HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 8SPECIALS AT Caller's Household In- 1dirdelnk .for tnarkingCottou. Olken etc Absolutely indel- ilk. and so simple a child can use. still selling at die old bile our iersent s, 25c. Full stock of Dennison's Itastte Crepe Paper. also at lite adapt except two or t leave slt tile- I Sc PaCkage• Children's Story of the War, numbers from I to I!, mow in dock. Price Ilk. OBITUARY. — _ W1114\171 Kay. 0111 • recaL bra of Th. W48444 Folio After a Mass extend's,' over a number ot yeses the dant oc- curred at Mar. last Friday, of Winters , Kay. at the Inge of IV years. Tb. de - I Mimed, wbo eras a native of Kincardine, Iliad lived on the Peninsula upwards 01 1 thirty years end was most highly m- ei., ned. He is survived hy a widow. , three sons and four daughters. Among those who at -laded tbe fus• eral today were his le onset., Mr. i Robert Kay. of Ooderich and Mrs. ' ' of Detroit . Edward Devine. The death of FAward Ilemitte tit -- curried et London on Wvidadecee:da2 "usorninglof last week. Tb. • wbo wee thirty -air years of age. WAS a son of Mrs. Herr. of tioderich, and is sus vived Moo to four brothers; and two sisters. John. of Cremirell. Oregon ; Robert. of Spring °noire. Sask.; Kroest • of Hansilton. Ont.. Cohn, of Toronto ; Mrs. H. J. Mugfor. of Toledo, and Mies itthel Devine, ot town. The funeral took place on S•t- urday morning to W midland ceme- tery. Loodoti, the services being con- ditt•t••3 by Rev. C. R. Gonne, of Ohrist church. William T. Petiole. .%n old resident of the townthip of Ashtield departed this life at Sault Ste. Nlerie. Ont.. on Frida October Pellow. The deceased had been in WM, Mr. W. T. Pellow, j1.. and re- ligiou the line Mr rellow WAS A Meth - turned to Sault Ste. Mena. about a Mist, •riii in politica a Liberal. for month kettle his death. which fist many yeers taring one ..1 the in - lowed • parelytic stroke. Ite was eat Latinist worker. of Ashtlelr A:Ivn- seventy-ntue years and nine months • ' ot lige The remains were brought to ' James Doyle, Dttrott- tioderich sod the funeral tool Plass ; %many in tinder...kit will learn with ' 'neva of the death of Mr. lames on Stindsy afternoon from the mai- , dence of Mr*. Robert Campbell. t. .whic.h occur.tral ...in. mother of Mrs. W. T. Petiole. jr. I, 11...,b3Yle' 01 Detrvii.... Rev. W. K. Hager cooducted the li twat etty on sat today. seetettiner ...,, at the age of seventy-eight years. furet al eervicee. The interment tool , was at old-time I rsidrat of plata". in tli• Port Allot( sp„,,,A,y. ,lifrir.Daryle The pallbearers it: boderich "-- ' Pet . I attoslit trendy yerirs ago. In ....„„Ilidiserich. moving with his tamily to Nees's. fits. Oliver. John Giuliani. i " '. God- rich be Isis a cartage business. Nelson Graham. J. W. Vestal:ter, , *vending to the trar•tto ttf most of l'has Iiirvin tottl I.: H rover. mid at , he ao•de ib*, calor wt. IOWA by ilea. ThOs. Wii-Or„ %Vic. Gray, Hy. rt::1**11. fiusdn'er.but • ...H04:eu::, kA.,n, for Wail; Port Allwtt lames Heytten, Hy. Ill•y The io,e Nt,.. p,11,,,„ wse 1,n ii., Party in Naar *ie. be loellitor•hle con. - He to marinated Ilawkius mid W. R. Hawkins. Plynictith. En-tanti, ..nat rant, to 1..4...1 hetes, s- hy hut erst• sod one deughter. Mrs. Syrup of Tar c,,,,,,,,., with 11.4 pArell • , 11/60111 A iss :;14:11:1g(1-111171.