HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 2't• :441e t• 11. 1 11 1
Tu Ibsen 1. usiteneed every Thur -may
ese the as a 1a The Mosel Budding. North
iu*et. O.4..,irb anter n TSMt'houe No. L1
M.14 year. �[Nw. (Me lar andad.wn0 rift,
t MY e.1 �' d pee : to .eb.ertbere in the
will a accepted
'i1W *Ate. tibe ate toe. Dollar
..flege *whoetr'
Tim cannel. erealulY by
whim:toter a favor hy acWwuttwr the pabtbb
fir craw b. fee et weeny adorer ae parable. Whey
of addle-. t. dseteridd. beta eand
t e nee b• giros. Heaeltt aeose
ma sew w.drsr ...weld b
war ue ade br ban► drag. ezarsie mosey
order. tent -ogee order. we r'egist a llM
bu b.c, t pt,w'•1eay soa11Me*sa
A uyza r,.t so Taara-Relic for 44ap4s7 and
eau[ Legal anherd
r will doe dements.
ven on &well-
eauo@- 0. 44.1 and fear
- o ciente per
for line for Brat e•eb . ibaranent leaches.
Moo rF
Ilea. tosd by • ..cone of edict sod.nonpareil-twelve64t inns
Innern er Fine 1 pat' year. Adrertlrs
and under. Fire t ro.wd, per4treyd• Situation.
caeca. of nation. Loot.
t'.awr.t.tln ualto.,. N am ed. HeuerHaut article's
to hent. It for "dolt Itnd. Tww,tr
foe Sole, etc , not exceeding'bightfor dna
ace Crnt..,eob hi ter. Dotter . ter' ion : tent month.
000tb. Fifty Cent. for e., bee' -•u
Liget adrertl.ement. u.. ,ropornon. Ao-
reading type. ren
Cont. pie
e wNo.notk'er 1. e, that TweotY•
k•O CA it line, 1 codec, toe ob)eet of
fire cent.. A0'Y •p°Cle
eel or b the yecn. to be ybeconnidrred aut of Any tuadrer-
tie/mew ae.e + b bwe.,orttingt1.
To ,,and charged cooperation
our rub. ruler. end readers i. cordlelIYttinvit-
ed toward - waking Tera S la v a t. a . eek17 record
of ell local. county and di.Mct doing*. No col
eunlestiuu will be aueeded to sole. of tbs tit t. not
wn.' the name and tete• Ina ea an evidence
of good i for vew- t eboe14 roach THY
of wood ogle* New- Item• • 0000
etos.t.omoenot later ileo Wd•e+d 7
K each week.
seeks ago Mr. Wilson wrathfully told
• pestilent pro -Berman W go to Masse
(ot word. to that effect); and just the
other day, angered by • heckler at
one of his meetings. Mr. Hugbes.
the Republican candidate, declared
passionately that if he had been Pres•
tarot when the Lusitsnia was sunk be
would bav• broken off diplomatic re-
lations with Uerweny. Mo. no m&Lter
which of thew is elected, the people of
the L'nitedSiates will hat.tbeprn('wnd
satisfaction of knowing that they bave
in the Presidential chair o man who is
capable of showing teutpeT if +ufl -
ciently pn,detsd..
The Toronto Star advocates the use
of names, instead of numbers, in des-
ignating the battalions. Numbers, it
say.. are unite meaningless. "Why
not adopt the use of names Instead of
mutate.' - and reorganise on a now
system thin will take local patriotism
into ecco.n,t : If it's recruiting tbat's
wanted. this will be one of the surest
way. ,.f getting it. The pretreat idea
that you can send men into action fer-
vently singing the multiplication table
is not • very blight one. This is
idirectly in line with the plea insole by
enmity Trrtisurer Holmes on the oc-
I[*•ion of the depositing of the colors
i of the Hurons. lief away from the
numbers. he urged : call the Natation
i by a name which means something,
b it represents.
11 the idea could be curled right along
I to the battlefront. it would be a Hoe
'thing ; 1."t likely enough when the
Hurons get over to England they will
encounter the same fate as those who
brave Roue before and be dispersed
' among • dozen other battalions.
THUR$DA1, OCTOBER 19, 1918
Fight or pay
The British Red Craw w/ needs:, your
A Berlin editor say. -the Germans
are going to '-teach the British lion
to know tear." No (ear.
