HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-10-5, Page 1SEE "Britain Prepared" AT THE MODEL THEATRE FRIDAY, OCT. 13th I° Zbr MITT EIUHTH TEAR -Ne tat h nom_ rh I E STERUNGBNK `► OF CANADA SAVE, Because --- National Security is enhanced by every dol- lar you save. FOR SALL OR WT. I AUCTION SALES. ER SALE• -150 OF UOOD ER land. It oiler north Of leedeeMev'. Yet sl, 0useireduo 11 Hellen. Two bonen, seek barn and driving abed ; rrertelll•g well. ass 'priest at beck of taro ; Ab. C1s- vedeat to dutch and achedRural mall shed telophone. P, ice and term. reasonable. MOLTZHAUKItHILUtt, I 171ten R. It. No. 1. Auburn. ;]DUEL: FOR. SALE IN VILLAGE La OF At'HUKN,-ansa ►o"r weedit So• clod woaeebee : wed whir ; hare e k teen*: week* he*" Mew .a fruit trees twill .b.... wwlwlrea 11lURBAY ASS 1*.zi f b, 4 I 1,4161, * ?. •t - -1r 1 • m'7 GODERICH. ONTARIO. t1RSDAY. DUNGANNON. Wednesday, October 4 kr. Hems has been under the docs tor's care ibis week. L..utmunion will be dispensed in Erskine church nest Sunday morn- ing. Miss M. Hoy, of L.kefleld, is visit - tug her sister, Mi.. H. M. Duff, this week. Everybody ie ettingread y for Dun- Kennon's greet tall fair and hoping for fine wear her. 1'hs Miaow. Edith and (' Ira Robert., of Aodericb, visited the villas, on Monday, coming in their motor car, Sieve, al of our sports have inioor•ed bunting doge, end there is a great in- crease in mortality among the 'coons. Mr. S. M. Wickens, manager of the Sterling Bank. has returned from two weeks' holidays spent at bis hove near Toronto. Mr. Wm. Sillilw ham bought the house and office at the corner of Main street from the Roberts estate and is making arrangements to open a but- cher .bop. Miss Clara Augustine left on Tues- day morning for Piot Arthur, hewing received a Message frau) that city that her sister, Mrs. H. Walker, was critically ill The town bell bas been quiet this week. The citiesos have been mak- ing up a collection of the "neceerary," and we expect the "dinger" will be going M usubl again tomorrow. Rev. O. (ioi.w conducted services in the Preibytetianchurch at Arrow last Sunday. while Rev. Mr. McRae, formerly of Armow, occupied the pul- pit of Erskine church here and of the Presbyterian rhulch at Port Albert. A hot fowl .uplwr under the ane - piers of the Anglican church will • be given nn Monday evening at the Ag- ricultural Hall. A hurnor(iils play, entitled 'Tbe Minister's Br•ide,' will be rendered by the Auburn Dramatic Company. The work of improvement goes on. Tbi. week a new iron pump replaces the wonders one which for so many years stood at the old hotel corner and Wel vett hotb uran end beast. Messrs, T. Stotbers and J. R. McNabb are the public-spirited citizens who col- lect• d the funds among the merchant. which Laid for the new pump. with the useful, not to nay fleet -merry, at- tacLuteute of pail and cup. Everybody eats Bla.:kstnui a deli- rious. ice' crwte% of wperior quality, Oadetedelivered. ' A UUTIUN &&LB OF FARM STOCK AND UteLEMdt\Te. KNOX'S NEW PASTOR. REV. H. C. MCDENMID DULY IN- DUCT ED ON TUESDAY EVENINIti. b words of H appreciation of his servicee during the rulirteu in August, 1911, and Ielt oriented him with • cheque i d atter tranl- The .wise ignod auctioneer ba. teee)ved in- eteueuoas fres Malehilli. ROM. MCU Er. C 10"4 to sell by public auetluo oo lot :)1. eoweewaoe 1. krt. 'A although (wr Auturut. coanuwe.c inn at 1 o'otuck p.m. ea v FRIDAY. UCTUKK1: til. the titlowtsa fantastick and imp.euieut 1. wry MORa1Y2s. flee bone. a years old, rlr ti by the purebred Foreserss bore, Jervis, res. driving *.are,* years old. aired by Mi. Oust s t y1 i year. old. wired Ly u.,;idman. LIC NOTICE. tlNpweneg.tyew..d,.tidn, ao..lwan. CATTLK. TOWN OF GO RICH. TAXES. 