HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-12, Page 6Tsvn+p•,. (Mismitsts 12 1910.
Dungannon 1t• all Fair a flute Success -Receipts Over
$700- -Baby how a New ani Interesting Feature
of the Program.
Dungannon bad splendid weather
for its (all I...., and the .toad o., • 1...
oah,n.doe ground, un Friday bast w0..
one •.t that ledges& ever seen there.
The receipts .4 the try .' ere about
$igll, ..dr .ice of the p1•• cord.. ( tbt
evening twraianoent, w h i s h
aeh'gtat.v1 o *SMI. lurking a •0' .1 4.1
111711144h '•.h will allow the dlreetors to
feel coot/.114.t.' sawnn after one or
two r•., h . uolsseky )•eat.. O..ly once
Delos.- o.err the .eceipts up to this
yeas'. ti.cor-.
Tlo.• -vh hits were •Ip In the .tinct.
ted. ex.. pi .n • umr of the in -ids •1' -
p•It u• I•:wbi,h•how•drfall 0.K•If,
poo. • t •u Are ,,,,&• of fur .stops.orwiolr
se...t. Tn. big rxhil. 1. how••vrr, w..
lb• a •.•..t in .tr.ndanee and 1- 11,•
fair +• . that no etiog O'er fur People
from a!: th• ne•gl..os big 'oar. nod
tow•.4' ,. everybody hal a g..r.d 11110
and .I•j 'yeti Lw.,.K among he g' •al
bon, •r• d. sociable mord.
T e Lucknow p pe baud 6urni•h.1
Ib- ••'u-0•• t." Mr ds.) i., i:• us id
cap.'. - •tyle.
S pmd Tests.
The ap.ral teat. fnrni-h,ol .nm0 in.
torr-.0r'r •p 1. t, the 11.•'.1 • h -ins as
fol'. wr
sill• flood w. .. .. . " 1 1 '
.m••a Alton, Brlfaa' • •
Mo. . • L.... .. 1 2 2
I .t'wllwrr Black, IbinganuonI
Ton• 3 3 3
Howxrd (vers, Dn.,gannon1
The Bay Show.
For the baby show the judges were
four local clergymen : Krv. I. A. Mc.
Kehl,. Rev (.. Gitlin) and iter. H. K
William,. .1 Dungannon. and Rev.
• J. W. Hedley, of Nie. Much Jan. -test
was oaken in for competition. and
, .war, dor specimens of babyhood were
p.esented for the Inspection of the
Poiret. • Th. Mot pr.se was awerdrrt
to the petty tittle drughtrr of Mr.
and Mew. J,t.ey. F. Th or.. of limb,
r ch. Me.. I). M,'ira'trn'• taby t..,k
•'h..reond'p, re and Yrs. It. Willtran'
the thud.
The Jedges.
The judges in the v41 ion.. drp.rt
anent- erre :
I H. -.•vv h roes--Janles 51,4'Iu.key.
(i•deoi h; Alex. Ni.h.•.••r, Lorinow
Lig..! 1'•.rrer--.1 hu
r..0. ; John Kill. -p•«.
Nin. ' rr.•.4 -J•'hn 0'..'. i.. I1 h•-
., T F. Cain. 1.: know
I'at Ile -.t(, Thompson. 11 Igt.ve ; MI.
Nichol. n. I.•.rknow
Shawl. -- Edisto Pur vis, IVhiierhutrb.
P.g• -(i. A. (lore , Lo 4..-.w. •
Fowl -.J. C. Lyo..s los know.
' Iia'.it -Jar. J • on -L a., Aub,. r.
1 uri.v iw'nd.r•ts--3.1... Rob,. Doter,
; J K. M.•N.hh, Dm,ewnnor.
Veire•rtdw and root.-\V.T. Mun.rs•,
V,nitr end 'twee -D. P. Hamlink.
1) .1.0.--tie mono( ...urea- Mrs . Ihr-
tow, M .. l'. throb.. 1. Aerirh.
