HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-5, Page 3THE NItlIUI INI. ONLY fEK01dE' 11 11W•14 07 IMITA- TIONS SOLD 014 THE MHRITIf Or nNL��S LINIIENT B00KlilNI)1NU MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. HE SIGNAL : GOIF,RICH. ONTARIO NMI K TOLONG YEARS HE SUFFERED Toronto Cattle Market /users, choice weighty ..$6.00 to 66 lid do medium weighty 7.26 7.76 "frig 1C.M _a-�N [I AsnW 01 A do. good handy. 0.60 0.60 do. medium .. 6.60 0.60 de. common 6.20 6.60 j6tetshers' cows. choice0.10 to. good 1.60 de. medium 6.00 Butchers' bulls, choice4.71 do. good do. medium 4.26 do. bologna 4.16 Feeders, 900 to 1.000 lbs. 0.40 Stockers, 900 Ib.... 6.00 do. med., 700 to 1100 6.40 do. common, light4.00 Cutters 4.16 Canners 1.76 Milkers, good to choice .76.00 do. common to w.d60.00 70.06 Springer. .66.00 11.11.10 Calves. veal. cholce....1110 11.60 do. medium 9.00 10.60 do. common 6.00 7.60 do. grass 6.00 6.00 Sheep, ewes. light 7.00 1.60 do. heavy and bucks5.60 4.100 do. call. Hogs, weighed off cars.11.66 0.60 do. fed and watered •11.40 0.00 do. f.o.b. JOLD LI TTBRINO ou LEATHER GOODS �t�a�r� peU,,lr .0644; i W ea bavnee A. IR TAYLOR, SoPATtrnnn. MEDICAL` 6■u. H►iILEMANF. OSrE0 ,,... TU..ped.Itd la eaereu'. and WI tsNem. s�e., acme. -Meow Aug seer ead throat. ppaauurttvaeedie laalaag.�ial leaf i id Monastic reselties& Ade- te.lse.t without the knife Uglee at earner Na sed t i. Andrew: t Lea. .vee Meader.. Timeless ' : as/ evade, he aseele `+r- DEIITISTRY 6.76 O,u,ya, Owr., Nov. Nth. 1914. 6.7611.111 "For over two years, I was troubled 7.>ls with Caulifehiew, Downtown, Lack of 6.70 I AfAetile a.1. Heelanliet. One day firm 1,116 I your sign whish read '• Fruit -it -Lives 6.60 make you feel like walking on air." 6.00 I appealed to me, so 1 decided to cool 6.04 I try a box. In h very short time, I 6.40 began to feel better, awl now / fesI ft r. 4.60 1 have agood appetite, relish everything 60.60 I art, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I recommend this jlsasael frail rnedwias to all my friends". !11.tN IIeLEAN. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.� trial size, 23e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit - a -eves /Molted, Ottawa. press...., H. (i. Mao °N1N Mere BONUS YjJ a�H�uete Tuconw l: oleer.ttr t)raawt• tenses of Dental Cern.,... to the late Baler 'tale "des' laser Rowes sea w est .aruet. Uodrieb. _^ AUCT1OM11'R. mH011stl (IAUCDTIONTIMs 1 I�i�ttMat 6I.ad raide will b. Ysi i 1.I•1 • sailed t. iteeklowee tel.ree.e U9 LEGAL Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track, bay porta, No. 1 northern, $1.7456; No. 2 north- ern, $1.71%; No. 3 northern, $1.66%; No. 4 wheat, $1.6156 ; (old crop wheat 3c higher). Manitoba oats -Track, bay porta, No. 1 C.W., 691kc; No. 3 cot.'., 691(,c; No. 1 feed. 69%c; No. 1 feed, i Amerkcan corn -No. 2 yellow, 97%c, 6�c *nether Tel Yarn. Me wee Ube p1AV.tioss of a versos treat while he W � terowl. "Then." be s.14, ••I west dowel 1. 1 the e+l.ta t., hu,r►. •1...,r 1 h !" esel.ta.ed one of hie heareu. -But yt u told us the,. sae not►kg to eat telt en i • esti. What 1 dol�ou b.ee for turd. F • ••Oh," was the reply, '�t wa. a very ruodeet .Rain -beet. wine, and au Beef ! . Whets IW y(.0 get the beef V" "Oh," was the reply, "that came irowt ibe bulwarks." "And the wioe-bow about that i•' *Oh, !bat came ft ma the pot 11 hole." "Oh, ob 1" leukbed the listener, "good, yea y good ! hut tell toe, where did you get the egg Y" "Ob, that wag tb.