HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-12, Page 9heat is assured by the double flue system had
Perfect cooking and baking with least et
twice around the oven of
Come in and Pll show you why the Pandora
good as new long after other ranges hate t6
or replaced.
Sold by FRED HUNT.
Jairw• Niehol for 1115 :sot.
MI John Wightnian.
At "Merle Glove Fern," ;
h, Mon Idart4s, deugh'er .1
as unit ill in mat I ism- to Mote Net
all. lte• rather Tiro hey ...foe mu -
al With mar.. Mr and Mrs.. Mahal -
Very saceptofol hearses,
riving servieps werp h.1,1 at Trinity
rary torrsies, mem* address was
elven H .1. If. teethes Ingham, of
Thy Jon gp gp
*eked for e entire' ion of IPS but the
offe.inp war $112.•
A very pretty wielding t tok Owe at
Koos. Tornio,' ry. ne NN'erlitiotiot. S. pi -
in the preeence oi al• oat forty Knott*.
to leo chinch Tumbrils-, was ob.
rm. etterntion 'Ad - too -
it -v. 1114, heeei. his
muinistev there Soy y• Pgf,..
present pa.tor.
Nrirmen M. -Donald. :on of J mod.
Mrlfronal.i. Hey 10,11 ship. •vateiesed
Hunkin in eirpril vegan, slit on
40 w HEN it comes to a
itt it I8 going to do your
Electric Wiring
ing the man who
lit* matter of choos-
1 it will pay you to See US.
All necessary information is
if$ yours for the asking.
414 Res. 193 Robt. Tait I 4/REis"E'T
fit Office 82
Used in all Hospitals in the Allied
Countries for the soldiers as well as
in hospitals throughout the Dominion,
Unitsd Statile and the Far East
ecca Ointment
As ted teetnionial from Mrs. C. C. Hull, M.D. of the
Weima's Christian Association Hospital. Council Bluffs. Iowa.
"Ws have and limes Ointment In a severs ease of burning,
w1110111wew ordinary treatment would hay* been fatal. I was
FlEId tie soothing effect sad quick relief from pain. The
tt which was astassies deep, quietly ,assinned
proems and roorrory woo remarkably rapki'
PaNZI‘rierro.71.1.hilrited Tomato, Oat.
alsommasi mai oil I.
Centralia. They were atiorlag Lb*
um when lb* scaffold igloos away and
precipitated Mr McDoneld and Rail
kinson, .00 0( the owner of the
farm, to the ground. • distance of
twenty -eve feet. Young A t k 'noon
escaped with but • shah' sbaking-up,
while McDonald did not fare so well.
one of Isis feet being beverely injured
and being otherwise badly shoken
.k marriage t onk platit quietly at
9 o'clock on the morning of Tuesday.
Ortrther Sot. •t the home of the ATM.',
...rte..% G. Dyer. whey Mime Mary J.
Fisher, dstothter of the late Me. aad
Mee. Fr -4 Ifisher, hecanse the bride of
A' this, C of Brant ford' The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
W. Baird. pastor of Jan," Street
Methodist church. After the cere-
mony Mr and Miss Smith left by auto
f thort trip keine* going to Brant-
ford. where they will reside.
Baker Pt.. the scene of a pretty W1144.
ding on Thursday, liertrember
at high noon, when their daugh-
ter, Miss Ell.% t became the
Mr. •cti Niro W Ilirm Fisher. of re -
borne. Het.. J. W. Baird offfoisteti.
Mr. and Mr . treshre motored to NS'ooid-
atotck end eiten tsck the tee.. for Tor -
onset, Niemen. d M•emors. On !heir
return they will rested, on the groom'a
farm tr. 1,stetrrie.
