HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-5, Page 2! T.u.aDAT, Or:. b. 1016
Tai eiltet Ulstlwbel ssltrf rbI=
ons tM altars lir
o t�fst a et •ogiewa Nia =XI=
street. Ooderir
la. oat year
afu�i la adivoa .toy
MV tMr /bar. U paid W w .or(bs►o t• the
Un11 Suite. ss.'r •d
a(7 notes 8taie.• 1 ae roto is flue Dotter and I'th�
Orate Amoy to *dream Subscriber
(all to resin Truewway tn� iiii tbe pub/be
w 111101
W Danko ta. lar ri • lapossible W bee
of aftosa fact . al Y u N
c cbasas
Of with...-. i• ds.ired, bora old and
tae sew wddle...buow bo guest- ltoitttwamr
Mar lie made by bona draft, express seasey
Dart -ulnae order. or reateterel
rair-ri re ton. may ownewees at sa thee. sat
Andrea rms.. Mgrs. -Kates for er.r*.!
a utract .d.eri twme.tr will be VIM M molt -
mum. mol um. L gal •••d *tier Jwltwr sttteetlaw.au.
oro Dent. per line for tint insertion �
-villa per floe toe mobeb.r's
uent Y.a..ured by • .oal. of .oral Denims..A—twelve
tine. to au Ineb. Huolow.. oatd. of ate saes
sod under. Fin Conor- l'ersAdvertise-
ment. ment. of 1t. round. ar
L• scout, Sit uat.oto N' noted, Hone for Bale sr
to K.-nt. Farms for role or to Hort. Artic*
tor fit . M. eta. not exceeding whit lino.., Twisty -
n, a coo -race inrrtm . ow Dollar for ant
Mouth, Fiery font. foes ►M w,eat&
nestrnt, lo ordinary reeding ty.e.mUrger wdeertrrila Vre1'rt.
C..nt.bot No mita, than TwpV-
ere Cent.. Any • eel tot*, tie Moot d
witch 1. the peons benefit of any iodl.-Id-
sal or awociatia. sq
wo dense so wirer-
tMement and rearTed sorerdta(ly.
To t'oaagaromour L --lbs ooNeratisa
our .nG• ' torr d eore Ws*
sad roadie.
d toward. mast's( rue n'weekly1L • weekly
of .11 local. county ane dist l it ms
ssaoination will w atmatm** la anima tee _vi�w
tor V`WiMtilea. row �, �firla :: b i7a
Si goon wt o. t w. hams wdasedal sass
SIGNAL oars not tater than sr
of moo wart.
Replying to an address presented to
Lim by Hon. George E. Foster on;
brh.It of the Empire Parliamentary!
A.•.eiation in England the other day. ,
expitssing the appreciation of the;
members of that Association for teal
opp, ttunities afforded them of seeing
Great Brit itu s peeps
The Thrift Campaign, carried on by the
Sterling Bank of Canada since 1913, has
now become a National Campaign.
From the Toronto Star of From the Toronto Star
September 7th, 1916 of June 251h, 1913
Will Be Opened in a Few
Weeks by the Dominion
Canada Must Further Help Brit-
ain. and in Return Will
Secure Orders.
-r-tr mores l pot rot..ek tie•
for weed .•••r. W bs
ei• be*..• rb wok
Ibe •.._ -ty ea Mao. V.
• s es we thour payees r
outsides the range of human experl-
euoe. The Get inane, . said, had de-
liberately prepared over a lona period
of years for the domination of the
world. Is this design they bad used
their .ubjecte as spies and corrupting
agents. They bad used Obs hospitality
of their adghbon to prepare their d.-
structioo. It was the ornate of a whole
uation, and It was specially directed
Against the British Empire, which had
Riven the (demeans every privilege
that British subject. enjoyed.
His opinion was that we should do
' reotnethlne to punish Germany for this
organised treachery, and .o to mart
o'.r detestation of the system es On
moment It ever happening soda. Lord
K•tchner's proposal was to pare a law
that for twenty-one years no German
should be allowed toneturallaehlm.ilf
of take up bis domicile in the United
Kingdom and the British Empire ws
far as the authority of the Imperial
Parliament extended. or to enter Into
partnership in any British Morino's, oe
become a shareholder in any British
company, -:Le Morning Post (Lor -
ING BANK 1' •.
