HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-26, Page 2• Ta1:7116DAT, lit-118.tela
Wilk,t .few
preset' tweets month atter month;
sad year ether year, and trtsudm of tee
:tat u'nalista are gives contracts to II •
keep the traitorousprealive. MI
__ the is [ling every loyal heart with
fol OM. law deals[ .. DRIVING THE HUNS BACK•
TUB •1tiM11. !>alM17I�
I. afraid tc
Letters from the Front
1The present Governorate
overs - ---
PONLIIISINatifight Hourasa, as Law ter foulest bis Gamier "lack' Rebores Writes (rem A Newsy Letter kenPreece British
_sa essrais t TCt IMAM al ver Tb Suitt to IYl 1 and on
other occasfona And I Fenner
I a •• PMyjo•, • Nave It Al Oyer the Hew
.em the e.>, y eru a TeMpts• Ne >• yet papers like The Toronto :['ewes
tn'et J Y. 1t. bertr,
lvisca++r+u>r rar'fra-lncte tt. sod
.ole osr year : If pawl •tnetly to adr 1. tie .
(wlwwu�w•msyuad:to .as.srtto" Obit Laurier is respusstl.le for Bour•
nut•. tae rata t• [las Uoilar . Y%Ity WM.vat — _
O.ate strictly in Menem IG.►«i
deU te octet•• Tea ear •i. resvarty by �
use [ebb- I Sir Thomas Tait, who was recently
spp.inted by the Dominion Bovero-
ernes '
esu w Mrs. The following paragraphs east ex-
�, have the sublime impudence Ue news[ Rul erta, of Uodericb, bas written • ; treats frees Imams reereved from
letter to Mr R. IL Sellowe. trees Busibeedkr Reg. Flee, moo of Mi.
whom The Signet received perwi•sion and Mrs J. S. Platt. wire .a with •
to putlisb the following ehtr•cta : battery of artillery in Vtase'e
Away over bete In France we Cana- fires been bury treadling the lain
meat "Director of National Serviat- life touch leer weeks and have revered cwrsider-
wtUowMr •beer ►7 •.0q$Mir.m�a t ��+N hen
sr of the het ale•. le limited. . bottb old .ad
I; climes d taint++
Um two sparest mteeM M mire. revltPuy
w side by 10.11• mere. it t
. eo.t- t 01 thew
or rl1btyrrd
Vvanrstro Teatms—alemetter dimple, and
seta t Lelven letessal. MU be emsasal •ed deils d eert1 agree-
a. est* per lye for err [.mems.a and tear
••stn err Ute tee feet eabsswit teens
tlea..med b a male et res eesvreU
-1 weave
Mtwe wire les iama.m• teed. of six lies
lirise , idler• per
fttn, year.
• nates
'. ae.et•dat.etlt..a Weerresod&R4ure tee Sake tc
to newt, r'v. e for frets worst[ Peet.. Artiste.
emr CW11 . race wertisemeris ( m ewer for timet
a.. (`sem- fest tem fe ••
J tri s w M•4-
advertheemonte erdiaaryt,pe Tea
0 emetempebe..uWetails:set tkm im TT el
• Leider w wener-
dee MaMds. le b. con ea elvver-
Ib.ment •.d ob.r.d.eareneegle. stese ,f
coa.wru■o.rr*z-T V t Leve-
e d toward. Nelda( Tun time se • easel)
meaty aid dletrieter�meg�!• ems
iiesof all least ease tt es -
Was tt. a eta M suand mmit • the wetter. mat
e m rlt tomer ea I
'� d arse trite Now. r Ma Mesh*ed iM°k sees
eatlee. bet as an
arexat sees mat Meer Mae wdafela, its
of saes work.
After the war has bees in progress
virtually chairman ot a national re-
cruiting committee -baa rationed the
position owing to interference from
the Government with the appointment
of a secretary. Mir Thomas is a Con-
servative and has tome than a coo.
[oatmeal reputation as a successful
business organizer . but he could not
see much chance of success in a pod.
tion in which be would be subject to
,petty political interference. The pees-
est Government has bees working the
p+t'OOye .ystem for all •it w worth.
