HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-26, Page 8111' Tl nfelIMLT. 0c4. ed. Nle 1 Our aim in business is to supply the very. Best Goods at the verb' Lowest Prices Household I11 kande Ink file_ marking lateen, et••., old I•t't''c 1 h.u'L t hrow y wr money away. 1.y buying pest Mlati.oery any- where but herr. We ran .*v.• �uu :.t lead. jr. Good linen - finished Note. Pale! 10c 1 , I:N per qr. Kneelnp,t. L,. 1uat+ the stem !rico Int oown.e we have rhos iwr and better lines styrol. ilons.•ke,y.•r: Waxed Paper (4reah'' pnlot i.aullalde for laking tin. t., prevent .(irking. packing e11141W ichts, etas., wroppnlg t+. e +rate. i,• air and d41111,ue.., n1d price lit' fool' large pat: -rade. DUN11IN 1/s. papilla. Mew Trial Ordered is Case ever Aociisat at aajisIi. The case of Dunkin vs. Decker was up before the judges in the Court of Appeal at Toronto oa Thursday list sod • now trial was ordered. This oasis was tried before Judgs Holt in the County Court to June hut. The plriatlf, Andrew Dunkin, is • resident of Stanley, sod the defendant, John Doeeker, is a rennet living in Hay towwhip . The action was the result of a connate(' in • horse race at Hayfield fair on the 6th of October, 1915. As the result of the collision and fall, the plaintiff alleged. his right shoulder was dislocated, he was bruised and injuied on the head and neck. and for two month* be was ill and unable W attend to his duties. Consequently. he claimed that be in- curred heavy medical and other ez- peures, lend was ppaerratuaeuUy injured, and be claimed $500 damages. The jury awarded hien $50 demaaggn. The case aroused considerable in leresl, sod so that the circumstances may Le understood the questions sub- mitted to the jury. with the answers given, are here reproduced 1. Did the injury to the plaintiff occur b rea.. *u of the negligent driv- ing of the defendant on the Hayfield fair ground,. oa the 6th of ()clutter, 1915? Yes. 2. If so, in what did such negligence consist ? By driving off track. 3. Was the defendant et the time of the accident in his proper position on the track ? Syrup of Tar Cod Liver Oil (Tasteless) A certain cure for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Irritations. Large bottle 35c A.L. Cardwell, Phm. B. Pf51551115151 Druggist names Ns ted NO 1.n5 Side Square No. 3 a. If he was not in his proper posi- tion. what caused hie to be nut of position 111+ desire to get ahead of lir. Dunk- in. 1. Old the defendant if not in bis proper placr_deive his hone and cart agautet the plaintiff's cart sod 'vei- turn hie and thine cause the accident:' Yes. 5. Could the defendant after Peeing the post ahead of bin) some sixty fret Ivy careful driving have continued on his way on the left-hand side of the plaintiff and passed the post without running into it. or could he within that di+tanceof sixty feel have .o re- duced the sleet' of his hoe se as to have been shle to drop in behind the plain- tiff and get over to the eight -hand ride ot the plaintiff ? Peet 1. Yee. Pert 9. No. (1. Was the plaintiff in his proper place on the track when the accident happened 3 Yee. 6 a. Might the pl einlif0 by the exer- cise of reasonable rate on his part have avoided the coots wiener" ? No. 7. 1f the plaintitT is entitled to dam- ages wbst .um do yoiu Hna ttr is en- titled to The jury, while answering all of the queetious in favor of the plaintiff, al- lowed only the sum of Van damages. 'Phis .end was the money that the plait t tT was nut of pocket in doctors' uflfa, err. No evidence wag given on have teen kept open. rod Britain has evos� ((.clot sAepp-d to headquarters the part of the defendant to show that I reutained in control if the seas. Tile t y he , i ti was notentitled ' materia ti.sw h at Tormito tdr the month of `l-ptem- i t Gen OE sIGETAL OODERICB ONTARIO Towel Sale Sattrrslay, October 28th, and ti. Week F•Ilowing Pure linen Towels, large sop plain hemstitched. sill gine goal wear. Regular .1k Towels, Sale price `ltc each or :, for 31.00. Faucy Guest Towels. stamped, will make beautiful Christmas Gifts. Regular 35c and 30e values for 2.