It must be Many a long day since i
King has been addressed eo frankly
71ke� ��B• and outspokenly as King Constantine
Ws 151° e.'�'ddlsbr�e of Greece in the remarkable address
saint tar... r�iw--w
shred drawn up by M. V'eniz+los and .�d kr b+ J ate= r ap-
proved at the great demonstration of
torn. V ►..a of barb
August 27. The English papers just
r r+msrV•i to hand ca twin the full text of obi..
oee� -•:! •� • widow*. the opening paragraphs of
wtticb read as follows :
"Sire, -You are the victim of per-
sons who, to destroy the work of fibe
revolution of which we are today tale -
lot the asset fib anniversary, and
to re-establish their system of corrupt
government, have not hesitated to ex-
ploit the respect t the chtion
owns to the frown and the love it heels
for you, and are toady to imperil the
work of regeneration achieved by five
Teary' labor end two glorious wan,
in order to •trite at one rot those who
co-operated in that work.
"You are the Victim of your mili-
tary advisors, who, taking a narrow
military stew end anxious to establi.h
the system of absolutism which would
was that his only connection with the
'mike them in off -ct muton of the
'natter was to !recommend the in- country, hove convinced you that Ger-
crease of the contract price upon the Sunnyy would emerge victorious from
the European war.
recommendation of Samuel Hooper, "Finally. you are the victim of your
Provincial atfebilect (who died in 0.o.natural and human weakness. Accu. -
ober, 1011)The rnunsel for the Prow -
towed to admire everything German.
ince. however, instead of bowing Mr, artouoded by this unparalleloiQmilnsry
Rogers out with admiring a••ura yes •tion a.. b wirer other 0- man
peeper y 7
of respecrhil consideratnn, prveeeded organization not onlv
' sed in a ra_ Li .n sic
at at
judge, from the arg' y comments oC •German sic• my you would be nista
the Roger* press, that'n Chu• exact- to roncentrete in your own hands the
ining the great man biro Philhppe who!- power of gnv.rntarot and .'weep
wee guilty of lege majesty. sold. our system . f liherty.
The crose-exwminetrnn showed that ,T„day we ire the consequences of
at the time Mr. R••gers said he bad
thaw blunders."
tbe conversation with Mr. Hooper
which led to the contract price being
increased he was actually absent in
Eastern Canada (nn doubt in conn• -o -
tion with the Dominion campaign).
Mr. Rogers then shifted the probable
date of this conversation to • day
subsequent to his return ; ooly to be
[ ted elitbe y Hooper * diary
rattona for war,' L— _.
•ft.. speaking of the British army and liberty. Bouraeda dartarse that
Mr. Balfotur said : the people of Qi:ebec should not go to
• The navy was, mo doubt, of all the the aid of Britain and France in this
p eparetions for war, that which owe war It tea question whether, in the
m the most Nit /m.1, try condition.
But the navy, when we started, was interests of the gisat cause which
really quite icadeguetely leipplied n�■ the a.et.tance of all young
with the *malleo lighter craft whore
Comedians, as well as for the .vke of
nee...itty has Leen made increasingly harmony and goodwill in !'.nada, fist,
anifew all through tea war, and. a..,
I think I stated to some of you when 'hum should hie further allowtd titan -
kind enough to wort: me •t his traitorous views in public. While
Iweek before the Agricultural College
C. wmio.iutt bad reser•lid the outlives
of a very rent .rkahle-hut, we imagine
be no mean. exceptional -transaction
which had taken place immediately.
pr•ecedi: g the Dominion elections of
Lat- in August, 11111, the contract
price for the rowel •houhe was Ir.
creased to the contractor by =8,400,
without ;nli�itation. by Mr. Ropers,
then NIinester of Public %Yorks for
Manitoba. Within a month. D. E.
the Admin hes the growth in out we holo'tenug viewa ae w freedom •of li teeth, ore of the inside members of
nwv shim hue is sr on, artd which
•: this niowent is still going on, n speech, therm are stern times, and dee- the Rohtii.-Hogerw organization, col-
t e g. nor of which I do not ilove of
Bou tessmuch
' halre al rctiont rewdy lheenan those
sup- this dee uey wait used to .ecfrom the ture he
the eptionl public has the slightest electioti in Winnipeg for the Dorein-
c„fi .' " 091 preened Soo long as B••ur'bet to al- • Hou.r of Alex. Haggai t, who war
fur '.wr llrr light craf;" were just hosed to strut upon the surge. and so- at that time another leading member
what Sir \\'iltrrtl Looter propnsrd a to speak rot glebes., so long will! of the ramp combine -ion.
