HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-5, Page 6• • TatuRsu t v. &Tough L. 16:3 Goderich Industrial Exhibition. List of the Prize -winners at the Fall Falr Last Week. Ihtllowiog i. tbe list of prize -misters at the (.,slouch Iudulirial Exhibition. Meld last week HOItfst:S loaf'e'r F:k» syllios, any Me, over three years u in Magness, U. Me- h.- 011.hasgs110 b• T. (:usdry & lom. *illy or gelding, 1 )oil's uW, T. Yo- aloe. Wtellol. T. fl arth. ai heifer. 1. Salkeld, W.1111.1 & Son. Blood Mate, le; , Itrj latdk h.Rh and I`u }'at 'uw, it yHREP LCICESTI:Its W. Hill • Son. Two year old steer, O. Olen. W. 11111 d Son, L Salkeld. Yearling Steer, it. Glee, W. I1411 d Sou. O. 1' Steer coif, W. Hill R Son. Ede ant. G. Glen. EAT CATTLE Fat steer, W. Sill • Sou, W. Hw & der, with her foal by her aide, ledge. Trew+artha Bros. D. W legis&. }goal el 1946. Trewathe lard.. W. Rutledge, 1). McDougall. Iding*. is Pail of horse., ware* or ge haruce., 1'.; bend* bigh and under. Prize, by the Ireton !tank, McNeil ]fro*. of gelding, in hone., mare kslne*a. I51 hands high Ind uudef J. uls Higgeitbu, 1 a:. M. Dougal l . *AI HH.R Vete. or geldings. ('• i.aittigralte. "duetted', Stallion, any age, Bo.'1c'sbery, Ab. Stevemeru• }'ay or shown years in hat nese, Itl; hand, high, ProuAYea e. rling• filly or gelding, J. Feagli►t. Stugie carriage horse•, mare or geld tag, ovtl 15; hands high. 1st. prize, chart by Ikophy Bros. A. Gardner. .1. Chisholm. U6�F:IttL PCSPOwi+ Bawd mare, with bee toil L5• *ids, S. Ycllgtn, J. rowan. Gelding. 2 )cal, old, W. Rutledge,_ B. Lindsay. Filly. 2 yes'. old. A. W l.Rutledge. J. Filly, I yew Fesgnu Fisher. 8. Fall of 1:•16, A. & F:• Me - Math. !latched team, mares or 4.etding1, is harps.*. U. A.' Sterling, .1. F. Thump - nos, R. I:chlie. ' • mile,: ULT ('R?.L Brood state. with her foal by hen Wit,, A & E. Fi.her, J. Yuill., Uddtng,'! yea" old. A. & E. Fisher. Fill y.1 year old, S. McMeth. Uelirug, 1 year old. G. Latthwslte. Foal of 191e, A: & F.. Fiebct. J. Yuill. Tears. Mare» dr gelding. in hat um... A. & ►: F„hese, .1. Foley. H■.tvr i. 0' r, 1M POs': ED OR. CAaAUIAN. HkF:O item Iamb, 1t. Glee. G. Laltbwalte. Ewe, : shears and over, which roared a Iamb 111 1916, R. Olen, (1. I.althwaaK. Shea, ling Ewe. it. Glen. R. (.len. }:we lamb, R. Olen. R. Olen. LINCOLN* italu, -' shears and over, T. M. Slow den. Ram lamb, T. M. Snowden. Ewe, 2 *heart and over. which raked a lamb in 1916, 1'. M. Snowden. Shearinig Ewe, T. M, Snowden. };enc Iamb, T. M. Snowden. OxPORDtHIRE MOWN++ Shearing rani. Trewartha tiros. 44 Rani Iamb, W. F. Young A Ties antis Bros. Eee. 2 shears and over, which raised a lamb iu 1916, Trewartba Bro». W. F. Young A Son Sheartiug Ewe. Trewartha Bros. W. F. Young .i Son. W. Ewe 14110). W. F. Young ,( Son. F. young A Sou. FAT SHEEP Son, Belt fat sheep. ewe and Glee, T. M. Snowden. 1 at MueIH IF.ItasH1RC Boar, over 1 year old. T. M. Snowden. Boat. littered in 1916, It. Snowden Est. Sou. 1 year old Ind over, baying littered in 1916. R. Snowden. Est. Sow, littered in 1916, T. N. Snowden, it. Snowden Est. CUE.N'rl K WHITE: .. Boar. littered I u 1916, O. l.atth w site. Sow. littered in 1916, F. C. Cook. TAMWORTHr wether, R, Brood Ware with fowl by her side, Urey Ilro.t. A. & E. 6'i.hcr. Tearti, mare, or gelding., in 1st prise by W. Prou:if..rt•t, Es.l., •!1. 