwufall 4 . he who . "1".•e THE RADIAL Rt.ILWAY QUE STI(. N. colored cheese sold; price. 22c. k.lwrw tsrrvwe Cornwall -1.575 colpred cheeee were Pilince6s Najbi, nircr of .Wi1144615, From The Oravei'hun t Bander. sold at 2215 c. Mi„' ewre M Stene The- (Mille Pa teat 'has dial a tid Vankleew Hill -875 white and 200 J141gueri'e Il.ou.uu,-'•t•'e 114 t' -i1' diseusami on.1he prevent nutlet sial boxes colored were offered. _ All sold t'il`t Bt°rima°.' Var�sevl ti'.8. etirm a• it exist, in Ontario Imlay, at 22t,ac• Etrul bfwpiTitte. conMJ,n't.b+1�iempt- Tee P.rket etreouou•ly nhj.cts to the Belleville -1.260 boxes of white -___-.---'111!!r" present - present pronoeals, viz. , all 'lines con- were offered. All sold at 22c. verging to the hiRr-en• sees particularly St. Hyacinthe, Que -650 boxes of Toronto. l• is a wsl l,krrown fdv't that - cheese were offered. Al1-eeld at 24',6e; Good Quebecers ^Iso saythat 11 while the centres of Ea•tet'et Canada 176 packages. of butter sold at -40 c. would help a lot if Henri ourse's ■ have Frown with the time., the rural seditious newspapers were muzzled, or poiellstion hem gained nothing, in feet Wholesale Produce suppressed try a Government which ,11 has barely held ire own, The maid' 1 Toronto wholesale prices Us the hes been quite active in censoring the t'wnssnd village,. ere, in the nrajorIty (rade: press in every quarter, except where It tie c saes ,no he:.ter that. they were toren- 1 _ was needed. Lurking Germanism. 17 years ago. Why ? The marmite- I New -laid, cartons $ .4R to .. .60 alleged or otherwise, has been run to Curers have made it a point to locate I New -laid, ex-rartonp 46 4S earth by the censorship as tar west ws in the larger centres, and where one storage.selects 9 the Pacific, and as fes east es the A pantie, and sharply dealt with. It putahle dailies in Montreal and U taw^ have been from time to time a noyed for printing legitimate news h 1 De i allabeefatestelleshene Brophe) GODERIO Toe Leading Funeral Directors aid Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all boltr% night or day. 3 .00 I,- went the other* fell: ' conerrwined to e' endow, "L'ae wttraet, like," runt /the $`crag*. No. 1 .37 00 Butter= t- young people are c"btinnglly drifting r 1 Creamery prints, fresh.. .43 .44 n- to th,..c;tylo ertisfy the craving for Creamery PYItlTs storage .41 42 of the glamor of city life, where diver*`- GSeamery, solids .40 .41 an innocuous cha'acter, but • vn r, 12.4 amnnements "'hound. A. wM have Choice dairy prim; 37 .39 which ghee on making w pVnch right already s•atrd, the surra! cnmmunitiS$ i Ordinary dairy prints.33 .35 1 under the official nom*, goes untouched. hive not heien,ahle to hold their own. ,Bakers' 30 .32 1 The inference is that Mr. Hnnrsseabas 11 the propo.ed ra'liuls nee carried Cheese -New, large, 22%c to 22')(x3; strong friends at O'tawa. He ham- ,hroulrh, the+ff ex wilt serrainly h.t a twins, to 23c; triplets, 23c to some of them in the Cabinet. The blow to rt('r'#1 O irerin, and inn'* Ginn 231lac; St11 22%c tons, 23%cc;H. 23%c. loyal Conservatives of Quebec hare no (hat, it e`ll enrety tF a blow to the Poultry• Live Dressed 1 desire to take Hem re lite or do ant IwrR, r«ilway cm"r'^ie«. We were 1 thing that would crown him with the Informed by -a cir.'nlar issued some Sprinq"cit%fi[ a 16c 17c 21c 22o partial, hut not fatal, martyrdom time•last vette ih t these redisl li Old fowl, ib... 14c 16c 170 19c' which he demise., but they do thihk` .vers to hr•huilt "'n such cnmmun'tine t11cklbngs, lb... 12c 13c 17.; 1901 that it would help recruiting a whole I as were net nnw.Iwirig served by rail- Beans-Hand•ptdlad, ;5.50, primes, I lot in Quebec If L. Devoir was bound w'ys." Y,,w T"recto wants these 14.86.Potes New Bruoswfcks, 1n ear- over, not to keep the peace perhaps. I liars to run in there, an 1 huthennnre lots, 11.90 a bag; western, in cart lots, 1 but at feast not to interfere with tete she, wants the. lo0ati' i ,n through which 11.60 to 11.65 a bag. . 