HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-12, Page 3'y THE MINA IND ONLY URINE BMWARE OP 'MITA- ,r TIONS MOLD ON raM MERITS os IINIID'S LINIIENT BOOKB1NDIN lir MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and .,LIBRARIES • ,ybousd or r.palrod. +OLD LETTERING ori L=ATHER GOODS All OIYet. �thk attuned to as Saving a.r at lila 8 OI.4I„ O.4s$c , A. R. TA Y i.OR. S•1 RATPC)RD. MEDICAL 1iA. GEU. Ht1LEMANN, o$rEo J PATH. •pael*u i In wonsou's and call demi'. dew.... seuu.:broale and servou.die Oder.. eye. est. no -e .rid throat, Pulls' dent ser. Iumb.g..nd rbeum.Uo eoadltlooa Ado h ad. r.nlo%e 1 without ted knife. Ulnae st midden. e. oerue•r Nel.on sad St. Andrew'• tree.. At bout' adios Monday, Tbur.d.s. .'td SI.'urday • say ...One by appolotmaot. DENTISTRY +,It. N.-1:. Mu•DL)Nh LL.-HUSOR fir d.A1 I .r..i.ta U.:v.r•ity. fa to ,rill ire' 011-4. of Unat .1 due.••••a ., toe t.te )f.io• Sde. (Meet D efter 5.1 t.r...n 1 VV..t •tr.aet, llud.rlCh. - AUCTIONEER -- • THOMAS GUNDRY AvcnuxgIK aka t;.Guatnul, -o. . t.ir..t) e len .•.$1 l.. •lo. w.,• Le grampus- • Masi u. '.fteed.I $Y ta/epOw.. 119. ).F.l}AL U�,. net1 *AKK11TL 1. a•ILICITt K. AurAitl' . 1 L:lSWt.. &tt.. Deer -Work of glans Ilium. Hasrui.a d,ewt. . tat A.. a. 1 :withers, IL hes:, Amar. 1.01161. ....4 l..urwl.ee. tWit. "Ufa 1•,KILLURANALOUt►h BArl:ld(litu, s0LI(1 fuRW. \111 ARlks PUBLIC. CTC. (Mee or, 'be S.taare...eo.d door from Iladf LK: •Irani. esW.r."n. v:,..:c tuna. to 1...0 st k,wret MUM W. Yiwcoroor. K.C. J. L. ItiLioaesl 11. J. D. Cgt.Ka.. le. CA)1ERO . hi. C. h.lrtttlb LH. sodeatat. notary p.b1e. U. .fi.::•,le Wren. t,.rterfca, laud doer ort '� •a..,. Al a 1.1. au 1 a..11,•• 43 u( web wwt It. ub .bell btr....a .l ..Ymd by Yr. F.eC. !. ,ir. .Mks h:ur. ». ..m. Lu I. 'LW. tlA 1tLr sJ (y ANSO N .... 1.. t, atWcoos. wawru.r, ▪ AM..•et :•,feud •A las.-.4 1.1.. e.LAi,EK, BARRISTER. SUL- No...y Palau and tsnveyar.or. •la,, - Lout t B.ru.. Uuderk h. U11.1•10 INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. uehlW VY MUTUAL 1HR1L 11% lµ . U K A N C i C O. -bane wed t.rlwd t .era pra..tkr imared. • rs • • t•- J ... • ..moth, Pros. Oedema P.O.. .r. k Yttn4Praa.. nsech.uod P. lt. t a.f w:.- I ran.. a.arerta P. u. Dt .i oar..- 1144��iit.y r. re.fwta • u ..cop.% ulnar K4.. Car's mew. ,Loin Wa•a,watr, Bee* .ic.a ; ties M,' .row y, Beafu. t h : Robert Danl.. harems . at.a.�.., l0 aowneld. Alt•• a. +. M. yw. Iodine. . k . Airs. 1w14 a. 1 ,tctuu ; WW..0 Cbesoc). daafustb : L w.-t....y. basion!+ rwc)-iww.r. 040 /P.) . Jwu,.... w dw lbulr donde t seise r a It J. Mwrt•d. • t'a,tala. Stare. Chases. K. 1. t on • U.... v. KI••ewa. . r+..l. 00111.0.4.. a J. N. held • 1.eurre1 l)Lorw, Ilayweld. 120,000 PRIVATM.ApW X.No. CADS 1O los.W M- ▪ RUh. Il.rrietar Nasalises stz art. Iletisrlsts WK. ROBERTSON. VT • INIUILAaICR AGSNT. f ilo AND U.uT.1N.: Mike. Cs.aeMa sed Mrs tura &mu sass AND ad'norana' L1A3111. fir ; 'tae poses Aeeldwt aid (Jsaw..tee orpor.tl Urns& rd, et l..edes. naiuTT AND Bo* aJrr.a Boons: TM U.& Instants ..d a.. sates Uamesay. otos .t rseleieses cletaseet earner et Y1 . teres sod St. Itav d ..trey. Passe IA MARRIAGE ucmtRD ALT= 0OD10tL!