HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-5, Page 5A FENDER OFF,
bent or broken 1 Bring the car hen
and get it strstgbtetted out or re
paired. We want )tau to kilos. 0..1
or eau and rill du that or au) other
repair jab. We win aid hold .,sur
trade by giving you servi. a that . ai
can't get elsewhere. and at small c, at.
East Street Garage
Caned and Our• •. p. A M GLOVER
• erecter& Man. Phone 243
Thanksgiving Day.
Monday oval. October nth, will he
Thaak.giving Day and a public buh-
Bowling Tournament.
A locust Motormen' in el otch
doubler will be held by the lawn bowl-
ing club on Tb•okfgivieg Day. the
prizes being doomed by Mr. Charles
&)arrow, president or the club. Play
is to commence at 111 o'clock a. e.
"The Birth of a Nation "
Areangements have baso made for •
presentation of the gnat moving pic-
iature film. "*be With of • Nation," at
Victot•i•Opera Howse on Saturday.
Oetulter ?1st. Thu ie • famous p.o-
ductlon which everybody in Ooderleh
and vicinity will want to see.
For Canadian Soldiers.
A Canadian Avsociated Pres' cable
frau London. Bog.. October'Std, says :
•'Princess Artbut of
u en *u btyes-
terday e
terdr opened Ly ps
Canadian soldier. cuovlescsnt home,
which is hetng maintained by Mrs.
Sandford Fleming crud friends." This
Is the convalescent bonze t•, which the
AMMorek. Maple Leaf and eloangetaha
Chapters of Lown contributed a bed.
A Word of Warning.
Victoria Opera House, Goderich
Mr. J. R. McNabb, of Dungannon,
the well-known producedealer,
ea e selliog . cau-
tions al-
fernier* against
their hone, as souse are inclined to do
because ofitbe high coot of feed. Mr.
McNabb. who studies the 'market
easefully. states that poultry, eggs
intend buying a Piano
some day. and have been
waiting until a good oppor-
tunity offers. THIS IS YOUR
OPPORTUNITY. Every instru-
ment is a bargain, has been care-
fully tuned and polished and is in
the best possible condition.
OCTOBER 11 51J 12
Jkttt+F: I_ 1.AMl:l'
In "The Immigrant"
I MI AL Mlles
•• Britain Prepared "
0.. Day 0 year , Oct. 14
Mix rum,
Monday • "The Iran Claw'
Tuesday - Mussel Feature
e outs*
Mary Pickford w -The Foundling"
GEO. E. KING, - Proprietor
Mrs eHa'aMM, wile of Mr. Ales. titrW-
es. tors talismans. os Tuesday eves-
ing. M. W boos indisposed for see-
(end days. but was aot supposed to be
daoEsrossly i11, and insisted upue her
husband's atteodiog the induction ser-
ried at Keel rhumb that •veni.R•
11 was •bout 10 o'clock that she
slipped away. her daughter. Mew
tlbeeney, of Heaforth, beta` with her
at the time. The luorral will take
place to Maitland eetnetery towulrow
(Friday) efternuuu, the funeral .swiss
at ilia family residence. Ills David's
street, commencing at 2.:S0 o'clock.
Death of Mr. H. Stowe.
The news of the death of Mr. Heat y
litowe, which occurred at Detroit ua
Monday,'25th ult.. was received with
surprise and regret to Godorick, the
deceased tieing an old and well-known
citizen of this town. He bad left
lioduricb ab .tat ten days before. ap-
parently in good health, 1,0 a holiday
trip to Point Edward rind Detroit.
While at Detroit be was taken i11, and
a week later death ensued. Mr. Stowe
was born texty-eight yrars ago sr.
Hamilton, hut he spent the great part
of his life in Outlet ich. For twenty-
five years or mon be bad been a
valued employee of the town as an en-
gineer at the pupping station. He
was one of the oldest wenn ars of tb.
