HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-12, Page 8TIMME T, Orf. 1!, Me
Memel Mestisg of the Gotland' Nraaitll
et So Candi.. Med Cees Society.
'.acts, >5 pillow, 114 piBewsMp, 1St
W towels. 1.1! wedsti ttM M
a el. tAtik lYbi& tweets( hoed-
o d-
. sea SIM ooeeo-
peeems. 21 11leasie dellenetr. SIs
.Noega10411 opeogesj1,275 meatbwi
O prruietrda Palms, pholdall
bw*sire& 2 e.eps,
It .earees,
11.lti; pairs of weeks. 14 pain wristlet..
V B .laclava esp.. root to
Of the above owl parcel was esRA
H. ru Bey M ditary NrepMal.
Oben forwarded
Red Cross the
77 MSt.
K, ToconW.
Thi. report bevies bees reed sed
adopt..(, it was decided, ow rootlets el
Mrs. Hume and Rev. Mr. Po be.les-
bem, (4. feeder the "banks ut the So-
ciety to the *Awes. sad ro.robme of
the workbag eoswmitto0w, t, Um ward
collectors mod ward trswurer, Le the
ouritrihutors. to Mr. Wyv11M Millar
and M . grovel Colborne. who bare
done as enormous amount. of work in
pocking tb. beim. and to Mr. P. Mee.
Elwin. Mr. Yen and Mr Marriott, to
wh••o. the Society le ladehted foe tak-
ing the lwrxes to the MMk)..
Ree. Mr. Yutherin brat thea took
the chair and the M o toy peuesed•d to
Irct iia officer for the cousin* year.
with the following result : Koos s's, y
president. Mrs. M.odoakt ; prmi
Sherif Reynolds; vice-pre+ldeote, Mn.
Corrie. Mrs. Oolbornr. Mr. Porte.:
secretary, Miss Clifford ; assistant o
nlary. Mise Milder ; "awA. Or.
Holier* ; ward treasurer, ls
Roberts .0 s merino! coromitw, Mee -
drum. C.dbwnc. Eliot,H.ortun.Pbeiao,
Aitken, Home. Nalrt. ; surule•I sup-
plier, Mordant.* Taylor and Wird*
knitted gond., Mr.. McKuu, Cline Sts •f -
6e11, Miss Mortises ;Britannia Branch.
Mr-. Field.• Advisory ,raa•-lt+s. Nes.
Mr. Fothssiagb.m, Joao. Hui., Ur.
Taylor, le. M.e111 n, D . Hail^". Mr.
Proordf• ol. Mr. Hu.ee, Mr. J •bot.....
Donation.. during 1 ho ) . yr a'. •• -
knnwle.lg.d with th.•.s- fr aro : Ea
arks Bioko eta., ti roe .1 Hrrwgh
Chapter. 1 0. Ir. B., tae ala. i•,e Club.
Sodality of tit. 441v1 - el....ch, 1.adiw'
timid of Christ obu.rh, l'.nt Albeiit
anniversary service'• St. Ueorgis
church, ehiklree's eneertaluseret
Menesetnsg Park, eta.
The town of Undericb is to he eoe-
gr.tulat.ed on the swore. of (died
Cross Society during the peat y
is hoped, in view of the luort 1 sty of
casualties and /be resultant over-
growing nand, that it will at least do
so well next year.
The regular monthlymeeting will
take place in the Nortstreet rooms
on Monday. October 16 h, when a
large at tendaoc• is t rqur- t• -d.
flee &eau& Ogees
Ileslat tts.ok place le b. Nortlagoe the h Muret
MOM en to evoeiag of Thursday.
Osflebsr 4 with the president. Mae.