- :4"ttrrliCil::111."Mherr.t P1;117:; rry "wear 0. Also laying at De. 1:ith. in the person of Mr. intent 1'. The Bed Wan Rant you are Suarting wilt ailing kullneyss-i( you hist tried othentod r preparations and ha% r fathem lacking, make up your mind to start taking Penellif Ittlfliu anti Palmetto Conspoutid at otu-e 71M) reliable preparattou ha. 1 maccetwful tune •gatti and t is little doula that d mac ya the maw relict a. it kart thousands talict• oho base sulfased with kidney trouble. Ve your protection in buying, the eltait formula art 'saluted on every label, aud we can fer0111- mend Buchu and PAImetto Com- pound tu escry respect. It ts sold in two sizes, fifty cents and one dollar, and we belies e you CAll WA' 11, with very good result.. Balm c tAk tug this ramedy, cleanse your system with Prosier 1.1aer Saline %halt will enable the Ku. hu and Palmetto to set more thoroughly. anal quickly. Peuslar lairer Saline. is sold int*.ore.s twenty-five and fifty critts. Get these tellable preparattons today at troit. Two saw end two daeglatess ars decearsed. These stir nes aisrviv. brothwre. Mon. If, M. el Detroa, sod Jobm Jib, of W -sans. The bur Mr. Iloilo bad visited titan, Mob ea several ecesistons shoe bre re-' ravel to Detroit For boas yews of lam he Iliad been in faille( bah& The busied took plies, at M..unt Miran , ownwat cry. Deno' t • JAS. A. CAMPBELL B. CENTRAL 'DRC.G STORE NlAtil $t All I SqUAlre t :oder'. It ito, is; 'Phottes Res 1:111 A Former Rits.dent of *shrived. I On October 1st. two day• A:ter the osabrataus of bee sweaty -faineth birthday, Mrs. John Harr*, 01 1011 tib etryft.. Duluth, Mins died at nee I boom Sir her Jetsetter. Mrs. W. Hock. 110114 Lakeview Drive, Duluth. Mrs litesele was boa in County Lim- erick. Illteland. and COW to this country with bergamot • when but nine years old. 8be lived for forty-three 'ars is Atiblielld. whet e stie and her bureba iid struggled is t tte oki wormer days 1 when Ashtteld was but a wilderness. Ms ranted a family of tbieteen edit- • diem. eleven i whom survive her.. Besides her busbend ad children *be i Mimes A lleottler. Thomas tiarvey of Astilletd, autt a sister, Mt.. Wei. Yang, l'olborue. Mts. Harris mtoved to Duluth with her husband fifteen years ago , as they boto were gettiog _op in years they wanted to pas their tensioning days near some , of their child's°. Mrs. Herne hod j been in •ppat rot ly good health until a I few week... before her death. Mat ' oaring to bin advanced age she cotiLl not withstand a sudden •ttack of sick - nese. •ttending physician had ' given uo hopes to her fatuity of her recovery front the beginning of her dimes ; iso her deeth was not unex- pected, and on Sunday intoning. Oct - be • a at I a to ishe passed away tioderich for five weeks visiting his Cod Liver Oil V, AO war tied. tiler.. and tab •tit th • attar laiDi (Arne ti. the 1 .tvitelop of Aslitiold. e bet Ite eitg:titt o tto‘llitigi anti farm Ito:. He tradued Aslitiad for forty • h• retit einem (tom net iTastel..• . yeare, a the barn eight yrs', sto, be bid spent A certain cure for Coughs, of the tints milli was at the Colds and Bronchial Irritations. Sota,".1t. •s11:4111".wsdt'eeditiewirtti;e. Yme3" Large bottle. 35c tt.s,..,1 Downs, t -1 ItowntanviUts and Mr.. .john Hord, l'hicakto. There . ere tire sOna Alva t hire. daughter* : (I stench ; tieorge,of A.,L. Caldwell. Phm. B. jP,.r I 1;:twi a ; • • r. NItch • Jchn .td loetph. Prescnption Druggist Matte, Ont. : Mrs. P. t• d 111 tootle Stdc Square it .1 -• itf Lomb n : Mrs. Will Reid. Nee s ea !of Sault 81e. Mane. Ont.. and WHAT CATARRH IS Great Stock of Thoroughly Reliable Furs ! UR great stock of Furs is pretty nearly sure to contain exactly what you want. 0 whether it be a Mug. Neck -piece or a Fur Coat. We are showing an exception - ally large assortment of handsome yet moderately priced Furs in every kind that is most fashionabk for the present se.ason. Our Furs are made to our order by ex- pert furriers, every skin being carefully selected, reliability in quality being first con- sideration in every case. As for prices, we are satisfied to have you match them quality for quality against any you can get. We have good Furs. Furs of quality, and every piece is marked at a moderate price. Some of the season's