HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 6:.sure ....:k, tllelnlli1 M rUTYINSOAT, fiipT 21. Ii,S, FRE SiGNAL tiODRRIT`N I ON'T'ARIO Men's and Boys' Fall Suits and Overcoats are now ready for your inspection TH E EXCEPTIONALLY good values we are offer- ing under"war conditions- should appeal to every keen buyer of clothing. We are selling most of, our goois,at mach below the present value : this should inter- est you, especially when the price of everything is so high. We invite you to call and see our clothing, get prices, and compare. if you will. with any clothing in town or city. s Walter C. Pridham Speelal Orders taken for 21/!b Ceatary Broad Clotl gj ll stead of the usual V. edne..l.y e• ening prayer meeting in Knox ehutch nest week. a meeting iia I.r bele in the lecture r0.'ui on Friday ern niog,. w pteu.her iIth. t., 1.e ad- dre..ru by " Res. J. '. laendervun, rnrmerly ,,f Hensel!. and lately of Roti.h Coluutbie Mt. Hrndr,son cnmrs in the hornets of the txa.td of Ananee. Any wt+i. burr hid the Pr- gnaintane* of a1 Heocericu wi!1 avow with what interest he invest. evri l aul.ject be discusses. See Show Windows for Specials Cr•e of Our Woo -mitres •1.140 Foustaes Pe. liar 51.00 SLYTH. Tt•wuAY, Sept. IH. Tits VIL• .rot T.x HATE. - The coun- cil beta a epeeist! meeting Ia.t week 1.-r she p•.rlr..r ..t .inking the rate or las •11 ... f -r lhr ctnang year.Tne rate strove was tweoty•(our mall. 00 the dollar, wbieb i. rightly lower than last year'•, but the tazp.yrt• will atoll consider it high enough. Tyle WINO IS APrRxrl.rdll.-On account of the c..r1 evening. whvh have now *et in it re p.uhable that the band cor,erts whi. b the I .r.1 bend has beers giving once a steel slut log the .umwrr will now re teas 1'he+e concerts have heels much appre.•.at.-d t the • own sp•.opte, at the band tut t.- ishes Aral -flaw. tuY.le. Tui FALL FAIIL-The dil.'et. as of the Blyth lair are sating erepare- tione for a a tcces.ful 1 sir thi, year on October 3 and 1. and it 4. expected, if the weather be suitable, •h••re will be • loge crowd here o.4 u.r last day tom, crowu Lb...r work with success. • Pagekvrtotia.N PASTOR LIC %VINO. - Rev. W.11. Turner. who be. been pastor of St. Audretv's Presbyterian church here tor the past four yeah, has received it call to ('alviu Fresh). terbium eblsreb. Montreal. and expects t u prrarh to. farewell art mum hero nn U •tuber 1st. He will atat dis(sesse a:k.amrut the .*.u.. day. The cbarge be jig, tdk•ng in Monrrral h.. a tlsenl- Neahtp of urrr 745) and hi• etipeod w ill lir $2,4.4.10 a yeas. Hr la a good pi...rhrr and will nn doubt All the bill to the flew charge ably. Leers' Hurts/ie.-Two rinks from the Blyth bowling clubsotond to l'1ut ton on Thursday peening of last week and played* frtefidly game with two rel the rinks of that place. being lieaten by the following score : CLINTON. 0. Rnhertaoo, skip 22 W. Hovey, skip 17 HLYTH. i)r. McTaggart, skip 22 Dr. Allison. skip 15 37 PKaeONAL AND GENERAL -itis Janet Craig is seriously 511 with a bad attack of typhoid fever Mrs..J. Heffr•on, wbo bas been conflued to bet bed for some time with typhoid fever, ie. we are glad•to say. slowly imp rov- ir.g Mr. H. A. Thomas, C. P. H. agent, bas been off duct for the past month with an attack of rheutnatram, but we. are glad to say be is now a1 - most ready to resume has work. Dur- ing his absence Mr. McLeod, relieving agent, has had charge of the work here.... A numher of the young people had we en1 ,yeble tinier in the St. Beni g. Club rooms on Saturday evening. It wasiotendd to bee corn feed. hot we do pot think. th-ee was omen •c.nn eatiu. They had sow, dancing. so they enjoyed Ihetwefve.. Mr.. 1a... Sun. is still confined to