HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-12, Page 5THE RIGH A L : GOEERiel l flNTAhfO T1VYDAT. Ort. ]f. 1916 a GIVE HER THE LAST SPEED NOTCH if the rest of your machine is as good u the tiro ver have vulcanised. if n %.0 have practical) a new car. Vulcanizing is the only real tire re- pairing. We have ample facilities fur quick and thorough work, which casts Lut little and is worth many times its cost. East Street Garage C-n.d ale Opera•.I Or A. M GLOVER a Practical Man. Paws 343 Worthy of Admiration. Her Dad—So you want to marry tuy daughter. 1 like your nerve 1 Suitor—Well. sir, you ought to. 1 spent a whole lot of line working it op. ASHFIELD. The .\.1'firld M••Idietb' Aid will meet at the bum• of Mrs. Richard McMillin ney c Vnio- ney on Tuesday, Octubs., lith, at lbs usual Lour. 1 "Are You Bald?" "Have You Thin and Faded Hair ?'s Is Your appearance not what it .hould be because of the lack of 1IAik • Then conte and see • DORENW EN D'S Display of FiNE HAIR GOODS AT THE BEDFORD HOTEL GODERICH, ONTARIO The latest productions .in LADIES' 'MANNY(1RMATlONS....1' U U 1' A • 1H)t'RS. WAVES, ETC.. and FOR MEN WHO ARE BALD TIIEDORENtt'IiN1t TOUPEE, which represents the h i g h e s t achievement in the art of hair - constructing. Featherweight, hy- gienic and ...natural in appearance that the closest observer could not tell It from your own hair. They cannot tr .li.turl.ed or removed except at the w 's wish. NOT A F.\II BUT AN ABSOLUTE NFC SSITY Ta► EVERY MAN W110 IS BALI). HAVE A DLMONSTRATiON ON Wednesday, October 25th, 1916 ,ONE DAY ONLY) • "DORENWEND'S'� TORONTO Head Office & Showrooms 105 Yonge 1 LOCAL TOPICS Special Meeting of County Council. A 'penial meeting of the county bouneil will be held on Friday of this week for the pat pose of eoaaider(ng the making of a grant to the Kriti•b Red Cross Society. Former Resident of Ashfield. Mr. 1). N. McKenzie on tiatutday at - Waded the funeral of bis motber-ia- law, Mrs. Alex. Macdonald. which wok piece trout the residence of his son, Mr. Nell McKensie, concession 12, Asher1J, to the Kinioes cemetery. Mrs. Macdonald was tor any years a resident of Ashfi...id, but for fifteen yeah led lived at Detroit, where her death took plan on Thursday last. Mbe was iu brr ninety-third year and waw a native of the Isle of Skye, Scot- land. Cas. Dismissed. The case against Jacob Weber, of Seafi,r,b, at whew. plan ten balf-bar- rel. of whi-tey were seised, was die - aniseed by Polies Magistrate Andrews .t Clinton yesterday. Weber swore that the whiskey ams fur the use of his wife and himself. be having pur- chased a generous supply from Strat- ford dealers before pruhib cAme into egret. Anothew charge it pend- ing against Weber. dIb. liquor 1. utl still in the custody Pec Tor- rence. S 500 Damages for Seduction. The e-.ar . 1 Mirep vs. Perdt*. trans- ferred from the Oode• ich Mixes, w-. heart at Mtraitord last week. David S..ep, of Clinton. stied pi., Frank Perdue, of the 1t11 -t• Battalini , for the seduction of his daaghter. The evade -ore was contradictory, being vistua:h• the story of Ihr plaintiff - daughter against that of the defend- . Ire The jn•,y gave a v edict for ih plaintiff a'..i d tn.ages the ellen' WO. wore sora .1e.5. Mr. ('.iia-. 1i i- r,.w, • f ti , 1...'