HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-12, Page 44 EIMIwav, Oce. ix. Nle rHE MON AL 3ODERICH ONTARIO Blue Serge Suits $18.00 These Suits are made from the "old blue cloth," there- by ensuring you a much better quality of goods and a saving of Four Dollars on a suit. If you want a Blue Serge Suit don't put off your purchase -your size may be gone if you do. Black Melton Overcoats You know how dressy a Melton Overcoat is, how warm they are and how long they wear. We have a limited number. bought at last years prices. This means a big saving to you. Special Value $18.50 Walter C. Pridham Bssakae Hats 2111 Calgary Clads* Special M__� Blyth a. moderator. Mies Gra Ferlus.m sad )tile May spent the holiday wi•b their mother. Mn. Bogor Lawson spent Thants- giving Dry with ber paresis et Sea- 1 forth. Several auto loads attended the fowl supper at Dungannon oa Mondry might. Mn. Jollies Medd spent the past week with her parents at Duagannw►. i Mr. Henry Doerr was in the village for the drvt time since the accident is which his leg was broken. W. wee glad to owe him out again. Misr Fern Symingtoe. of Toronto, and Mise Blum Mutcb, of Daabweod, came Dome to visit their parents over the holiday. KINGSBRIDOE. MOI4DAT, Oct. 0. Wedding belie are ringing Misers Marjorie Dalton and Marie Me ors are visiting friends in Toronto. Misses Maigarel Garver, of Brant- ford. Patricia and Madeline Sullivan and lienevirve (Monroe, of Onderieh, "pent the week -end under their par- ental roof*. Pte. Melvin O'Reilly. of the Perth Battalion. was home on last leave be- fore going overseas- We wish bin 11 N ? _I': SUFFER ? AUBURN. W EnRItD.AY. Oct. 11. Our soldier boys of the Idler Bat- talion were home for their week-eod leave and r.Iu, ».d on Tuesday. We hope to have the boys hack again. A goodly number attredea the Myth and Dungannon fan• last week. Row. K. H. Soweto, of Watford, preached in Knox church on Sunday in the absence of the pastor. who oc- cupied the Presbyterian pulpit at Pa WARD a r,..r',r r n•., t- • wry t ''- *4SAV % N.-7.: ^ An.. at ... w p,.., ' r..�t..al u. %••••111M.n Na - Stool, N..t,It .'• N. -1..- m. e.,s , r14 6 ...e... w pM..to a too 14 .•. ,, ...d.4treet p. hoodsr ova r•e•and tv.roddtto . . our.. a. m w r me t•a. w .ate. Tw. mp trwbonrnt Ser ore, �aed d TL. rev ap,r.n . orro atop! d ty uw.6 a lose. I^ .tu oral lirat 1 author too oho ... SY .•.a is .. _. over I It r h:.t eh. 66666 4 Mowoolo u ,,,,e far tollT. a..,+a. t..wd N N". SAFEST. aSI CST Cas hoe )w� • 14 tr.. r ..ed .ogre. . a a.ta•w fire .. 18tavOG e. IerN1Y. w TAL IdAH NT. PILtt, 114. TLLA. I as -too M it orb P. WARD MIL .t ams- hr westwors SUPE in Sera Sera be two only Promo ....twdo. rt SUPERIOR sod We aerr7 treat- nest rbet rpm o va � take whoa ae star method. have fadThr we ae• F Fee: rat til. ward M re.4. r p .. �e Y.. -On T4 1. at.o0P POISON• wL &N[�aa• oW[tantrraix'T..4...Alamat- tOwe eases sonssise. los Woe derwartroted 1. 1 theme& .1 tee. oria Ye rare The make i.a a- tnye a A1D'fµi-rind P1t tar .% �a �r.r re yea d the ie4 Z.r, th. art ae.MtaitatrarY n ; 4. dossers. verso t7> �aAaal.ae b lY.o.. Oa.0 nett relent .. d Rall rad . e.wArt Atom Won a.r.s Lar rate enear.lam r darer d � tYrr. for Isom e.