HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-5, Page 71
or araddsg possibis with our **Zest
Ors -box IlnIngs. Ilds. Iles limos,
removed or replaced ertpout betUt or cssasat
Before you invest in a new range let me show you the
Pandora's sensible ideas for saving time and labor. ale
Sold by FRED HUNT.
W. L Siebert has been •poonited
postiusater of Zurice. sucsieviiiiig the
late Li. S. Pauet.
Robin Young, 6tb line of Morrie.
died on the litb li. lo his noottirth
Hoary Kaltilleuseb, an old reeident
of Hay howiehip, died on tbe leth
ult. in tile eighty-fourth year. tie
was • native of Germany.
Robert Young, oats of the pioneers
of Morrie township. died on timid iy.
2Atii ult.. In hi, eighty-ei(hth year.
He wee a midis . of Irelend.
Miele Mabel I). Bone, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mr*. Betray time. Morse
iownetsip, was inserted at Brantford
on the itird ult. to Win. Mc/Itch/set, ot
that oit y.
The line brick barn on the farm of
V. Forester, 12th conceesion ot Grey
township, was destroyed by fire one
day Imo. week, the floc starting from a
*park from a thresher engine.
DitoCan Fielayson. of Lochalsh. hes
received word that tila eon, Lieut. R.
K. Fielayson. was seriously wounded
F aoce Lieut Finlayson is a law
FARE $322
- —
s. The Great Skip '''' • MA/10
The bonen ent west mesa striewe es. sser Weed Issue et the ent4. Ilawn• ertes,
awe Ow net winweers.
'CITY Or BRIM- — 3 Illeweeteent lieseessirs —.MITT OF 111.1WALO•••
e.. nerninum
BUFFALO:1)6117.May 1st to Nov.15th-CLEVEIAND-
,==...-i-.. =LIE =c" . LIE;
=st="ualr i&ne"kiki""hrienalrurt -261.6"e=lellerhelitieTted ealter=retali
se we swwww. age wet Whei neat ter name sec. • • Lei.
IrilLillringai jiMseritoltise woe Is mar: proment:In.S14.‘
Hie Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Isidiannpolis, Indiana. — 'My health
was so poor and my constitution so run
down that 1 could
not work. I wits
thin, pale and weak,
w•ighed but 109
pounds and was in
bed most of the
time. 1 began tak-
ing Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound and five
months later I
weighed 1E3 pounds.
I do all the house -
yin:, and *abated at Wiunipeg. and. work washing for eleven and I can
liletnn Cerdiff. 5tb line of Morro*, truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg.
has purchased from his father the mama compound num noon godsend
estead which be has been work-
ing sauce Mr. ttaitliff, sr., went West.. to rne for I would have been in my grave
Tnere are 150 actes in the Gum.
Mr. and M. James Dawney, ot
Fordwich louility. a few days •go re-
• °elated word that their son Wesley,
who is in Prance, bad been wounded
in the face and neck and was in hos-
'The residence of John Baird, 10th
concesston of Turnterry, was com-
pleted destroyed by tire one day re-
cently. The fire warted from • de..
treLive chimney. Part of the form-
ulae was saved.
ta•amaav. ocv. e. 1911
iisned wed they were tweed to return.
Tee, took • pane of glees out uf a
emelt wiebner in the etorhomie, bring
very careful to get all the later out,
and after having gained ailua.. 1.0
Ili. atorehouse Ib. y took out • secoad
pane of glass in the partitiou di v idle,
the hack part Irmo the main part of
the store, although the door right rinse
wa. iinlorked. Ni d04.1111).. they had
tried this door and the leteh had
caught. lire trout door hml twee
taints.. ed Rah and wben Mr.
Hockey came to work Sat iirti•y morn-
ing the look failed to reepond to the
loin of he key. The site was tried
rod several &ewers ransacked and
the cash register war lifted of &hoed
*even dollar. A oussiber of retort,
and ;pocket knives were tisk.° out of
the thoweeee. The thieves worked
with a candle ais the drippitigs from
the serum were in evidence. At Mr.
lepsckar an's adronision was gnined
through the heck door and hero they
made quite a haul of razors and knives.
Constable Merit was ou the job on
Saturday anti got wind of two rumple -
Imes looking:ammeter who were RINI
walking irouth near Centralia about 0
o'clock Satiardsy mo g. They
were traced to Luc in end were Ited
track of mar Wanton, CI -imitable
Whiteside.. was in town en Sunday.