This is a booklet explaining the procedure in the
making of purchases and sales of securities and
giving the latest available information about the
more prominent corporations whose securities
are listed and dealt in on the stock eaehanges of
11'e shall be yla,l to send a copy to now
f 104.rw.04
A. E. AMES & CO.
14 she.. Too.wr„ Stant L :Sang.. Ruaifistld
53 King Street West, Toronto
the Pane ofcount
t a y
Soldieti Wives.
Hirsute., Tien, -
The wive. of Canadian *oldie's are
warned to slay at honor and not to
The fighting still g les on. tin also ,mss the seas to be Dearer their hers•
must the paying go 00 until the war hands st the front. Nothing bun' hJis-
is luded and the seo:,nity of the world appoiutment and di.trres await the
is won. Have you done your share of wives who go over there. Stay at
the paying 1,I One Wa. of Figuring It.
Stony! Itr runner
The Ogilvie lliLwe Co.il announce. r . The price ot weekly papers is going
profits of about twewtp ilea per tip all over Canada. One dollar and
V. ben the causes of the high cors of Htty cents a year is the prevailing fig -
living are being considered. this ire. It means less than three dozen
should not be overlooked. - eggs and A pond of butter to the
trainer for a whole gar's suh4cril'-
Tne Germans are trying to 'crush tion
R wmani♦ as they crush* Serbia and The Silly Censorship.
Montenegro in 1111:, And Region, in Toro, to S1.r.
1914 But the l.erui*nvof 11118 is nut A corporal Irons Outar:o seems to
the Germany of 1!+11 of Intl hive performed A fighting fent that
equals that of Michael U Lea'v. V. l' ,
Hun Walter `Scott ha. t. -&greed the or the last Hight of Pant. Burnaby.
premiership of the Province.�i Sask'at- Hirt his nerve'i. omitted ,n the de.-
corwtaP. Hi* health has been poor s'stKhver tightly
he drools oflcolor or dots er in War nay
[THi W�
Iatone. They karts leekwl the condemn-
elts*ivtrn.ss of the Berman eragon
Tb her r d
work. a bave n put urwar
frankly ala 1 • ezpresrl.xt of a hop. or
a desire, rather than as the operation
of (be on -and -no striving and by-tbe-
law-:onirsa n -nature -determined
C cur's of historic evolution r• prlifl-
THE \1SIt)NAkrS PL+N('IL malty wade in (Germany.
-Uncle Sallee support heing par -
the difference b.tewen the man
chased, i the last resort. by the yes- with + f+Pn it on the , :,d bold sad the
1• Uerman Em ire h that the former has
of Sector b, presided. and premier!
alarmism were given by local workers
es tet wick of the various depart-
A uniaw feature in ooanection with
Ibis soaventam was the bangwt ppreso
vi le t by the local tlu.day school
beaaob, wbieb proved to be enJjo-yable 17
and prufftabie. Rev. Dr. Kotle4ge 0f
Chatham a:Ud as cbalrutao, and im-
promptu addresses were g.v.n by
Sunday .eboul official*.
In the •veni4R addrealee were given
by How Bertbe Lame and Rev. J. W.
Hedley. and the COI)Tewtlun clawed
witb a oosstecratlun eervire.
The following officers were elected
for the sew year : Preddeut, George
Raltbby. Auburn : vice-president,
George lilradabaw, l'Itntou ; secret ex) -
treasurer, A. T. Cooper. Chinon.
I)epartmest missionaries : Mies H. 1.
Graham. Bea(ortIt: borne. Rev. W.