favorites: Red Fox Sets Natural Wolf Sets Black Wolf Sets Alaska Sable Sets Muffs in pillow and new barrel or melon shapes. Neck -pieces, one or styles that are quite the correct thing. Sold singly or by the *et. Cross Fox Sets Black Fox Sets Manchurian Dog Sets twa skin anims I It has been said that every third iperson has catarrh in some form. 'Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body-, and lax:al treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do littie, if any good. To correct catarrh you should taint its artist by cartching your blood with the otl-food in Scott's Bazulsion which is • medictrial food and a bruldang-tocuc, tree from any harinfurdrngs. Try it. Warta lowne. Immo. Ont. Wua. Rot :ow.. of St at fot tl. In rr. 1 o 4 . to her .1rtlIsl rewatd like • baby clew Mg its eyee in sleep Mts. Herne is survived by her aged husband and five iitinghters and six tons . Mrs. l'hat lie Jorden. Itay mond. Want. ; Mis. George W. Loud, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Johu ViIstn. Lsettoo, Oregon Mrs. Wm. Rock and Mrs. Agnes Gut - Wan. 01 Duluth ; Mr. John Harrie, Houghton, Mich. Peter. of Web City, No. ; ['atrial. of Chino, ('*1 Prank. of Kennewick. Wesh. Joaeph and Thomas, of Duluth The funnel services were held on Wedeettiay at the Sacred !least Cathedral. where Bev. Father NI,,rarity, of St. Ambrose church. Ironwood, Mich., ofeciated at the funeral mato. he being a lifeloug 1 frlerii Of Mrs. Horne. 11.v. i'ather Lydon preached an eloquent sermon on the Christian life of the alecera.ed. touchang the hardships endured in her rani days ,in bringiug up tier laige f I rend gicing them all • good anit Christisn education, Rein or snow. Mrs. Hattie elways found time to -go to Church every morning. She w as a devoted member of the Carbodral mid was A141C a member of the Hoary Society of St. ,.."'letnent's church for 'a number i,f years. also a member of the Sacred Heart Leven's. Ara was loved by All the members ot both I orders. The remains were laid away ! in Calvary cemetety. sorrounded by bit children and a la: ge circle of ;friend., who will woiimn trip lois ot a dear friend and mother. —t'oar. -- 1 Elwanit* Ate. again making that pure homemade candy. A sample will Ladies Tlilored Suits, in Black Materials LEOlics' Tailttred Snits Made from KIMM1 tilUil- it y eerier.. gaberdine*. and brawl. h-. Omit. nit wtly silk-linird. Every garment this seaeon's style. Sizes 1.. 42 Spa" tally $20• 0() $25.0() romance 1-1 Re -modelling Furs English Flannelette Blankets Si.75 to $2.00 Flannela•ce !Minket. imported ity outselves direct from EnThgt..;o1. Entre strong wesie and eat ani line at Irl_1111 are rid Atilt put op in ,dllitles• *loch mak,. then' %cry notch t•AAirt *ash. "r si 75 .11.1 $2.0() at per pair. . • • • Thew. are exceptionally good saint 'letter by far than arty et. bate erer shown It is stional••rftil tail itt,. alt lie &MI llow well t hry loot A hrn thihr over by an ex- pert. We are paying special at tention to this class of non: this, WAPAIIII. Bring in your old Fore and let us see them. We will be glad to give yoU all estimate foil 0„111.alelling. Its Fur on Everything The craze fir Fur Trimming has tern in Neu Viol. and is now ntaking it. appearame here. In the Anteriean cities. hats, blouse.. dresses, suit. end coats are all fur-tr. We err showing Etat T • • gs in the most popular kiiid.. an giae yt so any Width ytIll want and will get you Allythillg tll hat r ill rt. wk. English Flannelette isc ilea% y English Flanuelette, good variety of fain y stripes. absolutely fast colors- SfleeiAl Per isc Cashmere Hose, Excellent Value Take our eon! for it. You won't buy t 'ashnirre Htasuat todas's priers for A 14.111i .%U talr welnlioW11 tOttg-esitabliallost iiitailitics to -dock •t pricer very little in ethane, id the 1..vicrd point they eVrr triUritelf. •tv Ole for ehiltiren. 