191n. ~Wjl.IRS Soo arre.t.0uaoow . b.s11 paid br Nth Wee two per cent off. It not paid until Moves Y rt onlyase roe root S. pr'unpily aid nave yore dasoments. WM. CA)IPBELI.. rtepesbet "Joh. lona Collector. jjPECIAI. NOTICE. -MR. :JOSEPH Ilett MAN. the coal 0,1 and [•+aline aleft appreciate. tbe.goner in whits the people 1d Illodegich hop to be'able o oreuatitiase0tte him ad he upp* their wee** these Nave. HBO. E. St NHURY, A. A. (l. O., L'1). O. .. 4irtanlat fend t'bo1•t»rtee of l bunch. Tended patio,. Yoram..maga •. wpmrd fur rxaueli 5tl0 . Studio - /444th street, cpta ile lar. tonna 1 lee purebred Darken' oow, "P. tires. with pedigros, It years *id, suplaewd to he to calf, due to cane in Jute, tnesrp5rbrwd learheo cow. -Jane. with pedi- gree, a year. oni..uppared to be In cad due to gain in January. ' Ore purehtra Darla* heifer.Jr ',nu. Lynn, web potter...3 tan oki..uppo.•u.1 to' be it due W route Cars 1'.e..ov0 .5550 wpoued to be in call to the p.tobitd Durban NU. "Potion. Pride. low purebred lwtleas toilet.-.1,bur u Ls-. • .le,' with peace. r. 17 ncntbm ted use .purebred Durham lull e..lt. "Mrh hind Ilir,, wan. teatime. 7 mouthew.l. use Derbahr roads eels. n you• old. el:11 tau osli es at four, S awaits. owl. Ude Ilubam gown cow. :t year. old. rsp. )weed to bele tau. doe ta calve In Malebo 4hie u.*.t i ,w„7 year uta..uy;weed to tie tit t met, eels bp salvo t Ila US• .der epic, pear. oh1..uiwu.ed In tall. der to rete Ir Janus y . Uwe lN1'. n -tuft 1 year. NJ Feriameas. taat..a 3 year. w,. t, One .tor, n -lees : ya •+• ores+.slag .., res, Thinner' lasttJer ewe-. on,.! 's0 yr it, old. Tierra Lck-...tet ewe-. c n. 1 : Three t tie. -lir es... , anti s I . 4 ; ,\ rale 1 rano: d rev .amu Three illi,.d ..un/War. Two brood .ows, dee to Utter I)oceeroiler Lab. Iris Leeventeen thereto, about l month• old. IY)WL Two turkey bens. - GRAIN AND HAY. About tai bu.brbdseed orlsHirenary Fakes 1 Ante ret. turned out goer 66 bushels per etre thee 'e'er A quantity of hay to be •old by the :o n. IMI'LEMF:\T+ One Front a Wood 3' tooth hay rake. thee Ma.+ry Magri. disc harrow.., One turnip pulpp.'r std other article- 100 n u mer. ,ie to mention. TERM:4 1)1' 1AI.F: All reechoes of Ale and nu ler. .soh : over that amount leve. tu,nth credit on pun crevice.' fornl.btnF.appror'rd lnintheee.. urates snd hay cash. give tier ce,• per gannet g. lowed for mob on credit amount.. 'KURT. MOUSE& BON, THUS. O4:_NDRY. Pr.prbtaie. Auctiex+leor. 31 PORTANT AUCTION S A'L E Or HOCSEBOU) FURNITURE AND URNIBHINOB, - HAIKOUOI1S.-11118. A. NICHOLL. Nelson erre,. be prepared to do as rinds o, hair work noun. from ant Meir it eon hi.'t-, ✓ ind w{'phr. hair Inc order.. dentate treat rwept.egui dom;tee, ill• etc • .pow iii o ham creel. Inc SObuYale tO W leulo ins -hemp,. ) ra.bewts ptealn. N.rbo. and lido -wild.. girl. FOR SALE calf. • ,yq ry q OL lie 5, 1911; SEE - " Britain Prepared" AT THE MODEL THEATRE FRIDAY. OCl • 13th THE tt1ONAL PRINTING CO., WHITED. Pt:st range LADs PERSONAL MENTION. addressed in wire and kin'th• manner TH KHAKI by Rev. D. farewell, .t McKillop, and THE succeeding hint Rev. A. Macfarlane. of - Bsyflekl, gave s.,we.....noble words of advice to the congregation. A tele(( raw was received on Tues - Mr. C. A. Nairn then came ft+rwerd ' day b7 L. Jantek Taggart telling of and, after addressing let Hev. .1.s.. the death of his son. Pte. Llewellyn John Tdeltert. P1 .'1'aggalt err+only Hamilton •tow well-chosen sixlrren and a -halt year. of age. r Vacancy Filled by the Coming of a New Pastor under Most Auspicious Circumstances -Rev. Jas. Hamil- 1 Moderator Receives a Testimonial from the eongrega- .'sen nett ratty Iwet spa ng ru 0n belted( of the c niton niwt of Knox I ing our runt* menthe in England was urn removed to thehospital• r - Hamil- ton, interim The following member. of Premby- , he died after seven H A Latug II tion. Macfarlane, Hayfield , [ attention his boy R -- h 11 J \Itr,y 1, 1 1 limey.. making slwual 1 0( vacancy. pr cburch. Mr. Hiwint. watts a curt" taken ill with *pupil wroinititie. He able AcknowledKt t `war t Ak r sb It, where tory erre present erase• weeks i aro•. Aubpru : 1. H. \\'lain-, Hrnc-Held : -\. Mr. Taggart speaks highly of the ►, 1.urwrll, eceived during his EOR SALE.