HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-26, Page 4•
4 TIPThilleaT. Oof. N MR
Walter C. Pridhaia's for
Money Saved
by buying at this store, because we are selling Over-
coats at less than their real value. Let us show you
our Overcoats made in Melton. Frieze, Vicuna. Chin-
chilla and Whitney Cloths at prices from
$10 00 up to $25.00
Our Special Order Department
A great selection of the nicest cloths to choose
frorn, made in any style. Prices $20 to $33.
Walter C. Pridham
2t1 Century Chilling, Saveable Hats
Phone 57 Godetrich, Ontario
Moors. Connor S. Alhn shipped
ton carload& of pig. Irons McGaw Ibis
Kneiuebt• Cb*.. Wilson &pent • tow
days but week at the howl of his
Mrs John \V+Iter hu returned
hove after spending the summer vie
The Saalts Coal Co.
• $.cee ron.:o Mchseagf• & Gledhill
We evil in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick. Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slab•.
Hemlock Skis, $2 per cord.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OFFICE PHONE - - - - 73
B. j. Saults' Residence 275
\V W Saults' Residence 202
Wing her sun. Leonetti. also bre two
daughters near Weyburn. Moak.
Some of the ladies of the Red Cross
Society met at the base of Mrs. A.
Johnston sod packed several Christ-
mas boxer for toe boys at the front.
Mrs. Goforth. of China, gave • very
ipterestinX and inspiring lecture in
Smiths Hill church on Sabbath let.
She told of the great work the mis-
sionaries are doing in Chios.
An iutereetlog event took place at
the borne of Dr. Joseph Hamilton last
Wednesday, when his daughter, V inlet,
became the bride of Mr. Wm. Johns-
ston, from near Blyth. About NA)
guests witnesred the ceremony.
lioweseeiers' Excursius
King Edward Cafe
(aOMeTNIMo mewl
Thr weather u now cool. People
causing to town can be •41% eat
Mol Coffee, 1 ea or Cocoa et Sc
Meals also served 36c
MtgM*t pries. pad for butter a.d mom
The best bete to town fur stabling
Joseph Murray
R eegM*a hespt • GOO( MC
WsorltenAT. Oct. •K.
Her. Capt. F•irfull preached in the
Baptist church on leunday.
Mt W. lC Paiteisou se able to he
out sheen after hie accident
Mr F. N.rgel. of Hru earl• is *pend-
ia, a tow days in the village.
Mn. Itckert Yuoabiut and family
mnvr.l ,.n Tuesday tv Seltfoed.
Mr. Forest Carter too Tuesday fin-
i.hed hi. meson's work et thre.biog•
Ve..re. J.rrph Lawson, K. Helselg
And J. H. Arrwhong had Blyth tele-
photos in++allrJ this week.
Thr Atrbuin Dramatic Club is to
provide the program for an entertain -
uteri et Pott Albert on NovemberSid.
patting nn the play retitled "rhe
Minister'- Bride...
Mn. liut'orth. r returned mierionere
'roan Hooan, Chine, aJdrered Knox
church t ongregatton on Sunday morn-
ing. telling of the nerds of ibe people
of the foreign field.
I'roepects art Resod for the location
f a barneeemaker in our village
Many who have been deprived of the
con TOO ieoce will appreciate the
opening of the &bop attain. A Dasb-
wond man was here the other day
looking over the grouud with • view
to lo•iting.
Tr1tMDAT. Oct. 'SS.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Garvin. of Godericb.
v ie.ired herr on Susday.
A number from Kbeo.see attended
set vice here on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mts. Melvin Reed, of Ash-
field, spent Sunday at Mr. James
Rev. J. W. Hedley, Misses M. Bailie.
Jennie Marquis, May MacDelmid and
Silk Thowpe..o .ttended the Kpworth
League convcotiun bold et Clinton last
Rev. %V. K. Hager, of Goderiob, con-
' ducted the anniversary servicer bete
os Sunday, preaching excelleut set. -
..mons both out Dint sled evening. Rev.
J. \\ . Hedley, t b. Nile panto.. pie/what
' on Sunday to the North buret coo-
gregetiou at Gudencb.
Mr. end Mrs. R. %V. Rysn ere mov-
ing this week to their Dew bone at
Gudrrich.. We regret to lose them
front our midst. but. they are followed
by the go)d wi.hes of their ttieode
bete for *any years of health and
bappiuees in their new hove.
