HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 44 TDvro.v. leer. 12, IMO • 1'HE SIGNAL ta(iDRRiCH : ONTARIO • s OOI.BORNE. 1Lmnaat)AT. Oct. 18. MAITL.asut:uscsaeu» 1 NoTtla.--Miss Edith Durst hes returned from a short visit with her sister, Mrr. L. Urorts Mr. Win. McClure, of Out, galloon, visited with friends in this vicinity tbie week Mr. A Kure- ebeu.ki spent Sunday with l:odericb township friends . . Those of our tau Ines • who have to &Id of twauv this ing r chershal ct'untrn- Boy's Fine Ribbed Worsted Stockings at Tess than wholesale price ! THEabove may seem an extravagant statement. but it is not, it's an actual fact. I bought a large quantity before the war, before there was any advance in price.: since then both worsted and cashmere have advanced about 7i... it these Stockings were bought today they could not he sold for less than .10c per pair. They go on .ale for one Creek only at the following prices : Sizes 6 to 7t, per pair 25e • Sizes 8 to 10, per pair 35e We are showing extra good valugs in men's Cashmere " Hose at 35e .sad 50e Boys' Overcoats at last year's prices! Fortunately' we bought heavily last year and therefore carried -..over quite a number of hot s' Chats --we could mark then] up t1.7'O and S2.00 and give good va:ue according to present price.. but we are not doing that --while they last they will sell at last year's price. . Remember last year's cloths are muc'.i letter and very much cheaper than this year's. Walter C. Pridham Agent for Borsalino Hats. Stanfield's Underwear and 20th Century Clothing special measure • Phone 57 Goderich, Ontario • The Saults Coal Co. LEHIGH .VALLEY \V_ ' M :, it • • e' t .. li •..: .. .'.: Hemlock Rah!, $2. per =o:.. Fresh tars of Lime and Cement just ret::'.ed... r A n.rr av S"E M YS? tiomcscek;rs: i:xcnrsions ThrougS Tourist Slecpir, Cars to WINNIPEG on abote dates. leav- ing Toronto 10.4p. in .. no ch ange of cars, via Transcontinental Route KETUR% LIMLT. TWO MONTHS t.stin re of data of sate F , •. Decry, ST AUGUSTiNE., 11 1 -.$11 -.$1.A41 -5.$1.A, (lc• ii.b. year are wear sore, *1 the erop i• excellept and the price good .... \I'. Ciao. Mardrl, of t .ex, is visiting under th•• ',irritant roof this week The fowl supper at Z'on N,rrrh church cn Tuesday evening of this week drew s c u.idet- able inundate front •his oect inti We air pleased to n •te %h.t Mi. l'Ppha. Young i• able to he atound again after an illness of several weeks. .Ir. Ra:bt. Blakr'r hour,. crone very lira. being destroyed by tire nn Sat ur,1•y vettng Irtwrru ouie and ten o'cl.•cs. Thr hi r. which originated in a auir'1 •i ..rt under the .tai. -• 1. .d gained considerable bradtv,.:- i,rtoiw it was no•iced. Un seeing the fire Mt Blake first rushed to•get not the chd- dirn w bo were all asleep upstairs. Hein wee somtmnned by telep) and they sweeten the stowaeh, tegtl1 sMd in the hospital. H. enlisted al Loudon wills the £ rd Battalion. His psrrtiu reside here. The %unknow table taetory has found 1t seeesesry w stat t night waft. asd will continue till after l:baistraas. This cuuceon b.e wen kept busy throughout the summer and with the fall work must operate at night to fill tn. order.. On Friday night lila! tb • Lucknow Dramatic Club presented the play ,•L oder feu Flags" for t be secoud Ouse. In Spite of unfavorable weather thele was • large