-ONIS NEW OLIVER 1 TYPEWRITER. T. H. M(TEREL Lyn ED: Read Machine Co. LtJR SALE. -1916 OKAY-LK/KT r CAR. fully 'Oilseed. N" tvastartint •6+lem : art clm+r. condition. . guarantee. i LAKk L. t+W ARTS. Ht/Usb Exchange Hotel. It R SALE. -MEDIUM-SIZE COAL RT. Picton tit reetJheater. self -{..Ates Apply to MIt$. (.112NRT. Picton tit VOR SALE. -TWO -(:HAIR RAE - .11: bar -hop end taboo* eland. Apply to J. H. RH(dnT. Auburn. slat. 1 71-40,. . EOR BALR•-(:EDiAR POBht,AL O fg, sbletle. AI)ply N'. T. RIIDUELL. .Mn. WANTED. RoOMti WANTED. -BY YOUNG aser,ted c.mde with .malt baby Furn- logo. with privilege of Ienodry and ktt.ben, to private faintly, or would o.on.'idrr MOWS furnished hen for few Merlin" Inionsb Applyy K.0 MA1111 LN K, MEN ANE) BUYS \VANi'KD. - Fisc or -is hand) .nen or boys wanted Apply to Pati 6:1' (MAIN 1)1,)011 l'O.. Uodc Mc ., e.p od, e. oro, mention The pa.truslcbargoetKnox chnrch..ant1Jam. Hailti:t•'n, lioderirh, Minis -ger, a. Wilkinson and Rev. Mr. whish had leen vwdart since tile te- tore ; and Mesar.. A. Inglis, Ii deri.th : Kity. , also of two nurses. While 'novel of Rev. (iso. Il: K.• -s tar M .n- I J J. ti '11, Bruce eld, and R. M. he uuutrnt the Ina. Ill hie eon, hi ie Your'g. Carlow elders. Krv. E. H. I juicy proud of the spirit of loyalty treat in tMayhe Ire(, is si He happily liawrr., of \\'gilded, a f eraser member i with which Llewellyn was richly ;rata flit./; by the inducthm art Krv. 1{. l•• of Huron Presbytery. NI 210 war Ines- bard. The nary bid.Iwrys written in M'hrrmid, lair of litaynrr. Torr is-- service of in - it courageous "treat, .bowing • deter• ferreting and iwIr'eeeiv.- duction tri k place is Roux church on mina[' in spite nt hisoath, 1 Tuesday • vening before. Isige eon- tit. eras h •1d in the leer urs ronin, thri it c what tight. Tube people n( model, ,Is- if the 04 Cement linderich feel deeply for the bereaved g, rgxt ion. g family, but we trust they will drew HeV. A, (.ting• o{ {Morn, [Heider. !win int rodeo est to M.. and Mrs. Mc- ator of the Presbytery of Hu r• De. mid. After warils refrr'shiiente turnip uolwee I, 111 the rhohe" ght that be Lona -o0, presided. Rev..1. Abei y. oI •rod- were served by the ladies apt! the Mr. Richer -I Phelan ha. returned to to.. ., from Northern Merge/o. Mr'.. J It Ione. of 1 oudon, s- . ted h. r mother. tire Mien hill.. 0.. the paid . es+• Mr.. 1t. Mulch. Ia'e of t liuron. her- mune rn liedeetch to .ta7 r. i:1 b. r .5. Mr. .1. F. Ma'N. MI.. 14. F. H Im.rombr, of the Oahe. a both shout -tall. err, in t :adsneb ulor the wore end Mr. J H Reynold. has returned front ti, -11 h and nil now -pend mote of hie lime ok tial, rich. rot. \'t the close of he ser%i:e s recep- Any trim, sty r.1 dry Matlock 'setas lot et.enn.er wood wt MacEwaw's (phone IPI!. 4L' +soper cared. tf GIRLS WANTED APPLY GO1)ERiCH KNITTING CO. 1 CARD OF THANES.. F'••r i• r crr.arn and f'1n. v hricke try. t:IJ1•u•i • Utdel s dnct.•l.d, Phone ST. AUGUSTINE. 1't'eetl.tY, Oct. 3. BKlnl',.T\li0a Bertha Armstrong, of tlruasele. who has Iw.'n visiting et. Wm. 1'huutpron'I, mourned house on Saturday Pt-'. John .1. ffereon, of Camp Borden, is hornet'''. week Mire Liyz;e Kearney, of Fordyce, vis- ited Mrs. lirraver this Werk JVier Ellen and Mr. John Thompson visited Beurla! friends over the vreek-end. Mies liladys Jeltere in .visited Wingham friends but week Mr. 0. Pollard ret tined from the West on Sititlday ... Nilo-fllling is the order of the day. 1 have rrrelved )ntradtaas to -••Il by public auction at the .e PItPMIBk9, HRllt'K BTREIir. uu1)EKICU os SATURDAY. OCTOBER ti commcsetnt at 1 o'clock .harp All the furniture an( furnl.hiue--o,nwine'd in the tesldetne olthe la's MK. DOTY, oon.Hting of perine. dlnintroorn. tiedrreim and kitchen furniture. 