HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-28, Page 3itIR SIGNAL GODERICH. ONTARIO ?Mva.OAy, Maur, 24,1016 $ THE Otl`INAI AND ONLY IENOINE HZWARE OF (MITA- T1ONIi SOLD ON THE MERITS ON IINIRD'S LINIMENT 8()0K131NDIN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. JOLD LETTERING oo LEATHER GOODS Alt siat TH de.BION4poUu Luatoded to a I.avLy is. Oodrrloh. A. R. T A Y Lr 1 Ft, Wi sta•Fo ID. MEDICAL 1' K (HBO. HEILEMANN, Ot41'EO IJ PATH. •peelett.t In women's and ckd leen s dt.ea.e., mutt. :tannic and notvowed's seer,., err. eat. no, ...d Outwit. partial deaf ere. lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Ade bolds senate 1 .„Mout the knife. Ut11ee at rentler..r., cunei NrLwa and Mt. Andrews traits. At home "Mee Mond.> .. Thu, dery sad retinue). ..I >' rt ruing b> appointment. DENTISTRY 4H. H. ti. MM INKLL-HONOK Ur.dro uate Tonto l•nieet+sty. 01111411•1•al &'Miser ut tlent.l Cunneen-. ur•H) oe..ur to the tate Maio. Sale Olflor. cans& r bquare ant %% r -t .rent • Godertch. AUCTIONEER trrMOM.k GUN DRY AL CTIoNSLR Bait C.lfodertcb. All Molex lions Ly m' left at !fetal udke DID bs p&taL,•1 r eared to. K..,drut a utefraeus It'!. LEGAL ����QQ����t'�' A �( f RAW AT LISTOW EL, !MET QUOTATIONS �E Bt.[SSING OF Hotel Pruprtetor Fined Defence Lawyer Is Abuse&e SEPTEMBER 261h Toronto Cattle Market A HEAUIIY BODY 1.I.towel, Sept. 22 -oleo Hoebm.r, mom -poor of the Queen'.b•nel, was fined 1673 snd Rin cosies ..y 31 •¢i•tiete Tribune today tar kg -pseud 1 ting► for Steen, choler welehty..$6.00to/6.36 rale in ronlr.vroti°n of rho p.urseiou. do. medium weighty 7.15 7.60 Has Not Had Aa Hear's Slickness Shoes of the ('anada'1ensletao.•. A••t. Butchers', choice handy. 7.30 7.0 Talkies -FRUIT-A-TIVE3-. The carr aims tbwout. of v volition do.' good f.6U f.9U the hotel September illy four denty , conatablrs, Wiltatd Ing, air, of Mit- ehrll : W. T. Pellow, tiuderieh : P.' 1'. I McMillan,1e.lu, tit. and Hei bent Taw-' ' lor, Lwow'', in company with Ker. K. l U. Powell, field secrets' 1• for the teut- perance force„ of Itistit and Perth j counties, followed by the theft of the liquor fr the °Mee 1.1 Inspector K. T. Kemp and a second raid me the 1•',h. 'fo-morrow Boehmer will fare three farther chatter., that for selling bqunr on Mrpteutbrr 9, second for Dawn oet- Ing the constables, snd third for • keeping 11' titer for sale is S.-pirulhrr 12. Jock (Jordon, bsrtrt: 1, r, 'r airs do tat to mod r0 00 70.00 tr charged with obstructing rh.. c:pn• Springers G5. GO 100.00 � • stables. Calves, veal. choice 11.50 13 ,N _ -ti L- I (blest interest wa+taktu in the rNN, do. common medium 9.00 17.601 which lasted the entire oat-, the r•ourt- d0. lOn1LLOn 6.00 7.60 1 �' WIt111CTT ' room being re owded. A feature woo. do. grass &.Uo 7.60 7E Leen Ave., Ottawa, Ont., � the tirade of abuse which H. B. Sloe Sheep, ewes, light 6.10 7.001 August 9th, 191:x, 1 ply, K. C., M. P., l..wyee for the .1. do. heavy and bucks4 ..-'1 do. culla 6.00; t!I think !' my duty to telly pu what tenor, heaped neem the field see!. t Hogs, welght'd off cars 1.2 :•'/ 0. 