25o 3 &a. 500.111045 Cashiticre Maw for ao.c tiou don. 78.0 The "Eureka" Electric Vacuum Cleaner .1%. With the hard 'labor "(sweeping. There is practically no work connected with 11,4141 ..111.. they inn so easilr .•Itild van own,. Let 11211 pe.int.01 1 he ilianY &Wag., • .1 this great lets tr-saa ing device. Free tat it ti in your own home. Easy tern, of payment' if you sajsh. ••••i We Upholster Furniture We Re-cover Umbrellas NV, take 108 11 Averting-, HODGEN S BROS. Direct importers Goderich, Ontario r ---k 1 1. 1 I all TON. kinds DUNGANNON. meats. SHEPPARD e to the public, lobo The ladies of th- Infants' Home. se .itti W0111111(P iNATITUTK. -The may now hat «treed every dar mite tions of fruit. fowl. eggs. etc.. iti dila ,ociob„ ititb. al 2 :iii p. ----- r.J. ,PS•se livmmeo., imaitut. .en, a tele II ve This will be •••••••10......."•••••••••11, WEDNasa‘y. Oct. IS. 1 great et.n•enienc i ad 1 of two Slays in the week a• Toronto. have requested Mr. J. H. Dungannon Wel0,11'• Institute will Mr. 1.). ta-rna is tbe „mow ,..kunau Sirup& ,n to endes•or to get contrite'. I , hold its monthly Inverting on Thuredav, ! locality for the 'institution. Alt Au 1 contributions may be left with Mr. Simpson. who win attend to *hipping. Turbans, Sailors and Dress Hats will be included in a showing of the latest - 1 N R. Graham. of ltbepVsldtOfl. an address on -The Ita' located Farmer and lite or Her Poissabitiriee.- will follow. .1 per on • •Wbere of drysoods to the lift-tut/env/ in Northern Ilitstario. Rev. R. K Fairttsirn. It . son of a former pastor of the Oto Kennon CARLOW. thsty Calls" ale) wi I he ...^"en' Pre.byteri•n ()booth, hart teCi1.d • WEDZCE-.•••DAY. 0C1 1••• 1 reCitAti0111 and itsueic. uveryone ill I all Ir •to the Mount Pleasast and I. Mr. ('has. Vetcoe Ie and his bride, of heartily w•ttttt a 10 attend. The „ , I lint`otOnr-AM I's 4.6 byte?, in congrege. ' of 'hi., institute ore this weak . tinny,. The .t.rwsd ; 51.1,41 si Toronto, are trending this wee a t l.70 tile borne of Varcoe. , donating rs, to the British Red Lroris A °timber of people around this lo- fund. cality attended the conceit st Zion Mr. Andrew SI. Kirke ap•nt the Tue•dav evening. The past week •t [hood* visiting his ht L*4* \''i\ 3 yes,. with tot ,.1 IM 4110. and our , weeks' holidays. Mr. Fsirbeirn grad- I word Isst •pi ing from Knox College. He recently visited Dungannon and his fritad• bete are glad to know that Qua' tette was very InUrtl enjoyed ' Mrs. B J. Crawfotd left teat 8iitur- • fieht large usetulness is npeniug her &mettle, advs. It. and bee intiit program given by the I•onest t ity ity daughter. Mt.. Ir. 1. t re g on. church on all who bad the oppoitunity of hear- j day for Tortoor,. where slie is visiting to hire. Winter Millinery for Saturday and Following Days Miss Campbell has returned from Nisiting the millinery markets and announces a grand showing of Exquisite Turbans, Large Sailors, Charming Dress Hats of drooping and irregular outline, simple but elegant with their trimmings of gold or silver, bead ornament or fur. t( \. r. Mann Tyndall returned Mat eon. Mr. W Crawford. week to Toronto to resume his studies Mrs. Wm. Elliott. of New Lialteard, in the tbiological course. is visiting at het mothet's, Mir. .1. Mt. Sunhat, y, organist ot Knox }trio's. church. lioderich. is organizing a Mr. and Mrs. Thoe.Nroilev and Mr. singing clam at Carlow. Any who and Mrs. Wnt. Ryan returned front the would care to embrace the opportunity • West last Friday. A load of Methodist, drove to .Clin- ton on Thursday to attend an worth League cot V.n t ion held there Miss Ethel Car returued to Toronto this week after a week's stance from bit work olivine to illness". A number of our ea .ixens motored to