HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 121i10tu6Ay, fisc CI INIfl 1 H E SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO •. ►►. ,• a 1 • \-sta"- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday -•.,ar..g. t •. •h. �• ti` t . FAIR DAYS Fall Fashion Display FAIR DATES September 27th, 28th and 29th .4 s' Special Display of Fall Merchandise NOT the least of the attractions of Goderich's Big Fall Fair on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. September 27th, 28th and 29th. will be the special display of Fall Merchandise specially arranged and on exhibition in our store for these days. Every department will show what is new. wl.at is right, what is correct and what is best in wearing apparel for women and children. and all will be arranged for you to inspect at your pletsure when in town visiting the Fair. We extend to you the freedom of the store for Fair Days and heartily invite you to use it as a meeting place and a resting place. Leave your 'craps and parcels, we will look after them for you. Our display of Millinery, New Fall Coats. Furs and Suits will be one that is worth a visit in itself. We want you to feel perfectly free to come and look these styles over. Do not miss seeing the special attrac tions we have prepared for Fair Days' selling. Take advantage of the.. offer.n!.;s and combine profit with pleasure when you come to visit the Fair. THE important feature of our Coat and Suit stock is its great variety. Every garment is a new model fashioned in the season's most approved style. There is variety enough in material, in price and in style to suit the most exacting taste. The product of Canada's best makers is on our racks and their best styles are represented in our show -room. We strongly advise early selections, as materials are becoming scarcer and more difficult to procure every day. IN COATS we show some very pretty styles for misses and ladies at $10.00, 512.50, 515.00. Some very attractive garments in ladies' styles at 515.00, 516.50 and 520.00. Handsome high-grade garments in plush and -high-class tweeds, at 520.00, $25.110 530.00 and 535.00. Very stylish Suits and models suitable for misses or ladies at 516.50, 520.00, $22:50 and $25.00. With exceptional values at $25.00. Of most but one garment of any particular style. OUR TWO BIG SPECIALS IN MUSKRAT COATS Last spring wF, : the [wire •.i >I •-�;:•; had t..iwh.'d the lowest paint itt v• . is. •, • • • 7, ttw•b•.1with the furriers to utak.•.- ther-, They'str ttiquealiona .1v 1he l.:•,I Flit 1 •i..t .slut VV.* hace ever Leet 8bh- t.• offer. 7 h,.c .tree nod.• trims jorime .selet.rl skins of high qualit v. ,u,•1 n..t an in erior -kin is all, til ti• find a phi.... rat . no• ..f tb•ut. The 1 g i- 10f high-grade tiltri.•r'. ...it in. full) guaranteed. -1'h.• -tyle it one id the I.• -t One ducerl for many seis..11, being full and r.outy with high shawl collar. They at, ganurt:ts that will wear 311•11 pellet 1 aati.faetiou in ri-••ay way. 11 you aro thinking of buying a Fur Coat atall this-seasnw ., .• -tt..ngty advise, s•'<.•t;cm ttvni tau•...• •1u,i•.• gustiest-. :e 1h . .,r• • :•.h Boni' skins -.•li•rted sjM'. fall) rot tle it •..•.• •1ap- pearance and wear irig .t.ralitit:. Each 1 , ,t:. a'rally guaranteed. Prime N.artht•tn Rat (+tats, all $47 5 adia0 V sizer ery .pecial.... .. m Prime N... I ('ann Rat $63.50 1'10:tt.s. V••t y spacial m TWEED DRESS GOODS qoc Tweed Suiting suitable for• ladies' and .•1111- dren's Wear. Very serviceable and .t yli-h mat* 1 • lap. Ikaible (1014. Spr•ial per yard .... 40c I11h(t l'w•eet, {u blues, bn.w us. gree-. • t... at 50c.60c --1 75c MILLINERY OPENING CONTINUED FAIR WEEK Our formal opening displa • of Milliner for Fall and Winter will 1.e continued throughout Fair week. Many new shapes and models will be shown then, as we have arranged for a constant supply of new stylet ax the make their appearance on the mar- ket.''ou will be welcome to vont.. and 1em.k the new styles over whether you rare to bay or not. FANCY PLAIDS 25c I'la;d i►r.•ss 1;o.sla.. (:.sad assortment of (lark •...wings. splendid 'martial* for children'- school .dresses. I,iibl, fr.ld. Per yard 25c FINE WOOL PLAIDS hoc Red. green and btt:.: 'ground-. tartans and fate Maid de-igns in all-w'o.,i cloth. 60 d►.uh'. 'old. Per card only .. VI/C VERY HANDSOME PLAIDS9oc Th•- .t:epore-wool plaid, with.silw i,ver'ftripw•. There are some very hand- some pat t• ens in the • •section. Ile•signs that at. su:h►blr a ••*- ,.t. ,.t,ildr••r'- dr•-•._. SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR 'Ve will take tt r;p.ee-i d di -play of. ('ur- pats and House Furnishings in our usual -parr in tile• it..rtlt rod of the train building. it a confine• ourselves t.. Home.,• Furnishing- in this'. exhibit And stake showing of ocher 111etrhandise at the store•. ENGLISH FLANNELETTE BLANKETS $1.75 • • Flannelette Blankets imported by our..•Ive, direct front England Heavy stake. soft finish. white or grey. You will find these much surd i• •r to the ordinary iiannelett.