• simplest of all 1" came the reply. "The ^.eptaiu gave orders for the ►tip to 'ley to,' and he Rave We one." A Bald Assertion. "You've got to be pretty smooth to get io the top nowadays." "Yet. and you usually get smooth on the top t.fete you get there. -- Philadelphia P..hlic L.(l (rr. idealize a woman a..d she doesn't care if she isn't understood. track. Toronto. Ontario wheat -Winter. new crop, No. 2. $1.46 to $L48; old crop, No. 1 commercial, per carlot, according to freight outside, $1.$8 to $1,40; No. 2 commercial, $1.33 to 51.15; No. 3 eotit- serctal. $1.25 to 51.27. Ontario oats -According to freight oetstde: No. 2 white. new, 64c to 66c; No. 3 white, new, 53c to 65c. Peas -No. 2, 42.05 to 32.15. garley-Malting, 90c to 92c; feed barley. $ c too S6c. Buckwheat -80c to 82c. Rye -No. 2, new, $t,.18 to 11.20. Manitoba pour -First patents, in late bags, $9; seconds, In Juto bags, {1.50; strong bakers', to Jute bags. 51.30, Toronto. Oatarto dour -Winter. new, track. Toronto, prompt shipment, according to sample. $6.75, In jute bags; new, bulk, seaboard. $6.60. Mll1tsed--Car lots, per ton, deliver- ed. Montreal: Shorts, $30; bran, 127 u L. BA gig good feed dour. per lug. 6L11b; 11A1iK1aTLR. 141 ITOR. NOTARY Waling!. $t'. I•LULit, lit.. - tld.a-CtrU'g Bank liluek, ilanlltoa Crest. - eeerioe Ten Lebo•.. ha. • Seal Bout. Lost and loin/ewe. PROUD1'UtYl',h1LLUltAN ACOOKE .Al RIBIklttf. bOL1ClTUtin, NOT ARMS Pt:4 C, JUL. Oise ea Ube areal, sensed deo, from Ham - are Area. Uoucrtel. elevate ismer 1a lam at lowest rate,. W. Psovaroer, ILL. J. L Ytu.oaar H. J. D. Woes. V. CAMERON. K. C.l, HARRIS TL'lt..o:lctur. apiary Wulic tam. door ear tea bussu, t►ud.rtc►. Ieeasa At t lu,tea'1 bur.day of each bwye week sir r. Albe. 1 barest occupied yeeprr. oat. -e born t► a.m. toe pm. tMA1u.b� DAMAOW, LL.B., BAn- Rin'iL'lt, attorney. .W.clwr, etc•, mdode oat. lamer w lead a Low not rate. Whew the Frost le *nth* Punkert. When the fried is on tide punkin and the fodder's in the shock. And you hear the ky.arck end gobble of the etr'uttiti turkey -e k. And the cla.-kin' of the gnineys, and the cluckin' of the hen., And the ras.ter s hallyksoyer as a tiptoes' on the fence ; (), it's then'e the times es feller is 'b-feeliu' at hit beet. \Wit.h the risiu' sun to greet hint front a night of peaceful rest. A- he leave,. the house batrheadrtl, and goes out to feed the stock. When the frost i.`en the 1 kin and the Raider's in the shts•k. They's w.uiethinaakind,' Ratty -like about the atumefere When the heat i-;1' ...woollier,: over and the cle,lin' fall is here - t)f eaves,• we miss the tliiaet,. and the bkweiti is on the trees, And the mumble of the hnrinnin.-birds and bnzzin' of the bre.: But the air'..... apps titin' : and the landscape through the haze Of a crisp and -unny • g of the airly autumn ,lays Is a pictur' that no painter ha. the col•n•in' b. amuck -- Wheu the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shoah. The husky. rusty russet of the teasels of the eon). And the r•aapin' of the tangled leaves, as Roldan in. the mom : The stubble in the furrice- kind.; Ione...ntr-like, but still t-prt•at•hin' Permut. to u. of the barns they gr.wed Gr till The ,.traw-stoek in the 'milder. and the reaper in the shed : The hosiers in they, stalls Iw•1uw-- the clover "vette/rat !