that this Dominions .Meld supply. loyal. fit ht thinking people
io a of that Throe remarkable coincidences
"Smaller lighter craft noon:d have
the 1
Province be undeservedly ut.drr a migl.t of course have been simply (ot-
her!' ready at the outbreak t•f the war. clwld- 1Initnn. t MK they certainly sog-
had not Sir Robert Bordeu goue back Ia mord that this Province had been
I ry to - *lie virtue of a conspiracy whereby
on his adherence to that pro' POTATO SHORTAGE -BUY SEED pul•li.: moneys had been stolen for the
plea.e his Nationality [rietrd.of Quebec
NOW. I advancement of the pnlitiral Tortures
and meds the whole navl, question - - of Mr. Rogers and hie friends. Mr.
Rogers '.t th.t time had general
our of party politics. 'Up in sir Farmers of Old Ontario and South-; charge of the Cous.rvative campaign
Robert thht must fill the blame for
tali• ern Quebec are (acing a serious short- I in n'e+tern Canada and wa looking
. ge in potatoes. The condition of the' forward in 114. event of victnry to a
throughout North Americom i.' vta"•fe- to th • 11-1.1 of far wider op-
efW g pot :unities at Ottawa which he now
1 hove you Ne-
to subject him to a ri,id but terfec•ly he victory but you
courteous cro.e rxomioation. \ e have dedred it. You hoped fib tar
• • •
The greet question of 1ialonica is
shout to be brought to the test. Be-
fore Ionic we *hall have clear evidence
whether It was right or wrong 1.i go
ohp run r to Sal Mee, aad we have little doubt
which showed that be conk to his bed
before lir. Rogers' return and then ou'-selvcw that t will he proved that
remained until R.'ntetuher 3 the deculoo w.. wore. '.V• know all
Real zing that the result of his ex- that can fir mid shoat fib. d••perwra
amination had been to confirm the of energy: but we do not belle,e Oust
Mtprrsion whirls be had •ought to w error has been committee The
remove, Mr. Roger. decoded. with i peesent+ of the Allier at S.lonica how
that promptitude for which he is just- 1,.lrviou*ly .awed Greets front the fatal
ly not
to contuse the loose silt distract the `b,. prevrnt.tl tis Gernrt fly from de_
w eb that they would he well advi•.-d , adnon'•.'^ public mind. There followed his grows .Cettdinz upon Yalot.l1a and establish -
,'to purr now their serf supply for I The p,-ohalili'y that the. infer- insult in rourt to 111x. Justice Galt and jog a submarine orae there. It is a
ences would toe largely (hewn bthe the lanncbing of a villainoua care- ! e pledge -.1 riot political impoe-
Ome good thing, at any'ta'r sot alg Alt q g• . (,c', d Lealthy ato,-k of I props• was not Inst upon Mr. }cogen ; paign et .lander and defamation ..„In st the Allow mean to prevent
credited to the (iodericb fall fat, `� suitable
1 Tlaeona-' N•Pr'I that h•
sin, and the Maritime Provinces.- it was bill idea, app y•
41 ---_world spleno before the Commission
WiltonPiesiAent bit. been reprps.iog , ,
ed, that sometbi' g moat Le dons direction t,1 wrongt•etvied trade's. It
tltrietiec may Iv obtained at and he bast red to Winnipeg to says the prem which b. control.. lay onto d. ontrtstr 0F*�o
hie p.icoo in its of Eastern; the. aituetinn. The situation is fully understood nitow.rlitiee int .' r nroiet'tre
brought thet
rh Ottawa.
'himself for • long time in his effott.S gee- M rr.peo fulls aceepr, 1, w•Ir ;'.
tamp L hole AI out of [moble ; hist •
If some men were to Ince their self wise, iv.
avereThus the Bang r would 1.e
he let. limurl( go .int t,Flegram to conceit there'd be nothing left.: 1 .. and with e the the
aecl malair a n of Mr.
