HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-26, Page 1beadle yam Pridtiag work, large or small, sad give yin a satisfactory .jab every tine. Lst a have yam melt order. *t1T'T.IOYIT$ TW-O•tt(st GODERIOH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCT. `26. 1916 at e. Tf AN K THE STI . OF CANAD tea~" ml SAVE, Because -- One of the chief elements of succuss is the saving habit. b' AUCTION $ALD UOTION RALI< OF A LAROB MOVes USI T. DAVID'S KE1T.9()I/bLNI R. I am traumas& by MR-. A. 6. WWII ALD wooer pee .eta W marls *mise M tie last hew, a< Lam( • 4e55 tNlYtab. • inR. TV USDA T. IL O$LR film. at LP r m-. the prow'F .rmrrttag d port d lot -. at bsvtr ems w 1b s Is a realomms, hers mat*Iaiaa themes slab seeder* eeurerwtme•e• F .Ae 'steer oho Iea{he report,. be eseswe doe M lA* *ewe W welt aiaptet am a bearebe bssa's. Pesm ass sear gives at maw Tonna --Teo pin meal Barb at time et nab. Waage la'rorty (Tars. er a psetMa seam .erlm 1 T Vin FOUND STR. MERIDA LOST WITH ALL HANDS ON LAKE ERIE IN FRIDAY'S STORM. Nine Goder ch Men M the Crew - Bodies .1 William Bogie art David Corbett Recovered, and *•arch Being Made lar Oboes*-BMrm1 Fatal Heavy One. Yederteh has bora widened tib week by the sews of the loss of tb. •eeamerMeride. which west doers 1• Lake Erie on Friday last with all 'erode. IN her crew of twenty-three `Do fewer than ulna were from Coda• rade. sad 'tensity, and the dieter is keenly felt here whore the boys were so well known. - Trte eine meesbers of the crew from tbb ppaarrt weer RODERiCK McDONALD belle` at the tiles ot writiao IThur'- day) truly two at the Uoderieb orals had been found.. Melathes of the sen &a e M DOW* *rid Toledo seeking Duma of the Ioet,Aaiture, but up to the press.' en drealee word has been re- mitted here. Vag the 'bat were rr- °evered were Eery Uorbett and Wlll- tam Bogle, w bodies arriving bare i/M even Um. 'Ibis friar rat of \`'ilium Bogie will take place from the family remdeaar, Lake Mere road, Colborne, temotrew tFriMy) at Y 911 p. L. W Onittoreeeeseatage, and that of David Corbel& free' the boom of Mr. sed film M. IbM0. Welts clic.'. tomor- row at 9 a, a tin "at. Petee'e chines •ad themes to tee IL C. cstn.tory, Whore*. A SI N& Vessel. eDUNALD, eon ot Captain Malcolm McDonald of the tut Q1irsT 16th• NL►R BIRD H ty-eight years O.,. Horton. a was 'wen w rut Dress. • s. I of age. Hie lir other, Donald Mc Doo- ms" t err. Mat to aid, was lost on w steamer We:lord h.am• tab elm ash 'w the tint storm of November 9. ward, i R lOtlT.-A LADY'6 UMBRELLA. 19Li. flue yeah wpb c.- engrave•* se ha ahs. ANOUM MURRAY, tbirty- ►► eee /ai reea•• t(gg Haar' other ret.+. to of age, eonof Jabs Murray. Gloucester T R7NJM 11FF1('s 1 It ' Terrax ANGCSORAHAM,thirty•tonryears FURLIC NOTIC L 1 of alts. cos of Mrs Catherine Usbha® Gloucester and brother rias --- n eoea. ionaL 1 Advertising the lile of trade. Thr must 0 eoccesSIol business oven are in- variably gaol advert errs. II you have anything to well, tell *bust it to the columw of THF. RIt1NA1.. !RE a1m1XAL PSLRTli W 0a. lam' R•auaasa - - THE LADS 1N KHAKI. WITH THE 161st HURONS MY Tie yogi*(" awe morrv,tp••i1•at ) C Mr. and Mn. Willl•m Uoodeeell ia- Ooderich, have received a teleg All fdieradr woe invited to ono I;AMr Buiugtr, lkt YA. ideating that their..on, Private Joseph, 1 Get a r.p.,etitwt for 10 .l. (.M Of the During the pact three weeks the Goodhue, bad bees admitted to late- dtr'st-t a mit luta is. totem P. J. Pthe Battalion completed acuurse pita( The motel •'tuaird" whish was h•w•s clothe" veal Sites dt t.r you. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The annual oommofatemewt e:ettieea Of Central eebool will be held at the ecbool un Fa delay evening at K o'clock. etd- Iu w ea The l du a acquitted y al the rifle rant tacked or to the end of .1 meesaRm Mayor McLean and a number of mss acquitted tberued.o very credit - tort made there fear that Air death!otberycilisew are at Comp Borden to - •sly sod were eouomeoded particu- brie resulted Irina wounds, Mit a the j d• on • Visit or the Hurooe before Iwrly for their range discipline. The ttasa+ata is iso unlike the ki h ;b!tt tb j (ears cant for sir eastern point. Ming was dose at one. Iwo &WI three buodr•ed yard* range with the mark 3 Roes rifle. Most of the practices (were 'tuber sn.p•ebootitg with ahs, five. or four seconds allowed for each soot, ere o rapid fli ing when tie men ex- pected to load and fire tin shots with - ID a minute, the target disappearing at the end of that time Sergeant Woodley. of Uoder'cb, made • porible et one practice, making fifteen bulla - eyes with Mown abut.. A number of other Ooderich teen made tome eery close scores. The men were all towed with mili- tary jack-knives. housewives and a package of first aid field dressing last week. On Wednesday last all the men of the Battalion were inoculated. Thule - day was practically • bol. is the The •teaser' Merida -was N) feet bag. 3,349 groes tone, with • afoot beam and a dr of *1 feet- She was eoaetroned b W. Wheeler A Co. at Bay (sty. ' Kw, for the , Oil- cbriat Steaasehlp rummy, under the adore of which PRe operated until • year ago, when Mall was purchased by the Valley (.ampbipCompany, wags ranee" in M (lend and Cleveleeio. Mr. James Mayfair, of Midland. ono of the best-knot/In marline men 1n the ((rtes' Lakes ejlbpiog interests. is general magergem the company. Tb. Merida, wlecb was c,oetructd in 191M. wise models in every rt•+peet. After Marion the slurkeat, Bay City she was oonUDSO$PIy engaged in the upper lakes ilas. Although she had been In comrulssioo for .oma years, she was considered one of the staunch- est steel s Besets on the lake.. The oommereial vane of the Merida, mints the colas. is Poilmated at 'Jibe• (PJ). She was tally cuvertd by imur- etiow. The (Harm's T.U. NNUAL MEETING. John Graham, who fishes out of ()ode - rich ever] amasser. He was wbeels- V►iar ___ _ted ass)assreverses mum a : bleb 05 tYe ill-fated vea.el. mat _____a Rsmt. masa) ta.e rs mut r .r.t St... ,ski WILLIAM BO(i1K, twenty-three het esp.: ilia art 1. wine f r eeaaeraawerse s4I mmtias 5f tr OSdwlab years of age, son of William Bogie T{metieeatu.l e.alaly wtbe.fer+rhrM .droo sags t M' A. O. MaDON ALD1 T. ate ' FropelMeer. or w w !Ihep trWar ev..laf, N. lath Ttn. at as o'clock. Al. JOSEPH O'(X)'1NOR, chief engineer the Me• iners to the cess' rasa Aid of Matthew O'Uoo- u bursae. of the Merida, sop J t triR.tITVN, Prsmitsst. nor. Kingsbridge. RM. LANL heret.rs• WILPKBD AUSTIN, twenty-two paearlal OesneM M. ties. ' years u( age, son of Philip Austin. T1NDIRBw*.TIID.