HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-19, Page 1THE S1UNAlr is ready to
Etawale your Printing work,
us have your next order.
Telephone 35 The Siigffal
to the lift of trade. The most
sft.1 binstutu ea are Es -
variably good advertiser. If
you have anything to sell, tell
about it in the columna of TI1 l:
I1XTY•II(IBTs !IAA -ft 101
OCT. 19.
,,......._ =Lei
ur COUNTY GRANT =21,250.
Vote to anthill Red Cram Fund Passed at
Special Meeting of County Council.
1 A special meeting of the county
{council wee held herr on Friday after -
noun to consider tbe question or a
grant 11the British Red Croats So-
el•ty. Beery member of the council
was present except Deputy Reeve
,Love, of Stephen township.
The ezeicutire committee brought in
• tecouwmendatlon that the grant to
'the raised by • levy of vag-
IGalt mill on the dollar on the equalised
a•.eseweot of the eo y.
A reverse or a success are both better
!het the Reeveit. Taylor. or`�txeter, nbj.rt•auount was too small, as theh.
demands upon the funds of the So-
' met by:a savings account. s t etety were increasing. He moved,
oiled by Reeve Nairn, of Goderich,
that the grant be $'5,101J. This, how-
ever. did not carry, and the recom-
mendation of the executive committee
watt then unanimously adopted
The *um thud voted amounts to
_ _ $21,2.511.
Ihw: aslawlwwesa�aw,twf +" -.. • "++e
SAVE, Because ---
rod twilit hems and two WIT oa Hume
read :rodent ronritwirnan Will be mid w
rea..l1ebletenni.. J,ut:vr. mite
,'About 10111 ar-rk; nr-t rte., building.. spring
meek. apply to -
R. C. HAYS. tau
71-21 Parrt.ter. etc.. (i.derlon, Out.
2.1. An excellent gar farm on mace .don b,
north ball of tot 1, AMA Id. Dont .wine 104
a.vw.. well fenced sad watered by artedao
well and windmill
Y. Amebae good grass farad on ors salon e.
root bait of north half of lot 1. A•bArld. coo.
Mining MO acro.: good apple orchard. well
heed and watered by •pnog creek.
Yat Canna p•rthuI. apply to
MRS. JOHN T. Uftlrrly.
These A r 1 Kamen, tie .
MALI.- 1f10 ACRE*, OF 000D
Eear Mod, 11 miles nor* of Loadw.Wu ,
1d2... cameo -ion. 13. Hallett Two bottom
earn and driving[ bed; nater -!•Wag
sed t rice at bark of farm : ib (�i,
cb and ...baol. Rural Mail met
telsehese. Mee and tomo remosable.
Seim . K. R. No. 1 Auburn.
it OfAt'HUKfa
pa try .0d wood.l.W : good tenor ; lar. leak
..I -Lined wool.: anske hoose. trams triad -
H -
leg Ua21. fruit tree and pKa���,d.�,. ♦ en
grainiest. MURRAY PATIIKOON. `woes.
WANTED. -- COMPANION -HELP for olden) lady Nide. 1a country 1n
emiteUiern Obtain idiot' be goad reader and
writer. Good bonne tor t partI AWAY.
Kleine toll particular., to W)X 27, rel
>M >x
ObM ERA OR. B O A It D 11-1113
wasted .t . Mem ea gra steer- Ashy
u BUY 10.4ad.rink. 1
D1 Meer .is heady mem Ea bey. wanted.
Fat. 'Trouble an.l l.Aalation man.
,hail. Operator-.
Zed. riseretery 'reasurw.
1111. Or all tar.s osmblsed
Application. .t.tl0g expsrleelea and' Maas?
.xp.cted. and marked [..der.- w141 M re -
mired by JAMICH JOHN1tTOv. gee Tema
TheOod.rka Rural fasehone Ce.. Ltd D.s-
11 TAXES, 1916.
:testi 11111$ew s.
s are s.t vol .las
Time B� Awl emit, cieferieb. 11 paid b
4Jlb Osl bsr two per at If not p.id wilt
IPA Novembba•{gm.l oat. pw..rt eft.
Par promo.,! 004 .ave soar da*eeta.
.4ptevoh.r Illth. Itnd. Odie+tor.