Lodi..' work -Mr-. Thu.. Stnthen.
I),Ingr,•nnl. ; Mita Mary Phillips..
(i. vl.•. 0 c l..
row rt' •-Mn. Hodlry, Nile ; We.
Ale\ahh. Ihingau .
The Coocert.
YREE• 'l,K•AI.L. �
Roy -ii Donde. .. • 1
•. McLean, Gndeti. h.
$va 11 Nerd :. . 3
(J a.. McManus., Sall fords
.... .....'l
t .1 Nillsu.0., iaeclnuwr
2.4.1 THIPT OK 1'tat K.
T. Corrigan. Luelnow)
Ore. Hal 2
Henderson, Luckhua
1 1
:t- 2
2 3
The hitt dry twos ronclnded with the
ton •1 evening concert. at which an
sc-I'e. 1 programs was nreaenred. Mr..
4F.ank Matnd-rs, of ti,detieh. rang
.rwerl 1.rrs in a w•_yie that greatly
pletiee1 the audience.e.sr,.
moil Bread. • Mims*. �prve r nigh -
ciao. program which Yew- :.rilnful of
dein humor. Dan Marlyn amid his
juvenile Ilighlend dancers gave an ez•
"No more headache for you -take these"
Aw't Per ."•.•alter^ W boas•-- without r•es•Iag ttke sassy
1fk. Cks.ewtsls'e 3ee.aeb W Low Takata. Ther ass rah erre
the k.d.rks kit sin atm 6 ksresac heawtsl UMW* b.saen
gene elm user. swarm tlr.tas6ek Warms tbs Iweds Try tkeri
tHAMBY s...ka IIJa , r y migr
Tennis psi (l
comma= am= ca
bindles that was vety pleasing. Dur-
ing the evening a eons was sold In aid
ul Got funds of t0.•• Daughter. .4 the
Kmplrs ; .1.e. a was 4..1141 • goal sale.
Mr Win. Briley, preadmit .4 the No -
city, occupied that chair in his usual
rapahl• u.anurt. The hall was MINI
to rana•i' y : Indeed, some weee turned
away fur lack of accommodation.
Oudrrit+ was well represented in
the crowd on the grounds.
The Dungannon public school bad
quite so stray n4 peodu/•e foul the
school 'attire. Tbe quality was
too, and the exhibit was awarded gond,
special prise.
The Dungannon blanch of the Wm.
m.1ie Institute served meals in the
old Itobrru a'Ai lid .11 Main street and
dirt a good business. The Dungannon
. 1. is one u( tho moot acute o.ylrt,-
isatiutis In the coot ty.
Th.. year's fair was the fifty-ei8bth
held by , h. thing* Society. The
hoot peradent war the. lat.. David Mc -
!twain, who ocoopied the r.'rition for
thirty years. Ilia son. Mr. Hobert
\I-•Ilwain, is now sleet r1a1 y of 1 h. ex.
IIbtion, havlur held the Host for •
dozeli years or mote.
Ilse Prise -wieners.
V.% It PK A I'111T--Hrrw.'t mar..
\1 • 0,.y1••. k won. K \V' 11.4.1 & 8.'..•.
f• al 1 1 19144. K 41.r1,slrr il: Non. W
& Mon; 2 -year-old Illy, J Hun -
•e , %V Taylor k Son; 2 yew.- -Id void-
ing. Jar l hi -holm, R \Yob-te• k Jo. , •
N. nest Hlal• ; 1 -year-old 6411'., It
K eMlrr R 8..,,; 1 -ear -std geld tog, V.
Taylor & Mon, firmest Blake; • e ►m
b•rne.o, Jos F..r.ter, Jar
\V T..yl .r k Mon; beet female. J H sn-
.%*IKlt'1'LTORAL-Bnxod mare, K
Web -ter & Sun; foal of 1918. K Wet .
