HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 3.lir: SIGNAL CODERICH. ONTARIO
bound or repaired.
AI •.4.e promptly
uod.d u ss t•svtrig
arm at THE $IONL, u0od.dca.
11 PATH. •rxotwlt.t In wom'o'a and Mall
fins•• Bireme, acute. %kroole and servo's die
erdefa. are. ear. new sad memo, partial deal
sea. lumbago and rheumatic oondlUooa Ads-
astl. reu,o.e l without the knife. ofloe at
rsn4eace. ooener Nelson and 'tL ♦odnw's
cresta At home umee Monday. T1ur.dare
adSaturday. reverting by eppoletiasnt.
4lreduntr Toronto University. Uradmee
al t'••Ilelt. of Dent .1 nu .corm..
grime.w w the tate Maio: Kale. 1)M ee•
arae( square an 1 West cruse(. Oudot-kb.
45,Utderieb. All ir.t.tct.tr. t7 ei
5'R al
at 8 is..1 h ts will he prumot y e
ectad ie. R.sideum tetepbuuc hal
ILL% V, t1AYci
PCBLil, aft:
life.-eterting Bent Bloch. Beelines east,
- ederice. 1 elspboua t•K
Heel i .tele Loan• and ln.ereace.
PRO L. U F' 00T,1► I LLUItAN is WOK
BAltRtell 1:ft.8. 84 )LICITUKti, NUT AIt1ES
ltmoe on the Square. reeved door from Ham
Mee .treet. utaeiwh.
erl.ate musts to ams at lowest rets.
W. P . t'uao rT, 14.1'. J. L K1Ltoaatl
H. J. U. Couas.
TKR, sWldter. notary ,wars► Wises
tae Street. Iiluderiek. tals4 agar tee
yew.. At Clown 'fbundar d sorb week la
s�os un Albert carve wxuptsd by Mr.
Hooper. .)dies been >• a.m. Loan
LAltLlsii (JARROW, LL.B.. BAR-
RBIT'Llt. ,acres'. esticator. etc.. Clads
rMari' to Wail M lewe.t rates
J. leiter, Notary Peelle sad Co.
eFt:e est Mame esderlch. atm
eU.-tart, lw•psrte unwind..Idalatsr4
Oakes. -J r. Connolly, Praia, °ods inh P.O.;
is.. Ikr..n.. Vlos-Pree.. Irsethwsod 1'. O.;
firma. L day Sea-Treas.. teetotal' P. U.
Dlseetaes--U. F. YOUrr.gor Secreta Jain
W lntbtep ; K' LLlrs 1U.n, Coswanoe:
tr▪ y Beamws,w Brodbaa'ee ,Geo. c1 artoey.
teeate ; Hobert Ferro.t�ar,ocs : Matodao
allegwes, llruasaeld.
Assets: J. W. Yeo, BolmwvUN; Ales.
Li let. Litotes ; N'lllMI. Cba.ney. eralarta
k. MM1•at1s1. Sesrsrta. Policy- *an pry
awensieate asci get Weir 8 acards
i l; neHatoa'tpoedlt. H.
t Ml aC 'w
i wit's Uteonevi err. Vrisrwee street. OeMrieb, or
J. tL Itrld'.tiruerslthere. Bayaetd.
142 00
IllrMas. Ape,N 11. 0. CAM-
f4;'Barr1•.ter Hamilton' street Osaedet.
Fina Aao Lie wrwise : IMItW. CaaaaMn wad
Aaaaawr Swans/ 4151:1/ La
► erteTr sAaIL
ITT : T'hs UM«rt AodMat sad Osarwstre
Generalise, Witte& si London. fiat.
f rsSLtry *nu bill, kers, lineae : The U.B.
Ind.lity and UW eoleel:.mpaay•
USW M naw was. oettr4 comer of V lo.
Milt mid SL David • nurser. Phone 1711
uta J7t11
Tensile CAW* Market
Mimes, 'lichee weighty .48 :5 to SS.7I
ilctur.s{w Scenery •f the Trip along After Taking Only One Box Of de' medians SU, 7.N
the North blies of Superior Butchers'. choice heady. 7.".0 7.63
Much limber Waste In the Northj,, goat 4'in 4'p
Country -- First View of the "Frdt-a-thes11
Prairies-Netee and Observ4uons
aloes the Way.
