HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 5i HE SIGNAL CODER1C'H. ONTARIO
Ttt'alai w ir. Sr-rr. 21, 19111 •
Private James Hutchinson, of Lead -
bury, has been reported killed to ac-
Mrs. Conrad Bernath s former reel -
dent or Kthei, (irey township, died at
New Hawburg on Augur' lilt. She
wan righty yrara of age.
Mrs. Wm. Boseenberry p•Id Nawn's
debt at the home of Cyrus Colorky at
Zurich on Saturday. Mrptrwl.rr 11th.
She was in her eighty•.eveotb year.
1'. McMichael & Aon, the er
horsemen of Bulbul, made
%bowing at the recent To
trial K&bibtioa, where
a awning of Met and sec
lend id
capture,/ ltdus-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N, Mf+bg, of Turn-
herry, announce the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Estella, to K.
Davis. of Moruington, the 'massage to
take place the last week of September.
An auto from Ulemi., carrying
1.r pamengers, tu,oed turtle near
Brlgrave un Tuesday morning of last
week. Fortunately no one was badly
hurt, but the ear was considertbly
On Fray evening, September ti b,
the Ladies' Patriot is League and the
Girl. Recruiting Clot. of Bennett gave
a banquet to the Hensen boys of for
161st Battalion who were bone from
Cams, Morden on lour day. leave.
Mn. Charles Hull. a daughter of the
late Neil Duncanson, of (irey, died at
the home of her brother -in -taw, John
'sortie', of the 13th concereiun of
they township, on Tuesday morning
of last week. She was forty-three
years of age.
At. the teat regular turtling of the
Woman's Missionary Society of Mel -
grille church, Bru.arle. Mi.. U. 11
Mune wan prrerul.rl with a life -
membership ret Meats She had hren
• member, of the organization for
twroty yearn.
Win. Rimm. the well-known breeder
of Mullets, aids a gi...t cleat. -up at
the Western Fair. Loadou, haat week,
when his heavy -draft foal captured
the championship, defeating the entry
Of (ir•ham Brea., of Claremont, who
have • national reputation at. breeders
01 Taney horsee, and who won first at
this Toronto Exhibition with the taws
colt an show', at Ignition.
A very inlrr.ating event took place
at the Methodist parsonage, Crediton.
on Wedn• sday. September 1:401, on
is. oerasion cel the urarriage of Mi..
Bella Hill, of Stephen. tri Cha.. Snell.
of reborn,. Mira Hitt is the daughter
of Mr. and Mr.. Wn,. Hill, who live
about one mile west of the village of
Crediton. The youo:g couple will re-
side on the grr...w'■ from in ("storm..
'hr death of Mrs. John Lamont hc-
currtd at the hums 111 her d..ughter,
Moi. 1Vp.. McLeod. AI Ethel. on Sun-
day. `4rptrnibes :$Id. Mt.. La twas
tarn on the Isle .1 Mull twenty-five
years •go and for .izi y-tbrre yearn
she lied leen a ria islet t of (.try town-
ship. She was married in Ihr.in John
Lamont, who prrrl...s.. d brr nine
years. A family alt •otic win and four
daughters but WISP..
On Saturday evening. September
ltd, the home of Mr. and Aire. TLoa.
Vitus. 13th concession of Il,•wiek, war
the .."lar of a j.leae*pt nRair wh.ii
hwlwren fifty 'polo try of their friends
and neigh's,' + aserto..1..1 togethrr,vto
erle(rstr the tw.nt) -fiflb ant,iver*aty
of their wedding day. A' splendid
etippwr was served by the hostess, after
.which the time was bleat in manic,
genies and buccal chat.
l.l,,vale Farm, the home !'of \Ir. and
and NH's. (i, A. Tyr.rr, Ilullett, was
the scene of a happy event at high
ninon on Septrmla•r 13th, when their
daughter, Mi.•. Maude. oras united in
marriage 10 1'hat les Clinton. of Bruce -
field. The Ceremony was cwt formed by
Rev. W. Moulton in the presence of
about rt•vel.ty-fi4e rrditivra and friends
who hail litters bidden to lake part in
the wedding fest ivitirr. Mt and Mrr.