the house with a .eriod.attaek of nervous trouble andin con•eq'tence his b)aek- sraith shop i♦stiil closed up der. Roht. Howard has moved bid homily into tuwri'L•ntu 1s ..t Wawanosh M-. H. If .rosy left no Tuesday for the W4.41., where he hot secured a Rood position a. manager of a threshing g•ng at h . clary of alt .per day uutil the end ..1 , hr thteshipg HAM is needed very badly in Lois seet+oo, - as it is impossible for the tanners, to got tti. ir fall plowing done, and a great many who intended .owing jail wheat have horn dot. r. rd trove .1 • g it Th -ere were fol tickets sold at the I:r.nd Trunk .it,•i or last week for inti 1- ie t + those intending to visit the iipr••1nn Fair 1lr J din Stewart received t wo ears of r.lrs•rn• 1114I week. There .rein. t.. he w great scarcity of this 14,.Hing material. wv he got rid .1 hi..luek very qni.;►1y . .. Mr. J•-. N-atty weceiv.•dtwo rats of e.ml last week to supply h s • •t••n.ner. Nr. Frank 13 .nn. • r On vi,, .•pent • few days n( 11. • net web vw.t•ntt with Id.. pares'• herr Rias Htld• Wilha•ua, • no hw. h •e leaning the t 1.g. .ph op. ..rn... h- r• tor the pe.t yeas, wi b M.. Jae. bills• ilt-.n. has vectored a .fund portion at \i - strata Falls nod I.t'tf..r the it 01 Tues - .1••y R• v. Father Hogan con- dnrt.d fort♦ hours desarinoil tier. .isee inS . Michael'•ohurch this week. tin Rondav evening he was ay.ist.•d by R. v. Father Faxon. of Wingham. i'..o.tahle tchrII and ,Dote other. have been wetcntug cloe.ly-to are if There were any iufrections of the )iqu .r laws hero and the Inspector paid another vial on .Monday night. Trier, are rumors t0 the effect that some of our citizens will b• bro,gbt up b-f.re the,m•gi.trate before hog. BENMILt_ER. W[DNgNDAT, Sept. 211, Ward (ile dh.11 purchased a caw Overland .oar Iw•t week. Mr. Wilson Oke went to the London Fair on Monday of last week and egaln .n. Thursday with his csr. P.P. T. W. KILT., of the 411(4 Bat- talion, Elmontt.n, who was wounded with shrapn.l while serving .n Min- ders. i. vi•itiug his sietsr, Mrs. iLd. Hood.. o: B .nrnitler, W.•rd was received in the village last week that Iwo Oke, who left bete dime 1 one ago tO join the C. A. 1t r V1 caw all t..._. Tee B,.'•e-a s!.., 14 ■ug1Ulr1, .h 1,R en. can a:anJ,.,e Canals Tee II.aJy A.4. I 'd,4\ y�4. vti eji '.lir-f,1s!t% A 51 - .•A �n -• h� , r., 1 ..m •. `1. . lets gi earJ 1 {114 JI Ai Del A ��� RES s r If. when purchasing a new car. you show an unalterable preference for Truly -Cana- dian tire.-Dltelop "Traction" or Dunlop -Special "-you wi:l find that you can get them no matter what tire equipment is on the carat the time. 5L hen any opposition is shown to giving you Dunlop Tires you can at once distrust the argument because the salesmanship which does not seek to please. surely cannot he regarded as seek- ing to satisfy. "SPECIAL.. "TRACTION TREAD - • is^i 1 isi]'URIC t" Ns rowan. DISCOVERY IN CHEMISTRY This le a recut diaoovery of Doebr, Pierce, whn r head of the Igqt�altda' Hotel and Surgical loeutute M Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments at Doctor Pieroe'a Hospital for several years proved that there is no otter eliminator of uric acid that can be compared to it. For those easily recognised symptoms of indam- matum -as backache, scalding urine and frequent urination. as well as kith - meat in the urine, or if uric acid in the blue" has caused rheumatism, it is simply wonderful how surely " Anuric• acts. The best of results are always obtained in cares of acute rheumatism in the tints, is gravel and gout, and invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accom- pany the disease rapidly disappear. lin to your nearest drug store and simply sat for a 50 -cent package of • Anuric,' manufactured b Dr. fierce, of send 10 Dents to Dr. res for a large trial package. 