-THR CODE- Uodorich KKR RURAL T[LEPRIP4I CO.. LTD. DAVID LUKE OURBETT, forty- Austin. rty- pt)R A 8T[TEM OF Je} PHONES. DAT ANL .even years of age, broths r RIGHT SERVICE Michael Tobin, Wolfe street. Ha was last -- employed at the Union hotel b, Twtebiasad lswsllatMm.mem. winter. JOHN QUIGLEY. twenty-three 141 or ell Woe oesatrsd. • years of age. son at William Quigley • Jisq,ea.ttaad long esmerywe sad 1. of King•Lridge• end nephew of Thom - W. Operator.. rd. ermstrry-Wwww. arke ewder:' well r re." e. 4..d bye t td (11SaTt)%. See -Treed- as Quigley, of town. twenty-two 114. .ris& Reed t einphnoe ( . Ltd. Nig. 1 ,JOHN O'CALLA HAN, y reser. rVara of age, son of Dan U'( *(ishan, OF 600EKICH- TVbiueburcb. TOWNNone of these men was marded. TAXES. 1916 Capt. Jones. of Buffalo. the muter Iof the Merida, was well known hers. Tasty ter tecta ere mew r•yabb rime= season and Capt. Jones was here for AUCTION SALA to TALUA/LA FARM 1M 9ODifua* ToWN- Iter the p•rtare of mow, ea TIM ZETA TIE OY Tab LATS JAMES RAT sell V paromere of "tie erase 'trio la IM aadsesaa Cert of omens r tie m.tter rt the ease of .aa mai Wags KAY. 4 seine date W i(p,ay. el Jess. 1411. 1ben will r sold by Mow, Owers. *cusses. at tr Cat Meow, W tee taws et treesewe. •ATV$DAY. the lab lar at NOVEM8ER. at w bar .1 b salsa sew. tie aesewieg baa. sed prowl.... via tar ounons>\ u rtes raerurrD os.tamoa OV Tea rowiMtIP a aeoosca. ewe. 4. Ur COMP of Maras .(ray wee se .l W t ire et Ys esssh apt Mt OW self Jars Bar. (Ates term Is erred • Thin ft esWW1* 1t 2'y Ther_ m . aY1emu w s Maa•MMM as os Mom d etbar dy..eim. tO _fie iir>• wet berMr ra • /epaes ar M. gift .e..risea oo r owl wl,i t war - or tis. poroi .Ww.y wealslM MOTs 114 eater wars pawsates mar he Woe. hetbsr ..i of sat WI be was ser -u . tJr tet pals •1a M the meeetlme mea MI had from the mkt .im4Yteere sr 01em k. re1oltee., pales this 11.1 tar ef Ostrom. om. baa IlbAD 00ti t Bowrrr. es fie C*J d eennyn. tem.lren M the National Tgreet amts d ).erss4.7. t tie The steamer witatered in Godes:kb lad u my Teva I3.0. lint .•feet. Ugh COldwolt its. 14PM roque week. on different occasuona. tath ow yearar Amoss Murray and Antos Graham PP•a7s neve year armor had been on the Merida poly two WM. CAMP -Sr - generally sent out under sue c patriotic eplseert, under the way tiered es by he Record Ota it is d P of lbw Wontro's Missionary mad.. that some mi.uar has Meekly of Victoria atreetebureb will ne made. Mr. Ootwbue brie Pritelvate bit.o - lea in the Sunday school room on for fuller ovefeutaes Privet+ non Thursday. November 2nd. at K P. es. bin wet, uversras with • Bran ion Word ►as rsacbed l:.odericb of an 1.tt&lioo. _ accident et Detroit to Mr. Dennie Lieut. Ernest Ihydee Hosken, of Neville, kwineri (T( Gl is fr. It it rsported 'bat b skull is fractured tiro Common Highlanders, is offlei•Ity *tad several obs erstkeel. reported wounded. The Hostess fain- I .\ w will b.• given in the Mene•e- ily lived in Godes for eaves*' years tung Canoe VIvh rooms ori ti.turdsi WWI about nine years ago. when they lifter -noon, October 7fFt'b, from :i itl reuutved te 't'ot"1"1,47. end Brneet was p in om, in aid of the war fund of as employer in c,mposnng room the General Brough Chapter, 1. U. D. of The Signal. He enlisted a a psi- B g.eryb,dy wrlccme. Price 16c. ate at Toronto and in August was (lever&1 uoen,torrs nI the nrrbeatrw r .near u sea• smite gaaetted (or iso Imperial flub .l for clop r.r,me while they oowuiroson. A cable from L.•odoo were in tomo over Sunday, ■pd they (JcWhrt 19th told of bMv7 casualties duo•led $4 W the M. l'. C. 