AUCTION SAIL& Mrs. Hamilton, president of the 4Vo-
man's War Auxiliary of Huron county,
UCTION MALI OF FIFTY 11000 appeared before the council and re-
RWEn. MiLCH CUW8 AVL, YOUNG quested s grant oI $1U0 10 Inert rx-
ATTLIL petters in connection with the work of
that organization As this was a
K. JUa. LK11DY I special meeting called for the purpose
will sal ler sedate auction et thmeaoson.0 ' 01 dealing solely with the Welter of
WLDNlot IiAY.00l'OBER 2:.2.h. I the Bt dish Red ('row grant, no action
commencing .1 201.014 .harp: ;could he taken, but members signified
rtfty good ewe.. mostly Lelcr-ter• An.ontr.t that the request would be favorably
them art t number of putrb.ol
mconsidered et the regular w. rti0 in
T.o peb.cd ram-. K R
0,.. wimp eco. a year. old.due In November. I)ecr00lter.
One ielkh cow. l{vasrwold. dor in Jamie ry.
Two fearnpgdeer..two yeartlr..bell.,.. Ladies' tubber' b, clear at 60e.
TINY.. -All .0m- .ref 41114and ander. rasa
over.hat amount. a month. rredtt wul b2. Men's rubbers to clear at alk. Walters
'tree tea furobbina approved lune; notes). A & Co
dl.couut at the rat tf a per cent. per amount
.Hewed for tsar on crept .0,0001 -.
-1 IICUOne*I.
will .•11 by public auction at Fut 32, cont,(, -ion
1, w e.4 N awaso.h, uu
TH l'ttdUA Y. OfTOBgIt 244.
oommen.ing at 1 o'clock .Fart.:
One genii Irer.eral pwrpo.e 11117.3 y.re old:
good general pulp ,1 gelding-. 3
year. ofd . L I rldu.g. 2 feat - , is : 2
driving mare. 4 ,cars 014 ; 111111, 2 year- old : 2
tnllob caws, 7 recite of I, sppoae.i to be in eat(
Y mulct cew.,4 year- old.•-uppieed to be
etdl ;1 mild gown 1 Te...r. old. ,upl.o.ed to b
fa calf : 1k
rel h ow. 1 year+ old. doe. its No
veober ; 1 aileb conn year. . h r
feet ; $.leesad heifer.. year. old :t 1'. calf
n er-
sodbell.,..1 veer 04: 'ioale*. ; bro. .1 -0.-
11 ronlig (W2.-; 1 hesi y wyon.l bogs) .1 -...111,'
1 palper.l faun ngwill, 1 wale lag QIow: ,bin:det,
mower. rake,..t'd drill, al1111a..e7-1i.r'Fi-make.
and n..,etou ))her ar iris.
Tr.* -A'1 sum. e l Mt and under. •.•h :
over that moonlit. 11 ma.te.' credit will a
g iven oft fznkkhIng apprd.ed Nen,: outs.. .1
dimmest M •pr pat. allowed for re.h o0
credit &motets
evarytkiee ma.t be dimmed of There Mil
l�1)3 0. wets-
t rrt T. J. U', thwX, T. ODADRT.
Proprietor Anrthrerr.
sTHEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. (i U.,
L. I). (' M.. (►rgaa4a tad l holrsrter .t
ox (laurel). Teacher palm rams. s,p.a
Pupils pwcp•ied to examinations 1)1.4.1
North sheet. .ppodte be. thine.'-.
'Nelson street. Is mewed to Ile ell Ines
d boat wort anal• from est bait or son M• g
.•d npplto. hair for .,4.ta .oM.tiae treat-
ment. clouded. sic ..OA .be Maher mks tenet
req.Wt w, shampoo p.n.s.*, maim It• 8ewato
or voa..wg. areem. Herkr .Oil (leasa.e. eat t
)R MALE. --A 14H01118 -SIZED
ImsIMINALngOFi1Ck. raw. Awl! at
,' .Itop and Lebow* woad. ripely to J
M ORT, A.or•. OK. 14-14.
1 B. C. +kinglsa Apgb K. T. R/ImRW'
Ambers. K If
It roe terATs n2. (2aomimrwa Tuna, tare w
Tot Tows w Oooeasm. Ir ram Cover,
or Goan. Miaow. oarsman
Men. J. H. WlLL1.\MN
will deer for tale b7 public •01)40• at tau
provolone on Market-treet. to tbeAbwe ef
-41oderiab. on
SATURDAY. 47:11)1141U1 n -l.
e t l o'cloet *harp
1w Ian and 211 each wlta a (r'ntfaio d
abbot II1t loot. ea Marker .1u.'. ter, ,rn..d lea
Ida thole M a trans, no, mom dvWrg I. "a
good stabs at rep- Ir. TAN p•ees•(7 1+dime to
tea Square, Mit i- eat nae of tea est.le.: sad
ele.ne-t street. In l...deficits- TM red a pled
geldss, monad. but fee betiding let•. emi. der
Ing letotlen. ftp soma b0 teat. The Wt.
will ha 4 pgarrotel7. tea o.e adle(doe
cannel' t►t
TOMO. -Tee per root et tae perch... creel)
to be paid et time of -c.v. helmets waits" t Wt 7
MKS J. g. WILLIAMS. T.0U'4031
PreprNtres. Awl be...