By 1 ha► 1. 1'uesptou. IXLYwa.
When 1 first wake up in New On -
tai k atxwt 7.:31) in the morning, the
(7soadian North,rn train was nearing aces, and 1 was miserable in every way.
Budbu,y Junction. It wee a pelfeet Nothing inthe way ofmedicines seemed
day, or at least morning, and the to helpme. Then 1 finally tried
fr•eabnbe• of that new country was de-
ligbtful, There were treys and hills "Fruit•• -dives" and the effect was
East Sete Ilauoca, N. 3.
"It Is with great pleasure that I write
to tell you of the snos.lorjt l benefits 1
have received from taking "Fruit-a-
tives". Fur years, I wag a dreadful
sufferer from Cons?iratiun and Heeds
around us. On one side was • lovely
river. The air was perfectly still and
the water was placid and clear
Scores of logs bad been floated in
rafts to the sawmill which we passed )fav- 31ARTl1.1 1)EWOLFF
later. At first (here was no evidence 50c. a box, 6 for $2.3O, trial size, :5e.
of commercial activity, for the mill At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -
apparently was not running. Farther ,•tud Limited, Ottawa
*Wog the line there was a clearing
here and tbete. Small log or frame
h.ousw stood in the centre of • small way to the Northwest, perhaps it oc-
curs to him that it is the "lung of the
prairies,' ea they literally breathe com-
mercially through it• nostril'.
splendid. After taking one box, I feel
like a new person, to have relief from
those aickeuing Headaches".
held or sometimes they were 'lose and
facing the railway track. Truly it
might he raid that Northern Ontario
is a poor man's country. The evulu-
titu of the farm WA• apparent in many
places. The newcomer was living in
the most humble mud house. Those
who had been there a little longer had
houses thet weir e cun.fortable
and better built. although rouse wore
• loog way frow bring commodious,.
Others showed frugality and liboe.
At some ',atoms the po{ulati..0 gath-
ered to see the train pass. for the
trains run only triweekly ra.•h way.
The roil ploughed up or dug up -for It
was difficult to du much ploughing
among the stumps -had a dark w
WWI AOC*. and leiikril productive. Of
come •, the geological conditions of the
country change and in some luaelitire
the country was inclined to he moun-
tainous, while a score of miles distant
Made Strong By Delicious Vinol
pal,-1,.•rt, 11. -"Our little girl S
,.ars ,.t a>,•.• war in a debilitated, run -
doe n c o•dition and had a stubborn
,.ugh w, she was weal and ailing all
the time. Nothing helped her until
we tried Viaul. Then her •ppetite
inerea•.d and she is strong and well. and
I sl.h other parents of weak, delicate
children w.aiId try Winul."-Geo. A.
1011.11 r
This is leeause Vinol contains beef
and .sod liver peptones, iron and
manganese peptonat.s and slycrru-
phosphates which rhe marded.
It might be a level woodland. H. C. Dunlop. druggist, Giderich, (Int.
Timber Wast,. .Also at the bet druggists in all .Out -trio
1f the traveller has lived in the city
and had to pay high prices for fire -
wood no doubt hr would he shocked
by the wanton weer of wood there. What the City Fathers Did at List
1 housands, yrs, millions, 01 feet of
timber was dee tying on the ground. Regular Meeting.
Trees bad blown down end their The regular meeting of the town
trunk* were allowed to rut Their council was held "m Fr,
was evidence of fire having swept ,ilio inert., all lbn rnrmidayberseveningbring
over the country in "Oar PI5C'IW. Thr
path of the tire fiend was probably] prtfte�
pathcora' routine btnlinesa h.d
from five to ten miles wide and it been diepowed oto a request tre.0 the
weed a terrible ahsrnr to see the lack I Uoderich Musical $.lciety for ,'grant
of beagle, fire ptrltectiou and the rare - waw lent to the finance committer.
l.ssor.,..if Canada's beautiful wood- cum nice i ( the Hrmil-
land. 1 thought if some of that wood fou city e il.•with reference to
was in Toronto. Montreal or Ot•awa1 steps to ht. tidiest to coeubiit the in -
it would hying a good price and be' creased cont of brit g. war went to the
more ienetlrlr1 to humanity. special committee.