Roard trip ticket. so point., in )lanitnba. Ss--
katchreae and Alberta. via North Bay. Corh-
ratt a..4 Trsn.o.onne• 141 Route. nt i • cbI-
(Ado. St Pial or Ilut•ttl,, na *alio rawh Teen3nt
uut11 Ilrtob,r 31.: in low fare.. "
Th'..gli Tourist Sleeping Cars to
WINNIPEG es above dates, lav-
ing Toronto 10.4 p .a., an change
of cars, via Transcontinental Route
Each.. -• or data of sal* Final r.turn I.md on
all tcket. December met
Hath r-•eryati wo and fill pa, t le.lar.
Gould Trunk ticket sMtem or wrt • li- dor°
use. Di.l rill em ssgerlapet. Teresa. (ant.
Tickets and full Lafortostintt on sin
plication to F. F. LAWRENCE S.
SONS. PhoneS.
Tutt.DA'.Oct. 24.
Nieces. -\Van. Thotupeuu, of the
(i. C. 1., spent ibe week -end at ba
souse here Robot Sprung visited
in this vicinity lost week The re-
mains of the late Klink Fitzpatrick. oe
Hulyrtxrd. wets interred in the R C.
t-emetery h re lest Saturday Mi.e
lona McClinchry retuuied to ber home
near Blyth lett week after a month's
visit with her birder, Mrs Charles
Robinson.. ...Mies Belly McAllister
visited Hlytn friends this weak.
Mit. N. P. IWUTARD the
agsat tar THa etellei at Duasa•aa
(rd,r. lift • H• Ve for *Ow Avco••.
adrertMeasema at JM pri*tiaa sal ts.
sieve prompt •aeetioe. Tslepaoeo
IOodeiW Herat) rSt•
WIENNInetiesT, Oct. 15. •
Mr. J. R. McNabb drove to Seaford'
tbit soak.
Mr. Thos. G. Allen is In Peterboru'
ibis week. on a such$.$ prospect.
Mrs. S. Deers left ton Monday for
Oodericb, *sere abo will road* for •
law weeks.
Mr. H. Reid arrived home Net Turf
day from the \Vset,wbere be hedspeot
the lest two mouths.
Mrs. S. K. klandetsou west to Wood
stock on Tuesday, owing to the 111oees
of her brother -in -taw, Mr. S. Innis.
New Brunswick Woman Says Use
Dodd's K,idee7 Pills.
St. Stelae., Kent Co , N. B., Oct. 23
(Serial) -'•I feel it my duty to tell
the public the great relief from bead,
ache and weakness 1 found in Dudd'r
Kidney Pills."
Thie is the menage that Mrs. Pat -
tick Williams of this place sends. to
suffering women all over Caned*.
Like tunny toner women .be. dislikes
Wilting About bee troubles, but .be
bel she would nos be doing right to
let others saffe r whets she haw .weed
ft OM her own experience bow great 1•
the relief and bow eat is the cure to
to he found in Dodd's Kidney Polls.
Nine -tenths of the weakneee end
suffering women hear w bravely
comes from sick Lidory•. The natural
cure is Dodd's Kidney Pine. They al-
ways core rack kidneys.
OYSTER SUPPER. -.\n oyster supper
undrt the auopicwo of L U. I- Nt . 15d
will be given In the °tenge Hall. lien-
{ miller, on Friday. Novewtwt
i Supper will be served flout 3 to ti p.m.,
• alter which there will he • good pro -
grew with breeches, readings, etc.
Adwiesron 40c sad 25c.
Watch for some Specials
Walker's Furniture Store
in the basement section.
Watch for change of Advertisement
next week. During the rush of Exhi-
bition week We have been too busy to
go through our stock and arrange a
more detailed announcement.
Oho s 7
ti . VALIZIR. ?_.;Iles and Ua&a al*
Mr. Mcltarlaoe• of Carleton Plwr•e. is •
herr at prevent visiting hie son. Mr. J. •
C. McFarlane. our popular inerchanL
Mike P. McLean arrived home on •
Tuesday from Winnipeg, where the
bad been visiting bee brother; Mr. W. •
MrIipan. She reports ber liter,
Mies L McLean. greatly improved in
bs.11 h. which is emptying' news to
her many friends bare.
Mtrreonwr Axil ERmARY. - Tn.