Nate. M Meets.. p.reeaK be R. 8. 0.
chapter M. edam �vatthat all persas. hauler
�,tfo• eg•4a.1 the . 4s et the said O.onitr
7�s a dee0aa.�. who dead es r sheet tea !d
dt,� el N•,. 4.t. Igo, am ron4ntred to or.M or
dd estate W densered, se usaareireed
W t2. a w
e ndsay el 0•4.. A. D. 4443 �y
fel of Made eiststo. •
thole to awl (as e.tun.1 rho ottoreltisw
flf .+.sT1 N ftpr w
Labe aii mat a t e...d
. yaageof a 3S .mssg
d wart extra.ne/Mwsed 1). adn.00 007ter�.Me 2.r the .smut. f soy
pivot . oboe
Alio. SOL ♦1vo1•U1rKer.Wit
,iftU c
111.844 NINA WOULLI.OM sr:.
Al TZAICRIAPP1411.0.Pandanr'ww
- Ppw/
T ► d
_o �direst. ,Tfar • tlederieb tf
When a person feels "blue" --sal tired
t- "doesn't feel like doing anything"
cannot concentrate his mind on his
work -feels weak mentally end phy.i-
cally--double his powers -complains
of poor appetite and sleeplessoese. Suf-
fern from headaches -then his nervous
system is run down and demands a
good upbuilding tonic. Dr. Brown's
Syrup of Hypnpho.phitee forms the
Mast netve and brain food known, and
, has restored thousands of suffeeers to
health. Large bottle ill. Sold only
by E. R. Wigle, druggist, Utderich.
Having been desirou,of enlisting
for some time past. I have finally
succeeded in making arrangements.I
with the Goderich Coal Co. i P J.
MacEwan, manager) to take over
and carry on my cartage burins,
dltring o/ absence.
I have therefore signed np wit
the 161st Battalion for active x
vice overseas, and I would res.
fully solicit from the public gener-
ally, and from my old customer,
particularly, a continuance of their
valued patronage until such time as
I can again resume my occupation.
Any business affairs entrusted to
their care during my absence will
therefore be thapkfully appreciated
by me. Telephone all orders to f
phone 44. ALFRED H. JANET
Whet is "The Yellow Menace"
Anothej car of choice New
Brunswick Potatoes for Pale
at the lowest price at, which
Hide potatoes can be handled.
?liege potatoes are sorted and
do not Contain the run of the
fieill. Qnalit'. an.1 weight
Flossrri R. R. Elliott. 7-- s..
Dir. and Mrs. Hugh McIntosh, of
Locbal.b, have received word that
their eon. Robert, js reported tnl+srr:g.
Pte. Melnto.b ets$rted with the '.Ib
Uoivea.ity Corps at Montresl. 114 rem -
form, the ••Primases Pats." Before to -
listing Pte.lotwh w.. a acbrntl
tsacber, but Pte.*
aftthe country's call
be responded •riiiK0000ut • year ago.
Itteff-Sergt. Dna- Hume, of the 191kb
Pportamens Rattatlun, was bo on
final leave this weak before his bat-
talion proceeds ovmega.. Ile is a sou
of Principal sad Dirs. Hume, Britan-
nia road.
io the list of wounded ascend/ sent
out by the War Office appears the
name of Pte. Alhert Dowding, who is
vow in hospital la England, suffering
from severe wousA%' in the forehead
received at the battle of the Somme. He
enlisted in the 87th Battalion, and
wet. later drafted into LM44'inni-
peg.. Pte. Dowding is a son of our
former well-known citizen, JIr. A'. J.
Dowding, and his mans- friend. in
Goderich and vicinity will h• (,leased
to know that the wounded alien is
doing very well, according to latest
word received.
Mr. J. Arthur Motherland, of Tot-
onto, is another lard.-i'•h •'chi bre%
wbo has donned the K'ng's uniform
He is with an Army Medical Corps
u nit and has r.c-ntly been promoted
to the rant of oorporal.
Five !:ars of good
sound Potatoes to
arrive commencing
next week. Price
$1.6o per bag. An
merchants stocking
eavy. Put in your
winter supply.
Sir. and Mn. Thoe..Swarta rervivvd
• telegram on Wednesday conveying
the distressing news that their sot.,
Gunner Ernest Swart.. was serir►t.ly
ill in a hospital at Havre. Gunner
Sweets had only recently gone to
France, as hii permits received a
letter from him w fear days ago which
wall written in England.