.ter k Moon. Chas linnet.; 'Lyssa.- -1.1
Ally, W Taylor & Son; 2-vrar-old
striding. Jae. l:liisbolw, W Tailor k
Non; Lyerr-old filly, 5%' Tavinr
Non; 1 -year-old gelding, Kclutter'
& Bun; teen in baroese, l) .1 :11(114)es-I
ald, Jas Forster, Jplt Taylor; beet 1
telaale, W Taylor k Mon.
IiEY RAI. PUItenne-Brood mare.;
\V Taylor & Son, R Wehrle. k M u•:
fowl of 11!91 %% Taylor it Pon. h
1Vrbster A M.•p: 2 -vest- .14 M 1. ..
gelding, H 11.18.s. r; 1 yea ..1.1 0.l: • ".1.1
It. !f B tom,.\V 1'aylo. & K . ;
tort, in h•Tn.,., it•rh o.t NANO., Ir. '
Folet; Ja•-r Iri•.w
Ro.u,--M ugly h.•.w 111 h4. roe•.. J.
in barne+a, !kJ Hutton. Wm. 5 -.',,o,,: I
hest f-m»Iv, 3.. Itbiginh••'han.. 1 t
l.'AKRI nue -Float ..f i't1't. ('ha•'
Hrnwn: '2•cerr- •1.4 Ally o' g.0 i:0. J r '
Alt n:.0. gl-hor+r ,n her,,.... .5 31.1 -.
son, G.o 1' l'r•rk-!,ou; 1my w -•c.-.,,1
A Mille.',,. '\V II ('awr,,,n; 'l rs. 1•••
utile, W..,, \Vila••,, 1
6we4..p.1',K. priZ• h, h -r rnt•i •.r
carriage* .Al •-s• •...wt .0 •rat .•r g-I.ling, .
1Vw %Vataon. . ! I
4'AT( I.K. K
and 1 bon maM, sin months amid over. ltitAlN.
R. oi.., D S ♦ndersomi; heifer Balt. BRIG: 11.11wh �hetu., Albert AI 8
mimider MI ltroath., Jas Alton, D li
' Anderson; bull can. uader.0s i.ouths. Henieet; epilog wheat, Jesters Alum.
U E Aederwe 1 and 2: herd of throe Albert Ansa,;ILrew barley, W Beide,
' lewHalea amid nee male, ft (ilrn. • Chas Brown; Irate, white, Jae Alton.
JslsatY-Mart tow, A Codes. t.
WBa li.; peas. •u1w11, Jatew Alton;
I Po1.Ltn Aauce. Thoisouc,RKOEo- timothy areal, Albert Alton; baa seed,
1 Mitch cow. W Heide. ('has. B. 01111.• B Ben'1"r: twwi-, C Brown, Mim
Ihellcat, ! ern raid. Cbae Hrown, beifrr, Dreaey; ws tat, white, C. Bmwo; brat
1 year 0.I 1, W Ha011v; oalf, under utey sod btl(esteollectlun of grsl., grows
yew.• w Bailie. by.ahiloltor In AshAeld, Colborne or
Hnegeoso-Mtleb cow, Jacob Raid. ,Yaw.In06►, Jae Alton; bat half•
Albert Altura. bushel tale, white, named, also nt.e
GRADE CATTLE--Milrb tow, Hee. shoat Out leas than 8 In.. Jas .Yltoti,
Glee. Albert A11011, A Collo-It: 1-y.as- Albert Altos.
old heifer. M.oinn grid. Perry rah-
Mt: steer malt under one yea•. Joe 10 Ihe. putter In rolls, Mrs 8 H John -
Alton, A Culbert: heifer call, unser Mo.. Albert AIWu; b Ito table Tutt ter,
one year. Is lieu; fatted um ar steer. In prima. Mrs tiroItysn,James Alton,
any yea..G Gen: 2-y.ar-old .•coat. (i Mn 8 H Johrtstun; 29 no. parka
• Oleo 1 sod 2; I-yearold steer. K (len, butts, to he oallyd 10 keep, Mrs W
W Bailie. A Cullwrt, Mr.8 11 Johnston, tris
SIIEKP. 'Dishe.; Arkin of butter, James Alton.
