The Signal, 1916-10-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERT('R • ONTATiTO
we will take your wheel avert
and explain exactly the wick
regnired to repair A. Know
that we :ire past tueetere of our
business., do our work thorough-
ly and quickly. Bring us your
wheel t'dav and eetilu rte —the
cost will be low, the work satis-
East Street Garage
Owned and oa.r.I.d t., A M gLoyte
a PraNfa& .saw. Paan 1 •
Styles that are snappy
- -tailoring that is un-
surpassable — perfect
fit guaranteed. There
is no guesswork—no
uncertainty about our
tailoring. Every gar-
ment created here re-
presents the highest
type of artistic
R. J.Armstrong
Me. IV. AMI, Ingle ameba. res
Thursday. November god. a 1 p, m.
Sewing and knitting. also suggestions
for Christine. and a demonst:silos on
lusting catitdy will be the prostrate for
the afternoon. tlewio,t and knitting
will be supplied by the lostitute. Vu-
itors always welcome.
Wedded at Detroit.
The marriage is announced at De-
troit of Mr. Harold et attic, sou 01
Councillor and Mn. T. R. Well's, of
Oodeticb. to Mies Dolphins Halliday.
1'be bride Is theoung,st daughter of
Mrs. John Halliday, formerly ot Oodie
rich. The young couple will make
their home in [Jetties, where the
groom bee a good peskiest with the
Hudson Motor (olnpeny. Mr. and
Mn. Wallis have many Moods in
i Oodericb who juin lu good wishes.
Second Charge Against Weber.
The trial of • ,.mood charge against
Jacoo Weber, of MMe•fortb, to mourn -
tion with the recent seizure of a large
quantity of whiskey at his place. took
C. P. R. Change. I place yesterday before S. J. Andrews,
A change in the C. P. R tin.etable t police magistrate, Clinton. Tbe
Iwill take effect October 211th. The ((barge was keeping liquor tor sats.
noon train will arrive at li,ldsrich at.; 7be same evidence as was presented
12.& p. tn. (instead of Pelee end the at the former trial, with aims adds
train now leaving at 'GtG p. ne w II tions, was given. and the twee emu -
leave at 2 o'clock. tied the whole day. Crown Attorney
Fined for Its -treating Horse.
On Tuesday Crown Attorney Seager
prosecuted a case before Puttee X.g Is -
trate Andrews, of Clinton. widest
Victor Dale. a farmer of Stanley town-
ship. for ill-treatment of a horse. A
conviction was tenured and a doe of (County Court Cases.
112, was imposed.
Canadian Club Luncheon The County Court came of Brown et
al. vs Harper was tried at the court
boost on Wednesday andjudgmeot
C. J.
£Drjjl$1N0 PA VS
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink a glass of real hot water
before breakfast to wash
out poisons
lemager prosecuted, and the defeoce
was in the hands of F. H. Thomson,
K ., of Mitchell, and J. M. Beet. of
8esf,trth, The defeodant claimed
that the liquor was for the use of him-
self and his wife. Judgm. nt was
reserved for one week.
The filet luncheon of the ()steadier,
Club for the seams will be held se tbe
Masonic Temple on Friday of this
week, at 12.91 o'clock noon. The ad-
dress is to he given by Rev. Arthur
Ovide, of Windsor, wbo accompanied
the 18th Basta ioe to the front as
chaplain, and who will speak of his
experience. in the war.
Death of Mrs. Lynn Gordon.
Mr. C. 0. Newton received word on
Monday of the death B.
C fr.Lynn
Gordon. of Kamloops. was Miss
ceased before bee outturn ire, and
Anna Williams,
her husband is a former resident of
Ooderieh, a brother-in-law of Mr.
Newton The remains were brought
w Kincardine for interment.
was reserved. The dote
Harper. of town, had an execution
against David Brown. also of town,
and to satisfy it a pair of horses were
seixtd. Rudolph ad Charles Brown,
sons of D.vid Brown, maimed ihh
boes were their property,
action was to decide the owoer.bip.
J. L. Killoran was counsel for plain-
tiff. and 1... E. Ducey for the defend -
riot. Hie Honor
beard the cane. willjudgmentbn
Monday next.
Another cam postponed from the
County Court, Southgate vs. modson
Overall Co., was further adjourned W
November 23rd.