01 1'Fruit-a•tives"has dodgy :.r uu:, seizure. res. the Haltintealinthlesy acted fho or kir.• do. ted and watered .12.2 0.001 Tllreo.yeara ago, I began to Lel nun- prosecute,n. down and tired, awl aut'cred very much Toronto Grain Markets 1 from .fiver and J.'idsey Trouble. 1 PRESBYTERIAL W. M. S. Manitoba wheat -Track, bay porta, 1 ]raving read of'e' Fruit-a-ta`Pa", I I No. 1 northern. $1.75; No. 2 northern, thought I would try than.. The result $1.71; No. :: northern, $1.69; No. 4' WAS surprising. 11ur,,i the :4 ysars wheat, $1.6.4. (Old crop wheat 2c higher). last, I have taken them regularly and Manitoba oats -Track, hay ports, ends not change for anything. thane No. 2 C.\\'.. 61c; No. 3 l' W., 601,tc•; a,.f had ars shovels sicknesr bine,- I cool - extra No. 1 fled, 60,4x, Nu. 1 feed, menre.l using "Fruit -a -tires", and 1 69 (i c. American cern- No. 2 yellow, 9514••, know now, what 1 Liven'' bootie for lei lite of (nion chinch,' 11; cc Hod. track, Toronto. ' ar.to.Iman. anti-'catis,turLle.tir.- moue the third annual nursing of the Ontario wheat -New w!:.at, No. 2. Drib hcdtliy Lotxly and i''' the stinking Hartron y K wietytanrreal rasion Inng tot>ei r - $1.34 ,,to a1.s.6; No 1 c•nr:merctal, per • healon, membered by every w n who was car loot. according to i,.t.. •: outside. WALTER J. M:11:IIfsTT, fortunate en, •ugh to he at the Meeting 1 $1.s7 to $L:,u; Nu, 2 co:,.t.. •:zi:•1, 11.Y3• to 11.27; Nu. 3 commercial. 11.30 to 50e. time, ti for ;2.:A, trial Size, 2..e, The hoe nerof 1 ho late i•eI.,ved purr - 11.22. idrnt, .Mrs, ('.,lin nets -her, was feat by Ontario oats -According to freig'a. At dealers or scut ir)stpaiildon receipt all at every lunge of the meeting. The outside: No. 2 white. new. 52c to &Se:. of pride by Fruit -a -tires Limited, opening prayer was of7.o.t1 by the No 3 white. new. 6'�e to 5M. Ottawa.. Ifli•t rice pie.ident, Mrs. E. F. MeL. Peas -No. 2. $2.15 to 62.25. . !Smith. who ably iced as pre ident at Barley --Malting, SZ.' to 88c; feed _ ( the different sessions. Ter minute. barley, 82c to lt3c. - and the Presbyterial report weir read Buckwheat-SOc to S Stovepipe and Chrmnoy Fires. by the secretary, Miss. Graham. Rye -No. 2 new, $1 16 to 81.18.. • With the a1Hor.,arh of cooler 31rs, l;reig, urumrr, gave a repent Manitoba flour -First patents, in tveefher, stoves and fireplaces will showing that, nrtwitbstanding. the jute bag". 18.60; secot.ds, in Jute bags. so. a Le put into eomntis . Kerner 'inusiial *artifices which memiere had 81.10; strong bakers', in Jute. $7.90, this is dune care should 1s.• taken t•t been called apron to make, the n1Trt- Toronto. e.. that chimneys and .•nv. ,ip +Rett binge were x lit Ie in rdcrucP of !Alia roar. Although therevys• a deficit in ihr receipts °f the general .society, if emelt auziliar 'mold make a Special efTol1 the whole amount could b« do. medium 6.60 6.15 do. common 4.65 6.16 Butchers' cows, choice6.10 6.10 do. good 6.50 111. 