HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-28, Page 4CAO11I11aT, y her 2A. 1910
Men's and Boys'
Fall Suits and
are now ready for yotir inspection
good values we are offer-
ing under war conditions'
should appeal to every keen buyer
of clothing. 'We are selling most
of our goods at much below the
present value : this should inter-
est you, especially when the price
of everything is so high.
We invite you to call and see our
clothing, get prices, and compare,
if you will. with any clothing in
town or city.
Walter C. Pridham
Special Orders taken for 20th Century Brand Clothing
Watch for some Specials Z
u Store.
Furire atWaiker's1
in the basement section.
• Watch for change of Advertisement
next week. During the rush of Exhi-
bition week we have been too bust to
go through our stock and arrange a
more detailed announcement.
• Often
• the
W. WALKER, Furniture and Undertaking the
Cheapest Best
•• Phone 89^
MR. N. Y. \V H Y A K D is
MEOW fur THA MMU N At. at llunttanaaa.
. Iy.nn left with Alm for auberrlptleo..
.Arent -.menta or lob prtullua wt9 1•-
r wire preempt wit -mate TJrptoue
oliuder.eb !thrall r
\\ gDNaniaay. Alts•. 'Jtl
Mr end Mn. (ieorgr Howard and
little daughter, Evelyn. of '%.etch. vie.
ited et the home til Mr. and M.o. M.
Haus lees F.idey tv g rod Satur-
day, returning on Saturday attar noon.
I Mr. Howard is tMiucytal of Zurich
public who.'(
The ice crest social held in the
bwutelft of Erskine church . H Mon-
day eve g was w WI P.M success. A
splendid program of readings, duet.,
siders and instrumental music was rem
dered, atter which (-.kc. coffee and
ice cream were .rrted I o I he imp! went
of all. Tne pr...eeds ate 10 he appt.rd
to the lois-inn fund.
Mrs. L. Palmer and daughters,
Mises Luella and Amelia Bellamy.
who have had charge of tit. central
exchange here since the Installation of
the Godes kh Rural Telephone Cc.. bete.
have re.iatted the po.itloo, and have
moved throe household rtlpct• to
Mpringhank, Ohio. where they intend
t.i r•be•de. '1 hey will be greatly 'missed,
in this villa«.- and community, where
they hese given .urh excelient vier, in pubLc as well as in soci.l hie.
\\'r wish thew *Mandan, euros• leu
their new tnnwe. Toe central tele-
phone oM.e here is now its charge of
M..,.. Ella S•nthere. Haz-I Aug'.tat-
I ine end Ethel Jubns,on.
\\'ELINSPI lay, Sept. 21)
Mr. J . F. Tom paid bis semi-annual
(visit t.. Kintall school on Friday last.
Mr. P. -ter ('lark. of St. Helen., cis-
( iced f. i ends sod acquaintance. here
1a.r week.
Mics Colrna ('lark. of St. Helens, it
visiting at the home of her uncle,
Mr. Murdoch McKenzie.
Our tw'her. Mts. Edna Pentland,
attended the teachers' convention
held at Goderich I*.-' week.
-Mr. Roderick M:Ket.z.e, lit \Vanni -
04 w' MID" ...«qtr le
rat. AWLS r NLN! II • treat
1. ,..•l ...e. For -
ear. ft* hag clew. H *~aai part
of e I fe t• Ow Kate e: MEN'S
DIN ..Lt '.yeas.. Ane. t j
mot •,.r�..;a loot . y. mo.. M
Irk re le. -4 taw.. Pe of Neel.
Ari.• Ness wars.. Um
1.v�--� I..at� e•1 '•sere.
p.l W ave' • Hu.uWe 4tban
.,icor law n.•.an.. teen
A 1• Testier lM M tr.« - lm.
r Alms lean .rot Mew zona
Ds. Sitio, Ti,. trestles et Des 'reeved .aur
T. tw.r .t. w.N en.•s res soil ewe ve .s e,.en w
v.. , w .'coat t• i improved an.1ele' ,hid tM
*oriole...! ItU h the Erol
e.I r•, nse•e1 M.. tent Ser ••• -.1 WEE T-
F••1ia• ll.r...m k.� knits 1, and +/lest Cee
Few very. known to wr.lisl eern.e.
Ir yor ass.•adrerer from any NCR. 0t5. MMONTT.
A. or
MALADILS..all Da. N' Mid
rata a one- W treatmenttreatenr n esti ear kr sol only
, lr. tee.i.afer. but Sl N.:Rio /I to tie onf,..wy tr-st-
amt ys* reed nr hear .teat. .r-1 the Trentt.ee' that
}.a sal Eienu.
tlti tale ewe, all other e.eth.m bare
Tame are 1104 retie-•.. Perot ELN Dr. word 4
teeaa�d�� w rotors!.