Maadss•W, la the choir.Kw. Husiltem flag to
*Om, Oresety War Usestiospet Also-
sisthee.clearly mad eseolrely pieced
bolero to meeting the purposes sad
It was
�sg�s�ioas of that y
____, ,m molbe of Mn. Btktt and
$r. Por.er, to .n..ld.e the smatter
ai tM regular month( rosstI- g os the
"bled Mayday et 0
liar UM rfarteatimi some of the
bsr� t hoe
begs meds by Me. cim the on
orary eser•tery el this neeM1y :
(tiasdiee Rd Orrn.. supplies are .foci
est sell for the illeesitiam Red Cross
hospitals. but for any British or Allied
kwpltelk which are in reed of them.
tied which 4i,d nt on our CCO,nmonly do Is we
give ."(plies to the bospitsb• of our
Allies, but money grants where the
sod arise*. We are giving 5,61.10 oases
of .upplies a month, to the French
Uuv.rousent, and money grams to the
Russian, Hleigi.n and Serbian Iced
Croft Societies."
The annual ftnsocial report w►s as
follows: retsintid last
year for current expenses, $178.116 ;
ward rolieotion., including c illect em
from W. C. F. M,13,2
1145: ell Mb;,U
tier sources. 13:D.
Total. N ufl7 66
RZPar10ITU ata.-M,irgical .upplier,
$1,051.15 (.f which materiel t r the
valor .1 1.175 is oo band) : sewing rem-
ssttteesupplies, 0810.66; y we. 1963 13:
Britannia Branch supplies, 11118.16
(rhe above 'minding laundry bills to
the amount of 16.081; sent to Red $rt s
beak uaot•rs, Toronto, 1476 ; collec-
tion cud., $8.25c handbill., 01.75; fuel,
$2.60; a freight bill left over from las.
Year. 11.27 ; telephone charges in con-
nection with Red l'ross booth at fall
fair in 1915, $160; stamps in onnnee-
tioo with same. 25 cents. Total es
peoditure, *3,514.62.
Voted for current expenses of the
month, $3,O. Balance on bend to be
forwarded 1. Toronto, *17194. This
includes f': r. ceived from Mrs. C. C.
Morrison eine. the last .seting.
The Red Cross shipments dui iug the
MOyear were : Forty-seven heti jackets.
piles of head Docks, 144 000IIlesee
suits, 59 dsessiog R pyjama
suits. 229 hospital shirts, 190 night-
ebirt., 49 surgical tibias. 33 pairs of
'dippers, 54 nurses' aprons, 6 surReims'
Says: we can't help but look
letter and feel better
after an Inside bath.
�',To look 0ne'seel one's beat
Y to enjoy an inside bath each m01
Mg to numb from the system the pre -
viols day's waste, sour fermentatloes
and poisonous toxins before 1t 1s as
sorbed into the blood. Just as foal.
when it barns, leaves behind a-eer-
tatn amount of Incombustible material
in the form of ashes. so the food and
drink taken each day leave to the a11 -
=eatery organs a certain amogat et
Indigestible material. which 1t not
eliminated, form toxins and poisons
which are then sacked into the blood
through the very ducts which are 10.
tended to suck to only nourishment
10 sustain the body.
If yon want to see the glow of
healthy bloom in your cheeks, W se
your skin get clearer and clearer, Toe
are toid,to drink every morning upon
arising, a glass of bot water with a
teaspoonful of limestone phosphate to
it, which is • harmless means of wash -
tags the waste material and toxins
from the stomach, liven kidneys and
bowels. thus cleansing. sweetening and
pnrlfytag the entire alimentary tract,
before putting more food into the stom-
Men and women with sallow skins.
liver spots. pimples or pallid Coro
ptedan, also those who wake up with
a ooated tongue, bad taste, nasty
breath. others who are bothered with
headache, bilious spells, actd stomach
oreoaetlpet1on should begin this pbos-
phated bot water drinktag and are
natured of very pronounced results in
cies or two weeks.
♦ quarter pound of limestone phos-
phate costa very little at the drug
store but U sufficient to demonstrate
that just as wisp and bot water
*lease, purifiers and freshens the
skin on the outside, so hot water tad
1lmestone phosphate act on the inside
orpne. We most always oosatdsr that
internal .mnitatles is vastly exon We
poltant than outside cleanliness. be-
came the skin pores do not absorb
impurities Into the blood, while the
bowel pore do.