Chilton will reside on"thr gtraom'A farm
near B. uerflrld.
A very happy event wag solemnized
at the home of Mrs. .1 um-. Turner,
Bruer-field, on Saturday, September
:3:h, At high noon. whrn her only
daughter, Mabel A., was united in
marriagge to Wallet Watts. manager
of the Dominion Batik at Huntsville,
and forme' ly accountant of the branch
of that hank at !wafomth. The rere-
n.ony was performed by Kew. I. Hall
NVo.a1•, of Union church, Braceflrld,
in the prre.ne. of A few of the imme-
diate friend.. nod relative..
A" peculiar accident happened at
Hluevale on Monday night of last
week. John M•ew sr, . cow and one of
Ur. J. 1'. K,.,nedy'• bad been fighting
and fat ewer t', e. w got her horns locked
around the other vow's neck in such A
',tanner that .he rou111 not release
then, and evidently el. angled the Doc -
tot 'it row, whirls w t+ dead when found
luet.dav ning A ve+ens party had
tome- one hot n off Svn'nrt',1 COW to
Ret them operated. JI r. Mtewart'n
cow was a little dizzy when released
.bat not such the worse.
Little Job
or Big
t 1
From the
repairing of
a faucet to
the installa-
tion of a
plum b1 n g
system, we
are equip-
ped to do
the job.
Pboee 166 Hamrltnn Street
IXETICR, the required test. Ma bee Mem left to {
The two newspapers hen will raise rrsumr bas old pu.iuuu•
their suLacriptiun price to 111.x. uo
I (ktober 1st.
The engagement is announced of
Mien Ella Beatrice Hiker, daughter alt
Mn. F. W. Baker of town, to Clarke
Fisher, of Unborne.
Mr. and Mu. Wen. Clarke, of Kin-
cardine, has• moved to town. Mt
(Yate is the new organist w
k t n f James
street Methodist church.
Capt. Beattie Martin, son of Ileo.
W. M. and Mr.. M.rtlo, of London,
and formerly of Exeter, who ban barn
on furlough for three months, hat
been ordered to return to may
The death occulred in Cleveland on
Tuesday, September 12th, of Fred
Uunstord, eon of William I)u►.•tord,
of Exeter. He was forty-six yearn of
age. He had been suffering from eao-
cer for over a Year
On Monday, September 11th, at
Maio street Methodist par...nage, Exe-
ter, Bertha May, daughter of Mr.
Richard Blatchford. of H.neall, was
married to Mr. Charlie L. Jinks. The
ceremony was petforwed by the Rev.
Mr. Mu:worthy.
A pleasing event ,rrwred et the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. J.11. Aruss%,uug.
of Burford, on September Sri. whet,
their only daughter. Maude Telford,
becawe the bride of 1% in 1•:+11 Spsck-
I roan, of Guelph. ion of MI. and Mr-.
Hugh Speckwao, of Easter. Thr
le were unatt.uded. Mr.
yuuug coup
and Mrs Mpackmen will maids ■t
Mn. U. K. Brant, of Old., Alberta.
wife of Rev. 1). K. (:rant, lornserly
pastor of Willis church, is a patient in
.a Calgary botpital .ufreitog frons
W. J. Murray, of Moncton. N. B ,
visiUd big parenta here last week.
Mr. Murray rrtigneJ his po.Itioti rod
rase boas with the intention of en-
listing. tie passed his medical exams -
Matron at Moncton and came on to
Gimp Borden, where he failed to pori i
Commercial, S sethama acid
Telegraphy De artmiests.
(4 I.t.t. may enter At any time.
%%'e glare graduate* in pu.itione.
1►uriog July and .tugust we received
at pliertions for over 2:111 assistant.
wr eould not, supply. Write for
our free ratalogue et once.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal
rMntwetMs.av ••
tae, p,ri Ja. k • , tt the ('anadisn
Ei smears, Was lops tiro "et. 4.014117
u. ',laden" re the tr•u..lty li ts lot
week. Nat two 11611 ase • re.,d. et . 1
Clinton 1. tote . altering.