I but bare was one place -a national re -
emitting r,ttamitter-where even this
Government. ore • would imagine,
would put partitan•bip aside. Not so,
however ; nod. Laving gained an Ink -
hug of what was to hs expected in
Also way of pielitieel meddling, Sir
dies lana are 11111trnrlfK • able .4 France. We rued. route eat
hone, lime. from what of lough •t our rhe tri bytrain •sd teed our borers
bumf• land. 1 hew,•tteo thought of the p
nearly pleasant eiowrnt• spent to con. the renuesider. It was rather tiresome,
venation in your studio and have de- I as we bed to be oo the trio,* plenty of
tided to spare a little tine this [tort- I morning@ before dawn said travel all
ins( in an endeavor to pro a tow of my Iday. Believe tees we sure eteeyed
tape. i -acre, as I thine you may tlual our sleep at alpha*.
tense i•ltrtmt ID knowing mumecbie•g 1
nes is an tstereetosg part of hie
*bout the way the boys lire who are line. Our guns •re firing all the time
over here trying to do lbeir "bit." :and they keep is bury travelling up
there web aesODitioO. They are
Atter a rousing farewell we raw the es
in wenches recently occupied by the
last of our dear uses et C) O01 g eta- troUeruoan.. The treocbee have been
lion on the night of lune 13th and I constructed with great labor, some of
might raid it wan coo.lderatde Intel them having dugouts tblrty feet be -
wirers ,be gond-byes were over, for l low the aurinne of the ground, and
who could toll what 1tutor was sun ? practically •bell -pros•(.
Der trip to England was a plearent I They beer pose Frits every way.
our end nem• made without any est.- , Every oh•.rv•eios balloon be puts up
bap.. Our wroth it lenglend was 'is destroyed immediately unlearn al
plra.aut end we enjoyed our stay in eueb a distance awry from ibis line
that eouree y exceedingly. We were,[bat it is not of meet service. ata very
drilled much the same .;;i
en Canada, few of Dir aeroplanes ever recurs from
oily we had ..we extras to learn and lour lineswhen Oenventurentureber of vertr.
we could realise [bat we were being ll' alarge
peered tbroegb our lines today and
they teemed to be phoned with tbeir
except en oeea.loaal thee burettes,
but It is esrtritlly ushealtby up then
at times. Howard says Frits sent
over gas • temple of therm but the boa
respirators counteract a•y effect it
might have.
lite country M joist looking of lis
very beet. surd then are sums aplewdid
wooda is the seirrbborbeod. ( was to
use piece yesterday where it was
hardly poesible to tel the d,Qwenee
h around the river .t buwe. It
wan • noir bush of oak. eltu and Sr,
sod benestb tbeoe was a great growib
of ferias sod mew [Walking .hong •
road you could hardly believe we were
not at home on our w• down for •
swine and In fact we did bevy use la a
pond back to the hush. The whole
,Rau le pretty suucb the same es 1'
the oid buyboud days wheal we curd
to go camping, and moot of the old
crowd. web as Harold Ewen, Roes
Rutherford, Jack Roherta, Oban{* and
Howard, .re mol so vee y oar away•
•-1 had • care from Nowa day se ss
ago, syiug he was wounded in Obs
right arta and bead, but neither was
.eriou.. although he was on bis way to
• Bligbuy.' McQuess. from BsuesSeld,
and Russell from Obs old bei Ambul-
ance crowd also were wousded.
"Hugb Kay and I have been Ansa •
couple of times to see nus 1riesde at
the bakeshop. They seemed ailed to
see us ••lain. and were quite et•sesrw.d
about Rues end Mlles KusselL I bays
bees intending to take Army Iasis,
Charlie and Howard setae foe a feed.
but can't manage -to get away at else
same time It ie Ise to be Is • district
wbere we can get a good equate meal
oar. in • while and if the .resppaeaa 1.
good eo much the better. The thimble -
ben its are • great trop this year, amid
with milk •ud eager frees • distant
farmhouse we Ind them a gnat
tree t. "
Thomas promptly and resolutely de- gradually tougbened to the work in
cline(' to act. 1 In his place Mr. R. a Wore for us. Ins. 4bere were quite •number of
dee eaa-
Bennett, Conservative member of Par-
liament from Calgary, will act as di-
rector of recruiting.