At Victoria Opera Mouse
This week the Ruy•1 A•exaodra,
Players ere the attraction atictoria
` des
Open 11 onset. The company nal
• number of clever actors and they are
putting on some gond plays 'f a kind
not often produced in Goderich. For
F.iday evrniog eteru.•k lis.' is the
Way announced. and he week's en.
v..ement will clove on Sa:uiday with
"Hal o' the Hills."
Mosday ••The tr... Claw"
Tuesday - Mutuel Feature
NOVEMBER Id Riad 2.4
in .. Nearly a Lady"
in tbi. elm Elsie isms is seen in
DOW 01 ber worldeefvl dances, in-
cluding the famous Lariat dance
with the yuwbot s.
Ain "its Yellow Mtlsacs"
THR THIt11_I.I1r0 nl':ItIAL
PRICES - - be and Ile
Fr y sad Saturday, Nov. 3 aad 4
is "Helene of do Nardi"
(100 dRgiLL enouA4Tti oe
Prices IOc & lac (We pay war tax)
GEO. L 1[IIIG, a rreplltasr
Ys Old -lima Concert.
Keep the evening ot Feld .y, Novem-
ber 3.d, open for the unique entertain-
- mens to be ai%en by the Know ...hutch
We is not merely to live, but to choir in the brtut a room of t be church.
1ork ,t pmgrain in tbe style of "ye olds
well sleep we to serf ngs
.1111. Ueorgs's. will preach .same day
sousing and smedag.
The hilae ed Koos eberob are 'se-
wing to 811Ileuetmas for eh
seedier, at the front. A collect too fur
the. purpose will be taker in the
church us tluuday, Moven/tier huh.
The boxes mat be .rot by November
flub. Kerb woman ill the r ngregatioo
is asked to donate • pair of socks.
Men's Awns to clear at We Eh, $,
3.914. 11 you want eo thing in oboes,
trunk., or suitcase', now is
the Lime to lay. Walters & Co.
The hearty theists of tbe Society
are due the 1o11>,wing contributors 01
sucks : Mrs. Reynolds. er., 13 pairs ; A
Friend, 7 pairs; Mee. D. leerguson, 6
pairs : Mr.i M ; Mrs Burrito,, Mrs.
Kell], vpair. each ch
Rubs. Sharman, Mies Burrttt. Mrs.
Wm. Lee, 4 pairs each : Mrs.McNe,in,
?Aim Gilmore, Mies Youngs Miss
Saturday morning at Yo'clock en St.
Peter's cbureb and thence to Blyth
for interment..
Mr. John Kely has beep trebly bele
raved wilbio the leas three weeks.
His brother, Michael Kelly, of Morrie
tewn.bip, died nu the 'lth ievt. ; a
]nun` grandees. a mu of Mr and
Mia Richard F.ilsy, of Chi 'WO. die 1
on Friday last at the tender age of
two Tal.
d two months :
tallowlnR y occurred the dsatkt of
inR T
his eldest goo.
Cadwell es. C. P. R. Co.
In the Appellate Division atOegnode
Hell so appeal has been heard in
the ease of Cadwell v. C. P. R. Co.,
which was tried in (iuderich in June
last before Mr Justice Chita. The
action was to recover g:11),(U) damages
foe injuiles Lo plalntitt.' lands, alleged
to have been cau.ed by works of de-
fendants in erecting a bridge across
the Maitland River, and for injunction
and mandatory order. At to tai judg-
ment was given for platifiw. with
damages meowed at 5000, up
of judgment, sod if neither patty
elect to bays reference to Loral Meatrr
at. Ooderich to assess future damages
obs judgment assessed Lbem at $4,500.
The defendants appealed from this
j,idgmeot. The t('uurt�a ted that
•n epgineer. to g o upon
t*. en the particle. be aP1ol
poet to the Court.
VM wsl4 eat well. digest well. w i I tom:' is to be retrisrmd with ap{xo-
IL look well. Whet • prim i ode the audience
glorious condition it to attain. and
TK, I should tie t' d only to the capacity
bus very teas? it V It ons will o•b i of the room, a the mewing
i. war to
adopt the morning inside bath be nom of obs kind N
be r ......hrr+d
rWlu who are a.cuatomod to feat
dull and heavy when they acne. epllt- Women's Institute.
ting headache. stuffy from a cold. foul, Tow reviler monthly meeting of the
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach. Ooderieb branch of the \Vouwn's' In -
"In' tastes& feel es fresh as a dally attests will be held at the borne of
by opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out the
;thole of the Internal poisonous stag -
east matter.