'oldies: tobaeeo fond. The Clot' members greatly appreciated the generosity and goodfrllowsbip of the musician.. There was a little monotony of camp life about midnight is the Comet -one, t'tl niers being kitled• on Monday of 1a1 week, wbeo tee wounded or mowing. It was ev•dently headquarters building and the adjoin- era. d join - Craw. n of W for Cameron neat, Highland- were B rib of a Nation" era an Old country rrRiaoeot, and weer guests of tb M t ng Cantx in tbls engageturnt that Lieut. Hocken ing outbuilding,' were burned down. wb wounded. There was a very high wind at the - time and the 161.1 turned out to guard 1 yrsMcIntosh West street. received its own hoer. The fire was burned he • telegram last Saturday .toting that out in ♦!gout twenty minutes (min the i her son, Private R'al:er J. McIntosh. first alarm, The wind blew over all bel been reported missing since Sep - ii the large mesa lents In the battalion I (ember Ltltb. •w liras and Put the large canteen tent- Fifty lives were lost in the storm on Lake Brie. other drawer ttfeeidea the Merida) which foundered under the stress of the violent weather being the Jaws B. Colgate, • steel wb&leback (twenty one Iiv5 Mat. Doe saved); the 1). L Filer Isis lost, one sewed', and the Marshall 1►. Butters (cosi► all saved) The tag_Snauu Rbue was beached on Point Pelee and the crew were arced. The Meridaevbd4ity went down in the middle 01 Les• Erie. Four bodies of bier crew sere ;diked up fifty Lacks west of Long Faun ori Sunday after - nom, by the stereos Charlotte brei- teng and tbiee Mier' were found by the steamer W.'D. Matthews in the same vicinity. THH TOTtIit COUNCIL. weeks,ati Roddy idle esbpst a ' month. owes. M ir. eon of e, was AIROWD6,--JIRS.A. NICHOLL. Patrick McCarthy, King*hr' $IAmwre*. i• seopafed r de a0 kinds on the Mend& but lett it four weeks .t.r eks s bob . sc ice, ago owing to en "'Hatt of fever sod nom.mid slielaag Mc . .a n,wedawleoe M. Womb moo , be I. now in Alexandra hospital here. egallhan• rlfterSo morn ilwol Though there have been many re• or aoesweerroam. tart I p Rs of the Boding of several of the MUSIC. ON KALB OF FARM STOCK OR. JABPMS, K RRINL*T Q54 44 • 1p Rae. mby polar mission or hem seasimmise t. s FRIDAT, NOV[MBtR Nth. rsadar •t t i aback .hare: FOR SALE OR RENT. t _ 1 PROPERTY FOR SALE.-NBW ! sea Web boos ant two tie w Bow f MISS NINA \W O O L L l' O JI B E. rove : i.eders oo.T.nknrew. Will 1s sing an a 1 TLACHKit PIAN0.-Pup(ypeep.rd ter rm.onehle terser J DL FF WW1 Teruote r••n•er.ataey easel wain.. Aum Oat F A west n .iaeOer. Trafalgar street. Oode.idI ARM FOR SALE NEAR NILE HEC. E. SUNBI-RY. A. A. (i. U. but 104 mow : art<b.s bsfarne': tunas T L.11 t.'. M .. Om•.ama' a ranarare voice a e} Apelr.to Knox (burrs Teacher pia od - R C. HAT*. 6g_. Pop'. prepared lee examinations, Rt b - Mit (*mists, ate.. O.aerieb, t North trees .pe ret• Dr. Oaitew'.. FARMS FOR SALE. 001010I. t. As farm oe eee-.W • H. wit Fe... mare. I rearm oh cobad t d IIstt gram w AW NS& sost.aarrg rat real by Ws sad le 14* aero, w.0 'sewed &N watered by ortera• Owe bay Malt 1Wm. Adam a lessee tis• la WI mal mall whedranh Arrow good gram farm ea _aanemelon A flee say mads, a lame old, eapesrd be be la def orta haself of speak oerbard, wet gag skaste. era - =eel PamPparma morn. T rears old. A bol. feeemt sad "stared by •tense creak. pas =eel draft milled. t'r1.4 i resp ala- Fee hetes ttartieslars asst( to tama...r.i ST • ge41eR. Dreg 4 roam .01 by It alb. ISMS 3 More .M. h/ eel draft soldier, Lady. hem a Oen woo, roe„ fay7 *War mere y ren. Jack. sore. 4 year W beer : orreersberm lean old lay CATTLE. ll[Rtal. JOHN T. mmGRIFFIN. tar Plume (LiOaRt•rSALE.