Guard the Children from
Autumn Colds.
The fall he the most severe ss•too of
the year fur cold. -one da] le wet m
the next is wet and cold and sales the
mother is on her guard the lit N mei
are seized with eoldr. that may bang
on all winter. hobo'. Own Talibteare
mother's best friend in preventing or
banishing colds. They act a. a genii*
laxative. keeping the lowelaad stom-
ach free and sweet. As ore• meal
dose will prevent colds or it it doe
maw oe •uddcely ib. prompt woe of
tbp Tabt.ta will quickly curs it. s
memoir! e sold by ieine ?Us Ass(.,, or
by mail at 26 cents • box from Tits
Ur. Williams' Medicine Uo., Brock-
vRM, Ont.
Municipal council of the township
of West Wswanosb met BepVrober
Died. as per ad j.wroreent of Maggot
Members all present ; Reye
Murray presiding. Minutes G( Mgt
meeting Fred and confirmed, on mo-
eotion of Johnston and Naylor. Movies
by Johnston rind Mallosgb that • dep.
utetioo composed of Wyss Momy,
Councillor Naylor and the rtetk wait
on the o.iinc.1 of the township ..f Col-
borne (f iw..-ibis .1 its welt sitting)
re matte.• p --ruining t -t to eonet1 uc•
i iunof 1 he Young's c reek drain, ibe
contract for whi b was let too Steven -
won Bio. . f Rinet r a wt 1st Asst
meeting of cloned. Medco by Pul-
don and Naylor thst Reeve Mermy
end l' ,.,,calor Johnston interview
A. H. Murgrovr, M. P. P.. in the
metier . f securing a Provitseiel grant
towards the Tomato urtioo t t the
Young'. clerk drain. Carried. 1 be
clerk was instructed to write J bit
Rider, rneiaeer, on tb• per peed
P.t•ereo n drain, asking vet the sot
vey he Mad. now. Accounts arwonn.
IiacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Awy gpts.4ity host all Maple
Sabo. Mixed Wend, Msmiek
sari Eindli.g Motet eft ma)
TVLSPMUM1ta, elks M
meldneg fie fire
leg to 1623.47 for pathm•steri gravel,
M. H. 0...rrio,. during measles ep -
dewle and finished mount's were.
and paid on mono by Mal -
Purview. Council adjourned
to meet Ni,o.mber 4 at 10 a. el
W. A. WI Law,. Clark.
$w.eial meeting of conned ►old Sept-
ember :it by ngorst of Reeve Murray,
The mal ter to he eoesidered wee •
mooed appeal f..r financial aid fur the
IMMsh Red Oros. Society. This sp-
/**1 Nunesthrtwigtl HN Honor lire
jdeeter..n. (lovern.•r of Oru.rio and
"w7edorsrd by tiny. rtinsMrt prorlain.-
ttaa. 11 is pointed out that the nut -
Me far the first two rears of the war
*1 t,1110,QD d which Ontario gave
VIM N,11114.0111
W this Wet Wawa-
narh eostributrd 11169.116. The esti
�Md east for this year le 22.1.10,21Kratiow by Naylor and Folds, that
We colleen is of tie opiates that
West Wawaaosb (.a In UM past) will
respond 4.ily to � appeal
erfond.we?mimw Weber
44 Ways and memo tar teeshMg
.N the retspeyeee le Pis SNOW re-
ceived _ s actio Mist seesidereeles.
whish brought net •minket by Mr.
Paid-te tb.& we ark fur • weleatery
nevi mention . At .m,wdmeet pre -
prod by M-. Joh omen was that le
(seder bo eve its* time and a sereliks
ame.e4 of .npewse y a ..mbar ;nf
esliesters it M advisable to plea* w
✓ ibs en erdbeter'• r jlI wh4b would
emerlde . fair meet for ibis s.swki-
WeeeMto tbe mid C
feel that they had .dee Liheir
bel. T\M woe r.+edd by Mr. 14.yl..e
mod earrtr•d. Settee by Naylor mei
Melee that m trate of 64164 ewe writs
ee the d l ar we Ms per MO et es.
usssmset be edited I• a4Nesi.s'. till
ase .Ind Otero greet and flit *Mt
�Mermor twig the seer,.