Everyone. whether Mitre. sick or
well. should. each morning. before
breakfast. detgk a glass of real hot
roster with a e.apoonful of limestone
phosphate la it to wash from the
stomach. liver. kidneys and bowels UM
prevtoea day's indigestible waste.
Goer We and poisonous toxins; thee
cleansing. sweetening and purity's"
the satire alimentary canal before 1
petting more food into the stomach. 1
The r -tion of Dot water and limeat05
phosphate on an empty stomach la
wonderful/] invigorating• It cleans '
out all the sour fermentations. Ra•e•. Peps are the new treatment for
waste and acidity and gives one a coughs, colds and lung troubles.
splendid appetite for breakfast. While They are little tablets made op
you aro enjoying your breakfast the from Pine extracts and medicinal
water and phosphate is quietly e1- essences. When put lntothe mouth
treeing a large volume et water from these medicinal ingredients tura
the blood and getting ready for s into healing vapors, which are
tborongb flushing of all the Inside breathed down direct to the lungs,
organ&throat and bronchial tubes. The
of people who ars Peps treatment is direct. Swat -
to wing cough mixtures Into the
stomach. to cure ailments and dis-
orders in throat and longs. 1s in-
direct. Peps are revolutloal?log
the treatment of colds, as their
price Is within the reach of all.
�ioa w eg. box all druggists, or Peps Co.,
e.eleteet to asks tete Oe ubjeet o Toronto.
notmeed crank on
Internal sanitation.
The buttons
bothered with constipation.
spells. stomseb trouble. rt.umatism:
others who have sallow skits, blood
diereses and sickly complexions are
urged to get a quarter potted of lime -
seem phosphate from the drug store
11 ooet very little, but la
The Great Clearing -out
Sale of Grocery Stock
— AT THE --
Maple Leaf Cash Grocery
Buy nownand reduce the high cost of living.
return of igloo& as this is strictly a cosh clearing
sale. Good butter and fresh eggs taken as cash
the ash pricy while this sale lasts.
Laced tlr.a .1 L tssi+kk' °ifwi'
The G C. 1. Lit.
The (i. C. 1. Literary remissly gave
lta first tertainmeot of the term in
the .a.e 7 hall no Ftid.y evening
last. A pleasing program, es iodine the
following numbers, were presented:
Addressee by Miss Age4a Enders, tbe
president, )r. H. I. du Aug, Principe'
Hume and Lieut. Unewo.tb Jones : in-
struruentals by Was Margaret Kelly
and Mew Joao Retie, and a vocal solo
by Mies Eetbet' Hilmar. A latae pare
of the evening sow taken up
with • debate on the subject :
"Resolved, that i he queens of Eng-
land. of the test four hundred
years bave door moist good for their
country I ban the kings." The speak-
ers for the affirmative side were Mise
Claire Hays and Mise Nos Ina O.nn.
On the negative were Melville Me -
Nevin and Jack Marshall. Bete sides
did exceedingly well, hut the jud.e.
derided in far. r of the snit Mat i Bee The
pr. grain closed with tit Igniting
Tile Coil- by the Glee t6ob. wood the
Nauonei An. bent, in which all j.iibed.
The °meet-. •'1 the Literary 'society
for the present tetui are : Hon. presi-
dent, Ur. H I Strang. : preeideut. MIM
A. ti. M ter. ; 14 vk,.e.prrwident,
Mr. 0. ti. Newton ; 2 .d ricees Iso ens
11111'.. iMI . J.U. Bowler: secretar P•.
Hume ; treasurer. M
pianist, Mise N. w w de editor*.
Mix F. Hem, Mr. J. _
et,Mr.tE. M.Lre, Mi. J. Kelly.
?MUMMAL Oxer. 0 IMS •
Give Your Wile
an interest
1n the family's finan-
cial progress by open-
ing a .Joint Account
to the Urian Bank
of Canada, to her name and your own
You will tend It a very convenient arrangement, tar
then either can attend to the banking when to town,
making deposits or withdrawing money. In case of
death, the balance automatically goes to the survivor.