-15i Aima.li mawCRE!' ULFd GOOD slag him wetwaidwit 11tr3.Y 1. Tins baf'tai WANTEDVT ett .- IR el.-& I*Amply STRIP: oast Mrs ma waL as& Wks as bar& et farm : Ala Cob- CHALMER8 MOTOR COMPANY OF CAN realest leehmab sad Schee. Rami mail sad Aug, LTD.. Walker*11b, Oat Pt *OLT'i AL'LIBROl. 1 ANTED. COMPANION- 4i lee .,eatlae. Oaten* Moa M eve'd entirely out of commission. The Battalion is now holding • I Mr. W. Prottdfoor, K. C., received somewhat. isolated position in camp, woad on Saturday that his sans, Lieut. a lbe 119th, which flanked it on the William Proudtoot, had been slightly eat, and the,(flab, left, for wid it nter Lieu Proudfoo t wed but was orst uoyersea.duty. with on u the sorts, have left, I I;attaf . but was later the ai d quarter.. S. H. Moore. E. P. O'Brien drafted ins. a Highland regiment. and I. Killougb are in hospital ; Pte. son received word Edward Soaaet•s•11 is in the isolation Mr. - John Young tent ; Pte.. K. R. French and J. Weise Oe day last that his ctrout, Pie. are on rick leave at ltodeuch, and , Robert M. Howard, had toren killed sergeant B H. Bell is at the bare bo.- i in action on the Hath of Srptembet. Pit 1 T ronto Tie virtu; man whom a r house woe at Pte. E. -A. Warner w temporarily'TomtiW, had been wurktug at Utica. .trached to the quartermasters ratan. N Y.. and carne to (iuderteb fast Pte. Tom $ visit ird, of the atR. P. C. I Cbristaua5 to enlist in the 71st eat - lines1., sea a .sat ,r in the Battalion Italioo. He was about twisty -two lines recently. yrus oI age. Sergeant Newcombe and Pte.. Bert i - Towureed. Dave Thompson anal Eddie Halkwill have been given a medical I Serif. Melville G. Rhynes, eon of dncharme Mn. W. Rhyme., is another Gods -rich Mr. John Frage°. of Colborne town- toy wbo Is Righting for King and ship, paid a visit w his woe Corpus al a Alberta, u d hes listed been training at Wm. Framer, last week.• with the in t Battalion Lance -Corporal Murray has beets emcee (%amp promoted to be corporal. 01 l'•IRary. Hb brother-in-law, tape. pie.. Joe Craig. who wa ree•nily farmer. s with obs came bgttaltoa. r<eldeed to tie hob trust sergeant for ; which wlU Boob lib eveeeeme. - oveset aying a pine. has Dewe made a - eorporsl on the machine -gnu section. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sw• a rte Corporal Craig recentlyre permed on sax -;calved a telegram on Monday staling •miaatinls as an armorer. fast their sop, Gunner Ernest Swart., The tree. of the Battalion were all Iwas inlprcviog io health. Last week inoculated again on Monday of 'bis liutiber war ---ported seriously week. it has just been announced that the Battalion is to leave here on Friday and that Thuridsy will be • holiday. when any relatives or friends wdU have the freedom ot the tamp. Ptes. 14. A. Warner. J. Yungblut, Fred SteeJWOd B. F. Young have been promoted to be lance-corpunls. Pra:tically all the stores •re packed imported wourddrol about three err kn ready for 'shipment. I.go by a gunshot wound in the thorax. Edward.' hots: are again making that. The fact that be has biline tele* es an dodoved o pure nee y Dade candy. A sample will I inR un h.t he iv improving, convince jou. Remains a Four -Company battalion. lamp Bowden. (Int.. lk•t- 34(1. IoM. To the Miter MTh* Signet i)K.AR RIR,-It ling came W nay $t - tent" that it is bring cirr-ulated in Hui' in county that the 161.1 (Hurting, Overarms Battalion:' ('. K F ., in being reinrganized age thrcc-oouupanv'Batia- lion and that biz officer. have been r'e- lievrd toms duty.. 1 want to aa.mure you that this* isnot so. The Battalion' remain. a four-crimpany Battalion and proceeds °ver m* am gosh, only druppiag two uflt'ure. Below i give a list of the officer,' wire go overleaf.' with the Battalion : 1.t. -Col. If. H. kerbs. 