1'. p., J. Folev,.W. F. Young i Son. 6eittim - 2 year old, J. Chisholm. Filly,1 year. old, A. & E. Fisher. Foil 1916, Giey Bros Thr best halter broken colt foaled in 1616, exhibited and led by a boy under 15 yearsof age, A. & E. Fisher. A. A E. Fisher. Swill mire by Goderich Signal for the beat colt in cls• -es 4, 5 and 6. Grey Bro. • :.i l• Fat mei tint or pace'_ purse Irk - divided f Il .. alt+. 1 1 Billy 1►uairt' J.as.•Altuu, Itellat., ]unite A Juice W'estuu,ay • TI!Ir. SIGNAL GODERICH :ONTARIO TRAPPERS' St -rid your RAWFURS toJ011N HALLAM sissire heat *rob M saga oar* t i r orra am wu' aharepro pass.ontam awn 5••rW ea ass mram8•511 rrooreT ..MEE . IIIA1..AM Limit 167 Hallam Building, Toronto J. S. How tie. Dwelt*. any other variety, duck, IL,. J. S. Howrte. Mrs. J. S. Bowrie. Guinea Fowl. :oek. A. Jose.. Guinea Fowl. hes. A. June.. Leghorn«, brown. stnglc , uwb, cock- erel, Yr.. J. S. Hoe rte. 1.4g born.. brown, Mogle Comb pullet, G. Wat.u^ t:. Wst-.'u. Leghorn*. buff, pullet. A. Jouc•. Leghorn«. white. single comb. cocker el. T. J. Hoggahrttc. Riegle 'logger ceu ub, pullet. bighorns, T..1. Htsarth, 1'. J. flagrant.. Leghorn*. white. rose comb. cockerel, M. E. I.yieberner, 31. E. Lymhurner. 1.eghorte.. white, rose comb, pullet. M. E. l.ywburnrr. Y. E. I,y'wbutner. 19ywuuth Rucks, barred, cockerel, R. C. Postle'thesite. 0.F. Edward. Plymouth hocks, barred, pullet, R. C. Pontletllwalle, 0. F. 3dward. PtywoIlth Rocks., white, cockerel, J. B. Knight, J. B. Knight. pullet, J. B. Plymouth Rocks. white, { x Kuight. J. B. Knight. ;ockercl. W. Wyaodottes, white. Doak. .1 . F. Reynold.. Wyandotte*. white. pellet. J. F. Reye nolle. W. Moak. Wyandotte., silver laced. cockerel, Mrs I Bowels. Wyandotte., golden, cockerel. M. E. Lytuber' Der. Wvaudotle*, g. d n, pullet. Y, E. 1.y trthwttier. Orpington*, huff, cockerel, C. Well*, I. o. Knight. millet, C. Wells, .1. Orpington+. buff, { B. Knight. t)rptngtonv, white, cockerel, J. Yuri!, M. E. Lymburner. Orpington., white. pullet. 31. E. Lvm• twiner, M. E. Lyruburuer. Andalusiane cockerel, ]ors. J, S. How ie Ant:aivalans, pulet, . Mrs. l l o w ria•. Game, black breasted, red, cockerel. A. Jones. pullet, (:atm, black breasted, red, p A. Junes. Game. duckwing, bantams. cockerel. A. Jour s, Bantams. any other variety: cockerel. ,A. Snare!. pullet. Bantams, any other variety. p A. t,narel. Black Laugshan». pullet, Mrs J. S. Boerne. Rhode Island iced, cockerel, A. Jones. Rhode bland ►ted. pullet. A. Jones. Turkeys. biotite. cock. F. C. look. O. F. Et1ward. Turkey'.. Moore. hen. F. C. Cook. O. F. Edward. Turkey.. any other variety. cock, A. Jones. F. ('. Cook. Turkeys. any other variety, ben. A. Jones. F. C. Cook Geese, Toulouse, gander, F. C. Cook, O. F. Edward. Geese. Toulouse, goose. F. C. Cook, (), F. Edward. ander. 