audiruce in the opera house. The proceeds, amount- ing w *II*Lt ), will Le used tot Red l'ause put poses. •••••••••••••••••••••s••••••••••••• C • • • • • •• •s • • •� We specialize in, Hosiery an ll \1L to the Hos►ery Ilse. •41: • •• HOSIERY?. • • RIGHT now is the time to look over your stock of •• • Hosiery and see what is needed for the coming • season. Buy your Stockings early so that you get the • pick of the stock before the lines are broken. The Fall Weather • [lard On Little Ones. • • Fine all -wool rib Stockings, in all sizes for girls, boys Sind ladies, at 4(k to Cansdisa ta11 "slither is eztrewely • bOc' a pair. 'Hosiiery that wears. hard on little ours. One day it it ware and blight and the next art "Little Darling" in all size: up to,;, and cuts. These sudden lie, and • 3,ic, in cream, black. tan. sky, pink ahil bring on kends, cramps and colic, soil • cardinal. Nothing better for the little ones. unless baby's little stomach is kept right the result may be petunia. ere is oothiug to equal Babr'. Own Tab- lets in keeping the little ours well. ate w Olt rhe assistance thus •e: need ihr the trowels, break up snide and make • Pure wool and fine. fire war .•v.n put out. Mr. Blake's t • b I II Iw' idela1. •. ineludirg a • Plain Cashmere Hose, Si to 10, 4(k a • pair. Hosiery of quality. • Plain Cashmere Hose, Si to 10, li0c, baby thrive, The Tablets are rola y . a, a„n- • Heity ' all -wool Stockings for v4. I„t of valuable japers which it will Its a box t o dealers p . h) wail at 'ell eerie haul t • 1. parer. r box from The Dr. Williams' lledicit e • Jet the Stocking for rough wear and all Co., Hiockville, Out. wool. All sizes, 4oc to title a Hair. They KIr.GSBRIDGE. • wear well. No�u.ty, October PI.An orchestra of thirty musicians will accompany -The Birth of a Na- • \L J hn F 11ulliyan Ira for 1).- stun" and sunny prominrut soloist• iron. Mk saturanc, will be beard at each performance. Mr. and Mr.. Sinton f}tileallhave re- n it at t►rtroir. FIELD. • Toe little o Al Ford haat 11.11 bled right along" as fru- as Krt.cardlue un 1.•tlday i•ftert,00ii with a hunch of Kiug.bridsPtle., and they sure had a plrs•o•11t ttlu ANOTHER i i (l K•04. -Th. people who.aw the play, •'A Texas Ringer. given by the King.bridge 11,amati.• t'Lii. tart F,1day night. went away highly satisfied. and they say it i+ the test yet. Every critic cud a." res.. .ti i remarkably well and arraiurd ' y nerve to pies -e the'r audirn.•r I . the . c•'nrir of the evening music et.ts given by the ruchestta, which also btnnght at eat applsuse: Songs ala•en by Att,Lew \heti., and Horarr Hrdra I •l Wren lieu were greatly A1!- I4Ye•aIri:. Ihl• 1i a 1'1111, which .braid L- bi.hiy Pat rnniz.1. he •:star i It ylwsy- up a good shoo. tt. . t.. is .:e ringing in this •Ho'rs This? turn..[ 1.) their h u BAY FIELD. •,, .•U,itt,_,.•ensu. trod ro l.er raw., ,c Ii 1• .r .t. 11 tint-li •d up the a.t-,t,-ti.1'- •-..-+suis 1111*wr••k. .•7 .170.4 ,{• :«.. .•^ 1 ti .••. is ,.i c, id l-t.at half, • 11 -' 1' 1 t.'*' 1"014E.• n taken t>..• t•rh Ph t• t 1414(1 n..• teat., ae.5 Ito• -i, 1 . 1•• .' 'h her reit Silt -Ib ..wr ,, . w-th. o,u-t •.1. ab4 rein+la for .,n,i \! .'.• Rt, i,tsy. .vel,- IP - 11 . ,t •t Ir Leh the Silt 11 ji, 1 1a 1: rn.I \lr•...1 111 ll` .S n.• r ext•'• r. the .1, f• i t eJ at t L - ft. 11-4 • - • . w .