Peace has its tragedies, as well as
war. 'Ibe toes of the steamer
?deride and its crow twinge mourning
to u,auy Uoderich homes The tan.-
ilies bereft of stalwart young sons
have the sympathy of all our towns-
We tette off our bat to Toronto for
Its wagn.ficeOt contribution of tbree-
quarters of a million dollars to the
British Red Cross fund. Tbir means
$1.51) per head of the population of the
city. Godericb's coetrihutios does
not average .5 eects per head.
Lord Robert CeeA, the British
Foreign Ender -Secretary. has declared
that ••the British (iovernwent is per-
fectly s.ti.fled teitb the precautions
taken end arrangements made by the
C'an,dtan (. ,vrrnruent with regard to
r.ickil-" The British Government Kiley
be satisfied. but "Bally" Mcl.ran i.n't.
over two years. Sir Wiefrid Laurier
has been invited to co-operate through
• Parliamentary committee in the
work of recruiting in Caoada. During
these two years Sir Wilfrid has made
many recruiting speeches, while the
inactivity of the Premier aloog this
tine has been marked. Ric Wilfrid re-
plied to the &iovernment'• invitation
to the effect that be felt he could do
better work in his own way, as hereto-
fore, rather.tban tbroughthe proposed
committee, referring to the rewgnatino
of Sir Thomas Tait as national director
owing to political later -
et recruiting
foresee: The Conservative organa, io
their usual way, are trying to make it
0th' unpat malt found ever ywherr I have tb • di.tnc.t.
Hoe:. Aim h ice stoat and [bough now sun along bele h
in declining to M tied up to •cam I'maimed uprigh', practically un-
mittee which. if it followed the course .cat bee. Dees it Ont .tem ms if • it ie forced down by our ale weep.
of mane other committees and cos- 1 H•ghe, Power was trying t i tell us or NV, have it over them every way.
tench us ienoething ? Toes idea bas so All our artillery pounds awl. ve their
After two months of lite un oflfeers atmte ngst iberu.
visa in bnglend I {owned that Mr. I Sed tanle M.eeon has bmso rran•feerd
Lean, our taunts. bad been [tre.. to our �tery. He has been over
y at mos bas aeon lent o oe. u
I sande the unmet to be attachedhe rid brother hat been with the battery
the same unit, as also did my from the sleet.
Doo Sinclair. wlureame over with me. •,•hat battery Harald O1'arr•nee and
We volunteered tegetber and thee the reef of the boys are with was up
eftersonn our kits weer packed sled near our old position weir Ypres, hut
soon afterwards we embarked fora (.tip nhey woven in :Not before we left and
across Chaonrl. France loomed out in 1 did not have an opportunity of see-
the `loom early one
morning ing biro. 1 believe for are now deltic
and 1 found emelt the first of the y
!here and I may nee hies yet.
tor immediate *levies to a battery • ' • Isere with the iufuotry fora ear and
reed the bow. Oo lear'iag this I fight
draft to set foot on Preach soil. I Our wagon hues are close to • large
After • few days of movies shoot , town which the Huns shell every day.
we landed at lest ■1 our battery. The There i• a large church in the centre
boom of mare guns esu new to •1. and -.of it which has formed a apeeial tar -
we fount it rather hard on the natives. get for their .big guns. The b.dy of
Dmitri our trip scrota France we the churoh it in ruins hut the teeter is
realised in some degree the horrorsstili •Leading. There is a large sesame
and misers- • t war. %Ve tramped se the sup of the tower suspended by
through rsllagee which could only he its belle and hanging over the street
reeogntaed by a few scattered hricke below at rlgbt angles to the tower.
aid perbape an oeep•iemai wail Hue, Local talk bas it that the war won't
was once part of a good home, tow • be,.Soi.bed until the image falls.