- 0, it seta my heart a-clickin' like the tickiu' ..f a cl.s•k, When the frost is on the punkin' and the fodder's in the shoo k. Then your apples all is gRe.ther.•d, and the ones a feller tests 1a poured around the cellar-t�.s.r in red and yeller heap.: • Anil your rider ntakin's over. and your winiiertt folks t. thiuugh With their mince and apple -butter, and thevr meow and eau -wag.'. trio! 1 don't know how to tell it -taut rf rich a. thing could be, As the Angels w•antiu ts•arlin', and they'd call around "n nte- I'd want to'r tate'rnt -all the whole-indurin' fl r•k- When the frost is .'u the punkin and the'.xliler-Jnnrrthe s shi,e1; ! b Riley. Tatr*eaAT. °erases 6. mu a Butter and Cheese Markets Brockville -1.346 white and 1.680 hoses of colored were offered; 410 boxes of colored sold at 21c. Kingston -2S2 wutte and 251 color -1 ed were boarded, and sold at 20%c. I London -794 boxes were offered. No mates. Bidding. 20c to 20 13-16c. Belleville -1.600 boxes were offered. All sold at 21 1.16c. St. Hyacinthe. Que.-860 boxes were offered. AU sold at 21%c. No butter , offered. Cornwall-Oferinge were 1.946 boxes. all colored. The prate was 21 c. Ptctoo-18 factories boarded 1.360 bores, all colored. All sold at 215sr. Napanee - C'!.e..M ' b larded, 605 I white, 990 colored; 215 sold at 21 3-14c, Mont Jill, balance at :::'sc. • 67 boxes were of• 1 '6 ■$AOER. BARRISTER, SOL. fered. All cold at 2o:ac. Y/ar.�ems,ry Iroquois- i00 boxes were boarded. i Notary (JMss4m� fOta 655 colored and 45 white. All sold e, at •'O c. IR:UV$ ,i1., LOANS:T0. Listowel -1$35 hoses were boarded koft 1LLOP MUTUAL Y'1Ra6 IN- 01as U It r msnr.d.U.-`arra sad leolatsd theses -J ei. t.onooltr• Pre'.. tioderlcb,P.O.; rams . Aar., deo..Tree!., ueatoni% P. U. Blseeters---L. 1. en iregor, de.tort i ; Joke Boase and all reported .,old at 21%c. Wholesale Produce ew-Pre.. beer tie a u Toronto wholesale prices to the Ma. Moan ], aeleve• Winthrop ; w Otho Klan 1e.. r►M•�. BrodaaR.u' lieu. �l .rumor. aeafi itb ; Robert Ferris, t1.riock , Malodor esshwe., fir coneld. ta: J. W. Yeo. Holme.v1Ue; Alex. CUown . WUILW Chesney. de.forta ; Meas ley, u. 1..' h. Pello7-bokiel. Pao pny �saa�e.10 get Owls roes! u S. J. petrels/ loam Store, Clinton. R. tapes 0reesr7. itieresen street. Uoderiob..r J. IL KNd's (impend Store. Bayfield. ., (,l���� PRIVATE FUNDS TO b V,lM1 loan. ApWr a M. 0. CAM- 12i, lid. aarrieter H..sllte m ono, coded/O. WR. ROBERTSON • 1N$URAN('g ABB:4T. Me oro t.,.a'ratam : BrlUWL Canadian end ariltessrrab trey+ AND Lrrloreaa• beret. v : Tab Omen Aoddeot and 0.aneetee Cerpusatho0; Loaded. of Leaden. N.a. sen AMR tivaaatrrra Bosom : The U.6. $4.85. `areata sod Ues v,cw(usoa.ny I Honey -Tins. :yob. Uns, 13%c to Odoe a i trade: Eglia- New -laid. in cartons.... $ .43 to $ .4a - New -laid, ex -cartons .... .40 Storage selects .. ..8 .00 Storage No. 1 ' .36 .00 I Butter -- Creamery. prints .37 .40I Creamery. solids Choice dairy prints .34 .361 Ordinary dairy prints.. .2Rc .29 I Bakers' Fall Stocks Complete In All Departments! E are most fortunate in having a very large stock in all departments of our store bought many months ago when prices were much more favorable than today. Many lines arc being sold at less than present wholesale prices. • I:011E111C i HOYM AT FOLKESTONE. EN(;LAND, Here is a Itunrh of *Oilier hey. fioro from West Sandling, September 7:h (:oderich who are having a reunion at 1 "A few „f the (..slerich boys located I here had it reunion And 1 sin enclosing Folkestone, in