11oen. camera. cu,lalns. blind.. A number of goal oil pouting+- tie.• oral goof walnut piece.. Hookda.e•, bark-. eta Kr. rything hill be +old without ,e -erre Term" cam. Tilos". °CRORY. Auctioneer. I 1LEARINO AUCTION SALE OF I V FARM STOCK. MR. R. W. RYAN will sell by nubile auction at lot :. nonce.•ion 10. Coltrane. on N'ICON IFOAY, OCTOHFK Ilth. at one a meet Aiwa ERDOF THANKS. -THS FAMILY of tie late Henry Stowe wish to eiprer, . k.atif it gratitude to thole assay fronds air klddaw•er extended le the tins of hs- saaawu'. t 4.4.. member. of baIt V>O.t0.e rtee their in shWei^e eosrtery. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tw Two gerATt or 0wii uNA Tows. [.Ave 0. T.R Town Or 0055100. I N 1.45 COUNTY oe Homai. atone. nisenotn. One aged mare. heavy -draft. eeppost"1 to 1r. In foal t, Honest John ; 1 hsvydraft gelding. 7 year. old..irad by Maharishi : 1 ►racy dram geldinheavyerah)ear. oldsired m'MInR I years Older. shod by I l C,on .rile . 1 driving mare 117.010 old. gates for a greenery to drive : 1 .peing ally, heavydraft : 1 olds! now. 5 years old, doe to os! fitawyy 44 : 1 am. • yearn old. due to riles April PIRwAx 1 oow. doe to crave 1a March : 1 hotter, riming4 year. 0M due to delve Fehrue17 Irk : 1 hedflilting t year• old. due to calee May 1"ilotnavels cow to e year+ o: I heifer. riming pen a.lve April l7t1 : I bolter. tieing 1 yearn old. des Wage* Aprtl 5.11: 1 heifer. ring 3 year. old, due to calve Atoll 171a : 1 ferrow cow. th Ins 4 old : 1 heifer. tieing 7 yew'. old, sup w years Old. dee t0 lee 7 sar to calf , y hosed to t1! rare. May tat ; t fu.leive ra..7,yeaHold : 1 steer. 1 Faeroe* : 6 palled A 1s friar* ' Stetson be 1 bNfw, aka" boll, with pedigree, ride : 1 aka ; berewr DrtaOs s Rieke"( erten* t reser ate : r ; • qs it et lumber. be.leck under. soda.: • es-, 1 f and Dien : 1 besoesr, 1 dl sieve, M tr. 1 broad New. with 11 Ifni. Dire : s *mak Metlar Ream I. b.r.eye•• P5nannl to R B 0. e dpt" 111, reties eas-a. last as parse.. hev claims •a1lwarn* the free et w eor wad Ogl Te•srdemand. w1" Mrd se ser about she Lod day of 410.wwher. *5. aro reenh+d to send or denser to t1"5adenbmee4 •ddsisMntor of lbw estate d UN r1" A. IA YWa. %WW Ce •5 eva err before the taw day w rd we5sw. rad doatwMtiesw, the tan rsrtleerre thele ddo., • seateswt et their .suseete sad the meters of the aswdUss (1t •myt eMa by Hem• mei And hasher M esai la will pressed £.15 ►515 the are* et the deemeed •n5• tel )nettle entitled therww behave reenveil netbre. and that the sibeaMMea vlag tog•N only le the Maine whash err wv ast to Was lar the weld •resbti et way Part thnisf. to an panne er lesees' of wham Vie ties .welt hoM "i .;.al babedbbabb 10.154 ubb.daysstowable. Hall Mahndeal OnAI* OW oederieh. 051. As POTATOES I will have another car of choice Delaware Pota- toes next week at reduced R. R. EWOTT Phone 7s Picton Street Tiers .11 enm• of Stn end underdash over „hal arnenn1. t1 month.' reedit will be ghIoro on h,r•b.hine appr'ove'd Joint nN.K A dlweeaet of S per dent. .might allowed for rash oe credit anrMnta. hVeryU,lnt rowel he add tie Mr. Wan Ie tray terProprietor T.OUAuctioneer CENTRAL Gt STR ATFO RD. ONT.. Cmmercial, Sh rthand and Telegraphy De artueais. Students may ent"r at any time. We place graduates in positions. l)ut ing July and August we received applications for over 2411 gess*tants we could not supply. Write for our free catalogue at once, D A. McLACHLAN, Principal THE REV; R. C. Mt'DF.Ft H I I t. NEWLY-1\1,117'I:O' PA$l It of i:7ut t Ill et 11. The town was shocked 410 Towlay 1,y the news of the death of Lieut. 