HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 7Easily rocked are the three -bar grates which smash up
clinkers easily and last longer because each grate is three -
The man wbo designed the Pandora knew his job. I
know that and that is why it carries my guarantee as wzii
as the makers'. Sal
Stand up
under any
matter how
irregular and
severe. No
separation of
plies. No rot-
ting of duck
from damp -
n est; no
A Stupendous Production.
Howse, where it will he seen Saturday.
October alit. It is the lamest and
most imp tr Lott production of a de-
c•de, yet not • word isspoken through-
out the two hours and forty-five
rites' performance Music oupplies the
absence of speech. suecical effects
add realism. whilst the v.a,rd of the
swoon. Da•id %V. Griffith, unfolds in
12,111) feet of film the thrilling en-
taloa@ rit the war between the States
and the reconstruction of the South-
land Some feint idea of its
lode may be bad from the facts:Attn.
18.000 actors sod 3,000 bursas took part
and that the staging ot this great
"outdoor drama" cost Isalf a million
drillers. This town be favored
with the original production front oue
ot the large cities—New York, Ekistoo.
Chii•ago. Tor onto and Montreal—
where it was first amultaneou-ly
jingly kept.
Any quantity of dry hoonlock slain
Most of the thing• we • irh for are
abo it as useful As • Onlinietleil Many 11, MAO'S worth is Dot discov-
er‘ d his will is road.
Men Trio...scope front wit.. Al the!
ballet think they have lew kick* I Y• liow Illeriace- is a serial of
coming. tremendous rower.
WHEN it comes to a
matter of thoos-
ing the man who
is going to do your
Electric Wiring
it will pay you to see us.
All necessary information is
yours for the asking.
Mc' S2 1 Robt. Tait
Res. 193
keep a
tin of
Nothing known to
the scientific world
that compares with
Mecca Ointrnent SS
a healing compound
for cuts, barns. blood
poison and all skin
et Me, ille...71e.end MASI
in the house
/we samele ant seas lesesiel
Jotter -Da& Co. Wilted Toronto, Ont.
THE E SIGNAL : nn11FRI(`R °N'u
The Hensall Observer is holidaying
this week.
Several at Fordwich have
fallout vtetitur of the dog -poisoner.
Mrs. John Reid. fur many years a
reorient of the 12tis °uncommon of Kest "be, dissy spells, or the twinges aud
Novicki fail fair this year war the pains of lumbago, rheumatism end
hest io the histosy of the Amocietion. L The urine is often cloudy, full
time* night. This is the time you
Mrs. Sutton, of Fordwich. received should consult. some physician of wide
the news last week that her husband, experience—such es Dr. Pierre of tho
Hergt. W. S. Sutton, had hem killed Invalids' Hotel and Surgocal Institute,
in action. Bunalo, N. Y. Bend him 10 crow for
klizsbeth Thomas...laughter ot Mr. sample package of his sew discovery,
and Mrs. Philip Thomas, of Bitievale, • Aouric." rite him your symptoms
died its Tomtit° on October +Oh, aged and rend a sample of unne for test.
forty-four years. Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that
'Amine" the moo powerful agent
Fndelle• W' Martin' • Y'uni f'• to dissolving uric acid, as hot mann
er of Hullett, tied very suddenly on melts sugar; besides bein4 absolutely
°Outer dth. He was thirty-seven
y ears of •ge. harmless it A endowed with other
properties, for it preeerves the kidneys
Richard Lees, inspector of schools, In heatthy condition by thoroughly
Peterboro'. will lecture r.t Walton on cleansing them. Being oo many Limes
Uctoher 266th oft the subject of ••Con• more active than labia, it clears the
solidated Schools.- boort valves of any sandy substances
Abraham Dent, • barrister at Mitch- which may clog thews and checks the
ell for nearly half a century, lied at ration of tbe blood- vessels, as
his summer house at Orand Bend. aged clirerielha reldladaill Ward Promote-
se•enty-five years • Amino" is a minter insurance and
'While hauling bay to his barn Ed. li le -saver for all big !neat Patera and those
Duchartne, tof the Bronson line. Hay who deposit lime -salts in their Mints,
town/ship. tell off the load and frac- Ask the druggist for "Anuric" pot up
tured one of his legs. * Dr. Pierce, in 60 -cent packages.
Wks "Marto" In an
Against Sudden Death.;
Before an Insurance Company wilt
take • risk on your 1:15 the examining
physician will test the unne and report
whether you are • good risk. IA hes
your kidneys get sluggish and clog,
you staler from backache, ack-head-
borne*, shop at. Centralia several years Cisme with Dr. Pierce's Graden Medical
ago, is dead at Ilderton. He was Discovery. This is • Mood cleanser and
seventy-ooe years' of age alterative that starts the liver and stom-
ach into vigorous action. It thus arenas
Two cutting -machines were emu- the body to manufacture r red blood
PletelY wrrrkrd farm* near which frovis the heart, nerves. brain sod
traits a few day* ago when tbef were organs of the bod . The organs work
cutting corn for ensilage. smoothly lIke ma- Mary running In od.
eitial of tire<L weak and hoot.
combed on %Vedneaday, Ortober 4th,
•fier a long •nd painful illness He
was seeenty-two years of age.
The Massey -Harris implement &Kerrey
at ',Conch, ehich had leen conducted
morning a last week, when Nora Ma-
rie, daughter of Mr. arid :dm. Itichard
Blake. of Hullett, became the tirade of
by Henry Gelman. has been taken James L. Leaage. of Little Current.
oriel by F. Hem, sr., former agent. Key. Father Hogan riffle'. ed. After
i•ste T.E. Goveolock, ion of J. W. the ceremony • watdirog break/suit
Ooveulack. Reeve of Mc Einem has was set ved at" the to 'de's home in Hui -
been killed in action. Private Goren- lett. after %bleb the young couple left
loot left Ceded+ with LbeVlob S'7aell- on a wedding trip to Toronto. Ottawa
ling Corp*. and other eastern points. fley will
Rev. I). B. McRae, of Arniow, Bruce !ironic et. Little Current.
county, formerly of Cianbrook, bra
retired tram his ch.rge. nib r forty-
two years, of serviceom the Presby-
terian ministry. SEVERE BRONCHIAL COLD
In Quern street Methodiet church,
Yields To DeliCiOtiS Vinci
Toronto, on OcLober SI., Miss Eliza-
• Philadelphia, Pa.— -Lart fall I was
tied to Chas. D. Butight. of TorootO.
troubled with a very . serer. tireachial
Rev. 1. C. Cochrane officiated.
• cdld, headaches, backache. and sick to
Mrs. Mat garet Anderson, sof Weet stomach 1 ea. ao rad
NVirwanoish, announces the engage- alarmed and toed
'tont of her granddeughter, Edna E. also a doctor. tout did not get -anv relief.
Andemcn„ to James . Hart. son of A friend •skeil me to try t'itirol, and A
The Tiribute's gold medal foe atm-
•rocuoas couraoe in the public service
in that city. The *election of a Iwamoto
as cose of tbe medal cipieuta was
based on tins roo• iv tiros hat courage
rood presence°, Mind may tee diepleyed
as well in preventing a pootoble caters -
*chord teacter harge roe of the
rooms in Chic•go public school.
crosaing (ha hall core alter000n she
Wanly •welled the smoke of Wining
wood. ALI inetant later she ban a thin
cut I of smoke curling up thintugh •
crack in the floor. Without Kl•tillf
the alarm or 5-AU•ing Any eicitement
she entered her room and disinterred
the children and marched them quietly
out. Then, with no more (has a
ininute's deloy. she notified the prin.
cilia' and asmated in getting all the
otber pupil* out. the building being
entirely emptied in three minutes. It
worth' have beets ravy and perhaps
natural to heve omunded an alarm of
tire, in 'vista& CAS* & lreaueodour crush
00 the soars with consequent casual-
ties would have been *lissom unavoid-
Private Edward Garton 114A received
Garton, bad died of wound• on S p-
latelet Liiith.
Ales. Bryan* was istrie.kes by •
paralytir *Aerie while in the Stanoard
hauk one day lain week and was con-
veyed to hop home in &II unconscious
Tbe biggest crowd oti record at-
tended Krim Huron fair ea 'noire
day turd Friday, October 'Oth and Mts.
The receipts were river SLAV. The first
fall fan ever held in Brussols wee
After it Leave struggle for life, Roger
Clarke Deadmao. son of 4:. 1Deasi-
man, died at Histtsville un Friday,
October Oth, at the early age of
twenty-seven years. lie had hoes
living in t hr Northland tot souse time
in the hope of building up his health.
which bad. out teen !robust for the
past few yeara. lie was horn in BMW.
eels and grrw to young inasabood het •
enjoying the respect rood esteem oi
both old and young. Ile took up
banking -ase a pa ttfession and rose rap-
idly until he attained An excellent
poeition at Winnipeg. which he • had
• •litioion owing to failure in health
Althotigh she had twen quite ill for
* owe Moe the end came •ei y suddenly
to Mrs. Wilhelm Hans, her death thr-
C111 rir.g at her home on Morose stse.
Oil Wednesday evening, October 4sh.
Mrs. Harris' maiden name WIM
obeth Morrison and she o as Isom near
Glasgow. ScotIontl. %Vhen seventeen
years of age she came to ennada with.
relatives and hoover] at Crotimity,
where bhe married %Val Bell, fifty-
eight years ago:. After • lengthened
sesoleirce -their. the family removed to
Atwood, coheir Mr. Heil died twenty -
Mrs. Het ris took up trade -nee in Brus-
sels in ISSN nod lived there continto
Mr. and Mrs. %Vittorio Hart, of brought the rclief ahich 1 crat.-d, ctisly until her demise.. Two daugh-
strait. Out. The anaritage will take I sow I am enjoving perfect heaith."— tete survive.
place quietly in 0-tt ober. JAC1C C. SINGLETON.
George Rowcliffe, formerly of Elitn- ! We guarantee Vino' fer eltrosis
vi.1.., 11110 was hurt at Loudon secersd; roue". colas land bralarthilia
weeks ago by falling twenty feet from Duni() o•nt.
°- Also at the hesPt druigg!ssts in Onto.'
bricks. is partinlly oared) z•-.1 and little .t.ya -
hope is entertained for his recovery.
Mr. 'ts'. Neelsinds has ',moved loon t
Hetosall to Stratford. Prior to his . '' EX KTEli.
depar Lure for the Classic City he was i m,.. a "rovlic
'gook.- A fenoclavs ago and isnot, con -
Arena. soitabiy enforcer!, tty the mem-
fined to her bed.
ism" of tho adult Whir close of the
%Valliant T. Lotman and Mina Rhoda
Msthodiat churrh. of which he war
Irene wete niartied .at the
tire teacher for many years.
'Presbyterian manse s.81 Monday attars
1•op, w•s the scene of a delightful event Privet, s (Sooldie Co. hrane. Archie
when their eldest d•ughter, Mat v Mar-10*yr, and Willwr limo -est Ate Exeter
garet Mityme was united in merrier blOss 'emit t w led last week.
to Roy C. To. vey , Bluevale. Rev. !Trooper Clifford Matthews Ito rep -I ter'
Cermet, I °Metaled and Mite Ellie Archi- *minded )0
bold. cototin of Ore toile, played the John R. McIkinald'ot three Militia,.
Lisia, Olive arid Lloyd, fool a narrow
wedding match.
e cape from st r torso y when svi
Cecil Skinner. of the :iord concessicti
auto oollided with the fig in which
of Usborne, sufferer' • 'revere loos tbe
ht ey viete driving •nd Olives them all
other day when his two tine barns i
lout. 'Phe boric s le were badly t
were burned to the ground. Mr. Skin -
the harness brokeirand the hog' iits:
ner Lind three years' wheat in the
granary, which was valued at 111,51111, I w••....• tut wieck•
and Ono with all hir other cent) w•a IllartioRe is annoutited of Sarn-
i ot, 1 he life is supposes" to histre or-
iginated in the windmill, on top of
tone tot Ole barns, by a piece of wire
vetoing friction) in the paring.
Paula chinch, Hensel!, for twenty
yeata..hea resigned his chnrge tole
the important position oif secretarc-
troasui er of the Diocese of Huron. Be-
fore he severed his connect' with
the plientall congregation be wee
made the recipient of an addrossa and a
handsome vectilnal bookcase and
reading lamp. l'he preerntation was
niade by the chlirch wardens, Messrs.
Pet y and %Vhite. 011 beluill Of the
menober••nd adherents of the church.
Rev. %V. H. Moore, of Kingsville. is slight j•ities. r. Mot. chsnd was
HOC. Mr. lkoherty's succeesur at Hen- rendered iincorocic.o• and Mra. March -
salt. rood sustained painfoil in.Hiries to her
Private .%. W. Grove*, nephew of SEAFORIIII
John F. Grove., town clerk, htsa Privates Thomas Merit- and Ercinett
been reported killed. hot or later die- Kelly, member* of the :44th Battalim,
diapioch i. the rffect that he has have been reported .wituirded.
been wounded and iso in • hospital
%Chile changing wires for tbe O. N.
W. Telegraph Company at &Millis,
girl Roes flelLatto ilewitt, Captain to
mooing etas., in lie C. , which
event inek Ware in Sitio-taste parish
chotch. Kent. ringlitnd, oto September
Oth. apt. anti Mrs. Hewitt, w ho had
been at Saloniki. are returning to
Canaan, as Capt. H.switt has leen suf-
Arnold Marchand. of %V•terford,
fornier Exeter lousiness 121•12. ia suffer-
ing from conciiiiiion of the brain as
the result of • runaway ac.-ident when
he and hi• wife -and too chikiten were
thrown from • rig in which they were
Nile* Ellen Woodley of Oalt, form-
erly of tr. *forth, was. married n Oco
Usher 5tb to ;Ftederi:k Sbul x, of
h•ni, received ar electric shock and Men Camille Prendergast, of Chi -
fell head first from ihe teleorspb pole c•go. tioughter of John Prencierwast,
to the sidewalk below. • distance of got sidsille. Nen aseisectss
of twenty five or thirty feet. He died
three hours later. He was sixty two —
years of age sod was born near Mont-
real. had lived at Ovillia for GI L LET T'S LYE
t y-threa• years and previously at
Wilber Welsh, of the !oral Bell
telephone staff. has gone tro LOndon to
toke a position with the company
Mrs. J•mes Fair, of CalgarYi form-
erly of town, wee badly herned re-
cently by an explosion of ge• in her
kitchen range.
Class. E. Tenney.. of London, form-
erly ot Chnton, traveller for this Met -
10C14-Miltbalnft Piano Ver., died at Char-
lottetown whei• t • loot lick while oin
Word has Veen refereed that Pte.
motoe transom. t in Prance, rusis sips
of Joho Ford. has been reported
w mended
mem et • event en Wednesday
J 's churett. Clinton. tees the
Dodd's Kidney Pills Are Doing a Great,
'Glacier Creek, vitt Dawson. Yokon
Kidney Pals are carrying on their
greet work of carrying relief to ostfet -
Canadian og es is.further evidenced.,
bv the cy-e 8,1 A. Armstrong. s
well-knoon resident litre.
"L am never without Drairls Kid-
ney Pills in the hoiree,-, Mrs., Tow
standby for sixteen year-. Roth toy -
self and my family hare the pre.t
rst faith in Their meths -mai qualities
%Vheti any tot my friends o• ouplain of
ecen a headache I treat them with
Ilssid'a 'Kidney Pills and they never
(mil to do good. IL •IWItyPI give* MY
pleasure to gay a good avoid for [Todd's
The- aristocrat and t tv nom met
this w.tr on the losoad ground. of
iielitral int v. and ea. -1) has leen
vey tfitand Neater Fre* Gardenet-o
Two hoodrel pairs Ladies' 54 :',11 Ce
and button shoe., all sizes. to des at
ift 95. Ladies' 113.50 lats. and hot on
i hoes to clear et 51.0K. Walters ,Y. Co,
McLean Bros.' Store
Children's Day in Chriat church The
sermon will he specially for the chit
drer We bore to see the Mt!, cues
all riot Mr Hart y Hayden. PM -
general merchant, spent Tha•kagoring
Mr. acid Mr.. thiver .1. lor•ton tool
G. iffith sit wit Monday with Mrs. 111.
Vio. et and Ida were Tharkegiving OW'
tors with her •loter. Mos. Albert Cock,
Lucknow Serie. 0 -way Hayden.
of the C. A. D C., hi vpending the week
end cinder the parental roof here ....
i• spending Thank•givino with hie
Grey are 'bending the holiday with
Haddock, of the 141.1 Battalion, ex -
poets to go overrates shortly. His
litany friends wish him a wife twin ir.
. Miss Yeirt• Wormy is home from.
Order tea after a two 'MPhil.' visit with
relmtleee . Mr anal Mrs. Alfred
ovent Sunday with relat 'yea
at lionnoiller The Ladies' (loth' of
Chviat o•hoirch meet. at the home"( Mi..
Hai fie( Hayden oli Wednesday of
this week .... Mrs. William Band
ley I. irentleg her daughter, Mrs.
Norman Colelorrgh, in Grellerich
in OUT neighborh,od
orl at the home of
Tbei stork called
Prat ft om •ro here took in oh.
Dongarinorwo show and •11 report A fro011
the neder of the Oa v Mrs. if.
.441 were up horn 4 :donna oin boeimase
this week... A. Iffirlzmen, out mil
lee. wade a trip to Stratford on bear
nese Ude week.
At the first opportunity you should arrange to ,e ami
our store and examine our exceptionally fine line of
Sweater Coats Underwear
Overcoats Suits
and. in fact, everything for Fall and V'inter wear. Den't
forget the place.
New Prices August 1 1916
The following prices,. for Fool cars will
lie elleetive on and after Aug. 191ti
Runabout -
Touring Car
Town Car -
These once, .itc ptisitic•ch, gittornosit .igoinst .415 y Tr -
auction lieforc,August 1. buctisere re. guaranty,.
• against an arloince price .it any time.
Printing ? tbe sicmal
• In the Time of Peace Prepare for War
There is Long Cold
Winter lead of You!
large assc
it is siearl as go.
Let figute
Wiring. etc.
reisair floes it it Tose o%eir
CAI Ty repairs 1,;:' ne different
past, retuir call and we tht-
K 1).AV '• Rangt is the latest
in a nen. Foritlor this Foil r If
• on it. We have a good .econd
which i. in good ri pair in fact.
ar Plumbing licatiug. ti
We handle the
Egg, per ton
Cannel, pet ton
Pea Coal. per ten
Soft Woorl. Irer singly cord
Ilan! 'Wood Tier single conl
5 114)
Chas. C. Lee
Phones : Store 22
House I 12
The Square