-i.. i • a, tri, 11 .;,', t •h -' tee fur e ( er r. • iihntr,emr l,. �iw .,•t!.1 ..,n •h, ` •b - r rnf.,c: ail�1 + \ - n' , t t I! . . - t n• .. t : . we m *,,,t set .11 , 1 . •tra:1: . '.5, r , i -'- 1 _ 51,`,'. �`- •I _ , :1 , ,;,.-1 t:.•.- -f ViC4 '1 HOUSE (..ne ;olid Week Commencing Oct. 23rd MONDAY itoy'c.l Alexandra Placers --1 • Opening Play -The Conspiracy h:y ,ter) --Thrills Laughter Pt'puiar Prices - 1Oc, 20:. 30c 444114.044•••••••0114•••••••• •••••?N•N•••••••0••••1 4' • •• Watch f r some Sp2cials- c iin z RA SS BEDS at ? • • • \\'alker's F;rniture Store o i • in the ha�ement section. • • • A NEW ARRIIVAL OF LINOLEUMS JUST i OPENED UP o • • • - : ! PICTURE FRA\liNti : i • FURNITURE I EPAIRI`(i I 1 • Ila,Vip: heir. ht \V*I e -r• A 1''•" ar i -,l_:' - '1II( udt' t L' u, t:eo,r• fier lu 4 smog 1 these was alra•Is.-r '00," the best Stocking on the market. in sizes up to t), 40cto 75c a pair. The Hose with a reputation. Plain. fleece liner! Hose for winter, Si to 10, at 25e. This is great value. Ileavy ribbed Hose. in r.11 sizes for toys and girls at 35c a pair. Plain Cashmere Hose, sizes 4i to 10, at !'c a pair. This is exceptional buying. Boys' heavy fleece -lifted Stockings for winter wear, in all sizes and only '2 tc a pair. A warm Stocking for winter. Overstocking• for children in'catdioal, white and scarlet. d take particular pains to have our stock complete at a times. e carry everything Ttt:sDAv. Oct. 17. • Jfrs. Jan. Wilier. of Paris, was the t • guest of`Mt. and Mts. J. 7oagh last • este •.Vise D,.vinr, o[ Ucafrrich, wu the • gust of Mrs. Ile Itcuatt for a taw days last week. - Mr. Campbell. of W inghani, war the guest • f -Mr. R. O. Plaid, of the ' Front road, over the week- -ltd• Mr. and Mrs. J a.l: D..tialdsou are spending a tee weeks at \\inghsw visiting their von and his fatuity. I Mi. and Ain, K. Wald have moved t•' l'tuuhn, whelr Jlr, \\'std will ru14- unue in the lI.,ck.,oitli business. Mira 1. ct a Frrgu-tu•, wtto has • i -tat tie great -1 part of the •urnni+art ter ho iitr h., • , teturnt 1 to Toronto last week. • - ONF Ht xuttizn VE.tu. OLD -A unique event oceunrd at the howe of Yr. %VIn. t'ollo k on the {....hen 1 lie. Stanley. 1111 wturd,y 1,a -t, when fits audit. Ms .1 Inc W.1 ,n, It at•ed b. r uoe •hund,i rd t it. hi,. bd:ty. 11. s, \vast , war h an in itrlan.l Liu ha• spewIL the greater p.a.t of hri loug I.fe in• this 11111147. 1* as itt g Iiyed nun- f.:r waety yea, > q.t't bre urphr.r, About ,. dt'z It Karst. Mssrull'Ir 1 to :.belt.• the.I..y,with herau't. Bard. of cling.a III [11..1. and lt•sla-nib: .l::r weir t' - seisel Lrot:i ui8ny osier. Mrr. \*4 l-, 1, is.t.11 raj 'vim/ g'a's) hrelut and IL - Ian -r 4 811 be, f.,et'I ies sl (1 int - able lhotou,rhly to et j y the ttccasit t' and the gift -that mei a *l:t•a r, e.i tip.n ' unhel.teactl chap. prrerntrtl by a U.:i{NO+t'. uiwd.*t,,ltie holt.,.wht. wet• pt.••e•'• V.,0,,•, 1. 11•,. Au added in, erect a,. the p:r-.5411''-1 \1.. V ,• 1 h tree'. home -the olid laai) . Iitidesuinid, Mrs. ltalph '1te'.a 0 -on, garb..garb..bas alsa Bern a nrig;. 1,'" -, .:-• ••► - ,:•.•-attu1.!n.nird bot. ,all 11...e year-. Last year on Ip i ia.. �1A• tha fi.1• •i 11. rrnittety-ttiltb` lith day Nee. \%its• to her bout - '.t t: .l -i: a ..flet spend- raj .'.rd her itis• auto ride. ' mer 14 111.14•• h 1.•..