There wos laid 1.1 rest nn Morita's%
O. -toiler 2nd, the remain• of the oloLat
person of Nvilliain It .11 w Re ippo
(4 town, where he live.) al his
life VII h. retired from ,Ite farm and
aro. If• married earls ie tekino
in the bsek
eral months.
um_ A. time Los,. cooduets
eerier .'t p in Wins tr rn.
tell ugh ti.o 'raudon. of be
Mg elp se well as lweekiog wypiai
d on. peered serer NVednerdse Seta.
W• i..gliatts smi had lived here ;In I,.
ibe time of her nu•rtiage, wile.. • lie
rd to mato,.
'ID- pr. pert y t 11,e late It N. Gilgeo,
et lieromir y.
ei▪ migherre M towel 1 libel, to John
Robert McKinley. Swim th. the Misr.
rage tske pl see quietly in October.
The remain, of Mot. Nott. of Toron-
terment in thy Mairlendlartk ceme-
tery. The derentud thi. widow of
the late Dr. Ahr. ham McMichael. who
(ion Po end warn 11141 aunt of Mrs. John
Tomei, Mrs Snell end Miss Mc-
Michael. of town. end of the Messre.
McMichael, of litillett.
fore her marriage is prof tt i tt ent and
very successful teacher in the ptiblic
schns-I here. died at hsr home et l'hat•
ban, on September 31110. While a
worker in every depai Orient wotk
in connection wilt) the Preabytei tan
church. /she was; the first becretery
and a charter her of the Woolen's
Foreign littrionary Auxiliary and
w hen the Huron Pr esbyteriel was
first organized she was elected ware-
ta, y. Mr. mot Mtg. Lyon moved
from Seeforth about twenty years
The Nsnitimr, Herald. referring edit-
orially to the election of William
Sloan, formerly of Seafortn, to the
Briilith Columbia Legislature. had the
following 7
-Mr. William Shan, the newly
elected member, is one of the recog-
nized chiefs of the Liberal patty. It
is certain that be will he given a Cob -
into ition and report hag it that it
will the portfolio of Mine& fbe
people of Smother!. can therefore look
to have its Interests eared for and
looked &nor in • way they have never
known before. They have shown in
the most decisive manner what they
think of bfr. Sloan. He is tbe first
Liberal to he elected for Nanairtio to
the Provincial HOMY, and his majority
is one of the largeot. if not the largest,
ever polled in the rity. No rtronger
proof emilit he given of his populsr
standing( with the people of Nemaimet„
end of their belief in hi• abil-
ity. Mr Sloan will thoroughly appro.
ciate this testimony to the confident*
and it will he an additi n•1 incentive
the peopie of Naneimil,have in him,
for him to leave nothing undone or
untried in his rtpreeentation of Nan.
(1 A. 'Stedman is at Berlin 1110eing
up hi• honey business for the &HIROO.
wing to the illneas of her fribar
Mi Mina Hunter has revigited her
p. tion on the staff of Stratford post -
The house and lot known tie the
Dunford property hos been sold by
Arthur Ward to James' Evans. of the
7th line of Manic
Mr*. (Rev.) Wren hoe reneired worl
that one of her brattier*, Privet.
Arthur B. Mallory. was among the
wounded. He enileted at Winnipeg
with the fllet Binttation.
Ifra P. It Some bad the infisiortson
to mins hew fooling at the top of a
bank stairway and fell down bead
Ares. Her soak and shoulders gut
Some Haire to Keep on Until
They Almost Drop. How
Mrs. Conley Got Help.
Here is a letter from a woman who
bad to work, but was too weak and suf-
fered too much to continue. How she
regained health :-
with female weakness that I could not
do my own work,
had to bire it done.
1 he•rd so much
about Lydia E. Pink -
tried it. I took three
bottles and I found
claim. Now I feel as
sod! as ever I dld and
am able to do all my
own work again. 1
recommend it to any woman Buffs -ring
from female weakoess. You may pub-
lish my letter if you wish."- M re. J Sees
CooLoY,516 St. Clair St. , Frank fort,K y.
No woman suffering from any form of
fernale troubles should lose hope until
slir has given Lydia F. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compouncl • fair trial.