From about Gowgwnda Junction Thr tire coo AAAA recommended
until the fort Arthur district is the purchase of two pails of ruhtler
reached their ass very little white noel., one coat and one bat for the
popular ion- -so 1 ewes told. The In- bri ale. Ado ted.
diens. who were mostly civilizetl,lived K p
near the railway stations, and of , Thr public wort• committe reported
y that the contract for eaveetroughing
course the name's. also lived User,. Iom tee "15044 Rigs building had hero
it seemed rather odd to see the sign let to W.•11. Pinder at 114 per Got for
"Fool Roues" over a building hardly 'J -wage galvanized 14•uI. toughing
goxi euongh 10 hr railed 4 hulsestable and 4 in. corrugated cond11ct. I pipe. ;
io OId Ontario. But 1 saw wavy much end that arrangements 11441 been made
sift^•• with the Canada C .w{wny for the
At Hnrnepayne we tort a young purchase of the gravel pit, hot els,
donor on the pla'fornt. He had a with privilege of removing gravel off
Practice est wile. in "lent and he hots tali anti 6711. all for the .gain of
found hie new work different (r ow the 6-,q AdopteJ
corridors of old 31c(3ill. The sp.cial committee reconlwended
Picturesque Scenery, that the matter of- closing up the
As ihr railway {wear. jun umrraMe! Kensington Furniture Co. tuurtyagr
Ickes and rivers. their wooded banks handed to the s.1le to take up
rising into hills -rather young-' Fith Mr. Remtwll at once. .A lulrrd•
mnuntwin.-make the Istedscape very; The finance cowmittte reported
Riclure•g11r, Ithat the Peget Iilnin hove, c ,. had
New Onterio hithe natural haunt of made a powyrurnt of SLOW, together
w{xortswrn, and is said to he the tither %with a P't�'ui�tit of 1E910. interest to
man's paradise.eepeoolier 17th. 111111: elm that the
The ulwerver is hound to *et. 571- i DenyF;nwimr,% Co. bed paid :1:•1 as
deuce of mineral wealth in some parts'. rent for (ksolirr as par wgteeulemt n(
ut 1 h western t of the Proeimce. I August
'ablest. With reference to a
Mineralogists believe there is untoldconI thrtl'rtri't 14.nFund.f11hr1I.t-ersurer 'Committee re re -
wealth in that country and perhaps orted that the monthly pry'
only future generations will kn )w and; P,
use it to its full value. I were (wing made as at first agreed and
As one news Port Arthur the rail -
that this eourae he Hill
adheredtai. Thr c 'tire recon-
tmended that the sum of *'2,'5" he paid
to the (ollrgiate institute board on
its levy, and that the wr•count of
i town's .ha
$1 M.1t.4, icing the t i n's re of law
00D12UCH. 014T.
MUER or mottosAOL L10EN81gt.
Patois, True lire,
Secured in All Countries.
Melte toe tree boat "PATLN1'S I'ROTEC.
TKIN. tele all about and hew to get, pat
seta BABCOCK It SONS. eSabrtwyd INT
4erra.rly Patset taw Examiner. Meese .1
patmet Laws. Registered Patent Miert,' •
eta, Is et. James attest, Ms.uewl. a .este
Ulises and Ws•tlnStoe. Rapewtauves la
.1 reek+ s'em'is..
Brophe} Bros.
1st Leadiat
Fusers! Direders
sod Embalmers
Orders ~atoll! attended
at beers. sight or lay.
way skirts beautiful Like Mup..rior
and the scenery i• t • girl, in
some respects, to that seen in the
Rocky Mountains. On one side you
have that inland sea of fresh water costa in connection with the carr of
and on the other the precipitous cliR.1 0. %V. `t. o vs. connection
AK. with
t he paid of
which compelled the railway t o gni to
Mr. liarrow. The payment of w num-
are two
hing.d of "near them. There) Iwo of accounts was tectanmerded, the
err two things that impress thrmwlves Ii lar t Moe being 4417 tti to the water
upon the reveller when he reaches!
and 1, ht rnmmi+siun fur street light.