0. C. Major R. S Hays. mama in c1nl- ns ('apt. ('. 0. Vertigoes., adjutant. Maur J. W. ['thaw, nodi{rayl officer. - Major M. D. McTaggart. paymaster: l'apt, W. B. Allen, quartermaster: ('ept.J. K. Fairfull. chaplain Majors W. J. Beaman, N. T. Bin. Artie. Capts 'H, Campbeil, P. t. Town, A. .F. 'tt urety. C. K. M tis. Loot* W K. K. O' 4. l:. S. Hail. D. 1t. Acts.'. J. K.; Mair. D. E Hol is. . D. I- Reid. W. F. Scott, W.,P. (itieve, F. M. Scott, L Hetherington, H. C. McLean, W. K WH N. fluff. R. A..Walter, R. A. (left D. C. last 0e Battalbon: C. E. F. Large Aliment of Tawe Already Received by die G4Mc(er• The regular mass, ss of the town council was baht)* M y even iog. Alt Ise ernnNtee:- T fW* . bis Worship MattOr Merano to Lbs chair. A report from the *5 collector for stated t lust br had paid town tre.rureron the 1!116 tales and that he had $8.1)11 mere to cheques to be banded io. The letter further stated that be had issued 1166 receipt*, against 33(1 within the same period a year ago. Mr. W . M. McLean'* •pyliC&il0 a for • limner for the operetta! of a mewing picture .bow in \ icttaeia Opera House on Saturday. October 21st, was granted under the bylaw. wrote stating Mr. John McDonald Unit owing to the beavy seas in rough weather be would be unable to keep his fish -house on the present site. He asked permission to place It on the commercial dock between the C. P. It. shed and the other fish-bou*ee. The letter was sent to lbw harbor commit- tee. A letter from Mr. A. Straiton. town treasurer, acknowledging the receipt of expressions of sympathy from the town council, was received and filed. The finance oonlmitteeVerommended the payment of a number of account,, the lrrgeet one being for street light - WANTED. ANTBD. - YOUNG MARRIED a t a&n w4tr..monde.( &140[1 to fears wt 5,1045 work. Ma with _•dune .boo and reel res emparianee preferred. Goad pay .teat maiden. Appal CHALMERal MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD . tt•&lkerTllb. Get WANTED.-YOUNOMAN EXPBRI- 1rI'CKD In trimming and tatting t ar.rty at sac. rHALMKIt.+ MOTOR COM PANT Of CANADA. LTD . Wapory-ute. oat. tefeebeas. err remooable Ore cow. T std. doe r f lto Imo a esR Tan.ewe, 1 lean W. approl r r OW. Me sew, S yea . Me. (meae.0 One tow. 1 loan es.- ..wiy.•feei. (14 cow,. mars Md. will Win d ISM. um err, i year+ eM. wpewa m be WWI. Fair sr awn. r Fier. W. 9 Teo gored fat better.1 pow d< Flee Bead 511515. Adel 2ham Womb rears 5M. yew W. 000 wren rapsoa l ram. l yhew W. Om Jer.ey-4•e•Ari bon. t year 544 Ja..• Jbstaoro Mt. sea rear sm. Five Jana .sats( oda e& Twr1y-Aar talea4 ewes. 1 i eaMesh 0.- twe a am. Mews tuba. PiSS. E:abre•a men 'flea s anal*, aid • ta based saw r pale bores, t p•e.be54 ilrwbthfir' Mar. OATn. tats b..ael. d soca Ma eats, I M p1.Ell E is. t. _tit Oma Marvel Mani. MM 4 -Haev1. twrra1l re wmabw least as.. 4 1-L/w1 wig .1 wow lararr`croslbe, Mlle*IfeI aesl re for,' bahTrier. 