Private Dsvid Reid, formerly of
(ioderich, who went overseas with a
L•mhton battalion. is reported in
hospital suffering front shell shat k.
Men W nted
All classes of labor, skilled and un-
skilled.' Steady viork, good wages.
Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.
LIE( T. M P. 1.A NE r""'")r""'")Youngest ..'n of 41r. anti Mr-. Wm.1.4(111' killed in notion in Frame...
Gamer Harry Watson Priced It but Did
Not Buy -News of Goderich Boys.
Gunner 11 sr. 1 44-•isoo wri'e• to his
pare)) ., Mr. and Mrs. E. K. %Valaon,
under date September 24. lir lied
+Bern Het'. 1•:Ib , t and was going to
spend that afternoon with hila and
his wit• at Foltrstune, lir coutinues'
•'i saw 1I.r. y Parer loaf night.
Philp ha. his job in the London Rr-
eu•d Office..An,•lher 'Mow and
were waiting for Hart t to cont.' twit of
the bartwr shop when we saw .
green torn in a e! me window, no we
decided to get • couple of d.•zru and
take themdown to the Y M. ('..4.
and have it cooked. So we ore. in
and .eked how twirl) 1t was. Then
we got 0 roamice-tout prince w bead,
or Marty -sit Celli, a d. zen. 7'o Iwakr
n big story abort, we didn't here our
.•,,111. had :( eater from L ))tis the other
!day:. He is driving io tl:r 4-1 Divi-
--- I si:.t-al .rr,tn•unl' 1 II 1414111111 . 112. says
Dodging German Shells Is Not the
Disagreeable Part of Hi. Job
Cap' Hector McKenzie a former O. I
('. i.-ludent1, trio i• with the ,i.itb
Fuld .t imbalance in France, sends a
letter to his brother Jack, of Ashfield,
fr.m which The S•gnal is permitted
to publish the tacit .se eitrarta :
Mire 1 same t 1 !lave l.reu
nip in the line for two spells. 1 13111
jot finishing ruy w cond pet hal of rest.
Hack io for rear. and now 1 ata get-
tiag ready to go up for w third c,' o k
at it. I am feelsug U. K. acid ('..117
for some more of the 'trofr.
no far 1 bare been very lucky, con-
sidering that 1 have born in the vicini-
ty of the greatest Mitt le the word has
ever known. 1 cannot give any de-
taib ret my experiences. I might just
ttsrstiun that (bey were exciting and
that Oat. a fellow goes through it be
has ou great desire for a repetition ;
tot on the o'her hand mail fellows
knelt Do great dread of it. They amu
take it asll mist ter of course.
My job b • comparatively safe one. .
.4 Inednrid wan 1s not exposed to tbe
.sew danger 0• an inf anti pori,. The
infantryman has the most dangrtous
fen in the iuoch. Ile hose to tare the
artillery fire. the rifle and machine
gee fire. and also the bayonet and the
bomb. The ,n*dr.1roan All a tile is
.tpxsed only to shell fire, .o that he
W • eomparativrly safe job.• of
Pourer. If be wants to act the fool be
ie habit, to get copped, bedstraw 000.1
H owe are sot respecters ret person?.
T1s meet dis..greeable part of the
wsdhlal (wan'. jot. ,. the horror of il,
He bra 10 Jr,.. and he. respr,n.i/•Ie for
she evacuation of teen with wounds
thesagb the chest and abdomen. with'
lege and arms broken end, mag gird,
amid Kbrr wound. toot dreadful to
writs about. Then he ()Hee goes for
a week ata time withnor proper nut
cid sleep. When he does sleep het
gees 1010 • dugout in the ground of Ino
old seller. sod while he sleeps the'
hie own side are roaring and
tie ebells rte'loging through the air
and the enemy's 141.41. are hunting
A person who he. newer sees • mod -
elle battle wad has only read about it
is the paper would imagine tbet no I
beams hiring could bye in it : but It is
wet w dreadful a. it sounds. The'
enemy owl; .\ells y ter particular area
is spasms, and even when he ie shell-
ing it L wonderful hew massy obeli.
be eau &top near y, a and how close
be cm drop them w,lb'ait doing any
damage. From the papers you would
also nether that everyone is in danger.
