HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-11-2, Page 1printing THE S1ONA1, u ready to handle your Printing work, large or loll, and give you a satisfactory job every bine. 1.et us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Sisn•I Bantem 'Casa SE SWUM SIXTY OYHTH l$A1t-N. EN .."•..1777; 'i • del, r . firs.,.. l' • • • e -w imd. Advertising is the life of trade. The [[vett' successful businrs. weu are in- variably greet •,1t'erti.ere. If 8 you have anything to sell, tell rn about it in the columns of THI;,t, SIGNAL.. r J �a f • --- •,T 11 �a__y )s ��111) t>��1IALYRINTIyiIiCO.,lJY1T1LD.Pl:a►t�R+n 80DgRI0H. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOV. ANNIVERSARY ..,�+W+ Y • % VICES) AND ENTERTAINAl A lvrn•r writers" o! �•: Lr t THE LADS IN KHAKI LEEBURN N h•Id to Bt. (i•tx/e• s'Mtd•trot;ti fu M jtV I IMPRESSIONS OF AR 1THE W "rite'. Ire rp,seliker describ.d some o[ the Mr. and alt•. Turbbull, A I .rRe congregation I of the to the wonderful the clue of bet• „fblel emir' tthe levitation f the of the i news 'Mid Suh flight- The The son y held [monde and a e' Lieut. James L. A. HinclAir it w the November 6th. Rrr, W. A. ff 1 effect that M fame Irl[ Knglanti tor the B. A. of Irrswrirr, will THE SIERLIN6BANK OF CANADA SAVE, Because --- A savings account is the force which opens the way to a position of in- dependence. LUCTIOn SALSA 1LRARINO AUCTION SALK OF YuUndUltWD S UIU.ITUKIL at the reed/see of Mr. Amens MrKlenew E. Del ld'r•tr.e. Uadortea. es MUNDAY. NOVEMBER eh. AUCTION SALES. due; tat the army. le Ib. [:are of Inc assert[ D heart eatbUP The idler chinch will iia WI ,N wouodid no pp.sitr we.e •pard how Woman's liuU.lwo extended to the the doctor int taste; in the trench e- forme greetingrd L Nis. Turnbull I tis. doctor 1• sSp t>�ealescent hna- - 1 Scotland. If the be received Chnis- every honor end ere and turn ; the former rector ro " ,.ildly decor- Mediterranean Sea. A [ween[ teeth services. 11 a. in. and 7 lu r • Toe REV. ARTHUR CARLILE'S ADDRESS pital in England TO CANADIAN CLUB- soldier were kill than burial. wt with I w . .IU IH e, r patch states that the Allier were send- On servic s evening the abed late to the , grainthanksgiving and Ayr li. 1 aviators to sotrrtain da y be glee Speeches w terg vsu.7 .. Mr.I mending ins and it is the rdpossible khat chinch! and • moll ie give °sol s Turnbull Herr. gives 7 1{ethe new gesso ! A been prepared. Turnbull, Hee. J. H. Fotheringhwu -' be lits destination. in for flalkanr oil i Handley will give Bhrnff Hey-� Wonderful Organization of the British People for War Purposes -Britain's Supremacy upon the amass --Utter Conftdernc• in Ultimata buccaas- A Tribute to ch• Memory of Major Sale. AUCTION SALE OP FARM 13TOCK ANL, IMPLEMENTS. PUREBRED CATTLE, lat. R. THOMA4 p11iR('C will o.e11 by patine soot, tun a1 lot :p, r•oocwJou 6 Morris Mae .111. Dort h of Waltuo 1. no TUESDAY. NOVEMIS,I:R 7th. at t °clack • tla1'rL& -OIs pv retired ball. YI front b. ofd. rreadaiN Snubbed harlot. ono... 1 ours bred bug. 17 essstbs veld. tttrand-ire t. Soottk.b Kurt deep); / nMM ben. 11 months old. =gv.r,d.ore r keeHoyal loop 1. 1 purebred alt. f �a1be abs. by AU Scotch . 1 pare bred now e: W N 10 be t o calf . 1 pure bred cow, dew role. d 1 purebred better halve•. 1 grade COw nod calf. 1r fat cattle. 11 .thokara Hoitaaa.-Ow brood mare. +rears old. Im foal ; Y allier 1 year old .1 fool. Flue.