-.r each or 5 for $(.tat Wool Fascinator. and Scarfs and a tees Sets of Puri it half-price. See our Chrtstmee Noiettieit- Apron*, hags, Tie and Towel Racks, etc.. etc. MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE GODERICH oaring for tbs wouaded sailors and for the women and children who bays beep lett without adeouate so lido is l4 object of the British $dl,n' Redd rand. A body of pat- riotic Canadian ultimates, beaded by Mr. W. (i. li.'.., president. of the Meatiest limbo/ Commission. has taken up with the Sius+h Admiralty the ui it tar of l IN 1 Rising ..f a fund to Ire devoted io ' he reticf u! Sjwmblcd tailors of the 11 11 .it ii t- u ,.l met- ) .Mi Mid of .4c n.tep and i nialldrmi of M��s wllurs who h..ve sec- t -Bleed their ryes in the p •1 rorwauce of their duties. His Hoye! Higbee.. the Duke of Oteinsught has cun.ented to a.•tae pateset, whole the Right Hon. lair K. 1. Bt,d - i u our ..t rho bunt- s*T ixesldeMss Intuiedta•dy atter the Jutland halite. tie people of New Zealai.d Ne- groids' by cable taint for the relief fund. and Iter ('a.r of Hued& sept $3,500 to Lott H.-rtty. The citizens of Mustered he,e eirsady contributed $173.0110 toward. the fund and Manober are being organized io every nit rhino herio the Dominion. The inaugur..tion of the British Sailors' Relief Fond will iiotsl confi- dence is those it ill fighting our battles that, of they fall, a grateful F:wpile will rare fur those whom they leave behind- • REO CROSS NOTES. Thr moolhly tweeting of the Red Cross Society took place in the North A VISITOR FROM MONTREAL • street roots. on October 16th, with President Reynold. in 1 he chair. The Mr. M. P. FeeeeH Reptrtseotsthe British p.'rsideut tiriedy expressed his appet .nation of the hoist.( that had been Sudors' Relief Fund. c •catered upon him, and his reedinaw L•, lurthtsr Iia in!..rsle4s ••1 Lb. Snell'''. (iuderarh M. 1'. a visit a few days ago. dein g s he awning y from Mr. f'. Fennell, ot Montreal. Agee c..o.odrrrttr iiscuwtoo regard - Food. , hr tau -other. i eh of t h' Holier ing the euggestious of the Huron co u c and ort . B itu rd of the town County War ('ontineent Association, council wed tet the H.an1 of Trade is itwasdecided : To shop .ueplieeto the cuuncilchalub-rarest rxplaitied the London, the cell. reed this wilituty dis- reaeorn of bar visit, giving sr+ ti tweet- tract in future instead ead of to Toronto : lug address upon the Bridal navy (24 to approve of the H. 1'. W. C. A. and mercantile w urine, enddlie con- su estaotts ; I:t t.. a•-o(vnte with tA.. ,n,ut•(lone which led to the reteldieli- orbs loosi soco-ti+ in making Oode- meut of the dudish ((olorr' Relief rich a packing •'rntrr for this district. Fund in Canada. Mr. Fenuell'a visit provtdrd il) that the otter Ideal w- ear not, with the idea ot rnllectitrg I pieties apprVvr tet 1 he plan, and that moneys at the present limp for the each appoint • pen -.•r; t_) that we Hod Fund, but to interest the people of Ewe new a'rusgement does not inner- OoIn Ca in the movement. Mer with the psrsrnt enie'euey of tb. In Canada, staid 111*. Frnnrll, sn do � Cir work in U aim ich. not know Got opuec Or ate owatiinr, The shipments doling the month. end do -not appteciVr at his to tie other thea those ineludrd o the re- value the *Mbar who aerp, ate path- cent enotul rrp•.t1.'wrrr : our dt•ess- ouur fors end brin¢s to dr- inert ling so NW, a .t•yohitt•. Ili pyj.ma our 1,,. k seaborne traffic But s nee the "Iu,t•velem $4.s...i, and I: lain .r eke. war hook. out there hao hreu an iu v.14: *INfiff. - crraei'g Irahxwuun, . n the p+rt of the The oils were : Sewing committee, Canadian people, tet the dell we owe x117 :,.i ; IOP y«ra, 11:11-31) ; Britrnni• to the bravesI of the B..t eh navy brencb. SO, Total, $IK3- whu hive heldtjthe sew.. h 4tled aI The receipts were : Ward colleetionu, the enemy'* Reet in the Kiel ('anal, *241.51: employee. of W. 1'. F. )1. , aril wide poweihlu the tgso.pott.tiue 1Ki41t,t Ma,s *mens*, f111 : Mr.. Porter, fofrom tmt&li Militate end uterchaudi�e Irons ,.ale 01 trthv bonne. II, r'- Total, frau ell pec....f the r+rt h. $'5-.76. ►,ids t • the achievement+of the Tor finetittal summary, therefore, navy. few Canadian., if any. r'rl'z-d is : ihdance from Inst merlin... !3311 : what (trio/and.. would be made, in war receipt•, 11.2 1'7t3; rap enditono, *It 385; time. tip in the tete outride ouatihe .end upon lbs q tier fisli,afolk.livdig in ell the little t,.veu+ iu the Buli.at Islet In .p to of sui•,e and suMn^rine and all the other d..ngers'to be 1 i -ked, tete •Lips hare gone ahnut tbrii houine.s, the waters hare Wen cleated of the insttuntentto of death, the trade routes ■ balance on Nina. $413.91. The "Irwin' committee woe author- ized to 1/111 closer in ate. i.tl bre the cotu- iog m.Kuth i•sotk to the salute of till; the yours cogamittee to the valor .