That of course i• ab.urd. There are I
tbooaand• in France who dot,'( run
any risk whatever. and there are loots
of mr.n io Franco in the trenches who
have (sever been in • great battle :
1Mepartieolar pert of the line in which
they have bean working, has Dryer
bass particularly lively.
h. I. 11 ,t- u,2. K v., .1 1•m•- .n 1,41K it
Roe. We ere. 1 a.ing Id wrath r
again for a c,:ange. Of ate we
omindtai n Mier in tw t 1
don't t n n a hT . ,e
cense we dt ort do mucks out k when it
is w.L''
U.,orer Watson al.ou(ention. •n air
rate.' tet they did ,..,l s.•- anythingf
!jjjb. Z p1„ rod-np0..s.d they 010.1
a1r sworn /NON. d 1, 'n ton
Mies M. K. C•meroe M in l ore nto
proeuriag the harem .0.011 ate and
Ideas in winter millinery,
Rev. K. O. Powell. tempw•nze field
secretary of Horne and Path, will
plreseh next Sunday warning and
evening at Victoria street IIWtodiet
ohne.- I'S le Tempsraaee fllenday.
As account of tbe importunes and
standing of the temperaoee work will
be gives.
Rev. 0, M. Halms.,) B. A.. B. D., of
the Baptist eha.eb, i. •tter•ding this
wtyk the amiss' eoov sties of the
Dept isle of Olefarin and Qaebee at
Hamllt.s. Mr. John Donaldson Moo
le • delegate to the en•veetloa.
Trafalgar Day.
'Your. Help is Needed for
the 'British Red Cross.
The tuwt, I* 11(111g •'(,r,1w1 (..lav
by the •'anva.•t'rs for the British
Red ('I-... a1(.i It 1. 'hoped dial
(iodrr•ich sill 110 itself enrlit in
scribing to tb.• fund,. of Ilii. noble
work. (lu bind and .tui on battle-
field and ,n h.ra.ital. whe et e ,
stricken hun.anity calls for r h.•ll.
4044 halal. Hutt. hand i. bring ct
tended by the I4..l 1'na•. in 'on.
forting. 1,,',)11144 arid life -sating 114
&env •r, Every man or woman '•r
child who contributes' to the fund)
being''oll..'t,d t.*la y in 644h -ft. -It i.
bringing relief nml h.•A1iog 4..
sick wo l.sl h1r.• who has
been fighting out Lotties for 11.-.
HuW caul anyone withhold In.. help
from .u, -I, a .1(0..•
Ir: Th.• signal laid neck eels.
o hrouiclwl thi• 'strut 1°i.. of the
Rid ('rel.s t., t w'o G..d,-i ieh 41.'y.., It
w•ae the Ked Cross Illy. alio earrI..l
. Lancs-('orls•ra1 11a.y. front the
battlefield where he had been buried
by a German -hell. to a i4,.. 'itnl
at Nuttingluuu, F:nglan I. w�o•rr
l'le. Ernst Clark is invalided as
the result .'f it German gate attack.
it i. the Red ('2.opeople %vb.. aur
attending to hi. wants. "1'111.4' an'
pied two ineid.'nta. probably of
tetany, in a 1110 out• own f.',I,'ri, h
boys 1(1e b'1111.; h111a.1. and, we
.t nisi, brought Lack to health and
new u'icfulti''"'. by the .-fforta of t he
'splendid orgattlzat ion Mln 1Nll !1•
the Keri fort. Ko,-Eely. -
Ev.•rvun.• i. its. it,•(l to Molt 1'14111te
to the fund. It the 41111 l...•2." tors
you, call wit the town hall .uid heave
your ,onh•ihnti.•t with the local
treasurer of the f 1, Mayor Mr -
Leen. or with the town clerk.
r•Last yrau G.allriell e0ntrihu1,11
fy.4,.►in. I.. alerielt • .1,1,1,' a.1 the
county grant this )'lett' i. about
43411 : .o to equal last k.•,)1'.. 1'1...111
au atddilional .tNiou,it of lf2.7.*I will
have G. b. nai-,.l. 1loweVIT. NV
ought to I..'at last year'• roott'd. as
Ihr Red l'n.-- avail. more motley
than it did la.t year : there i,, more
fighting going on and there are
mol+- ..ddn•t, to ie. (.waked after.
lee .•..'rvleely do .1 little litter
then 10.04 t•rrr for this Bleat work
.A caring for the Kick and wu,ttfderd
. tad Erre.
1.2U, F Newell. P Macklin.
Chrimpiou-F Newell, 12 pointe.
lill(LN' elusion 1V8NT1.
Thr"wing haaket-tell-Era Cos.
Jean M44•9.wao, linker Pinder.
Throw ,,g hveball-Eva Cul, Laura
44 gas 01, Jean Bogie.
Bomb race -.Aileen Armour, Jean
McKwan, Crl.d;o McKay.
'1'hr.•r-legge.t race -Jean ReefWan
and Evelyn Goldthorpe, Emily Mc-
Arthur ■nd Jean Bogie, Aileen Ai-
woor and (:race Pinder.
'1'1re-ring and catching ball -Aileen
Armour and Grace Pinder, liladys
McKay and Mary B•.cbler, Jean Me -
Euro sod Alice McKwrn.