H. Moulton. Holwaesvilltr : tempsratme,
It's- E. 0. Powell ; elemearaty, Miss
K. Aitken. Uoderieb ; seenodery, Mr.
('banes Lindsay, Cltntoe : adult. Jona'
Dustow, Ooderich ; (wanner training,
Rev. J. A. It Johanson, Cllwtos•
siuo..f t'anrda•"-lifszi,n ban 11 trden. i no fon attics fll, ,s- general intrad
The German people bsve been fond- i uetion and appendix"; no scholarship
of describing tbeanselves as paasion-
ately in lore with reality. They are
not. The war has made splinters of
their Kral.prlitik and shown thew upting• 2l. S. Genian scholarship will
for inc itrigible visionaries. The say on such occasion.: " If we look on
enemies of GI -many bsve been sneer- the numeral 2 not as 2, but only ee the
ing at the Keiser', people as a nation convenient expression of the square
of ger hlorre rod canal oguere. That is root of 2 multiplied by the airtime
tiue. Germany is the w,ld-eyed root of 2. teen it is to he seen that,
.t ranger with • pencil and a piece of under the circumstances we bave in
[ who asks only three mtnutee of mind the duan of the ...risme root of
v..ur Bute t , dewoua army
the invasion ,2 multiplied b the
and mnthodoIogy, in of her words.
But the outcowie is the same. The
conmmuter with a pencil will some-
times insi •t, in curt fashion. that
Kidney Dtea•as a Memee to be Gs ' idea
[.cella, Sadh.. Oct. 16tb. (Bipedal).-
After suffering for •hent two yeses',
from backacbe tbat nosily developed `I
into rbeuezatirm and Bright's dteeaar.
Ste Peter C. Juhuson, • well -knows.)
resident here, found a cure for all her `
trouble* in Dudd's Kidney Pills. •'
"1 was troubled with a coil," Mrs.
Jubneon says. 'that left me with a
pain in the hack. My muscles would
also cramp and I had nasty backache*.
My sleep because broken mod union
fre*bing. I had dark circle* under ray
eyes and 1 wee often diuy. It was
not till first rheumatism and thea
Bight's disease were added to my
troubles that 1 realiz.d that guy kid-
neys were the seat of my townie..
Then 1 commenced to use Dodd's Kid-
ney Palls. Five bones made me well. i
Now if 1 have any 'limpid -ousel kidney
trouble t just get s oz of t)odd's Ki
ney Pills. Tbey never tail to give
sequel of the satisfaction wherever bey are u -ed.
of Calituruia by an army of Eve [nil- .quare snot n(2 will equal S. The
lion 1'hiu.'e lander the leader.lop of commuter with • pencil will point out iTb• girth of a Nation" is history
the Nil ado. Tbr mai with the Pen' to v-. m the dander to Ve.tero civilis- vitalized and run tde hieing. Go and
See it for that. Ilia and wee it because
of the wonder ot the pictures them-
selves, and the marvel of this new art
of Hl.u-'usking, of which it is the last
L*diei 12.541 and PM) eho.e, size's
2 1.2 to 1. to clear at ilia %% alters
S; Co.
oil' play. with rare. and contioente athon from modern foree.. operating
and Alliances and w'cial revolutions. among 911[1llp),tino Chinese ; whereas
He shskee an Ala•ks-Cape Horn rail- we know that thete are only about
way fr his .le -yes. He pull. Gov- 400,0ist,trin Cbin•ie The Houston
ernwent ownerahip,,of the coalmium Stewart Cham►'erlsin school of (Irr-
out of bis vest porker. He is own man scho!arahip and logic will
brother to Maximilian Harden, who, ray : -As Johann" Fuukeistero has
in r' short pu,eothr-i•. bring• Cin- ray
in his.mo t -making inveetiga-
ada umber the :stars and S;i ipr.. He Iio01 on 'Blood Teets and Nervuua
is kin totb.learned fantastic Ger- �Reac•ions among the ('bine*..' pub-
wone who pall out • Isrge-trt:ule map 1 shed in the Jahrhucher der phantae-
and pity Manifest Destiny : showing. n.chen Wit.sersr•haften. Leipzig. 1911 -
for install e. how the cot,n,tutation of. 13, the productive .•nr.g7 capably of
the Eupttr.:tee spells the oo, to of. being diveloprtihy'heaves-sge Chin -
English rule in India : how tan este peas, ret is equal to 21 limen the
preilomutaut (i .1i. -L [tin elemtent in latent .nergy of the European farm -
the Moth of France, stirring w¢Ainet' tee. Ir ie therefor. only nec-{weary
the 0,11., -Teuton element an the -north 1 •o multiply 4'41.,up.olO ('linemen by
of France, means: n it tonal .cI per ; a to see how iorvitahie ie the time
and how the in•rr,C ton of the 6u1f ,.when the Western world will be con-
Strraair and the unJe wind. beingfronted by the power of an aro ed
South/ ait',nt the soh -re of, *bins of nine bun ired million m -n."