0. Geese, any other variety, B Lait1Waltc. Dose. G. Geese, any other variety. g Laithwalte. (tucks. Pekin. drake, 11. K. Revell. (tucks. Pekin, duck, 11. K. Revell. Ducks, Rouen, duck. G. Lalthwaite. Ducks, any, other variety. drake, O. Lalth%site, H. K. Revell. Ducks, any other variety, duck, 11. $unlalvy. H. K. Revell. . Guinea Fowl, cock. A. Jones. (9tinels Fowl. hen, A. Joneu. Roar, over 1 year old: T. Y. Snow• den. Boar, littered in 1916, J. Suwerby .t Son. • Sow, 1 year ant over. having; littered in 1316, T. M. Suovelcn, H. h. Retell. Sow•„Jitit•rc.l le 1916. T. II. Snowden. It. Snootiest E*t. IMPRO%Etr I:010E51115V •Sow, littered in 1936. 0. Lalthwaite. H.%le l'.=1 H P F: Bow. 1 year old and over, having littered in 1916. A. A E. Fisher. Sow, littered in 1916, A..( E. Dither. UItALF.d Sow. 1 year old and over. having littered to 1916, F. C. Cook. Sow. littered in 1916. 1st prize, chair, Gwletich .dauufactti ling Co., R. Snowden EA. POULTRY Y T 2 Ilrahma light or dark. cock. Mrs. J. 5. flouter, G.Nation. Bad rshw, light or dark. hen, M. E. Lywb;:rner, M. E. Lymburner. Ilsmhurg., spangled, cock. H. C. I'o.tlethwaite. A. Jones. B rood Hamburg,. apssaled. heo, It. C. ]1,ty i, :.u3cn- . 1 3 3 Po*r lcthwate. It. C. F0'tjetbwane. Mack Spanish, hen. Mrs. .1. S. Jlren.,tt McDoulia►i, Porters Hill. Il rwne Pa 2.40 Tleo'( OR PACE•. Leghorn", brown, single. comb. cock. Puree f. divided 50, 23, 15 and Mr*. J. S. Howrie Si rs. J, S. uwr►e. 10 per mut. 1 1 1i.egburns, Lruwn, alugle comb. hen, Mrs. 1. 8. Howrte. 1.egborns, brown, Mr...1. S. Howrte. Legbcrne, brown. MM. 1. 8. HOwrie. Legltorns. buff. cock, A. Jones. IRgliorna, buff, ben. A. Sone*. Leghorn*, white, mingle comb. cock. T..1. Il, •ggarth . Leghorn', white. single comb, hen, M. E. Lymburner, T..1.oggarth. It C. Plymouth Bock., Post let h waste. 0. Watson Plymouth Rocks, barred. hen. It. C. I'ostlet h waits. O. F. Edward. l'lvmoutb Itock., white. cock. J. B. Kni4ht, W. Hoak. Plymouth Rocks, white, hen. W. I)oak, .1. B. Knight. Wyandotte,. whits:, cock, J. 1'. Rey - At MODEL THEATRE, Goderich, Friday, October 13th lord leintlee It. Mt•i eau, Goderich. 9 3 }:vs. Inllanl .1s. McMann', Srltford. 3 3 :I Andy l:edlack Bert v 3 Itowenbetry, Ileosall (CATTLE aHORTHukN Bull, I year olu. 1. Salkeld. Bull calf, mulct 1 year. it. 'Glen, I. Salkeld. W. Hill d' lion. (ow in calf or fitting milk, R. Glen, Itj(:teu. 1. Salkeld. Heiler, Y year. old. 1st tq prize. Mil lar'. Scotch Store. goods Salkeld, W. Hill .f Hon. Heifer, I year old, R. Glen. W. H111 a Sow 1. Salkeld. Heifer calf, under I year. R. Glen, It. Glen. nolle, w . hoar. Herd, consisting of 1 bull and / Wyandotte.. white, hen, W. Doak, females. R. Glen. • 1. F. Reynold,. 1.OLLEU 14N(U4 on AHFRIE,EN Wyandotte.. silver laced, hen, Mrs. Roll, any sue. J. S. C' -lark, A. A E. \[ Wyandotte,. golden. cock, M. E. Lymburner. Wyandotte,, golden. lien, M. E. Lymburner. I{, E. Lyn Orpingtma. buff. cock, y burner. M. E. Lytiibitrner. Orpington,. buff. hen, J. B. Knight, M. E. Lvmburoer. Orpington*. white, cock, Y. E. Lym burner, M. E. Lymburner. Orpington.. white. hen, M. E. Lym- burner, M. E. Lymburner. Andalualana, cock. I. 8. Howrte. rose comb, cock, rose comb. hen, .1. Si. THE moving pictures, "Britain Prepared," are shown by Roy a1 sanction and per- mission, under the