95 ' do. medium 4. W 5.00 Butchers' bulls, choice5.60 6.06 do. good 5.25 6.76 lo. medium 4.25 5.26 do. bologna 4.85 5.50 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. 6.40 6.75 Stockers, 900 lbs... 6.00 6.60 do. med.. 700 to i.00 6.40 5.80 do. common, light4.6a 6.00 Cutters 4.26 4.50 Canners 3 75 4.00 Milkers, good to choice .76.00 90.0 common 0 Pleasant and Profitable Gathering at Btu e5eld. Prefect wea' her, an inten.e'•y inter- esting program, the presenia of the, Provincial pre•ident, Mrs. ('her. Rob- ertian, who gave a vary practical ad- dress, and the cordial reception by the t Ontario flour -Winter. track. Toren- in gondrepair. thoroughly c eaned. to. prompt hi::pmeat, according to 'and tendered toile from tier. .Owiteg Ample. $6.2.:. in Jute bags; bulk sea- ihr dwnlpnees of the rally nonuser. board, $6.23. many -stovepipes will le fe urs badly Mlllfeed-tube lots, per ten, deliver• r,i trtl. which an outer esal 11 g oftssde nringo rrom twentyft88* Attir- ed. Montreal: Shorts, $29; bran, $26; rubra+rl will 5, t a spear. Exonn.inr libel it., and five l'iiclra eery L. 1iA1 s good feed four, per bag. $2.15;, mid• the-' ear. fully and srpluce drfettivP anJ fmn> right �1in-inn l..ese d�{S:rt. HAHH1DThk. � •1.ICITOH, NUTAHY dlings, Z'6, Pines. Fur ,revenlinn is , nr of the end trlh Ansibrty gate the lege.: ►•t Dt.lc, bolt. Hay -haled: No. 1 track,. Toronto, tit -t euro s. el. let ion• of the h.luseholder. $lU wI" r l \ $9 - of -Goa for the year, USee-13terltna Bank l$tucl. Hamilton &and, , Mr*.(limn,secretary i+f supplies to $9.50; straw. $" to $�. new. to M. da Iota; No. 2,- - --- - - .-ay.-s-;s-�.s lea pour.: en. Ileal Fe.late Loco.* RELI IF FIOR IN DID EST1ON ur{trd, all Anib•,ary supply snarls« and luseranoe. wholesale Prodas o be prompt in sending in their hale* turd if p.ea•Iith. that all sr.•retestits PB(JUDFUO1,Ii.1LLO1tAN ALOOK I.: Toronto wholesale prce6 t9 the •ho&tlel rend., them oathe'aanlr.1.1y to ThL` Most Common Cause 111t137fi.lus. bVLI Uultr>. Ntr1AHIFa trade: ■ _ PUltLlc Ffc. Eggs- . _Vacs tb• rqu,is...soeW deer hem Ham • �1ew-laid. in c'•n•.^+. . mars .utei. uu.,I I. it. New•lald. :,. ?virtue turd- :o luau at low r.t rale;, • Storage W. t•rwi,rut•i. h J. 1..74n.tusus , Storage, 2`.t, . _ . . H.. J. U., woks. Lu U. (;A611iKUN. K. V., HARRIS Bl. 7L1t, •M1es(or. notary onsets.. shams. ..aat::st1 luwrt, tluder.rrt. third deet te, ,.acv. At l.huton 1 hur.dar of each week In of This "Trouble is 1 .4o •ns .4, Noor Blood. . 4't ('hnt.'n. 11r•. Ilam hon, tisSe a secre!a•v. Kat a r.p.A( r�A the• 711 .I,.•. f \i••.-rn2.rs had (sera di,' V•11. ' •, 1..s. I44...i...1',. nal:'i 11- . . . .. .. '.'u•:.e•°,t.., 1'n.• I•• Buttet� ". Lh rr i. e . t a ,..-.ore. , Cr.uur secreted ter i.l Auzili:uir• ry r 11.. = .�., :.. n. Met fewe weal..'. �w thef .en dr ere L A s, re i,,artuetive talk sl. Creamery: ' t- n 4 'o••n f 11e'tba may 1. g would col nd with ht Creamer, �n "The E!. Choice lair, fleient O;Rcet. ' from which many me - ._ , t , I stTc. t• directly and at once the pro - lel kir," ,,,,,,id (s gethend, %tap giv. n . , e.. of marc on. Not only i+ the at- by 31' • !i pith, of Hrnsall. t, n of the gash it rt.! d intistit:gl Mr.. IMLtcev gsse a report on 311.