1 w►.. and patriotic conduct re the war ``the line, will paw, to put up their' Another -thing that wonld l.clp re- .hare of the cnn•truetinn, It Toronto i exult -Ing in Qnebee lo an' tasar•lnce wants the recital line--andshe will East Buffalo Cattle from the Goverment that Oliver A,*e- 4. -rive nearly all the temente-All it Cattle --Receipts, 7,000; steely: tin's regiment will 8. ernI to the inwt• will be necessary lin do will be to build shipping steers, $7.80 to ;10.60; but - Oliver Asselin is one of those Q.tehec it end pay for it. No other pehrme in chars, $8 to $6.50; heifers,'46 to 87.50; j Nationalists whose peace theories h 11 h d i litely to work bulls, ;6 to ;7; stockers and feeders, yield to hili loyal fervor in a use cense ;60 to ;1 t6. when the war test comes. As-*lin, in reals-flecelpt*, 1,200; active; 34.60 short, is not trio proud to fight. When -- to 111.76. he stands between love of 'factional ' i }lop--Recefptn, 92.500; active; politic* and duty to his country is heavy, 610.15 to 110.25; rolled, 310.14 tee a that has the call. dingAsse(' stands T R A PP E R S! to $10.26; yorkers, 110 to $10.10; light teethe dont rine of defending ('snadw m yorkers, 19.60 to ;9.76; pigs, $9 to shake even when the elrctrmatane•- S e, n (1 O 11 r $9.26; roughs, 19.15 to 39.40; stags, make her frontier w far away as his i gldm. He doesn't go ban nn Kiel RAWFURS 17.60 to 18.60. old do.et.rines-hr pimply hal a more Sheep and lambs--R`etsin`a, 18(000; tom tent idea than Bourse." of how active; lambs, 16 to 111 ; yearlbtgs. far Canada's ciboria attend. With 16.60 to 39; wethers, 17.76 to 18; ewtte, Herman American `nee nosing their way t c7JOHN H A L L A M . ;3 to 17.60; mixed sheep. $ 50 to 17.'x6 into AmONcan harbors, Canada cines prima Be mai Chicago Live Stook not teem to h. we far away from the ..e ..•rt+IaAoi .r 6w rr r&w w• we ••••••••4. European struggle se some people "a.r„>.«s,w..r a Be mai Cattle -Receipts, 27 000 tear thought. On the whole, Mr. Ass.11n:trsx•w write%u...rra.. weak; beeves, 1660 to hl.� actress thought it was w gond law to raise w ,..:A•monete~.r1... :t'�'° steer'. 46.16 to 19.60; stockers and regiment for thedefenceof Canada w :..�"'ew feeds, 34.66 to 47.76; cows and heifers, and to *end it where that defeats rra.rteeto�r s.a D'.�i a 13.36 t o;1.20; calves, 86.76 to 110 76; could hest be road*. FREE.. ttf�+: Hogs - Receipts, 69,000; market For this thenght Col. Aswlio and �,�:: ta�r+.iwraiso' weak. 1$9 lower; light. 