HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 8a TelOaa'Ay, REPT. 21 I910 FRUIT BULLETIN Housewives will do well to put down a large quan- tity of Canadian Elberta Peaches, which are now at their best. You should see your grocer at once. and put down an extra supply of Niagara Penin- sula Grown Fruits. Fruit is good food and is health- ful. Ask your grocer for the Niagara Grown kind. the basket. NIAGAR - PENINSUL G FUt1ERKEE PtCAG WERS NO. 4 Look for this label on • SEASONABLE RECIPES. BAKER I'FARA. Pale and a .ie the pears without dividing : place thew in a pan and till asp the /•rifler with browu suyar ; add a belle waierelnd let thew hake l perfectly tender. Nice with ►wrr►. cream or Lulled custard. PEAR PUDDINU. Parr souse Mee t ilw peers (to weigh about 11,. cj-l0UI Ib. .1 a Put them iu a saucepan with a few cloves; some lemon of orange peel and stew &hoe l a quarter of an hour in two cup- fuls of wrier : pot there in your pud- ding dish, and having mode the ful- Mwu,l t•ts•tard otte pint of Creaur or suilk. tum eggs. muga' lo lu.IP. a pinch of eel( at d a try -limonite of floor. heat egg. :wad .ngxr well, odd the Hour, gtn'e the eutweg, atld the cream ti elegy rept, stirring all the herr-lx.t.rI th1- •v r the 'rare mud lest,- in a -quick owe. Serve cold with eweetemd cn•n4)t- [rh:\Ii PICKi.E." Yrleet 6111111 ennui tears, tenors th« Ile.su1 end. stick them with e fork, allow u, rsch quart di 'wale one tut f inciu• and. cup of sue 5,. P it to n leasp,soutul of allspice, cinonur n' end r1”1 -es tri Incl with the sow ger, thea add the pears sod bsiil anJ seri in jsre. sTK 1v l:I► PEA It'+, until the (lull is done, whirh will de twud on the quality of the fruit. Tien take out the fruit carefully and m- iaow- it on a dish for •riving. Boil down llir syrup until quite thick : Alain it and allow it to cool enough to ext it then pour it over the fruit. Serve with ereeiu or boiled custard. Guard Baby's Health in the Summer. The ll ll months are the most datprtou• to children. The complaints of that season, which are cholera in- fant ,colie,dtarrhora and dysentery. come un et. quickly that often a little one is Iteyouu all aid before the mother realizes he is ill. The mother must he on her guerd topft'vrnt these tumbles, or if they do come on sudderly to cure them No other medicine it of such aid to mothers during hot weather as is Baby's Own'1'eblets. '1 hey r egl,l i e. the sroniach And b,well; mrd ate drew THE SIGNAL t GODERICH : ONTARIO THE TOWN COUNCIL TALK UF NEW INDUSTRIES. BUT • NOTHING GOING SO FAR Automobiles to Oe Allowed in Maitland Cemeter, on Three Forenoons Each Weer H/deo-•lectr.c Com- r•vsi,on To ee Asseol to Prepare Estima'es for Electric Rs,' way from Kincard'ne7o Kirkton. If the venerable phidr of Mr. Benj,su.iu P4 twos, (ioder.ch's (1st Repo -who a piloting on the wale of the council ch*tuher constantly watches tvrr the 4• Lberatiur.r el the town fathers -hal leen piirileged to visit the town hall !sot Ftiday even• ing he would have beheld a scene which uta► proha(ly similar to that on the rver'ng of the day , 11 which he Snit asaunied (1111 • ttf yon a years ago. The similarity cousiste I to the prim- itive methods .1 ligl tins which tar council t•eJt•.:r1 p in,uder to trausa:t buait.•••. A• the er•1111 louse clock sti tick Is the !t v d' 0 1 igh•• nt empt- ily dies wed 1111.1 for tht:,•rrynartere Wheel Ri • factory wo uld he abort $70 lo.te.4 of N0. as was at Sett •rt- iwatrd. tie was rep owered to go ahead and hese the w ork completed. Couoeillor Munnings reported that four letters bad hien wiiuen to the Pederel Depattwrnt of Public Works in artrit-we to drrdt 'n;; ..t hinds ich harbor, but as yet no ail•%el had hero rerric.d. I On the rugger:11, ••r 1' me i"or N tele, sure•. Heid must 1 ..,) , a:0414.4 ate valuing the Doty plant, will he asked to Literal! an itrmitrd mien - tory below th. v enwplrlr thrix swotk• ('uuoctlh.r W.44144 asked wha: pn.µ- ree. had been tea dr 111 the n.got s- tiune with the to ni which war Irok- leg f -r a l.