--eeve■ pies. about Nr, 16- ; le young pig. • i sow.. with inter • t foot 1 O.. to tar row :e IJacember . 1 Growl .m... I ltrrtehlre boar Po('LTat.-A somber of purebnd Wpm dote millets asd c+-ekanl•. 1 Nrtsartt.T , - 1 .tuIl .0 r of farm imple aiAlla.111 be •.*d without reserve. an the pro- m-Moo ro m -M or i. giving °p terming. TWJe. PI.:RC6:. Proprietor. at 1 o'clock p. es. etre r4u 1 law RIA spear aphoY4ered r poem 'able. 1 pular nig. 1 hall .arp.t. 1 hall rank. 1 eek .fd.Mrrd. 1 oak eatssaefes table. • oak dicing chair.. 1 Waage,1 dinisgro°re car- pet, 1 good Art $ollbeed - kaiser tOefeey make). 1 gond •Art l.srswlr Mehra snag. osj pipe 1 kitchen chslr*, 1 boohoo tabes, 1 kYOkra linoleum. 1 pair onset. 3 bed., . d �• 1compbedroom nailer, 1 rosea met at .peltas, 7 Rum carper,: toilet sets. a reseal o/ 41 deem, a number of picture., �,*lsrl� d.. 3 soil table. and numerous aerythiae i. prsotinlly &e good .• era and will be aril intent newer. Tarr ��• THOS. OUNURT. A.etlosoer. AUCTION HALK or YALUABLE FARM IN 0t1DE1UCH TOW N• DRIP Fes the p•IrPme of riddling up TIM K8 TATE °. nix LAI JAM 11t HAY set 1. penman.* of the order anode la the 01..-- � Cort of t . starer. ea the �s of the wilt.M,aosabs JAMILsHAY. Marina date pa Ills day of June. IY1& there wig be cold by Mc. Thome* Gunder• sootsweor, et the Court Mee... In tee tuwu d 0.4erlok. e. SATURDAY. the lath day of pOVKMBYR, as the boar of 11 odork ease. the following Wade and emhmbs..Is LIE e r n efts 1. u cos Mohr Ann 0UNC:smsow or vwrt lberN•w1r OV 000•11110111, Ilem re Mr them°A et a dere d kW ningdada ss apses mere sr It the Urser td W farm' -r lehives respect from grave wits mark4d and ati *mutate record taken e of git•em location. teiaticbealn,lds.r. �and autter a well -rendered solo by might were m moh, pleasing feature of might be awwe that every effm.tfuiw- Mite enitrl�aae presentation by the ived ward that hErlbrMbrl, Pte. %Villiant Slade,+ W. being wade 1D grin ally Mho Ill- the evening Nin hospital at ltper►nt, England. He mini pumiside coo4eruiug hiui• lector's little. d &r.. l'r, Olga, to M. As an indication of tis. increMlntt Turnbull slid Mr.. Fut heringhaw of 1• evidently •object u( ser voce shock, euper•iurity of the Bs Masts and Allti1}d beautiful boutjuetr of roved from the as hi. boat lag i..aid to be effected. b. • leer mated that for Irdier of the ^ongrrt•tdon, Refresh - learned to Mn. Well., The Signal monies, t P'r• K learned tort her hu.INaod is one of woe time the l>1M>v►"n• sett over •bz wants were reeved n friendly otet1 seven brothers who •re serving with or tem shells for etrty one fired by ourl evening ore ape ' the totem. Two of her own brothers Runs ; but before he left the Rout our course.. P have been killed and tour others rte artiler was discharging at least [wen - I Thr only drawback to the lea.w•e now at the Nolo. ty obeli* for teary time of the enemy'., I of the evening was the absence. "OWith Mtr, V. alfa was Mn. Henry It was the sow with yegrld W rib- rcet lit of his continued illnr.r, `rf Silk, wince husband has been at the craft. 