HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-5, Page 4t. pet. Ill Mir 4" 3 UP Borsalino Hats aro the nuea high-grulc Hat- it, the world. Their New Fall Styles Are Here! ilea's OVF.9COATS --Boys' '.mi .1,.n't nerd to be told priers sty' higher - y••u know that -but wawa itstauding the advatu•e we are going to aril most o1 our ()ver -oats at last year's price Huy your Over- crwit early'. you will get better cloths and better prices by doing so. Special Orders If you want your Suit or Over- coat made to measure let us take vont• order for the celebrated bah Century Brand. large sel- ection of cloth- and style., 1„ choose frm. Walter C. Pridham rime 57 Kte10- MONDAY, Oct. I. (lonsouttiag le the order of the day. Mies Violet Audis left tor Detroit last Monday. Mort Fielding has purchased a Void automobile. "Toot, toot, Moi t.'• Misr Aunt Sullivan, who rpeut the post smuttier at house, has returned to Detroit. Everyone took to the Gislericb fair Iasi Thursday and says that it was the Lest yet. Mrs. Michael Henniger, who bas hero very rice lately-, is improving veru wLufactorilT. Mr. James Mc("•rtbv is very ill with the fever and is at present lying in (i.iderich hospital. A number of the young folks of the fetish took in the play at Godetich last Monday night. Miss May Garvey. of Toronto. vis- ited her parents. lir. and hire. Thomas Garvey. for two days last week. Mr. and Mis. Pete Austin gave a dant» to all the young people of this vicinity and report a jolly good time. Atorri4NK DRAMATIC Ey ItNT.-The Kingsbridge Dramatic Club is produc- ing • fine comedy drama, eutitled "The Texas Hanger," on Friday night. October 13th. it is • splendid play which will take well with everyone. 'lucre will be emirs of laughter. which .s good for everybody. eo it you want a good laugh don't miss seeing this magnificent play. It is taken from the great SoutbwMero life, so it will *how all what a ranch -owner bas to put up with. Don't forget the date. Ridgy night. October 13th, at p. m. Tinning of All Kinds done promptly. thoroughly and rea- sonably. Hell repair or renew your roof, put your chimney top, leaders. gutters or cornice in first- class condition. Family Repairing, Too, if Vou want it. Put a new copper bottom on the wash boiler. men all kinds of leaks in tinware. Fred Hunt DUNLOP. I TCKSDAY. Oct_ 3 Owing to the illness of their teacher. Miss Pentland. the youngsters at No. 9 are rejoicing in an exceeded holiday. Mr. Jame* Taylor, • former well- known resident of Leeburn. died sud- denly at his home in Ooderich on Mon- day of this week. lilr. and Mrs. Harry Hotton, who have been taking an auto trip, visit- ing former friends and relatives. re- turned to their home at Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Patton and their two children, who have been visiting relatives here and at other points for the last six weeks. have re- turned to their home at Pickford. Mich. Now that the Oodericb Fair is a thing of the past, the weather has be- come settled and floe again. Strange that the clerk of the weatber hes such hostile feelings for the good people of this part of (furor. The Children's Aid Society ourdia Iy invites the public to its meeting in the court house on Tuesday. October 1irth. at 4.15 p. tn. HA:.:::.TUN STREET 'PRONE 135 lb. PROMPTLY SECUREC1, • In s" ^'-!.s. Alt for OW' iNVEN- Idi:.i A. ISEahwhicb wall to sent free. MARION s XAR:OK. 364 University S*.. MsntrdaL Special Introductory Sale \\-omen s high -top Shoes. All white line kill. grey and fawn top. r'gul'ar fro to 59. Our price t only i� Tobacr,. brown, high top. fine kid. reg. S?. Out prtcei16.00 Tan :toil Nark, high Imp. regu- lar Ipl.isi, 4 hat trice only $4.T$ lila, 1, t i,•i-k id. high top. button or lase, regular g5.I1n. Our price M.60 i'at. black ('ra.'vnette, high t,ip. button or lace. regular 6."1.154. Our price.......... 