••ed.w one wolibr�l► I WOWS oraddiatta amid nolied ander pesos woe. DR. WARD. SUPFALo'S LEADING SPECIALIST ,, Illapnie Square. ALO. „leggilev Warred Y. OVVI SCHOOL SHOES THE time is here again to get your boys and girls fined out for school. They will need song serviceable Shoes. The kind that will stand the most severe test in any weather. In this class of footwear I can show you a wide rangt of leathers and styles that will give the very best satisfaction. You will also find the prices most ,reasonable. REPAIRING DONE! Geo. MacVicar North Side of Square Goderich, Ontario I u' ' dht Soap has a bit oasts: lord odyurity which Is by a $5,000 guarantee. If a soap has no standard there is no reason why it should always be of uniform quality, elwaya contain the best materials or be anything like W good as this soap Inds. standard.w 5'cenis Sunlight SUNLIGHT ,SOAP., eememer the beet of lurk and a safe lel urn. Andrew Martin motored to the Cir- cular Town on Sunday. James Tennitb jr., bas sold hie floe driver to John Fartiolt, of Cuurey'. Gower. Senator end Mrs. Donnelly, of Pink- erton. big mother. Mr.. J. Donnelly. of Cbep.towe,and Mrs. Michael Kenoey and Mn. Dennis Donnelly, of Denver, Col.. spent Thanksgiving at Mr. and Mn. Gam vey'.. Watch for some Specials in BRASS BEDS at Walker's Furniture Store in the basement section. A NEW ARRIVAL OF LINOLEUMS JUST OPENED UP PICTURE FRAMING FURNITURE REPAIRING Watch fbr change of Advertisement next week. During the rush of Exhi- bition week we have been too busy to go through our stock and arrange a more detailed announcement WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY Moo Mows 1`s W. WALW, ?mire sad Heinlein fik Clasped news M Catirkk LOTHIAN. TraaDAi, Oct. 10. LOTH IAM LoeAts.-Moe. Charles Chesley, is spending a few days visiting her mother, Mr.. Gil- more Mr. Alex. Hanby, who has been teaching in the West fur the eutnmer months, returned home for a shaft vacation before resuming hie studies io Toronto Dental College.... Mies Jean Jcbnston spent a couple of days last week the guest of Misr Maggie !Campbell. Ripley Mise Lena Henderson, of Wingbaw. spent Sunday at her home benMr. Little fob or Big 661 From the repairing of at faucet �1t�o the installa- tion of a complete plumb' n g system, we a r e equip- ped to do the job. MEW • W. R. PINDER Phone 156 Hamilton Street j John McKenzie spent a week hen with his family and mother -In-law. Mrs. McNamara ... A number from ben took in Uungasoon fair last week wed all report a good time. 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 SERGES FOR SUITS!• I • 1•• .. • -THERE is no doth on the market that looks better, wears longer or makes up nicer than Serges for suits. Our stock of Serge is cpm- • • posed of heavy and.fine French weaves, in blues, blacks, browns, • • greens, greys and other colon. Let us show you these Serges before • • you decide on any other cloth. •• • Fan French Serge, 54 incites wide, in aavy and black, per yard MU• •• Fan Freack Serge, 58 laches wide, in navy and black, per yar SUS • • • TLcae four pieces of Serge are exceptional value, as it is nearly • impossible to buy •. t •French Serge. • • Heavy Worsted Serge in navy and black, at $2.00 a yard. . 110, • Good weight Serge for suits in brown, green, grey, navy .and black, 54 inches wide, at - $1.75 a yard. • • $1.50. This is a cloth that is exceptional for Dresses, 50 in. wide, in black, green and brown. PORTER'S HILL. $1.25 and $1.00. These are two cloths that have good weight and have been leader.. Good WtD1rESDAY, Oct .11. • width and good value at $1.25 and $1.00. Norse. -Mies Isabella Sinclair is ndingw tow days with her sister, - Let. re. L. Ct,x Mr. O. W. Potter and family stent Thanksgiving at Kippers Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vanderburgb sprat Sunday at Clin- ton . •►nniverear services will be held in Bethel church on Sunday, Oct- ober IS. Rev. P. Banes. of Benmiller. - .will preach in the morning at 111.911 and 1 in the evening at 7 o'clock Mira • Myrtle Marshall returned to ber bottle - in Trowbt idge on' Saturday .. .. Aire • McManus, o. Colborne, is visitingat Mn. Burke's Mr. and Mrs. w. Jobust.on visited their daughter, Mrs. Moore, at Mitchell lest week. KIPPER. • • Trite. Y. Oct. 10. 