patronage got their Majesties Ding George and Queen Mary, ami their Royal liighties..es the Doke and Duchess of Connaught. They are voached for by Right Honorable Arthur Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty, who made a notable speech at their first present- ation in London at the Empire Theatre. "I am convinced," said Mr. Balfour on that occasion. "that such representations as you are about to see, and which I have done my in- dividual beta to further, will do ranch in this and iu other countries to put the great operations of war that are now going on in their true perspective." }flier. ('ow.in calf or giving milk, A. & i:. Fisher. Heifer over 1 year and under :t years, A. & E. Fiber. Heifer calf, under 1 year. A. A E. Fisher. .1 R1ttiFTY tow, in call or giving milk, G. faith - visite. 0. Lslthwaite. Heifer. 2 years old. in calf or giving milk, (1. I.aithwaite. G. W. WoraeU. Heiler, under 2 years old. 1st print,' Andalusian.. hen. .1. S. 'Marie. hat. by W. C. Pridham, G. Minorca)+, black, cock, T. J. Hog LaiUiwaite' galtl . Jt UrF: norcas. black, hen, T. J. lloggarth. Game, black breasted, red. hen. A. 1 ('+,w, giving milk or 1n calf, milking end beettn4 qualities twnsldered. 1st Jones.any other variety, cock, pme, rope machine by Robert Wilson,tame,, ' 1t, ('thwvito. A. Brawril. (1. Glen, W. Hill A on. }tas(.am«, any other vaety. hes. Heifer. 2 years Old. W TIM1311 .l Son. R. (, pontlethwalte, A. Hassel. Heifer, 1 vear oke. W. trill & floc. Black Laherite, hen, Mn. .I. S. Better calf, under 1 year. U. Olen, Howrte. Rhode Island Red,pock, A. Jones. Ithode Island Red, hen. A. Jones. Any other variety of fowl. hen, W. Doak. O. P. F.e Turkeys, bronze. cock, ward, F. C.. Cook. Turkeys. bronze, hen, O. F. Edward, F. C. Cook. Turkeys. any other variety, poet. L. J one a. Turkeys. any other variety. bM, A. J osea. tat' Geese. Toulouse, gander, F. C.,Oeet• • Geese, Toulouse, goose, H. Has1•hy. • - - ` O. P. Rdward. (eerie, say other varlet,. gaader. Oe Lslthwalte. Orem, env other varlets. goats. O. Lalthwaile, A. Jose*. W. tialkele. Hooka, Praiaa. drake, 3. T. C. Cook. Dinka. Pablo. east, 3. W. Nalksld, 1.D Oe. Houma. deske. O. j,�ww. DMS, Sousa. dash. G. ti•IIDwa1M• O.T. ward. Dcts, say otter variety, drab. lis. FI1t6ELIN(i PENN Brehm's, light or dark. Y. E. Lyra burner. Leghorn*. any variety. T. G. Hog- gartb. A. Halliday. Wyan,lottes• Y. E. Lymburner, J. F. Reynolds. I.angsbans. Yrs. J. S. Howrte. Game. any variety. A. Jose". J. B. Plymouth Rocks. say variety' Knight. i1. K. Revell. Spanish. any variety. Mrs. J. 8. Howrie. Orpington', any variety. Y. E. Lym- burner. '. not lea' than 3 Collection of PJ/eon pairs. Mrs. J. S. Howrte• J. B. Knight Singing Canary, U. W. Andrews. F. Collection of Fish In aquarium. Barker. One dozen hoariest single yolk lieu's eggs. A. Sloan, C. W. Worsen. AU11ICULTURAL PRODUCTS FIELD GRAIN', K1'C. Fall Wheat, white, named, Mina M. Curwen. Barley. any variety, ranted, Mins Y Ourwon. White Oats, any variety. named. Bell Bros., Bell Bros- variety. named. 