HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 44 i ettostme. Marr. 21. URI fRE SIGNAL GODRRiCH : (INT ARio es. dry spell (Wer M.ptewlrer Beed theadvertiaeluenu ut 1be Sig - OW Thia week carefully, and you will see litany opport lire to buy economically. Vultore to the Fair will find the liodrtich stoles well Tits !west V Thirds stocktd with seasonable mer^bandiee sus tae ells la TMm M ral_�st�dMD. ♦fir — — " r;taeer. t:edcrirb t o ""!line No ak The Buttes army is acetifying tae A(.'us •irrloa saw..- One Dollar and Fifty ...to fes tear : it „aid •tncUy le adlstww Ira. I,eruiene with stn sr go animal its of wtll be ar3. 100. w .utwortken tan 110 dire) that crawl over shell holes. limes tles tae rata ter one !sonar and Flay Cowie strictly in edr.we. rt.trntbors who trencher ur twined walla arid spit forth W! to roma.! Two alua•L !.&darty by cull volleys of bullate how concealed wa- wulcu.t*r a cave, b7 arueaalutlY& tae puWW �- Sr .411. tee: •c a. tache tidal.... 1•••alb••- Wren chine-gtlne. Tisane monsters are en- s Visage et ..mire.. M desterd, bots old and Me sew dose.. •1 -414 le civet.. Iteau Mao. cooed in arm.- plate and appear to he may be shade by Ira.♦ ar..tt, stare.. wtuney cedar. .o..a.ta.w ard*r. w reekae,.d 1.11.1. •luIobt kisulnrrable. 1'bey weir first ba4r-:iptton. us.), ooamenee et any Uwe. use,: iu the B. iUsh .1febaiie in the ADVEltro t... Tatra -state. for d..I '7 and a.wtract edrer7.,emeste will he elven uu &poll ` tomo! dirti pct fast weak. and they abuse. Legal bud other radar advertt.rornt-. fou soot. pan line for ant ln.er[bn 5,4 four cteatad cynrternatioll In the rank. of 10 "eh per IID* for eh rb.eoueut tt in* the enemy. British ingenuity has • Measured by • reale et robe nonpareil 1Itaes Loan mels. Ad si Inch. ft!dod s. year of wit ec..re.d a be*%y point against. the dost dor.row Iooastrd war -science of the enemy. tweet. of l.a.t. round. Strayed. sin se, los asaat.*Mtuatiou Wanted, ilt,neew for dale.r to Rent. rum. fir Sate a to Kest. Article. ter !tele. etc., not etc...ding .11ebt line.. Twenty fin Ow. each teen -two . One Dollar for carat mouth. Piny rent. for ea, ban r.greot manta Larder dvertirmwnt• t. w••portios. An- i ' N,ne•aaent• to endue/WI leaden& LBW. lea COOL.. pee hue. No nati.,e I..r thaw Tweet1- aveCont... Any •pretel sotkw. the obleet of which is the pecuniarybenefit of any idtvW- W ab er a.ets:s, le oon.ide.i*d so silver ' tiaeseet and caer&'ed a.•.,ontsoely. To CowaenPO% rs.—The cooperation of our enbsrrlber• and reader. le medially tnvn- sd toward. wahine Toe Melo at. • weekly reword a (Itasca • ell local. county sad Celtic( o cola aiuoke:bon wall be ••t.od.d to male.. 1t mo- torise the name and widow. of the wester, nal aeerass•rily foo o.a1•hn tros. bat a. an erdeuos of rood faith. New. liesa seesaw reach Tee Bwir•t dime mot later than Wedssd&1 seas or sees week. awalasigssid !lu SIUYAL PRINTING Cu.. LTD. PVBLIfi1Baa0 The Br.tirb Coluutl.ia election had a special interest for people in (base parts because of the fact that one of the leading members of the victorious party is a Hunan boy. Mi. Malcolm Macdonald, who headed the poll in Vancouver. is • Dative of Ashflekl and was a student in liodesicb. He has the political instinct, and possesses oratorical talents of no ordinary qual- ity, and no doubt will be one of the prominent figure* in the Dew Cabinet which will take over the government - --- of the Province. The result In Van- TH1'RSDAl. SBPTEMBIR 21 191o1 eouver is pecultarly Ratifying. as the Rowse, tics made a dead set on -Mac," THE PROHIBITION ERs. with the object of getting rid of one -- _ of their ablest and moat persistent 14 J.,bn Barleycorn dead and buried opponents. in Ontario, or is be only put to sleep I A Tupper denouncing • Conserva- tot a few years % This is a q$eatinn I tier Government and appesling to the that is agitating