1 • Messrs. William and Robert Craw- • ford,' of Ripley and Port Elgin, res- • pectively, a totopwied by their wivah. were guests for Thai k-givingof their - hi -Other -in-law, Mr. J. B. McLean. • tr Our soldier boys were home for - Thanksgiving and left on Tuday for Bbrden. All were pIraeed to see there • Mrs. Walker, of Peterborough, came i - w home Saida .evening to visit her; their Mrs. Wm. ivison, and other (tirade. Ott return on Tuesday her mother went with ber and pur- poses making a few months' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Squires and daughter. of Barter, •tailed"teen- brothel -its -law, Mr. Joseph Darman, this week.(i Mies Helen Meregor, principal of Wellesley public school, spent Thanks- giving with her parent", Mr. and Mrs Archie McGregor. ts The Metbodi.intend holding their anniversary services on Sunday, No- vember 112th. Rev-... Mr. Baird, of Jame. street church, Kerte.. is to he the preacher. Next Sunday the Methodists withdraw all services on account of the P esbyterian anniver- sary. On Thursday, the lhh inst., Rev. Dr. Asthenia is to tet inducted into the charges of Kippen and Hills Green Presbyteti.n churches. After the induction service in the church bete the ladies of the congregations will provide one of their excellent teas. The following Sunday will be their anniversary day and the new minister will conduct the services. Mr. and Mn. Detweiler epee's the holiday with friends at Mooredeld. On their return they were accom- paniedby Mrs. Uetweiler's sister, Mee. W . J. Hill. The parents of Murray Fisher and Geotge Stevenson have been notiled by cable of their oafs arrival in Eng- land. Mr. Thos. Melds and daughter spent Thanksgiving with friends in Turn - berry. • • FALL SUITS The new line of wool- ens that we are show- ing will catch the fancy of the ,business man who recognizes what is neat and taste- ful in dress. We will make your new Fall Suit in a style second to none in fit or finish. R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR McLean Block look ro well. ll Tinning of MI Kinds • dose promptly, thoroughly and reit- amiably. Well repair or resew yosr roof, pot year chimney top, leaders, getters or awoke in Sni- der' mealtime. Family Repairing. Too. it yes want it- Pat a sew copper battens ea the wash biller, mead all kinds el iamb is flower*. Fred Hunt Hasswr w erasure ' Poses 1116 LOYAL Ttrz.DAY, Oct. lOtb. Rapid progress has been made on Mr. Allan Green's new residence by the contractors. the Goderich Planing Mills Co. The plasterers are now at work and it look. as if Mr. Green will be in his new home within a few weeks. Silo -Wing is engaging the atten- tion of tarnret. at pres.nt. Mr. W. F. Totem's big held of beans is cut and ready for drawing in. It is a good crop and at present prices .for -7 GRAND TRUNK R EM d..eseekers' Excarsi.is KID GLOVES When it comes to Kid Gloves we are in a position to fill y all the different colors, qualities and styles Of Kid Gloves. • White Kid Gloves, with white points - White Kid Gloves. with