HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 6TRE SIGNAL CODERICH EFT Elms IIEUEF, TOO I i Ytat your skin troubte L Ineerabla 1 bsrause o'.tmary treatments have t failed! 1f so Ret 7.am-Ruk and Foie. as thousands of ethers have. !that yanr.Buk 1s capable of km:- la$ after everything else has tailed' Mrs 11 'resit. of 1413 Manning A Toronto. write: " For eight ij k. my 11141. eon's tars was pill cotlertd villi eesema The zn and Irritation were so Intense 1x41 he reerld not sleep. He re- wMved treatment at a hospital. bet it did him no good Then 1 beard of Lam-Iruk and commenced using IL It really worked wonders The pain and Irritation soon disappear- ed. and I could noal -e a decided improvement 1 persevered with flee treatment until now his face ii• quite free from sores and his taken 1s perfectly clear. I cannot be grateful enough for what Zam- Ruk bas done. and 1 shall never be without 1t" ?...m Ruk Is equally good fir ring- worm. salt rheum, hlnodpoisoning. }ehern, old sores, piles, burns. asewlds, nits and ail skin injuries the bot. 3 for 11 "S. all druggists kw Lam Iluk ('0. Toronto HORNE OrallnaI. reaped: Brood mail.. accompanied by foal. ('bA.. Rat ha ell. Arthur Etaaa: foal. Cha. !Lathwell. Arthur Evans; goading plate of bone. .1 R. Stet beg. Mn. A. F.. Erwin, plate of cookies, Miami E:. Setow- den. W. I' Metu•alf; app.") pie. Mn. Ili. Grlee, J 11 Sterling. a special prise by the T. I atou l'o. for the best three pain of dressed chickens, exhibited by or tills t) ran old. Jar. Pecker . sr.. 1 aad t am inti v W u&1 owser. who bas cot moa ! geldug or filly 1 year old, 11. Hayter: Satoh prim st any tale shoe 1913, rata. This is the season when a Gasoline Engine would be a valuable asset if added to your farm equipment. Just at the present time we haa•e on the floor of our Ware- house all sizes of Engines from one and a -half to six horse- pcwei . They will do a great d<al to take the drudgers' out of life. Call and see them. t bawd ware, accompanied by foal, Job■ Pwab4 blocks. wale by or. .rewari, 1 astt 2; foal. .lobs Swart, l soder 16. bedroom clock. Wt'►. and t. r,rWfag or 11111 2 years okl, J. R. pollock R tion, J. R. ent Heading: b Sterling, W. N. Keys. teams. ('. Trucial Paw Ot twit's made by girl under 15. uet..1.i-epb colck,ugh. bruah and comb, valued at l'!.'s', J. H1.A1/44, I.RAUUHT Sterling. Brood mare accompanied, by foal. GRAIN AND SEEDS Jot u De Ater sr.. John McKlsley; W. A, Balk will: best 6 lbs. butter Is Ja•Reid, Arthur 0..: -fns foal Jw White winter wheat. Milne Itader. C. Reid. Arthur E years old. Jno. Stewart. Arthur Evaaa. Battler. Henry Talbot: small white peas. gelding; or ally 1 year old. John Stewart. (•. Troewner; 6 -rowed barky', Henry team, J. Merner. limbers Max P.. •'I Knee; nannies t. 11 • neatt eal WWLL ' •ai i MILL alter mane s f.w limes I was .abase a. ud attar tlataalea twain boa tad rate coa$i$ len M M7 w f. to new using ran and Yds tba abs bail bene geyser reltavcd ef Mt p.ia Wee bar k1rgs 1 can .att.y trsssamed Say see aelsrla4 traa rattrse►le le gore • lair trial ts O ?beam etaAramm.., all disarms awn Gm TIM as Ms a lea, ar s Mate tar st se. lidRet if of erns te OaZ s ALpDIPO�a i G10 Tor aro One. of Woods. dollies. Pasty braid and nsselbeG. Mn. W. Masser, Mrs. S. 1fMMen: plain band newing, three different tar - eines. Mn. Roes, Kate Rosa. hemstitch - tog, Mrs. Ross, Kate Roes: pia csshtos In eyelet. Mn. Row. lin. W. Meese: suds cushion In embroidery or fumy stitcher, Thos. Cameron. Mrs. 8. Hous- ton. tea cosy. knitted, Mrs. H. Houston, Mrs. Rom. etching os sotto or linos, Mi. Rum. Kate Rose. nwdero cross h, Mrs. Kos, Mrs. W. meows; braelinp, Mrs. Korn, Mrs. W. Messer: II ush point lace', Kate Rosa, Mrs. Koss. lloaltos lace, Mrs. itis. W. F. Met- calf: baadimade buttonholes. W. A. Relkwill. Mrs. Dr. Grieve. W allacbiD embroedered centre piece en shite. J. 6. Howrie, Mrs. W. Mersey. doral Hat, ad centre piece on liners. Mn. Roes, Kam Ross. whisk bolder. hand wade. Mrs. Rona. Mrs. S. Houston. pierced Maas caadle stick and shade. Mrs. Ross; kitchen apron. Mrs. ti. Houston. John Stewart: darning on socks. John vasa: riding or filly 2 Truemner, red winter wheat, Wm. B. - - er. John A. Murray: field carrots, A. Halliday, Richard Smith. table carrots, Jas. Campbell, A. I.. l.rwln; table beets. W.A. Bslkwlll; A. Halliday: cabbage, A. Halliday. Mrs. lleweon. cauliflower. A. Halliday. Mrs Heater; muskmelons, Mrs. Rosa, John A. Murray. parsnips, W. A. Balkwill, Richard Smith; largest ppuumpkin, Jobe 1. Murray, Mrs. 8. Hooeeoa. largest -quash, Milne Rader. Jokes A. Murray . field turnip., W. W. Wise. Johu A. Murry, eatertuelons, Thar.. Snowden, M1sr E. Hoowden: auger beets, A. Halliday. Richard Hut,th: whiles celery., W. F. Metcalf: k \1'w. It. Battler. W. A. mister radiate. BaIkwUI; citrons, .Bohn A. Murray. A. Halliday: potato mikes, large English, Itichard Smith, Miss E. Snowden: large white onloos, W. F. Metcalf, Miss E. ' Snowden. large red onions. W. F. Met- calf: large yellow onion.. John Tough, A. E. Erwin: large red tomatoes, A. 1 Halliday, 1Kichaiil Smith; large yellow tomatoes, W. F. Metcalf, Wm. B. Batt- ler. peach tomatoes. Miss E. Snowden. W. F. Metcalf:.ainn), A. Halliday, W. F. Metcalf. ROADriTfI" Brood mare. eccornpanittl by foal. foal not to be judged with mare. W. N. Keys. Wu:. Higglsa. foal. W. N. Keys. Ge.. A. Carpet: gelding or 1111) 2 years old. John Decker sr., gelling or ally 1 year old. Jas. Reid. team. .lona Decker sr., single roadster. Ralph Hlslgt, Downs. Mel'ougaie. t aIRl ta41- Foal. Wne Higgins. gelding or filly 2 year. old. Jas. Flauuery. single carriage horse. Chris. Either, C. Truemner. best gentleman's outfit. Ralph Hislop, ('. Trneunut t. lady driver, John Uts:ker .r., C.'ltormae. CATTLE; GRAPE CATTLE )(itch Mw, W. J. Stinson, W. W. Wise, heifer, two years old, E. Pi. Wise .t Sons. E. H. Wise; heifer, one year old, Chas. Rathwell. 1 and 2. heifer calf, E. 14. Wise ,t Sons: steer call. D. H. Mc- Nauglitou. .1. R. Sterling; steOr, two year old. E. H. Wise R lions. D. 11. Mc\aughton: steer. one year old, Chas. Itathwell. W. W: Wise; tat cow. heifer or steer, J.J. Mettler, V..1. Stinson: Lt'RHAM . Milch cow. E. H. Wise.* on.. Beatty Rios.. heifer. two years old. E. H. Wise t Sous. 1 and 2; heifer, our year ,old E. 11. W t-. .1 Sons 1 and 2. bull esti. !tett Pick. F. H. Wise .t 8-,n-. SHE1.1' ROBT.. WILSON Hamrboa St., Gtderrcb Little fob or Big Frotr, the repairing of a faucet to the installa- tion of a complete plutnbt n g system. we a r e equip- ped to do the fob. eta • ems Ta:hot. Knee Ra'er: whim oats. J. R. Sterling, Geo. A. Cooper. black oats. J. R. Merino:. Cnn•m Ilowrou. timothy. Wm. It. Rattler. Geo. A. Cooper: yellow corn, Calvin Ross's, A. E. E.re in, dent corn. Milne Rader, Tho... Su.wden. sweet corn, John Tough, MI -is E. snow den. any other variety. A. h. Jamie: Geld beans. ('. Truemsar FKUiT .R LF.ia c. F Rant, two shears of over. A. Elcoat, E. 11. Wise ,t Sun.. shearing raw, A. EIca.at. rata iamb. E. H. Wese 1 Sons; pair ewes. hiletu,t taist.l latah. in 1916, too shears or over; E. H. Wise a Sous. pair .bearling ewes.::. H. Wise t Sons. A. E.Icoal. Eweijaiub, 1:. I1. Wise t Sobs. .\. i'.I:cst. wether latub, A. El- c..at. LIINeineti s Rami. two .bears 01 over. Geo. Pea - hale. T. M. Hnow-dt ie taut lamb. Geo, 1'ebhale. G' X. Suuwlteu' pair ewes, having toned lambs in IMI+:, two shears Or over. T. M. Snowden. Giro. Penhale. pair .ht arra, ewe., 1'. N. Snowden, Geo. Pinhole. ewe laufb, Geo. Penhale, T. \I.. -Snowden; wether lamb. T. M. Suow'dtn. Y!\E wOttl. Ram. two shears or over. A. Dunkin: shearing ram. A. Dunkin: ram Iamb, A. Dunkin: pair ewe-.. haring raised Iatitbs in 1:•16, two .hears of over. an. Dunkin: pair shearing ese.. A. Dunkin: ewe iamb. A. Dunkin. pair fat she gip, any bleed, T. M. Snowden. Geo. Pen - hale. PIGS Iri:ItK,.I(1)IE Aged boar. T. M. Snowden. brood sow. having hatred in 11116, E. Snow- den. T. M. Soowden: boar. 6 months or under, E. Snowden: sow, 6 months or under: T. M. Snowden. E. Snowden. 1'.,RKd1iIRl' Aged ito t . \1 w. 11. Battier. brood sow-, having littered in I916, Wm. B. Rattler. Rob!. plait: bear. 6 months or under. Win. . It. (tattler. 1 and 2, sow, 6 months or under, Wutii It. !tattler 1 and 2. W. R. PINDER ADVER7IS) N PATS LESS MFA( IF BACK AND KIIIN[YS HURT G►.n Aged boar. T. M. .Snowden, -John Sowerhy; br.w.l sow. hiving littered in 1915. T. M. $nosden. E. Snowden; Is•at. 0 months .e under. E'. Snowden: .ow, K months or under. T. M. Snowden, E. Sonwtlen: best boat. any brei, T. M. Snowden. lest sow. any breed. Snowden: let istir Lacon hogs any bred. E.:Monaco. T. M. Snowden. Plil'1.I'11l' Pair elle. r grey ikorkins, Wm. 11. Battler 1 and 1: pair dark Brahmas, J. S. itor%1IV. pair barrel Plymouth Rocks, E. 11. Wise .t tons, John Prater; pair white 1.1)ntouth hocks, ('. Truem orr. Win It battler: pair black Spanish, J. S. Howse. Wm. cat Battler, pair white i ea:hotns, A. Halliday, dohs i'rutri: pair brown 1.'gnorns. .1. S. llowrie; tram. silver spangled Ham barge, Win. it 'tattler 1 and 2, pair Rhode 1.43u.l Itcd., 4'. Truetuner 1 ant 2: par Audaht•iwr, J. s. Howrie. Wm. B. Rattler. pair whit. Wyandottea, Truemoer. Win. 1t. }littler, Pair silver Wyandotte'., J. S. lloarie: pair black Minorca.. Win. 11. !tattler. Alt. Cope- land; Iwo 1loudans, Wm. B. Battler, 1 and J: pair 1h4R Orpington., Wm. 11, Battler. 1 and 2. parr Aleck Laugehana, J. S. Howrie. John l'r:iter, pair _Bas tams. any varlets, John ;: 1 and 2. parr Pekin ducks. C. Tr culeet, 1 and 2. trait Romeo docks, E. H. Wise R Son, Nm. K. (tattler: pair Toulouse geese. Wm It. Rattler. 1'. Troemaer. pair and other variety geese, E. Snow- den. C. Truomner. pair bronze Turkeys, J. R. Sterling: pair any other variety turtles... E. Snowden. DAiRY PRODUCE 94 lbs. salt butter, Mrs. F. Werke*: 10 lbs. hotter in blocks. itobt O. Reid, Mrs. F. Week.• : lbs. butter, John Stewart. Louts Beatty, cheese, haeme• :noir. Mrs. E'. t%repel., C. Truemser. beet collectkm homy snare wine. Dr Woolfs. F. Keegan: gest collection berme made pickles, w• 1'. Metcalt, W. A. bale will. box borne made o&ady, Mine lime des, W. ',F. Metcalf, Inst collection maned trent not lees them s or more than it varieties, F. K.e as A. H&Illdst honey Is tombm. holkick a Noe, Hob. Brows. y in jar, Lsoty Realty. Gee. A. caper, test oo11.'ctios of bossy, Robe. Brown, levity Beatty: 1 loaf of boas mode bread. aot bakers. Mrs. i)s. Grieve, Itobt. O. Rad; guar d mmasle syrup Jobe Stewart. Yr. 8 Hoastoe. two bottles �rt� kkamort mad ar(&sr) ostamm elan, lbws wise, lir. Woods. F. Reemam: bee gold a aft serieln Kien, diens, Reach for ose person, W. Y. tiMcNI; 6 hunches grapes, Mrs. Hew.on. W. F. Metcalf. collection of grapes, Mrs. of • collection !•'. Ker •anapples, Newson, Keegan: 1 of fall and 6 of winter, i of each var- iety, John Sow'erby, Andrew Sloan: winter apples, W. A. Kalkwili. John tiowerby: tall apples. F. Keegan, Thos. Snowdeo. plate of Mann apples. John Sowerby. (leo. A. ('toper. plate of Hp(trerburg. Andre•. Green, F. Keegan; collection of peers, John Sowerh)-, F. Keegan; fall pears. John Forte/by. W. F. Metcalf: winter pears. A. Halliday, J. 1t. Sterliag. peaches, .I. 1t. Sterling. Dr. Grieve: plums, C. Truewner, l.auty Beatty: prunes. F. Keegan, Thos. Browne': northern spies, Andrew Sloan, John Sowerby: yellow crabs. Miss E. Snowden. F. Keogan; red crabs. W. A. Italkwill, .1. R. Stirling: King 01 Thomp- kins, John Sowerhy. Andrew Sloan: l:re•nings, W. A. lalkwill. Andrew Sloan: ltibston Pippins. 'rhos. Snowden. Andrew Sluau: tweuty ounce Pippins. John Sowerby, Andrew stoat': Wagnera. •Andrew Slain. F. Keegan: Golden Rus• sets, John Sowetby. Geo. A. Cooper: Blenheim Pippins, Andrew Sloan. Geo. A. Cooper: Snows. Andrew Sloan. \'El1ETABLES Early potatoes. to Ile named. A. Hal- liday, W. le Metcalf. lam potatoes. Calvin Dowscw.John A. Murrty: man guilds, long rid. Milne !fader, Jas. Camp- bell; mangolds. yellow globe. ('. Truein- ocr: inter.-.ediate wiugobis. Shine Rad LADIES' WORK Collection of six fancy handkerchiefs. Kra. Ross, W. F. Metcalf; Irish crochet Lace, Dr. Woods. W . F. Metcalf: crochet table mats, Mr.. Ross, J. S. Howrie: crochet work in cotton, Kate Ross, Mrs. S. Houston; crochet work iu wool. Milne Rader. Mrs. Ross: fancy head necklace, Yrs. S. Houston, W. F. Met- calf: shadow embroider)', Mrs. S. Hous ton, Yrs. Ross: eyelet embroidery. Men. Moss, Kate Ross. embroidered tire o' 1 clock, era. W. egerses. S. Howrie: child's dress, feather stitched in,silk. W. F. Metcalf. Mts. Ross. embroider) in lace stitches. Kate Ross. J. S. Howr ie: collar and cud set. embroidered Mr.. S. Houston, .1. S. Howrie: drawn work, .lire. W. Merner. Mrs. Roes, bed room 'dippers. W. F. Metcalf. Mrs. Ross batt'nburg lace; 4. S. Howrie. I►r *ealth kr $ick Wcmeu wear.Stewart, Mn. Its. , Mrs ladies under Woinany$ Most Reliable Medicine wear, basil wase, Mrs. W • Merner. J. S. Howrie; hardasger. W. F. Metcalf. J. 8. Howrie: knitted go111. F. Keegan. Mn. Roes: creche faeclnator lu wool, Mn. Rom. Mrs. S. onston: pair wool- len eoeks, John w , Mrs. Ross: [kited mat. band . F. Keegan. pair woollen glos made, Mrs. S. Houston. Mrs. Ross: woollen mittens. John Stewart. J. . Howrie: Roman or cut work. handmade, W. F. Metcalf, J. S. Howrie: rag rust. hooked. J. Keegan, d. Halliday; patch ed quilt, Dutton, Mrs. De. Grieve, A. Halliday: patched quilt, cloth. Mrs. Dr, Grieve, Robt. G. Reid: crochet qutlt. John Decker, sr., J. S. Howrie: silk quilt, W. F. Metcalf. Mrs. Drib Grieve: best up -to date collection ladies' work, h aul male, J. 8. Howrie, Mrs. W. Merrier: one yanl of crochet lace in cot ten, Mrs. Dr. Grieve. J. S. Howrie; one yard of knitted lace in wool. Ifni. S. Houston. Mrs. Roan. fancy apron, Mrs. S. Houston. W. F. Metcalf, tenertQe lace, Mrs. Ross. Kate Roes. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Boaruet of dowers, large. W. F. Met. calf, Mrs. Hewson; bouquet of dowers, small, W. F. Metcalf. kin. Hewson: collection of dahlias. W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Hindi.. Collection of pansies. J. S. Howrie. F Keegan: collection of geran iums, Yrs. Ileweoo. F. Keegan: col lection of house plants. Mrs. Hewson; collection of gladiolus. W. 9'. Metcalf, Mrs. Relation. collection of Machias, Mrs. liewsun. F. Keegan: collection of foliage plant. Mrs. Hinde: collection of &eters, W. F. Metcalf. J. S. Howrie; W. floxanla \ F. Petal: collectlou of g collection of ben:oniss. W. 1'. Metcalf. Mrs. Hinde: bouquet of sweet peas, Mn,. iiinde. .l. s Howrie. FiNE ARTS Pencil drawing. Kate Rua.;. Mrs. }toes: crayon drawing. Kate Ross, Mrs. Ross. watercolor pending, J. S. Howrie. Mrs. W. Merner: oil painting. .1. S. Howrie. Kate Rom: Kensington painting, Sirs. Roos. Kate hoes: pen and ink sketch,.t. K. Howse, Yrs. S. Houston. lustre t painting, J. S. Howrie, W. F. Metcalf: ppa&iinnting on silk. satin or velvet. Mrs. Itces. Kate Ross: beet snapshot of Ray• field scenery. Geo. Greenslade. W. A. la*Rwill. burnt work. Mrs. W. Meritor. Kam Russ. hand painted china, J. S. Howrie. Mrs. W. Merrier. MANUFACTURERS Set single harness. Lanty Beatty, John Tippet: set double harness. John F.atiag Brat regularly ereetually re- deem k►dn.y trouble is some form or ether, says s w.l known authority. bra oeds,. tie nrtr, and is meat excites the helm" they brooms overworked: set wl.iggssh; clog up and emote all sorts of diem*, particularly beekarhe and ram pry is the k, tn.y engine rheumatic twin Rent. Myers healaehes. acid atematrh, etn- s4patios. torpid liver. sla.'.Iemusess, Madder and urinary irritation The mrenent your hark hurts Sr kid- ery. areal acting right, or M bladder bolters yon. grt abut four onnme of .Bal Salta frost any good pharmacy, lake a tablespoonful is a glom of water beim, breskfa.t fora few days ami your lodgey, will them act fine This famous Saha is sale from the avid of (rapes sad kenos joins, combined with 13144.. sad kis Wee mad for geasrmtines r dun *Ingrid kidneys sad stisslsle them M menial activity . also to ei.halise the arils in tae +rias se it as leapt irri- tates, urs 'adios Madder disorders. Jed Salts eamaet injure mains a dalialdial o%r•+sseat tlrir weer drink Mika millirem of mos sad wmm'a ensu sow sad thea fe keep eta /To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking dove n. the three following letters ought to bring hope:- North ope:- North Crandon, Wis.-"Wben I was 16 yealw old I got married and at 18 years I gave birtb to • twins and it lei' nn' with very poor health. I could not walk across the floor without having to sit • down to nest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and be me I had a displacement and UluerlI, and would have to have an operatx.n. This frightened file so much that I did not know what to dei. Having • �> beard of Lydia F. l'iltkhant's Vegetable l'omlrrun3 I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as r• �' well as ever. t1 cannot say enough in favor of the. Pinkham reneeiies."-Mrs. Mails .lasses, North lraz don, Testimony from Oklahoma. ,Lawton, Okla -" *lien I began to take i.ydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable ll,mpiund I sernwsl to 1a• good for nothing. tired easily anti had headaches much of the time and was irregular. I tusk it attain befur• my little child waa born and it dine me a wonderful amount elf gleed at that time. I never fail t.• recomnie xt Lydia E. I1nklhtlu s Vegetable Compound to ailing women because it liar dear so much for me." -Mrs A. L a[CCanLAst•, 5419 Have St., Lawton, Ulla From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. ij i" "IIIIII I l{el:bun, Mass.-" I was suffering from inflam- mationand was examined by a physician who found that my trouble brats caused by a displacement s he o tat. tart n were isearin down ll/ • symptoms \ s pains, fit- >x g medi- cine; sluggish liver. I tried seve..tl kindsof � + to l.vdi.► i, Pinkhatn's • cine • then I was asked try II a Vegetable Compound. It has cured ear' and I am pleased to be in my usual god health 1•y using it and highly recommend it." - Mrs. 13. M. lhanion, C/ 1 Riaynes Park, Roxbury, Mass. It you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. confidential' 1}.tnn. Mesa. Tour letter will be opened. read and answered b) a W Unaan and held in at let confidence. _ Will Save Gasoline. CliRo'd Drew, the e'i!tip•.-41"1 south' -nn barlwl. hes utvrn'ed •tau •p- MacEwan Estate pliancfor motor ears whereby the jj 'ileagr nn r gallon of gn•adine IS SI.mt Tippet, Tbos. Cameron. skein of twist- doubled. He hag rpfli..t for patent. t ed yarn. Thos. Browner. Milne Rader: in Canada and enited State.. 1„ 11rr vane • Exclusive agents for r , skein Of woollen va, 10 knots or over. mesUm nhe is selhr the a R plli ears j Thos. Itrownet, Maine Rader: best quart jar soft soap, Tho'. Browner, alis. E. Snowden. Crest 3 ban haul soap, F. Keaton, ('. Truemncr. JI - UG ES. Hones- Jas. Archibald. Fred A. Elleringtos. Cattle - A. G. /Willie. ('has. Moss. Sheep and rigs. -11. R Snell; l'untu . 4. l'. Petis. Hen.ail. Poultry -Wm. tarter. Dairy Produce- Jar. (unroll\, W. Scott Thos. Johnston. Grains and Seeds -James Thomson. Jas. W. Forel. Fruit -John Porter. John ('ox. % rectabies -Wm. Warnock. Ladies' Work --Mn. James Connolly, Miss Alice Johnston. Flowers and Fine Arta -Goo. Stew- art, .1. E. Stanhury. Manufacturers- W..cott, Thos. John - Moo, Jain. Connolly. St. Vitus Dance Can Be Easily Cured. A Tonic for the Blood and Nerves With Rest All That is Needed. and bacilig it m i uIst Fuerst. "Cliff dr,srwa F. rd and :d SCRANTON noticed that in damp weather the .•t, - (rine reit rillt. freely and used Ir. Via• OA L then on dry they.. AIsm( , a ru•mih ego he cone. -ivied the h fight ides of snaking every day a damp dm, s'• far atm the motor ewe' c.rncerne.l. `Hearst from the ra.lietnr wise nd.•tltted to the gaw•lute end' ring the rno'Or end the vrpui'zoo/ pro.. -as ,t.ve ttitax'nit re sult- Marra- he had 1.•en sunning twrnty-'wo and teem )-•brew man on a gallon of greoline he was elite to go for t, mike. On r he 1st of Septem- ber hr mnt..i 'd ran Tor • nt o via Guelph stud Ham Ito and 'wide ihr trip 11412 ntile.i on •a ' a, d one limit gallon. of jraseline. ('alder 3i.lolv.ry or - Panted Drew and memoir. d the ea.u- line .-Mollnt I'.tre-t Heor..entatire. Men's .Mss to clear at 192.19.. 63 104, IKi.104 If v'w wont any thing lit .Mtew, drunks. cluhha=s or .'ni,caw •s, now is the time to bur. Walters & Co. "The Yellow Menace' is the case for preparednea.. for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quAntily heat all Maple S1atw, Mined Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES. office pg reademct • to or 66 Many a child bee been called awk- ward, bas been puniebed in .cbaol for not keeping still or for dropping' things, when the trouble was really St. Vitus dance. This trouble eta y appear et any age hut is most often met ltrtween the ages of .z and fourteen. The 1 most frequent cause of the disease i.1 poor 1110.41. a,"graysted by indoor con- finement, or mental strain at school Under these conditions the blood fails to carry nourishment to the nerves and the child begins to elbow listless- ness and inattention. Then it becomes restless and twitching of the muscles and jerkin," of the limb and hody_ A reedy that cures St. V mVitus donee and cores it e o thoroughly that no trace of the diaeaae remains 1s Dr. . William; Pink Pills, which renew the blood, thee feeding and strengthening the .carved nerves. This is the only way to cure the trouble, and parent• e bould lose no time in giving this treatment if their child scrams nervous or irrita�ie. Mrs, Wm. A. Squires, Oannington, Oot., sari : "My only daughter, now fourteen years of ate, was troubled for several yeah with 8L Viten dance. Phe was at had that et i.... sae would lose control of her limbs and her face and eyes would be contnr•p•d. We had medical advice and medicine, lit did not help her. In tact we thong t the trouhle grow- ing worse. aged R ily we had to take ber from school. About a ear apo we began giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and by the teen* oh* bad taken Rye holes she was completely eared, and is Dow a line, healthy girl. 1 Grady believe see owe this to Dr. WIlliass.' Pink Pills and am very grateful for her restoration In perfect b..Ji h.' Tow can tet theme pills from anv dealer in weedIrine ue by mail et 50 emits a Iota or ala boles for rLSO'fro.m Th. Dr. Williams' Med►elm.Oo., Rrock- ��� c one 4 Pays Best? The person trained in a Commercial School. We guarantee to give a Stenographic and Comm. Course equal to that given by any ool in the Prove and to place you in a position when you graduate. Wri for rates and make arrangements to enter as soon as possible. School of Commerce CLINTON. ONTARIO. PHONE, 208. B. IT WARD. B A . M. ACCTS . PRINCIPAL