1'bs brit .d abut around lwaoe tool JudgeHolt. tnr dutirr. ofota ro aithfully dine warden for front over a year, and vitro hes *leo deli -runt [aced the enemy wars rat r, Nod t`•e wish sox• r: two tirotberr at the front and one port ; new all that w or unitary e►iP+; reeved h all for hi, rrewraticu to who hat rrtururil woundel. The list - mentioned, Pte. Felstead, formerly of N.A. mice, said the speaker, did bel health and activity. e ra a wan in the trenches I' his ■ddrw land and the Irish," and aildeta n I•ud is in the limelight tilde #r everyone should be i.Ieres fol Mo subject which is so entertalete 1 ably discussed byMr. Bradt i. ,,,e In addition l es. Ft*ok1 vocalist, of Gederkh, and ey, elocutionist, of titans will contribute releclioSS. , w i1M•OH•e The admiesion fee 1 ned__i leleega and reel yune wteu can shtriiftt point of attending. Last Call. lAO13A'JHT Don't forg.t the old-time concert to tie given in8Knoz'cbuieh Friday evening of (bis t�q� ]i orations have been Wadp"'-Wri n' sure a program of unignesttraction. You'll Ire• .orry if you inial it. --- -- AllYnaif a') FIXED IIsi UP AT Owl". , what • women said the �tht r uN had been doctoring t��• , truuhlr for years. Shy heitbsebsiw4erb, bottle. of (Standard ironed" o ' and thought it ibe , andkinr made. She["'iia and gave all wpp••tite' MM11 tacking. Now .tut agdl maifwmtkInip etre fancies. 1. tbteap'h tdtlt4iepl fell, 11 put Lhr digertiCe ap a tI (y L" order but if you get'[tYi r 'f r hA the irhef it prt•ot rata :::7.,big bottle fit :4 . I•llelttrehlTrInd OAir Wisle.druggist,li E1M/A�ii�i111sJ 10 ..idn't Lodinif stye y.J, �w] U have bsat� "UV (�"d1r� Mn19t1iAe� n The tow. season of the Canadun Club was opened most auspiciously by r noonday luncheon held on Friday last in the Masonic Temple. The Masker was Rev. Arthur Oar. lilt, of Windsor. who went overseas am chaplain of the 11th Canadian Batts - hoe. Hit subject was "A Chaplaiu'a Kzperiebcee at the Front." The speaker boe a clear, incisive sI ylr, and his adders* was beard with great tnt.reet and appreciation. Mr. Carlile in his opening remarks Feud • tribute to Um" memory of the late Major Chas. M:. `Sole, who mss with the same battalion. Major Sale, he said. war an rzceptiooally flet, Dikter, wbu gained the esteem, the affection and the confidence of ail his s.sociate.. His death was greatly re- gretted. D..cribing the most striking impres- sions whicb he received during his term overseas. t.e.peeker said Chet the fleet. which he gained rs soon o he set foot oo the transport which carried hiw from H•lif►z, was one of am•semeut end gratification t the completeness of British sups ew•o upon the sea.. We should never real- ise eal- ise bow much we owe to the watrhful- nea•, the heruiom and the patience of the British navy ; we should he in- cessantly thrbktul for the security it affords. Again. be was surprised at the completenisss of the organization of the British people at house. Tbip included the organization of • mighty fighting force : the transformation of factories. schoolhouse.. warehouses, and bu,ldtogr ot .11 kinds into muni- tions facto' ies ; the org.niz•tion of finance kir Imperial and war put poses ; the orgwnizr' ion of Britain's chanties (the manei. or of the rich were trans- formed into hntpit.wls, whose bore s were the very some ladies who before bad danced. played cards anti enter- tained in these same halls) ; end the otganizsti in of Britaln'e mural power, en that the people dwelt In utttnr con- fidence of •.ticorwful outcome of the struggle. Ae an illustration of the impertut-, bailie confideb' a and lack .,f fearezhih- itrd by the lit itisb proper, the rpe.ker told of a woman who had a little fish shop near London and adverted "fresh fried fl.h" for aide. .1 Zeppelin dropped a bomb nearby And the little .hop was blown to piece.: but -by the nest morning reprire hied been tnede and the sign war displayed : "Heron the Germans! Fresh tried fish •s wilt." eis.bent resin se whoa[ 044 The pe dor drill Kadd iwtta.'f .