black points Tan Kid Gloves, in all sizes, at $1 Black Kid Gloves. in all sizes, at White washable Kid and Doe Skin Gloves, in all sizes. our wants as never before. In 111.25 and $1.50 l $1.50 ._':, and $1.50 u pair $1.'2:, and $1.:'4► at - $1.:J COATS ON SALE We are clearing ont our .tock of Coats. Just six Winter Coats left in stock. They rage from $10.00 to $21.00. All must be sold by Saturday night and we are going to clear them at $5.00 and 17.00 each. There are just four of the sale Raincoats left and they will be cleared by Saturday night at $4.75. Now is the time to do your Coat buying. Let us show these Coats to you. J. H. COLBORNE • •• •• •• • •• •• • •• •• •• • • ••••0....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - beans will net Mr. Yr wig a handsome return. .. Rev. E. H. Sewers, of W:+tford, oc- cupied the pulpit of Smith's Hill church last Sunday ono was heard with great interest and pleasure. PhitRONAL Mg lox. -Miss Wise was home for "be That karitiug hou- 'la eine is now teaching near Ingot • .ol�, having given up bre at-hool here. . Other. who wet. home for the holiday ' were Mi... Loretta Young, irons I►ut - Loi, and Mtvs Marion Glen. from ',Prot- ' ford Business College Rev. l'o.tb Ii. Poon,!. of Y•.kstt.ttn, visited hi. '.Pother, N• t .x. Yonne. this week. Kew. Mr Young i. Lb. Pre.int prise miri-.n.ry .op.rintendertt for North - (r. n M.e►.teli.ran snit has come east to WI end a nowtir•g at Tot onto in coo - 1 no -elites with his work. itoene els tickets to point. In hhialteba• liar - katetewaa and Albseta. via North Dope (.sa- ns* aad Tras.osntaave.tal Route. or .ia t•bt- mae, in Paul lie treieth earl* sopa Tailor Ball October Slrt Iaelusive, at low tare.. Tkraagt+ Tourist Sleeping Cars is WIIINIPEG se above rates, leav- ing Tenets 111.45 p.n., es &Lange sf can, via Traneceatiaenal Recite RLTVRN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS s■ehretw .• dab el eels. P4nal esters Malt .n as tishote Owner se She 5,-tk wetted'., sad 01I1 eartle.latnt at all Treat teen He� taGeese otrr154 ssAt•�t. T seat.. net. Tickets sad fell information ow ap- plication to R. F. LA W RENOR & SONS. Phone E. -- TRAPPERS! Sr•nd ►lour RAWFURS toJ011N HALLAM VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, GODERICtl -.----t- O N ateima Saturday, October 21 st PRICES Matinee at 2:3S--Skc and 75c Engiitag at &1S-5Sc, 7Sc and $1.M Sale opens Oct.' 19th at Edwards'. A QUESTION Have you seen "The Birth of a Nation ?" No' Go, ' ecause this is a Limited En- gagement, and it will be the last chance to see it in its entirety. Prices within the reach of everyone. BASIL S. COURTNEY Presents The Most Tremendous Dramatic Spectacle That the brain of man has yet produced ! D. W. GRIFFITH'S 8th WONDER of THE WORLD! 5,000 Scenes 18,000 Characters 3,000 Horses Cost $500,000.00 The vat newspapers of Canada have endorsed its artistic, historical and ed- ucational values and say to their readers : "SEE IT " Cities built up and then deattoyei by fire. The biggest battles of the Civil War re-eaaetad Ford's Theatre, Washington, reproduced to the sanest detail of the Lincoln tragedy. A stories et wild rides that commandeered a country for a day sod eon 510,000. A oomposidoa e< aatbnal figures with the universe as its backgroaad. Wolaisrtal artMery Awls, is width real stens, tast- ing $$0.00 apiece, were used. Mies of of Sgtiters-"War As It Amy 1.." ALL SHOWN ON A MOST STUPENDOUS SCALE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA of THIRTY