1+t1eM. p-aM wMLFeAeaw+ r,,,..si lWe-*or+r s aMwrn h .e1 i0laaa►•W1;11 JL t ow t We 4 boss t MIT" ie sm7es. 1 sMmw mi d tlw ee egaIs eMoo i 1'a r weeem vtani . 1 .std homey delTfhlg y reamt. msw•') 11 tat* 1ssLil 1 wean ail* =this 1 hptr : wya tsseemaa ms. M l said H essay I rlilseh lae einem FOR 6ALR:-WTA,DOT!'M HOCM- pA gdei .e..k F. sero t. b -TWOORALIIR r J. - tlH Asters. Ost. Pp ' , n. FOR RALR -0EDARW. AiC FOR c. +rt.. Agin l rbD ti'sea trema H BLP R R 1. Wham tor elderly lady Wine in readerretry d OUSE FOR SALE 1N VILLAGE VOW. Wog eMmer, to• 90x i.'. trod Amor. OI AL" aevea moms waeheerm giviata34 .arl nisi edtlar . ban wit% web Musa how b tad .e1 gy e re BN AND BOTR WANTBD.- Matt: PAT'IDN, Webers, I( rl re or is body telt* s Mr• wanted. few► stall A.Ny r PAOET ORA1N ls)OR (.1.1 Ord. ilei !MLR 1 ,lei whet. bea ( ta int. (h.....li t 161tt aslit mem 3t, .kefem.,ed mem sifts, memIellar Ms torr. • ,sisdreala taeaant; • ?Allose GIRLS WANTED APPLY OODERICH KNITTING CO. Men W''mted All classes of labor, skilled and un- skilled. Steady work, good wages. APPLY Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Limited COi11NGWOOD. ONTARIO ing for September. $427.ak It ublic library recommended heu aiiddrEA* the oo he 1918 grant: that the /i. C. 1. board be paid $1.(%) 00 the 1916 levy : that the 1441t county rate. le2.916.96. with twenty- two months' interest amounting to, MO be paid : tbat the Goderich Musical Society he granted $lUO and an order boiled The repot t was adopted. Deputy Reeve L•ithw•ite suggested 'bet • flag -pole he placed in front of the town hall. On motion of Coun- cillors Manning. and Wigle the mat- ter sea referred to the p'iblic works committee for • report. The queetioo of gravelling the Squats was referred to the public works eosins ittee (o1 • report. The wetter of placing more cinders on the walks in court house pack was referred to the park. committee. The comment then adjourned. $2,S a EXPECTED. ill in • hospital at Havre. Mr. O. M. Elliott, county secretary of the ('nildreo'e Aid Society, received a postcard on Tuesday informing him that Private W. Williams bad been removed from the haapital at Cans - ores, France, to • So.:piml at South. ad, Bristol. Private Winnows was Any quantity of dry hemlock slab. for summer wood at MacEwan's (phone lie`. 112.00 per cord t1 Men's high rubber boots -to else at regu- lar lune $3.011, toocl leather e. .h at 9iis.m Wel- ter A l'•,. - Seal -ship' oyster., solid meat and always fresh, it Edwards'. Phone S10. Revak of Trafalgar Day Cassese for British Red Cross Fs ed. As • result of the Trafalgar Day canvass for *b. Brohb Red Cross fund, contrih4tions asuoantiog to about 119,1191 hove been received and further amounts expected will likely bring the total up to Ind WO. Tb. oasyse's wars under lb. direction d the town °pencil and was well nrganieed The various teams worked bard and mueb credit M due them for their arduous tenets. • While November let is arestboned as the day for closing op obs feed in (loierieb, these who have promised eontrihutioss seed wait put that day to make pay se the eooeter the amorists .re ha Ia the easier will be the work of the fuel iso that the mosey may be day 1nrwsried. OMatiketione may be 1.