many minds in this ' electors to put s Liberal Government Province. '1'ne proceedings on the 1 in its place must have been • strange evening of the le h instant bad. it is; spectacle ter the people of Bt iti.b true. lb* outward met l+ of a per- I t'oluwhia. In the general election aliment Intension. Mourners there ( esmpasgn in the Coast Province which were aplenty. wh, held • "wake" !concluded last week with the over- wbiblt lasted until long alter the hour throw of the Bowser Government one at which. ty legal ia'erptetntioo. the tof the leading figures was Sir Chat les "eoip.e war put out of bight. Some; Hibbert Tupper, who, in spite of s Of dame who bold the deceased in I lifelong adherence to the Conservative Soft affectionate . regard bare . laid patty, utterly repudiated the Govern - away "souvenir*" to comfort .them [Hent rod urged the election of the during the coming days and we eke of Liberal -e odidate.. No doubt this bereavement. ea that. whether he is oUtstaodiaiR example of ind.pendence Mille AMA or not, John Bs-leycorn mid mot be forgotten for • good wb;I, yet. 1 The chief, undertaker for the obs, - qui -t was Premier Reseal.; with ldiz. Newt in Wesley R swen ea an eager hood ent.rpriaiprt assistant. The sa- i Met int, in Pict. appeared L.s.c.tpsider that -the bona" was pretty at And. in fact, let it be'. undetetnud sou •ng the spectators that be would have had the Maisel over and done with.lot.g age if he had bad his way. Which reminds us of a story. io, the early days of the British railway in Egypt. the chief superintendent at headquarters rec•ived a telegrameent by the native assistants at a distant elation eta: ing that '•-- -- (the ' Hookah station m aatet) lea 1. What *heli wed4,, ? Toe chief wired back : -Bury body t in station .ncl:watt e. But make sure be is dead first " After a while came another mrse.ge from the natives : "Have buried ---Pasha. Made sure he was dead by bi.tiig him !,ver bead with piece of 'runway iron.' Mr. R aweU. we Lear. woull Lava liked to employ •iruilwtly dreatic methods to earure that the corpse of Jobe Barley- - core would urveregaie alit. bad • great influence in the result, and it was mot. therefore, altogether • Liberal victory. However. the Con- servative "machine" is smashed and the Conservative Government at Ot- tawa ba. 'oat cow of the plop.' upon which it would depend for easiateeze In Its next elective campaign. Prohibition is now the law of Cite laud, and their is litllelik•-IihuoJ th.t the liquor !Genic wilt ever tlserestored to its old atatds. - N-onnmic pre•Oure and filet.. perhaps.. a growing refine- ment of the petiole were' influences steadily tenling to s voluntary war citron on from the use of Iiquio. and for ri •hibitmon enactment virtually estehti+be+ as the law of Gtr co.n san- ity what ora. formerly for',reelecs of the individual. ptohably of the large onaj rarity of indiv,du*lr. • Toe bar is an institution of which the c.ountty so well rid. There was n othing in reason or human nature t0 justify the, continuance of a plait. wbicb could he weed oily for the, gut, sling of 1 quer: For the hotel as a meeting piece. to satisfy man's .tial iodine,. a gond deal am be said, and it i. to be hoped that in sums way will 1s- preeerved $ Owe for those' who 1, and in the hotel or tavern a convey rent means of meeting and conversing mach theft fellow, Pcobahls- sore" effort along ibis line would *ave some of the energy That will otherwise be requited tot the entotcrment t,f the new low. in these daysObeli '•iaooey counts." many newspapers ase making sar- iffcrs which co -t not s licit.. io ad- dition to giriog coin/nos of free space to announcements' in connection with patriotic work. church work and other undertakings of a semi -pubic nature, 'the newsp.cpers-+orae of them at least -are lir down ibe liquor adver,- tieing of which there