..s>,•(1 md� oeawed. W. A.
WUMW. Asrk
Doty and arse-sgmlBas see tint r..
see of the Dritt.h easel. Al the
tent le chore data . -tend Osier.
• . ,
Ak -1ST 3
TERS & CO., _Godefich
In the hands of TheMerchaiits Drokerage Co.
Every Dollar's Worth of the Entire Sia! Must be Slaughtered in 30 Days
We have instructions to clean out the entire stock regardless of
cost. Everything goes ----at a price, half-price or less. Positively
no reserve. Fixtures for sale and store to rent.. ,
Sale Opens Saturday, October 14th, 1916
This will be the most gigantic shoe and rubber sale ever witnessed in (ioderich.-Everything
must go SLAM BANO !
We know of only one way to turn this stock into money in this short time. That's
what we have to do. We have cut the prices in less than half. One dollar will be
as good as two. Everyone from far and near will get a chance to buy boots, shoes
and rubbers at their own prices. -
W H 0 WE ARE ---our business is to close out stocks -to turn goods into
money -to wind up estates. We have been hired to sell without reserve every
dollar's worth of goods in this store by November x8th. You know what that
means. We'll give the goods away. Be here, it will mean dollars to you.
Just a few of our Bargains. Read them over carefully and come expecting ten
t'cnes as many more. You will not be disappointed.
For Woven For Children
For Men
Men's Ilortt )hoes, nag price 46 Sale Price... 414.106
Men'. rase and .-loth top. Reggie. 1100. lisle
Price $4.'e
Men'. potent and gun metal. Regular $6.00
Sale Price .$4.406
Men. rrgnlar KOMI. Kele Price $4.1 •
Men's regular 44 111, Male Price.. $4*'1S
Men's regular 49.74 Sale Price .., is. t e
Men's regular 44.541, Male Price w111A
Man's rc• filar 141(5), Male Pries. SILOS
Mena tan army. regular 1160; ionic Price 1$4.111111
Mens tan army. regular 16.00, We Moe$4.41111
Women's high top Shoes, all white. Arse kid. Reftt-
tar *7.110 to 19.0. Our prise .rely
Tobacco brown. bigh tap flee kid. tag. 1M•MI
Tan and bleek. high top. reg, 4111. only $4.761
Bleck vies lid. high top button or lac., reg. *1.4{4.406
Pet Meek Cromwell". high top. reg. 14 odpM•23
Viet kid. cream sole. reg. K flak Price WOO
Bssebesais is, kid. hand Mewed. reg. $64i.MM
Pat. and W Amerl.ss Beaty, reg. $4. - - - - SM -N
Women% boat oil, Ass stock, Bale Prior .MM
W s 106. s b10 eoaai rsed ieav7 t f ,stock g.10 clear 1.
$2.761.1.110Otte 10lott.id kid. plain itoptp.'M Pbessos, reg. $4. TM
Infants' Moccasins, white and brown 111114
lbildren'e Rbri a 4N
Girl's shoes .hos to clear ..41.E
UbUdeon's Rubbers 43.
Women's Rubbers, reg. We, Rale Price Mils
Was. n sBo RubbMora, e. IMO to 11.10. Rab Pries 00.
e 764
Mee i Aa .t.sre. reg. i�lt
Mos's Rubbers, rag. 11.10 to 11.16. Side PriceNw
Trunks, Suitcases and Club Bass to be
Cleared Out at Rock Bottom Prices.
You will find a 1000 other linos not mentioned on this ad
Come' Early ---Everything Must Go --Door Open Qt 9 a.m., Sat., Oct. 14,' 16
Selling out the i ALTERS & CO. Boot and Shoe Stock
t ` .
.•••.•••. •••••
►•N•...•••. ••..•.....4oNM•• .*4.4 •