-.' 1t tar •i bras work. industry. In deploring the (act that the town ws5 etsysy5 slow in thew wstten• he ex •laiwed ; •'Like the young robin... sr sir alway. waiting for the woe w• to 1. • dropped into the nest." He sea• it.f.•• int d tLet ' he etrrk had written, but h.id teCeired 10 reply, and he thereupon .oggr.trd that alio thrr leties .h old I.r .rt r .biting for an inters ire- !T• t kik brought in hie letter fllr 411,1 1"ad a copy of the letter which was wariest t i the mana- ger of th • Ht m .eye, al week. ago. The rontrot4 • f the Inter went tb •but that 11w 'members of the ludua- trial Cowmt.riun 4.011111 not 1* accused of beingdilatnry in the matter, as an of an our two lamps and a candle interview had Lein asked for. How - acted as •uls.titn•ra IT the brilliant ever, the clerk is to write Rivkin chandelier I•ghts wbieh' .wing iron. Tor probability bf a new industry, the ceiling , f the thambe:. As ex- locating in (iioder.ich suggested to pressed by those p►rs.nt, it was a pity Councillor Moser the ttcyutting of the , that a quit' -pen was nut available for •i:e of the Kensington turniture tee- the use id the Mayor in crJ.r'to make (t u v The matter of foreclosing the this picture complete in all Aits antiyur• triage on thin property was re- uses. ferrr1 to the specie! committee. Ali the mrniter• t f the council were Councillor Moser rrpsrted that ' prevent it the weetiog. eighteen catch -h is Me had beta ordered. A report from the lie- hrigade, show !tout the Doty Engine Works Com- pany. The ort tit+ -of deliver y ae ere C. U. D. and w chairman orf for public works tbmmi Iter be wanted inetruc- thine in the matter. He was given 'ewer to act. j The council then adjourned. Gn11er' h �` HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Mel.een from. Mr.- L. L. Knee, ..sere- Then you realize the utter weakness Mutely ate •l,ihl by m.diciue Meilen( ter mer tefrtt-J o the Nuance esu. ' ing the number of tirra during- the th of Augu-t to I.r two, wail scot Ito ehe flee commuter.. The law costs Pictured iu connection , with for rase of Thomas Rta theta, truster of the Wept Shore Railway, agaiurt A. E. Osier were tr_tei .7, Of this amount tc 'e there was il:;. 'Phis information was "Ii - ill a coniwunieelion to Mayor •I I 1' y .-.iia rommutrr rhe let_ that robs ambition, destroys appetite With thiel: syrup tole eaten with cake Peel mid cut in helves, les% ing (be steins /Ht. and ilettOt out the cote_.' 1'ut. them into n saucepan, plaen•g thea. close together with the stems;,.lhmgYr upl»•rtuo•at. Prs't over srflicirnt Fonlwr•h 11,•t WA' er , a clip cal sugar. a few whole Is 1 Held cloves and *mew stick,' of eiousuton, s y tnhleetwionfol of lesion juice. Pierer i the stew -pan closely, t�. stew grr'!y' A111'ERTlsINu PAYS ire by mail at 25 rents a b, x from The mitt. e, and makes work a burden. Dr. (t'illuuu•' llydiciur l' :, Br.ck• Tn. llvdro-Electric Rtilw•.y Jaen_ Tor,.torethatetrengtha.dstaminathat TELEPHON''E COURTESY 1JKE OIL ON WHfi15 OF . sap Telephone Courtesy is Gr_o_wing in Favor. Newspapers and periodicals, which reflect so well the trend of public opinion, are continually urging the practice of telephone courtesy. Progressive merchants are studying its relation to their sales. Employees are being trained to treat telephone callers with the same degree of courtesy and consideration that obtains in a face-to-face conversation. And the result tor those who practice telephone courtesy faithfully is a constantly growing volume of telephone trade and good -will. The encouragement you give to your employees in developing pleasing telephone manners will bear fruit in the promotion of goodwill amongst your customers. The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA. villi, (lot. - ciati.