19 30 to ;10 y., >•� mixed, ;9.60 to 110.16; heavy, 19 44 his regiment aro now doing nominee. amt t'a.. H l 1.A11ese,w ea ,1 Limited It did not suit the Ottawa Government JOHN A to 110.20; rough, $$.40 to 19.80; pigs. with it* Nwt4nn•lIet wing to have a - 167 Halia^- 'iwlding, Toronto 37 to 16.76; bulk of sales. IO.66 W il6. Nationalist leader lite Oliver Aaelin ' Sheep -Receipt*, 30,004; ,p��� act that way. it put a crimp In th. ( m o weak; lambs. satire, KM t0 {7�� argument they were using In Ontario this enlightened StaraomolTOw and Keep It Up Every Morning Get In the habit of &Waft a glass of hot water beWt's breakfast. We're not here bone. feta te(1r mate our stay agreeable. Lei >A Rae we*, eat well, digest wen. ee-k "'A 'teen . well, and look well. n nae a rMvirrea condition to attain, anti fm,, sew retry FOOTWEAR for FALL tic agent 'Eric Mayne 1 Hong Kung Harry, chief llegchntan of Ali Singh ..ArTuand Cortes %\'hand Bronson, friend of Errol Mousing Devitt Walt J. b. Bronson, father of Willard Brod., Gerald Griffen Capt. Kemp, N. Y. Police, -Albert Hall Pon Tong; Chinese conspirator, HoY' ltraf)'es `Task+, 1'. P. Consul, Jones Neubaine Welem, secretary t•, ('Lit ke, H1 ►•ry Meinhal1 Kapaha; Ali's devoted slave, Marie Treador May M•ening. sister of Errol Manning, Tina Mat..hal1 C w '1 !Ghat's. t Arabs, Turks, Chinese, Ma gym, Japanese, etc. Experience has -. taught never to buy imitatiops or sub- stitutes,'- because you dtl not recej E the best that science has produeei or money ad to. It. is positively guaranteed that Mecca . troop", ewb ors, iI c us, r•t to,, gr - ' Ointment lone age s out 16 to 37 10; fresh cows and springers, ' GIRLS W AN'I�D For rake work to fill the place. of sten who neve wine of are r01nr It* the front. Y.o., ng w.men c -,n render the ...stair) 'eat ,mire by preparing to tote metiers. In bank. and amt.-.. - itrt-nil +meta«,+' of training 11.I11pk- kt. ' hre `hind and all other ('on, merrtal .ghhet. now in rrogrp,. st n,b•n0. at otntwl any 17me. Ilhcarat d •-,t.. `•vara. nen Northern Business College, Ltd. . 1, „v t C. A. I 1.\11\1. 1'r;" :pal. �is_.non-injurious and non-poison- ons -for alio akin troubles and diseases. There is nothing as good as Mecca. A free sample will he mailed untie request by the Foster -Back Co., Limited Toronto Sold in v,c., 35c., 75c. and 61.25 sizes by JAMES A. CAMPBELL easy it is it one will naly ramp, 1110 morning inside bath. Folks who are accsveleants1 to reel dull and heavy wftrn they mem ° - tiog headache, etnffy from a wabd ' -'.1 tongue, nasty breath, arld s►' - Can, instead, feel se fres\ O • by opening the elabs@ et thecr each morning stat 111110111 gm/ whole of the intet7M , o,• sac nant matter. ark c_ Everyone, whether a . well, should, each breakfa*t, drink a glom 4F Med )lot water with a teaspooefei et t)M phosphate In it to wadi stomach, liver and i.owl.% day's Indigeetfble wnw'te. Sita and poisonous t.Tin. thug tesla. ali eteniagfftary and reeseas lwssa@w Ohs mom allmetrtaty strati T»'ea•a' � food late the stew/itch hot water end !`meedMessigliane era an empty etnmarh N wnaiH4rr sum-sting.� 11 Manes fermentation*, yaw" nrldity and giv R78 . appetite for breakfast. enjoying br+ak#@tOhs � � and t's<iTdumeefR blood end getttwf� ax a thorougb flashing et m 'Maths organa. WOW ore Tits million* sit rssplik• bothered with lirSoas spel*, rtnmsrt t MOWwean hav0 Willow eel stelny rompMOM M pit a encase? pound 1110010.111,,into TM veli asst from the drat apse*. very tittle, se make'Wynn. 1rw.��."' tas +► beal- suhir et d 111111/1/101011 fait MINIM THE new styles in Footwear for Fall and Winter are here. They in- clude the' most dainty comfortable shoes that we have ever had the pleasure of showing. The shoes for workingmlen are the most solid waterproof line of Footwear that can be made telt of leather. The prices are most reasonable. q Rubbers are now in stock. REPAIRING DONE! Geo. MacVicsr North Side of Square Godorkh, Ontario s• • t 1