is so nuchae be bad at the present time. For a good many years The Signal bite refuse! to publish kgior selvrtisinz. and j tot now, wheu wholesale liquor dealers and brewers are anxious to in the public ear to impart ioformstba M to bow they int.nd aN conduct their Trus- in.'s under the i)atarin T tmperaoee Act. it means the ill -close of • coo- eidersble amount ot 'madame. One contract whieh The Signal declined lett week was for over $al. The Signal Woo reje.ied a few day. age a con- tract for n nice amount of adepttising from a Totutt t firm for a line of goods which our local drygoo Ie seer - chants are quite competent to handle. Tbu4 in coder to further the work of pstrs.tic and other benevolent Ofg•oi- valour, to protect the local business men, and to publish a paper that may: Ru witbotit baron PILO any home in the land, newspapers -tor The Signal is not by any means alone in this res - wet --are Disking s•criflces wbicb few, it any. other businesses are willed, upon to make. The Signal does not often .tueotion matters of this kind. but it will do no Karol to tell the pub- lic some of these thing. once In a while. WHAT OTHERS SAY. , A Kecruiting Appeal. Mraetreel Mea A soldier back from France says champagne that emits $. net quart herr con he obtained for Vero,' there. ;Joiinow ! Might Be Worse. ut ,. o um, or) 1' .rt l i of Oregon, i• IN. ehnrt of I money Char. municipal .alaries for Au- ; goof rannnt to paid. We just like to mention this 1 ) show Ioral dapsahker+ that weee still in the ring se $rlini- cipahty, and .hle to put up • hundred omits on the dollar. A Nabsral Corse Pet.rbniooeb Y.'ae..ner The patronage system is owe of NM most wide- work ing and moat ing influentso of our pnluial Goes It is a tremendous Iso matter what party gases it . and it is tris mock to hope from human n ature that nue party will &hoodoo it so lose as anther practises it. Need Organised [aereie. luded Advertl•.v Tile pity is that hnth in school days and afterwards our ehitdr.. tied adult*. those at any rate not engaged le some payeically actives oeeupatk.n are not organWed to May orris game or smother. or to take some form of pbyoles, train - Mg suited to their mods and likes. Or- gaa.isatbw of • prole.MMwl ebaeseer we base too woeb of. but general tie. EDITOKIAL NOTES. l' lme to the his Fair next weal. Ha.. • heart, Mr. Weather \i and give us your greet for the Pairl day. neat week. Huron leads The rest of the Prov • ince 1• two !rare and raiz week a be- hind this county in haniabing the grog. Nem Hoehn is on his way hark to remade. (Irsat new. for (hat p.v- amcutfd pstrin', vs C .1. J. Wesley Alli -on. MuggeH.d eat ject for • debating so- ciety : Resolved, that it is hotter to lay up sesm.tbing fora nifty day than to ley away "wet goods.' for a long Getting His Bumps. Ila;l -uay down -the Kaieer'• pn.ge/ ml es the Rritish.or it. -From The I .u•i, n !tally tirspbk. Pennatitso foe play or exerci.e is not suggested that Mr. Flemming rro- wanted. feted personally hy this bold -up. ib, - A Journalistic Nuisance. Oonservative party was probably ar- Toronto Plat lift.. London Free Fires is always grumbling about the partizanship of Liberals during the war. But jr !bete. anywhere in Canada, on es, her side of politica. on bitter and inveterate a partizan as The London Free Press itself? It is forever ramping away at its political opponents and, suspects wharever they say or do as having sole cunning partizan purpose Vet the fact is that nine -tenths of the normal roan'■ life is lived entirely apart fion politics. THE ELECTORS AND PARTY EX PEN>IiES. Turot.to if the people of Canada want to wake an end of the bleeding of sub - tidy hunters. contractor., licensees. and would•be officeholders for the maintenance of pant- organization and election campaign funds, the first step must be in the direction of a more general support ot party organ- ization by the turas of the ele-t .n. The money that pays organisers. maintains headquarters, provides .for the printing and distribution of mil- lions of leaflets, pays for the holding of meeting., mod minis.