••1 . w • i enamel I• r pl.,uti1? -u I Mr J. M. ileal, of Be •- so is, 1..1 llir .lelr.,dau'. Death of Mrs. John Gentles. Mir. Ma.garrl 0 pities. who hal barn it tattiest at .tlexan•'rA bo•p tad •..r s •yes.•• week., passed away 1..-1 F•id•y. 1•; sty it. .he iesmiurr M•s. 1. 11.1r. rattle , u 1. del 1.•h h Watt. - eru111 . Misr was •nru 151 failing hralt1 and At..il• •' x 's e. k •g.. -Ito underwent 411 op rat ••5. s' Alrx.ndta her.pi•id 1r 'tie rate• t.• 1,1 wt ich .he riven MO DEL THEATR um= PEW uNAo[iIEMT E One Day Owly-Satoriq, Oct. 14 MARIE DORO in ra Diplomacy" if PARTS One of the greatest dramatic triumphs of the modern stage. Monday "Tbe Iron Claw" Tuesday • Mutual Feature- WEDNESDAY eature WEDNESDAY sal THURSDAY OCTOBER 111tk hall iStk MARY PICKFORD in "The Foundling", A Powerful Drama of Mender and Trani. Mix G. IL King will sing "110. Call " at the shows ..n ta.th .•t theme dates. PRICES --IOC and 15c GEO. E. KING, - Pfoprietor eighty-one years ago. Her husband, Mr. Robert Haley, died tweuynve years ago, and ilia following family survive : Mise Elizabeth, of Chicago ; Misr Maty and Margaret, of fitment:1s Mrs. Forest, ot.Sbrrbecoae, Quo., and John and tieurge Haley, both of Tor- onto. All were boom fur the funer.l. which took blase on Monday after- noon fternoon to Maitland comet ay, lira. For- est Wien anwwpenied t•y her daugh- tr., Phyllis, and (ewrge by his wife. The funeral neonate veers conducted by Itev. J. B. Fiitheringham and Rev. J. E. Ford and the pallbearers were two sone, .lobn and George Haley, of ]'ur lento ; W w. Elliott, a nephew, of (iodaicb township. aud!Andrew Mc. Uregor, a be -Whet -in-law, of Bay Meld The Late Mrs Alex. Straiton. The funeral of the late Mrs. Alex. Straiton took place to Maitland ceme- tery on Friday afternoon last irons the family residence, Ml David'rstreet. The f 1 services writ conducted by Rev. R. C. McDerwid and Rev. James Hamilton. and the pallbearers were Meanie. A. M. Chrystal. 1). Mt•d- dart, C. A. Nairn. W. R. Robes tom. W. MoCreatb and Alex. Sauodrr.. Mrs. ?Steelton. whose maiden name was Anna It. Grant, war bots at •TRATFORD. ONT.. Commercial, SLertl and and Telegraphy De 'emeriti. Students may enter at any time. We place giadu.tea in position.. Diu ing July and Atigoat ver received applies. - fi r over DMI assistants 1 wr could u'., supply. WI ire f.., 1 our free 14.5i1 'aur wt (nee. D A. McLACHLAN, PrrecipeJ -•I CLOSING -OUT Sale of Grocery Stock 1 PT. DEAN, proprietor of the Maple Leaf Cash e Grocery, corner of Montreal Street and West Side of Square, having decided to close out this branch of his business will offer for sale at reduced prices, commencing on Moaday, October 16tb, a choice stock of Teas, Coffees, Canned'Goode, Package and Bottled Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Flour. Feed and Shop Fixtures, consisting of 1 Dayton Scale, regular $190.00; 1 Scale, regular $8000, 1 heavy Scale. 