- . °,0 _ .tads diminished hot sJie isnr•uler ,;on Haut w.rrk .• 1Jr.,e, •+'':ion rat • the stomach in we'vso led, !1 4 se much ettenrbon has been p•sil 22c; o: t:i :Iiirg will trturr' promptly to -torp to the wo.k of •trangre'r seeteturio, •-rive efllcienl thin it e"d, ted a. there might be, there bring few rc- 1 d. %t tbout it the norm 'I Retie- posts scut in to the'P•eshytrriid aro- • 1 the stomach is i•np.rr+,•.1'.• Wary.- It was tutted thick Antilles ie. '1'nin, p11" rroplr who emm"lsi'" of •Lound c, 11 foe ',poet. r.'..ts .ray, .t- it &senti..11 lutist nnprovr :n-• . onus- n,.rrb •Rood work could be done 1'c non id tl.rir L', cd to lind .••tori. Thr these secretaries in- welcoming ns•st ro ti`. 1.'. ss.) 1 ::'rt it -nth strruger•. visiting the sick in lu•••p.tul: ...iv,' is. Gr. William.' Pod& Pill.. They and pending theta de liceriee, also kerp- inig- in touch with yoeng people mov- ing to other place.. , After all the rep.,114 of the terretar- ie. had leen received the members en- omoe un AIbt,t :Norvtt uorupled by Mr. Ordinary dairy . ldoupar. &Atm hour. y. a.m. tub p.m. Bakers' Chet a-2': boor twins. _.I'4( Vito Jt . 2 •a} tr. t 'hAitL1;a t,AKt4U1S, LL.B., OAK - 1,„.) 1&1151t.16, ottnnuey. sanctum. Mc., Utawe- n ot Msm ep to a.1s1 -t lea ea, a:a.. 1 tilLAOER, BARRISTER. SOL- r,s•lu'r: Ws bests. Notary Public aid ton%cyancer. _ . .-(Yuri Huu-e iludrnth. mess' Sprt:,q . 're . '- 1-.• 1 - •c i -- -_ - 111.1 'nc:!. i t. . 1: - 17: lac U1SURANCE. LOANS. ETC. lee .limos, :h . 1_e17c 19c ..---=1- - - - - Clans--Flaad-p ..- d. i5.50; prtmes, • Aeci1L1.OP MUTUAL Filth IN 1;,_ . ti t: K A N , F. C ti, -F&rut and imitated ltoney--Tlnb. : 1, h t.ni. .1264 to L (. propartr u.uured. (Maewrw-Jos pony. Pro... nodericb P.O.; kr. Kvau., Tlcr-Pruet., Beechwood P. O.: roue.... e- Nays, sac. -Tea-.. heato.tb P. U. Ulrector+-lo. F. atd;regur, madame ;WJohn eirleve, N' mtsrop : Wuhan' Nino, l'ons.oe: Intone we, Wad h*itsn ;Gee. c' 'arta. >. Hi . Robert Ferris, I.a IuJ& Maioeuu e sarweu, bruueneld. Ant.: J. %t. let. Holme.vtlle: Mex. f WnCltntou . wlhtant 5 lh,..uey, Uealunh ; pbeak& • Orator &b. Pell) -hamar* ran p -v ♦wanaw.a and &tet &bear cards reroelpted a' B. J. Harriet s Ck.Wlug *tore. Clinton. It. o. • ebb's Ornery. K tne•utn ...rest. Uoderlcl., or .5 0. Hebd's lieurral Store. Bay held. ZU 000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO loan. Amity to Si, O. CAM. 13'4c a ib.` 5•Ih ti' ilc a lb.; 1041). ru'ke the Itch. nil 1,11.ti whtu11 qui.k- t!us, l2c a lb : 6... -ib. tins. c:oyer. I1'•.e, iv restores the digestive oil:PI , to a Ib. Comb .honey -Select. $9.40 to their proper activi'v, snd the dyspep- 82.73; No. 2. $2 to $2.26. ' tic who has hated the sight and rnien of food now looks foe weed to lural gaged in an impressive. tn.moriaJ srt- Butter and Cheese Markets time with pleasbre. A. proving the lTice for the 1,,t•' beloved president. Brockville -1.648 white and 2.249 !slue of Dr. Willieno.. Fink fills in Mr'." Colin Fletcher, of Thames Rnad, colons -1 wero offered. Sales, 1.347 rut'ng indigestinit )si.