2 NI, P. Lane, the youngest son of Mr. Wen. Lane. county clerk, who was re- ported "killed in action." Though hr bad been tier some yeare in the. far \Vest, engaged at various places in British Columbia in the service of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Pte. Lane 1. very well remembered by the people of liodrricb, among whom be grew up. He visited his parents here in Nn.ewber last, when he presented a splendid picture of retalwalt nlan- hcind. He enlisted with the :still Kootenay Battalion, but was after- wards transferred to the 11th Van• cntiver.. He had been io Franc four mouth.. Twenty -4z vrrre'of age. M was r' rticulatly promising young roan. an trent..., and other -re- latives. it is • ern blow to have hits cut down just when life war opening ' 1 fully, before him. Mr. and Nr,. Lane have the heartfelt sympathy df our 1 people 111 their great loss. Mrs. Lane 1s at present at D.'troit with her eon. Dr. Chitties Lane, and Mr. Lune it ill t join her there tri• week. • Mr• l:eo..lcheron, eif Toronto, I. +r'e•ndl••g few dry. et the home of Mr. u.d SIr-. J 1'. Hrowu Mr.. F. H. Hewson and little ton. of Nes l., keaid, end M b.. Helen Strome. of New York. are vi.I1,4 at the home of Ur H 1. and tit-. rugs... Mia. Kernatb,en left oo Monday for DeireI: to resume h. r former potation there at the Maecabr Temple. after .pendi&.4 Wye, .I ii014M it, town. Mn.. W. f. Yoingb•ud Ueecurely Mies Tune Bore id. after it tour twilit .' vt.lt with parent. and friend... left ora Friday morning Inc her heave at Araula. 4,.k. Mrs. IsobeI Parnham 1+ lading a few week. at Introit avid M Alice Clark. of Col boron, 1, et eying with litre. Wm. Green while Mr• I'ar,.hatti oe away. Mr and Mr W H. MacMillan motored from Ann Arbor. Mich. clotting Mr. MarMina.• parent.. Mr. mud air. tiro. MacMillan, and hie -id -•r. M,-. Ja• Me ('her. Mee. Fred. C.Shepherd and throe children lett on '1 .,..'lay for I'nw.to,.. to 1.tn air. ehep- hare rr . who o b•o taken ae preilttoo Inc..dYreand l Mr.. SMd.ard 1L•• r. Rlmn•ul.. of 'Medford. Ili.. `+ Wright. of Warrwi•, Seale_ Mime M. Harland. ..f, 1on1on.. and M,.. J 1: t lank ant two 111'1" •h,khcu. of a linti'n, ri.aled at the bottle qt Mr. and Mr-. J E. Mutch last week. Mr. Arthur R. Ford. of •ether*, 1. making • brief v..)t tee hi. p.re.ue, Rev. J. K and \i'-. M...rd. Mr. Ford ie amember •f the Pr-.otI*l- I.1) N1 Ottawa. Irpt•owittles particularly The Toronto ew-. but On other 00nteNi0n,.,,- helmet 'I he Londuu I I:ne.1 linte- l', lirM, II. It. Wight(•., who hao been teller ae- •ountnut (h the local br,uch of the $terltrer Bahr -dui the the twat year. leave. •m Srluntmy 10 r..uoec Mu, ,u.wnitenldy of t be 1ourtright brew+ of the Nark. Mr. Wallace haa metier neutral( mach liked by the clients of the Rank h. re 5mt hi. Kernel eon a well dt>rrsed- Mr. and /Are. B. C. Munnings an- nouptr the eugagetnent of their eldest daughter, (lertrude M to Mr. Harold G. Boggs. of Jones. Okla., the wen- ding to jake place quietly in October. Edwards', are again waking that pure Nirmrmade candy. A .scruple will convince you. Mr. K. C•"4Hay• received word an 80144111.e. from the Record Office at 0'- tawa t, the effect that hie leen, Pte'. "'3 :t..lrert f:•tttluset+ Haysi hal ler ti PM - milted to. Clarendon Park hospital, 6uildfotd, on September bl, ...Mee ing ft shell shock. Pte. Hays enlisted with the :kith , Battalion end went ovrr•ra• ill ttetolwr of last Year. lir ,I tar 1"iitia-r r•uiy tar \Loch :121 L • i 0..'re in the trent lies resat .in, 0. (IA Monday a c:tl.legtetrr rein• 1'Ito Meier Il. C. Ilunlop. l.•otgin.