.o Yea -0. Yoe. la BLOOD rotx>.
xr'I avid*. LOMta-DVITALITY. ate..leutreat-
mewl rand' anneal $ he r solebees dementaHMed hi
Alyn• ear muter herre Tao rme1T tae w-
s od- re 11 WCA 41 RL - and TERM ANENT. Caro
•o) .+. UR WARD'S rns.derfwly IN I i.e....! ogee. f
V e i»dtm •f .4 t:.• MM. One of tn.- m...r one,. r -.a:
w upped efse• Amer . L.. -rt per .ret eotr r.t sal
"'eyes • r.onswl. lomat eawrnat.. at...Mel, net.
pacer wie eabet from s .•.load and Steamers.
4E•tE. tau .. oat5Nono to McMeto all Sommer.
WOW 4e f -.-..I pressen ma teeeaoa44. AN
helms a• ildssnal W smiled grader privet.: wow.
ppeg.g paid a short visit 1r. his brothers,
John and Murdoch McKenzie, of thld
W. M. K. XaErr "An. -The Septam-
bee s.aetb.g of the auxiliary of Aha
W. M. Si was held in the tu.nw on
Wednesday last.. About fifty ladies
were present. Rev. Flank McKenzie,
of Montreal, pyre a .host address
on "Ms i .0 wort in Quebec, and
Mrs. McLean, of Guelph. gave
a very ir.ter•eetirg pater tin
111. leu Indite. in whichee* she
had lived for .owe years. lane Lizzie
Stewart *leo gats a vet y intersecting
paper 011 wlssiou work in China.
Movuay, B. p'. 25.
fr,osse.-\tis. Olive MacMarchy .pent
he weekrtrd at her house herr.... Or.
Vi.J Chambers, of Calgarv, and Mr-.
Jas. Wilson, of Out 1pb,vi•ited their
slater. Mrs. M.C. Mackenzie, last week.
Mies Colina Clark, of S'. Helens,
is vi.iting relatives iu this vicinity....
Mix. Heroics D.ennan, of Lucknow
continua school, and Miners Rrwie
and Isabel Mackenzie, of tIoderieb
Collegiate Institute, stew. the week-
end at their respective homes here....
Mrs. Thain and Master Kenneth
Thain, of Toronto, are vieiting at the
home of Mr. Robert MacDonald.
N Nene ••.re. Op,. McSWr Mamame.t,.
strlALO. N. Ye,
ppTee Hes. - Weeder Weaws.y. IYwaar-• W P.
Twason. Thiene, sod %rids -s teL ,S•W.-M M 1.
c one
Ellis est?
The person trained in a
Commercial School.
We guarantee to give a Stenographic andC- �ercial
Course equal to that given by any School in the Province
and to place you in a position when you graduate. Write
for rates and make iirrangements toe;
ter as soon as possible.
Fall term begins September 5th.
Students may enter any time.
School of Commerce
®eseetersI xccrions
and tript. kr'••n tooth?. leu Ma.it ht. Now
coons" crud aThr tat- • Nuhb Hap,• .s bee eV
e n Irir..•.nl Aro t.. Knot nit 'te 1Cb1'em,
P.oil or 11.u.a'1, ass ..M e e•9 Tsr.lq o t ,l
•h4 31.t inclu•Irr. et low I.tc..
Thro��h Tesrist Sleeping Cars to
WINNIPEG on above dates, leav-
ing Toronto 10.45 p. m. no chin
of can, via Traascoetineatal Route
Carlos•va of .ata of sale F.nal rNurn 1.1.14 en
alt t.
December 31st
Oerth re -,•t rat lo'.- Asa fol pert;rule - 11t :.11
(1een4 Tra,k ticket nMe..- or write t• F. HRT!,
il.e. 111 -tare l'e.-etote • .l Bent. Turnnto. oat.
Ticket. Ind full inf,rm Itinn ° on
application to Y. F. LAWRENCE? S
StiNs. l'hone s. -
Tus,DaT, Sept. 19.
NOTES. -Mr. Geroge Smith and sis-
ter, Imogene, of C'urrie's. who have
been visiting at Mr. 0. W. Putter's,
returned home ou Monday Mr.
Hiram Cox left on Sstuiday lit last
week fur Toronto, where be has le -
cured a position 10 *u ammunition
Ltctory Misr Fioreuce Mcllunald,
..f Detroit, is visiting her 'Pother,
Jars. James McDonald Mr. How-
aId ('ox spent a few days at Spring-
bu. .... Mr. WiIljaut Mearceh, who
has heen visiting at Mr. Veuder-
burgh's, returned to his home at Luck -
now Twat week ' Quite a number
at l ended London fair last week.
