HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-12, Page 2• !tie•snA•. Or: . 11 11114 TSB SINNAL PRINTING OU.. LTD. Punat•agas r Am emgaL 4ae MWed Orin i. ! w' Illigual edThe o.tare a T phew M.1 r dosscvrtos Mara. --Ula Dollar tum /My go er roar . 11 paid rutrur lad van ..s (n.o be.. will be wormed . to-arribis the times t►ll relate eras tresis/ .ad 1V / etrsetly la •due's n. eub,eetbet. wbo W mad Waba • favor by •cqus•stMMg te raloolV• TWA 1114104•L modalM Warta h- er of the fast at weedy seats a. ourerbta tt bra a atawaue d emirs-. is desired, both old and g as sow •ddn s should be [ties. health/MAW EM trade by bank draft. teatime mosey s.atodo. owlet. w reol.ten d letter. rrtWass may °eminence at say time. £Nphr.aae Than. -Nater ter dummy read amtreet advertear.rrot. will be siren .o spots- esMm. L.rtala.d other similar %drewiwe.l•. Om amte per urn for Bret lu.•ruoe and four ••0a1m per Woe for .sob oubereuent fneertioa. >resear,d O • seals of .olid seapareil-t wider lime te ad nob. 110.40-.o dud. of Jz Inns . ad Saar, Ft r. Dollar. OM year. AdTertian. WOW of tort. round. strared. Situation. VoesaLditsdtiom Wasted. Houses for hale. r es f 1ta. w. me.. sot exceeding eight lfo.e or to .. Twelnty eve Cent. each luserrloo : Oil. Dollar fur Bat I Mtb, Piny (Muster eat ksabot smut moats Larger advertisements is prutartlon. A0• sersscsments Is ordinary reading type. Ten Caste per how. No Drake lido than Toeotl- So.Cents. Arl spectra oalee. the *Mort 01. widish is the pecuniarybenefit of and lodlvid• Wee amoclatloo. tue eon.Wersd an solver. t_aemeot .sed charged ,orordlnell• To Connsar•us0asra-TLB co *perish= of e ar.aberrlber and readers to oordW:1 Invit- ed toward. making Tou ttIUN AL a 0 wklrecord ' mll Weal. Bounty and dist not doings.No cam ms.loatton will be attended to utile. it em- . Wag tae name �abolc.U00. hutaddrere of tas an .vk euce sa▪ geod faith. be writer, not 1 Nee. items should reach Tors amNAL Olsen net later iia. Wedaeedal DOpt. of a ca week. THURSDA1. OCTOBER ;, WI i ; EDITORIAL NOTES. Good luck to the Hurons! A Canadian fl- eet on the Atlantic coast would be • vet y desirable protec- tion at the present time. The Canadians are again making a great record on the tiatlyfield. The able d.epotches leer soy tributes to their valet end fighting efficiency. The war is costing the Canadian Gover•tneot about one million dollars a day. That means • sig finencirl problem for the af tea -the-war period. Owen Sound has a plan for • Com- mittee of One Hundred to encourage the eeltahliebing t:f new industries io the town. What is Godefich doing for industrial advancement While the armies of Europe are Ogbting savagely for *errs• foot of soil, (great Hritain has quietly occupied a territory of some 111,11151 square mdse in the S.Ituiar. Africa is be- coming gradually a -Hi it,.h cootineut. If ever we had a Government that was the fr.thful servant of corporate and industrial monopoly it was that which held office Iwtwern 1496 and 1911. -Toronto News. No doubt this is why the mo-nopol isoa defeated drat Government in 1911. Professor H,etb- dorf bar returned to. Canada after spending some months in the United Stater. He claims het was virtually driven trout Canada by the Artie, itie0 of certain politician., in spite of the fact that be was doing ex- eeilent work for the Britieb and Allied Cause Some journals with party porpoises! to serve declare that it is the Imminent of the Quebec Government to stipples* Bourassa. But it was • Federal of- ficer. not • Provincial our, that .