sheat lint[ r•'.. f( (filen 1 and 2: ewe Hotuewu.dr brood, wbitr. mire 8^H
Iamb. K Ole. 1 sad 2; rasa land., R Johnston. MotI►i.bri
er; butuesde
Men en 1 and 2. Word, brown. Mn M H Jo•hn.ton. Mrs
Osr•oKn Downs -Aged ewe, W F 'rhos. Hamilton: homemade buns,
Young d; 8.». I and 2; .hearling ow.. 1 Mn Hamilton, Mee 8 H J ohnetor:
W F Yung & Son 1 and 2: ewe lamp, , homemade biscuit., Mrs Al.: Mac
W Ir Young & don 1 arid 2; ram Iamb,' Onrnoll, M(0.. 8 H Joba,tw ; layer
W F Yo d Mori I roti 'L rake, light. Mfrs Jr, Meliaty. Mlo. 14
sit KOPwKIKt-SF..ea ling ram. A KJ 1Vatiot.; layer coke,dark, Mrs AMr. -
(•nle•la. d 1 land 2: agad ewe, A K , Car,ull, ales W N'at•un; tart.. M...
Copeland 1 a•d 2:4kh.aslin, ewe, A K i B Benlger, Meet.' H Johnston; maple
Coorl.ud 1 rend 2; ewe lout-, A K' ay,up, Miro 8 11 Juhr $ion, 110. A Mac.
Copeland ! and 2; ram 1uu1., A K l.aruilI; maple sugar. Mrs 8 H 4Joht-
(oneland 1 and 2. • stun; collection homemade candy, Miss
Nwerprt..k» pl'Z• for limit nen of Measly. Mrs 1) SI Thompsom colter
sheep. any hr.rd, \V F Young & Mon, I lion homemade preserves, Mrs J
A K C'•oel--
Fat sheep, soy breed. W F Young , Dreamy,
Mrs Beni Mrs A M.acCrrmll: crease
puffs. ger, Mfr. 8 H Johnston;
'k S'o°'
'apple pie, Mrr 8 H Johnston, Mrs Geo
PIGS. Hy...; collection of pickle.. Mrs A
BEKKIsHIRt4.-Aiped hoar. 3r' Alton; MacCerroll, Mira U 31 Thompson; fruit
sow, having raised pigs in 191n, Jas salad, fee A .aa•Crari.11; vrretable
Altoo; boar, litter.d in 1918, ,'Jos .clad, Mrs W \Vat•on; jolly, Mra J
Uton;sow, littered ilk 1918, Jr. Alton Howrir, Mr. D M 1'housp•o..; ginger
1 and 2. .naps, Mn' Gro Hewn. Mies Dle...i
Toni:smmog-Aged hoar, Jr.. Alton 1 pumpkin pie. Mrr Bruiser, Mas N H
and 2; ..w, hating raised mg. in 1946. IJohnrt.m; woskineu►an's dinner, 11w -
(a• Alto,. 1 ..nd 2; hoar, 00.1r'.d w nett to right article,. Mrs M 11 Joho-
191.i, Jaa Al o, 1 and 2; aro, littered Ia.100; floe o'clock tea, Mrs A MI5 --
in 11418 Jr+ All. el 1 rod 2. •Carroll; tart pi-, Mrs deo Ryan, MM
'1'w.a"rill->,g d 1... t•, James A'- \V Watson.