F•nRlsuct_ Can you I a snap 1 had taken of the hunch. Scme make therm all out? They air : I of them have already Leen to the front Top tow (left to right) H. E. and the rest Rre busy getting into Laverty ifotwelly in the Sterling Bank shape. You would almost think you hire). Heber Pow.11. I'nilip ('airy, were.in (''nada, as you meet so many Ernest Swart,. thee. Thomas. friends over herr. • Centre tow-('.Mymingten(Auhurnt, "The weather hes been Tety favor - Laverne Murray, Ernest Young, able lately and things ate very quirt Ernest Pridham. around here. The 7.epps pay us a visit once in a while. Old etre mus' he gettirg more than he bargained for, as the big guns can be beard here quie plainly almost any time. •'tlrith best wishes. A. J. ('HICIIOLM" .26 .27 Cheese -New, large, 21%c to 22c; ! twins, 21%c to 225rc; t1'lplets, 22c to I22%c; June and September, large, 22c; old, 2256c; triplets, 22%c. 1 Poultry Live Dressed Spring chick's. 17c 18c 28c 26c Oid Cowl, ib... 14c 15e 17o l9c Ducklings. Ib.. 12c 13c 17c 190 Beans -Hand-picked, $5.60; primes, rr..id.mo. vrUsrast career m. , 13c a Ib.; 6 -lb. tins, 13%c a Ib.; 10 -Ib. ems Uavtd t •tr..te tins, 12c a lb.; 40 -Ib tins, clover, 11%c '� la ib. Comb honey -Select, 12.40 to $2.75; No. 2. $2 to $3.26. MARRIAGE LICENSES ALTNK M. : P. ,ODONT mum or MARRIAGE LlCZNalff. Patents, Trate liars, Design Secured in All Countries. Write for tree beak "PATiINT' PRUTW T1ON. till. all .bout and how to get, pat Sada. BABCOCK t $0. rd.btuied 1e17 formerly Patent Cats readier. Meader et pament law.. H.weesrsd Patina Att.M.gs eta. r et. Jaw, Street. Me.treel. aeaaeLe►- trtaawa and W a'Ll.ratoa. Reprem.tadvee to am gneiss e.antraea. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts. 4.600; slow; shit- ping ht¢ping steers. $8 to $10.60; butchers'. MI 60 to "5f; heifers` 54 to $7.76; cows„ 53.76 to $7; bulls. 56 to 57; stockers and feeders. 56.60 to $7.25; stock hett- fen, 65 to 54; fresh cows and aprtng• ere • tive and data, 160 to 1110. Meals -Receipts. 1.000, active; 5410 to $12. Hogs --Receipts, 15.600; active; heavy, 610.35 to $10160: maxed, 510.16 to 510.60. porters. 41016 to 610.90; , not, yortrrs. 39.10 to 11e; ptP. 60.26 to 51.10; rough., 1it1-36 to 61.60; stags. $7 to $6 26. �e�gta� Sb.ep and lambs-I..m/Pta,, 7,000; active; lambs, 14.60 to n Hags. 41.60 to 52.76; wet ora. �f-TO to 51; ewes. 62 to 57.60; shore.toad, $7.60 to 47.76. Bottom row -W. Akehurst. L. D. l'bish..:at, Harry Watson, A. J. Chir holm. Pte. A. J. Chisholm, who sends the photo to The Mignal, write?la follows • Bro he3 Bros, P � st..dy; beeves. ern et.ere. $5.11 a OUD■JRIOH • sad feeders. $4.11 to 1 � bettors, 53.40 10 ashes lac Leediet um* to Pleural Mechem eta--lReak, 15e bw 117.0991P 9e EMIllabiers t. irnift wised, 411.1946 Orders ggglg(s■Y .16004.4 to to ism tonerti .6 all boomslg►t or day--� wssi; E�li.tfvw SL N,10 1., SCHOOL SHOES THE time is here again to get your boys and girls fitted out for school. They will need stong serviceable Shoes. The kind that will stand the most severe test in any weather. In this class of footwear I can show you a wick range of leathers and styks ''tI!iat will give the very best satisfaction. You will also find the prices most reasonable. REPAIRING DONE! Geo. MacVicar North Side of Square Goderich, Ontario Shaker Flannel Special value extra heavy quality Shaker Flannel in light and dark colors. Suitable for all purposes, full 36 inches