^tend in the Sault Ste. Marie case. Wei doo't care who does, it. but . somebody ought to give Bourasw whet'. coning to. biro. • The Mail ani Empire says that 'load Britain been nn well. prepared on land as she was on sea there Would bare been no war.'" This is a mere conjec• Lure. 11 Britain bad a large standing army it would mean • military dom. ioance, just 0. Germany'. great •rmy idoptsed militarism upon that coun- try. The war is being fought, as we understand it, to gat away from mil- itarism) not to establish it more strong') than ever. Newspapers ale faring a serious situ. ation concerning the supply of pews - print -that is, the blank paper on which newspapers are printed. There Is w eb a -deemed ea the Ommadbw paper tains for export orders that the home trade is to a considerable extent neg- lected. pliers have risen sharply. and the Bopp!), is uncertain. One incite- able result will be an increase in the price of wew.papere. In fact, a great n atty newspapers have already raised their suborript ion rates, and others will have to follow suit. *NAT OTHERS ISAY. Th. Rime 1 F.mimae. Toronto Mal and $miM. • Greek Minienses easy Borne •ad but Quern Sophia eootiuue s on job. be Sart Thing Tarsiers Neu.. Germany may not be able 10 oMriu i wool, but she irtUnsay is gr. tuts worsted. Still Have the Bars. Toronto Telegram Drunken mutorbts find ibemaelvas l behind the bars for seven days. Quite a urletnkr on their part to iwagtue tbrt the bars wrte abolished. A Goad Rocegae sedation. • U _elph Memory. Bouradsa throwiug the harpoon it to Sir -Wilfrid Laurier is *boost the hest aeden4ul that the Liberal Wailer ew present to any !rya' cowwuoil y. � Just One Thing After Another. 1 LL.towel Banner With prohibition ►0 eftec', an em- ptying of the poorhouse.. woe antici• paled ; hut with butter for y c -rets it i pound. milk eight cent* a glut end Weed eight a List, all hopes sieve been chattered. the iustitutiunw wilt b .rr to be continued. Farmers Should Iasere. k a. hater•. An amazing thing ie the number • i farmer* throughout the county who; have tot their barns and fain' oto k' adequately insured. Farww.' Orr to. surtiere is sold for the rurt•rst tnfie and yet many fanner• will risk Mn•n- cial ruin by not epeuding a pal:ry rum for insurrncr. Coasuottne and Ven:selos. Ruchestar Rer..ld. No matter whet Ring Constaotit e nn y have been, hr now iroea + lateen self as either a traitor :o Greece ;sir a pusillanimous .:urrresgd. Hr is oar 1 or the other. and chta..e wuich horn of the dilemma he ut.ty, 9i• p rsi• i .•e $- not one to be envied. One Greek statesman. and one *lone. hos never failed to tee the situation .tilt i., an"), he has rover f*leaned. That w:111 I0 Ven: zrlew. rropot tonal Representation Toronto itis The (ioderich Signal recertly ex- preebed surprise that proportioo•I rep-, frontal ion had not found more flavor' with the public. But would it not find! plentyof favor with the public if, affor ed an opportunity : The truth is that no political party. securely in office. and no political party tint ex- I pert. to get into Lilics% has heretofore! offerei to forfeit the advantages that tbe• present system alit it is necessary for the people generally to familiarize then'.rlves with the just system 01 propos seprrsrntatioo and see that the country gets it quite regardless of any temporary incon- venience it may $mese.* on any per - Ocular party. Nobody can with any eeit.ainty predict its .Hr. -t on either (rorty, Mut that it would work out justly- to the voting public canon: be doubted. A party of b.