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
Clark. Mr. Howell, w., Mrs. McKee, 3, Two `sedred tet 1 ll�,es' *4a."4) lace
*ie each ; Mie• H—. Mr.. __yam.. load CI. 11 Lire and b•'Itoa
Mrs. Walton, Miss A Andrews. Mrs.
W. L Rliot, M re. IIiol.tlhoe's-, sr.. Mies shores to clear et Simi Walter., A 1Jo.
LeTonLrl, Mier Tiffin. 2 Mir" .ar'b ;
Mee. Harrison, Miw Rhynar, Mies _
Paroum, Mrr. Bell, Me. Daniels, No
Names, Mee. Geo. %Villiam•. Mrs. Thos.
Bell, Mee. Jas. Bell, Mrs. P. M -Lamb- 1
tan, Mrs. H. Tarter, Mies Lawrence, ,
SIHr, 1tMaK' i. i.l_ at Toroeto
Mrs. Meld rout family have gum- to Taoato
era few week..
kidney diwrden. Tlu• k' Maw Mese Antes filter the blood ,, all that should.'1
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys every three minutes. If the kidneys
do their wcrk no impurity or cause d
divide► .:.n remain in the ci..ulation
longer than that tome. Therefore it r
blood is o..t of order your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are in need of
stimulation. strengthening or this -toting.
medicine will .L all three, the finest
d Mood tedit;ms there
are .imply k ) is .way op . slat to Port
Mks Hay. M '.1'.taol Mon W..
Mine' at tater country Mane at (basy. V. Y.
Lew. T. (Milton week tts.doi Rt�as Bapliet
17emltsi IM pant
naw row' ion two ehi4!oe o, of M'er•
Mrs. 1. J. lane awe a of the MI.e- 1
Mau. took.. are the faeot
trlear. Braes Aron.. „r rtrselweA.
Men AMxader and Mr .Mie•.
•'The girth of *Nation." • •.
'Seldom has aVictoria
icto is oOpera Home
beld a larger
terested oue, than that which filled it
on Saturday night last, when "'i'be
Birth .d • Nation' was ',bowie There
w■s a large house also at the after-
described only as truly wonderfs eon ul
The story they tell of the war between
the North mid the Mouth, and the
events preceding and following it, is a
thrilling one, and the splendid w
pbony orchestra. "playing to" he pic-
tures, heightened the realism of the
produetien. eo thee the blood of the
coolest and calmest spectator must
bare Leen stored. "The Birth of is
Nation" is really a great spectacle, and
Mr. Mclean. the proprietor of Victoria
Opera House. is to hecongratulated
n1,M chan
upon givinc the peoplen
opportunity of seeing it.
Uounty Will Appeal.
Colborne sad Tor.ato
were the sweets lost week of Moir mother. Mrs.
n, Mork.( drool.
and nw.t Imitate Mr. mail MIT. Jas.'. Andrew. and f mo
te rer'n..,1 to Wind b..
is NOWA .•tart, bi-.'r. singe.
Mr. Awarew. has a ge, d D'• -/tion.
att�'tel. he 'Vlte'or.. 1.11 the Amop I ar%
pe• .. tosta
ll a red
wi erred
lh from
nm31 jypt. waste W
Mr and Mr. F. W I •ekey ars •stay e.
MIM►' Loin Th., w 1' • -.1 frl.rd. at To
so. Nr
atI•e•r$. B NI., CSI .1 itetr•it before re .
horsing to lie.ierll-n.
Dr. ileo. netiew..nn 1..t T.,•nnto at t.ndt'g
tthe ar). Ix ,t'p.'. f'Ml,;r^I,. 1l 1 he prom -von
.f Um runvet.n.. 11.-inw,r • flint•'. Mut wet
4,ea.e• b rev• r.1 pro. ,hent .struPalat.l•
fr.Pl tw United , at...