Fut porde dash Orae Pinder, Aileen
Attnnour, Jean Mac$wan.
Relay racy- glean or Haya, Leah
Baker, Olive l lark, Aileen Armour,
H,k1w. Austin and Laura Wat.00
Evelyn 41old tAnew, Rae St other.,
-Alice Mc4w*n, Kindly McArthur. Jean
McEean and Urs•v Pinder.
championship --Aileen Ar-
(1101.11' JUNIOR ty8NT,a.
Throwing irisket-hall --Claire Hays,
Eunice Lamb. Elie Jones.
Throwing I.wseball -Elsie Jones,
Lillian Maclkivald, Edith Mousey.
' Book rotor -Elis Jones., Helen How-
ard. us mi.
I Tbiee-Ieggrd rare -Lillian King and
Norma l:inn. Edith Murney and
Claire Hays. Dorothy Dsncey and
, Helen Howard.
'Choosing and catching ball --Helen
l'aiey,and Lillian McDonald. Claire
Hays and Helen Howard, Lillian King
and Gladys Bedford.
F'If.y yards ds.h-Elie Junes, Edith
Murney, Helen Corey..
Rrlry race-Notnia liinn, Claire
Heys, !Edith Mooney'. Elide Jotter,. Ella
cowenhy and Het* Levy : Dorothy
Denney. I.illian King, I.illliwn Jlao-
Donald. Helen Corey, Hrino llowaid
and Jeweie Levy.
Bicycle taco-Kdith Murney, Aileen
At , Lillian King.
Junior shoot pion -Elsie Jones.
('oast-arale.I oysters. stolid meat,
L 1.h from the or -ter beds; at Black-
ston.'. Phone 2411.
. •
Mr. J, e. Huey •'a. home trim Toronto over
`,.da1. •
Mr. wad \Ir., Roy Lloyd .pent 4he week -end
at atn.ot -td.
Mr. and ll Fred Molomott . Piled Mende at
K,1.14 1.4'1 week.
lir. and Mr... John. Young ore vi-i•ing tha1r
11r.. Dietzel. at Hudalo. N. Y.
Jar. D. Millar a -d Mi.- Louth Millar ba.e
been .pending • few Co- at I Ietrott
Mien l -,tel Jobn4o'. of )tar ,••, i. el•itine at
the boom of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tout.
Mn, Wm. McCreeIb, a2.., returned o,, w'eti-
tamer.t" r ,'.:r 1i.l11uI tee week+ 51.48 1.1.16 Ivor
f. SPQRTS. .t Tomato
Mi•• F: .' I*n• rt re h•f• 'nn :timidity for Port
Results 01 the F.eld Day Campetitoie m Hu.,".. *hare .lir w311 101er a hu"l34.1 .m
nur.a u. truu6rr
:2. -new Un•rn 4. 11 on Tusdwy for Pt<
Held Wedsesda7 at ALr(e.Mnral.1en
The heavy rein last Ft idey made it 1ord..4IN•b . wh- ne .111 re..M Its .col. time
Lith membe,.uf h - . • 17 I:.log there.
to p„., p.4.0 111. (i (' I. y;2., Hlya'hr tt;noa '.i -,ted at IMtroi' ,L.-,
S▪ ok! day sr hi. b b.tl been announced' ...4 .uid while tears• ut.-ted uy .ever: 4 urw
t.2. he held •1 Ago' roto! wl I'sr k on .di t- for nor vodtld••r7 da -.m. .1: r hr indu.tt,wl
that d.1 r. 1)u %Ve4Grd.atterrs. M,n-It"e';w'•
.,f tiro.tiro.week the n►aiumy of the events \1r- w. 1.. 11011"H 111'1 td.!' e.•k for 1
IN Ihr three .•lea es --+2.n i.'r, int mined- gu7. tltrn. . ,hue. w t. h.•.r bre Mere. lli-+
I J.rs.area le a2. ilius, Jar HorrtNn will cn-i[
tate and I tonn.t for Isr(h boy* wadi reath.ar"d •r.eatm+ at -trots! p.'iut. Io inn
n.li carte 11(11 o R, J M •w ler Inman, we -t ►rftn r1)llrnu.g Mw,.•.
g R
t2.► ►r.vs' .►2.o, r ekiesYpl.ri-hip with 74 r. w. M1 * 1 Lane. of ywnoourrr. H. (',.
Mr tltwat P.idh.m-.•-h1' Ina ""111;
w day. ,he 1 .. on a
rlgtrta-2.q 1, .tor.. a,•u t" Iri- rwtan�. .M r. Wm p�,ne. .gnat>.