- Edith M. in which high anti fi'ting'tibiae wa' colored and 779 white. at 20 15-16c `Imith, R, R. No 4, . NIA, Ont.. paid to her beautiful life, character Kln4aton-235 boxes of white and! rays : '•1 can honestly 1.07 wa my and work, by Miss Thompson, tepees - 376 boxes of colored cheese were oft' present good health to Ili. Williams' enting the (lrneral Conned; Mrs. C. fered. All sold at 20%c. . . Pink Pi110. My stomach bias terribly Robertaen, the Provincial. Mr.. Js•. \'ankleek H111-195 boxes of color. • weak and 1 pufteie,' from ind-gestion Hamilton, the Huron Prrsht•terial, , ed a:id 1.123 boxes of white cheese' es' el Mick hrttdaehc, and way Adapt arid Mr,. Calnesn,i. the e"ngr•egatiori. N. Mortimer Hammonred.Gadseleb. boarded and sold. both colored and Lely nrlyon•. 1 wxs trouhlyd this ,tof Thames Head end Kirktnn, and - white selling at 20 7-16c.' • way for neatly three y.e.s, and in alit° by bummer Pt•esbytetlel presidents WK, RUBI)RTSUN St. Hyacinthe. Que.-Offerings 1,160 t her. ties took a great deal of dpctora at.d officer*. f.•hr Society. • bozea; sold s.1 20e; 10 packages of medicine, which, however ,did i hl help .in the aft-rnoon e mods' Mission INHURANCSAU6NT. butter sold et 36tjc. one. 1 i'mrtd not eat enytlrng wilt= Bend was bbl! rondhrtrli Ly' Mi..p Flagbus "4"r""": ar1tW. Castadlaa sod ('owanavllle Que -Tan factoriesof. out ext+•rsenring the tuna! n¢nnising Clare Ptwtnn, of HI rstford, and )liss kJs t,ovrttui'lrasu freed 615 packag••a of butter. Revel My sick headaches were float Irene liemmrll, of Bn,rrflsld. Mia+ • M I LLA R FY SON ;.1 tn-xm-": Authentic Styles in Women's Coats JUST opened up the smartest show- ing of new Coats, just bought recently, and are host up-to-date in every respect and prices will be found ;most reasonable. At no other time of the season %% ill there be, a Netter selection than right now. This, season so far has been the biggest Coat season \ve have ever . had. Women's Coats, from $10.00 Children's Coats, from $3.50 Sweater Coats For all the family. Now is the time you will appreciate a new Sweater Coat. e have the largest assortment for men. women, boys and girls, in all weaves and colors, at prices to suit all purses. Women's Sweaters, from - - $1.50 Men's Sweaters, from - - $2.00 Boys' and Girls' Sweaters, from - SOc Infants' Bearskin Coats We are showing a very large choice of infants' Bearskin .Coats. The rich- ness and unexcelled washing qualities of these Coats are too well known to need comment. They come in silt's from '6 months. From $225 to $5.00 Fall Housecleaning This is the time most people start their Fall housecleaning .with the• setting up of the stoves and getting prepared for winter. Perhaps you will wan. a new pair of Curtains. a new Rug or•new Mat-oemew Linoieums or Oilcloths. No matter what is required you will find our stock is most complete. Congoleum Rugs Nairn's Linoleums Dominion Oilcloths PHONE 56 t Millar s Scotch Store PHONE 56 Many wor'.en with disfi;ured ccmpizx;''is never neem to think that they need an oerasion 1 inside :.s well as outside. Yat neglect of t1 bathing shows itself in 'potty, aril *allow cum 1..."n• .. well as in doadfulheadaches and biliousness: 11's bt, a .