,Hass of ruins. Shell hetes, 1 eel. and The British here all the heights of
appear that there s something * are on i
i- in Sir Wilfrid's refusal: but inde- noticed more then once that where We have •wh line of observation
ear c m. o balloons 0o Inst and plenty of
pendent opinion will justify his course Ie.elle- u/ Obs ground the crucifix still arropl*nesdirectiag our Ire, while the
1 Hun. no Looser get a balloon up than
---- monists ■ppoioted by tbie Govern- often U5 S0I l my wind. - Imes continually and I dont see u
The Austrian Premier ha• been as went, would accompli -b notbing. In fiber d Is t pieced our
*assumed by a Rreialet bert,tse ot boa
damned We ere living in dugouts now and fiber hoe is just &r
to cr•mveoe the Au -urian Par f th (iegt tong by tb le to rr ' of here the lend to teach it. One bet a -
liament. Though the ineede
sty seen at. vert+
w of consolidated
feat. the l: overtment it -elf amn alreadv beet had uerasiun to appre- 11 butte and the infantry here to
r v.lue r weer n t
fit hes the protect era I r eros
bed into the front line in
nth the [[croon which R
Sir Tbonas T -it. I tor• voter •and the far -in¢ is ra_hee 'broad daylight, reached that sod kept
mltar. 1 tm b e N knowuntil they reached
e nes e u over
caused the resignation of I .ng h h•.r F'. i'z tent tie a •w o, lion marched only an indirect ronnection with
war situation, it may be an indication �__- -
of the attain under which the people GOO -SPEED, 161 ST 1
of Austria are laboring, with the Hut
sows, the ifcttma'i'•* '.�,. the Tare -'•Lead. Kindly Ltth-.-
ItaJia'e ell bettering at their doors. 1, Huron men • Now at mad tree for war'
•s Clod --peed o er .ea. !
General Sir William it diertson, the The f.»weU Meer. are echoing atm.
Co tit Dercital, Shadow' sad
Telegraphy Do sawmills.
Prudent• may enter at any time.
We putt graduates in po.ttiooe.
During J my end August we received
applications fr r over 210 aasietante
we could not supply. Write fur
our free ratalague wt one*.
D. A. McLACHLAN. Pr+acipal
ow ver. alerigto goingt on
1 that the Gerusaas are trotting ten of Fritz' litre endpied part of bas l
oar *bell. to eery one he sends over. [retch. In Bowe we bas
but. Retiree we, if be *bents he bqe 1 occupied we nee fest un smtboni-
� Tim his shells jets[ drop like bailato'em. 1 lion during the day. but bet. we just
However. he is gradually [wing driven i anthte whers we plet►ee.
hack io bks noon land and with beery , stew one of those "'ant*" wbicb are
f k h uta* eta
They gal over trenches end through
1 .s -s. Just f ew wee a ago e I mentioned quite a bit in the p.apen.
ti.. w.i a .mfottaNy jnsi ober' l veto
N'e Deed oar knee.t writing this letter. 'morninghi
40 tNobly m for hero•. rail to you; p�
'almost any ogr-iii . They look bks
I t of the war. tion was i,upreguwl.he, and curry day •huge slimy grub when moving.
Addressing a'tethering in London nes l. ve. 1 have a.
British Chief of Staff. does not loot. for an early termination . W reach. grown esti brew, Lees wbicb sr
[ rid bot ��°be is hooking
seen v sir duels and more
week, be *Aid Ti.m end, of rousse, i,ew- bat •day eine. p••cv w*. tri. m• air than one "F.i' est hes dropped neer l LIKE THE HOME COUNTRY.
is not in sight. 1 would ask you to tier Heron- flekt+. 1 u•, We 11•• mei. ni any primenen'
rememier it took two years to begin. , The ester.. old oboe ooild-how..o rare• 1 palm, to the rear 4, Our burs are much
We have just got :hrough the begin -1 HI.•words .ed -hleldw, finer -looking chaps.