TI'E..u.ay, Sept. 'JI,
Norge -Yr. and Mrs John Potter
and children and Mr. King motored
from Hit Aeon and spent S'Itnday at O.
W. Potter's .. ..Mese.. Joht and
Jawer Blair returned h one, having
. pent two week+ At Sault Ste Marie.
Mr. Hodge°. and .laughter, of
Kingarf, visited at Gen Vander-
hurgh's least west. Mrs. Edmon
eon. til Clinton. seem a few days lot
Chas. M.'Phail's last week. . Mr.
and Jin. Lee. Col and Mr. H Y. Cox
motored to Kincardine on Mundsy.
Mr. and Mr-. l lies. McPhail wo-
tui.-J to London tin Monday.
Tinning of All Kinds
r1.'ne promptly, thoroughly ntnl rea-
sons lilt'. \\'e'il repair or renew
rout roof, pat your ehimnec top.
leaden, gutters or cornice in fest.
claw,. condition.
Family Repairing, Too,
if von want It. I'ut * new cnpt.er
bottom on the wash boiler, mend a:l
kinds of leako in tinware,
Fred Hunt
\\ Ef.\E.n.ov, Sept. l'.l).
MArKIIt- -STHA('OtrtY.-(hf Saturday,
September lt1':b, the rrrdehce of ]Ir.
and Mr . Wee. St•'aoghen, Hrnhrrll+r,
was the invite"t.f a quiet hut happy
event, 'he mat riege of (heir daughter,
Miss Nellie L • W Mr. Homy (i. Ma^Kir,
a prosperous y leg 1ruoiIlea. wall of
Toronto. The nuptial kn. t was tied
by Rev. P. S. Bane.. ot Brnmtller, in
the presence of ' ediwtr relative.,
at 1. o'clock noon, while the wedding
mooch was played by Mr. Harold
E. Waiters. The bride, leaning on 'Att-
*1n. of her father, entered t lie parlor
and proceeded to *n arch i.e!efnliy
decoa'sletl with dowers.. wliege the
•'erewu.ny wa- p. rf. rm. 1,1. Thr ,' 1)ph•
N' Ir (halt. u.lod. Thr Ltitie'. Nrd-
ding gown viva of clean" ruessaline
s Ik with pest), trimming- and she car-
r i -d a houyuet of In id..1 Lose. and
Iilv•of-the-valley After the cetemonv
mud hearty congratulations the pert
e st down to an *1., 'io, .1." and •uwpt-
uous d ut,rr ot. 1.041.0 dreorate•i Nath
rnvt lar and g111t engl.ay. The tureen's,
Which wet. .elect sn.l costly, consist-
ing of cut glesa,and silo e, testified
to the e.teeterin w bride is
held. Thec to the
hiatli•t WAR e: `1J. at t with
'L'bt+". bride e t gown
seas of blur serge is ith ba'.
\•aid showers of confetti. at ore
weddiher lus ( whit' r•, rho
weJ.blr. . rrt• • rdrd 11.41 to
t:odrticb- trues wh(Stt plree they took
theta( 'rem to Toronto en route to
Reigland on their honeymoon, which
they will sp'mt at the grooun's old
at Liverpool.
Trg+In.ty, Sept. W.
\11-e ('henry and Miss Carter spent
Sunday with friend• in the village.
Mr. T. M.11111 ia i11 and confined
to his heti at the house of Mr. Spack-
'MISS Jr•.ie \letealfe left this week
1.. rr111IDrtlre tier et udieo et the Luis
vets ty of Michigan.
\lis: ( fat r.tt and niece, Miss \Iother-
uA, lit Washington, 1). 1' , returned
hour-- Inst week after spending the
sit rnttlrr in their' cottage here.
R v J. S. Hendrreon, of New West.
miscue'. II. C'.. preached 113 M•. An-
diew'cchurch on Sabt,ath morning,
at.d Rev. 11.11 \\to id, of R •ti .'fi••Id,
will et 'bangs. with Mr. M...butane
next Sabbath.
'L't: K*UA v. S epi. 2r)
H'v. Mr. aril Mn. John Ri,ti*nlenn,
of ti.tg.ten. have retut tied homy after
a pi -.•ant two week• -ray with
friends here.
On '1'or.dsy evening, the 10 h met.,
a large numiler of friend• and neigh -
hot. Hirt in the hoot, r.1 Mrs. Peter
Fisher and proaente.1 her son, Murray,
a signaller in training at ()t.0w*, with
an .ddr•-.s, accompanied he a safety
r..zor Paid a signet ring. a• token. of
their goodwill and affection.