1t you suspect kidney or bladder trouble send him a sample of your water and describe symptoms. Doctor Pierce's chemist will ezamine it, then Dr. Pierce will repot{ k /oo, without las or charge. Nara : - French acienuats affirm that "Amine' is thirty-seven times mon active than hthia in eliminating oris acid, and is a harmless but reliable chemical oompound that may be safely given to children, but should be used only by grown-ups who actually wish to restore their kidneys to perfect health, by conscientiously using Ons box -or more in extreme cases -'aa "Anuric• ( thanks to Doctor Pierce's achievement) is byfar the most perfect kidney sad blader corrector obtainable. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the original little Liver Pills. One little Pellet los a laxative-thrwe for a cathartic. The Sa uts Coal Co. :i u•rr..-.,r. to ]la i.u..:.ab Y t:le than EXCLUSIVE AGENT- LEiiIIOH VALLEY THE COAL THAT S.'.TISFIES \We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick. Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Slabs, $2 per cord. F .esh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFiCE PHONE - 7a. B. J. Saults' Residence 275. W. W." Saults' Residence 202 I S. C , b .•l been raj.c1.4- H • i. a t present working rot the C. P. R. Co. ' at Toronto. I Tn. H v.mill.r S1lnday ash cul it hold ling a Rally Day ..wise nail. Snndar at 7.:cloet p m Trete will b- roc• itwti..n•, ♦.4n4$. chorudre. et -. Ayr y inter.,.ting program will b.. peer-nte 1 and a large attendance is d -sired. Titer. *AA- he a general eta:tire for Ole Rally srrviewnext Satnrdty wf..r- noon at 2 o'clock.- Mt. tarot Mrs. Chas- Mew received a teleg;sum fr Ottawa, on Plumley,_ stating their son. Pte. Chas. Mew. bad ireceived gunshot wounds in tn• arm end'Ie . P e. Meer enlis•..l with Os.. 71st 11.vtalinn, although at that time be was un'v .ix! eon yours old At, !other ...n or Mrs and tits. Mew, Pt.. W ui Mew. - was wounded sever .1 month. ago and is in a brwpitel it., England. ST. HELENS. TeKSDAT. Septeolh.r 19 Mrs. P. Clark speet • week .Hung her friends at Kintall. Ker J Uttlea s.o4ed Ih. Pr-shy- tcry tinting at Waagbam nn Tutor day. Private kart Cranston. of the 11114 Rettahnn, was home oyer Sunday. 11 • sepses M g', ^vere's* am time. Miss Nina %Verde. Mire Cur. en, Mims Rimier. Mie. Y.Imer and Miss 'brie. sir MLIIer atr.•ndr4 the teachers' con- vention hr d .t (,oderich Th irsday and Fr.aar lar, The h try. sl home Dery:res in t he At gl.r.n rhorrh Ism' Hondas were endo"t•.I he Kes. 1'. Owen. of Men- em.. a f,•rmrr pastor. The seri lem both aft-rn. en 5144 •venlng leer. woe) attended and the dieoou. ens were lis. tenet' t.. nnh great mires-. Th. Calvin reureh annivr....1•t will be 1 •1.1 ..n me.•Aity. (tinter 1.4. and the .ennusl tar meeting m•, Monday •'-'•Ing It -or Y. N. Whit a -...f 1) .r - ham, swill r.,r.4•."t 'rte .. rv..•r ,.n Soh. day sir d will t main over tnr Monday .v►;.rte Kr, J. u.. lew111p.ea•ha1 llnrhsn. \t nMKN.!. 1,n'rrrt,ra -Th- 'sia- l.ml.rr m••.rit,.m .•1 the 1.1. H.Irnq Women'. 11)4114.4. will M• h.I4 ot. Ther.d. y, t h. ypI I- at 2.31. 'et c.. et the bow of Mn. time. Webb. The FAIR DA YSI September 27th, 28th and 29th FAIR DAYS mean buying clays. Take advantage of these three Fair Days to do your early Fall, shopping. I lere arc a few of the attractive values for these clays. DRESS GOODS Serge., for suit. and dresses, are the most popular cloths on the ntarket. The -ea'on is that Berges give the best service and the values are the ke�ernest. Herr are a few of the color- ing, nay) , black, cantinal. grey, tan. brown. maroou, taupe and green. at $lit. 1l '`.1. 