� my deem a d.pos►L �s �peelkarr racy ad sell pay W aemsla- 1• et tiee p•rchw messy *(tent sed. *18-.e�e,- •, sold +. °(•mal ads .ill i; m... M.a air lir sal .Id ID w weeede I es•F M 88.1114 tae Wd adabnIatr04 es Dees/ ik{. Sow d$, e8 uetober. leg Mens It. ltolormitni i SOW ITT. ed the City of ae.ie. 604t•Iten for the Runnel Trust name of Janie. Hiy decease! of tM AUCTION HALE OF FARM HTOCK ♦NDIMPLEMENTS- T. GCNIiKY. Auctioueer. PURIM NOTICE. VOTERS' LIST, 191d. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF t uDE Men. COUNTY Or HURON. Nottt a 4. hereby given that 1 have tram. - mated lir dekvhie M the peeress mentioned (a arUe fee tt�� tJtitatie Voter.' Lw. Act s so feeYlte�1♦ slid +'tine M be .s aviat- or the ltd, made pennant pot Non. sp dram ssst�g by do lama •t ltou of the wentelpal- R eret• is a �•M mei A ialeidla he Ian kV It the .5)d • t Town spat m odes W ,m>v: L - d uetebef. ! W ► Ina rysasfae� for towedMI.. 1 adl 44411 all voter. to take ink e►dlate p•.•edtne• to Aar eine or erertlrie rieerrert d:aa'ordina [slat► Dated at (h,derkh the- dr -t day of Novem- ber. 11416 1, L. KNOX. MK. JASPER K. g1t1NLEY will *ell by Public audios .t fat A conoetelee 4 O.4wlck wweekIP Itkeee wiles from /i.dsAcbl. oe FRIDAY. NOVKMBEK lett. eeesmeneuag at 1 oclock .burp GOit M. Uwe Wok Freda mor.. 7 tears old. with .sl b Ode ,tad /a fort send, in Moat owl My draft mora riming d year. te Ono bews hate* old...ppod to be h. Uwt leve were. Y fears teal t1*.seei�tfY'areln"./r•1eeM: • . 7,,,,..Y. n toaL .1L Oiwse sOwe �sps�v1yr4s411rr�8st�. shill grit 1 sea. W pl s9 P it (,`ko8. ly, reR legs Mask Peewee BUT. rising s yeare ands b show teatloderich, is now at Toronto, having lir du anytbtng Ignulde. while heroic SUB-LiEUT. HAYDEN WILLIAMSLiAMS secured a situation there. L. K. WILLIAMS Three are all English families, and dards were done every day ahu.mt sr` LIEUT. W. • matter t course. As typical of the spirit of aril-.acrlEce exhibited by the limn, the staty was told t.f a .r, veli[, in the t Pricers' atoms who quietly ...eked pies maniere for leave tool the he tal wast leiurnd a erd. (ie. ntettttuPrI The rut later the Col mei c.•Wurwt.d.u* came in, Wood the tura rugegesrin ice uleI blue, and rather ap..lugeticelly 11 folioed him that he had 1eneivid aI w esergr from Buckinghaut Palate ut- deting hire u, relex.e the serval t we that he might attend at the wedding III Piru ter A.gWth'. usugbtri • 1,he s in I man had et Mama M a p. teal Canadian Mounted N.A.. anti bad! g iven no information a. to who hal was. lilt Clerk of the Town of Uederlch. ANNUAL HOSPITAL MEKTIN(4. Tbeennusl u .i lag of the Alexandra Merino aid Demerit Hospital veal be held in the Cuirt Hoar oe the evening of Fuday. Nor ember 17, t t. clock. -t report of tar work for the loot =rill be submitted to the meeting and the 110•ed of haat... enacted for the ensuing year. All tinware are Urged to .t rood. PHILIP HOLT. P,ecldent. 