•u --n'�e letter a•itng hese so ad• a so e.srnttal, notinnt has. ever equaled - --- - — diti,m•I fee et $,i froth the a:uniet'p'' or compared with Scotts Emulsion, he - FALL FAIRS, 1010., • 'tier the letter -cited that "Ili- cause its strength -sustaining :tourtah- SP if Jrtie - tremendous 'Jnanei a responsibilities , tient invigorates the blood to distribute r y whileitstonie at th ted ' i�• i year er thins fur s.Ot•Imt n th r ea {r din for A g thio n y fay I s •sr and restores Grp -1• - make it an Outdate net Sent value sharpens the appetite Kwcae.liue ti. -pt. _'l. Ln hoarier committee. - I health in a natural. permanent way. R•pley .44`11'• :'1•27 A .letter front the treasurer the If you are run down, tired, DCVVOUS, Mitchell...... ..pt,_•Ii.C. (;oderwh P..triotic Fund showed'tr2.- I overworked or lack strength, get Scott's (:I)1►1?Kll'H... ... '.•p,, `57-M 91651.. aa the baker.* rf the towns i Emulsion to -day. At any drag store. Windhmut . . . st'e't.;¢t,l9 subscription to the Fund which re- ameaamme.Tesmille.o.L \Elver Wn .. Grp' Lrli, 'hl mainwl tsn id. ._tent [o the flosses - Lnrknotd Sr t. ill, lit { tsnnmi(tre. Dew .o t Passing. hitktnn :;.Pt.:3i,Jt The sre.rud ann,ttl town planning 'the (*wenn of the past had at time.I 1•eesw-.t 1. l)ct. "-, a i.•diferrnce for 1..nthwesteeu Ontario mole!than:55t5ot citizens and in the! lily, h Oct. 3. ]- r,. to he held •t Hstuilton on Octoter region about- erre More than to Olkl • rivet rtes ifrt. ,', 6 `hid and 1 ri mrd-tite co)m it was asked inhabitants. Today the city has less; u n• i M .:o, n lto•eud two or 6mOOr'e delegates. Th. .- thsn 3 5141 and the nuticing' diatrir,e coruml'nt-ittiou eat sent to the special i one-third as much more. With the comntit tre. gradual exhaustion of the gold, the IISSOOWEaullavollIMIMea4 •o• s The foundation is not the most important thing True, you can't hive a good barn without a food foundation. bolt (1111'1 f.'r;,'et either th.tt th,1 roof b:s to stan:f ni .st of the puniltttneut. Upon it fans the burden of r'sisting the destru. tive influences of wet' :her and changing seasons Now. the question is "Where am I going to find a roof which will meet these conditi•arr Certainly not in wooden shingles which have rapidly deteriorated during the past few yher'. Not in anything so perishable as wood. nor yet iron, which lets in driving rain, but rather in a permanent mineral composition such as Brantford Roofing. Now, let us look at a section of Brantford Roofing. First, you notice it has a pure, Tong -fibred felt base. This is thoroughly saturated with a filler coat of asphalt or mineral pitch. Then it is given another coat Finally, the surface Is thickly covered with cnrshed slate. You can imagine what a job rain, snow. fire or heat would have penetrating a roof like that. As for comparing Brantford Nature's RoofingWater- proofing . with shingles on the score of permanency, or protection, or appearance, or even economy. there is no comparison You put a Brantford Rodon one, and it will last as long as the building: it will always look well and It will fever need repairing *57 alt 155 r•• amain suraoaredhe Ilroil•t .P4h erol.tn, ��4 :add filar 1D ' •y ea the loam Or, m you oil' o•e u. 1St. berm Muse rose we ora jeer ...Pat.! e.lmst w.bsot champ er ••lle•srss Brantford Roofing Company, Limited rs Brantford, Canada For sale by W. R. Pinder 1 h puhli0 works commit tee,recout- utrnded (het Mr. John `Rory he asked I • to send In a new' petition. properly signed, asking for the e, to.; t action 1.1 a sewer in Britannia road and that e t. ceipt of it Mr. J. A. F. wlrr Ica asked t.' make an en gineet's reatott on the .sotk. It was retro recotuwrnr'ed that he matter of ret'aiting the ground- 01,1 5.1. 1 ta:q• at the Ag•;.":1'.ural Pmtk -. I.••t' w,:.14 (Le cl:xi(u.eo , t the ..au 1 p..wrG t.. roil. Adopted. Thr finance a •tuu.1t(re t-ri-5'urtnended he payii eu: of a number cif qc^oust• oil that a giant of $lirt he made to • hr t,oderictt Irduarial Exhihition. The committee tepurted ti,,tt the in • - surance 1,11 the Lvheel Rigs plant lied been tenewed and that the tax col-' lectot's i.ond for 8111.555) had leen renewed • in srptrwhrr 7, 11017.1 In the matter •-t the claim of .the) 5 4,111! 