This fainoue remedy, the medicinal
inoredienta of which are derived from
native roots and herbs. has for fcrty
and invigorator of the female organism.
All women are invited 10 write
to tile Lydia E. l'Inkhitm
floe (W., lo -nit. 'Muss.. for gpecial
ad sic:: II I be confidentiaL
Tv_ lose posttest rse-
Mrs. Jobn tier to. al rigt;irp 44 Not_
onto. She ‘11.1,1, e;gitty one years
Pt•. Welton lett Celled* on the
:Hltittalitto. Hie bober. oho way also
a member of the :eird filtration. too
rived home hoot a f.-er dsys ego. being
dieteharged on account of tnedical un-
fit nee*.
stone. Mrs. H. W. Tatubl ye. embroidery
ko▪ wtow faacy toilet two M. Livingstone.
D. Symington; faacy pin cushloo. Mrs.
H. W. Tamblyn. Miss sable Carter;
fancy hitadkorchlef case, Living-
stone, D. Symington: fancy glove caw.
D. Symington, M. Livingetone: etch4ng
on material fine or 000rse. Mts. It. 'W.
Tamblyn, 1). Symington. fancy corset
mver, Id. Livingstone. Mrs. E. Lawson.
fancy work hog, H. H. McGowan. M.
Livingstone; fancy apron, Mrs. E. Law -
two. M. Livingstone, gents• mitts, 1).
Symington. Moo. Howrie. Honiton or
extent lace, 1). Symington, Mrs. W.
Taueblyn; Hardanger or NOft%egtan
work. 1). Symington, Mrse. Howrie.
handkerchiefa. band made. Mnt. E.
Lawson, Mrs. Howrie: Irish crochet, M.
Livingstone, lint. E. Laoson. knitted
quilt, 1). Symington, Mrs. J. Wright:
knitted lace in cotton. D. Symington,
Miss Sadie Carter; knitted or crochet
fancy ootbl shawl, I). Symington, Mrs.
H. W. Tamblym kitchen apron, Mrs.
Jas. Menziee, Mrs. E. Lawton; lace
handkerchief, M. Livingetone. Mrs.
'Lowrie; laundry. bag, M. Livingstone.
Symington: Mount Mellick cm-
brOlils ry. M. Livingstone, Mrs. 'Lowrie:
(me het tattle mate, Mrs. Ilowrie. Mrs.
Jas. Menzies,: ooe set doylleet. not more
thou IliCeeN. M. Livingstone. M.N.
H. W. Toseiblyn: pillow shame. Leus.
Burling, Sadie.,Cartgr; patch quilt
patch quilt in cloth'. Mrs. UPI. 11e0Zieg:
piano or sideboard scarf, M. Living.
stone. Mist' Sadie ('arter: photo frame.
aro; kind, Mrs. &Arch. Taylor. Mrs. E.
Lawson. pillow came embroidered. 31.
Livingstone. Troia Barkley-. punch
work embroidery. Mrs. Jam. Menileio,
Niro llowrie:' pair woolen socks or
stockings. Mrs. bliete Sadie
Carter: guilt, any other kiwi, Mri.
.3rch. Taylor, Mrs. tiowrie; guilt,
crazy. Trena Barkley; Hinton work. M.
Livingstone: w.f. pillow. M. Living-
stone. Trews Itaililey: slouittur rote..
Duncan Laidlaw, Lena Burling: rattily/.
:51: Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie: table
centre piece. white. Trena Barkley',
Mist. Sadie Carter: table cover. five
°chick. Trena Barkley. Moo H. J.
31arshrill: tray cloth, M. Livingetone,
Mies Sadie Cartier: tea cosiey, M. Living•
stone, Mito Sadie. Carter: towels, vow
hroidered... M. Living/gone. Mias Sadie
(.5,irter, table centre piece. colored,-
Trena Barkley, M. Livingstone:-whiek
holder. D. Synaington. M. Livingstone:
Livingstone: work drawn. M. laving -
Facet, Trena Barkley. fancy nettiog. 31.