I tar .nt+r.aeriate ?beam.. rt.btp. Inn h ' • :etc tie len or. Mo.dar to .pe•nd .few d.7•
10vwly Pr•wrt .- seed Frwr �s'wrf) lb. •t Ireton' wbere ret• (her ha- b,.., ',Jolt tog
!lane. rhana•Pweleeb•p. with tmeleel� i..•rr, Udine n•2. toning to •i- Amin
f . bet ...et.
1pitirtt✓• In 100' gMt• ewe'gn• .Aileen Mr wad Mr.. Ma.docald "4trandon.1-1.
12.21re2111 Intel Ile sensor abw.pit.ea/np. t:.ser4A, ses.sseat tn. erten r.nent of th.•.r
.hip. I .. ittMteaawt .tet•ur Newton Brady. K. .(.
N. t'_um et lair A..dnw .n, Indy New•on-
e is gives !M o•Abodeng of the .«tela. 1r.twM. tea nurrt.yre to take
enemas' e.rnr/so►U•ee 2.a the •trtvgal rdapN ie/M:+d m la•crmhrr
mrtq' 1¢Ziera 2.r. g•T. "AUCTION BALES.
std hies, J..ww the ymtootr chasepn'o- eltwitrt daafltiw. Ivel)w wrri•ttw )k'rtyn
PTF:. l'. 11. RI►IIINMIN •
son of Mr. nod Mr-. 9':•rrl itotlin.'•sl,
Wolfe street, recently n-Is,rtwl kilt. -•1
in action in France. 1't.• R'•Hrn.w.n
Wee not yet eighteen year. ••1 .er•-
R• v. Ilr. Carlyle, of Winds. r la•
chaplain' f the 14. h B+hobo,,. mid ad-
dress the Canadian CIO. tr.. Thursday
tet next week
Thr mon,Mre-.f Ahtneek Chapter.
1. O. D. F:.. 4esir. 2.o ' i end their
thanks t" rvws-un. who h•Ipnnd in any
way to nwke their repent entertain-
ment ,n the M..nn4e I'.'tupl. such •
The Signal hal an inter•.tirg call
os \Vrdne.r1ay f,out Mr (i. W. Rot.
insnn, of ('heeeniug. Mirth.. end hi.
brother. Mr. Chat.. Rebuu.or, of We.t
Wawanoah, two vete, ono who rr-
m.mber Godetirh as it was hair-a•
eentury ago. The former first came
to Ooderieh sixty -(oar rears ago and
mored away startle ,'van later The
lest time bo era. In Goderich was fort•q
years urn. Ther. are not mien, •roornd
town now who wet• here in his time.
The editor had •n ei,j .7'.b!. half-hour
hearing the old time ir•idente relate
stories of the town in the long -bygone
The chair of Knot chinch is peeper -
ng 4,, give an "old time concert" on
.iday evening, Noeentber 3,d. and
r record of I.hi• choir is w guarantee
t an evening of rare enjoyment is
in .tom for those who attend. The
program will he in two ports. the
Amu ren.isting of old-time annga.
Mine, duet,. guarteltee, etc., and the
Ia,r..nd part being a speakinc piece
entitled "A Woman'. Won't," to be
ego by three men and 1 ion'. women.
The admission f.w will be. 214', the pro-
ceeds to go to the choir fund
Coming : "The Yellow Menae•. "
For homemade teal's, far Mire ie.
cream, in Intik or 1nrieks, try Bl.ek-
.ton•'0 Mose 241.
loos ed .A 4V•� floe,
a'•M'� jlw.rp, (• ►rta.r. Uel. >t -( Irrlroa Butt ion .ale of
Li ft., 3 let. Jul. J miens .. E La ,''ort.. t.... -t2. t mei imMeneet•...ran err.. pies-
a Oen .. A 4' .ti.a•. eo t .0 Serowe . IO.er. he .v., e,ewe..lon 1,
Mme, ro�P V t wawl.ese. T N.'r,rew. WWI romer.
Stf1.. Mt J.eha M.a�M�2.�, J_�ar dl .a2.. woaw, (h' 21 -p.m of valuable pnnp-
rwmessg sliso -D aaet..ewr. Yi..-., N 12. k , t t 1 .d h •belovert t
ie.. R La 4' ,r:.. Joe [.Ns-.
�1 y .w ae r ter . .t .r t1 ne o
7r J H \\ 3.1.0...r.'eromee-(n a orlork.
1101 read. Left- Jew belly. 124 este . T o. sue, •n.'a.aeer.
Hae.dd Walter*. John Howler
Itre..s*g hyew lamp Jl W •gets..
4 ft .. m , e,.m*rt st roa not fial.he0 .