Thi• is the eecond time that W. J.
illeaman's store has been broken into.
Jas. Done has gone to Jacksonville.
Florida, and will probably siwuil thr
winter there.
today but for it. I would tell all wo- Rev. Dr. Stewart in spendIng a few
men suffering as I was to try your valu- weeks in town, hewing mine to supply
able remedy."— Mrs. W. GUMS. 322 ' Willis church pulpit for • time
5. Addison Street. IndiansOolia.Indnuns• The Bell Telephone Co is 41,0ing e
There is hardly • neighborhood in this considerable a ttttt unt of wo, k here in
country', wherein some woman has not the way of num overueneputting wires
found health by using this good old- 'Indere' 1, etc.
fashioned root and herb remedy. Mies Ceinpliell has resigned her teed -
If there is anything about which you tion as teacher of Art at th- l't 11.1.• 14. r
would like special advice, write to the Institute and hen gone to storingflebt.
Lydia E. /labs= modiam co., Lynn. She is succeeded by Miss Niucliti., ol
We Met ton.
Una. Mr. Robert newel' died at Sarnia es
Jaime fir.ell St Son. of Hullett e...— ...._ _ _ . . septa -saber 21,1. alter • long dines's, e•
township. made a great iiweep at the 6.40.44444.4.4emares........... ; the ear of eighty-one yea", the de.
I c ailed WA" for many year.' it iesitlent
Sties tisk held tecently •t Syracuee,
N. Y., with a Soca of eight sheep.
They won the would champion prise
for the hest dock of Leicester* end
•bout a dozen other prizes.
Fire broke out in the agrict-Itural
hall at //itched on Wednesday of het
werk while the fall fair was tu
rem. In • *holt time thesframe InPrill-
ing was • mass of tl trues, and it was
burned to the ground. Most of the
exhibits were removed. name was au
insutance of 91,400.
A pleaaant event took place at the
hoine of Mr. and Mo.. Win. Siii-II, Us-
. bo ne, on Wednes i•y, Sept -rubel: 27,
*hen their daughter Mi..' Omit be-
came the bride of George Jenee, son
of Henry Jollies, London toad. The
ceremony ws, pet forred by the
herd'', uncle, Rev. Janie* Snell. The
youog couple will reride on the.
groom's farm south of Exeter.
Elise McBurraey. widow of the late
Jobn Cuarters. died at her booms in
teisitows townehip on Sunday, Sert-
shriber24th, in h. reightf-fil lb feed. She i
ww. born in Ireland and coming to
Canada when • young woman .be i t
Wait married to Mr. 12herteas at Dun- Z
dam. She and her husband th.n be- ;
came pioneer reeidents of Kinioe II.
town -hip. Mr. Charters died about
twelve years ago.
At tbb licine of Mr. and Mrs. W. ;
tlinip.on, llih cone -sewn of li..wick,
on September Let b. their only t
• dauguter, Seta. WWI wilted in illar- 1
1 lege to Mr. Notaiitn Wade, of the
mune township. The ceremony waa
performed by Rev G. 'J. Kete, is --
Meted by Rev. W. 11 Roharts. On
Doer nowt' from the wedding %rep.
Mr. and Mrs. Wide will reside on km
stroonee farm on the 1:1th concession
of Howick.
Mr.. Monteith, widow of the late
Clerks Monteith, who passed away
at the home of her daughter. Mr..
John Alli.on, U•borne township. on
the 2/..nd ult.. was one of the oldest
residents of that coanumnity. She
1, was born in Scotland, and coming to
{Cared* settled with her perents oo
ItAhleteTrnahenriesmroadarriago:eahr *it.xetyonyteinariedagoto.
live in the same locality, and she died
at ,the age of ninety year.
One of the pioneer resident,' of
letaniev township, in the pea tion of
Richert Fertilely. of the Bronson line,
deputed thi, life on Wednesday. 1.31tt b
ult.. at th• age of seventy -live years.
The decemed wive born in Elgin county
and at the age of ten years came with
Id. parents to &Vanity township. Be-
sides his wife be leaves e family of
learn : Margaret, Mrs. T. M. Snow-
den, debt. %V. Fennel.. Hayfield ; Mrs.
Fleet liolison,St. Thomas'. and Grace,
John &rid Harold. at home.