•ibese end profemioa•1 most from this Province, .umbering about fifty, is spending • few days in Quebec and meeting the people of that Province in • social way. Later no • Manilar party from Quebec is to visit this Itreoviaee. The Ides isget ae- goalnusd, to diseases public q Jun. M fel y fashion. sad to endeavor to the spirit of "antagonise het the two Provinces which has hem meandered by politicians and see- tar'iete. Tbs movsa..et Is one whish Mmerv._ arc _. If the two largest Pfw.t ... tb.Oea/rder ties mem* Amt dug amicably theee is poor pone peat tier Oaaada• It M s pity that sons of the jowewate that an esatlaw- r! ealerbia •p ceche LW's, Ontario . ilei Woks des d art be quietly rapped Into the Mamas. This, is not the time t , count •been$• Hcee, but to act as eitozrns of a free country .Premier Hughey.. THE WAR. HOW SOME V. C.'s WERE WON. A recent issue of The London Gazette contained the names of twenty men to wl •n the V. C. had just ossa &Warded. The following ate some of .he official •c-uucts which accompany theannoune-mint of 14e names : ••For most conspicuous bravery. Atter an advance into the enemy's trenches, • I HE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO eleastreeMeasieWereeketeallie We ewe .ea saw, eyed re crier sale. er .ownse la prise, • Mailed rumble of swarm ae era Q..rw.o soma at Dominion Power and Transmission Company, Limited Par Value. $ 100.00 DIVIDEND 4' PER ANNUM AT $65.00 PER SHARE TO YIELD 6.20% CAPITALIZATION Osgood end Ortataedinal Cumulative Preferred, 7% - Common Stock - Total Bonds (Less Redeemed) DIRECTORS : J. R. NI( 1411)1E. Esq. Preoitlent, Hamilton: President Eagle Knitting Co. J. W. Sl'TNEi1I.AND. E.' 1lnuliltou. LL(►1VD HARRIS, Est _ Brant- ford, Dir. Steel Co. of Canada. Sir JOHN M GIBI•H)N. K.C.M ti Hamilton : I►ir. Can. Renk of (' .row. .1:11•x. DIXON. Vier -totes, Ham- ilton. of Messrs. Dixon Bros $3.681.1'00 7,714,500 8,925,000 ('HAS. E. NEIL, Req.. Mona- tre•al.(:rn. Mgr. Royal Hank of l'auala. f$ \V.l'.HA\V•I(INS, Ham- ilton. Man. Dir. of the WM. SOtTH A 11, Esti., Ham- ilton. WM E. PHIN, &.q,. Hamil- ton. Contractor. ('YRL'ti .�. HIROE, Ent.. Hamilton, Vice -Para. Hank of Hansilba. THE IK)MINION POWER A TRANSMISSION eUM- I'ANY, LIMITED. controls through stock ownership .•14•%et1 ill1p.rrt•nt cuurpanien, inchnling Eloetrie Street Railways, Electric I.igrht na1.1 I'owe•r('ongt*nirs, Terminals and heal Estate, serving over :3QM51 people. inehisling 11: 'Icon. Hrantfonl, St. 4'atharines. He•aunsrille, filmdom, Griutsby. Line. dn and \Velland, well known as thriving cities and towns. and in the rich Niagara fruit district. 1n t••t, years the GROSS E.I,RNINtig have increased about hal per rent., or In per rent. per nnuunt. \Vhat is true of the Toast will be true of the future. with the nwnit that the steadily increasing earnings outlet he reflected in HIt:l1BR PHII'EM FOR THE COM VON ST(N'K The Roan! orf I►ire•to ra and Managetnent is composed 111 sten of well kn.usn tusineas and Hnaneial standing: the territory . 1a•rat d its is one of the, riche'•t it ('*oath : the population is in. errasina steadily and the growth of the e.tulpanV, 1Otl IN- CREASE IN E\,HNINI:S AND) PROFITS 15 ASstRED. Write Today for F. B. McCurdy It G. 134 M. Jamas IN Montreal Halifax. Sydney. She•tbnwokr, St.John's. Nflei..St•Jobn. N B. Mrttllwrs of the Montreal Stack Exchange. Special l'iretilar. J. M. Italians a & Sem 30 H.