I. G. O. P. in Uoderirh and had • •sti-
rsn Oddfellow'v jewel, the gift of
Huron Lodge. Mie. Stowe died a year
ISO last spring, and two eons meet
two daughters survive : Harm aid
Kenneth, Mrs. Geo. Dunlop en Miss
Florence Stowe, all of tows. A
brother and two sister•s also survive --
Mr. Frederick /Stowe, of Wiarto. ;
Mrs. Glucide, of Hr•udon. Mao., and
Mrs. Saunders, of Winnipeg. The
funeral took place from the hone. of
Mr. Geo. Donlon, South street, on
Thursday afternoon of last week to
Maitland cemetery.Rev. James HOMO -
ikon conducted tservices, and the
Ibe•rers were Metiers. Hobe. King,
I. f•iaults, Thos. McKenzie J. R
Kelly, John McKenzie (Point "Edward)
and Robt (liven. The members of
Huron Lodge. No. tr..',. 1. O. 0 le., at-
tended in • body and conducted the
Oddfellows' burial service at the
Those present iron) a distance were
k Stowe and daughter,
and hotter will r.test sin at high price.
for at least • year and • half, end it
will he profit able t T buy feed even at
the high prices and keep up the flock..
Appointed Deputy Judge.
Owing to the large amount of woi k
devolving upon His Honor Judge
D.ckson in coneepueoee of the Illness
of Hie Honor Judge Holt, the Depart-
ment of Justice has appointed a dep-
uty judge ietbe per•sun of Mr, R 1'.
Hays, barrrister, of Goderich, who
will relieve Judge Dickson of souse of
his duties. The new deputy judge
was sworn in on Tuesday last. The
appointment will list interfere at all
"rob Mr. Hays' legal practice.
The Exhibition.
There was • large attendance at the
Goderich Industrial Exhibition on
Thursday afternoon last, but the rain
nu Thursday evening and again on
Friday kept the people away and fi-
nancially the fair cannot be said to
have been • success. So far as the
exhibits are concerned. the Exhibition
was well up to the standard of prev-
ious years and in some respects an
advance was shown. The attractions.
too, were good and every body was
well satirtied with the oriel am pro-
vided. Owing to the condition of the
track the speeding tests arranged fur
Friday could not be carried out.
The list of ptizo-winnere ,appears in
another part tat this paper.
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the most in-
tense and continuous sym-
pathy with her kidney -s.
The slightest disorder in the
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease in
the reproductive organs.
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the kidneys to their
perfect condition. prevent
and cure those fearful dtr-
ord.rs peculiar t0 women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers. suffering wives
and women entering upon
the Change of Life, your
bat fr+on4 is
$3S.IS Piano Case 6 Octave Organ,12 stops, 5 sets of
reeds, in good order.
$45.00 -Blatchford Piano Case 6 OctaVe Organ, ma-
hogany wood. A splendid Organ and well
worth more money.
$50.00 --Weber Square Piano. rosewood case and a
good Piano for the price.
$21510—Wormwith Piano, beautiful mahogany. very
latest design of case, splendid tone. in the
very beat condition, used only 3 months.
Original price $325.00. Don't miss this
$285,00--Heintanan & Co. Piano, burl walnut case,
used 18 months, as good as new. beautiful
tone. Original puce $400. One of the best
opportunities you will ever have to own a
Heintzman & Co. Piano.
$28.5.14--Heintzman & Co. Piano. in perfect condition,
and possessing the splendid tone of these
celebrated Pianos.
D. as* wait lett swam* doe to get alsai of yes.
Cess Inky. We have semetiiag to sort yen
'g.vst.naw, Oor. L MIM
B •
•rCut hibe..h
Tea Cam bN
leu know bow werytbtng
snore ore when you have to
buy o• credit. Why i t
practice ase -dental ter a while tf oecesaary. open a Savings Acoouot
in the Unci Bank of Canada, and with the money to hand,
buy at Cash prices? The discounts will help to swell your bank
financialbalance, and you will have made a good start towards financial
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMIBE, Manager.
Auburn : Mr. Fred Carter. Wing- e.w�as/.�
ham. Winter
A farewell dance f,•, the benefit of New
the (elft 11iltalton will begtv'ru hy
the Stewart Otrh,• Ira, w (hldfrllowi
Hall, this Friday evening, October II.
On account of the holiday on Mon-
day the Genets,' Brough Chapter,
U. D. K. will hold uta 111.,•, ung 00
Thursday. October 12th, at 1 1 i, in the
court house.
The name of Mary (Dowell is to he
added to the It••t ut the pupils ,:f Cen-
tral school who have ..cured high
school entrance standing.
That's What James Whitt Says of Dodd s
Kit sey Pills.