Ooderich on Friday eveni ig to attend ib. show -Britain Piepared." All seemed satisfied with the entertain - Mr J McNabb •nd assistrint, Mr. Those requiring • 'Range. Heater. Tar Paper. Nail., Paint.. Coal thi Cans, AV.:again. Sleigh. Harness and numerous other items still in tsue h.:wale-arc ,tock. would dat well to call up M. W. Howell at No. 3 At office of the Misner Mtg. Co.. ,t• at house. No. 211 who will tre /Ten the store at any time and fill your order. Every- thing must 14 cleared and VOU can %aye money if we have .hat you require All accounts soll-cortng us mu.st 1. .ettled at once. - The Howell lienleare Co., Ltil. •••••••••••••••••••••!•••• can di, so by at!ending eve" y Monday evening. Mrs. Heoderson. who has bees spendieg the summer with her Mister and otber friend• here. has returned to Chicago. MILE. TUESDAY. Oct. 17. W — Ev et -green Farm.- the home of Mr. Pod Mrs J•nies Otrytn. The Perfect Fit of Our Footwear 11 was the •cene of metrv festmittee on to. K Augustine, are busy men therm osly daughter, Rho*, was united in idaandys handling fowl of all deecriptioos Thureday. October Ir.!. when their The poultry industry le: nuairisg. Mr' Melvin Reed' °1 certainty l. • valuably &met to Ole Miss C. M. Campbell Lassies Street, Gedench Lanni. Promptly at half alter twelve Is ,r.of this community, and Mr. tinder a smote tally arranged arch in extensive business aod the excellent , Hurrah for tbe meat market ! W. I prices be is paying &long this line. Rillib is now prepared in bis new up- I the wedding Tarty took their place mcisshh is to kw eowgestuiwted no thy! the pairtcr. the banking ot maple leave. &ad asters making it • perfect bower. Rev J. W. Hedley performed tbe ceromoir.y in the presence of about forty-five guests The bride's aunt. Ni,. J. 0 Anderson. played the wed- ding re•rcb and inumediately after the ceremony sang most meetly...An ahundaaeo of niaple !Perri, dahlias and esters heautified the rooms throtiabout t he boner. At the cootie - nes of dinner Mr. H.dley again be - cum* isimasart of eerelle0411411 by progra- ma tie waist to tbe beide. the groom reeproadinAbort speeches were la. dolled Intl • number of those pres- ent. The bride and groom lett os tin 4110 wain trout Ondmich 'asides a *bourses a ries gad coattail. Before will visit Meade et to -date shop to supply customers with adds to its attractiveness and comfort as well. For only perfect fit can insure perfect comfort and complete good looks. We are offering a splendid variety of the newest and best in footwear for women of taste aLd discrini- ination. A visit here will surely result in your appreci- ation of our extra shoe quali- ties and values. Phone 158 W. 5 tl ARRAN Goderich raternias tam Toros*, ani Pembroke... .The day previous to tbe shove-mestiosted sweat Mies tiirvia received from tbe bine WAWA wired an address ea- presslaa warm appreelaties at leer erervisse se organist 1. 0. and wbool amid Mb mama of awn* week, and =ertig fleahne la ar bar limillaws and blesalmit bar grim eilberes address wss satoespankd by sItts ed a heseattel emsliegany peeler table and ammele eabland. Pam J. W. Redley attended lite Igasidw selisal ensvesties at *Worth October Id and 1.1. Ms. D. V. Jobassos and Murray. of liailkeraii. mid Ur. T. lielets. of It=rieerare Is ettenlawile at tire Ilialterit Ayes • eery 1101119- 4MIIM sale se Wednesday. Osesbev rage, awlesbas.a OM allialalla • aliallne • IL SIC sad lam Ryan bites& row - WATCH OUT FOR • MIMED GEM • 1 "The Yellow Menace" Starring EDWIN STEVENS with Florence Malone and Margaret Gnle SIXTEEN STUPENDOUS EPISODES Each Greater than .he Last Don't Kiss the First Chapter " THE DRAGON'S CLAWS" 1 At MODEL THEATRE, Gleri WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Oct 25 and 26 aa, ADMISSION rOc and 15c. - Try to (let In! MP •