Liviropitone. Mrs: llow rte. 4 04;40 -A.
B. 'Urea. Brussels.
Crochet troelt to wool. Mrs. 110WfiC:
crechet work 'in cotton, Hostrie:
pencil drawing, Jas. R. Tierney. -iluta.
Fraser. sofa cuShion. Chart. Fraser:
ju lge-A. It. Ross, granite's.
Write the largo and small letters once.
-write tbe National Anthem once,
76.6:;49211 Nhowing all the work.
4•1111,111IEN UNDER 13
Jnarkitig the countries at war at- wett-
est. write one verse of your favorite
poem. Edna McGowan.
Best, collection of wild Sowers mount-
ed and properly named. write an essay
of about thirty lines on "Tbe Future of
tien.sy. OIT. 12 19
McLean Bros.' Store
H. McLean.
Le4). Charlesworth.
J. McManus.
imits1 from more 3 L. Gardiner.
Flossie t'
.6 pieeei band painted. Mrs. Howrie:
'collection of oil paintings. Myrtle
:tion of water color paintings. Myrtle
flower; Po oil. Mrs. US. Menzies,
Myrtle Livingeton:e fruit or looters. in
Howria: figure painting in oil. Myrtle
Livingston. Mrs. I:. Adams, figure
painting in water color. Mrs. :Arch
Taylor. Myrtle Livingston: hand painted
phieque in oil, Delis Solid:beton. Mrs.
Arch Taylcr; hand painted on
silk. !satin or plush. Mrs. E.
Adams. Myrtle Livingeton. landscape.
in oil. E. Adams. Chas. Framer.
landscape, in water color, Mrs. Ilowree.
Mrs. Arch Taylor: ornaments or vase,
Mrs. Howrie, Myrtle Livingetone: piece
of burnt work on leather. Myrtle
Livingstone: piece of burnt oota on
wood, Myrtle Livingtbne: painting on
bolting cloth. Myrtle Livingetone. )1rn.
Howrie: plate+, half dozen hand painted,
Mr.. Howrie: pencil drawing. M.
any %object. M. Livingstone. NInt.
Howrie: painting on glass in oil. Mee.
L. Brigham.
Applique work. Mrs. E. Laustin. M.
Livingstone: bedroom slippers. noun)
made. Trena Barkley, M. Livingstone:
Ingatone: baby'e outgo knitted or
crochet work, M. Livinestone. D.
Symingtoo: crochet quilt. D. Symington.
1). Symington; cushion tot in Corona-
tion lace. Mrs. . H. Tatublyn: crosoct
work in milk. M. Livingetone. stm•
Barkley. Lena Burling. crochet stork in
novelty braid, M. Livingetone. Mrs. H.
W. Tamblyn: collection of ladiele work.
ingetesse. Miro loathe Carter: crow stitch
embroidered. Mrs. H. W. Tamblyn. M.
Liviagetose; embroidery on bolting
cloth. Myrtle Livingstone. Sym•
Ingtoa: eyelet centre pieoe or rive
41ambroittery on silk or sa66n. Myrtle
66000; anshrOiduiry, Roman, M. 1.1•11:41 -
17017st:11;4 IL
jolt. Alton.'
W. Cockerline.
Violet 2 3 :t
R. Wells.
E. Taylor.
Dr. McTaggart. 12 for best nve
butter in prints.eatue to latomedonsor's.
Jewett Dodds, pair of %hoe* valued at
S3.50 for best grade OMY with calf at
foot. Jno. Scott.
Blyth Standsol one year for Im-st too
year old gelding or filly in general pur•
J. H. Chellorw. parlor tattle valued at
14 for beat flve pounds butter In prints.
se::., to become donor's, NV. Taylor, R.