2000 lbs., regular $65.00, Candy - Bottles. Spice Tins, Tea Chests, Refrigerator, large size ; 1 Butter Mixer, Show Cases, National Cash Register, Dayton Meat Slicer, Cheese Cutter. Coffee Mill, 2 Broom Stands, Biscuit Case, Desk, Electric Fixtures, Blinds, Awning, Hone, Buggy, Sleigh, Wagon' several Sets of Harness, Veget- able Sprayer Machine, Oil Tank. 60 gals.; and several other articles in futures not mentioned. All wishing to lay in a supply of first-class goods at reduced prices remember the opening of this sale. Monday. Oct. 16th, and will continue until everything is sold. No exchange ange of goods. as this is a strictly cash clearing -out sale. Good Butter and Fresh Eggs taken as Lash at the cash p,ce while this sale lasts. n06 PT. DEAN 6 OOSUICfl, ONTA*IO Comer Bass vat. 1111. and Square BRIGHTS DISEASE is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind is subi.'ct. 1).xld s Kidney fedi. w dl cure any case of Bright's Disease. They have never failed in one single case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they are the only remedy that can There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills—pill, box and name—but imita- tions are dangelbus. The original and only genuine cure fur Bright's Duseasc is DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 1 gavalOV CANADA Co-operative Savin' la facilitated and en- couraged by the open- ing of a Joint Savings Account In the names of Husband and Wtfe, Father and Son, Brother Sister, or any two or more members of the " - Either can deposit or withdraw money at will. the interest accrues to the credit of both. Ask the Manager for full particulars. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Whitby. Ontario, seventy-one years ago last February. Mhe was married 1 to Mr. Mtraitnn at Whitby in the year P3118. Mr. Straiton was for many years in the servier of the U. T. K . and he was stanttion agent for the co p Goods any succee►ively at Mealorth for two tars, at Clinton for eight years, and in (.ode,ich from the year lore until it period of serious ill-bealth necessitated bis retirement from the service. 'I bur for thirty-four years Mr.. Rtratton had been a resident of lioderieh, and in that time she mad a host of friends who will mist b. r grisly. Mb. teas alwave height and ehrrt y. kindly and eoosidrratr, liberal 111 all her ways. and a devils el wife and mother. Mhe was are a•-tiv,metuler of Knox church, and bell a Ideaui,ml'erahip in the Woman's Missionary Spew, y. pre- sented to her by the Missiuu WW1 .•I Knox Ilion h in rrcogn Iti•iii .,t bre 1n• tereat ih the work. Resides h. r Iit..rwn•l, she leave. foil. sin. soil hv•, ds nlrhtrs .. 1 hr is ase Jahn. of /:,.d. 1 , L ; The 111 .• r n.t A. - thur.of Si r••it..u. 11 1'., nod Im.n.gl.•. who ....bated •.. t''Jgasy w•tIt the 115th listtaln••• 1•'• lie As..'111'..1' Ia•- gion") 41 n 1.. now ou hi. urAy '•• Ihr bat' left rut. Tis •1a••It11rr.A•pMi.. P. M. Chein•ry-. • 1 "trst...'It : Mi -..I. Robin', of Ko he.-' s. N Y.: Mr-. 0.1 1 C. Whitely. • f ti, .fes irh : MN. 1Capt.1 ' H. Campbell. .t h• sur..an.1 M. C.11 . .rine, of Itoet....el. All1fir dough. ess I were home for ilii• fouet al. •Others in moo -wiener were Mr. and Miss Pearl. of SIriatmd : Mrs. Paton and tam. of Adrian' Mich. (Nita. Paton being Mrs. New Winter 1 Boy whits and colored - IStamped Novelties for Christ- mas Gifts For veru small outlay and somework you •can make beautiful gifts. Materials for doing Fancy Work always op hand. Also' Totnellings, Linens Pil • low Cotton. Scarfing. al- ways in stock. FOR THE BABY Fine Wool Caps. Bonnets. Jackets. Leggings. Mit tens. Bootees-- s' and Girls' Wool Caps. 1 1 MRS. TAPE 1 Dodd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at -all IMtraiton'r only nu•vivmg states 1: Me. 1, SINGER STORE GODERIC� druggists. P. M. Uh.sney, of Sraforth. and bi- daughter. Miss Mantis, of Rochester.I estlgtl�ltlmmgttl>•i rallies'. 