31-31 B. L. HOD(lEN6, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING. Coder Ilse amended -1e.' governing Borllnt- tenl :Moister tart, anneal noosing meet be held during the ar.t wee& lo Wws.bsl 1104. year. The annual meeting of the (Ioderke Rorticultural'lleociety .111 therefore bA held on Teeaday everting. No. ember 7118. at • ieleek. in tae memoir, • odes, 1s the roust hove. All members are iwgoesed to attend. JOHN ITUN. Reddest. W111. LAVE. Y.er.lary oo4erke, 0.Isber 11. WM .Wit TOWN OF OODERIC In foal on draft gelding. ti.11sR iter taw . Ono - Tyaoe Jack. y N fibm'1s, 1 yea s o'd : bay were. 1 psora obs ; bay bor.. ; broeu Yrrer. le rears olds (• ATTLII Owe cow. 7 years old. dee In Febe..rl. Twe oow.e year. ed. appeased tont in calf ram ons*, 8 yea • old..apposed to he la calf Ouse row, t years old. newly -mired. Dee eow, t years hid. ell" sad et foot Ilse ern. 1 year'• old. .uppotr'4 to be In calf. i..sr anon .Mere, l fees old. Tutu mod awl re4for•. Y year old. rivegeed omen, rising! year. old. Tinned heifer.. rbu44 1 yea dd. One Jerre .t re. calf. 1 yearend. (h.e Hereford ben,' year ell. Shorthorn 9.1*, One yeareat Fite Jersey wring *HEW. Twenty .ft r Unease sww. 1 purebred 0. ford 1wm. 1a ewe lambs. P106. gbr1l..n email pigs, s weeks old ; t [trend owe, r noes bogs, 1 purebred Berkshire boar. OATH. ti`. bridal. of hod .red eala. 1 M P1.1CM EN e.6. Om Many Henri. bleier. 7 hen rotateerd /wldwne., all rompleM ; 1 1 Naerk, 1 mower. 1 1 -1 -foot eel. both - make ;1 tete IAnMng rate, Il -feet • i sod rd ler; 1 culthasm.7l1 MAIL ll -be., eri es10vater 71):1 !leery pweed int (No. VS : 1 it weds. t i 11 Ill ; i r. of eta., 11 plates ; 1 see ('Ml Mw I Yoe t baeie14 w YMr 1� i..ttwttrera id ls.l•w�k weed 1 �d �1.rr�a�t,yt eels 1 wt i lgse 1 ee/.wrtre, ai.et f set el mow isrMR I sot =Tr Me1M Mreew, t est 4wkM adviseeeoar� l .es ef ark. N em I Mw s 1 1 heavy Wheel - ism tll '::wrY rswi swift iseY iwetps• ' ` t row e /11f .rttf•lee Vsa s--".zs �ew�r H. TAXES, 191(1. The streaker unwed that when them soldier. Lotion they should tut rut- reoundel e rn stu,o.pheIe *hat wi11 .acoutage thew L., coutiuue in that cleanliness aid waulinrse of life that i. maintain. -d AL the frriut, Everyone.; .bouts' Iso heart eget euul in the trial•' neem of winning the war. All rbuidJ 11 be promote* • of ',coating .ted assist . in fills g rip the vecxnciee in Itar'apts.! Lieut. Fel goo- n, 01 the lila[ Cents -1 idine Scottish Botd.ter., alto sack• • 1, r 1 •. their r.cgid show. with whet devotion the call To for coons ba. been heat anti heeded by .owe of the Old Coun- try famine. _ r� x3;4;1 * 1 m u: Crept.• Loring. Lieut. Ferguson and Corp. Allan, of the '2,41.1 l'rnadiut Scottish Borderers t,Alltated with the King's dwu Scottish Bitdelet.), wrrr in town last week lot king ieto the ,mrperth of rec - ng for tide batta- lion, the only kilted battalion in No. 1 military dirt rict, The .yu.pat hies of a numtter of pro neiuent entrees*, waib ly of S.oltirh descent, were enlisted, and a recruiting league it t , be formed to further the intro -rots of the battalion in tide district. Tb. Meets• ererr are located At Windsor. It V Itwbeved that this htttal. will here a special attraction for a good number of Huron county's y'utig wen, who will find in it a..ocuu fwcolietly I to their liking. . Pte. H. J. ABM, 'of JI.nuuller, i. oM ' dally fagot -lid n1song the wotludrd. He ;le • end of Mr. and Mr.. Jrptbua ' AUDI, of 'he Meitlend 'nor,'.. ion, mud enlisted in the :ti d ISAttalion strait a -ear ago. Word has been received 9 briefly. _ I The .t ova is •a p .