•.a' Camp, stating that he hid wren Pte. Hays and that he was dieing well. Mt'. C. M. Elliott receival wo'-d on Friday that Pre. William William., of _ the Mounted Rifles. was olTh illy sermon, is members of the Ladies' Aid `Society potted as admitted (oh.pitalS intetu- the .►beet;, ing " A the ft •• Saci ince:" cheered •hr new na+tni'e wife with the l)rr lith, with w gunshot is a u+anr of rheule tiring Vicarious .: F. W. thorax. Pte. Williams Rev Jae. Hawilton, interim sunder- gift of •Lunch of roses. song and the li,derii h. but his father now Byre at in f the Notional Anthem clotted Mr. G. E. King draws special at- tention t t the' jtrooluetnun • 1 ''The ('heat et the M„ilei 'Theatre on Fri- day anal Swturtl"v of this week. In this play is seen F'.innie Ward. tore . 1 the great stars of the pietist.. world. and Sawa*. Hayakswa, a Jape ne-e artist 01 oel'rMlty, alae 15 in the et. , - On I Tea e4111e evenings Charlie Chaplin will be to the pua(r•alu, •o Iwnuos rat the Model are aesurea •:f ;a oneeitilly enj•.y.1 1,- even iitg valet r Ft id ay or • MAL urtley. *tor of the session nt Knox church. Situndrt.-tog a happy give a statement of ib.' mete Ieadiot; rang g istrerrat to the iadtsotiot. The usual quralions an •ncpicwur envier rhirl) limiteed rs in e friendcurtesly'iltird Bilin the boy. oyli►rly has were put to the incoming ' ' ter( what it is confidently nce and after prayell l.y the mode, star n term of ni'-I pleasant And profitable I his etil,.lruent nearly a year ago. Mr. McDermid was solemnly inducted I'n operation between pastor and Among there reported as wounded and welcomed to bite Presbytery '' people in the work of the church. the msluhrrs hrfeent. Rev. Mr. McDermid Will occupy the in the casualty liars thio week are 1 i i t d pawnor was then pulpit of Knox chunk era Sabi'ath• I William Kennedy. Mortimer Kelliher The St. Helens. Mr. Elliott his taken a Hie county hoard of criminal audit Leet et the eodet house this weft. Hie Hoerr Judge 1$ekaon took his place 0o the board foe the flet time The other members are Reeve Leckie of Bresemis, Mr. Wm. Lane. county clerk, and Mr. C. Beerier. ee-nKary of board. new y- o us- e and "Bobs" Junes-Bater•an. *11 of _ - Olde rich connection. CHURCH NOTES ' and evening, and also at the ban- I quiet which is hang pont-tided by The Baptist church announces it* the Menlo. th . Stn,dhy School As.t-.I _ l services a. for C next !t any -the rad be profitable (onvent ionural ;unseen t ort t ers to ill hear r f the rises. tit PrivaterReg. 6. ltan)iltort,inf 11 a. m.-e"Christ and" th Church." texpected 'that a large delegation from Regina, younger brother of Pte. (lay - :I p. m. -"Paul before Felix" -Mab- the various Sundiey school% of Centre Iethei(father, Iton' Their recently killed ate Mr. Cayley Hamilton. was an old - tier tioderich Irty, brother of Mr. C. J. Hamilton 'if Cornwall and of Mrs. O. F. Carey of this town, and stepson of the late Dr. Shannon. Homeseekers' Excursions to. Western Canada. 'I'n.• iirantl'I'ruuk Renta it Mycete ru The community will be grievetl to NOTI('ET(1THE1'1'It1.1C round[:, : It hurt, .••e k• es' its at Very law tare from stations in Canada to poiielr in Mani: (ilia, S, I.- • atchratot and 'Ahtrlt,,.•ru:h Tuesday . until Dernier :11e1.. incitedVe, via NorI h Bay, Cu;hraur and Transcontinental route or via Chi,trtylo, Ht. Paul and Duluth and good returning two µrnnths f date of ipsue. Through 1lturiet eleeping care are , operated each l'urslry for `VIm.ipeg. Irving 1'oront,,litta p. au, V. Tran - -Continental. Carate without change. 1tx+ervet ions Tn tourist sleepeus may ape uht*inerPat nnuiirel charge on 4 - plication to nano (itand Trunk Ticket: office, The (:rand Trunk pacific. . Railway is 1 rite ebortt•.t and quitke'.T. route Ilrlws.'