•t $-+,uta, and he Rtatt Ottoman blanch to the value et f15. Toe Siiltfo,d branch .1 the Red ( 1 p g t titled to w con- I pet Sty we re I y mn t 't4 (Oda -table amount id dawages. Thr Ilswininn 1,d.y drpetid- la,gt.iy ups.. bet • •id host tel h , 1 e til only evidence fie to niJiii 'before the the.uprelii«cy ,.f the.r.av hell by our shirts. 71 pairs -oa k-. The week was efarMIRMMIIIMMillIMIM jury was that of the IlaintiY and his 1 navy at touch lieruendoas. Post of life. done by the followoig : Mr'. Cease. two doctor*. which rrtublished thea If the navy were not as . m: ient as mi McNeil, M.'.. Jno. Ila' kyr, Mrs. Gro. Abe plaintiff had suffered w consider- Ire+ proved to IN, not tents would our}Fowler. `t .. �; t('n 11, Mer. Jon. able e in airy an wee position I li Symonds. . n. ably compel .►tion. he p tete •i a age a er.o uncertain. ill be to r - i M Herter, Mr•. Alex. not satisfied with the dswwges age war p•�s-ray in being able G, •hip !Cottrell. Me .rad, Net A. Rubinson, 5f'.• !Mary awarded, and apFp enled to the Cited our food o•ebietr and munition* to of Appeal et Toronto. The Court (creat Hudak) and the Allies would (iliddno. Mrs. A. J. trotithnipe, Mrs, held it was quite clear that the jury not Have existed. I N. (Haddam. NI is. W. Mcl..am Mrs. mtsappteheuded thele duties. Vind- The Burmah fleets have policed the Jas. Adieu... Mr'. ti". BI'eet, Mrs. Jas. ins. as they did, in favor of the plain- rens and kept them free, tout for Mcle-an, Mrs. H. W alter. )gra J. I r tiff, they should have awarded him a Britishers alone, but 1 .r all peoples Jon"". Mrs. (iso. Church, I Jars. herb substantial amount. alto mope, le behave and ub+rive tLe Murray. Mit. M. McM.en.ts, The Court on an appeal of this kind law of nation. and the uiglit+ of hu- llos, no power W fix the ^mount of „mot v. 'Thr con"trot of the ocean* io., Count dity! • Yoar eold in held or j�taat�+trrh •'isappear* Your clogged nos- `trils will open. the air peerages of your will clear and you can breathe ly. No more mailing. hawking, loons discharge. dryneei or hnalarhe; n struggling for breath at nigt,L ,Get a small Mottle of Fly's (+ream ha from your druggist and apply a title of this fragrant antiseptic cream ■ ;your nostrils. it tweetrilt.•s through • ry air passage of the bean, eio sag dant shouldpitythe coats of the sip Id healing the swollen or inflamed eel in on vent of the action, and uccas memhraoe; giving you instant { y iota Head colds and catarrh yield that the coasts of the former trial I l j d ,nutlet[ to •t an the war rte (.r wore lyre- N silt,*, g, -a, ed d W D T 1 tffws p but tl edema- l oeln.l Mew w .t d mages All that can 1e done is to our ..alms mettle the cont uuarice of - OBITUARY. r grant a riew trial The Ccurt mug- the British Empire -an kwpire which Michael Kel y. wooed that, in order to .ave the ex - .111 a t.enrfieent ntiaum tet free 114(10ne On Mendes- evening, Octolwr 9.h, prose of • new trial, counsel for the situated in different F." t4 of the Michael K. hy, one of the old and re - two parties agree upwnt the damages world. s sneered rr"uts of Monis towns, to be awarded : but counted for (efen- " Idr-- --•-- ..i ---r Yhipr dent would not agree. The Court the Move sailors who air Iwviug down should be re -tried and that the deters- How nary have meds the sacrifice of haid.hips of the ra11v •maters. He 1 Kelly wag ,a man of *whim qualities thereupon directed (het the action the it hies in the noble' ane o duty. ^nit endured tummy inf the pioneer Mike magic. .Don't stay stttffed_up and /ti•ertat,le., -Relief is' sure. At Nosh street Dletbodist church next Sunday morning the tuhj.et for discussion et the Met.'e Sunday Club, meeting et 111 o'clock, will be "Par- hamettt s Relation to Nation Build- ing." At- 11 o'cli ck, Rev. W. K. Hegrt'0 out fret will be "Judgment Must Begin rt the House of God. - Evening .uhjeot, •• At H in Our Heavenly Fethet's Hamer. - The Best Kidney Relief. 