wide, per yard 17c Extra quality English Shaker Flan- nel, beautiful designs, fast washing, most suitable for men's and women's wear. Light grounds in blue and pink stripes, 36 inches wide, per yard 4 2Uc Flannelette Blankets Best quality Flannelette Blankets in white and grey, blue and pink borders. Best washing and wearing Blanket on the market, at per pr. $ I.50, $1.75, $2 Pillow Cotton Special value in heavy quality cir- cular Pillow Cotton, 'free from df'essing. Exceptional value, full 42 inches wide. Worth 30c, special, per yard 25c Horrockeses' Longcloth Horrockeses' pure English Long - cloth, absolutely pure, the best quality when wear is wanted. Full 36 inches20 wide, per yard c Cotton Comforters Cotton Comforters, full double bed size, extra well filled, coverings in neat designs in sateens and art muslins. 72 inches by 72 inches, special, each $2.25 New Cretonnes Rich Cretonnes in the season's newest designs, in beautiful rich designs, suit- able for hangings for all rooms, now so much in vogue. They are 36inches 41)c and de. Per yard • •; ' Turnbull's Underwear - P. C. Corsets - Penman's Nose McCall's Patterns and Publications for November now. in stock. PHONE 56 Scotch StoI elVIillar's 611411101111041141141101114041411416111411141104.0104101124400114114114111041101904111 The mowrnt approaches when un- der our COlnmon inipet: a the Getman military power will completely give way.-(ieoeial Joffre. The Paper Situation. Evel y week makes it clearer that the newspaper husimess is in the midst of a dial. anti those eng..ged in that occupation are alrttoet tit a ho --it to know where they air at. Never a money -staking business at its best, the tremendous Mc, e.se id the rc.sto!pro- duction is staking publishers think its , they never thought before. As a matter of fact, after a little serious' thought, some have quietly stepped nut, .f the businlii'. A couple of sweet/Pogo The Hill., burg Heaver yielded tip the. j.somatist 014 ).4 and quietly slid into the newspiaper lim.ls.. Many weeklies have increased their attire -rip - tion pike jut per rent., ethers have reduced the .-z" of their pipers Pt an attempt to cope with modern Condi- I tions. The country paper's are per- haps the hardest bit. Their tevenue is limited and their expemee'are Rreat- ly increasing. It appears to us that in future there will to fewer stud 1M Her papers, -Orangeville Bain. Make Gasoline Your motive Power ! wise mockers should keep a tin of Nothing knovitl to the scientific wQrld that compares with Mecca Ointment as a healing compound for cuts; burns. blood poison and all skirt troubles. at ?3c , 35e..75e.and $1.25 Froe sample ..et slops reVue.t by Foster -Dark Co. Limited This is the season when a `Gasoline Engine would be a valuable asset if added to your farm equipment. Just at the present time we; have on the floor of our ware- house all sizes of Engines ftom I one and a -half to six horse- power. They will do a great deal to take the drudgery out of life. Call and see them. Melee - ROBT. WILSON Hamilton St , Gtrderrrb Reromaeeded sad .old by JAMES "Mecca'' Ointment in the house A. CA1P13ELL .44,4** 1'4*'i'*.4 7[itckci : DON'TGO JTBLIND! HEN it comes to a matter of choos- • ing the marl who is going to do your Electric Wiring it will pay you to sax us. All necessary information is yours for the asking. '► 1 Pbaes : vOffice 82 Ica 193 At. Tait • Toronto, Ont. WEST STREET 4 44 4• .4 4• 4 4 4