* on the work of party pinpsagandw does not f.11 from heaven like the manna of the :.raelitr•. S.,we 4 11 it comes from the pockets of pat! folie dtsiotereated citizens who seek nothing but their emitter. good. Much of it corer ult:mately trona tbe, public Treasury by devious and.diebouest ways. There are amen in Canada wbo invest in the Rued. will of party leaders by making cumulating • campaign fund by stand - and -deliver methods. The Manitoba n.etbots of recruiting the party cheat ars in • class apart. It h&. been shown lbit a contractor who was nominally • Liberal was per- mitted and encouraged by a Con..r- s-ative Government to steal hundreds of thousands of dollar* for bogus; antras and for foundation work on th.- Parliament building. that never w as performed. in older that • compare - ttvely smell proportion of the a.Douot stolen might be secured for election fund.. lu!lariketchew•na Liberal politici.n who .sanredly would never think of doing a dishooeet thing for his own benefit, was repa:rted by the judges, who heard the evidence to hare taken improperly $1,0111 the party funds from an applicant for a liquor license. How can the electors who never coutribute a dollar to the support if Legitimate party organization cor- detain the authors of these brigand - •gee % "Election!," as Mr. Tarte ecce *aid. "are not .made with ..prayers Until the average man becomes a part p-oprietor ip his party's :organization by contributing regularly a small sum to its support he is merely pretending when he hold+ up hi• hands in horror at the crooked device. wart to fill the zawpsign chest. CALLS THEM ONE OF HER BEST FRIENDS. Dame Belanger Tasks of Dodd's Kidney contrit.utione to election funds with Polls. as much calcut•ting. cold-blooded St. Amwteur, Gloucester Co.. N. B.. shtewduess as they would, display in `Sept. 1' h (`iperial)-Cured of rteo- buyinft setae speculative stock toe a o1alism. from wbicb she bas been $ ' cis• . Tbsir reward in Part/ favou i ! wsvl.l reknsuownff.rer and, .Dabinab. yPerce rsef•eted8elanbgee., smoother's princely. is telling Ser Glenda that Dodds Kid - IN ,tae recent incideots in Canadian oey Pills have made her well. politics c .rt • deleting light on GmI consider D dd'a Kidn.v Pills one aletbodr used to obtain moo! of the beet friends! !rive." ban., Bet - y anger states. '•I bad rheumatism and party purpsw.o. The discredited Px- the pains in nay limbo canoed one a Premier of New Brunswick told hi lomat deal of suffering. I took sir frisisda that s eeltwia o•4it'jcal hemmer-- roses of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they 10o was "all ti anJ...r tl i+ wow- I maO. ttse w.II. M> panne are all goer j sigh:. stall 1 can now work without ir+nlr once aonreibtug Iske f'r1 ;tend trete -e..l- I fatigued. 1 will alw.vs kep eDol ('s ketal -from bolder. of ti. a .-r tt -+tort . Kidn.r y Pills in the boo:' ' wbo desired she rrnenrrl t •nail 1..,. - I 'Uodd's Kidney POI- cure rhea's.- `ti.m twewuae it is mused by sick ki •- umite. aOd depolivfe d io • 0sty _ vault I off s. ' Rb.umatiem is caused by -uric • at the call of the . isatu•o. s at to .o • A Meeting of Monarchs. g Their Napoli.. King George of Britain and King Albert of Belgium arc shown in the western theatre of war. where !Bey met recently near the {tiring line. •••••••••••41I04ii••••••••••••11 • •• •• • • BREAKING IN PIECES Denlecourt Falls to rock-Cotnbles Almoot Surrounded -British SmashIP - ed Third German Lin* • London despatches on Monday said: Dentecourt has fallen to the French. Simultaneously the British, drlvlag against ('omblea from the northwest. captured the "Quadrilateral," One o1 the atroogest Orman redoubts on that part of the Ilse between the Boor. Issas Wood and Olnchy, and thea smashed forward oh a front of a mile, penetrating the Orman positions to • depth of 1.000 yards. D.nlecourt. the last remaining link in the German chain of fortified vil- lages that formed the southern line of the Somme salient. was won by Gen rock's troops south of the river. after ooe of the fiercest tattles fought on the western frost. late this after- noon The German War Office, fore & setae the inevitable tall of the plasm admitted early today that the einem, bad been abandoned together with Berny. token by the French two days ago. The rreactt took Denlecostt, and pushed s kilometre tfive-eigbtbe of a suite" beyond 1t. British Drives Cartier The Brttl,h in further attacks have enlarged the ground pined in Fri - der. great drive. They captured 11 odicers and 1.700 men to stralgttealag out their lines. The number of prison- ers taken Indicates that the proteges made in the course of the "nibbling process" is importaaL Altogether the British captured in two days' dahlias over 4.004 men and 114 °Moans. six guns, fifty, machine gens and seat! material. The German War Oleos has admitted the loss to the British of the villages of Courcelette, Martin- puich and Fiera. Tweenll. Gain at Pointe The total advance made by the British in the two days' fighting. ac- cording scording to Sir Douglas Hales report L trom one to two miles deep and extends over • front of six mlleo. The Britlah have made a further e xtension of their pins near Cosr- celette on a front of 1.000 yards, push- ing their Lines northeastward against Bapaume. At the same time they captured the formidable Herman stronghold known as the "Danube trench" on a front of about a mile. near Thlepval, and the powerful field work near the Mougnet Farm. bitter- ly contested for many weeks. On Sunday Sir Douglas Haig's troops re- pulsed ♦pulsed a seri.-. ..f strong German counterattacks and consolidated, yes- terday's pins. They took 249 prisms - era. Including six officers. During the fighting a brigade of the enemy advancing to the attack was met by two battalions of British, and open hand -to -band nghttng followed, the British being **completely suc- cessful," In the words of the official report. First Stage of Drive Tice British have torn wide open the enormous Thiepvall'ombles Ger- ison salient. In a t•velve-hour battle on the eight-ml!e front from Thlepval to Olnchy. In the face of twelve hua- dyed of the Kaiser's most powerful guns- 1.`.0 t s s male --they stormed pierced. shattered and then occupied that stretc t u: the German frontortb of the Somme whlc:l hitherto bad act- ed as a block to their advance on ' Conables and B•panme The barrier broken down. Sir Douglas Haig's troop@ pushed considerably beyond it ; to the northeast. carrying the menace Of the Somme drive almost as omin- I eddy close to Bapaume as It Is to j Comblea and Peroone. The end of the fighting saw the British in possession of practically all the h:glt ground between t'ombles and the Albert-t'ozieres-Bapaume highway. Three vel;ages-Flers. Marttnpulch and i•oureeitette--and Illah Wood. were comp) hely captured. as was the 1 greater part of Boolean: Wood The powerful German redoubt called "•Wuoderwerk" (Wonder work i. be- cause of ILA supposed Impregnability. was taken hy storm in the turning of the salicnt's ftp near Thlepval. More than 2.300 prisoners were taken, including. 