Port Arthur or.• is the extensiveR g
transhipment of {rein and *leo that Iraq for August. The report wan
his watch is en hour behind time. The. adoplyd,
witch is not at fault. but you have left) Rev. J 13. Fctbetinghani wr d Mr
"Eastern- time sod commence "Cera- (oro. Pool. r were prrlent in t,rhwlt of
tr*1" time. tan ynu turn the head• un, the British Red ('rose Trafalgar Day
At the huge elevators one Neel large app•wl, and after they had hien fumed
vessels loading grain. The C. N. R.
it was decided ," cell w meeting of
train stays about thirty minutes. and '1111 01 for Tuesday evening to or-
as it in usually early in the morning mania.. a venues,.
the passengers do not go walking .6•ter'Lo'ne dmette'inn a• to the beat
around the city. Fort William, across n,rlhod of Sia• ng the local soldiet• of
the river, is likewise famous for her the Huron Battalion a -send-off." •
grain traffic
The Lung of the Prairies.
The country to the west of Fort Wil-
liam is quite flat and although there
is considerable bush and small *brut-
bery the rugged oountry has been left
behind. This kind of country is Been
for miles and the railway passes
through miler and miles of second
growth of wood of various kinds. 1t
is chiefly spruce, small pine and pop-
Iwr Tnr mil is a black loan. At
Ratwy River the C. N. R. leaves Cana-
da and runs tbro nah Minnrota for a
score of miles. entering Canadian ter-
ritory again at Gravel Pit, which 1.
near Rprague, Mao. Room the
prairies open to view. They are a
neveramdtng picture. 1 think 1 shall
alwaas rememteor the first time 1 saw
them. It was about 7 o'clock in the
evening, and the golden rays from the
setting sun made the picture w dellittht-
fol one. The t bon
country at first a • one and then
nee grows to like D..
Of • truth 't'seada's granary" is of
so smell dimensions. for se far as the
eye ray reach only a onlleetinm of fum-
houses, outbuildings and a few tubes,
around a e0skrg relieve the motto -
limy of land and sty.
Mlleebefore see rattler Winnipeg
Its high huildisee cam be seen from the
train window. A. ries draws 'sear to
Net city. se.__ ernes sailed the sate-
comtnitee, corn rd nt Reeve Naive
and Councillors unni .g• and \Vallis,
wits appointed to Arrange for a suppsr
on Monday evening.
It was decided to send • letter to
Mr. A. Straiton, town treasurer, ex-
pressing the sympathy of the mem-
bers of the council for hila in the loss
of his peertner-In-life.
Councillor Wigle asked if any re-
port were forthcoming from the First
of July celebration committer The
committee is being called together to
einem up the boldness in connection
with the celebration.
Councillor Wigle also wanted to
know if there was any confirmation of
the report that the Wheel Riga factory
was to he vacated. "Nothing official, -
was the reply. (lounrillnr wish' said
his idea was to look around and get
some other firm in the factory. He
oleo thought something should he
done to check the movement of popula-
tion from the town.
Tbr council ,ben adjourned.
do. medlr 6.80 4.25
do. commas 6 011 6.64
Butcher,' cows. choice4.25 4.71
da good 6.5o 6.75
do. medium 6.00 6.21
Butchers' bulls, choice6.25 6.55
do. good 5.25 1.76
do. bologna 4.55 6.60
Feeders, 500 to 1,100 1ba 4.00 4.75
Stockers. 900 1be.... 4.00 4.25
do. med., 700 to 800 5.40 6.60
do. common, light4.40 6.00
Cutters 4.s., 4.75
Camaro 3 75 4.20
Milkers, good to choke 76.00 126.04
d% common to med. 60 0.1 70.04
SPrtngera 66.00 115.04
Calve,, veal, choice II •l5 11.70
do. medium 9 00 10.25
do. common 6.00 7 60
do. grass 6.00 6 00
Bbeeps, ewes, light 7.60 5.00
do. heavy and buck5.50 4.60
do. culls 3.00 4.00
Hoge, weighed off cars 10.50 0.04
do. ted and watered .10.65 0 00
do f.o.b. 10.15 0.04
Toronto Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports,
Na 1 northern, $1.7242; No. 2 north.