* Winnipeg:, Saskatoon 'i and Etlmnn4'n, ii'Mi stn,irth ro+artysd, electric -lighted mleepiug can, through the neweut, most pictures(ne and moot rapidly developing Pection 1.1 Western Crusade. . Before deciding on von' trip ask tirand Tiunk regents to furnish full pestit•ulare or •wale C. 11. Horning, District Paeeeoge{ Agent. Toronto bath school lemon. i p. r.1.-' A Ja)l"r i,opri.one:l," a Gospel appeal to the unsaved. Evangelical church. -Rev. W. H. Campbell, Litt B.. B. D.. pastor. Harvest orae eery ie , Huron will he present. Special thanksgiving services will be held et Victoria [inert Methodist church nest 'tnnday. 1he congrega- tion Atm he f .voted with the presence •e Denier ljth of a former pastor, h.ev. et Zion. Preaching service 11.'5. In. Graham. 11. .t.. of Sarnia, who will Publact, "A Milestone of Remew- pt'eaeh ping and evening. On b•aoce." Evening subject, "Keep the Monday evening the minuet (tome Fires But ;ting."' A 'splendid Thanksgiving Day supper will program has been prepared. All are II he served by the ladies of welcome. the church from Ii to 14 o'clock. after At .North street Metb(diet church 'which there will he a modes!al and tit - next Huntley morning the subject for erary program. }teve Mr, liraham ditecn•wiob at the Men a Sunday Club, and rttiidrnt. miuis(rrs will give ad - meeting et 111 „:,-.1„(.k..111 hr ••Amuse• dleews. This is an event always en- ioyehle to those who attend, and menta -Good. Harintul." At 11 o'clock, there should lira targe gather itig Writ Hlying been desir(u sof enlisting for vontc time past, i have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacEwan, manager) to take over and carry on my cartage business during m. absence. I have therefore signed up with the 1tilst Battalion for ir'tive ser- vice overseas, and I s►o,11d respect- fully solicit from the public gener- ally, and from my old customers) particularly, a continuance of their valved patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business affairs entrusted to their care during my aheence will therefore he thankfully appreciated i y me. Telephone all orders to phone 44. ALFRED H. JANE Rev, W. K. t a. Ch t was 'Nondav 'eOrtrir)R, 'The neftoutsion fee "Thr Life of ChIs Life In is only ra Ch1 set." Evening athjrct, • _ _ - Thanksgiving err , "'freeing the Hind of (1o1 40 Our Canadian Nation- al Life.' We offer One it sudred 4,1101. relent 41 for an) The Oentre Huron Sundry School e.oe of c.i.rrh that (asset es curt• l by Ha.1 . A•saeittioo .r la i.t nnate in having 1'at aril Pure. IMII'. l'atarrh('ur hs.tteln token h),•nt,,rrh secured Miro Bertha I, tine, ,1 Toronto, .f.,-.,. f ,the pest thirt7 ave year•, end hv. for the Convention of 19111, wherb 15 10 boome known se the moot telleOre hl theoro,edy forr be held at Seelort h, Thursday, (lc. e.terrh. Hall. Idem oe the nineret' aortas"-, expelling the Wen. 12th In OdJiloat to 'eyelid semi now the blood u d healing the dl.eaeed local speakers, Minn (wine, who im peettene. Aker you hese 'alien Hall's t as•rh ('err Incne of the Provincial Aveociatidn an.hert tour es w II '- a '. at hnpi^vef for omen, will "teak both aft*. noes Ia roar pnrral hrnu1 14,.1 154115 N.II'• Catarrh Cure at One • and get rid of catarrh. - aged for tr+•lo, ,Iil•, free. r. l J.1 'HIEN ICY a CO., Toledo, shin. by all di rage., ..7*. How's This ? •• WtITAIN PREPARED' The ow, of sesta for "Britain morn et 1 M Thais. n, 11. tomorrow IV, i- Twd'gMY •. r. The event.({ pe. Once nsesi ;weawg M g:13 de1aa. rids ` tis and ase (or reserved ate tie for rens *sale. For the motifs., at 3 o'clock the ..insimsmns ria Ira ifs f.', ebeMses nod as- for adult.. No reserved agate. lismousher the 3c war tax on evevy ache. Word WAR received on Monday that the 1(11.1 Battalion - s elated to go overseas this fell Ap arebtly it had been pretty well decided that the Ilat- t.liob wax ht winter in Goderich and officers were here to mnke prepara- tions i ps".'tions for their accommodation ; but Monday's report changed th.