- • the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The hest CHAMBERLAINS TABtTt$.. remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which stimulate the liver t.ohealthy activity, removefermentau.'i, gently cleanse kite etomach and bowels and tune the whole digr'stive &uystem. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning'. C. t u Chamberlain's today -druggists 25c., or'by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company. Termite 13 Aoaiv/ : trot an amu r err ,Tie trot an Ace'Jdsat and 6aeteetse factories sold at :t6c. Three factories vi•'!rnt and 1 could not re -t niche. or µ,.a„�. or Brim. IM•h, rend- nn "The Fight for our Llrrl.." 11r tlrnsall: Heat vine-p••.mid+rat. 31' •. It. 1 eerpwwµoo Lumtad. of Lon an. spa. Iuaim aaoULAAasrais WIND.* . Th. U.4. If ideas sod Gtr w„ue..mni'any. Hdos at redlseets urtbsa.& wrier .,f Tic- seris and Pt. 1Fay.d'. Arcade F'bovs 1:e1 MARRIAGE LICENSES W' at.TKK ti 11111.141. J.P., UUldrAlt ti• UNT. MUM 07 MAKHIAtIt LICKNsar. Patents, Trace carts, Denim Secured in All Countries Writs foe tree book "PATIINTS 1'ROTIty TIUN. '1.18' all about and how to get. pat ata HANCOCK t Whit. establl.bsd Ie17 ssrmartp Patent corns Caamin.r. blaster of Patent UAW*. Hasbter d Patent Atlorsepa da, t St. Jamas SSuwat. Mebueal. Hranebea- .sltawa .ei Washla¢ten. Rept..entati reps In ell /.sears seeatriss. Brophe) Bros. (IODRRiCH Ise Leading Fusleral Direcisrs aid Embalmers Orden oaretafy attseded to e6 all boom Night or day. ••••ilit®A•••••• shake Gasoline Your Motive Power ! This is the season when a Gasoline Ens ''le would be a valuable asset f added to your II farm'equipmt :.t. 0 Just at the present time we have on the floor of our ware- house all sizes of Engines from u e Id day. 1 was asked one .14y by w fl ien•1 eked a beautiful solo and Misr Beatrice said that a nation's aural ronylrnons ('avowed, : second v•. e-prrenlett Ars. ° n London-- Five factories offered 670 to try I)r. William.' Pink Pills. and Thompson, of the %Volnrn Mi:,, os , determine the whelp r.nn-e ..t it. purl \V. D. Turner : tb ir1 Tiro-errsidrnt, bozos No aalee. Biddit.g. 19c to es.meented tod° •o. After taking cry S,,,arty o1lhpe in Toronto, followed 20 716e then) some time i found 1Ii y sere with :•n ss interesting addreon "(Fur ]telt,.villi--1,900 boxes were offered. helping one. and 1 continued '0 take Wm k." A di+eh.si on on "Ways and All sold at 20%e.'Item •teaiily for -.vend ,.ninth», un' Meals of Rai,ing Money" was intro- Ken:ptvtlle-500 boxes were offered 'ii i toted this' 1 wao completelyloess by airs. 1V. E. K•�Ily, o[ (: ,le. and Bold at 20>%c. cut ed. While taking the pill.. 1 rich, ¢tined troth in etreng•h and weight. The delegates were very bo-p.t..hly d it 1' 11D East Buffalo CattleCattle--Receipts,CattleRcrelpts, 6.300; slow; ship- ping steers, $3 00 to 110 60; butchers, 16.60 to $8.0; heifers. $6.00 to 17.71; rows, 33.76 to 17.60; bulls, 16.0 t0 $7.26; stockers and feeders, $6.60 to $7.00: stock heifers, 1600 to 14.00; fresh rows and springers, 150 to $110. Veal' -Receipts, 1.000; active; $4.60 to 11.3 0. Hogs--Re^efpts. 14.00; active; heavy. 111 36 to $11.60; mined, 111.26 to $11.`.6; yorken, $11.00 to 111.36; pigs, $9 50 to 19.76; rough.. $9.60 to $9.76; starts. $7.00 to $3.35; light Torb- en, 110 00 to 11100. sheep and lambs -Receipts. 9400; active; lambs, 30 0 ear, to $10.90; y Hags. 84.60 to $9 26; wethe 8,.0 , $0 to p.26; ewes, $3 00 to 3710; sheep, mixed, $7.76 to $Chicago Chicago Live Steak Cattle -Receipts. 13,0044weak; beeves. 16.40 to 316,90; exaa steers. IN to 39.26; .token arts teed - Ma. K60 to $7 40; sow. cad timers, 3.40 to 0116; calves, 6860 to 313. Hogs- Reeelpte, 32,000; market allow; Tight. 310.06 to 111.311; sifted. 110.06 to 311.25; heavy. 610 to $11.90; rough. 310 to 110 30; pigs, $'f to 310; balk of sales, 10.36 to 311.10. Sheep a.4 lambs -Receipt*, 36,010; jambs, native. 66 76 to 110.06. .•n an ee tt ,rerepress . e 1 or* rsr r, entertained 10 sI toilet. tool tea by the WilliamH s' P,nk I'illst a, highly." la lies of nseefleld. 3'0,5 can procure them. villa through any dealer In medicine or by mail, poet paid. at b&) cont• a ]sox, or six hazes for =2!5.1, from The l/r. Wil Hanle Med irine Co.. Brockville, Ont. icy and deatiny. The le.. right a Wren Mrs. 11 1. 33o.a1s ; fourth c 11 he. to wily privilege the tut.re v,v•itre• isms, 31r+, Laing, Ls.n.l .i • "'. • •1 oust he is in waking for if, r. t:u•ti', 31i.■ H. 1. lash;°,,, tie,t,.r'II One of the very idrilairg feet tire.. f tree -timer, Mr-. J. C. Or, w. w :,t..t•h•: themeeting Wall the prrsrntetiel. of a,secretary of literalu•e, 31.-. .1 a• It(e-asessibmiebip-erNideate on the gen.s.Ha+uiIton, Uedalch • s. 're:Any of ural ssn'iety to Mime H. I. (:rah te, he Mi ...ion Bands, Mt.. f.. T. 111.1,....y, devoted sere -Mary. ' Seaforth ; •memo: ry supplies, 31rs. The Mrss-I •tv war inei:ed t.. mew at W. Gunn, l4inu'ti ; .err., tale of At the evening meeting the gre,•t• Ki open nest year. gs of Hnrnn Pr•e•hvtrr♦ were tend. �h. fnllowhog ,R dame Helper., Mrs. 1'.- Nsnteith, in icer. were elect ippeot : strangers' ere.elesv, Mrs. .red by Rev. 1. 11.11 Woods, H. A. it onuraty presidents. Mts. h'. H. Lar- (Itev.) 1 . F. Sharp., Esseer pros+ The addreee of the evening tv.. by kin and errs. W. N:. Kelly, Osule,ich : snd literary 1•eerelarv. Mr.. W. K. Rev. U. C. Pidgenn, 1). 1).. of Toronto,' president, Mrs. E. F. Mel,. Snaith, Kelly, tinderirh. . one and a -halt to six horse- power. They will do a great deal to take the drudgery out of life. Call and see them. m�,m ROBT. WILSON Hamilton St , Goder,ch ••••••••••••• •