• non of two f mire tint hie wodit4 was • slight nue And REV. M. TURNBULL ADDRESSES' (1••d.ri.•h hoc-: Neyd.-n a. 4 \V.Inirl that be expected to return to duty ,•'ll.nim,rtote") Will anus 'he sots of eb.atly Mr. K S. ft tlliwnv, wP wail known for i - r years ne the. a.enagei of then ,[,•uta. o[ kOST AND FOUND. TRAY ED ON THE PKKMISE`t OF thea derigoed. Int P. a nee..40u West ewsoo.h, on Itrlober . t -d. a red nomde horsed heifer enyrow), and paying_ hpo*1OeHI'.KY prov- ing Ilwsgas 00 P. ,,• tenderh b Rur.l Telephone et. Tuxes far *leen see Jp&�JyaaWW at my °files. Town BIM. MR VMSI, fleets•• If paid by OM a render terewl�eabs eeL< NN not trod doll Paydeerrestreeseepeedszeuseiolf asd sr a WM. CA3IP FSR lsetember MIL lute. a' tibiaRfssebel rOt�s0111. �rasRR 4 ICHOan I•d. .4 .r week eetltslr er en.ablnsr, , am c.pp' ember, r.yttUse treat falai, et1-. ern aim me nor me tenet enema" Bente fir oriels• anew Oloreelfas. Int ti JA 1 -- w FON SALE OR ItEN'T. FOR SALE yr ) You stood on Lorndof1 tftwrit offered toed chaser! gMY1sd,s diersdine silver shil!itg. ; 1'Jl pr h4P a 11814, by the h:prrirl.c *. i Q� itch Merchant ttiftoi' eA�� 7nt� .t.nier ►I(.rklfl4' f' (rlY�al,1iiitrtlt4 ' iW his window tux rdrtbra d tiff* t f salt i l,l; Q itq present wliolegilt,ISi (Hib l Old Coneregtltea at St. George's- nate y w Pte S (:odericb, wee re: Reeeeptaoa to air And Kra Turnbull. • (3.•terteb 'ranch at 'Be Canadian Bent 1 ' u w•,endell is the dlaaslLF Last f;undrpwet . ewy h'Pity ne-1 of (; •warle,cr, Roth err Prtvlotr theirItem peMdshed on Friday last. Pte. caeion for the congrrgeti•.0 of 13'. Kite std cod.' 1.- y. Haydr n Ion the Ltw. rfilirtrtl in one of the Party con- liror•1ir'r cnu .•( . the dry titiugnt.tkedl ri: It I i. in 1lie 1n ic-it 1 Navel terrific.• ringruts, by thank...riving services nsmdiio'tetl s• r'.utl lieutroeite ••f Ili¢ motor 1•+ - .ervine, end •'t' enuu.elure" ie a num. Stan- r of • by Rev. )[ark Turnbull, of Part r b 's to the who was for bratty twenty year.', "a(,mPwherr iniFi-,u'1e." h the rHaydenevo 1 18,. of Helen who have volunteered their much -loved sere. with the Queen At the morning service, af4 r giv-I uutee.lPd to 1A sane to the trditrrrxn- for ocrr.rai. duty sl.h 11 i;Q•ire . ing ezprr.•aion to the pleasure he ex-; eel) rind it 4. not known where he is et Alrzsndta Imperial • .' petit -need et brink in the midst of tie. I,rre,ent. England, photo woe token Ikenhus Mioi ser Strang; N Yhflo ha tias le pracof tice i IdTurnbull bull pointed stein. Rev. her profresion, is now at the home otG occesiull or pointed out that i was tort ui June. ocewaiou for greet thanksgiving. not ( Hie many f. fend, in 1; elerich will I� her p:en•nte, Ur. H. L and alts. Strang, nto only for thei i nTeet which had it hr I ie N1111N fin harto ness.'now [hat Mr. Atprrsentlhettisrtotleaves join thrini ntingentfew l• oftor which't.he got. Cam conditions con Neve J, cause l'anwdw had believed it mor h I in trnprrrNt y charge of -the Renk tt' will wrdrb~ tbrikrwel wiabr,• twill ber roAny while to engage in the present great , Costitrrer hemi ti et YVi.rtmt. ldiotterichowed by blends. conflict. This, in itself, was r reasoui Rey W 11. lirahan, of Satniw, sl for thanksgiving. formai pastor of VlcLotiasttrrt.lrth COR SALE.