Victoria Beach, Annap it s 1',•., N.
N. Oct. 2nd (Special). Mi. James,
White, • welt-kn,.wit re-i,lent here, is
among the no.,:v in 1hie :•„mint)' who
are always via. y t,..i.,te their neltef
Ithat Dodd'. Kofi•) I',11. air the
greatest of all .1 . c , e,urdr
"lcandoagiad,t.:v, work 111 VI:
Mr. White say'.. (Sur that I rove 10
Dodd'. Kidney 1',11 roue I stetted
Mr. Frederic ow tieing thew I w.... ii -iv far gone. 1
Miss Emma. of Wiartoo ; Mr. and I eoukl not Jrrp.ix nat ight and 1 had to
Mrs. John smith. Kinloss : Messrs. gel up five ,n t ,-vel y tight.
et. Carter, John Cracknell, Reg. Dun - I had ..very .y,upt,•n, id ,li..t.. t.•, ' ,
lop, Mrs. Wm. Milne and daughter, you mac know I w.,+vi'l y .11:kruao,'
f Toronto M John McKenzie I
*11 of ; r. Dodd's Kidney Pills taken regularly
__ K ll p I btude of (tread dtera.es that p R
Me from sick kidney..
Presentation of Prizes. •
A pleasant hour waa .pert by mem-
bers of the •ep•r•te.ebcol and their
friends on Friday last, the occasion
bring the prr.eotatioo to the succe-e-
ful,eandi aem st the enU.,uce exam-
inations of prize. donated 1•y Mr. and
Mn. James Doyle. After a delight-
ful program by the children Mr. Doyle
I complimented the succe. fol pupils
and the teachers and distributed the
wiles, encouragiog the present chars
hy offering .i,uilar prizes for the year
191. Rev. Father McRae addr .sed
the children and thanked Me. and
Near• Doyle for their generaus dona-
tions. The proceedings closed with
the singing of "God Save the King"
and the giving, of three cheers and •
'•tiger" fur Mc. and Mrs. Doyle and
the teachers.
Uur Soldier Song-Wrder.
Many arc the patriotic airs that
tan is to b your have beep published Ponce the hertin-
The belt puy y
Ding of the war, Mut one that p,,,,,,,.
smoking materials in one place. ism to become • general •avn.ite fie
Most men prefer to do this, so we "The Call." written by Pte. 'Tommy
are prepared to give particular Pritchard. late of the "Princes Pats.
and one of the heroes of Festubert
attention t0 regular customers. 1 who is well known locally. As the
1f you are •cigarette smoker and prefer ' title suggests, it is a recruiting song,
9u.ki16" you should try Tuckelts Special and surely one who lite experienced
Turkish. A well known tobacco expert the rigor's of war.•.and, was inv•f`ided
says thus cigarette contains one of the fie home suffering teem 'the effects of
ed blends of Turkish tobaccos on the German gas. is in a po.itioo to sound
• market Faceptionally good value. 10 "Tote Cali." Those who have tried
for 15c. the Kong pronounce it to be one of the
Point Edward • Mr. John McKenzie, are artier pr•rventirr front its. ni`nl-
Detroit ; Mrs, r ogg, aria ;
and Mrs. S. Carter and dauliter
Fine Wool Caps, Bonnets.
Jackets, Leggings, Mit-
tens, Bootees.
Boys' and Girl Wool Caps,
white and colored.
Stamped Novelties for Christ-
mas Gifts For verym
small outlay and soework
you can make beautiful
Materials for doing Fancy
Work always on hand.
Also Toweflings, Linens Pil-
low Cotton, Scarfing, al-
ways m stock.
�.tt en �w
hest with •hunt
FOR E BY nR melody that
' catches the ear, lint', as • one person
I .ayo. "YQu ju.t have to keep hum-
( mi .itotRte Vbole day -lo g and even
h w tip in your sleep . sing it."
Nezt Davey'% Jevrelery Store Gi> c ' 110....A'ritchard intends fling the
principal military ramps' fore they
break up for winter quarters and ex-
' heels • big sale. Music -lovers of Gode-
Most Eminent Medical
rich and district ran obtain copies
from the printers of the song, the lo -
Authorities Endorse Its dependent fah nit Co., Weal
street (next sttarar of11,w), for the small
sum of 25c, or hum Pte. Pritchard.