On Wednesday evening of lest week
Roy McKay and Mr. Ritchie ;form-
erly Miss Bessie Bone) were united in
marriage by Rev. D. Wren.
Wm. Robinson one day last week
fell from • ladder OD which he was
@blinding while painting his house. and
in the fall broke his right sem and
sustained other injuries.
Mrs. Alfred Brewer. • former resi-
dent of this irkinity. died recently at
Lieut. Kee Pearoe, .on of Mr. W. K.
Pearce. of Toronto, formerly manager
of the Dominion Bank her. wise killed
In action in France lam week.
Rev. Mr. Argo, pastor of Rgniood-
yids Presbyter Um church, has hems
given lisaVe of absence tor these
months 011tillg to ill -health. He le
teeing a Western trip.
Five Cents is
all you need pay
for the best and
purest soap in the world
Sunlight Soap.
:Me inducements offered with cosmos
soaps canoot make up for the rarity
ca, switot.,,igirp., It costs US snore to
Siska OM *Wu but it costs YOU less
eV Nis it. lose Sonaght pays tor itself la
fss eiothos..“ It does not wear sod rub
dis fabrics Dia cosmos soaps de.
c. & Ime aot a Grocers.
IdacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
I the townahip larks., vino h, but
; for bestowal yearn past hod lived with
; her daughter, Mr.. Levi M1tug,
I Ramis. Mr. Pl..weis died thirteen
1 years sign. The remains weir; Nought
to Clinton for bin
Thankful Mothers.
for Goderich
and District.
Coal Mined.
Any quantity beet all Maple
Slate, Mixed Wood, 11,uulock
and Kindling iCedar or Pine.)
residence • la or 68
Little Job
or Big
From the
repairing of
a faucet to
the installa-
ti o n of a
system, we
are equip-
ped to do
the job.
Mita es vomits
Phase 155 Hamilton Street
McLean Bros.' Store
Thimaande of thankful mother
threughout I.:made—many of thew
your town Leighhors—,peak with the
prate's, p• AIN' of that:splendid medi-
cos., Bolo', Own Tablets. Many
moth'''. would have 110 411her medic itw
for their lit I, ones.. Among thew aa
Mr. Albert No% St. Hrieux. Misk
who saws : "I have bern loing Behy'l"
Own Tabl-dis for the pavt. seven years
mod they have dune any four childieri
• w3tliii of gond. 1 wood int be with-
out thew- The Tablet• are iolid by
medicine dealers or by mail et 25 rade
a box ft The Dr. '11 ahem,' Medicine
Cc., Block vine, Ont.
Bread is now eight :tents loaf here.
Mims Maxwell has iernoved t/s Wii.-
nines, where *be 'impure residing in
li04113 has t .itcn p4511 10 et
Preatooand his family has t.iketi tip
their reeid.nre in that town.
Albert SI'. of Toledo, Ohio, wl o
left Winghatet about this ty yeara ag„,
was calling on friend. in town recent-
Miss %tweet -et Steele. sten ,grenher
in the bell factory office, had one of
her thumb"' badly crushed while clos-
ing the ...ate.
Wesley A toley, after enending holi-
deys at the pita...I:It'd h her. haw
1.11 for Regina to take up his duties en
• t etcher in that city.
Word has been receive/I of the death
e t Matilde. Mich., of Robert Ruth, A
former ;resident of Wirghion. He wa,
in the marble works husinee heir fer
some yeera.
Mi., Curs Hingeton. towo,
Edward Itiewkiee. Preston. were
united in marriage at St. Andrew'e
mangle on September 20,h. They u,ll
rraide at, Piestam.
Hair) CAIDP IMO heavily on ierlda• hot
that the till fair director de.; led not
to try to carry iert the progriiii for
that dee. sod the events wet.-
ponedIo t wo week,
Pte.. Goi don Small, son of the hate
R ibert Small of Winghave. and grand-
son of Mre. S.nell 01 ;hie town, died
September 114t3 from the effects of a
gorehot wound in the leg,
bride's mother by Rev. S. W. Mux-
wriebby. Mr. &rid •Mrs. Rohinson kyr
the same evesing for Detroit.
Mrs. Vivian Clarke. wife of Wallace
D. Clarke, manager of the Moleons
Bank bore. died oe Friday. 'and ult ,
atter an Mars of several nionths. ehe
was thirty-tireee year...1 age. The
interment was made it I. ndon, where
Mrs. Clarke formerly lived.