-/JKDAR POSltt. A1J40 r H. C..klaskw Apply N. T. RIUDDELL A•baro. 11• pear ii wlivt ey',Ifximit`' h4�'i�ii�T u chant Soprartetl- wl't1180! YllihjlAW stork teneP kbb.Urtdt•vtwidt rfal,aed was sol Ion y{ t� etre ToroKI� b d ji!t i, fy ,htlfYltd: lilt tueke a Fhltri ref 'A413ftlK11 thee, nineteen stock .W w4lerreirand%strg7 gesme gouda , h*ye;H t.41f1 rim pr 1wdi�YMatrM4L LnndtehM Iwaftl• rrigroi'ddtrtkf•*tarlbYindef. let1* ile '+rs"$IbyrRid i `�,Pi11P end•rtfK' FOR BALE.• Me Holstein hull calf, Prince of Aire in- wrrod, registered No. :e Wellesley Canary Duke, No IMO? ; dant Calamity Seei. Hengetveld, No. 37M1. Vitali price $.tl, if taken 51 once. One Newfoundland dog --lover of children. good watchdog, with pedi- gree. One Scotch collie with pedigree. $SII. Two nice young beagle bounds, 10, months old, 511) each. Two young coon doge (females. 11 noonlbs old, from -hest coon-buneiug stock, wt0 mete geed con -bunters. 5111 each. One No. 1 foxhound fennel.). not to be beaten to bunting, 12 One No. i beagle Ifewwlei, Ant•.Iw•ri hunter no rabbits. WIS.' F. W. PROBST, Box f11), Linwood, Ont. R SALE, -AT RICSIDENCE OF R- 6. CRAHIIE, i.t1titbeuse etreet, .Ida rd, Meng table, ball tree. ersebi h lowbrow. bedesew huskers, clash.. [*Stns, onsletk. r'etrtge1.ter. wu4robm sod heater. 411 In geed .•edition. eloo 14 Mikes of _/sod beets. Yoe panto ileus am1olre J W. BAKER The Blares _ PROPERTY POR SALK--NSW ted brisk Mie a•d 1 we Mu os nurse mei : rdsrs eeevenleno s. win be sew en reeneable Mets. J. DUFF. 361w FARMS FOR HALK. teinlag 1. An 0x°041ect reuse farm on coned leseia, north .l of Ill t 4 ads by sft.seam well adored a.� SIM, nesddd�..ttiwYiieennrdg1msiollld etr+tw esita paha sf ti r11 YI. ee-lst.:�wwel1 teese apple mamma wil iiesee sweet F.•leeridnetherr Part tests". sopor. M URA. JOHN T. 11=8:14.. R1F�{tf,1 ' Passe M r 1 iY1s. sag In the eeentug the word-: '•1 c.tme o F; iwwnt; war •grin making rh t diver church• hoderieh, has Tern in- i pate h 'Mede candy. A sample w1 1 not W bring water, nutty sword,'".were vi r 1 to the p,l.totate of Central convince ['mils Lir used eses w bras Mr. Turuhull spoke ot� Met church, Ste*,fo'.1 Rev. ire,' - ---- J,,i the peace which r a without any The Banner Week. effort and contrro. esti it with tht(Mw•'uing, norm' of tits- Strwtfold1 (loom h, harp been mut itrd to succeed Walters. A Co.'s change of ad. In pewee which rnitiiPN h'ow oat fare, I,t• to /unlit too late for insertions ita mental mot al, nr physical battle.1 Mr• li,rharm Nt NofstiA• It rah iuritN- I h ve-hears wccerec .Uhj.ct ro week, •1'he gret clearing eari- pet t' tal Wren that L ing r,srT1.r 4duw r., r•lttr.i4py le p.ace was result he said, un- he K tinter, Nnd S.turdey next arrurihe it pinuvel td blit .ttttoniii eon• Ir (N re.. A special anthem wee sting by the Srcu, jot r ...Ate eNr1y it {ea it was a adroit lit some kind • f ni [tees following wet k err Ill be the „ion r w �, AOMR FOR RAL' IN Vi GU ee4Vwl�hMRkN� evmi resale.: put dell t wBkr w . ttse [[dura hl rot fe/ t sa VW, A'17MeteN. 4Ybes. �awTi ..IL r p•ee1Nm Yrs ws CA1D OF T R • 4443L, Tr, • • 1 n�1�1 I ' hwrgtin we. k of this greet x e p iy it of sheen. in i he at.oloF (1 for'Ni I1cPt,, M the Aiet•itfr miens kW Nibbler ldgitl5 f 1t i4hi7+..to - T- + iii, in a aux fo47.011„ s p d sq r Nf 47.01 •i'tlliiett U &If; w d R 'rf'' u v,Q- tbttil 1it'li)• 1 .0 mem 'pre pls( auras Meet ft,trily. Mettle 4 wihbotioalsrU4MMhUi(1 rti irk ie'f 1)l.1tyfith�iliti6.rffi{FFi 1°fin n 1t1r;iLL�ii�t1 1�.?.Ill_Jrlin+Q`1"d "o •.1. u,•tdRee CROSS NOTION yeti es n•r,iwu/. Werlt-Titiglel 'Nail) ' ,. 