•s1al sere.!, Montreal St. John, F rt'derictrn, N. B. M*•nlliers •.f the Montreal Stank Exchange. he found himself isolated with a party of thirty wen. He niganixed hte de fence.. detailed • hombi..g party. arM impressed on his men that his and their duty wee to hold the position at 411 costs. Next n'orning be drove off 40 attack by the eneW y ren.1 Ifo curd .acme prisoners who had fallen into the it hands. Liter two strong bootie ing mateek• were Neaten. offs On the following d. ' he wee relieved after ',bowing the greatr.t courage, deter- min•tion and gond leadership during ;thirty-six hoar* tinder very trying conditions. All this time his party was without food and water, bavirg ,given ■11 their water to the wdtud'•d 'during the first night. Aber the re- Iirvinit fore.. was firmly established, the brought his party. nineteen strong, hack to our trenches." "For 'nowt conspicuous bravery. While in a eoneertrarion trench and opening a hog of leapbt f•.r distribu- tion prior to an attack, • he hos slipped down intra the tr.nch. which wag crowded with men ; and two of the salety pins fell out. Instantly real- ising the danger to his comrades. with herrn, eour•ge he 1111ew himself 00 Ills tap of elir bomb.. The bombs ex- q.'ndrt, Mowing pink to pieces, hilt ooh Mir o' her lura was wounded. He ; well knew hie danger, being himself • 1 Member, but without • moment's »esi- tNtin,r be gave lir life fur his cow - :ride... 1 "For n,n.t ronspii-ntws br y. On ehr, ret u1 n from ii. successful raid, see• ersl members of the raiding WIT were severely wounded In 'No Mao's Land' by shell fire. He got hack safely, and after handing over a prisoner whom he had hrougbt m, immediately went oat •;iiia under very heavy *hep fire and resisted in bringing in a wounded roan. He then went out again, and with • sergeant was bridging in an- other wounded man, when his arm was blown off by a shell and the .er- ge.nt was rendered uneoraacious. He then tette nod to our trenches, ob- tained assistance and went out agsin to look for his two wounded com- rades." 'For most endspi+;uoue bravery. His Melodeon was consolidating a position after its cmptute by assault. lie was Telephone Courtesy Is Growing In Favor. Newspapers mad periodicals, which public *don, ere continually urging the the practice reflect so weil the trend d telephone eowtesp. Progressive mordants are steadying its relation to their sake. tatplortees are being trained to treat telephone callers with the sante degree of owner♦ - costside-adon that obtains in • face -to. face donvenattr And tba Bale foe those who prinks telephone �f1+4 III • eeastant, p+dwL4 want?bes of telephone trade god good iDallat,wsrs Cit 1 the premodsn4WD tip YOUr noft d The- Bell Telephone Go. OV GANADL oedersd 'oinks an import sot memo* wader heavy *MU and rifle 1, • ad to I briug hack • reply set all socia 11e woe .orpelled to cores the opea, wd on lamming the trench was •do t almost ' 1mm.dl*Mly in the beet. Me bWI• t doming test through kis abdomen. lo melte of thee, with bol oic Douses* sod t sett-saseilbee, b. a.wtpeweed with bis band the gaping wound in his abdo- mena. delivered his msseage, staggered bark witb ehr answer. and felldslt the fru of the officer to whom ha deliv- ered it. Ile gree bis lite with a supreaw d.votluo to duty." ••• A UERMAN V1kSW OF THE SOMME FLOUTING. The sorrespo priest of The Berlin Tag.biatt, ea lbs Somme sends bis paper an tatere.ting account of recent fighting from which it is evident that tie Anglo-Freoeb offensive has made • very serious impassion oo this ole server. Ile writes Is part : ••We do not know anything for cer- tain as to the events of this night. All the t.lepbooe wires have again been Mot to pieces, and rumor is the Doty thing we have io depend tap. One atm ny of the Huard* bad,; to with- .