The Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 7w •r•.>t • .tom T Q EQUIP YOUR CAR with our tires and you'll he cure of tiro mileage service that will make them the must economical ion .an buy. We have them in standard sues and in lath smooth and anti-skid treads. All wort. of other auto sup- plies too. S.' one high clan. ar our tires and equal!. economical . ,.irier lug the !Wilke they gi.v. East Street Garage O..neu and Oper•t.d by A. M OIOVCR Practical Man. Phan. 243 THE SIGNAL : GfDERTCH : ONTARIO 1--( p r� 11 r• . LI a %Ts. ':rs c - • i►,,1?�L'�5 r, - I* 1 �; We Carry the Best in Drugs and Toilet Articles AGENTS FOR Willard's Forkdipt Chocolates Victrolas and Victor Records A. .L; -Caldwell, B. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST North;Side Square Phones 19a and 19b Goderich, Ontario No T NEAR DISEASE is a symptom of Kidney Disease, A well -know, ..oetor has said, "1 bra er )rrmadeapoet -ma•rtrmr LrninalWO incase 01 death from Heart Di,r..yr with- out fording the kidnr.s were atfau'.t." The Kithiey medicine which was first on the marks t, most success- ful for Heart Discal* and all Kid:,ev Trouble.. and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills LOCAL TOPICS B Beta are wanted for the bandsmen of the 'filet Battalion who are routing to town next week for the Exhibition. They will require aeeommodakion from 'Tuesday night to Saturday morning. Anyone having such accommodation may apply either t o th. Exhibition ( secretary. Mr. J. A. fowler, or to Mr. L. L. Knox at the town hall. Mr. R. J. Armstrong. late of Lis- towel, has opened it new tailor shop in the store in the McLean 'lock nn the GRAND TRUNK SYISEM COLONIST FARES o E -WAY SECOND-(LAS,Sr From all stations in Ontario to certain points in ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO IDAHO MONTANA NEVADA OREGON TEXAS UTAH WASHINGTON. Etc. On t. i:c Sept. 21 to Oct. 14 inclu,i.r. Full par,:ul.ri 'rod yenn et sera. C E HORNING. D sn•c. hu.neer Ape.. ' Un.en s?u,o, Toronro. On.. Tickets Ind full inf irritation on .,&plication t.. F. F. 1„.\R'R1:SCF. & 'NS. phone A. A GALAXY OF FOR THE COMING WEEK N which Napoleons vie with Tam and large I3rcton Sailors xvith chic high Tur- bans for . fashionable 'favor. Never was la mode more accommodating with regard to millinery, for she restricts you in neither height nor dimensions Of your new Autumn chapeau ; hcr one definite rule for the new season being that trimmings ,must be scanty- hut -effective. You are cordially invited to come and inspect these charming rrrpdes. 0' Shanters ODEL THEATR *UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT \! "CT Tt'1'il t'.—Kit.gll..z i The e Man From Nowhere" WEDNESDAY std THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27th and 28th Jesse. 1, L.t-k pre.rnts the in our. parable Broadway c.wrertian Victor Moore in an elaborate ri.•turir ation of the most famous Irish -American roni- e•ly .lassie Chimmie Fadden Also Charlie Ckaplin ThUYDAT. Sire 21. I114 r • ties of the Province Huron ie to ba.e two Inspectors —Mi. 1 J. Mitchell, lit \1'•ngbam, for North Hutun, and Mr. John Torrance, of Clinton. for Mouth i Hui nu. baring both been :rappx,inted, Tbis arrangement ---which it is said was di.-tated'y the Provincial now- I l.er for 1.,rth Hur.ut--la very un•atia- factory to the t'.,uoty Temperance Alliance. An :Ali •er of the Alliance' intorm.The .'gnal that isirhtwo In- spectors neither gives sufficient at I lent ion to the wort. and the enforce • - 1 meat of the liyn,•r laws is vitt rally lett io the Alliance. With one •o-l.ec ' I for tor the caur,t-y, the salary w•• .:,1 I be suMefent I. wan ant the exp.,- tlon that the Alter would give prone& attention to the• work. Fath.rmore. Goderich in re:Griller is badly served ty the pre.et:t arrangements. as it! glanOR OR CANADA i Bank by Mail ad Save Loy Drives Maui ua the cheques or cash you recetve, with your Pass - bock. which we toils return with the Deposit credited. Then you can pay your bulls by Cheques. which ve CO honor. or 11 you want the cash yourself, acrid us a cheque In your con favor and lie will forward the money by Muni mull Drop in and talk to the Manager about It w' Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Friday "Peg o' the Ring" 1 F Last .ptsai e Ct)MIN(1--Margaret Clark in -Still Waters" and Fanny Ward in•'The Cheat." GEO. E. KING, - Proprietor Try Walters & Co. Goderich for your Boots and Shoes Notwithstanding the enor- mous advance in all kinds of leather goods, we are still selling most of the lines at old prices. NOW is a good time to buy the lines of Boots and Shoes we handle. Once tried. always worn. We have a first-class Re- pair Man. Walters & .Co. The Low Price Maker GODERICH PHONL 220 south .