ern, 61 6551, No. 3 northern, 81 0451;
No. 4 wheat, 6L64; (old crop wheat, 3e
Manitoba oats -Trick bevy ports,
Na 1 C.W., 581nc; No. 3 C W., 5r;ter;
estrs No. 1 feed, 6611.c; No. 1 feed,
N1(c. •
American corn -No. 2 yeast., 97c,
track, Toronto.
Ontario wheat -Winter, new crop,
No. 2. 61.65 to 41 57. old Trop No. 1
commercial, per carlot, according to
freight outside, 61.47 to 41.50; No. 2
commercial, 51 40 to 41 43; No. 3 come
merclal, $1.40 to 5143; Nu. 3 comwer•
vial, 41.29 t•, 61.32.
Ontario cats -According to freight
outside: No. 2 white, new, Sir to i,a
No. 3 white. new, 544 to 56c. •
Peas -No. 2, 62.15 to 42.20.
Barley -Malting, 961• to 41; feed
barley, 90c to 93c.
Rye -No. 2, new, 4115 to 51.20.
Manitoba flour -First patents, to
}ate bags. 89 30; seconds. In Jute bags,
68.50; strot.g t.akers', in jute bags,
SAGO, Toronto.
Ontario tone -Winter, new, track,
Toronto,- prompt shipment, according
to sample. 47.15 to $7..35, in Jute bars
Mlllfeed=Car lots, per ten, del;arra
ed, Montreal: Shorts. 532. bran. 523
to 430; goo., feed flour, per bag. 8..5v;
middlings. f 1.
Hay -'tai. d, No. 1 track, Toronto,
new. $10 to $12. car lots; No. 2, 59
to $9:.0; straw, 47 to 15.
Butter and Cheese Markets
London-GS2 boxes were offered;
30c to 201‘ ,. No salve
BPL'.•aillr - -1,454 broxe• were offered
All sold at 21'I$ r and _1 4r.
. St. Hyacinthe, Que.-1U0 packages
Of butter sold at 3s%'e; 1,000 boXel
of chr•rae hu.d at 20 9-IGc.
C'owansviile. Que.-Set-el factories
boarded package* of butter. Five
factories sold at .9ysc; two factories
l'crnwall-1.124 colored .:.ease sold
at 211g,. I
Listowel --Ten factories boarded
1.005 colored and 4S0 white_ highest
bid was 21!.c. and some sold at thtr
F'crth-6G1 boxes of white and 300
Tem AAAA T, O4ToAga 16, 1616
The Family's Underwear !
E are most fortunate in having an immense stock of
Fall and Winter Underwear for women, men and
children. All our well-known lines at t'ery small advance in
.price from normal times, owing to our foresight in buying
when prices were much less than at present.
Women's natural wool Vests and
Drawers, Turnbull's make, $1.00 and
$1.25 per garment.
Women's Combinations in all wool
and Union, Turnbull's perfect -fitting, in
all weights, in high neck. long sleeves
and ankle length or low neck, short
sleeves and knee length, $1.00 to $3.50.
Women's white wool Vests and
Drawers, Turnbull's all wool unshrink-
able, $1.50 per garment.
Women's all wool Combinations,
Turnbull's Cee Tee, unshrinkable, inlight'
and heavy weights, known the Dominion
over as the best $3.50 and S3.75 garment.
Women's Union Vests and Drawers,
heavy weight, Turnbull's and Peerless
brands. Exceptional value, 5Oc per
Children's UnionVests and Drawers,
Turnbull's make, Natural. Sizes -0, 18c;
1. 20c ; 2, 25c ; 3. 25c ; 4. 30c ; 5, 35c ; 6,
35c ; 7. 40c.
Children's fleece -lined Sleeps, 75c
up. Childrens'Natural wool Sleeps, 75c
Children's all wool Vests and
Drawers, unshrinkable, Natural and
White. Sizes 0, 50c ; 1, 55c ; 2, 60 ; .3,
65c ; 4. 70c ; 5. 75c ; 6. 80c ; 7, 85c.