C*l.l ige, Mrs D iii Thompson, 14
B. *hum, light, M. E. l.ymbnrn.r, Brniger: blood beet,, R Mcllwrin, A
John H. wrie:leghor.•, wlri ••,.hi.•krn:, Culb-.t: long hlo"al tests, K vest
N E Lvtnburn r 1 and 2: legh'.rn. BI'.l•: rugs,' bog., K MlclIn.in. tiro.
h,.,., 1•, ch ek••t.-, .1 H,wriy..0 a Al, 011, Ryon: manifold au. tz•I., K MIctIwiio;
L+ghol t.. bug. 1' mer RII oto. 41.tbu.• wort: -Is, env tunutb, y how, 0.,ar-
Jnnr.:I'lyniunth Po, k,barr-d._bick ...-, mediate. K 51r11wrin, \Y \\ a• •0• ;
Nan..0 It- id. 04.,lo. 1) hr.: wy4• - owed-. turnips, (forties 11 oars, (is...
.10't ••. gold.n,' \I E I yuJ'u.' rt; .•rp- R)4..; grry...meturni).., Ernes. B0.4..•,
nl(t,.11. b.AT, .•h'cket - 31 1: Ly,,.• J4,11.s Alton;-*ii'0• lichee
unmet 1 ro.12. 4(n .•e I -I-. d,coiek�ns. who'd, Slaosm Reid. H R •.•iq- r; .ally
A K 1' •t1 •I .pt. 4 r.1.... .fon...; 1-.4...'' hu. n car rot,, MI . 11, 31 7 bo.,op
ebur, obi Goat, til F: Lyn.h•t•nrr, J .- Rimiest Maks.; interta.liatr tattle,
Altos.; 1••ghp„,r1, br..wn, old fool. J rat rote. K 3rllw..in, Chao Wows':
144, e. J.a Alt••..; I-g'.orn, Iw,0T, old i onions. Albert Alton, iI Beniprl; tor•)
owl, A•*1 .1r .1 u- ; Plr.,..rt- h R,a'k, ,,,at. e., Manson Reid, \V Sproul: gat-
•rre , 01•1 1.,111, 3... A 1•••• 31.04011; drt1 corn. 1) lo. Duper, 1'ha,•_H•ow..:
Rrhi; ,. yanyln',.., g .at.o', N F. ca .puwpki0., Nwn..,n K -id, J owes Allem;
..oro. r; •.r•r.,' et. '•. ' ,:IT. • 'd 1...1. MI K I wooer .quash, f) Dirtier. AV Bra e:.
.•-•n►.. rt, r; Rh .0•• 0.l sod. o;J fort!, A su,nuirr .gnx.p \V Holm; w..tr1-
.i 1
�. 1 hind. .4,-.h a Jon- haw 1,ulrluoe. Mausun It -i.1; toffy rt.*, pats•
P -0.•y E•11u14: '., y 1....1, Peter 1.11,. G.0 Ryan:1,0.1,c •10.1orpotatoes,
11,01 ..1 r• Alton: i 3a -Altus' .A 'u .a•
4 I it: ru•al N -w 1' 0.k pntat.•r.,
tJilea; to
Ai A M sriv.m H -id; any oshec variety
• ••s: g i;,«u I•'•• ., .1... Alton. A• nut ' xmru, Mannon Kri•l, W 144.11.':I
••••.s.; p..ir dh.l; .1'Nor to; epi, K crlrrv. N•+ D N Th 'mp.o..; rtrona,
.n-,'w.�ne M E i,rruh•tr- ••r 1 and 2. Mr. Alr1, MacUn 10.1, W Boa-.; port I
DURHAM nt-RKHHEU-N'.:^h w, It row, F.
(Gen I anti
2 .
1 � •
ol.l hri'el, d't'..liire t It (i •.: I-ve•1- .1
ol•I be.( -t, AA',,lhet1, J .. 41 ., : a.ifrr .1
calf, .ill •'0.•••'1.-.o,•i .. .r. K (i -n 1 ..
!vain., K Mellwein: eelleetiow gatelea
vegeta hies. Mn t► M Thompson.
Special pr se (..e school elsildee.'e
'exhibit ul •re'ta1.1. • raarded to Duey
1 [asoos sobs&.
%VIOTItmi APPLrs-Mloiee, Kenneth
! Censer. n, A J K.ringlou; haldwiw.