0. Black Oats. any y• F. Edward. White Resins, A. Halliday. Sunflower Seed, beat sad heaviest, U. I.sithwalte, A. Hnsfalvy. FIELD Rooms. v0OrrTAlt.FA St: iaberrsedlal• Ma.gd3 Wnrtsel. F. Barker. Seaga, Mangold*• for feeding portiones. J. Whyte CsrTWe, F. Barker. A. Halal BRITISH MOTOR CYCLE MACHIN The gasoline motor is a factor in this war, an.l so is the bicycle. new factor is the machine gun. The motor cycle machine gun corps combines all these modern inventions Into one. Another pertaining. They .r being conducted. . British Navy on Guard < < RITAI S Prepared" means the British o r ► g navy on guard fit st of all. The power l of Britain, era -girt and era bred, lies! i • l primarily- in her navy. If ever there was any failure to realize that primary fact. it is • made plain by the moving picture camera and the wonderful film "Britain Prepared." far It shows those modern floating castles of nickel steel. with their turret forts and their con- ning towers and their btoad, clean decks, as �� tel•• , '. .. • w ,,••t f plainly as though the beholders were ou board. It show.: those terrib:e, almost unbelievable i guns, such as the Queen Elizabeth used to send ' a one -ton projectiles across the isthmus of Gal- lipoli. 1 ` It shotvs,the "men who have made old Eng- land's naive" on duty, aboard the battleships, the cruisers, the torpedo boats. the submarines, and the airships. . The spectator is taken down under the sea SAILOR LADS ON H.M.S. ELIZABETH in a suhmarineand up above the• clouds aboard Life on board a battleship oq actin 'melee r. not all, play. although an aeroplane. there is allowance Mads for e.• .Apprentices ate here shown tinselling a few He goes aboard amine -sweeper. He paw things about knot, and apparently enjoying the lesson. the slippery decks in a storm. with the North . Sea rollers smashing over the lw,ws and dashing spray high in the air. Writers like Kipling and Ralph Connor have written of their visits to the grand tit -et. These pictures take you there. Von see for yourself, and the experiences are your own. Nothing like it was ever possible to'the public be- fore, for this is the first great British war since moving pictures were invented. realized after seeing these "Britain Prepared." as a film production, made a profound impression in England and the British Isles. Foe the first time the British people were able to grasp the magnitude of the operations of which only local details had been apparent. owing to the policy of strict censorship pictures the unprecedented scale upon which this war is STARTED WORK AGAIN 60 AFT R. lapk.iI. oat "Thor 'wasp r hot sus pine Ia sr back that 1 wall sot wort I rib* show* Ota *1111 sed meg ler a ample alai ...M them. sal n SUMO the pains wars tesvlsa tots NA that 1 wM t.ellsg bitter. ager I ked MOM '1t e� bolts KIOIRn mai m.0M e 1•ea +i.0. or of as r as • ranee.wmit sew t i etalons L_� .s Ttlaaan toies + o>1eSaf d fl M � a Britain Transformed HIE'. r filth "Britain •Prepared" comprises . ' . w Ili'; r T the officially authorized pictures of the • ;w` "r' t! - i British ImperialGovernment t^ken to et •+, �+show the tremendous part Britain is playing in this war. vj `-!