0l the Canadian k General `Trusts. Lituit..l. ageiosl' the boiler - making tuacbiurry is the L)oty plant the committee reported that the ttalht1 had been ia►id the atm'' of $ytk-aitt m• claimed and thst the town had breis banded the lien nobs as originally given to the H. W. Petrie Co , Lti . also the n.'tignurrnt of • these noire Ham, this company. This amount of Y.Ht1.kiiti as paid will 1•r added to the amount owing on the Duty mortgage. The report retried. The cemetery and parks committee recommended that *at biles he allowed it Maitland cemetery up to 12 o'clock noon of r'.rt y day. Councillor' Peltridge and. Wigle moved an amend- 1 mens limiting this privilege tit Sunday and Wednesday 'morning* only. Reeve Nair. and Councillor 3Ittnnings de- scrihed this proposed action as drastic and suggested that the fcreuo.•ns of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday be nailed instead. This change in the amendment woes agreed to and was carried on the following division : Yea =Reeve Neira and Councillors Wigle, Paltridgr, Moser and Munnings. Nay -Deputy Reeve Leitbwxite and Coun- cillors Wallis and \\ llsov. Reeve Nairn, as chairman of the special committee, read a report of an interview be had had while at \Velk- erville recently With the investor of a water sod land military truck who wished to locale in (iodetich. The re- port was received and filed. In di.c.,s•ing the reeeht meeting at which the male of the steel nn the Wert Shore Railway was proposed. Councillor Mooning' asked wbysense move was not msde to sell the mber. "It is tiring allowed to rot and the plies are not getting any bigger, tither," be said Apparently this was it matter which Iran forgotten h1 the delegates. Counctllor Monier c.,mplain►d that Colborne council had done nothing to repair the used whet• the West Shore Railway cro..ea at Rosi'' rorner. He described it as being very danger- ous in its prescient condition. Hr said he had notified the Reeve 01 Colborne, Mit as yet nothing had horn done It was decided to bavr. Mr. Th s. RtMh- vrs. the trustee of the O. W, R R., bring the matter to the attention of the township council. It was moved by Reeve Nairn. Dee onded by Councillor Muonings. "that %hie en,s.e l tequeet the Hydro-Elec. trio Power(;omenisslon to prepare Peti- mates of the coat of constructing hy'dra radials from Kincardine to Kiekton via Gndrttrh and that theme emaimates he submitted to the inter- ested .uonicipelities et the earliest p•i.eihls date. Carr led ('nuneillor Mame reported that the cost of placing savestrougbing on the it question of a few years when the! pointing to the hridegroons, "eih" precious metal will all he (tarried ' that ....say and the chief reason for a city' '•(ksmprend• pa." t" 1 dot•'t ire ,• there will have disappeared. One of st7lnd"), was for reply. i he great hopes of the people lies ih ; Next day, In the same street, he saw I hr discovers of rich quer' z wines or a funeral proeeesion..Agwin his curio -- the mother Inde front which all the' icy was aroused. loose gold hes come %Vito this in -1.1, hose 1uorrel he asked of x view, the hilts have been prospected; gendarme. in every ditwe'i .n. lou s0 far no such ;' '•Oomptends pas." find bpi been Runde. I "('omprends tuts % P 'or old ('osu- prends pas! And it was only yrstrt- 1 ommy and the French. , dey.hs waw mut ted!•' Tommy, in khaki. stood in a etteet of r, French t .urn and wyteh•d a wed- ding Harty drier away. 1r 5ermrd to _People who erjoey •light literature he a function t 1 44)11)0 irnp ortence, for air apt to draw the liar at g+� bills,. the whole. town mined out to Witness It your wife hail it t, do os•er ag•un . 11. th-, eh titer* Gtr •hr wouLlt.'t 511411% population is drerem•iug, snd it, is only , ••i say," yid Tommy to a byatwnder, GIRLS WANTED »• .. ►'car trotter eek to ON the e m.•n eb•'rrae IS Id $Tt s... •"tl.• 0011. %taw.' carmen -.urn r. r. de, 11,•• .nuntr) real '.•rico by Vrp{•ar,og 141 ,take p..ltlu•. 