Children's Combinations, in Napliral
and White, at keenest prices.
Children's fleece -lined Waists,
Infant's Vests in all styles, in all
wool and union. in immense variety.
Men's Natural wool Shirts and
Drawers, Turnbull's. unshrinkable. All
Men's heavy rib Union Shirts and
Drawers, Tiger Brand, unshrinkable,
exceptional value. $1.00 per garment.
Men's heavy weight Cee Tee Shirts
and Drawers, for men who like the best
this is the garment.
Men's heavy wool rib Shirts and
.Drawers, all wool, unshrinkable. All
sizes $'1.50 per garment.
Men's natural all wool Combinations,
Turnbull's, perfect fitting. unshrinkable.
From $2.25.
We again emphasize the necessity of early buying -of all your winter's require-
ments. as not only will prices advance, but we have received intimation from some of
the mills that they are obliged to withdraw many of the better lines owing to the
shortage of raw material.
colored sola at 2159x.
Pleton-17 fee -tort,. boarded 1,195
all colored: 1.075 su,d at 21%c, 125
at 21 11-16c. t
McCall's Patterns McCall's Magazines
AIillar's Scotch Store PHONE 56
Marring« 6s seldom afalba, if neither
par' y t" 1lir rntlti net ha. soy Ie•htt10118
" ihtrl fr. a-.
Occesi.,nsllt • mien 1.,e11.i at doing •
hing toes. ly 1,.•.•au.r .onironr lir dis-
hes rt', ort. Lau iu 1;.,t'
Men may I.• as deceitful ns women
11 .on a thing.. t.ut no u.sn pretend.
.. he having a g.e.d 11... when he
Iroquois -715 colored and 30 white
were boarded. Twenty-one cents bid
nn board. 72o sales Bid on acct t
21',5e; nu [ales. i
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wt.ut'.-ale .price0 to the
Eggs- u t
New laid. In carte ns. ..$ .44 to $ . 44
New laid. ex -cam -us ... .42 .41
Storage at•:«:t• ....... .55 .0J
Stor,.ge No. 1 . .36 .04
Butter --
Creamery. prints
Creamery, solids .
.40 .41
:1 .21
Cholee dairy print* ... 16 .17
Ordinary dairy prtt.tr .30 ' .31
Bakers' .. - .28 .25
t'hes'e --NewterRm. 12e to 22'c;
twins, 23,4c to 22%. ; triplets, 225
to 22e.
Poultry Lire Dressed
Spring chick's. Ilk 17' 21c 22(
01d fowl. Ib... 14c lSc 17c ISt
Ducklings, Ib... 12c 13c I7c 194
Beans--Hand-pkke.l. 65.50; primes
Honey -Tins, 27,4-115 tins, 121ec t<
13c a le.; 6 -Ib. Lina, 127,4c a Ib ; 10-18
tins, 12c a Ib.; 40-14. tics, clover, flier
• Ib. Comb honey- 3.lect, 1240 i0
52.76; No. 2, $2 to $2.2;.
1'otatoe•-Dsiswaree. carluts, 11.81
• hag.
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle --Receipts. 4,1100; fairly ac
ties; shipping Keen. 17.60 to 610.26;
butchers, 54.26 to $5.7;; heaters, 16 tc
57.76; (-Ows, 53.76 to 17; bulls, K to
47; stocker. and feeders, 15 to 47;
triton cows and springers- SO to 4110
Veale --Receipts, 1,400; slow; 94.64
to 411.60.
Hoge -Receipts, 20.600; active;
heavy, 610 to 810.16; mixed. 41.90 ti
$10; yorkers, 48.76 to 011.10; 1101
eorkera, 19 to 176. pigs 75 14
39; roughs. 1 76 to 49. stags. ST to 13
Sheep and Iambs-ReeMpts, 10.000,
active; lambs, 44.60 to 110.74; Peer
lingo, 16.60 to 1; nether. 4050 $$ 14'
ewes, 13 to 57.60; sheep, mixed. 57.41
to 47.76.