• life HAycrt.:. i F.tua-13•tyhrlti f.,,t • 'IW. it. I'or:r La• -••;.i hie 1•sitiruee • r -r• �l.0 in t H ur•.n tots11,.11 v; w• ar1' tujl vest .�d 4 otrwith rxc.ptt..• tits- Koe weather and Ilse 1,i•b11 was .. . , att. tat '..' i1t' too q, at. rx i nti •,.al:% large a'trt.dat.cr. 111r '' mar trrrirr114-1 werlt •'f t) r K• ali. ereil.la wlutdaa:ng 111 Orally �, 1'r • Atoll -sr Il i. -,ick. 1ir -,.r. ‘141111111:,7 bra -e a14d r.'tlr ex- t .,_ o,. ,•,..-(v irlrn ted I..nnidr.l, sial ttir,t w:,• peen itis moist tat r w hn , shine +, 1 niet ,,, ;'asi.'n.. the inside ex- ' ii'h :.1.1.uit .ad vegetahles was sal - .-•"•. 1 of g' .'ti tl at° eve!yone Kite rzrla11uinit ,- !1 - with .urptire. Nan'. had thought • a wi'.take 10 L .Id the edit thi- e , is kir g tittle would' . hr. u• ' wnl th while • •bibiti,.g. l*tit i'• - - proud the'r,ln'tary, floe .helve. irg a. well lilh,t as.usoal x14(1 rite . e i - •.,: htl.it in wast Cl+setp as good al 0 not ^' b•Urr than u-'tl., The tilt mors and ti Inc puddle gnu -ra11y feel' indr-ti:ed to Nit.- \\ +llum ".1 tealle for his doi anion • r. ••-illy".+*^. .•t Bmf r„ ihrf'1,.wLetttookthe form .•1 "" _. •.:.s•• 1 ohs Kiss rano:semi tot h-ilding the i --..seem c•; h, .Ian eahthit- butter, buaki. pie•,•old w.rt:1 . tt r•:,. • .-! r.<u ,unch, rtes Tote cuss+ i t hula In s• f s.•. a. tOU- ua ass+- toil.. each with luck sod key, anti 'he s%iesL •A iiRrsr c... 1,•s.a adm'swt •-, ars•Lind-is kept bath deur anti safe Mr t• . ; ._•ssaesoen Sts.r w.wsous•1,eo�try. \f rtralfe al=• L.sd ch ezhiha a in.:d.! ..,•�., a It'>ItCH dirt.:.atm-T. ett1.1• its- • 1 • Curbs* setorplaue. both by Litns.l'. •' � •+ air,u.AD1tL ..•n.t Mt. wAtln tall - •, .:'.`. .t.91 sent ln.a:el. esus W Mi ,,•.Y ' , st•. 1-vsi ,•*:geutt.,ttre•.hn.rrir..,:: ,.which a•trnte.i :. g0411 deal of hisser-•. or brae +.sues ss� a• Texsts.,a tIwt •i .�.br 11at (.1 p. t -w inner s at for tai.' . Ew.:is r ,,,a vysa NI Oil! artless 5... i 1,,11,111-h• i in .1 'the•+ page h1 T,• e Shea* r• aaa nil.. -+as n. n +sae pe w- .a t4 list t ht- Werk. •.Nr w h air.- y.•. -Ian Yon. In MOOD +'sans W aARsNata a t (.ia�; alp T nenil,. rim..1ra1treat-... __ . _ _ -. - ,.....e .ran:, s r-' r' ,o The ,..,r., r•,a 1-� A Marvt ileus Product.on. t:.rwand• ct e • •n• Ut.1 w- • ilf.--.ad PMMA\r\T. l;•wa' g `.• .N. r. DR 14Axu r uneala.Is6e e•tury..1 elle.• forThe i cat ,•atiou ' •f the e.aehn tar to ant. r.t 1 u , k. Oar ., ,s'•x Wove* .ai.`.5..� (will Lr lr. W. iiriMth. w,.t,lrrfnl,,,,t- osier spilt t he nee .r ItI. ' 'Mateo steamboat A �a,M.e. 1. a.,re.1n .0 a.�e.. will he -nous n 11V11-1.01 ial►prtw H,.�-e • Z..5 iv' r't. -t • ••t•W .oairP,-t aa•-•• is A1n.r••e- r.ea.e a +head a aat•ra.,•••tien a •dateu u.• toum ••1111+ dhrth.,f a �aueu" w n h ?V____"" .. rose e. r... 1 •..ti wo..,.i.. Au ' y moans1/".....'•"• .14 s.•••• m1 J u, d ,y pigl. 1 u. nuc t,ty+ta..�ut.i •r1 .r:ld •mks pr•••t. augur. spPCtl.r{r h.r 5 ulrnrd the theatre r DR. WARD, .„nl. .1 At,erica tog-toy15 BUFFALO'S LEADING SPECIALIST b„lair iIi. 1,...nd fhr f.•ng-di.tancr „..•are Sia... fly* r.Sisley>•a'•Mr our* in New 1'brk. Moto, . t'birtR••, RI ar.uo, ar• . an IL 1..- An, 1e., sap !•'r,aorir•• • Toro•• ,, res taw. •- Y•...1 i w'e into 6 $•t 4.117 t• to t. ti Moldiest ig (b a t- slid r. omit* le 7...