-They were taken by the foremost moving pictttre producers•of Great Britain,acting under the directions of the Cinema Committee notnin- , � x + r- •� ��, tier ated by the British Cei vrnt est. They are moving pictures taken by the most a Z" '• modern cameras, and they, are beautifully clear, sharp and distinct. They show the transforma- tion that the war has wrought in the British Isles --women working in the places of sten ; the . men training as soldiers in Kitchener s army of volunteers. They show the enthusiasm and the earnest - a ness of the recruiting, the thoroughness of the ADJUSTING BARBED WiRE ENTANGLEMENTS training of the new armies, the life of the men When trench warfare became the settled thing there wit. a great call for in the training camps. They show how industrial Beltran is concen- barbes{ wire. Wire mills in America received huge orders. "Britain )?repared shows how barbed wire is used in modern war. orated on the war, atom' the factories are organ- ized to supply the equipment and the munitions for the British armies and those of her allies. They show the very life and spirit of England -"Mother of Freedom" -in the strain and stress of the present struggle. They show what war means to the heart of the Empire, and that the people of the Motherland are closer to the battlefront than we have perhaps imagined. dad G. W. Andrews, G. Lalthwatte. Cera. AMC any other variety. I. Halkeld. F. Harker. Largest reNtta, F. Barker, A. 13alll- da Squeak. G. 8. Haat, P. Dark- rTwelve largest sad trent stalks Field Cern. G. Gies, F. C. (look. pyre Dew for ssaar ,,.pees, T. 1m• eotlnetton of geneses 1• terese eisigga wo by one Wiser. Priae by pp�r{at Mar, Yessrw. Yawl or • maul, T. porker. Gowtlnwed on page 6. Super -Dreadnought in Action IFFICI`LT indeed to realize is the effect D olo modern ships of war in action. The huge weight and power of the modern super -Dreadnought is a development of very recent years. Her huge guns are themselves a new development. Few people in this country ever saw a modern battleship. The film "Britain Prepared" shows tbe greatest of all the new battleships •actually in action. It shows the Queen Elizabeth -"Big Lizzie" of the Dardan- elks---firing her great broadsides. It shows the "reeking tubes," the clouds of smoke, which half envelop the ship, the spurts of flame. It pots the spectator as near to the heat of a naval engagement as it is possible to get without risk- ing his life. When it is realized that these are the guns which threw projectiles weighing 1,500 pounds across Gallipoli Peninsula to crush the forts on tbe Dardanelles, the effect is awe-inspir- ing, Their lotfg. tapering barrels are big enough in the bore to permit • man to crawl through them. They and the machinery by which they are no smoothly operated are the last word to date as to man's power of scientific de trnetfon-unless rumors be true that Germany has produced a gun still bigger. Bnt that remains to he seen. GREAT Fore turret orf aspetr•Deeadnought Queen Elizabeth. the pride of the grand fleet, and the great guns which threw shells weighing over 1.0011 pounders/cram Gallipoli Peninsula into Turkish fortrewse* on tke Dardanelles. GUNS or OLD ENGLAND to