P AT EN T 4'
TOR'S AI) ertdek will he mot be\
In an emeriti., Ask Inc see rirrele-
unsettled R
C beevetle s. 5464 MAIM; 11.40; weer
tern steer*. 50.11 to; ssoekart
and feedero, 3410 to .IE; ern, and
heifers, 12.40 to 1.•5; ewes, 37 M
Hmarketata R I 1104 0.56 t4t4
sarong. .t 14e
49.56. mixed, 0.14 M iiOs Gua
1.56 10 4995; mask.
Ann, lambs. natty,. ilia
Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who t
Drinks Hot Water
"The Hirth of it Saline" i. the ap•t h-
1'tae. of the nr..mlog pet ore. Thous-
ands 01 people took part in flanking it.
!The ..ernes whirr real het.lrs weir
fought are its btr kgrourel. In It you
see the counterfeit .presentment "t Ilie
grr41men ..1ihr' ('red AA';iv as them
were when they livrrl and moved slid
had their (wing -Lincoln, the great
heats of that Irouhlons lime : (1 rent.
the magnanimous ; Lee, the Ids yard of
the South ; thistles Vumner, art•tts•rat
t.. his finger tips ; tirwat.l, cold and
ru.-1 and hard as death ; and a d1 ten
there who made hi•torc
It is easy to fool • .nen a ho hes no
fteth in human nature.
The arilona of a father speak"louder
than the wards of a son.
Most men are s, 1-.siu,i•r r that
they even exaggerate thei, t.cuhlre.
Zh"uoe pr.,pl• ere never •nti.Hrd 111
Ipso they can butt into the g+rue
Gaye en inside bath, before break-
fast helps us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.•
Sparkling and vivacious -merry,
bright, alert --a good. clear skin and
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion
are assured only by pure blood. if
only every man and woman could bo
induced to adopt the morning Inside
bath, what a gradf411g change would
take place. instead of the thousand,' of
sickly, anaemic -looking men, women
and girls, with pasty or muddy
complexions; lnstead of the multi-
tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns."
"brain fag." and pessimists we
should see a virile optimistic throng
Of roe)-cbeeked people everywhere.
An Inside bath is bad by drinking
each morning, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea-
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it
to wash from the stomach. liver. kid-
neys and ten yards of bowel. the pre-
vious day's Indlge.tlble waste, 501)4
fermentations and pofsaos, thus
cleansing, •weetenln" and frewbetrtng
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food Into the stomach.
Thome subject to sick headache. bil-
iousness, vasty breath, rbeumati m,
Olds; and particulary thoqssewho have
tl pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very ofted. are urged
to obtain a quarter pound 6f limestone
phosphate at the drug store which
will cost but a trifle, but 1. sufficient
to demonstrate the quick and remark-
able chane* ha both health and apprise -
anise, awaiting those wbo pnctlee in-
ternal aanttatios. We must remem-
ber tact tackle eleaaltness Is more im-
portant than outside, became. the sits
doge not absorb impurities to con
tamInate the blood while the pores 1a
the thirty toot of bowels 4o. t9
S std tiCIll r
▪ - resells Mame eta grass we weed
cooper &s. ewe ewe 1•w ewe see reuse,
CWeee•amap,eaeee-•.d 80(511 w.
W. have rale see wmle.w r YIYn be Ow
W .rweeper. Claarlaes ghee .1 tic sea were
Nal..' veer.. rem riser We 115•11 w .
5elr se
rem will glm we aq wme'.5555 a.sw•
tee mss tea w man's., Imola eaaadr
ewer. T.e.rw e.tm�eyeu
Kellam a everter • CaYeMwe
ee11•m • tie. rr Qoetwleee
flail.•• • r.e 'trIe Ibex a rae'•e1
• eet Tree we r.a &erre r rai:..wa
167 Halle Building, Toronto
THE time. is here again to get your
boys and girls fitted out for
school. They will need stong
serviceable Shoes. The kind that will
stand the most severe test in any weather.
In this class of footwear I can show you
a wide range of leathers and styles that
will give the very best satisfaction. You
will also find the prices most rt!asonable.
Geo. MacVicar
North Side of Square Goderich, Ontario