- pow - 'recto. entirely. The Hurn es *1 rive in the county today for their final leave fermi Caml' Borden. cHOOL RtpORTS. R o. No. 2, GODEIOCH. Followinqg 1. the report of S. H• tin. 2, (hoderich township. for M"ptem- Capt. Mr.) J. ILL i.eTouze•1, of the her. Naml* are in order of merit. the C. A. M. ('., London, was in town report tieing hewed nn examine' lens, for the week -end on a visit tern his par rias work sod general demeanor: este, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. LeTm'zrl. IV. Sr.-ti15dy. Ginn. Ureee McCabe. He ass arrcmpsnied h hie bride. Vera Tbo.atw n. 1I1. Re. --Mildred i whinwas Mies May Mosey, d*ughtei Tht.wpsnn. 11f Jr. -Annie Me('abr, I of Me. John Mo.ely of Toronto, form - Minnie Noakes. I1. Jr. -Clans Mc -I erly of this town. ('apt. LeTt,n eel re- lish*. 1. Sr -Orval Rodger. (inninnI turned recently from Jamaica, where Johnston, Doris Itodges. 1 Jr. - Prodibe had practised medicine for • num- McCabe. Pris.er-Gonion Mchwenz,her of years. end enlisted with the Reginald Thompson, (trace Haack.. Army Medical Corp., and M now K. R Kara. Teacher. 'awaiting orders to ineeeed overseer. Troopers K. S. Brimicowhr and H. C. Bu nhroude, of the Canadian Mounted Rifles. wete butte from Hein - ikon on float leave last week. The boys expect to go ~visas about. the 11th of October. Ont 1f it's quality yOu ain't, we Bleek- stoat.'. dcliewei- tee .team for all ere-, earl, .n.. Pjwr+-+ Gunner J M. Roberts sen, "1 Mn. J. M. Rolwrt•, of1}uderieh, who went overseas early in the ell rc+dler with a heavy hatter from Cubwrg, is now In action and is helping in the big if. frnsive somewhere on the western front. Writing Whim mother recent.' TAYLOR. In (feml.rwa. si Mon.l•l (xtet•' ly be +tatted that he had hall an op- t. Jame- Taylor. m lu.71r1 ren, portunity of inspecting %owe of the JUHNIrr+i5 1„ Oed.e deb. rn 1a, order. Sep trenches which the (lermsns had been term op .rss.%r. ^ n`lh' widow of he 1.15 Rebell forced to vacate and which had leen 1\\I'• ll O.dereen.An Mn.,4.o e4 nh r considerrd impregnable lefore the " M, frig I r. He.,mh( M, inns M hl. wfkd AUG- ON SALES. 3.)10( 51)11', lira. 11. 1 lent in "nation bele of farm +tock. at R w K1 As'+. 104 . •q,,tw.Mn la, 1 ulhollee. at 1 u'e:erk. T. Ul•v oat, auction- err. 151 Rear. O01. 14 Rale of hmarhold nine (ogee and fneentwiued re enIn the si- ele I dtx of the bele Mr. )tay. IN.r'k tnrrl.liode- rMh, commencing at 1 o'rlorlt T. Uest.et. r.0 `t Wryer. Tin 14a0AV.(ld p..-Clrerint n,rti'-nsle r.1 fie. -cls.• fitly ecr•• f..nn, fe ern •task. InrpM- anent. and hoa+e.hokl leu nit ursproperty of John H. leempary• at the perms•.'.. lot AI. OWn- rend, 1e. Oo,lmieb townrl.lp. rommeedieg at 1 o'Clork. T. (ll'st.Rv, eertlonecr. Ili,ney, 0.4 'JU.-t1..ilog .(Alda. s1. .t forst 20x1 ad ImpltanMU, war".w..1"..prop-1. eery et Heenan l'. *is.•r. lot ro,ce..,om Ka.t Wawano'b. T. Ut•vnay. Auct toaster. 005344, J.tl'Krug N. -In Osd.eteO.oa September 17.10 Mr. sod Mrs. C. L lactose. • era. DIED. e•R.$ITON.-1n lioderki1. o., Tee•day. 1te thaw .1 A.aa It. Grant. ;.herd wife of ( Leri "t rallon, 6,s • In bet 72' •.d yrs r 11e funeral will lake plmcr, from the faot'itt rr.lden.e. sot. ila,Id'..treet. nek rod.7. 1e'- (ober fl et 3 o'clock p• m.. to Mail land swum nary, hervle•* at the WNW( et 2 T o gle« k. push" commenced ast July. pear. )r4EW ADVERTISEMENTS - Oct. 6. Page • Not Ire to Coeditor. 111.iM+ (terra'. . 1 'ere of Thank. Varsity of late Henry Stowe 1 Typewriter for Male T. H. Mitchell 1 "Sate. Srewar Tit. stream. Dist . J Potatoes It H 511401. 1 1'Oal Heater for nal. Mr. 0..4.7 0'ar he Sate Clare I. goat4s..,..' The "Krill n( w Nation - vhteets Hour 1001400 r41r Hobs. Mc(kr a Son kw -tins .Nle Trete N.n.rry 1 Ketone Wanted - It O Matth1ar 1 4 Igen