• Blanket sl '.• d. Special -value at per pair.. ..... $1 5 75 AN EXTRA QUALITY AT $2 00 Extra quality Flannelette Blankets. English make. largest ,ire. tut in tingly blankets with rods whipped. These could not Ira• bought timid 110 ,well t• �r- 1.•-s t has *2. i per pair. N'.• have .. '.ir- 'v i.:• th. y 1474 tite S2 00 IIThe NIilllnery Ih•part.luent has prepared A Rp.r'iiI Lot of Trimmed Nate for Fair play-. They an• all new. -hales tr. rl in the very Ir•.t .tyle with good trimmings and we offer you your choir, of 'Al ..r :7, of these really handsome hat- 1..r only . $5.00 SPECIAL HATS $5.00 NAVY FLANNEL 25c Navy bite Flannel 33 inches wide. splendid for ehildren•- dresses. Worth this price r]� and half a- n itch again. Per yard only L ENGLISH FLANNELETTE 15c Four htut.l.••,I yards English Flannelette, ieautiful patterns, heavy -Weight. fast .odors, our oven direct importation. You will not buy it again for many a long day at this prier. 1 Per )-ail. .... 5c CANADIAN FLANNELETTE PURE WOOL SERGE 69c Heat auI•wvs.l Serge. floe finish and guaran- teed indigo blue. colors fast. Will ghee ands .expellent wear. Special per yard W BLACK SERGE 6oc Extra g•.e141 gtttulity all -wool black setae. Ora that will make splendid separate skirt- • r c(kC full dr so'-. special ver yard V�VJ WIDE SERGES $1.50 I:atra w id.' all-w.a.l Suiting Serge. two sh?wl.•s d na► y. black. tiger brows and green. Really supterinr (loth. ,l inches wide. at per $1 550 yard - COMFORTER CHINTZ 15c Yard -wide American ('hintz for snaking con,- fort.'rs and quilts. Absolutely fast dye, �5C good variety of patterns. Per yard Vests 25C I.:uh•- \.-t-or limner-. Whit.' 1.i natio al color. fine ribbed. splendid might for early Fall w.. ,et Pet liniment 25c Black Petticoats 51.15 Ladies' black Petticoats trade fru, wnperkw ratty wiltAla• i.he.1 sateen. %ids frill. Very .period at each only $1515 This is a handsome Coat. as th.• rut will show. 1t is made 1,.au splendid twerl. and at t tact ic.• cheeks wit h heavy lining. Altogether a most attractive and ser- vir.•ablr garntept and splendid value. 'Any sive ........$18.75 LARGE COTTON BATS 15c I5C nth. 2 11. - w i•1, , I h..0 1 h•• F:u{ holt ,oak•• but not .trait.• as he,.e►. 11. c:u, g:,. it t;• yon it dark or light •.dortngs and the value is exceptinally goad at p'r yard. 15 oC These. two Flannrlett,s are etteptionnl value and cannot he sold again at the prior•. BARGAIN TABLE AT 69c 11. t t miss string the 'q.•rial Bargain Table of tslits and ends of r goods. . (lit it there arc Idy waists. children's and girl'. dretlw•s, lather' • wash skirts, rte. N.. matter 'what the former trier. yuukaki. your rhoiec of the lot 69c for only CASHMERE HOSE 35c Pure-wer.l cashmere Hose. A beautiful stock- ing made from soft yarn.. seamless f.r•t. will give' splendid wear. 'Very ameial valne at per 35c pall YARD -WIDE SILK $t.00 Extra nttltt v black Pailrtte Silk. full :si inch. - wide. free from dewing Per yard Si .00 GOOD QUALITY SUITINGS We want to rail your at1.•ntion 110 nrar .hi'ow•- i ng of g•sal Setif ing' for ladies. We have an ex. ceptioually g. sal assortment ..1 the Pea. •11. best cloths. such a$ gabardines. serge.•, br adeloths and fancy mixture•:. in thesha.lrs that are tract ptopu• lar, sur•h as dark greens, browns, blues. maroons, etc. At per yard lattice l'of t•.11 fiat, suitable for making quilts 10r (oulf..rt.•r»• t h.•• of the finest American snakes, A.y.•ar ago we • ntraet.rl•for n large •1 antity of - these Ilett.. T••.:.a' it would coat us 1.s' apiece to Ort thea, in -to. w There tire from a new maker and 1.• inn, Ali a thege y 15c Hate w.• are ..tilling these Ain at each ... LISLE GLOVES 59c iadie,. white Lisle Gloves. heavy %.eight, f, t Fall wear. Two dome fasteners. Special a(kC parr pair BEAUTIFUL MESSALINE iiia 1.. XII a 1(1,4%(1 quality Messaline Silk, rich lust isms black. heavy weight. Ont that is 4111`e to give satisfactory wear. Every Yard branded. Special parr yard. $1.50 $1.75. $2.00. $2.50. $3.00 Serge Skirts 55.0o V Skirts owl.. from g•.sd quality all -wool serge. black ..r navy. Two of the late*t fit yips pnabased this season to select from. Each only Iiouae ilirsw•. ntad.• froom g.aal quality cotton material. oleo. rangy of patterns. p•rfe•t-fitting. good - wearing. fast -colored garments. All size.. at $1.50 Thia Suit is made trim' a good gtality man's Kerte. Gxn.a in navy blur i, ..it ran tell from the cut that the style la right. The coat is silk -lined and the whole garment well tailored throughout. Special vaahtt. - at•$22.50 This Snit is tna.le from Ni. tar 1 quality merge. (Jan he had in either black or navy. (art is milk pined. The illustration shows it to he cut on the moat ap- proved lines for this sea- son. Any aiv up to t2, at .....$21.00 This illustrates erne of the many mind atyies of the (anent* N way" gar- tnentw we are .bowing this swarm. Ik.aena of gar mens. tram the factory of theme high grade makers'. Rvery ane haw the famou. •'Nnrthway" shape -keep- ing qualities. ••e.W.•rthway" $15.00t,. //kk $30.00