Methodist church anniversary will be
observed on Sunday and Monday,
November 12th and iSth. On Sunday, •
Rev. J. Vi. Hedley, of Nile, wilt preach
morning rad evening. sad on Monday •
evening abot fowl sapper wild be served, •
to he followed by as entertainment tor •
first -clam first-ctetalent h.s been se-
cured. Look for further announcement •
nest week. ,
PIONEER DEPMITE l,. -On Moodily •
evening of this week, there peaked I •
away et the home of Mr 'truest Duff_ I •
his son-Imlaw, one of Huron's pion
errs, in the person of Mr. Robert •
Sturdy, at the .goof eighty -tie year,m
and eleven oothe. Mr. Stordy bid
lived for the put twelve years in the
vicinity of Dungaaaon. Previous to
M of uA T. October '.rt.
News Norris. -Wild gees are
plentiful around here tbi. rear
Moen.. M k • Brnn1ge. Jack Mc -
pas thy nth" J.ibo P. $etliIaa retts►e.ed
how the \Neve last week .. . itr
Anne Hurley, of Detroit, i& viriting et
the home of Mr, and Mts. Morgan
Dalt es Miss Jester Dalton, of
Kenilwnttt, is/ home fora few days'
holiday* Mee Marie Sullivan, of
Guelph. ie 'pending • few days under
tee perental roof ......Mies Angela
Brnuby, ot St. Augustine. fe visiting
at the house of Mr and Mrs. 1'. M.
Sullivan Mies E.a B.nnlger, of
Riv.rsd.le, is *ratting Mr. and Mrs.
('on. O'Heilly... .. Mrs. John Hussy
ie very tick et the time of writing, but
we hope for a speed.' recovery -
Mr. Matt. Connor is un the sick li- 1.
The Shadow of
• Broken Health
this time, he resided in West Wawa-
sash on a farm near `tt. Helens. The
deceased was always of a retired and
unassuming nature, a good friend and
neighbor to all who knew him well.
His wife predeceased him twenty
years. He leaves a family of five to
mourn his lose They are : Robert,
of \Vfogbew : Walter, of Lucknow
Hugh. of Milwaukee ; Mrs. Lott, ot
Wingbam: Mrs. Ernest Duff, of Duo-
gannon. The remain* were interred
in Dungannon cemetery cn Wednes-
day afternoon. the service beiog
conducted by Rev. G (comm. The
following from nutelde points attended
the funeral : Mr. Sturdy, brother of
deceased, from Hulme&ville i Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Johnston, of (ioderich ;
Mr. and Mr*. Laidlaw. of Blyth : Mr.
and Mr%. George Sturdy and 3(1.
Henry Sturdy, of Auburn and Mrs.
R. Sturdy and eon. \Violiham.
Can Be Quickly Dispelled
Through the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
When the shadow of poor health
fellows your lib ; when hope begins
:o fade and friends look serious, then
is the tune you should remember that
thousands just a hopeless have been
cured old testored to the sunshine of
health by the use of Dr. Williams
Pint Pills. These Pills actually make
new, ticb blood which bring. • glow
Qf health u, anaemic cheeks : runes in-
digestion, beedecbes end backaches.
drives out the stinging pains of rheu-
matism and neuralgia, strengthens the
nerves and relieves as no other tuedi-
cine eau du the ache% and pais, from
which womaufulk alone suffer. In any
emergency ot x,r health give Dr.
Willl.me' Pink Pill. • fair trial and
they will not disappoint you. Hen ti
• case that will bring hope to man •
weary sufferers. Mrs. K. C. Taylor,
demi avenue, Toronto. says : "A few
years ago 1 wee so tun down with
anaemia that 1 could scarcely walk
shout the San.. and wag not able to
Ie.er it. 1 had no Dolor : m appetite
wen poor and 1 wen ennetani ly troubled
with headaches, dizzy epistle and gen-
eral dinnclinaties to more about or do
anything. 1 tried manyssdiciaes.
but none of them help d' s, sad my
friends thought 1 was is • decile.
Oise day • friwod wbo wee in to es
se asked if 1 bad tried Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. 1 bad beard of tble medi-
cine often. but bad ens vied it. 'o 1 de-
turtnined W sive it • trial. 1 oertakely
got • pie sial wipe ee for after ming
two hoses 1 come feel an latgeet e-
• ()outmodes
began to re=
Mn. J B.
Mary. spent
cousin, Mrs.
• Dr. Alex.
RI G I I T now is the time to look over your stock of
Hosiery and see what is needed for the corning
season. Buy your Stocikngs early so that you get the
pick of the stock before the lines are broken.
Fine all -wool rib Stockings, in all
silken for iris, boys and ladies. at 40c to
60c a pair. Hosiery that wears.