=CY�,• O ff. P,. SEBUM Of MAaRiAfiL Ii000i1. Patents, True lin, Design 19ecurod.in A11 Countries. Wow ter free bask-Pa?aNTs MOM - TOM. T. as about as/ bow to get pot oats BAICOCR t SON., setabY.a./ 1177 f.stiarty Patent (Mee Zz. ia.e. Meow of Patent Law.. R..Mterod Paster Attee.eye Ms.. A tR. Janos Sass. MiateraL S ssieb►- Lemma and W..alugus rammatastve. t■ as bodge elsou4se, town Brophey Bros. MQ>c ,. Iva LaMar. Peoral aN &Oaks's' 4 sat hglMt up de >t HE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT RIO .. _ =7. .1 THE CHIEF CHARM MORasa Od'1RRAL PURPOSE brood mare harts( raised Is.' la 1916, foal by her side, R. Iona; Goal. home or mare, 11. Y..no, Job M.Llsoy; two years old gelding or Illy. Los. Fear. A. Brigham; oat yam old geldltag or tiny. A. Brigham; loafa of tastes or grldiags, Jos. Cololougky. AORKR:LTUUL Brood mare harts. mired foal 1a 1919, foal by her aide. H. Little. T. Dale. Win. Patterned'; foal. bores or mare, R. Wright, T. Dale; two rear old gelding or ally, E. Taylor. Jas. Dale: team of mares or geldings. J. Wright. HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mate having raised foal la 1916, foal by her side, Wm. Grey 1 aid 1; foal, horse or mare, Wm. Grey. T. Age. Michael; two year old gelding or ally, K. Watt; oris year old `eldiag or ally, T. MaMiehael• R. Watt; team of mares or geldings, R. Watt; best four coke foaled in 1916, aired by any registered heavy draught borle. T. McMichael. Wm. Grey. Judge -W. 11. Crolk- shank. CARRIAGE Broo 1 mus having raised foal 11'1916. foal by her side. R. Ferris: foal. horse or mare. R. Perris; team of mares or geldings, Thos. Swart.. ROADSTERS Brood mare having raised foal In 1916, foal by her side. Win. Taylor; foal. horse or marc, Wm. Taylor; two, year geldlag or lily, Albert Gower, J. Par. rott; - one year old gelding or filly, T. Coulter; single driver, Jas. Hlckoubot- tom. A. Brigham. Ed. Hagglt; lady driv. er. R. Farris. Henry Johann: team of mare. or geldings, H. Johann, Jas. Dale, Jas. Williamson; sweepstakes, mare'or gelding any clam, it. Watt. Judge -C. M. MacGregor (light horwea). CATTLE PURE BRED UCRHASIS Milch mow- basing raised calf to 1916 or with calf, positive proof required, Robt. Harrison. David Laidlaw: two year old heifer. John Barr, John Scott; one year old heifer. David Laidlaw, Jno. Barr; heifer calf, Jou. Scutt. D. Lakl- law; bull ca:f. D. Laidlaw-, Bobt. liar. neon; herd, bull and two females, I). Laidlaw; aged bull. R. Sbortreel`, - GRADES Milcb cow having raised calf in 1916 or with calf, positive proof required. Itobt. Harrison,, Jno. Scott: two year Old heifer, 11. .Laidlaw. Joo. Scott; two year old steer, Jno. Scott: one year old heifer. Jur). Scott, Itobt. Har- rison: one year old steer. Jno. Barr, Robt. Harrison: heifer calf. Jpo. Scott, Jno. Potter: steer calf, Robt. Harrison: fat steer. any breed. J. Barr 1 audit: fat cow or heifer. Puy breed, J. Harr 1 anti I; best animal auy breert. sweepstakes.. Robt. Shortrecd. Judge - H. Smith. SHEEP (GTM.t•)I.1 Rani 'trait. Wm. Potter; pair aged ewes basing raised iamb in 1916. Win. Potter: pal; shearllug ewes, Wm. Pot- ter: pair ewe lamb». Wm. l'otter. LEIt"E+Tt:1:4 Aged ram. Jas. Slit II A Son 1st: sbearliug ram. Jas Snell A Son 1st; ram lamb, Jas.. Snell A Son. Chas. W igbtman: pair aged ewes having; calmed Iamb in 1916. Jas. Snell ,t Son, ('has. Wigbtwan: pair shearling ewes, Jas.l Snell .t Son. ('has. W-Ighttneu; pair ewe hubs Jas Sucll 3 :;un. ('has. Wight Of LOVELY WOMAN -RAR.0..e, Same& SII Carrie With The Use of-VSUIT-A.TIVE.V. NONAN WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto. Nor. 10th, 1915. A beautiful corn plezion is a Handsome woman's chief glory and the envy of her leas f irienate rivals. Yet a soft, clear skin - glow ing wish health -is only Ike rraf aril rrsri l ottor. /,'load. "1 w•cA troubled for a considerable time with a very asfrkesdsl. disfigsriag Rasa, which covered tray fare and for which i wird applicatious and remedies without relief. After using "Fruit•a- tjves" for one week, the rash is c - plrtely gone. 1 am deeply thankful fur the relief and In the future, I will not be without " Fruit-a-tives". NORAII. WATSON. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa. Menzies, Run. Richmond; collection of canoed or preserved fruit, not less than 4 kinds. 1. J. Pgllard. Mrs. R. H. Mc- Gee: grape wine. home made, Wm. Scott. Miss Alice Gillespie; alx plain tea biscuits. R- 9. McGowan. Duncan Laid- law; sit home matte buns, David Laid- law. J. J. Pollard: two pies, apple and pumpkin. Dnmcao Laidlaw; Albert Howlett, lunch for workwau. cold. eight articles west excluded. lire. Jas. Menzies, Albert Howlett: layer cake Iced. Mrs: Jas. Menzies, K. G. Mc- Gowan: oair dressed chickens, weight and dress considered. Albert Howlett, R. 6: McGowan: tomato oatsup, 1 yuan, David Laidlaw, Duncan f.aldlaw; Witte., one quart mixed. Jas..Jackton. Mre..las. Menzies; pickles, once quart any other kind, Albert Howlett, Misr, Alice Gillespie; four lbs home made hand soap, H. Young. Wm. Taylor. Judge --Mrs. 11. Geddes: Mrs. W. J, Geddes. GRAIN Red fall wheat. Alex. McGowan: white tall wheat, It. Shorireed, Wm. McGowan: sixrowed barley-, Wm. Mc- Gowan; two rowed barley, R. G. Mc. Gowan; white oat. .long. H. ]toting: white oats, short, R. G. McGowan, R. Shortreed: .mall peas R. Shortreed; man ha:f bushel timothy see.'. 11. Shortreed, ml1Rr)NHIBEI»twN Sbearliug ram, J. ,t F. Laidlaw. 1st: pair aged ewes having mimed lamb 1n 1916. J A F. Laidlaw 1st; pair ewe Iamb.. J. ,t F t.aldlaw. • ' .ANY (.THP.R RIND Yat sheep. ewe or wether aoy kind. is,. Spell A Som. ('has. WIghttuan. Judge - N. Cumming. PIGS vOtte»HIRE .tged hoar. Jas. Alton: brood now having littered in 1'116 or will' • Jas. Altos; boar littered in 1916. Jas. Alton; w littered es 1916. Jam. Alton. TAt1w0R'FH Jas. Alton. l"H.1:ATI:R WHITE Boar littered in 1916. Roy Bennet: SOW littered in 1916. Soy Sennett. " INPROvitt) YGRR»HIR). Aged hoar. Jae. Altos; brood sow having littered in 1916 or with pig, Jas. Alton: boar littered 1n 1916, J. A F. I.W. law .at Pati 'Ina: sow littered in 1916, J. A F. Laidlaw let anti ;fad. Judge -I N. Cumming. POULTRY Pair turkeys. any large variety-. Jar. Jackson. Jas. Alton: pair geese. Targe breed. Jas. Allow pair geese, *mail breed, J..1. Pollard. Jas. Jackson; pair Rouen ducks. Jas. Jackson, J. J. Hag, get*pair duck* any other variety. J. J. Haggett. J. J. Pollard; pair Haul• burgs, spangled. J. Flinn. J. J. Haggett; lair Ramborva. pencilled. J. /lien 1 and 2; pair Wyandottes, white. M. LIv- lagMto.e; pair Wyandotte". silver, J..1. HaggettMrs. Howele; pair Legborsa, white, single comb. J. J. Haggett, R. J. M :Cormack; pair Leghorn.. brown, Biagio comb, Jas. Jackson 1 and 2;Ir Leghorn*, any other variety. 1. J. ag- gsts 1 end 1; pair Orpington*. J. J. • /140 M. Wvingato.e: pair Brahmaa, dart, Ms. Howric, H. iditb; pair Minorca". Jaa Jackeod'. J. J. H.ggatt: pair Black Bpsalsr, Mrs. Howrie; pair Dorkt.g*. R. Sbortreed. J. Than; pair lodHoene; Aadaaas. Mrs. Howe; aroath Rocks. barred. J. J. Pollard, H. Rohln.o.• pair Plymouth Rocks, whits, 3. 