ming, and the stage we ate now in lel Toah• west far fame -bete is the [amt aid I Las week a hi j ebe'1 t+ndr'I j.itf
tc e -t. .eat three r r boors feet t• -nand ores end
what I think is the middle. 1 don't 1. this • dream 1 Tbs., •1: in khaki dressed f it m e et sero tab. 1e tented
r eed
care much for the question what the'eee bark -aria[ ba. rung •roe cat store 1 g y
end will be.. Let us concentrate on tide us mean• 1 ...seeped with • small
Where Heron roe-. piece of shell to n.7 bin end a slight
the needle, and the end W;11 come yese rail oak. beard in mart. 1 place end store; •bark. After gee ing dressed eta Red
when the enemy is beaten. He ran' TM rhumb cell toll.. 'tiro« station and getting the piece test
sty• h for a ay or so
Daegaanae Bey Reminded el Boyhood
Days by Ereperiews in Belgium
Following are extracts trout a letter
received by Dr. T. K Case. of Dun-
gannon. from his son Benson. wholeHw
with the Canadians in elgiu. It is
dated September 27 •
"Received your letters and Rapers
only be beaten one way-hy hard h ra the bleed. no ran both seem out I went eat the rear cland was e
I herr. an0.
d then returned to duty. Another about • week •g
fighting .-' _ou Herm. os ! Oe i. the :n
great •eck ' I day F, ill spoiled my dinner by put- indeed w get the bone stews. We ase
- -
-entre stem . L H. nu. ting a pier•e of ihrapoel into my lunarhaving things pretty quiet in ibis Iwo-
The4onduo Advertiser makes ed -I Hamilton. tin Still I am in the land of the liv- tion compered with our boys further
s :c wonbe long
leered comment upon the losses in
lest week'+ storm on Lake E. ie and
asks whet lesson was learned from the; Last Sunday'was occasion casion of the
V.+wrth Lee gtu annivet sat y services
ing. The other chap who was a few down the line, lea
feet sway from me on the day I was before the winter will make quite a
bit was mutilated terrihly and will difference in the lighting.
tint return to dutylaw night a 1e1- "I saw Howard about ten day* ago,
and as his gun was out of •at los be
WW1 1114• to get a little time ort. We
went up to the ubwrvstion pit and
had • look at the enemy's Irnt-tiss
eroticism. There wasn't much doing
octet donu't's of November, 1Y13, in i in North street Methodist church and low in a dugout about fort• y
the way of eliminating risk of life and the occasion was merited hy in.pirin away was blown all to bite. Bit our
property engage.1 in ibe learn, of the' sermons by Rev. J. W Hedley. 0 eeent position will he infer town, se
I.ke.. "Unn
ne wundere if toed* are not I Nile. hood egregatip
ons were poet- i tbeGermans are being drieen fattber
too beast', if .term warnings are not est at both "Tine"'"Tine"' away day.
disregarded and too much risk taken;
to get an extra cargo through. Wheel
of construction ? Has it been settled
that the lake type of freighter. with,
its cern engine,. is safe? Are the
lengths toxo great. and is inspection
sufficiently drastic e'
Hoo. Walter Scott, rebore resigna.1
tion of the premiership of Saakatcbe-
wan, owing to ill -health, was an-
nounced la.t -week. is succeeded by
Mr. William Melvilie Marti', who bas
repre.rsted the oo.Mituency of Re-
gina in tJfe Hotee of Cbmmuoe at Ot-
taws since 1811 [Shite he is • native
of Norwich. in Oxford cou.ty, the
Dew Premier pest his boyhood years
at Erste-, i• thin county. his father
being Rev. W. M. Martin. for tamely -
six years minister elf the Presbyterian
churcb at Exeter. His wiles • mew
iw of the Thomson family of Yite)e s,
Premier Martha is not yet forty yeses
of ase. He i. • progressive Libeed.
able .sd c,-.selestiowt ..d ulnas bis
geld'oee teaekatebewaa will net be
fogad laggtas h the [rear.
see Tweet. Weill weastimw Who
ort wap ...1I $blas easier. Drwesl•g
Ow peltbal sitwatiss. e.peeiaRy with
gwh m.oe t. Qisrb.r. it gays:
.11i• tbm. M • beard d _.sews at
43ltaoa whist' gats ...rya. . pale.
Willie • bade baellea Alm at ebm
Mad el the Oros Lakes i
ittermensen _serine .re the gios,
gm sena w No
�� go,p Wee 164,11111•111 l
b.b [throe. • is bit
bio nbttorS
Principal repayable let October. 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly. 1st April and ltd October by cheque (free
of exchange at any chartered Bonk in Canada ) at the este of five per stet
per annum frorn the date of purchase r nein
Holden of ens stock will hove the pnvilege of surrendering at W
accrued interest. as the eauivaknt of cash. in payment of any allotment
made under any future war ben wore '}n Canada other than an noise of
Treasury Bills or other like short data
Proceeds of this stock are for wet puiposse may.