Europra'* d•'rsiosti •n t .the er•lu+ion i For all its minute scb,4fatship and
of the Cubed Stet M. Herr Harden I vast appit•tu- of peycbolosi nil re_
h oke at a trap An t Ceti... l' m oda 10 � weal eh, Germany is the roan with n he
the Urn -d '.sate*. N‘ Ont II"' t'e•la pencil who can prove anything. With
for several prate. orcessitrling Inns[ the great het o ----and the Py•ial.v happwu n4 1., C•t,n Ion .d the 1. --""ed I an overwhelming.uohiliztttun of gro-
h.ences from the Province. Mb sue- valiant ----- • It dors nut lo, k Stetee u. :he last twenty rats does graphical detail the (German savant
Cesar hoe not vet. been named. vett' ptou. owIrt•t Wll Werk Out.
A Preshyleriau synod bas resolved
!clinic r. Ads eru e,
in favor of obeervinR Thanksgiving 1*.r,.iptoeitc in neutral pr,ducts
Day on. a \Crdnesday installed tag a with • corresponding Leto tit for the
Mot.dsy and of r•eatoring the real fawner in the lenwval ..f duty front
t' Ani further
nit matte In the mall A: h a pencil. 'ran show yo�,sw Inevitable it was
Decedent F.nnce,'het was drat Ted l that a great n nation should bare
to .rutupie up inter ;h" H. .t blow , eriseu in the rieh (lye. -.alleys of the
bout the German net :-h'pkeeping. ; Nilo and Euphrates. He can also
byp'cntical England, that *Dula etrgi show von bow inevitable it was that a
larch • iinconleool And unto on France to w -.r and leave her in the i eiviliz.tion shouldr
bate arisen nn the
'permed mm.dtain-top. o1 Pero. 11• can show
von how oh • Norman inrasi.on inev-
s.4 ort., owl chine'
effor;a W curb the moo. polos that Ito -air that•
c.•laid not p'-•[1,17 d
fi of the day. A. it is now.
.,got caner.
1 called S [suet.'. d ad h the th a' will vet t'e mole than six tuenthr, f oat ,Fru iulr'y hrtil.zed the F.nghsh nation,
elle. in the r•rrrt- of P."' ; Russian f inevitable eternized the Kussin
it might h -Iter be pot ' bol made
v ro
Day. •
the wolutimu 1 t the tremeodou. pro' -
There seems to hoe no Inuit to the Isms of ezi-terse that are facing ail
will continue to face this (.011101y.
multiplying of 'usxiatiunr'"t1' one French-Canadians Are Fighting.
kind and another. A Mini.tere . Huuiittw T'tos
\\'tyre A -owlet ion has been organized The la=t convoy of troopships which
in Toronto. Next, wr suppose, [bete strived Ai Enttlish ports l -t week
will br an Association of Ministers' cathed two French-('Aua.Lan het-
het -
.14101:111 on the way to j nn •th.«r
are doing so well on Inc fighting hue.
.\nnouncewrnt is wade from St. There are other banal tiring rued*
Luigis of the death of lieu. 111 R. ready The Montreal lor tbe *az ate thinks hatrO [-
Hicks, the famour.weather p:ogno.ti- fano new -papers shouhi pay re 4(4•
eno n. Some people had absolute tention io three fay'+ than to the dis-
confldence in Hicks' f wee art• and will turl'ances caused by the Livrl stud
now be at a anew for lona;-distance ent..
Canada's Need of a Navy.
weather' predictions -unless. indeed, Monne ti Herald •
he has left an efficient "uudrrstudy." If the4L• tier Naval Act, whicb ii
'\Lary letuand. are twine !wade up n still on the statute i.ok, of the Do-
o . ret
mtnnsn. h toren pert lot K
the B order Government t o take MIIIP would now ti, possessed of a Heet
action regarding the high cost of lir. of l;ght cru sen and torpedo boat Be-
ing. The Government his not done army.- e that would five ample, poo -
anything cud mesal not lr expected to lection aK inst German submarines
do very much. When the Laurier along the Atlantic coast. Th. appear -
o( • idin suhruarine on this
ant-uil„4rlets eager to rm.. hat's- ; node how the l'artar - inya•IAn
revolutionaries prepared to march on 'anion B.holan -all the world over
the \\ hit* Palaver: Hiitiah trade-ution• , have that tock ; but it has been
1.,s refusing to beck o1' a war ; Celtic brought t • perfeet4on in the country of
Inland rising as • not , - 1.tu-t 5 n' Nazimilirn Harden and Houston
domination -t bran a e ' , y a few of i Stewart ('harybetlein - The Nation
the tragi•c'wic calcul. i , e or the ,New lo,k,.
i'.opite wi,h a 1•rncil. fit t 'tie).