3. t; pair Black Breasted Red Game. J. Hat; 1 sad a; pair Baas. Imo, J. lin; pair Poland, J. J. Hat 7::; pair Red Caps, J. J. Hggc aat; pair dc Idaad Rode .1. 3. Haggett; pair Aaaeo.aa, J. Para; pair fu live ebick• ens, 3. 3. Pollard; pale Galata Pow', Jas. Altos; oolleeUou of pys-s J. J. Hannon. Joao- Utred Barber. • D♦LRT AND PROVIIIO11a Oro* bettor -110 tart • War. Taylor, pAelbY.tBst, curer 1 baSS.f b. i Ji a.119t la P1 Ih.pt4;M?. QW. %��9. 1 mase ba latt. �e.lfe9, David Laidlaw; Two 1 lb loaves of ' hems; 10 lbe, A. B Garr J Mrs. Jas. Menzies: six hest stalks ensilage corm, Albert Howlett. E. C. Smith. Judge-Johu Potter. aStatilta. el Thum lb*nap% 17".lL.� J t .. ...» Xs= C'SOOTS 'IMii-. gatd.. produce, Jae. Jack• aaa, Jona J. Ma.o., Mrs. Jae. Measles; baa bushel Carly potatoes. nine/. Jas. Jackboot, J. J. P rd: malt bushel late potatoes. named, J. A F. Laidlaw, R. O. MoOowaa; /wllectloa of potatoes.; tat lees than 4 varieties peck of each Mad oorredly named. Wm. Scott, Myrtle W4..to.e; six geld carrots. Jae. Jackson, Wm. Uooat; adz garden carrot.. E. C. Smltb. Mrs. JM. Menzies. six swede turnips, J. J. Pollan'. David , Laidlaw: six turnips. any other glad, J. Ban; six beets Sable use, Mrs. Jas. Menzies, E. C. Smith; six sugar beet maagolde, J. J. Pollard; Alas. Mc Gowan; mangoid wurtaals. IOag, J. J. Pollard. J. Base seatt- gold warted", globe. Jas. Jasksoe; marigold wortas's, yellow intermediate, J. Barr, Jas. Jackson: pumpkin, Mrs. Jas. Menzies, John J. Mason: squash. Jae. Jackson. Mn. 11. J. Marshall; owl claims. Jar. Jackson. Ww. Scott.I yellow =loan, Jar Jack,on; white Pohl beams, John J. Maaoo, Jas. Jackson; t citrons. Mn. Jas. Menzies. John J. Haggett; watermelons. Mrs. Jas. Men at.., Jas.Jackson; cabbage named, .1. .1. Pollard. Ju. Jackson; red cab- ' bage, Jas. Jackson; celery'. .1. J. Pol- lard: J. A G. Laidlaw; Geld cora, dent, E. C Smith. Jno. J. Mason: Slut corn. Jas. Jaekson, E. C. Smith: sweet Dorn, Jtte. Jackson, .1. J. Pollard. Judge - Ed. Lear. FRUIT Blit mined varieties of uter apples, A. Blown; four named hire of fall apples, A. Sloan; bah, win. A. Sloan, Bus. Mohamed; kings. A. Sloan. northern spy. A. Sloan: R. I. Greening, A. Sloan; ribeton pippin. A. Sloan. Dun- can LaWlsw: gc idea rusa.ett, A. Sloan; roxboro ruysett, Trena Barkley: seek" no -further, A. Sloan: Wagner. J. .I. Pollard, A. Sloan; Ben Davis, A. Sloan. Trema Barkley; grwven»te•In. A. Slain: bleubeim pippin, A. Sloan; talufan. 11. Sbortreed. A. Sloan; man. Rus. Rich munrl, A. Slam; stark, A Sloan: snow, R. Sloan: outarlo. Rus. Richmond, Jam. Denhehu: canaria red. It. G. McGowan; colverts, R. Sbortreed: alexandera, A Sloan, Trema Markley; tweaty ound( pippin, A. Sloan: any other variety named. A. Sloan. R. Shortrecd: e;ollec-„ tion of apples, 20 varieties named. obtained from any gouree. A. Sloan; crab apples, Jas. Jackson: winter Clears. named. A. Sloan, E. C. Smith. fall pears, named, J. J. Pollan]. Mn. :las. Menzies: matned plums. any variety, It. Shortrecd, K. B. McGowan; collection of plums 5 uf.each, Jas. Jackson. A. 1t. Carr: twelve tomatoes, Jas. Jackson, J..t F. i:aldlaw; collection of grapes, 3 varieties. S bunches of each, Wm. Scott. Jam. Jackson; eight peaches Jas. Jackson. A. Sloan. Judge -Win. Fothergill. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Collection of foliages varieties, Miss Alice Gillespie. Lena Burling: collection • of feet* In pots " 4 oar ietdea named, Caawie I)otlll*: display of plantni in flower in pots 5 plants distinct faun all en• tries, Cassie Dodds: gerani:trus in bloom two, Delia Symington; hau;ing basket, Lena Burling. Delia Sytuingtuu. Judge -firs. It. B. McGowan. CUT FLI)W'EIt Collection of dahllaa. Mrs. Howrie: collection 'of pansies, Mrs. Howrie; collection of asters, Mrs. Howrie, Ww. Scott: hand bouquet. Jas. Jackson. Mrs. Howrie: table bottquet, Delia Symington, J. J. Pollard. Judge -Mrs. R. B. Me- , Gutvan.- FINE ARTS , Animals, single or grouped in oil. Mrs. -Jss. Measle., M yrtle ti'virgstone: anituats single or grouped in water i color, Mrs. E. Adams. Myrtle Living• *tone: collection of pierced brass. Myrtle Livingstone, Mrs. C. Lawson: collection of pen and Ink sketches. Mrs. Howrie. Myrtle Livingstone: collection of china. Cold 6uied on page to Tlaa.s*T, Ortossn 13. Mil any _A" MILLARUSON Fall Storks Complete In All Departments l WE-are most fortunate in having a very large stock in all departments of our store bought many month, ago when prices were much more favorable than today. Many lines are being sold at less than present N‘'holesale prices. Shaker Flannel Special value extra heavy quality Shaker Flannel in light and dark colors. Suitable for all purposes, full 36 inches wide, per yard 17c Extra quality English Shaker Flan- nel. beautiful designs, fast washing, most suitab;e for men's and women's wear. Light grounds in blue and pink stripes. 36 inches wide, per yard 2O Flannelette Blankets Best quality°Flannektte Blankets in white and grey, blue and pink :borders. Best washing and wearing Blanket on the market. at per pr. $1.50, $1.75, $2 Pillow Cotton Special value in heavy quality cir- cular Pillow Cotton, free from dressing. Exceptional value. full 42 inches wide. Worth hoc, special, per yard 23c Horrockeses Longcloth Horrockeses' pure English Long - cloth. absolutely pure, the best quality when wear is wanted. Full 36 inches wide, per yard 20c Cotton Comforters Cotton Comforters, hall double bed size, extra well filled. coverings in neat designs in sateens and art muslins. .72 ° inches by 72 inches, special. each 22.25 NewsCretonnes, Rich Cretonnes in the season's newest designs, in beautiful rich designs, suit- able for hangings for all rooms, now.so much in vogue. They are 36 inches wide. Per yard 40c and 45c Turnbull's Underwear - P. C. Corsets - Penman's Hose McCall's Patterns and Publications for November now in stock. J PHONE 56 J'Vlillar's Scotch Store ;HONE 56 No. 522 BstC ter gh Hare are No. 523 Smart New Style Ulsterette No. 539 The Neat Fly Front Chesterfield K. 525 Farm -Fitting Top Coat No. 526 The !stilt -Fared Che.terfield No. 536 Rut tat -Through Raglan Ulsterette Which Overcoat would you like ? seven of the fifteen styles you can buy in Semi-zeady Tailoring this to every change of dlimate in the Fall and Winter. q There are smart new styles and conventional types in the. seven models shown above. q )rices vary from $15 to $18, to $20 and $2b for th new fall overcoats. 411- Some silk -lined bes+utiea. ALL WADS F111011I iMPOItTID Serif "Soltt No. 531 The True Canada Ulster season -styles suited 1 The pinch -back overcoat is a new model, with close pleats and a fast belt!' q This style can be Ipnade to Special Order in four days from anypattern selected at (ibm $18 to MciLEAN BROS. Goderich m LABIRL iN TRR rocK1T - AND TMD PINCIR J