A J Erringlr'•, K Can riun; king of
1'ompkln. county, K Cements. A J
K, rngtn.; trim •u *wee'. A J K. 'Me -
1 ton. K Caine, Of. ; Onta1i.•, K t'.sisernn,
Joe. Mallough; g.•ldrn ru-set. K Can.-
, ergo; Kluxte Islandg'eening, Klamer-
i w; emotion y pippin, Jos. M sUungb:
Iphoenix, K Canlrrur; Mann, K ('an. -
anon, A J Errirgtur.; 4 n•w.d verb. -
Ave of mob, Joe Mallough, K
• Oa
FALL A PPLk•- W. If .1,.., K Came, -
nn, A J K. ringi.n: 81-mtnoe pipplo.
Jos 11.1411ough; wealthy. K Cameron.
J te Mallough; du,hew., Jos Mallough.
A Cull.ert; holland nitwit,, Joe Mai-
; Inngh; h.nheim pippin, Jou Mallough,
Albert AI'o• : ere'. apple, Alton Al-
ton. A J En ington; 3 hewed emir, ire,
J• • Mallough.
PEAS,., ETC. -3 named varieties. R
jNcllwrw, Jia Anna; halt tett, A Cul.
bort, E.neet 81.1.; ll.mi.h beauty, A
II'albeit ; b•annr llairgrttrl, K Melt -
omen, Chas ligan: any tutor •wrsot y,
1 A Culbert. A J Retinal.... ; 2 named
. var'rties of p1 , R Mrllwain, .1
1 Hue rift; 1 named variety .t pour, A .1
Kreington, Krn-st Ri.k.; peaches, \V
Walsun, Mrs Jes Menary; qyuia.es, K
Mrllwain, %% Watson: collection of
.41 dots Mowers, cm, Mrs A MaeCrrroll,
Mee Jet Misery.
Croch.t 0r. cotton, Mn (4 8mith,
Mr. Howrw: rr ebrt in silk, Mrs Alex
McCarroll, Mrs A Johnston: Mexican
drawn work. Mia, Symington, Mr. K
MacLeod: ladies' fancy wool mitt.,
Mrs A Johnston, Miss Symington:
14• lea fancy spats.., Mee R Mrllwajn,
Mrs 0 Ntuilh; fancy wife cushion in
crazy work, Mies Sv.uingt0i, afro
Thor. Hamilton; honoon Ire., Milo
Nyminetnn, Mir (*Sink h; Homan em-
broidery on linen, Mn. H•.wrie, Mrs K
Mier -cosi: point Ire. Mete Howrie,
Myst K M,cL-.d: .Inrnbrr dippers,:
Mrs A Johnston, Mira Lucy ureany:
embroldrty m1 n.u.lin, Mies Living-'
stone, Mra Howrie; crochet table teats I
in rot on. Mrs Jas N.nae_y. Mrs. How -
ria; crazy quilt, .Mrs %V Watson;
p.'chwnrk quilt i0. rnttnn, A Cull.•.4.;
Mora J.. M.'.•ary: patrhwuik 40.11.1 in
woo', U.+ -r H .milt on, Mn J.. M •n-
ar) p.tcirwork .4 .ill in .010., Mrs M H
J•.hn.ton, Mfrs 55 atron; 3 prim wrol.n
rock*, Mrs ase Menary, Mia. D.eaney;
1 p'i- wnn'.n st.rkir•g., Mr. J'a.N«n 1
e• y. 51.6 IL,wr0 : 2 prey- aw..ole1 n., 1,, ,
51061 fly K'oo, Mos H••wri.•; em
bruid.ry in silk on cotton. Nee A John.
won, Miss Liv'nq.t .n• ; embroidery its
silk nn linen, Mire Liv•nistotde, Mtn. ti
Min.tl.; rmlumd.,y wi h j -wets, Mrs
How. i.. 1140•.. eye,' "gtoo; netting,
Mrs liow,ie, Miss 8)01i0gtnr•: tr.
cozy. N't-. R N. 11w»in, Mr. A John-
•..t•;•.'.awl crochet. Moss Nvmirgt,n,
Me. Morrie: firs. pin cushion, Mre ti
Smith, Nn R Mc1Iwa'n.; table (tover.