"Little Darling" in all sizes up to 7,
35c, in cream, black, tan, sky, pink and
cardinal. Nothing better for the little ones.
Plain Cashmere Howe, 8} to 10, 4(k a
pair. Hosiery of quality.
Plain Cashmere Hose, 8} to 10, 60c.
Pure wool and fine.
Heavy all -wool Stockings for boys.
Just the Stocking for rough wear and all
wool. All sizes, 41k to 60c a pair. They
wear well.
•.911 " the best Stocking on the market.
In sizes up to 9, 4(k to 75c a pair. The
Hose with a reputation.
Plain fleece -lined Hose for winter, 81
to 10, at 25c. This is great value.
Heavy ribbed Hose, in AMI sines for
boys and girls at 35c a pair.
Plain Cashmere Hae, sizes 4} to 10,
at 25c a pair. This is exceptional buying.,
Boys' heavy fleece -lined Stockings for
winter wear, in all sizes and only 2bc a
pair. A warm Stocking for winter.
Overstocking% for children in cardinal,
white and scarlet.
We specialize is Hosiery and take particular pains to have our stock
complete at all times. We carry everything in the Hosiery Zine.
voi J. He COLBORNE •
and atter a full afternoon tea was November for the aimesert to rte hold
served in the b•aement of the church Ch' bs.ement of the 111114116011cburet
and the party broke up after • pleas- •r•. A most rn oyabAlime .1 am-
Mrs. Joke Melee. Maw
meeting. Dona and Mr. Albert motored to Sea-
for tb sand were g
wens of Mt. and Mrs.
PORT ALBERT. Geo. 'Sherbert sod Mr. and Mrs.
PwRtawwrtts rsutr Tits E ORT d•optbter* Anna. (iter• i. .ole
h. Thoma nilcio, revs who bu to be about after an .'tack of ppw-
lo*en under the doctor's erre. is aria lfred Steen, monis Mir Evelyn Hayden
ween shout aairtWj.- w trek (rte the
*Dent the week -end with her mother
at London, who it improving in
V17est Several fishing ho.ta are built . Mr. Thomas Gwen has re-
modelled his hones.end rrmrntrd It
os the outside. Tbt- will odd much to
its conduit. Mr Will Biowa and
bie men are doing the work
ell of whom were lost, were hove well Mews Joseph end J,-hD Psllnw, of
known to us all A numher frim Sault •Ste. Marielent.. eill.d sits
around rtrend Sbrod(onatteoded Ifrieods around bo,ra (a t wok
Ibe tunreal, sir Mr.. \Van P Il
W ED:raS-' NY. Oct. 2i - 1 li arsield Mc('bael. Mr*. McGee in-
ap'odiog •law works with ber
in tort out of the etoriu.. ... Many
will read with sorrow of the lues of
the steamer Merida in the "•form Ia•t
weak. Several member. of her crew,
e ow. *r.. Our pubire reboul teacher. Mee. M•r-
•both fact..
Ft a many yeses he was *up.rintend- 1E1'1.'4 MrLiont.n, .pent the week -end
KIPIrEN. under the prrrut.l f
tun end he was • resident o t i• , home tow work after, a ten . m ntbs'
.eighh.irbood for court ye,'y , , , visie with .week of. Mr. Uickeon t*
MONDAY. Oct. l3.
McKay end deli ghter,
• pleasant week with ber
J obnsto°.
Moir le boiling a sale on
who w•.s well known in D
I.,.. at L.nrirr.
ant of Ow Sunday ....i al Sheppard- ,Mr Thomas Inrk..0 . ••.. arrived
Dost forest to reserve the . r looking very well. ..... .. Mrs.
i 'Theft's/ Dick.on, accmp•ni.d b
.-d M w
Friday.the ZJtb f 1., wbeo be will t 7 ber son• Tntsm • altered t
t j>!; jR : `WHY SUFFER } ding of her brot es, Mr, Melvin Reed.
offer fortbead of young cattle ,toe
e lle, on his earia t two and a -half
wilt• south east of re.
Mr. ?skein, our genial station
agent• arid his wife have returned
atter spending a pleasant holidev at
Poet Arthur and Sault rite Marie.
While away his place wee taken by
Mr. Roberton, of Londeshorough.
Last Wednesday, \Vebater Buch-
anan held en auction sale of .his farm
'tock and implements. The prices
realized were fair, thnugb cattle did
not bring as high • price es they often
do. on account of CDe scarcity of feed.
at wsms seemar r W Miss Oi•en. of Nile.