Pare. ..mY. -J.obs B• selet, Harry
rah.. krona, Jar Keil;
;►3) vied. deb - Joe 4.11; Sr -set.,
John le •00107, D Doeharsee .
Hair -mile IgM -Jona Huwkr, 2 k'.y
1t flurbarme, R. La Port►
Bee) el. law- Lamb, 1 .C, Scott Mc-
Nally. Frame Newell.
4'b.aspion--J Bnwlsr, 1• pointe.
W rfa' IwT1I8MRDI.31* tV►.!NT+.
Running brorl jump -M +i' land
Pridbaw., 15 ft , r in., A Wiggins. S
Hop. step .nil jump- A Wiggins,
Si ft., :( io , M'ittend Pt idiom, H.
Mending br..al 'lump -A Wiggin•,
Bft . Maitland Pndhan, 44 sturdy.
Pol. vault -Harty alha,kleton, i ft
10 in., Maitland Pridham. W Sturdy.
Stranding high jump-Jl.itland Prid-
ham, a ft., :i in., A Wiggins, 11 shack -
let on.
kunning high jump -Undecided.
Putting •h,4 -A Wiggins, '2.i ft.,
Maitland Pridhtul, 44' Tbomp•on.
113) yards dash -Maitland 1'i idham.
124 Dec., A %Viggins, E Lee.
$20 yard. dash --Maitland Ft Wham.
$►f sec., A Wiggin•, I Lee.
Helf-mil. 2.•v --R Lee, 3.1. A An-
drews, Harry Shackleton.
Champion -Maitland Pridna.n °J1
Running hrnad jump- F Newell,
i8 ft,6 in.. Frank Wasng
hiton, Theo-
dor. ullard.
Hop, .ter end jump - F Newell, '11
ft.. 11 in., Theodore Bullard, F,.nk
Running high jump -Theodore Bol-
lard, 4 ft., 11 In., F Newell, Eddie
100ard. dash -W Thompson, 1:11
a.e., 11'New4 1. P Macklin and Frank
Quart., - mile race - W Thompson,
ober 3i .\notion '.Ie .'1
Nr ••
. wept )ung"altar.
I�iy. to he -.Ad .t Den-
tal 2 7'.'. •harp. Theo.
,'•.ale .4f fern). farm .trm4
.- lSbanging to the .Mite
\.gnnh. a tea premi-ss.
beets at 1 ,.,-loth. 1114x4.
H0%44 LI. 1n 1401.rirh. en Monday. October
11,,o Mr and lir. M, W. Hmeet' ... +oft.
HI 141x.48 THORNTON -Ar Knox 'hvnh
2.a..., on Mei urday7. (lctob.. by Rev.
R. . M' Ih•rned. Mr. Harry Horne•.' of
Toronto to 1.11.. 1.117 K. daughter otMr,
Jam.•. Thornton. of uoderleh.
Mo1WIUOALL McMATH.--At Knox .herch
01431101'. se list onto. User 7. He v . R C.
Melw'e0ld. Permits Josef* IMr-
ltnagaII N Mi.+ Mwrtboc da. whte-r et Mr,
Jennie McYwth, of Rodeo -h
V(R1'u1:SMITH \l the re-uten^e of the
Made'. pen..•. 21s Balmoral a, envie. Tor-
onto. on w'ednwdwl. Octet.,',' 11. by Ho..
I'mf..-','+law. h. 11. Diana 11 -or herrn
glna. eMo.t daegkter of Mr and 31,.. Um).
H. eolith. to Jobe Awl-. SI coley. younger
mn of [wet Cab J. A M and Mr- V.rco.,
of u.derir'h
JOBN.TON D, Orp.Ier,ch. en Tur.447. (1n
tubs 1:, Marr *111"' .I.1o. 01 the ate
W L. John.tnr aged W year•
PI:LL•.w.-.N Salt NIT Mum, (set ,oat Fri-
day. (*'robe, 11. Wiliam T. petiole, aged
711 rear. and K month..
,.�Ptn i•vt N'.nre.l lot 17 Signal . _.. 1
T►iel'lrfmt Fit of 00, Poet wear Wes am,.
.\urtlon sale -Jo, Leads. St. Attaadleo.. . 1
Property ter [Ilam -J. Dog 1
cider*"Oat lab- Howell Mantuan
►'arei her SY.-- H 1' Hays . 1
Auction INN Wo T. JoheAoo . .,
Iteedr -MM. M. 1: Cameron
Sore fat Rab -W Certs . 1
Muer Card -Mica Slim Woe.Moletse .. .. 1
Vertu. for Sale -Mr, Jens T. Mills
Reamers., Rearder..V.nted-P. 0 nos N1
gent Alexasdr. Player. -Tl teele Opera
Ae...- .......