11. a IH"wrje 1-t and 2'.d; ay. -o'clock
tea el 'ti , N,. A J •hh.t •t, Mrr How-
ell.; log ...bin quilt, Mi.. ur.an.v:
handkerchief ...be.. Mfrs It Mrllwain.
M... LOving•t••n ; hahy earns/to at.
.10.411. Mr- 4 1... -'oe, Miw. Mym0ng-
tee; sofa pdlew, Mee B Mellwsi., Mies
Uvtag.ta•nr: abbk holder. Mrs K Me-
11.a.n. Nr. 1►11Th,.mlwn•: pillow
sham.. Mr. Alex ..l'err••11, M.aHow-
nt.; I -re haeme,•Meef, Mrs A John -
Moo, Mee K Macleod; baitsnbirg lace
taht•• rove,; Mn A J.9 nNuu, Mrs
Howe O.: Manchy hag. Miss Living-
ston. Mi.. My.Jugtul•; b.rlIn wool,
M .1, NOs+ Li•lugttou, M r NymloOon;
t,nry knitted (war. '•.ndmitade. Mies
I.iv.ig•ton• . Mn A J••he.tue; onllee-
•ion .4 Mort woodwork. Mist. D M
Thompson. Mrs A Johnston: fancy
t'icime bonne. Mir K McIletaln, Mie
A Jobn•lo,.; ren'•teouwv on adobe.
Misr 1.1vlOestoor, Mr. 14 III Joblwteo;
r..•: emit. Mn N U Jeb.'tin. Mrs A
John.&...,; fiery heed 104. Mato A
Slrllw..in. Mi.» Mym'wator; .11.bon
w..,k. Mt•• R Netlw•. Mrs K Mr -
0. ,f4n1; cinches 61191600,-. 1.1•ey Drmery,
11064 Symington; Japanese yarn
mar. Mos Alex M1,I'arioll, Mot
A l:•hn.t''n; c-,. h t quoit. Mrs
G M.uilh, his II ori .r: PID". ••Ider..I
pillow .111'. N.• A J •hnrton, 111:.. (.Ir.
ings•on,; .r.lauldr.wi t"..'. Mee O
Youth. Ali-. w ' i!u..; itp•boa
al to to. lot... Alex Meerut. -11. Sipa Lilt -
it woos .:'I.v t!'tb. stn O Nm•Ih,
Mrr I113M•..Lrarl: knit slipper,. Misr
!Drearier. Mir Uvingst.w•r; knitted
i qu.1., Mrs Nyl gtnn. Nn A John
stun: I.a.tro,,,l, N a6 MynaingtAnL Mrs
A Johnston: tab. C..Ir.piece, Miss
Pvmsnglon. M.. H Mt Ileum: wash -
..t told spla-her, linr,,. Misr heroine-
. or. Nes Al. • Met'.r.011: Isnot d -be
Itufted quilt, Mi • A Jobnstou, Mrs (i
I Smith: shadow embroidery, Mos A
Juht.ton, Mrs Howrle; has danger
work. Mrs Huts. i-, Mi.s Mynmineton;
In. tiny, Mire Litiugeton., Mee A
Johnston; collection • f lad'. snot k,
Mrs 16 Ma.-Lwrd. MIs .4 Jobn.toe.
Sties 0.Av;r.g.tone; butlnr.b.Jw, M(.e
14it•iug.00ne. N"' 1) N Thompson.