5A1MWilhWy kpeneeil,eel�they (iolkswiefg feYdAii r"h#4 "111IWlMkdwirt fliRfir�'! N t ch• Ir we.. Ihr n, u, g leerier and in H M. Opera Minstrels ie. - next at �'1C- I In price. The sole le x nottaeliRs4MR tbe evening a dirt wan rendered by 11)11* per* If .u.r. - •oppnrtunit y k.r the p 0plrarrt 6edir- MTee. s .rdy and g Alin. tich Ioilve+r+o 1-Pohttfr,o' 18.ovaterbe.lo,t-oreled oysters. l.1 Black--'1..iacbienceneighborhood. yuti�viegi'Ad O coOn hicksds n' Phone •Silt. extra mrvice for 7011. On Mood.y etrmtsga.rcrp uta• 61 0111P ,� ilionnol 11' CARD OF 6. -NR.. AND yW, ; . vNt'Je•_oft (L MUSIC. tel NINA WOOLLCOM BE. TEACHERP ANrt.-Prldypise.mdler uU...rn.r•rret.ry •x.minaUO5•. ♦ y Nt redaTrafalgar O r street.oderlot. -t T. H50. S. SUf3'4IU1IY. A. A. G. O., L A C. W. etrganM(-'bat an Cpain.t rand olrwsor .f e1.rch. Teachepain. bigot.. 0111.. re ppeed foe ettawstta le *. tlt.10 Mtriketrhet. p•r4M Dr. Ua1Mw'.. WANTED. • ANTlD.--NIGHT OPERATOR 1�a epoly u 1U BELL T.E� I`Ofa R ter yawed. �ILit AMD ff14Y9 1",.-- /love f �liiNet R co.. i GIRLS WANTED APPLY IGODERICA NPIPTIIN OE). • .. 777"- War's Many Phases. 1e .r • +M rri i • • le • t •'' Iter ate t►, Ifs'^ 1g i,IVAilrh4VhH�l"'A►J1Hbil`i 4Ptr• hitt" n owes • 1 re • re. We McWieriOAK 0: FMfillOthrt i* tosif►l ; Mr.. Air kengit bodies),eUIN.Wtb+Ae+11• 41!-r, IYKti Ioittlr trRl atK i ,Jiu,, iii. Iti,lre 1 ?II 31 I,,S' ,n l kit -W Nis W tt4� 4' 4NA! ii- •1rt1dalMl(HrH41ed,SeivenArilli .- AltIrdhie4ru New 0W4 )1A IfeeklltA No• ' IH" IIK � nV -.. 1eno.. r..Lite an j. i►Hdil(b4'^lil "Rfililff4flnlhilTtei�tl UNeky,)!Nrinest triatain1 41'Arbe':ItrJ•. CIetk, M re. BsIIxt(1, *FMIlit1ank b. f;Ilio, 1, r Liu ,;L,,Mrs. Walter Moore,'Titters' Arc -T: tub's -11.n. iVil- 1ireEmma ./93WO�t/eleieVe• lull, Mfr. ms a dd., Mr.. McKinnon, Mr.. Huhn. Tubb g'1 pair each. t .t•+i. nw*IJOI5IQM Sp'bA'Btda tomes 11 all *mood .U°mbo-y' ji1rL111"D,. JTr *71i'.► 't41/e1;RSn7i0•(AnoiJ7'eilrteuffn'4 ui e. '• N 111411 ilU tllwt•i v,..,10,te•tw w,4pin, bl., 11..o ani leo Ni.'wds eitt.paI'Mend a f ; . ayM1R1U►• aniNt, ' fat„ 1 kr rn' 1 • ,r 1St pw, jjj hh�iiyii .ii (iia tlj ( Nbr/den J,�1MYsMis I. 1 ries' 1 d s eJa iii ,e •411//4 t l ysri•r •aame+a wwilerewrh YfW*441.1rietPfil' oowst!'tirllrt , ri tie le �tv�`.��ryyN��, t�«•'i w e. x•I.a1a7 YY`�fnt obeloa n1 save 111•1 6111* „J••Je.1 ell *me mil ni .level l Maar lIet r ee itsti, AA n dk.iti w 411A6ae q aw11eM tIN L7f7f- i r (. 744 1,rlrnr.w sdst,.a s ltd irsbnairta Jll fti� I* �V AAo Here is • picture which illust.rwr1e as many phasors of the .-onflirl in _ W .Ne l• a one camera leo■ et Imre them In the fnr.'gr'rwlnd. lying hraide the reityaa ib”1 Ilwwlan wddln+. Al the left In • French armored ear. which haw just .'♦rete from 18. base Nr rte+ • s of it M a M.Id snibtlfetre , manly to ferry nA the wounded. The coentry■i+1 w•a mode near thellient, on the western fent. 11.111111110.010,.. r ihni.ww,lv c,fed; 1n see- 1Ree MiJ �i►trjbxltlRf *Ui• ypelb.nfvnvo .aMt�aala�i t*ket yllrtsul•Nrset111lesilR1AO•orthougeamegeweeeie i"~a JCpt7i If:*Mr71� 1 1 teatsear ‘Welenfle seine.. Yvr 7 AcacieteinedF4ea4.44IrrellaheA» enali z'r.AAasA. does. Veep ! a I' dM41' 1 P,mM,-11Jnere0d .-.1 Far 6.10- ,r,s•m......s - w.+..►er�.sop..r...rr+.+•.--...-,..a-- t