(1ean re-
'L.wry. The Row at Winnipeg. I Roger. •dmirete. Again we ahnuld
Cee Ssltford Hage wise hard chuck- wit tie-. Free Pi do I he told• for the ten thnu+an.tth since.
ling to hitir.elf. Asked tor an ext lana- Mr. Rogers had a lather tying time that "Bob was a wonder," and wr
t he remarked '•1 war 1 i -t thio►-' in \i inntprg last week : and, under ; .hn, M' be a.ked 10 admire hie nerve
n made •vrrc revrwlt• g e:bib- i and his exceeding ".mocKhnem."
they drop there'll he a fine smash." I bind hie suave exterior. see per mrhedo g 1 effect e
Wed make • •.stement whin o 'void I
ion. preasu
ing-eggs have got .o high t hat when inion of the tiger nature that lurks be- However. thing...lid -not work nut
1e. Mr. Fogeys conk the
Evidence adduced the previous i stand cud told his story. n e it
Now that tbe (7onaervatives are get-
ting enotrol of the Senate may we ex-
l.ecl to see a determined effort on their
part to abolish the second chan.her?
Or was the fiery talk of too or three
yea's sg . only talk ?
The teen of the lm.t Ha'talion will
to home from Camp Borden nn their
final leave b. -fore this paper is issued,
The Bittalioe is still not up 16 full I
t•treog, h, and any young man who
feel• like enlisting shntld join now
and get in with Huron's Oen.
Ray - Hamar thees erotd. member of
the Otitis!) Hntl•p of Commons, who
is at present in ('*nada. says these Is
not evident in Great Britain any de-
sire to depart from the free trade sys-
tem and adopt proteetlon- On the
eontrary he points out that free trade
Britain is stronger financially than
an:- of the protectionist b511iget !Vita.
People wbo talk •boat for attempted
reciprocity in trade with the United
Montes as threatening Canada's fiscal
independenos might answer obis
simple question : Whirl ie morelikely
to undermine a ms's i.deolwdaues. to
.511 loom. of hie prodoet• to ►M tasiRb-
bor or to boomer twoaey,rem bin
The Bledsoe Government s}ould haws
"no truck or trade- with fbe Qait.d
States. but bas borrowed large same'
of nosey from that oosutry
1a a .pewee at Misdst. Q.sMa os
Sttedsy. Bowl aamroma twats aaetbsr
violist atua.byeaU r►Mh8dLrier.
tsfegriag to him sr ib. "moat wfia.l.ns
w ibis Prwler's boo ever bat.' TU.
osmosis* lar Ibis.al'brst was a spasm
msas a fsw dye Wage by Um Liberal
loads 1• wbimb br abroagly tw*sd sba
roman sow of Qualm* M now tint■
.owes 1. iba er.d.• M the Anise who
ase figbsiag le Wawa fitr 1Mlrsaslaa
and appreciated by the public. ' , Istride to the Ea And finally
preeehce of th. Allies topers a great
unlit •• y,ramp established stht the
g T --- Zi war
line of that adsance. It most to a
,ennst.ntnight mare to tis Germano
e natural .ttength of the Saionies
its circ.in.atnh'ent hills
kr ru is 5u great that
Heiman. en moans did not
dart to at' wek 4 n when the d• -
fences were co.hying prepared.
And now they hae a p, neer dread of
the forces which may be extended
frotn that fortress of hill* which have
the supply -giving era behind them.
, 4'
Shortly before hie death, Lord tch-
ener informed us the: he regarda the
conduct of Germany se something
" IYs a pleasure
to deal with
that house
bg Telephone"
Winning Friends by Telephone
•" IHAVE never met that young man face to face," said • boffins*
man recently. as be hung up his receiver after • telephone con-
vention: "but the way he talks over the telephone is typical of
the whole ortanisatia. of that house. They always anawe! every
quelstim in a polite and courteous •manner. They never keep you
weans( unnecessarily- They all seem to take • personal interest in
what you have to say, and you can be sure that your telephone
requests will have the most careful _attention.'
Isn't such an endorsement ot your douse by those who deal with you
by telephone • valuablspuuwmess asset?
It lis wed worth while to make sure every employee in your
appreciates tee: value to himself and to your hoose of
=t e/ meta..
The Bell Telephone CO.