(t at the tows MIL Mager McLean N he Um aloha( Wennanr of the lswl tinNMI. Oseet+mMts Scow'.. mNi NIA Isms ifs ores, baulk se Nbak- sessiea lame M. Capt. Andrew Rot/gale is up from London for • few day.. He loon the lookout for recruits for the artillery and any young *nen wbo would like to eater this branch of the service would receive moult interesting iofotmalion frond him. _ Buying oboes at Walters terrnm home. Dow i. like getting money Sample Mats. Saturday, October 2,4 h, and until all are acid 1 will offer • sot of travel- ler. sample, Indies' and child,en'.. hat• at half -prior.. Ladiei velvet ham at *LIIU. Showroom upstairs. Moo. P. T. (MAN. AT CAMP. BORDEN. v 1 .r .• t NOM 8' • e .._ '1e For tenni-made taller, or 01)15 400 Cr" 0113, in Intik or bricks, try Black- wtonP r. Phone :Mit. AUCTION MALES. Tt :roar. (itt. 3L-Asetlitf male ef a Yoffie d.elonr be5-e ea M. u.Tid..ttetN. Ooderhl, at I sio'clock, tie primes of Mr...'. O. Mc- Is,nwGL Ti.'.. GummmT..oetiooeei FiuoAT, Nor. 3. -date .f farm. farm .trek -and boo..hold effort.. Rlongbd le Lie state et lke hue w',tuam t-guith, u lie nr.tei•e.. Sib 0000red w., Colborne, at I o'clock. 11.ra 41'tr Irv. &set loner" fawn*?. doe. 1'.- Sale of farm .teal .rd implement . b.ronaloe to Jeer.' K Orielmg. at lo.. ft arse ..0 o 1. O..A►e )•b lown+kir It see m le. for O-rdrwicbt awmmeacing at 1 vcloes mop Ti.. lit mbar. aurt.onner. i4ATuRnAT. Na. IN- A.b of .atuabis farm.g b.4.'1a f. in tie Ms*W.d oawee.-bn of Ooter4 tewmoilp. leaseglne to the orate of or td. Jarmo Fay. at ihn ort bony. 4oderi `L et 41 .'ma rem Taos. 6cmwr. &eetioneet 40RM. ' • sof Cassel► AlCamp Borden, the great Termer warfare n In. soil noddies* are t tbnadgh military training camp near Movie. lMsadi•n pot practically silli ll forma of military work. Here. • battalion. shown entering the trenches PALMER.--At .8 ' tartars Marine bo.N1a1• a a, Nay. (1e1.t. . 'Dl to Pte. &ad Me.. H. 11. Palmer. Orae. reit. • 40: DIED JIITt'RELL.- In l:ade.lcb, on Friday. ()•totter +t, Walter Rein. aided red Mr Jame ' nitrate. acrd r ye5re. lis MILNOSIAM To the friend. w ha have *ow. u. •uch kind gaetwcay. and to the many who here mast 1.•1.d a Nor bring ep..eel.ta.n of tae brant NI bfr which hr gin,* town our acme sisal• . f 4.4re to publicly emerge• our flee. a-1 r15te lode. A d.'.*.d err tares llo.gbtfut roe. and one ser lor.'4 to do good 1011. own •inlet owl M ler len .wast wrraworlm floc t will 1.rS be .-beH-heel by t. •141 05w mourn hl. early t ran -Whoa m the 11,. b.yowd. -He being dead let .praet4." And is trams .ad flay. wire w l'a'y Over man. are paawne 511. w- would ea tend oar deep .ymosta+e. to .11 who the. m,5ure. mad wm.mawrt 14141 to "tie comfort wherewith we eeraalcl r amer hilly. Janne Mrrr'w*lr. STURDY --IS ranaasnws. 5n Monday. or, tabor A Hebert St only. ear IS year. mord II m•u5tha. KEL' Y • At Sarre t ;rime. '..learn. Alberta .n 4..151.57. 15'r•ber 14. P r tar rick loosee-Kely IMtb IOva, par. lint Wyo. m5. of Ju1n Katti% KW.. L)edr'r e''b- is bb Sem year. lime fnsenl run tale Blare from, tie rosrror of hl. father l led greet. (l.derie1. ea Sat- urday. (More 44. at 1 0.1ert a. m t to St p rtw m eloorb. wag 111e0• r t5 the R. C. cin•- 14rl. S1ytl _ NEW ADVERTJ$EMENTs-Ott. ltd. i or Inrwtor. Department d taws .Il, wpm %.M- Melt lance lit .1114011. Striper noire,' Walsh tre ........ 1 Your 50 Wanted -C s MMR Ca. . I Tree .read Man Wcodel--111o1w.n us tat ca.. 4 ( Ma -,e arm Led -The al mi row a- ... 1111. wyeeesuo cobweb tar halt -r. ins t .mho- 1 411221e2 Ali. -aim A. tt. MsatsmM Arnim Ye-Jssase E.onmin ... 1 . nems( leaa11M•-Muwkes.l 5.4.01 1 Lrtr'►Voloolk ls.t-Th. Ewa .... e 1