&de of rho. Sgorare until recently occupied by 1'u .tua•' rea'aut..nt. Mr. Armstrong u...a line line lit fancy suiting, (.v.•rcoating•. panting.% blurb and blacks. and intending reocuasers of 1.11 at winter clothes should ar- rant'.his.t.•ck. 'rhe signal tie• .te.O.. f r 'M•. Aimuttong a shale of I he. pi.h ; • patronage. The 1.11 sittings of the i':prewr Court of Ontari•, will open at tile court p.o.e. 1: •�rricb, ou Toeaday • t tleIt work Mr. .bus;ice Matheiland will preside. M . Et. Lynn woo. at Detroit thio 'wrrk • and ret tarred. arnoruparn.1 hv, Iv. tient he Mr Pot I.vnn. and Eogin.er H .h -rt with a tri., :it -foot hooch, wh:rh he will run nett year a. an ezi-uryinn hint. A: r•. Joseph T. Goldt hot poi, God, rich. sonotin.e- the engagement of his eld- e-t daug►.ler, Alma M , t,. Mr. William G. M4,1'; of the I it.; Peter .t u.l NICs, MacEw tn. of lio.let cb. 'the mart lags. will take place very .l lietty le it. Kept ember. For Violating C. T. Act. Twenty davit in j til was the• entente tiered nut "o \I. ,•lav by l'olice M..g- :strate Kelly to ('lure Swerte, • f the British F:z ban¢' hotel, who hal been ronv,Ctrd of viol sting the Canada Temperance A. -t. by keeping !;taunt for sale "n the p erni•.e.. A i-t•,y of eight days was .Lowed to prrnut the defence to register an appeal. Appointments Not Satisfactory• The revi..d li,t of license inept^torr for the -Province nay leen issued, and u is found that alone of all the coup - fair Saq EXT week, when the family will all be in town, should be a very opportune time for you to have that croup 9hatcgraph taken. Do not hesitate. If you have a telephone you had better ring up at once and make an ap- pointment. g. g..allcwi 1•:14)TU R.14'HER Phone '_.i4 !tiara too long L . Inspector Mitchell, j��m���tnn� !living at Wlugh;oo, to reach this Goods towr. The 1 .cal executive of the Tem- , eul- • r :e ,{*CaOC. Alhanee ha. sent a resolution NevI Wm' 'to the county "'gall Callan a -.king Ithat body to mot it ion the Provincial Lit en,. pia', d inn the S .�tth 1turo0 district.cosi t•• hove Go fetich ' GV s ! THE FAIR NEXT WEEK. t'tn.pects are for rmtmt suorewttal Exhibition !left week. \Vednrwtlay, Thursday and Friday ate the dates, and there wig he a g .01 program for I Tach day. tGro 'Wednesday evening the official opperosng will take place, Mr. J. Lo. kie I NVil on, superintendent of fairs for I Ontario. having consented to tw pre.- ; int and give au address. Mr. Wiliam ' has for veers Worn one of the out- .tandiug figures in connection with tiger' ulturr in Ontario, and be should tw heard by a large audience. 1'he 101 s Battalion bursd will be present on the three da vs of the Lair. Entries sire C ming in well—even better than in 4, -.lou+ •years-(Iid the ex lithos of f.nu, •u chard slid gar- den products oil douid•t is nr.anut.,c- tu•es will b. .v,11 w •roti seeing. !)thee f-,, liter will be the Kin- ' eardine Katie Iwai t he Johns Illa.r- hlow.r., HighlMn,i ar: in g. the funny trick mule, .p•rwlu .•.rr i+, rte.,et Fur p.iz. hrI- , • any inf'rtuat ..pphcx.u,n s•.old t •• n.alt.. t•. t rater)., \II. J. A.... 1'o. 4,-•--i FOR THE BABY Fine Wool Caps,' Bonnets, IJatltets. Leggings, Mit- tens. Bootees. I Boys' and Girls' Wool Capt. white and colored. Stamped Novthies for. Christ- 1 1 mas Gifts. For very small outlay and somcwork you can make beautifulgifts. Material•, for doing Farcy Work always on hand. Also Tovtellings. Linens Pil- low Co:ton. Scarfing, al- l. yvsys in stock. MRS. TAPE 111 Ire •.•, - .Irr, Box 111. ; tt We are in business Jur your health. I SINGER STORE - GODERICH iritic for Uruggia- i t>•t� mom _ sir Please -send me some Chewing Gum: aaaaaa.2 1" MISS C. M. CAMPBELL Kingston Street Goderich, Ontario i • 44 • ,u when in Gcde- rich attend- ing the Industrial Exhibition next week do not neg- lect to see our big display of PANDORA RANGES. MOFFAT STOVES and CANADIAN HEITERS, on the gro nd floor of the Main Hall at Agricul- tural Park. Fred Hunt • • the kind the boys all like. It's •ealerl in a wax -wrapper. ir, Inc ;lure and dirt can't harm it. The chi w :t,?h some Wrigley's to pas:; --ound is 'cock of the walk.' It's so quenchi flavor s. ill eshing and thirst - Send some of both The bo_ like smoking and eating." WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT DOUBLEMINT after after C-40 ADE IN CANADA HAMILTON STREET •PHuNR 135 Sealed night Kept right Writs Wrigley's Lei.. Wrigley Rag.. Teresa,. for tree copy of quaint MOTH= !LOOSE boot. 11