• severe attack of the French ter lowing their machine -,tune. The must have suffered Madly in the mud, tut at test they gut iota • tunnel. Wounded men brought hack confused •ccewntp," The correspondent goes ors in hie staccato style : ••Evil rad hard, and one can only grind one's teeth and choke down curses. The divisional general must steel his heart. and keep the working - room in his bead free Drum all the anguish of these days. Outside thele the patient trues, the heroes ! A11 day long the enemy worked with hoary mines (expletives?). Three or feu, guns be played 00 doe taint. It was like the Day of Judgment. and indeed g rave. were bursting forth in all direc- tions.' Even in these opened graves it was almost impossible to obtain shel- ter from shell splinters. The enemy Hying -men boldly drseended anti ewept the positions with machine - gunk. There were no guns with which t0 reply to them. -Me 'oldies.' must bare' hien dull and tired, hiding there in holes and holding wit. Any one of threw would gladly have exchanged this dog's life ter a visible danger where far cooed de- fend himself. They were hungry. but for food of all kind. they had a loatb- ing. They suddenly experienced an indescribable thirst. Water! No, thee• was not a drop of water. No water could tie fetched, for the brave fellows behind. between Drat and, the !)evil could not get through witb the wider - be -The bitter necessity of waiting ! No support could come to theta. Be- hind them rattled the trail of the cur- tain fire. The Uermsd artillery re- plied with its quickest word.. They did their best. if only those others would tome, those over there. And they come. Our men curse their rifles anted with wrrd and take to the bayonets and the hand -grenades. And the murder begins." W. ACHESON & SON Extra Values in Ladies' Plush and Sealette Coats JUST received a very select, stylish and beautifully made lot of ladies' Plush and Sealette Coats, sizes 36 to 42. Ex- ceptional values at $23, $25 and $30 Ladies' Canadian Muskrat Coats Twenty new ones to choose from. satin Tined, full sweep skirt, No. 1 select skins. •1.; inches long. at each $45, $50 and $60 Penman's Hosiery One hundred dozen Penman'. black Caalttitrre Hoses double heels and toes, seamless, sizes si to 10, old value. Special per pair,.,, ... 50c Cotton Blankets One hundred and fifty pairs hist quality Am- erican Cotton Blankets, largest size made, worth $2.25. at per pair $1 85 W. ACHESON & SON One wonders wry the field censor permits such reports to pass. as it sus clear they must exercise a very tiro pr •.ling effect. And what a world of difference between such letters, de- scriptive of the calamities to which! the German soldier is now exposed, and those reports of the eatly month,. of the war when the war correspon- dent tickled his readers with awning stories of British and French unpre- paredness, and with chatty descr•p- tions of the easy tank before the Raiser'. armies. -The Daily Chronicle, (London). It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL ARE ;JY, i 111 LN t41PBUFFALO & C t B I I' • ;: tit ...lit CLEVELAND The Caret Ship-SEEANDBEE" i owe aad etre away Mires w hdotld .new a W woa world. ••,l•s ceream.dr VT OF 3 M.. Illeasi 3...mee. - "CITY Or aunAw- t... selgl. . Y. c1..-t..d iF •e.•MaaA �l7 sew. ILTWLEJI BUFFALO -D, May i Nov. 15 D Lamy Arm* Ornaaad • - - to A. Y. 61W - 1 a 7. L • r('-,e'-''o,t C.er.'a,11-. C.A.. -.•. . Kt sept- 1 :1. 1. D."elt ad •:1 p..nb w.s1 iho ane::., r. w' tubes. nada&.•:vela Iidal.'ad(b-..0w ow erd C., .n. atwwr,.. • •5 pcv ttd.t•.1••,t to -r.-kis r . t'. a II. Lane. t• 1 Cr_at •r:wed e,ree.�Atp-n'.ail � .s•.e et+en.$safe.-,!,-t.r...a/ rhe t..... g�M�:•i•( . n'•s•-tA..r,, FC' •••• ..t .• -a:-t o. ' •' " k,,.passe oast-:. t-:. Ass W u I item".Mur.- -•1 ... Mr.•.. -1.., rr•.t , ,. pp r- • ct.CVLL/." ) 0 i.rt '..a.. _:T CC. C'-- A• -4:,....C...1 ..� ( loUtes that is e refers Ivy men who �� dolt_ ate the finer thing ' s! erman •1 ART CLOTHES add toy ur per- sonality n d in- s p i r e self-confi- dence. Tailored to your measure. WALTER C. PRIDHAM