I'wintit1 on satin, Mir. Symington,
Mlwa 1.'•l.Ir•t•'n.; patuling nn 0.4.110-
-.Li in. Mr. 11 M1. 1''...'0., Sli•e Pvmi/1g-
1 41.; t4.111.111 11.111pg r'otl•. Mrs
11 11. 11 ..... , N•.. l.•v.ng.ton.: rolh•c-
tion or • 11 p •it •Mg-, Miss I..vn•g-ton,
Mlrr It :,Icltw„in; colle.tion • f •rirr
....Jo....51 ...Lit ...zebu.. Mrs .1 How• ie;
o»0. al 1 •wi^r. N,..\ .I,.bn•tun. MIN
Ih Nrlr'd; r••nf, n n. •w'ug, Mh• K
M 10•..-m•, MI.•. 1. vi0.R.lon; n.Il.c-
,.v. ,•r vol. .14!
1'1 .let. (.ins., Moe
R Mlell.t..i'•, Nr•1� MI •I.-oi:+p,'..nten
• t. •.n 4.,...11• 1 r hof rat i 61 under
i:. )-.t '•f . r.. M1.. S. H Johnston.Del"s 1)1.lw•: r •Ile• b,0. cf - flowers
!' 'r •'1ot. g''a•, u . it Mellwaio;
Lor t••u '•1 1,11- painted on gla..,
Mt+. It Nrllw.ir, Mfr.. Howrir; n111rc-
r' ..f au.uiele•t1 itltrd 0,1 plan-. Mr.
It N •1.11..x, MI;, H .weir: to Outing
on moon. \I'• H •1110., Mr* G Yp1l h;
eoli«.•lion of 11 -',plat 6.._i.• pain1irg,
N•s )4..a•,., Mr A'J.'l,f..tun: reflate
6,001.u•ump 1,•,..4,. Fr: ,.k 11.11=
wale, Mia I)r•ant; • 01 painlion.
a ' Is, M'.'.l,t•irg-tot, N.. floosie;
roll -co ion of .•.•ort• 1'In'.,-.'r,I I Lt- h0y
or gull 0.•,d.. 15 p.m.,. a loll Thomp•
rmn:'-ell-Mi..n 0.t .news wre,l. and
-red., • sood;
I. 10.1 ..r le it 40P40 I.S
rate -4 (; .rdon 'I n.....pw'I': r. 16w -tion
of c.bin.'war.', William Sproul.
The Opportunity Of Q lAfetime. Presentation of the Official Moving Pictare Records
"The Rt. Non, A. J. Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty. was present at the first public production of the "Britain Prepared" pictures and delivered a notable address. A British writer. describing the oc-
casion, says :
'.The film which gives such a marvellously vivid picture of the Empires might provides a complete and highly instructive entertainment in itself, for allowing for the necessaryy break during which Mr. Bal-
four delivered his stirring speech, arida brief rest during which tea was served, the film tools over two and a bl� loan to sheen. Of the 2.000 people who were privileged to be present. thew could not have
been a single one who was not deeply impressed by the magnificence of the spectacle presented by these extraordinarily real'isti'c pictures. They provide, as nothing else can, a wonderful object lesson of Britain
Armed. At times the realistic note struck was almost awe -Inspiring. To our vast armies in the making,, their training and their ; to stand in imaginationGracious at the gide of His s Ma
jesty as the
flashing bayonets carried by this mighty army marched past, to follow the bitions in miniature) of trench warfare, and to see our men to the attack ; to accompany our intrepid airmen in their Rights.
and to even be the onlookers ata grand attack above the clouds, was to in very truth how stern is the tisk to which this mighty anpire has put her hand ; how great are the preparation.to its
successful accomplishment. •
man. woman and child in this country should be afforded an opportunity of seeing what it. re rdede most remarkable it
'from any point of view. theun of its kind that has ever been
the screenp�
These pictures are being shown by permission of the King. under patronage of the Duke of Connaught and the auspices of THE GODERICH SIGNAL
1' \ PRICE :
Inst awn .w �! '
Evening performance 8.I5 o .J . • .1
Matinee (3 o'clock) A T �' titer
• ..w; -,;a ...a:•-. b.,. • ..,,,i'.- ,
=r7"="111 .1Q111111111 -111011C-