G. McGowato
Blyth Staedard one year for beet pun
bred Durham heifer calf, Jno. Scott. .
T. Stewart, 11 for largest and heavient
1107P• hen page: T. Sloan. 50 centa tor
2nit best dozen bon eggs. hoth to be
come olonor'N. A. Sloan. Jas. Jackson.
W. N. Watson. 19 for hest palr dress-
ed ;•hickens. game to become donor•s, A.
Howlett. Mrs. Jas. Menzies.
J. .1. Raman. 111.73 ftreoad prise for
dresaed chickens. game to become
donor's. Mos. Jas. Monsiee.
Blyth Standard one year for best
single driver, Jae. Ilickenhottom.
Maeon Broor., 110 for. p)est 1.5 pounds
butter. fame to become "none's. Mrs. J.
Mensiee. a. Howlett.
Dr. Milne. for beet 10 pounde butter
le priest, tame to become donor's. C
Wightman. W. Taylor.
J. McMillan Co., NO lbs. Robin Hood
Sour for the beat two loaves brew) mule
from Robin Hood flour. same to become
donor's. C. WIghtman. J. J. Pollard
T. McMichael Ron. 1112 for the best
siallion abd foto of him color foaled in
1916. Amy other parties may (+mires.
in the IMMO manner by pntitIng up the
lame amount, T. Illelfichael.
Birth Standard one year for the heat
4001 homy or mare, carriage clans. it
J. M. Hamilton. Us of Royal Purpte
Poultry Tood valued at 11.110 for bee*.
colieetios of ponitry. J. J. Homage*.
Placket' & Ross. 114 Univers& Bread
At the first opportunity yoU should arrange to visit
oUr store and exatnine our exceptionally fine line of
Sweater Coals Underwear
Overcoats Suits
and, in fact, everything for Fall and Winter wear. 1),-14't
forget the place.
The following prices tor Ford cors
lie effective on 'and after .\Ite, 1. 1911;
Runabout -
Touring Car
Coupelet -
Town Car -
Sedan -
These prices nre'imaitivelv guaranteed fignin•t :icy re-
daetion before August 11117. hut there is MI guarantee
agninst 171 AV tore in price nt any time.
Mixer for thN beat grsir of dreariest
ducks. same to become donor's, W.
Blyth Standard one year 'for the best
.1. M. Hamilkni. tin of Itoyal Purple
Stock Food, value 11 50 for heat herd of
Shorthorn cattle consisting of one bull
and two femalea. P. Laidlaw.
Woman's Inetitnte, for beet collection
of baking. consisting of the folloyrIng: -
1 fight cake, 1 dark cake. dozen tarts,
t. dozen tea biscuits. let to ize 11.75.
Ilrown Bros.. Nurserymen. for t'l-•
hero loothel of wooer apples. 12 fro,'
trees of the brit varietiea. Apples
he tient to donor., A. Sloan
" In the Thee or Peace Prepare for War
There is a Long Cold
Winter Ahead of You"!
IS your Range in good. repair ? I/oes it require over_
hauling I f ..:( ... we carry repairs for tiir different
Makes. •14 ,tur_ stove ie pasti repair call atul see the
large assnirtaw:ut 11 iitoven we carry for you to chotoe
from The " LIillITER MN*" Range is the latest
improvement in stove cmstruvtiiin.
Are ion going to put in a new Furnace this, Fall ? 1!
let us give y1)11 a figure oil it. --We have a good eecond-
hand " Kelsey " in stock which 14 in good repair ; in fact.
it is nearly as Rotel as new. and is a snap for some person.
Let ns figute on your Plumbing, }leafing, Electric
Nl'iring, etc.
We handle tbe beat Scranton Coal.
Chestnitt and Stove, per ton
Kali, pit ton
Cannel, pet ton
Pea Coal, pet ton
Soft Wood. per single cord
Hard Wood, per single cord
Chas. C. Lee
Phones : Store 22
House 1 12
The Square