Al the Iipe rge of sigh y year., soul
rip l.t mom hr, Jobs Let 1.41 , cloy 4-1
the (wit-kuoeis •44Iu-rr. of ('I 111''11,'
paw.d away to VP. c. ,t I•.t
week. The late M►. J.•.l-. n was A
native . 1 Burrow ly, l ligl.t.d, .n,l
cirrus to this (-''untiy with his Iswily
I in the early fitter. He ram. ria Clin•
ton in 1.54 ant, at once enema.•it in h .
'rade of .buemaking, and for many,
y.ar. he r..rried to this 1 u►inrs,wItrh
grew with the town, 14.1,„„ •
man. one who pool strict a,teoti,.,, 1,
lits buuu..s sod took no •.•tire pari
in pubGe.Rai,.. He I- •urviverl by a
family of five son. and . e daugble..
The Seaforth Hortieultu,al Society
hold i1r antival flower •l.., Inst week.
The council may inset considerable
of the town's sicking food non.y in
the new Canadian war i.•an ;
An interrating 'sent too.. plass at
the manse on Satutda) niur. Sep-
temberNth, wheal Mi.. Hattie 1 -.,tutu
and (i•rnet Murray. of 'I'urkrr.roh1.a
were married by lire. F. H. Larkin. Prairie, Percy River Ili.teirt, to loin
Mr-. M. Y. McLean 1, is received for :ilyd Battalion under Vol. \1'ilron.
wunl that her son. Lout. Ar•hur s, with which unit he went oversea+ last
Mclean. had been wounded in France. ' winter.
Lieut. McLean came honk (handed The home of Mr. wr.l Mrs. Ism..
No Prohibition on tite purest
and mast refreshing beverage of all -
Jl l i A
Tie gad' sties.lating affects of good Tea are of great bereft
es &IL Tha price of comfort and wtiafactio. is extraordinarily
sell wires yes u■ get senna. - SALADA" et less than tier
fifth .f a cants cup.
McKay was the .erne of a very pretty
wedding ;on Tuesday tit last week.
when their daughter. Belle, was is. -
ilrd in marriage to Harry Meyers, run
of Mr*. .j. Il. Meyers, of Stratford
.High -Class OrderedTai1oring
1916 SEASON 4917
Departmental Ordered Clothing Store
TINS store is for the man who is hard
to please. In fact, we feel; a distinct
pride in the number of our customers who
are over -particular, and if you have found
it hard to find just the service you want
we should be very glad to have you test
us. There is nothing in the Ordered
Clothing line we cannot make for you.
Owing to the extensive trade we have in
our several lines we would advise an
early selection before the best patterns
are picked up. Any style, any price,
goods to be made and delivered when
you say.
Our Motto
"We are Outfitters to Mankind"
Our French Cl Department is a household saying non' Old clothes
made like new at PRIDHAM'S.
F. J, PRIDHAM, Manager
Round the Corner
North Street
Z• •-
The ceremony wit rear, •n.rd by R►..'
V. H. Lai Iva in the p.r.rt.ce of •
.n/.11 r..u.paey (.1 „ 1 .dyers of the
1.1 id. groove Au $ 1heg.1r•••
was , he e.....u.'r g.andrl,1 her. w h • is
nitiet y -(...,r )rat. ..f ..s. M, st,d
Mr•. Meets will rr.ld.•., 1 s. ' id
Duro( Huron county'. f u,--1 el -I.
cauuoi•t , in the Iwsat,tt . I I... nand
Loomis d1. Raul, died .1 hi, hoer h•- e
on Sunday evening.September .1
, I .,
Mr M-•Feul we. born its P. Ince 1 t.
ward ...out) 1.04,17 .•.-. , ,,.,.a
)rwu ago. In the year IKrf with the
.t her un uils,rr of ha faw11) hr cause
t., the I1,rust T. art uid tet, 1.4 ,..sr
b to There bele etired hie r.rty
.due -(-loo &lad 511.15 ...d.. taught
...Ir.. 1 .1••r a..d at N b•, u.nvttg to
Seniorh t ,rt yams. yea,. Ago. F.,r
1 wrlaI) -,.ti,r years he was. pi n.eired . 1
srat,•l t h puhGc •eh.a.l, I. t ring L•oru
that p•••awn tw.lvr ie .,e ago. Mr.