1( tote are eufftring with aslant: kidneys-tf you have twat other xarations and have found them laking, make up your mind to .tart laking Penal:er Ruche and Palmetto Co napu'Und at ma Thi• • reliable preparation has been •urcewtfel tune -and again and there I• little doubt that 11. will give you the same relief se It his thoxlsand. of others who have suffered with kidney trouble. For your protection in Vetoing, the exa.'t formula t• printed cm pion label, and we can ref nm - mend Ruchu and I'alnpetto Cern- pound in every reeler( It is a. d en two sem, fifty cent% end our dollar. and we believe you can use it with very good re*ult•. Before taking lht' remedy, cleanse your system with I'rnslar Liver Saline shell will enable the Ituchu and I'almettn to set mote thoroughly and quickly. l'erolar I,n-rr Reline, a anhl in two sates. twenty five aged fifty cents. Get thaw reit dle preparation. today at JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Phs.111. Ren. lit/ CENTRAL eftt,G STORE Corner North St and requare Gndeeich ' Phowes Res. 1311 should toe coati in the canoe. %V. Prnudfua.t, K. C., for plaintiff Charles (barrow for defendant. The Price of NeWspapers. UNDERWEAR! THAT WE RECOMMEND FOR COMFORT, WEAR AND VALUE! The Underwear we sell has proved satisfactory. It has stood the test, for we have been selling the same brand for years. People who buy it once ask for it again. You can bu) it today at prices lower by a good deal than you will for a long time to come. Try these values. You will not better them anywhere. At 2Sc lad fine ribbed Underwear, .oft finish. tar:..tet weight, well umatte, white or statural. Per 25c gannrnt At SOc Lidice' ribbed Underwear of excellent quality, eat finish, elastic weave and, splendid weight for winter wear, white or natural. Per gar- File treat JV Special at 40c Thie is a particularly good line, either vests er drawer++, eat finish. very comfortable. PerA(��. garment �lll. At 75c Extra quality Underwear for Ladies , either white or natural shade, wool and cott-on mixed, with the cotton brushed to make the finish soft and comfort- able. Will not irritate. Every garment cut full and on scientific lines. Very n,utfortahle, very durable and very good value. Art per gar- 75e tarot J At $1.00 A .plrndid range of splendid value. at this pulns lar pries. Vrod s or hewer.. white or sutural Just a little cotton woven in with the gar -Woof to •� keep d (nen shrinking. Per gar- nient only Finer Makes Finer qualifier, in purr stool or silk and wool mix tunoi. light and nod' weights, give splendid ws'ar, perfect fitting. roitif.,rIa1I.• gann.'rtt., at ttttt.... $1.25. $1.50. $5.00 iooI $8.80 Combinations Fine l'utohinations in heli"•• and misers' site. Iu practically all nous standard 75 qualities. Pei garment c t.. $3•00 Children's Underwear Wnall \'est. for the tiny babies right up G. the minae: Nie.. Welfave a complete ,ttw•k of V...te and brewers for children in several qualities that we sen atnowl y naso end. They sell at from :711,• to float the garment according to size and ytul it y. Extra Good Flannelettes Splendid qualities in Englishand Canadian Flannelettes. Better than we will be able to show again for many a long day. Here are two or three of them. At 15c Heavy English Flannelette. a soft strong cloth suitable for ane powwow for which you can use this material. Comes in It go osi i.i ietytf neat stripes an blurs, pinks, grey++. eta-. Fast color..Per 5c yard.-.. ....... .. . ... . A Special at 25c This ia the hest value in Flannelette+ we have everookl. Extra atr.ns;. flnu cloth. superior finish. splendid wearing quality. Impwrte.l direct from the wills in England, 34 incltis wide., .41 per 25c yard ... L.amba Flannelette 20c Thi. is a high-grade English Flannelette. splendid material for 1111- derwear, nightwear. etc. Colors are absolutely feet and the 20c patterns very attractive. Per yard Blankets too Real good Flannelette Blankets, plain grey- and white with pink mid blue borders. Per $� .salla. $1.75 ;►n" •$2.00 Pie •r JV Large Bath Towels. 