1a bank- std bu-tor-- .41..1/11 .'our,. of training h. 5401.1. k.wt.rna. •hu :bald 5141 all ',awe 1 all 1441;7/41',411 etrial -ubJw t te.w 5', oret►e-- "ended. admi• l•d.,np t om 11!u•tr,,l.•I • t.hnt ase n. •- Northern Business College, Ltd. uW5Va+.a \1, a\1 I.A..•VLF:HI'-r. 1 -. e • (1) Teem toles. (2) Wrangell, Alaska. (3) Hanging Wow Discovery, Glacier Greek. ArTu ISLAND, Alaska. Is farther Canadian Pacific -Primness' stet wast of ay llreawle.e that that tl'• traveller wakes sent morning ear le wast orf IleMport, Maine- lie first view d the typical and 111111 - IND tit, average Aaer'rsa se Canadian derfully beautiful Beery of the ad- - very leve 1e 4wa sus with ems hoed country. Seymour varrowe gold stag dmtmea but etf the country ushers blm Into smooth, island -dotted amid be titre8 fico thea of say eller waters 'bat tier to Alert Ray, where spot w tis sent rent 13e derm.'t be may sew af'y-tod totem poise pad a nesse thee Aosta ee.tsia. deeds modern hospital 57 the cedar lodges ell le time of Norway, that Mamba of tb. RwattuUa ee.asles mase than two bombed Ins- At motes time Queen t'harlotM alias.. and f�a�ad glares. woos .f Posed Is reached and for the tint ass mem 4 mitre vol- oa:y oerad.S darlsg the trip the TOMO eleelllee,- as wraaaell. wham. amok- radon epos eats while the whale sports tag shell liar the emeriti rod d a to tb slag sad tie Wktng .bark nes ti* w _tog and dead lava peaky • Int Wt mashies. ted ..lass logs. Her Ogee be River Wet. Nemo Palls Bolla, M6 mom mews... that are !heal' Soead. irtalaymen rbeas.t. they le be la Alaska. where the meld- ten sup by la tbs atm ea tls sat' est ..sen 5' Nola Is as ee)Mr Ursa idioms nortb ward. leg briesk ,tag' se R. the warmest months layer sort Ray. where tbere i u Is a rasa rimmies. end laws ay. of Itsos• mill Meatus Douglas do late Idemtlaal sod yet Pelot Ree Palm, POW rpw. w ISA mai.. is bp. At the mouth of the akoana a fest mi wiesa ria avow peens and aria of salmon beat• is .aesealsred and me sten fear asrty days cwt el every , &MO( %War r • t> r1a�P Sock. (4) Fear Glacier, Alaaha. (5) Hydraulic Lift at work steamer. t. Cap. For marts the southern blot of Alaska and Dona Ketchup: 1a reached. • modern town solidly r ted oa the meet dlecdt of billy r'oued Copper int made Kstekllasl t at tae touHet will perhaps be snore interested in the vanishing I. with 111s woven baskets time le the advancing minor. Wrangell Narrows M a fas,rinatlag ud outsides. •bedowland, where the mime goes tut slowly through the widening chasms! to break the reflex ties d the midnight sea 1a t►• tw1et11a northers wafers. At the sad of (he Primase ii dare an sighted for 4he arse 11t.e. These lingo and aur e. splrtag los are characteristic of Alaska le lmted.rs Bay a beaded or more ..say ke sees aloes the walls The rtwwry f of the wildest description sail the prising bergs tore tb• fiord rearing !w some vest fessdry of the gods. 1Partber north, the Yaks Glacier etrwtch s • mile wide along T'aku Ray, the largest of forty-five Ire passengers (save for sissy pellets on streams emp(ylag their gorgeous COI- I the river, which 1s eatrlfpbb for 188 need halm le the path of the steamer. Al the betters 01 a sheer 3,898 loot mountain. Juneau has emus:weed Itae as the capital of Alaska, and Is a we built city, although there couldn't found a natural) level spot on whiclf to place a singlei large building. The t ownppeople aro up-to-date, pl enomee- alty healthy and entirely sear despite the rush created put of the district and Its present dependence on gold minim. After leaving Juneau there P1 an ally day trip up Lynn Canal to Skagit/ tl• stn/ of tM looney and the tam town in Alma& la the wfl� daps of 's9. Pkatrway was the d tbresgb whlrb all trail -hitters sir - ler the gold needs. taking the lin. the unrest Wafts Pam a Yukon Ra way. TM Cassettes Psrier .teerneril remain long enough for the gyre to take the read u far asPViii:114 P•sa, or N to White Horse, It • sue' tient number wish rapiers the dlssM peaks, the terrine pad pwnw Ing glaciers of the nnrt cn.stry, ileR roped trip from Vaseem tail. WtM days.