64.26 filen + llartt Sb.m'.o, new:price stamped inial. You can buy at the gild prod• for ..$6.00 Buy- your fisttwcar now, you will save money. Trunks, Suit Cases and ('lul. Bugs. at low priers. We have a first -.lass repair mon. Walters & Co. The Low Price Maker GODERICH PHONE sae Watch for some Specials in BRASS BEDS at Waiker's Furniture Store in the basement section. A NEW ARRIVAL OF LINOLEUMS JUST OPENED UP PICTURE FRAMING FURNITURE REPAIRING Watch for change of Advertisement next week. During the rush of Exhi- bition week we have been too bust to go through our stock and arrange a more detailed announcement. WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY the Cheapest Always W. WALKER. Fonittare W Uuiertskileg tlw Bolt Kase $ Gedericli Friday1S Weekr OCTOBER SIXTH AND SEVENTH will at the Colborne Store will be Dollar NOW is your opportunity to do Fall Shopping at bargain prices. This advertisement is a story of how to save money. Look over the list and pick out what you need, then come early Friday morning and secure,,, cream of the sale. The year's greatest bargain carnival, when Si has greater buying power and is worth more than raver before. No less than $l worth of any sale article to a customer -as much more as you want. No exchanges or refunds. No goods sent on approval. No goods charged at sale prices. GREY COTTON AND FLANNELETTE Eleven yards 1 1 c Grey Cotton for.... . $1.00 Ten yards 12 1 2c Flannelette $1.00 Eight yards 1 5c Flannelette $1.00 COTTON BATTING Ten bunches of 12 1 lc Batting $1.00 Eight bunches of 1 Sc Batting . $1.00 Six bunches of 20c Batting MEN'S UNDERWEAR One regular $1.25 Shirt, all w One regular $1.25 Drawers, al RAINCOATS, a cut of $i.00 One $5.75 Raincoat. all sizes .S4.75 WRAPPERETTE Eight yards 15c Wrapperctte .$1.00 Seven yards 17c Wrapperette .$1.00 Six yards 20c Wrappes$*q . • $1.00 TABLE LINEN -NAPKINS One yard `1.25 Table Linen, 81.00 hlea.•h.•.I One doz. 81.25 Napkins for....S I.00 VOILE AND MUSLIN BLOUSES $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Blouses. for 81.00 COLLARS Five 25c White Collars for 51.00 Two 50c and one 25c Collar $1.00 One 75c and one 50c Collar S I.00 One $1 and one 25c Collar 81.00 $iSILKS, 36 -inch One yard 81 25 Mouasaline Silk in grey, brown, copenhagen navy and green, for $1.00 Come and get in on this Silk sale. ...$1.00 for ...$I.00 ool, for $1.00 LIGHT AND DARK PRINT AND GINGHAM Eight yards 15c Print $1.00 Eight yards I 5c Gingham $1.00 BED SPREADS One $1.25 Bed Spread for $1.00 TOWELS AND TOWELING Eight yards 1 5c all linen Toweling $1.00 Four 30c all linen Towels for .... $1.00 Ten 12 1 '2c Towels for $1.00 Four 30c Bath Towels for $1.00 Three 40c Bath Towels for $1.00 WHITEWEAR $1.25 and 81.50 White Skirts $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 Nightgowns $1.00 $1.25 Princess Slips $1.00` Three 40c CorserCovers for $1.00 Two 60c Corset Covers for $1.00 HOUSE DRESSES AND WRAPPERS One 81.25 House Dress for 81.00 One $1.25 Wrapper for $I.00 UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS $1.25 and $1.50 Parasols for S1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 Umbrellas for SI.00 SERGES 81.25 Serges in black, blue grey and brown, for $1.00 Just a limited quantity. WINTER COATS Several Coats that are a little out of style but good in every way. In all sizes. Each $1.00 CURTAINS Five yards Ecru Scrim for..... $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 White Lace Curtains, per pair $I.00 tvi CORSETS, D. & A. - OOs pair $1.25 Corsets, all sixes $1.00 COTTON- DRESSES $2 to $S Drawee for $1.00 Three Sae Girls' Dresses for $1.00 HOSIERY Four pain men's 30c grey Sox $1.00 Three pairs men's 40c grey Sox $1.00 Ten pairs ladies' plain cotton HI ..