•..ta i1•a.,1.:• •..1 br:,aaY-ito6 a ed•y- I FALL SUITS • •• • ' Wr.ft.h for h1t -e of Advcrta,-ernent' • • • next week. Dulini; the rush of E::hi- - ' ' • • 1 bitien week we have been too busy to o go through our stock and arran;;e a • ! 1 ni':r, detailed announcement. • 1 • • r L • WALKfi 4S FUkNITI.kt; STONE I 11 • • • Often • the Cheapest • The .new In' of wool- ens that we are show- ing will catch the ta-tncy' of the business than who recognizes what is neat and ta3te- ful in dress. \Ve will Tike your new Fall it in. a style second to none in fit or finish. Tl1E STORE OF QUALITY Always I R e J. A rmst roi� \•". • .,f t:Eit, F14114.1: a and Lntlertakias the MERCHANT TAILOR Best Pbon b9 Go4er'xh McLean Block ••N••• •N•••••N• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • :T .Da J. H. COLBORNE ••••••••••••••60••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IOCc c GODERI C:i, tiUUSO,RSI k ATURDAY, OCT. 2Ist BASiL S. COIRTNEI presents D. W. Griffith's 8TH WONDER- OF THE WORLD ! Ten Times Bigger Than the Biggest Circus 18.000 People 3,000 Horses Cost $500.000 WITH BIG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - rhe Create:: Art Conquest Since the Beginnira;z PRICES : Night 5^c. 75c sad 81.00; Mstince 2:30 p. m. sharp Car Load of Electric a:d Scenic Effects 12 Skilkd Stage Mechanics M ore Wonderful that "Ben-Hur" Of any other Production 30 MUSICIANS of Civilization Matinee 50c and 75c Scats at Edwards' Cafe r II WALTERS of: CO.'S CUTPRICE SHOF . SALE 11 IS IN FULL SW I NCS JJ , ,iU a ttytluph.',' tour errs!, it c.o.-m:4 ihka wore ennrt11•lit than at.ylhing re.. rin.lrtt.akrn m dran,a a,n 1lti. r, mine, 1 • hcrrtn,nr.• 1' is a story t t'n,t.., ,tat,., hi -tor.' Sbot:inll ihr li-r at:.i Now is Your Chance to Purchase Your Fail and W tall "1 ala:r, a n [hal rumtitrf anti tt. •. �1 ' 1rrt11r.P .,.He' ng Mat was ••ndue.,,, bef..rr a shin', .11 at Ohl, 'noble's, in- ns. h.•.,. 11 1• ado .o much 111.1017 n- it i. ,hands ,t'd romance in a mew 1sial nt a•xisrr-.ton. witl► wn .l,11(1, :arc• Irapa . lit ht :1.r way of ..-yli - 1,aol.tr scotwhich shows the I, .w.1 ( blesei,u4 the Is., in *hi. unit ft- lit r pt. j -.•lieu. ;tutItibg like it was . V. r I .r. a before. - - S..• ''T1. Ye1Iow M' tar'" n. it Mod. I Tin at1•'. PORTER'S Hit L. Ti-E..1.ly, 11 1 SWIM. --lir. . 1 \1:.. 11 ••nh. ••: k, 4*i''r, orient yon 1 !Berl,. g McPhau'e \1 - all,l s t•ildrrn, of Taviatn" few day. it t'151w. Nrwt' ti lag h.tue on \V1Pdne*ler A. Cox weal. a **i.e. a •s.i'v 4, , ,ng armed a' hie 1" • ..it \1 '" Meiling and ['bat Ir• M'Ph.4l q• -I : etwiplr of d.s. al Loirinn 1a•1 v., L. 1h. L,a•,jPa .\::1M" .1 •e.• i"e whir i he4.1.t ihr h•w a .,: M'- .1. ha H a'. ow Thursday. Ortnlwl _•I -h. inter Supply of FOOTWEAR, TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS OR SUITCASES This is a Genuine Clearing Out Sale No Humbug -\ F+ir of abase" a --tin, 'Jt $2.00 to ol'llfntnnit' . ",,. 4.0(14\11:ite :hl'..,•. :'•ce otlr laid;+•' •e -l',:4) `kr c•. 1. , ...: .: Men's Sh,'rs on •.:0. 1itt\ ittg RA RGAiNi • Sale i. Lilted tit „':,: '. ,t 1 1ltfnre that tire. .1 '11 . ' 1. - .In r 1•. 1' Everything Goes . t• !e' 1. f, : 1t \ • . {.:tow• tttat� leather ti r:Ill Flet ;t - - $1.48 1:1 •int•, to clear $2.98 $2.68. S;.98 $..48 •t:til 53.68 :r,:l tr.onct f.om h'n:e. Ti:;. . , if at'ak can be 11, arta hitt WALTERS & CO., GODERiC1-1 yw•. VEP :I1.Rkt I.. w n in ''Thr. 'i low Menace." •