()n Friday evening. Vtui ult., thieves
broke Mao the hardware stores of
Me..... W. J. Heerlen and Hugh
Speckman of town and helped them-
selves to a number of resort, and
pocket keret,. At W. J Beaman's
reit anew wag Bret obtained to the
coed ceder themigh • Druid window.
but the doot to the main cella.. was
The two Bleier papers have in •
creased their sebeaription peke to
{Lai a year.
Kim Viola 4. o0•80. is the sew
teacher in ilisi Bann blab iehool,
taking the gime of Mies Hamilton.
who has ameoved to ffincrudiree.
Mes. Thee. alowaird died at Loudon
on be 2ith ult., aged sixty -nee years.
Mrs. Hower* whose maims suns
was Mary Perkin', melded ie Saner
before reeseeleg to Legolas.
On Wednesday, September rtli.
Mies Illisetta .1 Peeseeere. dangsser
.1 Mrs. IL Passenere. Rester. was
Iwedded be WWred C. Mobilising, el
Detroit. sem el Me. and Mrs. Wm.
Hobnails. el Mitehell. The eigensegy
was pollopoul as the been ef the
0 • i i
• T
-- OF
At the first opportunity you should arrange to visit
our store and examine our exceptionally fine line of
Sweater Coats
and. in fact. everything
forget the place.
Do colds settle on your chest or in your
hronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or
sre you subirect to throat troubles?
Such troubles shonld have immediate
treatment with the rare curative powers
of Scotts Einnilsion to guard against
consumption which so easily follows.
Scott'sRmulsion contains purecodliver
eil which peculiarly strengthens tbe re-
paratory tract and improves the quality of
the blood; the glycerine is it soothes and
heals the tender membranes of the throat.
Soott's is prescribed by the best special-
ists. Tou ma get it at any drag store.
aeon& lowas. Tereses. Oat.
for Fall and
The following prices for Ford cars will
I* effective on awl after Aug. 1, 1911; :
These prices ate poeitieely guaranteed again.t any re-
duction before Anglivt I, 1917, hit there iv no gimranter
against an advance in price at an. time.
It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
••••••••••••....."••••••• ••••••••••••••••r•••••••••
" In the Time of Peace Prepare for War"
There is a Long Cold
Winter Ahead of Yout
Old Favorite Hymns to be Retained.
The new Book of Praise for the Pre-
byterian church, which will be imareell
after tbe war. will contain shout
eighty mere selections than the pres-
ent bodt it will auperserle. The
Natter, which roomier the Met part
of the boot, has been revised and
et reeatbened. Special hymn easiest -
bores have been made tor the young
wed tbe children. and recial Derek,*
will have hymen' devoted to it.
Mew. Aleasieder McMIUan. Out con-
vener rit the revision °inbuilt tee, al ear
that no ono newt fear that old favorite
tones or hymns sill he discarded.
ilium changes are amole in obi tiptoe,
hot may to make the iihrawrology
The hymnal, or, tite It Is called, the
Book of Prater, in nee now In De
Preeloguaglaie church sae adngtrd in
ISO. The great radical °hang,
broach' 1, hy ule preen% honk wee
the missing of *he "amen" at lb* nisi
of the hymns. Poe yew :trtaritble
in t. sitestaseb Ileas
=tans *lona la del Anne
while the net lef the eoe•
•e••••••sst this ienewitieet male;
positing to tbi. ebang• Was sow died
IS tom Range in good repair ? Does it require over.
il 3111 i i 11 g ? " If GO, We .CAttry repairs:for 'the different
makes. If yonr Move is past repair call and set the
large assortment of stoves we carry for )ou to choose
from The " LIGHTER DAV'' Range is the latest
improvement in stove construction.
Are you going to put in a new Furnace thin Fall ? If
in, let us give 'son a fipire on it. 'We have a good second-
hand " Kelsey " in stock which is in good repair : in fact,
it is nearly as good as new, and is a snap for some person.
Let ns figute on your Plumbing, Heating, Electric
Wiring, etc.
We handle the best Scrat Coal.
Chestnut and Stove, per ton
Egg. Per ton
Cannel, per ton
Pea Coal, per ton
Soft Wood, per single cool
Hard Wood, per single cord
Chas. C. Lee
Phones: Store 22
House 112
The Square