A ooas airimn of e..•gtlester of nos per term }i1 be allowed to roost
aimed bead and stock brokers an allotments heads b re•Pe t of al)ppicatidlla
ler this stock which bear their stews. 1di of llasbane. Ottawa.
For application Mow apply to the D. zty
osranromor.off rain tis. �~~
Tinning of All Kinds
done promptly, thiroughlr and rea-
sonably. We'll repair or renew
your roof, put your chimney top,
leaders. gutters or cornice in first.
class condition.
Family Repairing, Too.
if you want it. Fut a new copper
bottom on the stab boiler, mewl all
kinds of leaks in tinware.
Fred Hunt
Special in Wool Blankets
TWENTY-FIVE pairs of beauti-
ful white wool Blankets, soft,
fine and pure, also same in silver grey
with blue borders. Largest, double
size, • 66 x 88 inches, worth $8.00,at
per pair special $6.50
Pillow Cases, special per
pair alt. Made from good,
white sotto.:, nicely fin-
ished, ready for use, 40,
42, 41 inch width.
72 -inch plain, bleached
Sheeting. heavy, soft, pure
stock, per yard 2Sc
36 -inch i.onadale Gatbric,
worth 2lk at,per yardISe
36 -inch stripe Flannelettes.
Splendid choice of old stock
at per yard 12}c
Cottonades and black Den-
ims, heaviest and best qual-
ity at per yard 3Sc
Carpets and Rugs
Wilton Rugs in all lead-
ing sizes for any roosn
or halL The present
stock is good and every
Rug is from old contracts
and bought at prices be-
fore the recent large ad-
Axminster Rugs
All sizes
Special Values in Furs, Hudson Seal and
Seal Plush Coats
The fur -buying season is here and a splendid array
of new Furs ready for the season.
sea Plosh Casts
(Salt's famous best quality)
45 and 50 inches long.
loose back with ripple
skirt, new flat collar and
deep cuffs, satin -lined.
Special each $311.63
Mick Fel Fe's
In great variety. selected
Skits, Stoles and Scarfs,
all styles. at each
$12, 81k $26, Pi and $3S
Black Fox Muffs to match
above Stoles, all shapes, at
each .$1S, $111, $25 and $3S
It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
'akin( SEEN
FARE $5 22
•� '~fir„
ire•" "p^ - -_�� +�` • .--
• `-`s/• sea d -- 17I. Cees[
heIc , ei�w e. hi
ea sed wets of las w.dd.- �4 ea.�+
Vans r or mew --- s Mess siseew- -- "CRT OF 8WYAL 74.
BUFFALOithas 1� lst to Nov. lif f
t..Z'. ed.... , - 'S. *-:*11:* #; Lllw.ii fi•
aQfr�.t�tJw . 112: 1 sM.� �c:arasfrat.tisr.e..'~ IY �et.�a + sf d fmirtr..i im2.
..,r,-•'!1. as rear sew t fes Wmw.YC. ra.Tw.�we•r•
_1 "`.p.i.74,1.4-7.4.0)=.1- r•ane..vieseaeilY.9w...l /MG=
P., s 0.4
t..+t.t r.-.
~, oi •AL" T3At441T
Ct.- -id. O!r•
m•w+'m►� spies,
maga W
"It's a pleasure
Illi[ hoose
br Telephotos"
Winning Friends by Telephone
Inayj sem gogt �It.itkstg moa face to loins." mrd a boiers
- rmay, ss be up his reoeiwer deer a toliharle
veristisa; •' bat the way be tabs over the telephone typhoid
the wools orgal isr • that Th
' 01 they always *swim etrar7
quer.tios i smelt . They .ewer beep yes
,to tis a palatial ir�er[1t 11s
?On lime to say. lb sore that year taWbi
tsgaests will bears Ira gest gI[slik."
libet web as soll etilliAr
:Imams by those who dael *Atli you
�enats + epi `ogbind end haaeeorl
The Bell' Telephone Co.
_J •