Ir bit of lead loud a. .1 tile, ! y in -- -
anew K
Government attempted t•• wake liv aide of the Atlantic is one more pto..f
ing eonditiunv raster by tariff reduc- of the wi om of the policy of wino
the people put it out of office. holing • Canadian navy. which policy
_ _ ' was adopt unawiwotedy by both
The l'anadian Magazine has been parties in the C*nadtan Parlsawent in
1Ilil. and st.heeyuentl .4 pudiated by
tusking • record in its recent monthly the (0nseevativ0 l.edeI. in order to
teeur', of which that for October is a placate the Nationalivs.
good *ample. The leading Article in
the current number is the first instal- , See "The Yellow Mewwest" with the
melt of a wet chronicle. "Thr Fun greatest cast of dramatic •mists ever
C anaili-n. io France." by F M.'K.I-' as*emhled.
►(en's high rubber hoots --to clear At
P.A.", Men's long leather hoots, risen
lar line WOO, to clear at Litt& Wal
ten ('o.
140ines.ekers' Escursi ons to Western
The Grand Trunk Railway System
issues concoct trip hom.se.ker.' tickets
at vete low (ere. from stations in
l',nada to points in Manitoba. Saskat-
chewan And Alberta, each Tuesday
until 0. -lobes :(1.t inelneive. via North
Beg. Cochrane and Tr►neeor•tlnestal
route or 414. Chie•go, Rt. Pgill and
Duluth and good returning two
months from gate of issue.
Through tourist sleeping Core are
operated each Tuesday for Winnipeg.
leaving Toronto 444.45 p. ni. eta Trans-
, continent Al route without Change.
!Reservations in t -wrist .l.ep'rs may
Ilse obtained at nominal charge on Ap-
plication to any Grand Trunk ticket
office. The (a and Tt unk Pacify
Railway is Ib..horteet and quickest
route between Winnipeg. Saskatoon
and Kdmonton, with.stoolh roadbed,
electric-light.d .leeplrg ears. ►hmugh
the newest. most pie,nreeque cod
most rapidly da•sleping .eetktw of.
Western ('anode.
Before deciding/ on your trip ask
(brand Twwk weed* to ferw►ek full
=elate ter write r. lis Horning.
The Presidential nnminer across t)ietrlet Passenger Anewt. Toronto.
the line are getting sorrel up. A few Onu
;lemon ora ia,g lhtt th'. P.., •1•a....ac
world would raw egninet Eoaland,
the tyrant of Egyrt, Rus•u, rhe •po -
iator of Perm's. Italy lit her i10 r of
7 riplt and France for her seize. a of
Mon wen • o.,ly. soturhow ut otter.,'
the Pm -Islamic world did not rise.
and the Grand Sherif of the h ly city
of Merca NM declared war •g 411100. the
Caliph at C'oasta ltinople.
It is true that the man with a pen-
cil Ilse leen hu.y on the other rid•.
Many it calculation 1n An Allied am
stem- haw gone •shay. Bur A li-d
calculations have been, as we said..na
vev Bell. It is decidedly readable•
I- nd Succeeding chapters of the narra-
tive will he looked for eagerly. There'.
are also in the nomher several good
short stories, a nu ',loam! erticlrs nn
timely subjects and some splendid
illuaratione: Altogether the -Cana-
ditto" it showigggratifying aigns td
new and vieoro, 4 life.
Two letters in Monday's Toronto'
Glohe criticizing the Department of •
Education treat( the peculiar cireuu,-
i owace that. while there is prnhahly no
other department of the Government
eo much in nerd of public criticism.
the Oppreaition leaders on the plalfor,ni
and in the press hardly devote a wind
to it. What is the 144.40 i 1s there
no one in the Liberal ranks crumble of
leadenbip in educational matters?