$1.00 Two pain 60c all -wool fine - ribbed cashmere Hose, sizes 8 to l 0 $1.00 Two pairs 60c all -wool. heavy - ribbed Hose. sizes 8 to 10$1.00 Three pairs 40c fine cashmere Hose. plain, sizes 8 1 2 to 10 $1.00 Three pairs children's 40c fine ribbed cashmere Hose $ 1.00 Three pairs boys' 40c heavy - ribbed Hose '$1.00 UNDERWEAR Ladies' $1.15 natural wool Vests and Drawers $1.00 Two children's 60c all -wool Vests $1.00 Two men's 60c fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers $1.00 This is by no means all the bargains that await you, but space will not permit further detail. Come on these sale days and get a BIG DOLLAR'S -.WORTH. Don't forget the dates, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week --OCTOBER SIXTH and SEVENTH. THE SQUARE J. H. COLBORNE trd LW XI sh GODERiCH AUBURN. W IuDN re n k Y. Oct. 4 Mysore. .1ohn and Jneeph Laidlaw, of WVhitsrhureh, were is Auburn on 1 Wednesday. Mise Annie Jackson. of Toronto, is spending her two weeks' vacation with her mother here. received his Mr. 14.r1 Raltbby has 19-hnrrpnwer gasoline engine mad 1. busy filling silos for the farmers. A number from here attended the aaniverswrr eeekes In the Methodist +beech at Weetaeld oo auoday attoe '- 'e' had the mi.. Mr. W B. Pstter*na kin... to fall from a *eaffol} at Was. Anderson's mid receive • mime shak- ing ape Masers. 3d. Lawson amid Jos. O arter have cn_siwnoed their Job of gravid - line eon the booed are s mils north of the village Rev . J. B. Fothedi gbank of Hods - rich, enndneted thsskesiving services is St. Mark's church oa Sonday morn- ing. A large congregation attended. The aer•ieee so the Peeehyterian and Methndiet ehorebs were withdrawn for the special services in St. Mark's churls. Rari Cense Nurse. -The Auburn Red Crows Circle seat the fdlloi 111g hale to Toronto . w 4f thine. Pains of socks. 4 hospital s.irte, 1il- low. The t♦rociwt y Insole the at F beFri. day of ever,' month sed necks the same day. it is requested that all the elembers ire prese'.t at the next meet• leg, as there is wnM Important buei- noms ...The RoCIBTT 1e very grate- ful t0 the friends who gave the supper at Mr. Frank RtanIy's in aid of the Red Cerra- The money received was VA. Alen to the school section for SiR made by a Dore roes*. LANES. MONDAY. OCL 2. Miss Nellie Campbell, who bas been i11 for • few weeks, is improving• We hope to see her In her usual health again before a great while. Mir Mary Cunningham. Mime Rota and Mr. Perry Orebam were visit ere here last itunday at the Rally My service at eekett's cbereb. A number of our soldier boys bay. been home to say gt.ol-bye before sailing for Ragland We wish chess • safe Journey and a safe return to tie again. The members of the Presbyteries church bad a "nee" on Thursday ting their driveway end thele late tetter shape. They Intend having ansivereary sereieM a week from Sunday. 1 Many of the people of tide ee..sa ity attended the seeivereary service* I at fie Helios oaftenday and the fowl sapper on Mnidey evening rbey re- port a profitable and pleasant time. The Awa• v windstorm Dae rntibod us of many of our apples asd the jigs are enjoying • treat. To beer tAhem munehlleg 'by spokes stakes one fed sorry for the people who have l0 do without them. TAYLOR II CORNER. W ammonia v. (diet 4. Oa Ileeday, October R k, there will M s/eMal harvest Unease esreieee at Uri ureb, Onderiels towerelp. eon- d by R v W. H. Ceinpbell. pas - tett ad the rbureb. Mese will ...nd.t of seism delete end ensrreses. In the s•eaiag Muse /iledyr 14,na will glee • ry reedieg. A liberal tbank- s/srhm la miasebsd Mr. R. R. Elliott got in • car of pus tastes this week and sold them in *bort older. He will have another -ar sett weak. THEY FIL1.1'' E 1 ()fl KIDDIE on t i1 1 •I r