111e • erre-'••I .vas the widow •,f the i.1.• .1••hu 1. •• 11- of Kincat- dire. .•f wh eh t• ton she had r'e.-n a . e•iJr' t to• c• l'-*Vl s one lobi. K• floc, r f 1..'nd.a,—and u•r .'a• gh'r' - SU. rime Ir. S•anley. ..1 1 reran. 1'lir•..ale wig./ ,..ken to her ..•11 twin- a• R.e A1P p' •,11 ter .ul. relent Committed for Trial. As the rr.hl ..1 s HO t A' Blyth on f.ir nigh \VOlin... nisei ford' ap- rwsrrd t.•t. tr Mwr:-.►oat. .Kelly oh roe.d.y chat gets 'sigh a+•ahllinlL Clif- (•,rd Ano'.s-.... i'I.i 5 R and d. Cend- ant 1 are h .11 a• l .n a- , . •s,ma for t...• wrl -kit w.• t•..r...toen of this reel ion. nn t it 1- • !wooed lhat, ror- sider.l,I. ill-G••ling.Ircrk•p•d ►retween Ihr Ian u'rn • se. he r• -"It' '•f ,*era( in whirr. Ihry weer roefo.rlit'to at Rlyti., Kincar line and li.derich fait.. W.•.dr Iwo to I.Mw•, *111 it i- allrged -that when the ' wo then "mixed it al 131v1h la -t Wrdneeday Bla-kfntd chewed off p•rt nf.Ander- soo'. left ear. This 41111C4ion ie slimily denied by lila'kfotd andhie friend.. ' Maai.ti.te K•II) d the ise..nsed for trial awl he i• now out on MIO Mil. Children's Aid Society. At Ihr teem.. !heel,, g of Llir Child- . refer Aid - ori.' y in ' he e• ort bone, on Tuesday afirtn.s'o, Meerrtary 6. M. Elliott was meal lusted to ■'range for tbe annual wee tit r • f the county organisation at Clint••t. on Tuesday. November, 11th, and t•i writs. Mr . J. J. Kelso. of 'rex.'. tn. and request his attendance at the me -piing. The fol- lowing conIrihutiowe were acknowl- edged : Mn. U. Mactl.w'ald. 91 : Mr.. E. Carrie. fit : Nee. J. l.weh, 91 . Clinton branch. C. A. `i . $12 To. An expense account of itf.t6 was ordersd paid. The treasurer repotted it very aubitwiti.I batten on hand. lir. Elliott told an interesting story as to what bad been done f•.r a little girl with club feet. The child was made a ward of the county severs) months ago and was taken to l be Sick Cbtldien's Hospital, Toronto, for treatment. After .pending four months there • cure was effected and the child bas been returned to her home. Death of Mrs. Robert Haley. On Friday of last week the call to which all must answer cause to Mee. Robert Haley, her death occurring at her residence o.. Krays street, follow- ing an illneae which had confined her to her lied for neer tower weekMrs. Haley was born in G.dericb tow veldt) 1 mole wary molts, tort whoa blloj g tulles, owl Mak w• Iwo kapnlistil: Thialsolonkelbwrssmama + .11■.e. FifitUll="telat el= P0 IALI 61 F. H. WOODS M ! Meat ws-M t Dacey. jay Stem O.�t 1 1 t' �1 Tip for the Soldier Lads Take the advice of seasoned chaps. They will tell you that the secret of keeping fit and hearty is — an occasional piece of prri THE PERFECT GUM It's the best little refr,?.-'anent a soldier can carry. The sca12d package keeps it always full -flavored, fresh and clean. The delicious mint flavors sweeten the breath, prevent acid mouth and make smoking doubly enjoyable. It cleanses the teeth, aids appetite and digestion. Two \I flavors Write W. Wrigley Jr. Co.. Ltd.. Wrigley Bldg.. Torerto. for free copy of gooier ••MOTHEK GOOSE" book illwetreted in colors. Chew it after every meal ■