Last sonde). Rise. MM,rtin, of
London, preached In the .••hyleriaa
church. The Sunday lief. Rev. Mr.
Wahl..., id G rrrgfa, C. S., preached
in the Mt...nudist ebureh in toe ?ter -
noon and in the evening th. .tor,
Rev. A. W, Hrown, preached r bar-
er., h neon.
On Mon *y evening the annual
meeting"( t le Kipprn Manch of the
Upper Canada Mai* tytw',rl y was h.ld
In th. Presbyterian chuirh Toe
.sere of the Society. it, Japanese. •tild-
ens. X-. Mora. of Wycliffe ('ollege,
Toronto, presented the elesms of the
Society .Hai shower( many i tsses•ing
v1Pw• of bis ,,..rive land. The. preci-.
d•.ni, Mr. J. 11. a1ae1 ,.n, WW1 the rc-
rrt*ry. Mt. I y. lesson, were re-
'body eats ltlsek•'n n.'e .tell
Hone ire nem of superior quality.
this ere di live) ed.
The Big Selling Event!
Friday, October 6th, and
Saturday, October 7th.
These Two Days will be DOLLAR DAYS at This Store
And will mean the biggest selling event that was ever staged in Goderich. The
idea is to sell everything advertised at $1.00.
For example -8 yards, regular I 5c, light and dark Print for $1.00.
2 pairs. regular 60c, all wool Hose for $1.00.
1 yard. regular $1.25, Serge in all colors for$I.00.
This is just an idea of the values that are awaiting you on these two clays. Your
dollar will have more buying power on these two DOLLAR DAYS than ever before.
Take advantage of these two DOLLAR DAYS to get your winter's supplies
in all dry goods lines.
Don't forget the DOLLAR DAY dates : Friday
and Saturday of next week. October 6th and 7th.
Watch this space next week for the program for
the two DOLLAR DAYS.
. We .will leave bills at your door or send them to
you on Thursday of next week. This bill will tell of
all the real values we are offering on these two
Dollar Days -October sixth and seventh --Friday
and Saturday of next week.
J. H. Colborne
1'utsmnty. SCI. 2'ith.
BHIEF+.--Mrand Mrs.Rett Cunning-
ham and daughter Betty tenanted to
their Inoue in Torontothis week .Mr.
and Mn Norman CoIelrugh and
children, of Goderich, spent the week-
end with the latter's traitnts, Mr. en d
\Its. \Vee. Iirindlev....Mr. and
J.,. MrWhinrep motored to
fi I,1 Smi'It%' 1 . siren.( th.r facer.( of
Mr. Jas .Re.imnnd, cousin of Mi.
McWhinney Mr. ani. M -. John i
Mchn4nhala Miss H .o.i'a so 1 F (ward
and \Lisa %Vat( m. reit from l'.in•on
and attended the hat veer borne Orr -
vicr. here. ..Sir To ul tianlrv, ass.,
iutento spending the winter ttunth.
at Cleveland with hi, daughters. list
ing rentesi his h.'nnts to h•. son
Thoma. Mt.Jsk° Metite,of \V.nJaor,
and M..Tn»n•r 311. -ties.. of tdtrn'a.mo
Gored to Port Albert this week and
are vi.itlnrt wradcr the psren'aI r.w.f.
Mia• Ttltw t'Arey tpi, nrn-.t fro,n
I:.n,t„r: I sat week . Mae. E1 zthe h
peeve-, of Dunttnn•.,, -ren S nrLiv
with M-. and Mee. Joos M.liee .
r r
Mr. Elliot Brennan. of lioJeri h'
n et.
i.nent Sunday with hoe mother. M
IJrrnnan Pt •. .1 ss •1 t. of the
h Botasilrn, is b.r. trona (:,amp
li .Iden visiting with relatives ...Mr.
41. rrdon Pe arson of the O. C. 1. stent
the w.sk-.nd at his home Mr.
and Mr.. Hotter. Wilson .pent Sun-
d•y with toe I.•sv't ptient•, Mr. *ad
Mrs. .r,ke McGee ..Children's
K'iIv bay eras largely attended in Mt.
• An,tes.w'• church lost VuM.f.e..':be''
'sr roil h'at. •.t 1i our services were
o••l.i o 1'or,.t rhn'ch last Sunday
e�rH'ug end pr ,pcd a gl and auet•e.w.
The demand is here and must be
applied. We help you with, our
big advertising camnaign. People
are enthused i,ver this musical in-
novation. Sales' possibilities are
Immense. Our arrangements are
' eral. You must act promptly as territory is being rapidly taken up.
Write or wire.
C rote
SO Testes Street 1riseR
VAP %rgiItHngclie PItOlJOg1'liphJ