• r•'1
Extra Values in
Hosiery and Underwear
EXTRA values under present
cOnditions. Our orders were
placed for several hundred
dozen of Penman's Cashmere Hose
and Penman's "95" ladies' Under-
wear at prices from 25 to 4o% under
today's prices. While our present
stock lasts we sell at old prices.
Cashmere Close
Penman's ladies' seamless fine wool Cashmeres
Hose, sizes St, 9, 9i and 10, at per pair
Men's all pure wool black Cashmere Hose,
10•i and 11. Worth 75c, at per pair. 50c
Ladies' Underwear
Penman'ls ladies' Underwear, famous "9:i"
brand, vests and drawers. All sizes, both makes,
at per garment • $ 1.25
Cotton Blankets
Largest size and best quality American Cotton
Blankets, w p pink or bine borders. Special, at
per pair $1.85
Ladies' Coats
A magnificent choice of stylish Coats, material
all wool cheviots, beavers and chinchillas. Fifty
sample: at special prices ... . $8.50, $ 10 and $12
Ladies' Fur Coats
Muskrat Coots, satin lined, hill sweep skirt,
storm collar. Beautifully trade, at .$43 and $50
Knitting Yarns
Super -fingering Knitting Yarn in soft grey
shade and mid-greyir soldiers' sox, at per Ib. $1.10
Mill Yarn, natural undyed, soft and pure, at9a
per lb. .... .
Floor Oilcloths
Extra heavy and smooth finish Floor Cover-
ing, in all widths, 1, 1 } • l i, 2 and 2i yards wide,
at per square yard 45C
Linoleums, special, in tile and floral patterns,
at per square yard ... 65c
and on the sea the ships of the Allies
commrrcing freely sit b all the world.
We have all been wondering what
would happen at Selonica, and nnw
the l'urtein rise-. All 'bat is now ho-
eoming clear to us must have been
clear for some weeks to the watching
Bulgarians. They evidently feared
that thea were •hcut to he attacked,
and Inspired by German principles of
the oR•nwive-defeneite they decided to
anticipate the Allies. That 1e the
meaning of the reeent Bulgarian ac-
tivity. The Bulgari have born claim-
ing large territorial Mikis lin Mac-
edoni-1, but the fact isthey hevetaken
nothing that the have not been free
to take for months past. It b e'M'y
fox the fox to raid the Greek ben -roost
when the harmer has decided in rod -
wince to let the fox do what it like«.
The chief Bultrari'n advance bee, In
fact, been east of the Struma. the
river at which the military responsi-
bility of the Allies .cent to end. it is
now of the most curious of ironies. and
one, we should think, that can hardly
F5 lost no obs Greek people. that the
Bulgarians are now being officially al-
lowed to invade the territory which
would have been the subject of bar-
gaining with Bulgaria for a most fruit-
ful purpose it M. VSoizeos had bad
his way.
it will he interesting to pre whet
happens when Ilse Bulgarian reeng
nine %het they are fighting agalwK the
Ru.uianr, the creators and chief pro-
tectors of their nation. 1t will be one
of the dramatic ooafrontatiese of bk.-
lery. One wonders',bat the footings
of Bulgariat•s will be wbo reaaember
the history of forty years ago when
Russia sacrlfic•d rorty. than 1011,060
men -huge knees ie terse days -end
e vent E 11110.0110,00110 for tbe sake of tea
Bulgarian people. Ramis bob sp atoms
foe Christian Bulgaria than Is a
. ion of umielflob eathwMem with•
carried tie Roselan pimple away. The
imam must sons M jobbed. les thaws►
hiss prsetieally the whole
army by bolding it to It. groat will
he a gnat ..ruler to Use Allies' seined
plea of eampaipta. It mesa tern tbwt
e b.sld b. oe.ornpllebad-well, It will
be alt very positive ,ala. -111s Specta-
tor (Leedom).
Two of the models in the line of new Fait Overcoats
which are shown in
*vnd-na Waltnrhig
Few men nowadays think of having an overcoat made
in the old retail way of tailoring, for such precise fitting
qualities are shown in Semi -ready Tailoring, and in the
finest and smoothest imported British woollens at from
$15.00 to :35.00.
Plain and conventional, as well as the smart new styles
in slip-on and pinch -back models.