It the Opposition leaden, wool,' lend
their ears tot • few hour. M the .du.
c•lionine of the P.n4in'-e they might
;tic up some owre. ,'f much greater
importance than ..,mr with which
the} are now concerning themselves,
Sunday School Workers of Centre Huron
Have Successful Gathering.
Seaforth, ()et. 13.-A successful
"unday school convention was held in
Sea(otth .n connection with the
Centre Huron branch of tl e Provin-
cial 5•.nday S't'ool Association. The
•H -lame were held in the Preehytetiaf
church, and a representative frau the
Ontaa1,• .t.eociation, it, the Gerson of
Mi.. Bertha Leine, of Tonant'•, was
present. Thr pHident. J. H. Wilson
A Deadly Grip.
Held doe n - Frum The Beltisstxe Americas.
Extra Values in Ladies'
Plush and Sealette Coats
UST received a very select, stylish and
J beautifully made lot of ladies'Pluus
and Sealette Coats, sizes 36 42
ceptional values at 523, 525 and 530
Ladies' Canadian
Muskrat Coats
Tw•entt new ones to choose from, satin lined,
full sweep skirt, No. 1 select skins. 1.") inhes on $$60at each► 543, and
Penman's Hosiery
One hundred dozen Penman's black Cashmere
Hose. double heels and toes, seamltss, sizes Si to
10. old value. Special per pair
Cotton Blankets
One hundred and 'fifty pairs hest quality Am-
erican Cotton Blankets, largest size made, worth
12_25, at per pair............. ... . 51.85
It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
w- �_""ier..- The Grant Slip "SFJF/1f IDEFE" ♦
Tv level nag wwt meth .tomr ea me mined .w d dr w14 S4 14 as.r-e4'
tome Mr"
'PITY Q �- - hlassifi't'e
ALTO/ tar
BUFFALO-Dsfay, May bat to No1.15th-CLEVELAND
II: Y. Immo Cw.teai - - . 4 as r V. •
a(;r• sad-•••- [ f J a.. K 4'..e Wallahs • • • • 1�,A. IL,
V 14eeea al.eerd T�.i
.b wwt
G•-sr±.wr e1 .1...tmd tw Gtr 5.44 ver-•..: r. T..s+a pr•.a ass .n r'-'-'11-1"
tr :. t.s.v cocoons t.e.,a. nc:.1' mea'i ..IoM m. rets r r t-
- -�. �.re.fk r.rt.r.ete •._•{ . a rev, .,'.sea L+�.
�r--yK,..sr±ts`o'w . 4.--r....,.:,-see.^t: ....• (171............i11
y .-t.ar .-. ,••-•r•e•••, Ower per{. aa'1 er _t
- ,- , -.LA'-) - -'L-4 Teta I...IT CU. o:'- - 'end. tae
e.� T_17� ra , lam. eeew,
Tinning of All Kinds
.lone promptly. thurt.ugh1y and rea
sonably. We'll repair Of renru
your roof. ,ant vinic chimney trop.
leaden• gutter. ot cornice in first
class condition.
Family Repairing. Too,
if you want it. Tut a new copper
bottom on the wash boiler, mend all
kind. of leak• in tinware.
Fred Hunt
Take OneTonight
=if lou feel bilious, -headachy" and irritable ---
for that's a sign your liver is out of order.. Your
food is not digesting -it, stays in the stomach a soar,
fermented mass, poisoning the system. Just take a
dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ---
they make the liver do its work -they cleanse sed
resew* the etenech sad brae the whole d.rwu.4 airwave. Teal
fed h. ,s me mamma. At all deesaut.. rhe., w br ass¢ u...
Ckeukerl.ia i thane Company. Tenses 1111
*Titre ane
nsonsenf, please,
while f .sasson
the telephone!
Answer Your Telephone
A practice that will do much to improve the quality of your service is
that of answering your telephone promptly.
Promptness in answering is a courtesy that your telephone caller
appreciates --delay may cause him to abandon the call and turn to a
competitor who realises the importance of a prompt response when the
bell rings.
Prompt service over your store telephone is a welcome evidence to your
customer that you and your staff are alert -anxious to serve.
Why not make it an invariable rule to answer pour tele-
phone promptly ?
The Bell Telephone Co.