65 officers. HONORS FOR CANADIANS President of the Bank of Montreal Becomes a Baronet The following honors to Ccnadlana are announced In connection with the approaching departure of his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught Mr. H. Vincent Meredith. President of the Bank of Montreal,.,Baronet. Cot. A. P. Sherwood. C.W.O.. Chloe Commissioner of Dermalon Police, Knight Commander of 8t. Michael and Bt. George.. Lieut. -Col. E. A. Stanton. Military Secretary to his Royal Highness, Com - sadder of St. Michael and 8t. George. Lord Richard NevtU. C.M.O. comp- troller to his Royal Hlghneu ,and Ar- thur F Bladen, Private Secretor/, commander at lite Victorian Order. Jas F ('rowdy. Chief Clerk of the Gover•or-O.n.ral's Mice. member of the Victorian Order. Hoary Vincent Meredith. brother of lir Wm Ralph Meredith. was bora la London. Ont. He motored the serv$ce of the Beak of Mootre•1 In Hamilton Is 1947. 1n 1194 became Manager et the Montreal branch, thus became Gowers, Manager. aid la 1011 became !reddest Fsr.w.tl te Royalty Ottawa despatches oat Monday said: Ottawa soctoty beim farewell to cher B evel Higbaww. the Doke 'ail Daok- asm of O.ses.gbt sad the Princess Patricia at • brilltaat fete of the bold at the betas of Mr. sad =ryes T. t4.p.rj m Rooketl_t► Pwwder Met Impvesees Bels reported Ira 1ls.day' Hen. Waiter Beset. Pea order .f Reakkatebe mea. wbo bas been oarrtat for the pot twa weeks from asthma. V n► m.! meet better and is improwfag Ts' Bea fife A•ssrsaee Campo y Sof Cassie will apply for aa anemias. of K.e !.001 a the sew C.aadlea war lids , Ts' ?Tome, Osveeeal*st mot a Beal ante to 8wedom regmerhtg slralmefa0h W. A CtHESON & SON • Wonderful Bargains •• • • for Fair Week • • A list of special attractions for • fair week and closing September • days. In nearly every case the • prices are away below manufac- • turers' prices and what prices • will be, we believe, for years to come. Our purchases made a year or two ago were enormous and we offer unprecedented bargains. • • •• • • • •• Dress Serges Navy blue Suiting or Dress Serge'', old dye, several shades of navy., All pure wool 40 to 42 inches wide. Value today$1.25, at per- yard 85C • New Coatings • J•1 -inch all -wool Coating'', cream, navy's, fawns, fancy • checks and stripes, Value$2.2.i,at per yard.. .$1,73 • •• • Vard-Ride reversible all -wool Carnets at per yard. 75C,85C • Vard-wide union Carpets at per yard .. ..55c and 60c • Underwear . Penman's fiatural Underwear for women, all sizes Vests and Drawers, both makes at old prices, per garment. $ 1.25 • Penman's ladies-' fine wool black cashmere Hose, • Sizes S4' 9. a}. 10. Valuttoday ;-ic, at ... 50c • Carpets •• Silks „ • Diacheget Siiks for Dresses or Suits,atso Silk Poplins in black , • iud all colors, 3ito•40 inches wide. Extra weight and - beautiful sheen andgeality'. Specialty priced for Septem- • • ber. Wort h•$1.7 5 .atper yard $1.35 , • • Sheetings . • 72 -inch beached plain Sheeting, value 35c, at per y-ard•25C • .16 -inch white Lonsdale Cambric, value 18c, at per yard. 1 SC • 38 -inch white -Cotton (olds, stock), worth 17c. at per • yard.. 12 1-2c • 36 -inch extra wi.tePiannelette worth 'ak. at per yard ,. 15c • 30=ftfeb fancy colored Flannelette, worth I.ic. at livor • yanl. - 12 1-2c • • Cotton Blankets • • • Largest size bit C aaan Blankets, aside White with pink or bltle.border, worth 82.2+1, at pe: pair... $I 85 • - • ti 4CtIESON & SON • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • - • • • • • • •• ••• • •• • • •• • •• • • • •• •• • •• • • • • • •• • • ••o••••••••••••;••••••••••• E� $115 °a ; '' IXI X U �7;:I LEEN yrs i ,�BUFFALO & PEVE LAND �wr- Aso Crest Ship "SEEANDBEr M.* tad mart ww1y or •e lay WNW mew et Ile world. - finere awommh►, NW I, e v owe. "CfrT or Ota - — 3 MaewYLeat s4a•laers — 'VITT or atIFFALo"- IM.TV! LEN !b C..c FALO-Dat y. Sky 1st to Nov. 15 D IC 1r-• HINNY* • • ter P. rt tan.. (".reload - • r. r. ser.. • ...er.`sa4 . • r A. K. Aar,.. Luisa* • 7 A A.*. I.. ▪ Or• rwrot• ie.*. f •ser tai fro c rdr v . & Hg.esee Tkeg, D.er.r re .1 r.a.t. W s �y • t. 1.. w.sheufhten:scann All, red e:r'read lee geed re. et . . .fir amp L-. y.� a .r- .5D Wer.. 'As •,a It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL