HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERTCH : ONTARIO *NA, THutso , Ils•r :v, tutus 6 OUR AUTO SUPPLY DISPLAY 1•'t dtI:_���1 to cis owners NIIO de.ervr th beet au.! latest equip- ment for their mat tunes. Conte and ate it and note how cotitplete it k in the way of everything for auto and auttri.,t. If there i, an auto nerd t art cam think of conte here and tinct it. East Street Garage Ow -,ed and O.•ra'.e b, • Pracl.cie Man. a.M OLOVIN Paas. )aJ Epworth League anniversary sen ices , The subject for diaaur.ion next Sum will he (Meet veil at North street day at the Men' "Sunda Club, meeting Methodlat church n -v• Sunday. Rev. let North street Methodist ebur:•h at Irl J. W. H.4'. v. .1 N.:e, er::1 preach o'cloek, will be, "Should a 1..1....11 in •sort:log and etrntii&'. the w.,ng be drfecded :• "A re You Bald?" "Have You Thin and ' Faded Hair ? " 1s your appearance not what it shoo:.( to because of the lack of ILI.IR' Then come and see DORENWEND'S Display of FINE HAIR GOODS AT TME BEDFORD HOTEL GODERICH, ONTARIO The latestroe uctions in 1..\I)IF. Tit \NSF'(RVI \TIONS, Puy,l1'.\. 'WAN.] ETC.. anal FOR MEN WHO TI1'4I'NCI \t'.l .:, .1 f'I I alit, ': rep-• . ache* VtIllrn• .•. -. i-xMrtr4ine guru 1. :ttu.i that the el.., -t r t., -Ii tt front ,•sur el114.4 1.11. .tistrr`r•' ex• evt ,t n thi .\ 1`:Ar) p,. ,.. Nr. . ..::\' : t 1011, HAVE A DEMONSTRATION ON Wednesday, October 25th, 1916 J.':E DAY ONLY "DORENWEND'S" Head Office & Showrooms tD5 Yong* btreet. TORONTO • LOCAL TOPICS On the Mexican Border. Corporal W. L. Rutledge, who is with • ...emitting corps of the United States army, is p.)W on the Mexicana herder with his company. He .endo change of address for his cop of The Signal. as, be rayr.-1, mt to keep in touch with the old home town through your paper.'. Fruit for Aleaandra Hospital. A: the last meeting of Ahm.ek Chapter, 1. O. D. K., it was decided to appeal to the generale, ty of the ladies of the town for fruit for Alexandra hospital. It verb ho.ueke.prr would contribute one jar it i. ratimated titers. would be ample supply for the winter Empty jars will he given for the full ones at the hospital. 1f anyone wishes the fruit to be called for, kindly telephone Mn. Carrie and •rr•nge- eventa will be wade. Public Library Ou Saturday eveuiujt the public library hoard h:1d its monthly meet- ing. Those prevent were Msasn. Fowler. Galt, Tun1, Kicd, CouItburst acd Dr. Strang '11 a fee for member- ship In the l'ar.adiaa Forestry Asso- ciation, sirciation, amounting to III, was dire.aed to he sent to Ottawa, fur whieb are received The Forestry Journal and other publications. Mr. Lynne ac- count of ie*) for painting the interior and repairing windows was ordered paid if wotk be four.d satisfactory. The Iilea' ian reported receipts of en'LS from cards and fines during Sep- teruher, and an issue of 1,t 71 books and magazines. Varcoe-Smith, The Toronto Star of Thursday last I had the following which will be of in- , Wrest to many readers of The Signal : At 7 o'clock last night the home of Nr. and %h.. George H. Smith. in • Balmoral avenue, war the scene of the marriage of their eldest daughter. (liana. to Mr. J C. S. \-•terse, son of Lipid -('til and Mrs \-aceto. of rich. Oct. The Rio. hr. Law per - w r r.• r and r wedding 1 ...reitn an h (, n mrd h r g ....rchee we..P dal rd by Mira Florence Hrrrinatt..n The bride, who was g iron away by her lather, wore a white t,.frrtn gowo'with chenille 1./•e. Her trig w+.• of embroidelyd net. with orange hi -wow*, and ..he rarriel a CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy De artmeats. •a'•'I. i1•. may rot'r ,t' not' time. \\ r pi e•'�' gI •,(Mute. 10 IN.ettirw-. 1oMrs Joie and .►ng•: t 51.1 riveit api'lieat: or. fur over _ s, .•+i -(amus, sae emild not ..apple‘‘ \\ 111" fear 01' (r re r,t:d.lgt.w, It. •n. r. D A. MctACHLAN. Pnm.p� CLOSING -OUT Sale of Groc;ry Stock MUNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ODEL THEATR Monday Tuesday "The Iron Claw" Mutual Feature WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCTOBER 2Stk and Nth The Yellow Menace A terrine artaignm.ut of am Qnprepatrd Antrim*, tlso MARY P1CKFORD in ESI1ERALDA One of the most touching add sympathetic scream impercon• •tions of the year. PRICLS--10c and ISc GEO. E. LING, - Provider (tl�� � � (IMO Ladies ! start now to mak(: some of .•.our Christmas Gifts. T. DEAN. proprietor of the Maple Leaf Cash . Grocery. corner of Montreal Street and West Side of Square, having d,cideti to close out this branch of his business will offer Km- salt at reduced prices. con-.rncncir.g on Monday. October 16111, a choice stock of Teas. Coffees. canr.ed Goods, Package-' and Bottled Goods, Groceries. Ctocke,rv. Flour. Feed and Shop Fixtures. consisting of I Dayton Sca'.e, regular '51 90.00; 1 Scale, regular $80.0). I heavy Scale, 2000 lbs.. regular „°..t5.00, Candy Bottles. Spice Tins, Tea Chests. Refrigerator. large size ; 1 Butter Mixer, Show Cases. National Cash- Register. Dayton Meat Slicer. Cheese Cutter. Coffee Nlill, 2 Broom Stands. Biscuit Case. Desk. Electric Fixtures, Winds. Awning. Horse. Buggy. Sleigh. Wagon, several Se•s of Harness. Veget- able Sprayer Machine, 011 Tank. t-,0 gals.: and several other articles in fixtures not mentioned. All wishing to 6y in a supply of first-class goods r,t reduced prices remember the opening of this sale. Monday. Oct. 16th. ar.d will continue until everything is solei. No exchange of goods, as this is a strictly cash clearing -out sale. Good Butter and Fresh Eggs taken as cash at the cash price while thizi sale lasts. ' Corot r P. T. DEAN t• Monlre>'.1 St. a'\4 y•tuare. GODERIGN. ONTARIO fflasaiewapapepasasemeoemosepavasvmaaasevesemasamlaasaaao Th.• .n....t 1. -ant if al .,rel th.• no .t calu•'.I ..lifts are th..,,e .0 whi. 11 the giver Iia. rap •11.1.••1 :u little finite in handwork. Al... the small outlay required for such gifts re, onlurtwu ,t.11 tis thy,..• .uwlaareally sActable gift i- the re-olt of the ..•utbuul- t pun . II iNe .wM 11 k 114 arti.•h•. r,•u+1y t, m •r. 1: low ptus-s _!Eula• es rale . par -a 1 f Iw•aut ifytng 311.1 111 lklnY l.:rtrli,IP nuc 11 .10,.• 111 1,13.55,4 1..1' 111.• , 1111.11,11 .cud the• gra, •. 11 1 . : fop 11loon: 1i111 fora tout' .n. \l.. :ill kind. of the. L• 1.11j.;t +114 a (tit.' t_ 1i1.•nl .,1 ,nae. tea •. •w . 4 ' .,I”s11.•i1 :u:a tie w ill h.. t.l,e• :as. t,..h••sv y. 11,'..0! •taw tt. ..IIITItat __.-."1 ..a.hvtl •..1,1 Loh,'" \• k„ •i ..low. r .N k. Lit.•=1 ..•. All C:t,..' of Fancyt.or':. 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 1� MRS. TAPE SINGER S FORE . GODERICH 1 1 1 1 AIMS IINNIellinnall tie .n. la 4•41•11 man of North Hur.u. Mr Hollows brought home with his some eery tempting samples of (all apple* grown ie. this orchard which say he seen in the 'bow window . I hi...audio. Mr. Cameron has about fifteen acres of orchard and hi. crop of I,:re) barrels thus season of an A 1 trade should prove very remunerative. Hirt repo tation as • fruit -grower is of long standing, as several year. ago be .r - cured Ilret prize when foul-g,owere of .11 0,4 ...miere bad a 114,111ret for the best of chard . The Royal Alexandra Players. On Monday evening the Royal Alex- andra Players will open a Werk s es - garment at Victoria Opera House. This company, with the exception of two member., is the saute ulganisa- tiolu that ran for seventeen weeks at the Alexandra Theatre, Toronto. thes year, and for twelss weeks • year ago to the largest business ever seen in Toronto. Thr engagement in Iiode- urh will up.eu with "The Conspiracy," a play which. in addition to its wavy thrilling .end mysterious scenes, . , e ,,. ... a watt .1. 1'••n•ival • 5' • .•.11, N" .s • .r .Ilan. «n , '.'•.•v ! , I.t m5.1..1 their a.csi ..g'. p. '.h•• nr.,I • tray• e r., in a 1•:,i. t ,I .t rd •seat en.: black tP11141;- 00:hn :•e nen they will -tile en \ • re •e scenes. . "edde3 at Detroit. The smart i.4:0 of tui.. \1 try .ria .r rautge-t ,!:en hr..: dal Ml and :,,. liar u'1r 11nr haws .1 N•a1.4• •••fl; ,.1 \I, tae•... -1... L' «•r. •.1 the E."... .•1 Old il.-ct,•a 's .aro 1 ti Von, 1)r- , 5,.11 t \Ica and .11:. ,.1,•:. 411 or, Kinr:u.tr,r, ,alt,e.••1 .,t the cur of uta.. 1. papa •..i.• \I•••. J. s. l �•.64r: sen, I .. ..r b .,.t. I)e11r•n, :. 7hutrday, t1.-t,.n.1 I:'L Tor hods ,eked cbaruliow in. l•,•r ...it • f navy I ie broadcloth, syi tl `ala -r (arc• 1111. 1 Mi'. and M ,•n a t.c11 week.' h..n. y uuw n. •anal •stag 1:,.1. - t rah. 1. indoor and K.• • distr. The !)n olerecoieedrua cb•.t. meta tits, ie. haling cut 4414-. and Stlterwarr. I .t Noted Orchardist. 'Ir 11. It. Salols. 0 1.4 , ' i. , tn Kr. . .111.01 1, ' In: • l ir_ 4.11 t41e r1 th 41115514.11 11, . now •, vie - t' • :••n- nt • • •GIRLS WAN: {I) • •• • r,g m•., • men Ohne ns'.. ,r^M .. .. r- Nu • (1,011. 1.,1 rr'me ••.,.r', ,. l ♦ .-•suet-1' real •• ir• • aka pmtt.iue,- • *et • .iJ .•.... ... rr-::`i.• • kreei.•,r•� 4.. 11. ,,.•t. aa.. • menial ubj. • • ., Mier r..,_ .1r., • A (ouch are • • • (bluer(► Busiae-s Co).:. -;e. Ltd. sr•• It, t rilee n. 1 • •. ..•••••a••••••••<1.••••be* Dodd's are l w.'d*one that Kidney Pills One reason wiry we a.': ertise is because we want you a; .• custom- • er. We sell everything any rea- sonable smoker wants. Take T.,ketts ricarettes Mr instance. \V}.,• dont you st.l•kc 1' & ill a meld blend of Virginia • d Twki.h tobaccos. Or ii you prefer 5 t \ .rlri-ia, try 'Tu. kens A- '•a. the IN11111144, acct Navy cigarette. 1 J 1 ,r lee. F.:.: SAL" :. . F. H. WOu..)..) Next Davey s Jot .a.'et• Stare l:odetich r will curehrre,. Lake Nneht'.. lease this divwas ia. curable 14111,1Dodds Kidney 1.11. c.,red it. Dealers themselves cont.., 11.1 w,thout 11.11,1'.. K.dnsy PJB they eery again -t [ma- t,'•s. Dotkls Kil.aey • arc the• firstt ever .ur.•af I:..hrio,.twit. Warr ..Irl rag.t .1 t.c (Lail ai•. 11•.11 .fa•, c labetos is I1e•tl.:• Kwt•a••• 0,11... I • I :: h;:Jn. v 1'1' 4 are 1. . it : a ES x .:aueLi>ia i Wfei aro Te* Save I1 yea deal Save NOW t Thoush your clary ow Income wall no doubt Increase. so wilt your expenses -and puny Iliad that the latter more than keeepp pace with the former. Nov u the time to start a Reserve Furd -and the Savings Department of the Union Bank of Canada 1s the place to keep It. Deposit the extra you have on hand now -you can open ar account with any Burn, down to one dollar and draw Interest cc K. Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOM BE. Managtr. rlt.uuda its witty lines that aur luno• `` - IbM funny. It r rad of the plays I �E TEA B�Im�� that packed the .Urs►ndt• '1'bratrc to u (� eau'"' capacity for a week when the comm pony War playing 10 Toruntu. Boggs-Mur...ngs " quirt •n.ng wedding was solemnized in North street Mrthcalwt church on Tuesday ..t this week at n.:111 o'clock. when Mi.. tiertrude, daughter of l "mentor and Mrs. M. C. Manning.. 1readur the beide of Mr. Haold Hogg.. ,d Jones, Otlabeeua. Rev. W. h. Hager oRlclateti. Tl.. tends wore her travelling .ort of navy 111ie anti hat to match. with a errsagr Antique( of bridal mere. Mr. (4 H. Kung placed the welding march Mr. Iliad Mr.. Boggs left on i-ir 7 o'clock IG T. H.)tia.utot a wedding tiip to Niagara Fall. IfnlT•do and otber rant.. They hill return 1.. t..wn •rut t -,at herr for a few day.. 1 .1to.e .going to their home in Oklahoma. The bride s mane t:.aderich fe . r.,l. j airs iu ' w...hing her smolt h..prynne•e in her new sphrte.. .•trsl-.kipt .,}_1•.• - Ld stray sod. .ela..v41 lir-I. at F,I •rod•'. 1'he,.e L�44. A ',we..n•r ear 1 , ! , p i•'ew of 11 e \V..t .\ s . s w•:11 le ',hriJ .,1 the 1.a -riven+ .•1 K.. t church on 'fh.,.•40., rah i..i • 1 5.•:rlo.•l, u1e sdepre.•r.l ,' sl,.. 1.• •. td,l,dl n. sAa n ..-tl. rt ss oil 1e lake,. in aid of the Auxiliary. \11 the .•airs . f Or to rich and yirinity :.u.• n. el •.1 to in 'end. AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay dray! It Darkens So Naturally that No: body can Sell. You ran turn gray. fa.k.1 halt bear tifully dark aad lustrous almost titer night if you'll get a :set cent bottle of \1yrt14s r.aty awl Sulphur reol.FwaisoL' At an,1 dru, •trrc. Utllio•4 .1 t. 'ties of this obi fae,ou. Sage Tea L. 11,1% ir• 'coxed 1•y tt,,- ..(donors 1.1 ..tl.• r InF..,It• aaf,, are sold annually, rays a *.It - known Irr.. lasso•• it .1 .l• .a It... ►air r.• r: ..tnra.h ..11.1 r.• -n!), t.... ass a IN• -•.Iil t. tt .t 4... b', o A...!,14,4. 11/.11/.0..11/.0...!whu.e +•airt.�nu;; ,tUY or I..om1a7: fad"( (:ate a sus i•ai•.' awaitios therm, b,'aase altar one or .1 to aypli.a- ta.r,s tl••• gran ►air waist..: ,,1.d tour ,..1. I.'t-Ou:c In:uc',:autly .)act, .....I i.•au• tilul. , ar. tt, t.. 1' M 1 1, t a _ .t al- . • ., I ,0I,r1e- litf:.t..1 u. hair and )•sur :i: r (1 :,in a 1. w .lay.. • Tilts I.1.tatati.,0 is a tcl'et and is not int.1.1. d :31 t*,• cure, stifles Lieu ear yr,:yeatruu At dieta.e. The Perfect GUM in the b st rY ecf PacI;Neje Sealed tight- kept' f:;iht 1� :;eaic a tt<<:t's the thing I.. • Z Y bra ' a r/ � t.j �. i t. or where is . there 11.'s fee n a • So g t p '2' ,r 4- 1 • 4 1 mattes when • 114 he flavor ?£d a.,_i...• make s..tr a to in the sealed p:ic1;. -;: , IL s tui:_ - 1) th of 'arc lief is al enjoy- ment 1 .ui buy. Officer Sea: - be kettle tins goody goutl. f, ,. tis, I . Co. 1 1.1., f • r_ l:3 M.t1)I; IN CANADA ev- as is .,ieiv Cie, meal