M.F..:ll w+. An elder or the First 11'r.s-
4,)te.,au eh.urh and fol thi.ty yrs''
of .hat sins he WAS r.eik .,1 ....mho,
wh .-h office he trlit,quishri I tet May,
(at Italia he we. mart led 111 Mlsa Ursce
H.nd.•r.nu, of M,Killup, whosurrives
heti with • family of arse son And one
',aught. r,
Margaret Cochrane Chesney, widow
.1 t1..• late S.iwurl l'l.,'-iev. and rnr
( (4e•afoteh.% hnail)-rr.ie-..ted rein.
deal.. died at her hoar here on
'lhut..lsy erecting, Segiten,Iter 7th, in
h. r .evenly -fifth yep.. M... Chesney
had been pr.ctleally an invalid for
.uu.r )sur, 4114 for anti,mouths pant
had tarn ennflnel rilirely to her
rains. so that her dee' h wan not a-
pron. She W,.. 1»nn in• l'owlie.
1'erih.hitr, Scotl*nd, to dist'., later
moving to 111rk. England. where she
was rl.arrird I'' Robert .1llinan11, who
died rout years Alter thrid Il'4(1Mgr..
In the saute city she was efterwanfs
in a 11e*1 .o Salnoel I'1..., . Y. a cousin
of the Mr, s -r, ('h. site all Tucker -
.11,1t0 nod Seaton 11,. And they con-
tinued t.. rrsi.lr in I'.IIIr1Atl1 tor tl•n
vests 14 they carer t..
\I r. 1'br.ney d)ulg two drys After
their Arrival. '1'le .Asn. veer, 1tvi,
Mrs. ('besrry eAtur Si it I. her family H.
Neaf''rib, vine... for the i. .et !hilly
year. eh. bas Iwrn well known at,d
glee, Iy Ler perted.
V INt;H.1\I.
The C. P. R. loot shed And engine
house WAS dreLtu)rd lay rile a trw
day+ ago,
lin Friday, Sentra]het Stlt, the dea•h
ell llllnrots tame to \Ire. John (.wenn
Arthurtt er1. I)reras.•d, wh.,arn.nidrn
h»ear ora. 1',,n.rr+ Ann Hill; load t-
et lel in \1 inghan, for the past fitly
year.. She was eighty year. alt •I;r.
‘. inghem Times : (1n Tuesday r, f-
1e111,.11m \11-e Foe tune, of 'l'uralwlry,
drily., 111 t\ingha',. 111 downmr t
end tied her bort.- in the Hnp•i.,L
r hovel. --Ii..l. I)., IY'nl 'nog las the
r hel it ora+ Loud I hat the horse h .d
d.sappented. Wawa* at 1terth'ught
the animal 1. 1 bee,. •t..len, hill it was
1.1i1.1 5141d. 1.ie.....I Ikill the h. id? • hod
wirltrd off aril the 41..rvr ran sway.
laud .11 the 1,1,4.'.•f.�.•i ► t., prit
h .1 not - (,ren lout,,.
'1t isn'i a d.ttienit u,+t: et for aman
,to I, yr his nei,,I•b,r nn hin.•r:f-'Lint
is if .1.... young Al d girt' y.
A'T"-V.. ..'o
1�.. .vf,VISELka.., 1 '.t 4 ....,,.
11fARICN $ 6Lii::O)►,
Z6i Unlve• ••. St-. Montreal.
make iiasoline
Your motive
Power !
This is the season when a
Gasoline Engine would be a
valuable asset if added to your
farm equipment.
Just at the present time we
I have on the floor of our ware-
house all si.- -s of Engines from
one and <: ';elf to six horse-
power. T; •y will do a great
deal to take the drudgery out
of life. Call and see there.
Hamilton St , Goder,ch
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity hest all Maple
Stabs, Mixed Worxl, Hemlock
and Kindling .Cedar or Pin.
rserdee.re •tam 69