Death's Doings.
Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwaite M
well as Dr. Simonthat whatever may be , nguished ; Death le this
h. s week. luivy 0,i )4at.urda among our
•nth gree
the disease, the grioe seldom faits in Johnston, widow of the lata Robert
furnishing as with a clue to the princi- Johnston, passed away, having sur -
pies upon which it is to be treated, vived ner husband neatly eight years.
and accurate knowledge concerning the The funeral took place on Monday
llamas of disease can thus be obtained. from her late residence. corner Wel-
l( backache, scalding urine or -frequent 1 tington and Quebec streets, to Malt -
urination bother or digress you, or if I land cemetery. Rev. J. B. Pothering-
ari% acid in the blood has sassed maim, m, gout or sciatica Or you suspect
kidney or bladder trouble Om write Dr.
Pierce as the Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
N.Y.; send • sample of urine and de-
ecriM mptoms. You will receive free
t s�advice arise Dr.Pteeee's chemist
has examined the urine — this will be
carefully don. without charge andyou
will be ander no obligation. Dr. Fierce
d ting m ny • ears of experimentation
ham conducted the services, and the
pallbearers were Messy.:. R. Tait, C. C.
Lee, F. E. Bingham and G. L. Pat -
sons. Mn. Marlton and Mlle
of town, are sisters of the de -
On Monday Mr. James Taylor. a
well-known former resident of Col -
bovine township. died at hie borne.
Anglesey street. in his seventy-third
ear. The funeral wild take place
has d a new remedy which b• t Patorday. at 2 31 o'clock p to. to
Blade le thirty -.even times mon poser- I Oolburm cewetery. Mr. Taylor was
631,_601„,„2",_,_"1 1a removing •vie acid on several oecesi_ns ea honored rev-
roti . ysm, If yos are ensuing r•sentarive of the people of Colhorne
bei !..tache or the pelts of rbwm•- township in muoieipal *fides and wee
Mink to your best drrggig •54 ask an •z -eve of the towwekip.•
for a go lest box of Am ine" pet up Mmvtve ate occurred the .k.th
wpy Dr. Pewee• Db.. PiMes'e Favid., . Mr. a Melones, in his niowty-
proeiipMss for week asses Der Dr. thIrd year, after a long illness. Mr.
s er pars art from Chasse, sedtiene.
M Desks sag
bo s bowels. yea toref GOderieb foe the last %grassy ears.
the awe avid lmsY. ?oa vas get . 1 No leaves • daughter. Mra Joseph
hum fetal peolleigs foe lOe. of esti I NoM.. of town. and a .i.tst. Mr. Me-
ss boo r—_ by writing Millen. of ltr•torM. who al -o has et-
.�� 1 I tateed a g•rd star. The funeral tont
- Doe.or Pf.ns's Pellets aro vssgsais4 dans e* Wrd•esday aIto** tote hours
of lira Noble. flats• street • t o 10.1.1a -
a it -
N • Liver PDN. Ossa tliily, Sstgr weld land ttemtt.•ry. Rev. J. B. Pothering -
DNP. Oar* 6Mk AMd ha„� gating. The pallMsrwn w, rue
)�Mtm H sMssad polio Morra7 [loo McLeod, Winter 1
!lire, f HrsIry and Wm. V.soman.
I Drools. Quite usexpeeted was the death of
eta M e Getdoh medical Dably ky a Melissa came to C•o•d• •hill -six
lisps vel bee favorably fl
lotfgieeda forte years a folio" .4 the oorupatles of • f•e-
- tlllated•rd twt�edtse b"d•y--Y Datil bis r«irr,sreat ••d bed lived
• , r
~ f•
„ate •
vj e
:: •
.1 1:
• . .
you know why
is the largest
selling gum in
the world?
Flavor and the
Sealed Packao
are three big reasons. And the Value it
gives In long-lasting, beneficial enjoyment
is a point that people appreciate. The
air -tight package keeps the flavor and
quality as fine as when made in the
wonderful Wrigley factories.
Write for the Sprightly Spearmen's luny
Mother Goose book. Address Wm. Wrigley
7r. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Sending. Toronto, Qat.
Chew it
meal I
Made in
Sealed tight --Kept right
- tl
•• ••/
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