111.50. $1.75, $:.00, 12.251 and 42.551, \lie have a co:or and prise for evetyone. VELVETS Plain and corded Velvets are exceptionally good tills Fall for suits and coats. Corded Velvet 27 in. wide in green, cardinals navy, light navy, tan. brown, white and' grey. at 69c a yard. Plain Velvets,in all the wanted shades, at 6(k and 75c a yard. Buy your Velvet Suit now. .SILK WAISTS To go with your new Fall Suit you will need a nice Silk Wait. Silk Crepe de Chene is the favorite. in pink. maize, salmon, white t- agsl black, at *4.00 eaciE • White Jap. Silk. Waists at 5( 90, 12.2:i and $3.25. Thele are serviceable Waists. Can be washed and come out fresh and do not shrink. Silk Crepe de Chene 40 iuches wide at $1.:10 a yard, in white , pink and maize. HOSIERY Non. is the time to flet in. your Winter and Fall supply of Hosiery. Our Hosiery Department Will look after roar needs. We specialize in Hosiery: Hosiery fur toys, .Hosiery . for girl's, Hosiery for.the kiddies.anel Hosiery for the grown-npp. We carry fine and heat). Hosiery for everyone. Frani the LittkDailing with silk heel aqd toe to heavy all -wool sox .for men. We have an extra goo.l Stocking for girls and boys in aline rib. Inall sizes ranging in price 3•1: to 60c' a pr, Get your Stockings at Colborne's, then they are good. We have jast pat into stock a complete line of Winter Underwent. J. H. COLBORNE Imbject.: '•0•;r Army. Norse.' 1n 1 "Helpful Hints from Hospital Meth- ods.- Question drawer. A good a.- teudaner is tryne•t.rd, to peen for Ilse pat co die wink for the winter, r KrLLED IN Ar•Trrt±t.-M. • oil (r. Levi* i ceivedwt.4d from Ottawa on Satuidey th.t her soil, Ptr. Ar hot i avie,nf the 71st Hattation. had mel. the supreme saer,d-e in France. on fleptemher '7. Arthur was only sever.. teen year. Of age when be left tit. Helena in Novemh-r 1913, for oversea.. Much sympathy is extended to the ber caved family. Surely Mn. L'eiia has "done her bit," by giving hu -- band acd Hire. carina for the empire. 1f it's gtselity you want. use Black - stone's delicious tee stem afor a11 oc- casions. Phone 240. - KINGSBRIDOE. Sept.18th. Rev. F .t her,. Hovey and Pillion vis - ilia/ herr teat week. 31... P. Finn, of I►et,oit, is vi.it.ng blend. her. Nis. Krl1y. of Kinkora, spent a few days here last week. Mr. and MIA. C. O'Keefe and Mrs. J. Nu -se ,.Mr. Fd. Foley and The, - ,!ore, and Mr. [Tifton A,i.tin were visitors at the Londno eshihttt..n 1 Min Margery Dalton vieite.l Guile• rich friend. last week. Mr. Wilfrid Dances% of l:uderieh, is visiting friends here. They give you exactly 'Art yon ar.k fot at Male'. dreg Kole. Ooderich. Constipation- s. Ism tif se op its not to be cured bytiv� bey rather aggravate the bxative. bat save ••• tT,sd.. a.e► sail nof Or h ter. a.,,. Woo tot. alma W (rv.aw the t�'ramesie., ' fist r CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS . •i"' 4.. 4 AND -- Kodak Supplies ALWAYS ON HAND Give us a call and let us show you the large line we carry. James A. Campbell CENTRAL. DRUG STORE PMM fa. Pltontis--BUltiness 90, Res. 328 Goderich, Ontario Names of Secretaries Wantef vas seer. eters of the eon.: y womrri'a tic ortwn.z. a ••, wend. the fol- ,•110041 nl- ••I1i041 : Will all m•,r-•r,r of wnab•vr ,.,in...o iter r..11 . s- r lin on. rime R • d-rn•tmC oto 14 for Fe.)1' •, tr n••I. w .k, 1.1ra.. ( send n..,.• .. the ..r.. 4.ry t., the county eseretasy, Mrs. baton Fit o !latter, Oat. t AAer Sept.rober t eth, 19 t et. 014 Mother Hohhard went t.. the r.tphoar4, Rep -piing 1.1.t.t.neh her thirst: t , b...• the rnpl.iard Tn. ' 414 M n" 1.x.1 is .r. there ite .r- l'.idhaae the te•I•n has the .11 ..nest • I. m fogs .J eI,, h • nue. I1.• there Aral