25c large Rath Towels. fancy stripe, heavy- weight. superior 25 quality. Splendid caluc at. each C A Plaid at 25c NMI Plaid !knew 4 LN.1 .pl.ndid terial for children . wear„dembl.• fold. stn ,n g Aril -cry ic,•able. 11 a 1 f • dozen pattern.. at 'we e]�C yard ` Ladies' Umbrellas Special $1.15 3,a%lies' ('til relies, exceptionally good quality s1 ICI NMI in fact. that the factory notified u- the other"day that they meld sot give u+ any • at the price. This is the 'net hit ant of our weler. Our +pedal $1.15 pram, only Buy Cashmere • Hose Now Yon will uo1 be able to get thrill at anything neer today '• pricer. r..ut+t. oak+ are exhaust eel for when we have to pay Om ad- vance pr•i.r'th..i will have to sell et more than hall as much again. Today we can give you l'a.hnter+• Bose values as good se any we have ever sold. e'er pair. 75e. 600. apo said 380 ra rt 01 sa We l'pbolstcr Furniture We Re-cover Umbrellas We make Window Shades to order. 1 Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers know that tor ihuo was teen in county 'Tipperary. Ire -limit, ettlisoPt I - ...,.. men �r the was , -, a see ,4ears ago their lives we do tee t know ; we, do mercantile MAI in.. have brew 1%41. and came to Canada with h,, parents while the toll Mid by tett navy ha+ when ,t child of four years and with been fag ,rrrat"r. The battle cff the holly Bios tank up the farm on which shores of Jnelend rlaitird mitre than be died. In 18th hr est married to' 6,111). to addit ion many have been Mbi.o Ht i.lgrt Tahoey and tot this union dwbled, and it ins). +spray Ise assumed was boon a family of five children, t.h•t the great nlaj•oity of the tartans• nattiely : Mrr, Arthur (Towyn, Morrie: left behind them dependents who will MOM. Jelin Oliver, Mit-Wigan ; Mn. have to look to putslic or private .aidMi: 'r hael Healy 1 •s oase-• 1 : Patrick-, for protection. ' Guelph, and Rta. Micht.I Healy, Mor - Canada him contributed nothing for ri-. Hr war herft inf hi• wife sod in the prrtertion •flooded hy the Brit soh non was alms led to Mie. Ellen Oliver, navy, but we ran take stone portionM,ch'gan, who wits w fancily of rleveti n( i be burden off 1 he shoulders of the is lett to mourn his loss. All melds Hritinh people by doing something in, at home. 1 religion the late Mr. The increase in the price of printing paper has become toy, serious that pule fishers are getting together to devise weasurer for meeting the aituatiot. Melly have already increased their subscription nitre and some have been forced to suapeud publication. We are advised. however, by the publishers of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal Hutt for the Present, anyway, there will be no in- crease in the .rice of that (aper, end we are permitted to offer The Family Herald and %Veekty Star along wit The Signed for the small sum of $1.86 : that i., one full year's subscription to each paper. This offer is good only until Novem- her 30. 1916, as it may be found wove - eery to nuke a chant. then. Thr publishers of Die Family Herald and Weekly Sten, notwithstanding the enormnt• inert -gee in cost of produc- tion. bare decided to spend mon money than ,'ver in improving the paper. end to give their greet army of readers gleater value then ever. A full year's subscription to The Signal and The Family Herald And Weekly ((ter wait cost only $1.lift, pro- vided ro vided orders are. meceived before No- vember 30, i1111. Mend your.ubserip- tion to this afire. al A Thrilling stay. Whole villages were burned, steam- boats blown up and rifles devastating for the sake of thrilling realism le "The Yellow Menace„ the new eis- tteen-epiar.de serial now k -t, ning at the M.,del Theatre. Rdwin Stevens, wbn staved in the serial. is one of America's greatest dramatic actors nod 1e suppnrlot by • wonderfully powerful eompsny. including AIargasst Male and Flint Mee Malone. Tim,' first ggMde shows how Ali Singh, • fan - algal algal Mongnliaa whose dream is the epa/nMt oaf t h. earth by the yellow rag% makes hit way into =Toady srooes in Obina. t!s�w$ he breath-eatebieg in IM viola tlsJsm sold vital drama. Try M get in. Caodernch. Ontario t � 1 Kelly was • Roman Catholic and in politics a Conservative. He bad the happiness of all his family being with him when death came, with the ex- ception of Mrs. Oliver. Besides his immediate family be leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, John, of Oode- rich, and James, of Morris, all of whoel have the sympathy oI a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. The funeral took plaza. from the family residence, lot 7, co ncessiinb 7. Morris, on Thursday. October 1s2tb, and pro- ceededIn to St. Michael's church, Blyth, where service was held. Walter Mitchell. After w brave struggle extending over eight months, the rest from all earthly toils CAM. to Walter Mitchell. eldest son of Mr. James Mitchell, his death occurring at the family home on Arthur street, Oodericb, on Friday last. Early last February at heart disorder of several years' stand- ing took • serious turn and be was AT MODEL THEATRE, Goderict L. Johnston, took its flight at the home of her sister, Mire Elliott, South street, lioderich. Mi.. Jobnston's illness dated from early in May last. She came to town from Rochelle. lili- nnis, for • visit befime going to Cali- fornia to reside with wh r daughter, Mn. Beattie, and health began to fail aro it .M tacame acutely ill about the middle of Sep- tember. Her laugh,. rs were then sent for and were with their mother during bee last days on earth. Mrs. Johnston was a daughter of the pate Robert Elliott, r.f doderieb township. in which township she was horn fifty- nine years ago. . In the earl ties she was married to the late Mr.Jobe- otos, who pawed away over twenty year. age, Since then. although a great deal of her time was opera away from (loderfob, she always liked to re - 'tiro to visit the scenes of bar girlhood. In addition to her elauehlers-Mer. A. B. Beattie. of Balle j. •, California,fand Miw Florence Jobn.Go. forced to relinquish his duties in the Colorado -'b. is .lirvived hy one .t.- (irwnd Trunk (Mires hen. Although ter. Alm Elliott. of (inderich. The at limes be allied, the malady Rradu- ere ; fusI took place I..st Thursday after - ally weakened his constitution until death ensued. Walter was bons is Ooderich tblrty-two Aboutyears ago. ten year* ago be joined the O. TT R office staff ben and becamer veined trusted employee e Ing here for about eve years h. w i removed :,o Toronto. to engage in limiter work, add be returned to Ooderieb about two youn ago. was • young man of starling cheskee and eras well liked by all who hits. knew Tawe is much sympathy the bereaved father and the sorvivlig trrtther. Mr. Monotone Mirwb.11. Tb.1, latter arrived hors from Toronto for the tuners/. which toot place on Sun- day altos noon to Maitland cemetery. The services won in shams of Rau. R U. McDermid. a yyve totb m►t Mea H. 0. Dp 1.g. rem Nalrn, and Mama J. fey. Themes and Obs.- R- aswie a atndsisg to be service at that bones.'Ileo . pall. hearers were Mesww•. David art. Roy W. UpartIo& W. Tait, Dr. L M. Mabee, W. T. MRlar sed W. P. Nailed. Mrs. W. L. Johnston. On Tuesday of last weak the of Mary ItIllott, widow of tree Meg_ w noon to Maitland cemetery, Rev. J. B. Fotberingham offlci•ting The pallbearer* were Thomas (.ox, Jas. McCluskey, Jas. Yuill and Samuel • McMatb. Those requiring a Range. Heater, Tar Paper Nails, Paints, Coal (hl Cans. Wagon, Sleigh, Harness and numerous other items still in our hardware stock, would do well to call up M. W. Howell at No. 3 at office of the Mistier Mfg. Co., or at house, Na 213. who will ht pleased to open the store at any time and 611 your order. Every- thing must be cleared and you can sare money if we have what you require All accounts still owing to must be settled at once. The Hewell Hardware Co., Ld. The Woman Who Walks Phew* We will find our new high -cut walking shoes all she imag- ined good shoes should he and 'More smart, chic and classy in looks, comfortable as old slip- pers and so well made they will stand a world of wear. Anything more ? Yes, the price. You'll be delightfully amazed when you learn it. W. 5IARlMAN Ooderich