Ladies' *2 nit and E'3.l1) shoe.. slaw
2 1-z to 4, to elear at 411.48. Waltors
We want a few copes of The Sig-
nal of October 12 h. Five cents amp,
will he paid for sheet. Tu14 Sweetie
In the Bspti.t church west Sunday,
Rev. 0. M. Holmes I' ill preach. 10
the morning 'he rill'j•et ei11 be "A
Year's Progreee• • ie the evening. "A
tieoeral Commanded.'' will
The pastor, Rev. .1. E. F•nd,
preseh in Victotta .rrret Mettiodiat
church nest Sunday morning .end
evening. Morning sill jell, '•Facing•
C•ieis." Evening, -. I Le Way to
.k meeting of the Warden erommit- 1 mese'
tee of the count] council was beld at 'thanksgiving services will be held
the court house o0'Tuesday. The at et: Orncge a church this week -end.
county solicitor, Mr. R_ C Hays. was Rey. A. Carlile. of Windsor. who was
preeer.t and submitted the judgment with the iK h Battalion in France. will
of Judge Dickson declaring the bridge preach on night at 14 p.m.. and
between the 4th end irtb renovations Key. Mark Turnbull. thefoimet rector
of Ashfield to be a county bridge.
After consultation with Os. solicitor
it was decided M enter an appeal
agalpst the decision. Pending the re-
sult of the appeal the county may at-
tend to any necessary repairs et the
bridge. A deputation consisttbg of
Ward.o Liviomitone, County Tram.
neer Holmes was mated ve tolgoton
of C shorn. appointed
(lamp Bowden t0 wear. the meta. etc.,
which the Hurons will not take with
them overseas, and provide • imitable
place in us. comity for *torte( such
National Service League.
A society called the Natitxial
Service League bas hem formed in
cooneetton with Victoria newt
shureb. Th intention 1, to provide a
bursatt of leformatloe and service in
connection with the war. The first
Tuesday of tba mends will be the mi..
glossary meeting tit the Kpworth
League. 7he sssoad, third and fonteb
Tuesday eveainge will be in Merge
of dm National Mamie* League•
members will ewdeavtw to keep reek
of the war .od prase belly mime l hem -
selves to it- Tess admire are : Pearl-
dent. Miss Hales D. lewd : cemetery •
Mame er. Mr. Wee Male ; 'emotive
onessaitles, Mr. C. M. Robeetsne. Mr.
H. Allele Mies Meadt bee 1l...
ped Witsos and Kiss Orr. Du*.
Nett Tuesday Yts. W. J. Roost, a He
turned soldier wise
*Meows the es~iet•-
1i IOU he. peed
A �collsSIlaa e
• w-
Wnrhe (tad (`rots.
Death et Me. P. J. Keil,.
Mr. Jobe Kelly received wore se
Setmay of the deals et his eldest
MO. Pte. Petrick Joseph Kelly. whirls
thaAlt ~diner* tailor. The
dy at dare's oast,.
ee.iaed. else was ie hie Ilittyrened
Oversees Sittaileo which • Wen is
The eeamie..refesd Meeebt
a tb tom. et r,. cues I SW Divers Jewelry SM�° GdetAcb
Jobs telly. Merle see* a
For *Mee work to fill 1.w p'..- . of
ern atm ear. gee ,n .n /04115 to rile
tient. YISM women 1 V ted. r the
eaw.try rear -rsk. by retro ioir to
late easkMoe V Mak- ad 50.trer
mereed neurons el tr..blK h. Boaa
be.eltrg. Ptba Oland and Al .•. ter tkm-
merMal -e now in rr.g►wwss,, admmated say 1 ism Ills.
et endow toe.
Northers Osgliaess College, Ltd.
owing mut: • ! •. 0144.
C. A. /L=1Na. Premien.,
Ow casae Irby we advertise is
Irta as a ctalara•
aeeabi tina shIll 403, Mir
Tie T.iwe otspodsso demi pee male T! `t • odd
Weds� ■■ Vi la sod Tait lstisssess..
Tt.i•lsa� polder wor▪ t
o pis sow r .
dorms. 10 ler 10.
POs4 SALE tl�
ideal for
the pur-
pose in-
tended. Light
or heavy duck.
No stretching.
Maximum adhesion.
Tell us your belting
1' ,e
To little hearts and big ones, too r
the Wrigley Spearmen are calling,
calling, every day:
Their message is one of good cheer
about this refreshing, beneficial g y
that costs so little but means so much
to comfort and contentment.
Send for the Spearmen's Mother Goose book
for young and old, illustrated in colors.
Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto
Chew If
after every
A/ar a In
against all