°r DUI Alai tees w totem
e air ,r- I.d. d • •e . The mon•hlv meeting or the Kint•il
prsa.sr.i laeesbe a• . branch f 1netitn.r will
sal ►,e.p.'s Yea irrt4e.
tr re.ar.d eta..• .t
...a ren 'be pose a KINTAIL.
:.•I.' w .... fir .. pent ,
o the
o.w who ere as present on the
heub/sld in Present. elle bride was
heeosingly attired is a dress of white
embroidered voile sed wore • bridal
veil sand's wreath of orange Woseo...
Rev. W. 11. Campbell .pole the syr
tic words that wade Sone man sand
wife. After nosigratulatiuss the
guests, to the number of about tory
repaired to the disiwg.ru Os• which
wee nicely deftest •d with flower, sad
foliage, and partook of a bounteous
repeat prepared by the bootees. The
preprints were very pretty. eonsiesiag
of gtaesware, ebiss, ..iverware end a
cheque from the groom's ptreote.
Tbe Arid. and groom left no the
morning train Thursday fax • tip to
(inelph. the beide travelling in' re mit
of grey whipcord end black velvet
AM. * ten re .aa lr
art` "aim•.e ...r.►
frrwi sad resew• r Ma
Mara hoop sent tar* ear w
pa. risk. sirs, r.e-lend
.Y1..t vee •eieiw r ar. r
Thi s..w...rswr t...d .. amu~.
Inoue_••& gid, . 4 war 1 M i law sn s? t-
srM M y.o,, v - t r1
t • •i i• . cw•.r• ar loom. seal Cow.
rr.. err. k..w.
If sen we
•air*rr..• sgJeauo
at R
HAYFIELD. nu r awCTAL NALOOsa- amide p
MEd .t war-aal t..awa't re r maa •••/,-
w t..aisril•. Yet
Mo:tDwY, OCL. Zi. rw'ial ren cid w Year a/wa4 •.g rho •
The e...... the is tanning part time cam torr;' .a. ma &r akar r"a"t how
tlr ww.M
♦v ono• r 's
be held at the home of Mr.. A B ekes t
on Tburoriet \u. Miser 2ud. A good
program i• . To- e,•d.
unleaded for hint week.1
Mr. Peter Fb.•hnr, •r., baa at rived
home fr ret the West.
We ere {.leased to hear that Mn.
Emmanuel dlilcbell i• improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Char ler Mandel and
tbeirdaughtrr. Lrota. and Mr. Hens -
men returned to their home In Krsex
en Monday after .pending • week at
I the proemial home.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
lent now and with reduced hands, ow,. 71ar *vert Fw+ F ten Mew was the ecese of a pretty wrd-
Ing to the scarcity of Apple,r..d wren••* r.. -o. .e m it danger of blood-polsonleg. Ttte sai-
. wasjaftisal Ow.awvrTAtlrT..rr..W••r•- din at 5 o'clnck on W.doetrbay even -
Mrs. Bailey and non b+ve moved I invent awrwa•d r W Ms:rr•rwp•r s. a filer who carrier a Dor of Las -Bek
tf*tr w. a rr,em Y. ere row, ren .- lege October tth, *bees )lies ids [illlwo 1D his porker will be awed ankh
into their fine new red -brick house and y+ emesAeaer. Cm. 1 C •
( Montrewl became the
are now enjoying its comforts and
mors Zass-little. They are n.idRg
for It la their letters bona
They My tbst nothing takes the
solace of Lam -Bok for cuts. bursas
blisters• eons, etc.
Pte. J. R. Smith of the 'Tetsaias
Pats." writes- " Tell n1. frlssds•
if they went to help me. to
some Zam-But. We find it very
useful indeed. and we rata get
too much of ft."
Pte. Jobnenn, writing home. says:
Mrs. - bee offered to send are
• rug. Ask her to send nom* L•s-
But instead 1t will be of mere
nee here than all U' rugs la
Nothing ends pain and heal so
quickly as Zam-Ilk. and beteg
germicidal, if applied to • wound
e s soon u sustained. prevents all
r= wr&p•t i.r /w uurrtwr. It needlrp euffertng. noel let Twee
w 6e' r F .aria...* •e e brute of Mr. F.Award Mew. To the g
the edd•n march played
oven arsines . .a
Mr. Hes 11 Johnston eau operated . e,a.•.___ r la s r
a sarwY• si i.: